◈ The Bayside Prophecies 1968-1994/1975 The Bayside Prophecies

1975 The Bayside Prophecies

성 미카엘회 회장 송 바울라 정자 2019. 8. 22. 22:47

Satan shall have his hand upon the button... 

February 1, 1975
Eve of the Presentation of Our Lord 


      Veronica - ... flagpole. The light is coming from a very large cross. It's a greatly illuminated cross in white. No, along the borders of the cross there are different colors of orange and red. They're very powerful-looking rays of color. Now the cross seems to be floating in the air, like coming towards us, and it's becoming larger. It covers the whole sky.

     Now I hear a voice. I can't see who it is, but the voice is saying:

     "Observe, my child, the great sign of the Son of Man."

     Veronica - Now over on the left, just a little to the right of the tree, I see ... oh, it's Michael! I recognize him. But he's wearing a very long gown, a beautiful white gown. It's very loose about his waist. But he's bare-footed; he has no sandals upon his feet. And now Michael is pointing over to his leftthat's on the right of us.

     St. Michael - "Repeat after me:

     "The sins of man, the greatest of sins coming from out of the hearts of man, shall set upon the world a great crucible of suffering. Know now that you have as a majority rejected the words of warning from the Queen of Heaven. As such, there will be sent upon you a great Chastisement. Already many warnings have been given to awaken mankind that have gone by unheeded." 


Africa to fall to Antichrist

     Veronica - Now Michael is pointing with his hand over beyond the huge cross. Now the cross is beginning to fade, and I see a large map. And Michael is pointing. It's Africa; I recognize the map.

     St. Michael - "Observe the course of history, my child. This country will fall to the forces of evil and give itself into the reign of what you have chosen to call the Antichrist."

     Veronica - Now Michael is going back high up into the sky. He's floating, he's not walking. It's like the air is carrying him right back into the clouds. His voice now is much softer than it was before.

     St. Michael - "Await, my child, the Queen of Heaven."

     Veronica - Oh, Our Lady now is coming down. Oh, Michael is behind Her, but also with him I see Theresa. Oh! Oh, Theresa and her sister. I recognize her sisteroh, Celine.

     Now Our Lady is coming down. Oh, how beautiful Our Lady looks! Oh! Our Lady is dressed in the most beautiful white gown. Her cape is blue, and it has a border of gold about the outside. It's very beauti­ful. And Our Lady has on Her head a small crown, a circlet of gold, with little diamond-like stars upon the outside of the crown. Oh, it's just beautiful! Now Our Lady has a blue sash about Her waist. Oh, and on Her feet ... Her feet look so beautiful. I can just see the top of Her toes here, and She has the most beautiful golden slippers, and a golden rose is on each slip­per. Oh!

     Our Lady's voice now ... She has a beautiful voice. It's likeOur Lady's voice is like a whisper. It's soft, and yet it seems to vibrate.

     Our Lady - "My child, you will continue to give the Message from Heaven. You must retire in more silent prayer. I have prepared you for the way ahead. It will be a road of great persecution.

     "The forces of evil are gathered against My work, My child. However, you will know that this is the meter for the salvation of souls. Were it not so, I would tell you. The sufferings of My children who are carrying their candles have great value for the repatriation of the souls.

     "Much must remain hidden from you at this time, My child. You will read the photographs most carefully. I have counseled you in the past not to speculate upon the date. It will not be necessary to speculate, for I assure you, My child, when the word is to be made known, there will be no doubt. I ask you to continue to prepare yourselves for the days ahead.

     "You must increase your prayers for your Vicar. He is now a prisoner among his own. The faces of evil are many about him. They parade themselves, My child, as angels of light.

     "My child, you must follow My counsel or you will be subjected to much suffering.

     "You must expect, My child, to receive great persecution.  Graces are given in abundance, but they are for the asking. You cannot bestow graces upon a closed heart.

     "I have asked My children to stand upon these grounds as a bastion of faith. Unless the prayers continue, My child, there will be great atrocities committed in your city: murders, fornication, abominations in the House of God, brother against brother, sister against sister, mother against childrenso great will be the evil entrenched in the hearts of man!

     "It would be best, My child, if you would confine yourself to your home with less time on your telephone. It can also be an instrument for satan.

     "You have to accept the will of the Father, My child. 

No flesh shall be spared

     "You ask Me, My child, why My tears are flowing? Come with Me and look!"

     Veronica - Oh, my goodness! I, I see ... I, I never saw so many dead people!

     Our Lady - "Man against man, nation against nation. No flesh shall be spared."

     Veronica - Oh, I see a great, horrible war! I see ... it looks like a mushroom, a tremendous explosion, and everything is gone! Oh!

     Our Lady - "Satan, My child, shall have his hand upon the button."

     Veronica - Our Lady is pointing over, and She's going ... and She's pointing overit's like you're looking over a large body of water. Now there's the land, and I see many people. They're dressed in uniforms. I recognize them, and on their hats is like a red star. They're, they're army uniforms. Our Lady ... oh, I knowoh, my goodness, it is Russia!

     Our Lady - "See, My child, there are not enough prayers to stop the evil. Unless you pray more now for the conversion of Russia, a great War will soon be upon your earth.

     "Socializing, My child, will avail nothing to mankind, for the man who is not of God the Father, his word is not of truth. There is no honor without your God. Promises, promises, pact upon pact, with not a word of truth behind them! 

Enemy to move from within

     "My child, hasten to spread the word! Much evil is planned against your glorious land. Hasten! Spread the word! You as a nation are being deluded. There are enemies all about you, waiting. They plan to move upon you from within. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer. You have not a moment to lose.

     "My child, I hear your heart. You do not understand the ways of the Father. Man has set his own course, and he shall reap the harvest of his abominations.     

     "Do not be grieved, My child, at the sights you are seeing. It is mankind who set themselves onto this path. All who are of well spirit will have no need to fear. It is not that I come to bring fear to your hearts. I come as a Mother, a Mother of great sorrow. The future has been made known to Me, and O My child, so many will die in the flame of the Ball of Redemption! Prepare, My children, prepare! Do not cast aside My voice! I come as your Mother. Prepare, for the Ball of Redemption nears.

     "I shall not take you to watch again, My child, the Ball. The sight has already taxed your strength. That is why I promised, My child, the six days of suffering will not be for you.

     "You will keep a constant vigilance, My child. Bar your door to all but your close friends and workers.

     "Wear your sacramentals, My children. They are given to you for reason. There is not enough that you can guard your immortal soul with in those dark days that are facing you.

     "I have asked in the past, My children, that you read the Book of life, the Bible. It will be a source of strength and knowledge to you. If you are knowledgeable, you will not fall into error. Error has entered upon My Son's House because My Son's representatives, the clergy, have given themselves to the world. They must return to a life of prayer and dedication of the spirit. Our sheep are starving. 

Science replaced supernatural

     "The world of the supernatural has been cast aside for a world of science. How foolish of mankind to set himself above his God and Creator! Man of science is ever seeking but never finding the truth. Pride, arrogance, atheism! What, My children, has been developed within your country to give you less a chastisement than that is planned by the Father? How many victim souls have set themselves for the repatriation of your country? My child, the numbers are in the few.

     "I must tell you now that all who remain with My Son will carry the cross. However, know that the victory is with My Son, for satan and hell shall fall. The state of My Son's House is temporary. It is in the plan of the Father that the sheep shall be separated from the goats. All that is rotten shall fall. A House, a Church in darkness wears a band of death about it.

     "Pure waters must nourish the flowers."

     Veronica - Our Lady means the souls.

     Our Lady - "In these great days of battle of the spirits, My child, many saints shall emerge.

     "My own, My child, shall know Me.

     "Many, My child, have rejected My message. Many have rejected the photographs. Why? The Father looks into their hearts. Many shall reject them, for if they were to be accepted, My child, they would have to change their ways. And many do not wish to change, so great do they love their sin.

     "Sin, My child, has become a way of life in your country and in the world.

     "The children are the victims of their elders. Parents, guard your children well, or your tears shall flow. As you sow, you shall reap!

     "You will, My child, be given much assistance in the days ahead. Go forward on your mission with perseverance and great confidence. Accept the will of the Father. Give yourself completely in trust to Him.

     "Many manifestations of the supernatural shall be given to My children: cures and conversion, cures of the spirit and cures of the body.

     "The Spirit of truth has not been extinguished in your world. Seek and you shall be given the way. Believe and you will be given the way.

     "The Faith has grown weak, My child, on your earth. I am now, My child, going throughout your earth. Many shall light their candles with Me. However, My child, in the final count only a few shall be saved.

     "I ask you, My child, to retain your manner of dress. Soon all who are following Me by example shall be made known by their manner of dress. The worldly shall dress of the world, and those of the spirit shall hide themselves from the eyes of man.

     "Satan rules your world now. He goes about as a ravenous wolf among you. Your free will now is your balance. The reward is great for all who stand with My Son in this conflict.

     "You have but two final destinies: Heaven and hell. Know that satan will try to remove the reality of the existence of his kingdom, hell, from you. If he makes a farce of his existence among you, he will deceive you so that you will sin and remove yourselves from the Spirit of light. And when you remove yourself from the Spirit of light, you remove yourselves from eternal life in the Kingdom of your Father, the most high God in Heaven. 

Must not lower standards

     "There is a great means of restoration of My Son's House. It is a simple way, but it will bear fruit. Our clergy must return to a life of prayer. You shall not gather your sheep by going among them and lowering your standards.

     "The foundation for My Son's House has always been firm. You shall not use your rank in My Son's House to whittle away at the walls! You are going like rodents burrowing into the foundation of My Son's House! I do not need to name you with names, My children. You who wear the Red Hats and the Purple Hats, you know who I speak to! When are you going to cast aside the darkness from your hearts? Restore My Son's House to its proper foundation, or else you will receive the sword! Many mitres are falling into hell!"

     Veronica - Oh! Oh, my goodness! Our Lady is pointing over, and I see ... I, oh, I see bishops! I know they're bishops. I don't know the rank, but I can tell from their hats they're bishops. There are two now, they're standing.... And as I watch, everything is turning black. All the color is going from their mitres, and their robes that were golden and purple, they're now black! Black! Oh, and now as I watch, I see this hole opening wider. And now they're going and looking down, and plunging into the hole.

     Our Lady - "The abyss, My child."

     Veronica - Our Lady said the abyss. Oh!

     Our Lady - "You have reason to be upset, My child. It is not them alone that enter."

     Veronica - And I am looking now overOur Lady is point­ing, and it's just like one by one, and two by two, and three by threeI see a whole row full of people following, and they're entering where these bishops were standing. And as they enter they also turn black in color, very darkjust like they're destroyed in darkness. Just like the very darkness is enveloping them and destroying their bodies!

     Our Lady is pointing over.

     Our Lady - "Not their bodies, their human bodies, My child, their eternal souls. Damned forever to the abyss! Many mitres are now leading their sheep into the abyss."

     Veronica Oh! 


Greatest attacks upon hierarchy

     Our Lady - "Pray, My child, pray much, for the greatest attacks of satan now are upon your hierarchy. Misdirection, delusion, misleading! O My child, I am truly the Mother of great sorrows!"

     Veronica - Now it's growing much brighter. It's like the daylight is coming. The darkness was so great. Oh, it was a darkness when I was standing there.

     Our Lady says:

     Our Lady - "Yes. Explain, My child, so that man will know how deep the darkness is in your world."

     Veronica - It was, walking into the darkness, it was like walking into death itself, but a black deatha death without any light, a stifling death, a smothering death; and battling your way back, Our Lady says, leads with confusion, disillusionment, and no light.

     Our Lady - "My child, My children, you will remain with My Son in the Eucharist. He is with youHis Body, His BloodHe is with you in all the tabernacles of the world."

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is placing Her hands in front of Her, like this.

     Our Lady - "I implore you, My children, do not leave My Son to be a prisoner in His House! He is lonely! Won't you come and solace Him?

     "Do not judge My Son's House by the ways of man! The foundation is there, even when the walls are crumbling. Patiently pray and wait, and wait for the hand of My Son to restore your world.

     "I cannot in truth promise you peace at this time, for there will be no peace. It is a point now of almost, My child, no return. The miracle you seek now must be a complete reversal in the ways of mankind. It is the only factor that will hold back the Ball of Redemption upon you.

     "Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer. You will be solaced during your moments of trial, for the Father sends upon you the Spirit. It will appear before your very eyes, and you shall share in the glories of Heaven, for nothing is impossible to the Father.

     "No evil shall ever be triumphant. The Father shall turn all evil to good.

     "Remember, My child, as I directed you before, when you grow weary, you will quietly retire and speak to Us with your heart. No practiced words will be necessary. You may talk to Us with your heart."

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is raising Her Rosary up. She has the most beautiful Rosary. It's white, and it has the golden Our Fathers. And Our Lady now is taking the crucifix, like this, and holding it out in front of Her and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     And now Our Lady is turning over to Her right. And She's smiling now, and placing Her crucifix out, like this: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Oh, now Our Lady is going over ... oh! Oh, She's coming forward ... oh, and looking down. Now She's placing Her hand out, like this, with the crucifix: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now behind Our Lady, there is a great light. Andoh! Oh, I can see Theresa and the three nuns behind her. I recognize her sister on the right. And now over on the left side of the nuns is Michael, and Gabriel, and Raphael. And there are many others behind them. 

Pope John XXIII

     The sky is beginning to open, and I see a great many people there. Oh, I recognize some! I see Saint Theresa, and looking over, and there's Saint Catherine. Oh, my! And Pope John!

     Pope John - "Oh! Ho, ho!  Oh, no, I am not any thinner yet!"

     Veronica - Oh! Oh! And then, over ... he's pointing over now, Pope John. He's got a lot of rings on his fingers! And he's pointing over, and he's pointingit's a very large book. And he's saying:

     Pope John - "The Bull! The Bull!"

     Veronica - Oh, he means to find out about a Bull? Oh, a book? A Bull?

     Pope John - "Rules and Regulations ..."

     Veronica - Pope John says: 

     Pope John - "Rules and Regulations must be followed. This modern world has given itself to satan. Rules and regulations must be followed."

     Veronica - Now he's smiling. He's very ... well, he's always smiling. He's a very happy man. Oh! 

Pope Pius XII

     And now pointing over, I see another ... I see another man. He'soh!

     "Pope Pius XII," he said. Oh! And he now is pointing over to the book, also.

     Pope Pius XII - "Rules and regulations, my child, they must be followed. You will not change the rules to suit the man. The rules have already been written down. There is no reason to have them rewritten. It is satan who is rewriting the rule. Awaken from your stupor! Take the cobwebs from your minds! You are blinded to the truth. A sad state exists in the House of God. Awaken from your slumber!"

     Veronica - He looks like he's a small man. He's thin and has a close shaven head. It looks like his hair is quite thin, and he's wearing one of those beaniesa yarmulke, I guess you'd call it, on his head. And now he's smiling, and he's waving his head yes, like this.

     Oh, and he's also dressed very beautifully, all in white. And I can see his white slippersjust beautifully, like white satin. Oh, it's just beautiful.

     And now, looking over I can see Pope John. Oh, and he also is dressed in white and gold, and has white slippers on, too. He's very well coveredlike a cape over his shoulders, and oh, I can see his garments very, very well. Oh, they're beauti­ful. 

     And now Pope John is bending down.

     Pope John - "Would you, my child, recognize me if I removed these garments? No, you would not. This is fair example to the clergy of the world. You will not be recognized by the Father if you remove your garments, either."

     Veronica - And now he's pointing up. He's got a ring on this finger, and he's pointing up. And I see a lot of men and women, but they're all dressedI know they're brothers and priests and nuns, and they all have on long habits.

     Now he's coming over, Pope John is coming over. He says:

     Pope John - "What is this change that has taken place upon your earth? It is the work of satan! Cover your bodies, or they shall burn!"

     Veronica - Oh, now Theresa is coming over, too, by Pope John, and she's standing there. And Our Lady now is coming over, too, and She's standingthey're all standing together. And Our Lady is saying:

     Our Lady - "How many more earth-years will I be permitted to be among you, My children, with My voice crying out to make ready, for the time of My Son is approaching.

     "I have set upon the world many seers to unify my little armies throughout the world. The Father has placed Me on this mission of being a Mediatrix between God and man.

     "I shall be with you through the days ahead, and We reserve for all who remain faithful and true, a crown, a crown eternal."

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is motioning, and Our Lady says:

     Our Lady - "Now, My child, you will await the arrival of My Son."


     Veronica - Oh, Jesus has on a ... I'll try to describe it. I just ... oh, really, it's a beautiful.... There's a tremendous white light about Jesus, and He has on a different cloak. It's a different color red. It's a dark, almost a maroon color. And now I can seeI see Jesus' face much clearer, because the light is all on the outside, and I can see He's very young looking. Oh!

     And nowoh, now Jesus is shifting His arms. He's carrying something in His hand. Oh, it's a cross. It's a large wooden cross that He had under His cape, and He's holding it for­ward. He's holding His cross forward.

     Jesus - "Listen carefully, My child, and repeat after Me. This message is for the clergy.

     "You must not change My House to cater to the basic sinful nature of mankind. Man must change for the good. Man must make his change to please his God.

     "The representatives of My House will not change to please mankind. Discipline must be returned to My House. You who have set yourselves in disobedience to Our Vicar will answer for your discretion to the Father. You have been given the time to make amends and atonement for your many sins against your rule. You will not bargain My House for worldly gain! The cost is too great, for you are counting this gain in the loss of My sheep. Restore My House, or you shall fall completely! And from the ashes shall rise the Kingdom.

     "You are receiving one of My final warnings! You are asking for the Chastisement! My Mother has passed among you, and has begged for the timean extension of time, so that you will make this atonement. However, your time is growing short. Prayer, penance, and sacrifice, or you will wash your robes in your blood!

     "All who have closed their hearts to My Mother's message will be brought down to their knees in shock! No man shall be tolerated by the Father when he gains prestige at the cost of the loss of one soul."

     Veronica - Oh, now Jesus is going back, and He's turning now to Michael. Michael is over on Jesus' right, on our left, and Our Lady is standing there. Our Lady is looking at Jesus. Our Lady doesn't look very happy. She looks very upset.

     Now Jesus is turning back. He has nodded to the Blessed Mother, but He's turning back.

     Jesus - "Repeat after Me, My child:

     "A House in darkness will wear a band of death about it. All that is rotten will fall, and from the ashes shall rise the Kingdom.

     "Father against son, mother against daughter: discord in the family. You shall be sifted, the kernels from the chaff. I will set among you a sword!"

     Veronica - Now Jesus is placing His hand in front of Him, like this. His hands are extended out, and He's making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now Jesus is going overHe's passing over by the tree and He's looking down, placing His hand out: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now Jesus is going over.... And Our Lady now is following Him. She's like floating. She doesn't walk; it's just like She's carried, like on the wind. She just floats right next to Jesus. And Jesus is turning around.

     Jesus - "Time, My child, you ask the time? Remember you are ageless in the Kingdom, and there is no time."

     Veronica - Oh! Now Jesus is turning back, and He is placing His hand out: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now He's floating up. He hasn't turned around. Jesus is going over, and now Michael is coming down forward, and he's got this large sword. It's very long, and he's placing the point downward. And he said: 

A true renewal from the ashes

     St. Michael - "I will send a sword upon the world. A sword upon the world! And from the ashes shall be a true renewal!"

     Veronica - Oh, now Jesus is now placing His hand out, and Our Lady is extending Her Rosary: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now Our Lady is coming forward. He's nodding; Jesus is nod­ding His head. And Our Lady is coming forward.

     Our Lady - "You will stand, My children, in example. You will remain true to your Faith, for it is not mankind that you are fighting but the spirits of evil, the forces of darkness that cover your world. Know that the victory will be with you and My Son, and one day We will all rejoice in the Kingdom, knowing that We have returned from a mission that was well done."

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is placing Her hand out. Oh, and Jesus is smiling. She's placing Her hands out, like this. And oh, the rays! Oh, they're so bright, I can't look at them. Oh, they're beautiful, but they're so bright! Oh, my! Oh, I can feel them. I have never felt the rays before. I could see them, but I couldn't feel them. Oh, my! Oh, Our Lady has Her hands out now, andI don't know what they are, but they're, they're so strong! They feel like they could lift you right off your feet.

     Our Lady thinks that's quite funny. But oh, my goodness! They're so strong. Oh, now they're going, and it's getting very, very dim. And Our Lady now.... They seem to just be fading away. Oh! Oh! Oh! And Our Lady now

     Our Lady - "My child, you will continue with your prayers of atonement. What you have seen is a small measure of what is in store for all who follow My Son."

     Veronica - Oh! In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.




Brother against brother, mother against daughter...

February 10, 1975
Eve of the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes


     Veronica - The sky is becoming lighter. It's lighted by a beautiful blue haze. It's just like the light's penetrating the darkness. I see a tiny pinpoint of light, but it's becoming round. Oh!

     Now coming through the center of the light is Our Lady. Oh, Our Lady is dressed in a flowing white gown; it seems to be one piece. But no, the top of Her headpiece comes down almost to the center of Her gown. And She has the most beautiful blue sash tied at the center of Her gown. Oh!

     Our Lady now is coming forward, and She has Her hands joined, like this. Now in Our Lady's hands are Her Rosaries. They're beautiful, the very large Rosaries. They seem to fit comfortably into Her hands, though the beads are very largethe golden Our Fathers and the white Hail Marys. 


Saint Bernadette

       Now Our Lady is pointing over to the right side, Her left side. I see now a small figure. Oh, it's a young girl. She has on a pair of what look like wooden shoes, from under her dress. She has on a skirt, like a peasant skirt. Her clothes are very rough looking, the material. And now she's placing about her head a scarf, like a kerchief. She's tying it now under her chin. Oh, I know who she is now. She's Bernadette!

     Now Our Lady is coming forward. She's taking Her hands now, and tying Her Rosary about Her waist.

     Our Lady - "Yes, My child, your visitor this evening is Bernadette.

     "You will well understand, My child, that the cross is al­ways heavy. Humility and sacrificing of your worldly instincts will make your ascent to holiness much swifter. It is truly the will of the Father that you will do.

     "The message entrusted to you, My child, must go out to the world in great haste. The time is growing shorter. 

     "Many of Our children have chosen to reject My words. Many tears shall be shed in recognition, but too late, My child, too late, My children."

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is pointing over to the left, high up in the sky. And now there is aI can look into a land, two lands. And above eachit's like a tabloidthere is a deep black cross.

     Now a voiceit's a frightening voiceis crying. It's booming, the voice; it's terrifying.

     "Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth! Blood shall flow in the streets! Revolution from corruption! Revolu­tion from corruption!"

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is coming forward.

     Our Lady - "Yes, My child, it will be truly a most terrible sight. Blood shall flow in the streets. Brother against brother, mother against daughter. Sin shall place little value upon life. Wars, and the great War to end all wars, are a punishment for these sins."

     Veronica - Our Lady is pointing up, and I see two dig­nitaries. They, they look like cardinals. Now one is holding a key, a very large golden key, and the other now is counting out what looks like large silver pieces.

     Now Our Lady is coming down just beside the flagpole.

     Our Lady - "You see, My child, they are re-crucifying My Son for pieces of silver, for worldly gain. It is time all repeated. Your world is in a spiritual darkness far worse than in the time of Noe.

     "Satan has poisoned many minds. Your country has started upon the road to its own destruction.

     "Man of science shall rule out the supernatural, My children. Your country shall be cleansed by trial. Many countries in your world shall be cleansed by trialtrial, My child.

     "The power of prayer is great. You must pray for those who have set themselves against My Son. Even they can be returned by your prayers and acts of sacrifice.

     "The numbers counted, My child, to be saved will be in the few.

     "Our hearts in the Kingdom are much saddened by the knowledge that the little children are being led astray. Teachers in the House of God, shall you stand before the Father and say that your teachings have been pure in His sight? No! You will not, for We look upon you and find you lacking! Awaken now from your darkness of spirit! Return to a life of prayer! You have entered into your world and given yourselves over to pleasures and destruction of the flesh, and sadly, the destruction of your eternal soul!

     "The Father looks into the hearts of mankind. All manner of filth and abomination lie therein! Shall you wash yourselves in blood? Or will you get down upon your knees now and make atonement to the Father, the Eternal Father, for the many offenses that are setting now upon you a chastisement such as has never been seen before by mankind! You will burn, My children, in your sins. The Ball of Redemption has not been seen by mankind now, but I assure you, My children, the Ball is approaching!"

     Veronica - Oh, Our Lady is pointing up. And I see ... I see a huge ball! It's, it's like a ball of fire, and it's going very fast across the sky. And shooting out behind it are these streams of fire and rock, and, far as it is, I can feel the heat! Oh! Oh! It's so large, it feels like it's almost on top of us. But over, over on our right, I can see another huge ball. It's like, it's like looking at two suns in the sky! Oh!

     Now Our Lady is coming down on our left, much closer.

     Our Lady - "You tremble, My child. There is no need to be afeared, for all will be well for those of true spirit.

     "The abyss is open wide, My children. Upon your earth are creatures of hell. You must remain close to My Son in the Eucharist. Satan has set many ways to entrap you. He will take over the body of a fallen soulany man, woman, or child.

     "All parents must keep the Faith in their children's hearts. A constant vigilance of prayer must be kept in your country and throughout the world. There will be days of deep darkness."

     Veronica - Now I see a large ball with a cross on the top. And over at the side of the ball, writing is appearing in the sky. It's a "Y", a very large "Y". It looks like almost a "U" with a downward stroke.

     Now Our Lady is raising Her hand up and motioning this way, and now it's disappeared. I can't see the ball with the cross on the top.

     Now Our Lady is coming forward. 

Gather books of truth

     Our Lady - "My child, you must work with great haste. The enemies of the Father in the Kingdom have set themselves to destroy the knowledge that has been given to you through the ages. You must gather the books of truth. Many have been rewritten to destroy your Faith.

     "Remember, My children, that none will enter into the Kingdom except through My Son, for He is truly the way.

     "Your body is the temple for your spirit. You clothe yourselves in filth and all manner of abominations. Chastity, pietyyour words are being lost, being changed to corruption and immorality.

     "The road to the Kingdom, My children, is a narrow road. Many seek it but haven't the perseverance nor grace to remain on this narrow road. Once you have left it, My children, you will find it very difficult to return.

     "I know that the days are growing short, and many will be taken from your world. You must all now live your lives as though you will enter beyond the veil tomorrow. Do not waste the time left, My children, in gathering worldly gains. Better that you spend this time in gathering your graces, your merits that will be added beyond the veil.

     "If you, My children, read the true Book of life, your Bible, you will find that many warnings were given by Our prophets to you, warning of these days that you are living in. You were to beware of false prophets and false teachers. They will come to you as angels of light with ravenous hearts. They will be members of the synagogue of satan.

     "Do not be fooled, My child, by those who have fouled their garments. We in the Kingdom have had Our hearts wrenched by the knowledge that many of Our clergy have destroyed their vocation. They have brought dishonor and disrespect to their vocation. Pray for them, for satan has set himself to claim them. I am, My child, truly a Mother of great sorrow! 

     "You must recognize the forces of evil now loosed upon your world, My children. You must not follow like sheep to the slaughter. Your obedience is to the Eternal Father.

     "We have given you through the past ages the knowledge for your redemption. Man has set himself, in his arrogance, up to be worshipped. No man shall place himself above the Eternal Father. Man upon your earth is traveling the same road of the fallen angels. His arrogance shall be his destruction. 

Mark of the cross or the beast

     "The Father is now in the process, My child, of separating the sheep from the goats. Each man and woman and child shall receive a mark upon him. It will be the mark of the cross or the mark of the beast.

     "Yes, My child, there is much evil in your government and in the governments of the world. Do you not recognize the signs of your times? Know thatI repeat now: you are now living in the latter days. Prepare yourselves now, while you have the time. Blessed is the soul that has taken My words and acted upon them.

     "I bless you all, My children, as children of the light. I will be with you to the Second Coming of My Son. All who are burdened with their cross, come to Me and I will comfort you. Come to My Son in the tabernacles of the world. Hurry, My children. The agents of hell are loosed and have set in motion a plan now to close these tabernacles to you. Hasten now; gather your graces, My children, while there is still time! Spend much time with My Son in the Eucharist. It is truly the Bread of life. It will be a most dark day, My child, when these tabernacles will be closed to you. 

Gather as birds of a feather

     "Do not be fearful, My child, of the days ahead. The Spirit of truth shall never be removed from among you. You will all gather as the armies of Heaven. As birds of a feather you will flock together.

     "I repeat, My child, to you My direction of the past. You must remain in retirement from your world. I must caution you at this time to bar your doors to all but your immediate family and close workers. Satan has many agents. They will come to you in many forms of deception. Learn, My child, to recognize the faces of evil.

     "Make much use of the blessed waters, the holy waters given to you. Wear your sacramentals. Direct Our children never to remove these sacramentals from their person. The forces of evil are multiplying among you.

     "You, My children, are being tested by the Father. Go for­ward in perseverance and fortitude and you will win your crown."

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is placing Her hand out, like this, with Her crucifix from the beautiful Rosary, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now Our Lady is smiling. Oh!

     Our Lady - "We do not expect you, My child, to react in any way other than you have to your worldly living and the attacks upon you. As you advance in more grace, you will find that you will care less for the opinion of mankind and more for the love of the Father.

     "We allow many sufferings to you, My child. It is for reason. We find that your state of worldly occupation has left little time for silent meditation.

     "It is only in suffering, My child, that you will learn compassion for the sufferer. The world, My children, has forgotten the value of suffering. How many graces you earn when you make good use of your suffering and your trials, for you have within your power graces that can retrieve from purgatory many souls who are waiting. Your acts of sacrifice and sufferings may also rescue your brothers and sisters who otherwise would fall fast into the abyss, for they have no one to sacrifice or do penance for them, My child. We ask for many victim souls, My child, victims for the merciful heart of My Son, victims who will offer themselves for the balance to mankind.

     "We do not expect you, My child, to understand all at this time. There are many things unknown to you, for they would not be sacred if revealed.

     "In the days ahead, you will learn much of the supernatural. Many manifestations will be given to Our children. Know that you are truly graced when you have been called to come under My mantle of love."

     Veronica - Our Lady now is extending Her arms. And oh, it's just beautiful! She has on this cape now; it's a pale blue cape. And She's extending the cape out, and as She does, there are rays coming out from the cape and Her hands, and it's so nice and warm and so beautiful that you feel like you're.... There are no words; I can't explain itcompletely.... I can't explain it. Happiness and joy and peace. Oh!

     Our Lady now is talking very softly.

     Our Lady - "Yes, My child, it is a true peace beyond the veil, a beauty beyond all that can be given to you at this time. We ask, My child and My children, that you believe, for when you do, you will be given the way. Know that nothing is impossible to the Eternal Father. It will appear before your very eyes. 

Photos factual witness to the message

     "The photographs miraculous, My children, will be given in great numbers. They will stand as factual witness to My words. It is a sad fact in your age, My children, that many will not believe unless they see.

     "You will go forward now in your mission, bringing the words from the Kingdom. You must not be overly concerned of whether they will be accepted. You will bring the word and if they cast them aside, you will continue on your way, for there are thousands who need the grace, My children."

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is going over on top of the flagpole. She's just above the flagpole. Oh, and She's standing there now, and Our Lady is raising Her cross, the crucifix on Her Rosary: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

     Our Lady - "You will sit back now, My child, and await My Son.

     "I am not leaving. I am always with My children on these sacred grounds. The fence, My child, is only material and not of the spirit. The world and the spirit are not one. The things of the world belong to the world, and those of the spirit do not belong to your world. It is fruitless to shut out the light, for the light, My children, will pierce the darkness."

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is placing Her hands out, like this. And oh, there are rays coming out of Her hands. Oh, they're extending completelythey're going over our heads. Oh! Oh, I didn't feel anything, the heat, but they're so bright that they hurt my eyes looking up at them. Oh!

     Now Our Lady is going over to the left side of the flagpole.

     Our Lady - "There are graces, My children, graces in abundance, graces for the asking: cures and conversions, cures of the body and the spirit."

     Veronica - Oh, now it's growing very bright behind Our Lady. And I see Michael. Oh, Michael is coming down. He's just behind now the tree on the left side. And Michael's coming down, and behind him I see ... it looks like a brother or a priest. Our Lady says, John Bosco. Oh! Oh! Oh, and also there are many, now, nuns and priests. I can tell from their habits that they are clergy, and nuns, and they allI can't see their faces too clearly, but you can feel the sense of joy and peace.

     Now Our Lady is bending down.

     Our Lady - "My child, you perceive rightly. It is only in following the rules set down by the Eternal Father that man can find a true peace of heart. There will be no peace upon your earth without My Son. Reject Him, and you will reject life. You will follow the rules given by the Eternal Father, your Commandments, for if you break these rules, you will break your spirit. 

They seek to unite Church with world

     "Your country and many countries of the world have given themselves to satan. They seek now to unite My Son's houses, churches, with the world. And know now that should this take place, when the world and My Son's Church become one, the end has been reached.

     "Pray a constant vigilance of prayer. Shout My message from the rooftops! Hurry, My children; I must beg you to make great haste, for the time is coming.

     "You will be sent, My child, many arms to help you.

     "Know that your attacks are promoted by satan to stop your good work. You must recognize this, My child, and keep fighting the good fight. Satan does not sleep, My child. Remember this. Wear your sacramentals at all times. Call upon your guardian often. Call upon your angels, My child. The world has forgotten these guardians. Make it known to My children that in grace, they have beside them a guardian. Their angel has not left. However, many seek to send him away and accept one from the abyss, an agent of hell.

     "Your life upon your earth, My children, will be one of constant battle. It is a road filled with thorns, but your arms will be filled with roses when you come to the end of your road. Is this not worth praying and waiting for, My children? Is this not worth sacrificing for, and turning from your sin?

     "Amen, My children, I say to you: It will not be long before you understand My words given in the past. Pray a constant vigilance. Turn from your ways that offend the Father much. Repent of your ways, and you will be accepted back into the Kingdom. No man shall fall into hell unless he has gone this way of his own free will, My child.

     "I am your Mother, and the guardian of My children. I come to you as a Mediatrix between God and man. We are now in battle with satan, My children. Recognize the signs of your times. You are, I repeat, in the latter days. Prayera constant vigilance of prayer!"

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is placing Her hand out.


     All who are able, please kneel.

     Now Jesus is standing just over the flagpole. He had to wait to finish part of the prayers of atonement.

     Now Jesus is coming over. The sky is very lighted. And behind Jesus there's Michael, oh, and Our Lady. Our Lady is also with Michael, behind Jesus.

     Now Jesus is coming over. He's just between the trees now. He's come over the fenced-in area. Oh! And Our Lady and Michael are behind Him.

     And Our Lady now is wearing a beautiful golden crown on Her head. It's set in with all beautiful stones. I can see the greenit must be emeraldsand blues, and a light, palealmost a pink. Beautiful! Oh, the crown is just beautiful! It's made with spiral, V-shaped points on the top, and they're setting on the top of the points with these little diamonds. They look like diamonds. They're very brilliant white stones, glass-like stones, and they're beautiful. I can see Our Lady's crown very clearly due to the light. There's a very white light all about Jesus and Our Lady, and also Michael.

     Now Michael has on a long white gown. He's now going over to Jesus' left side.

     Now Jesus is dressed all in white this evening. I ... this is the first time He is without His red cape. He's all in white. He has on a white gown that's very loose about His arms. It's very, very full. And Jesus has on these brown sandals. They're likeoh, skin, I guess they're made of. They look like brown leather. They have one strap and just a piece across His instep. I can see the sandals.

     Now Jesus is raising His hand up in front of Him, like this, and He's making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Jesus - "My child, I do not have to repeat or make any more emphasis to the words of My Mother. You understand clearly that your days are counted in the few before a great Chastisement will come to mankind.

     "I must urge you at this time to prepare yourselves for the days ahead. Do not concern yourselves with the opinion of others. You will pray for them, and they will be given the light."

     Veronica - Now Jesus is moving over to the right side of the flagpole, and He's extending His hand out in front of Him, like this: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     And now Jesus is coming over. He is now going back onto the left side of the flagpole, and He's looking down. And it's a little windy, because as Our Lady now is following Him with Michael, their clothes are blowing very, very, very softly. It feels very warm. The rays that are coming outI can almost feel them; they're very warmfrom Jesus and Our Lady. It's a beautiful light. It's ... They seem to be all aglow. I can't explain it. Oh, it's beautiful!

     Now Jesus is looking down, and He's placing His hand out, and He's making now the sign of the Trinity: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. 


No peace at this time

     Jesus - "My Mother will be with you on these sacred grounds in the days ahead. The peace you ask for cannot be given at this time. The sins of the flesh have set a heavy penance upon your world. You will all pray now and make atonement, but this you will do upon your knees.

     "If the words of My Mother go unheeded to this ungrateful generation, I assure you it will not be long before you will be forced to your knees! Hasten, harken, and listen, for the warnings given to you are urgent! The sands of time are running fast out, and you will not have another chance to turn your hourglass.

     "Prayer, atonement, and sacrifice! Wear your sacramentals, and do not waste the balance of your time in idle, worldly pursuits of the flesh. Many souls have fallen into the abyss because they did not seek to practice the truth. And what is the truth, you may ask Me? It has been given to you, though man has chosen at this time to sully it.

     "Those whom We have chosen to be your leaders, We look upon them and find them lacking! They will heed this warning, for rank shall be no guarantee of the crown in the Kingdom. A complete and fast reversal of man's ways must be made nowand I say now! For your future shall be now!"

     Veronica - Now Jesus is moving over to the right side of the flagpole. He's rising up with Our Lady now, Who's behind Him and Michael. And I see far in the distance, many angels. I can tell from their robes, angels.

     Now Jesus is bending over.

     Jesus - "They are angels, My child, but they come from your earth. You see those who have cleansed their souls and washed their robes in the blood of sacrifice as victims, victims of injustice by man upon your earth. They have given themselves as victims to maintain the Faith. Before your world comes to its final curtain, My child, there will be many who will wear the robes of martyrdom."

     Veronica - Now Jesus is rising above the flagpole, and He's now turning to Our Lady. And Our Lady is extending Her Rosary out with the large golden crucifix: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now Jesus is bending over.

     Jesus - "Continue now, My children, with your prayers of atonement. Many are needed, for satan has poisoned many minds."

     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.




One-world religion and government...

March 18, 1975
Eve of Saint Joseph    


     Veronica - The sky now is beginning to lighten. There are streams of beautiful blue color now coming from the distance. The rays from the blue lights are producing a warmth, a warmth that I've never noticed before.

     Now I can see far into the distance, and the sky is becoming very lighted. Oh, Our Lady is coming forward. Oh, She has on a very beautiful blue cape, flowing freely down to Her toes. And Her gown is a beautiful white, a pure white color, with a blue sash. The blue sash is hanging very loosely about Our Lady's waist. Oh!

     Now over on Our Lady's rightoh, our right side, Our Lady's leftI see a man coming forward. Oh, He's dressed in a brown tunic-type of robe. It's made almost like one piece in brown, and he has on his feet brown sandals. I can see him very clearly, although his face is so lighted that I couldn't describe his eyes or nose, but I do see his beard. He has a dark brown, almost black beard. And now about his head there is a cape, a cape that is not pointed; it's draped about his head. And now he's removing the cape, and he's coming over by Our Lady. Oh, I know! I know who he is! It's Saint Joseph! Oh!

     Now Saint Joseph is speaking with Our Lady. Our Lady now is motioning, placing Her finger on Her lips, to listen.

     Our Lady - "Listen well, My child, and repeat after Me.

     "The foundation for a young life is found in the family. We find much lacking in the example of many parents. They have for­gotten their role as parents, and they are feeding their children well with the contaminating abundance of your nation and the world; however, their souls are being starved for the light.

     "The role for the prosperity within a family is simple, My child. It is one of a dedication to the Eternal Father. What does it matter, My children, if you gain the whole world's goods and suffer the loss of your eternal soul? Your pilgrimage is but a short one upon earth. Have you stored your reward with Us, or have you given yourselves to the pleasures of the flesh and satan? 


Man of science given to murder

     "The Eternal Father has created life upon your earth. Man of science has given himself to murder! This displeases the Eternal Father much, My children. You have set yourselves upon a path of destruction. Turn back, My children! My voice comes to you but of a short time. Turn back; the sands are falling fast!

     "In the past history of earth's time, My child, My voice has cried out for penance, atonement, and sacrifice. I have been cast aside now in your present as I was in the past.

     "I have come to you, My children, as a Mediatrix from the Eternal Father, to bring you a great warning. Unless you mend your ways and make a complete reversal from your present path of destruction, you will be allowed to reap your reward in suffering. Your country will be cleansed by trial. The tears of parents will fall, but too late!

     "Your country was placed under My protection, My children, but you have a free will. Could I but spread before you a complete picture of your future, you would come back upon your knees to the Eternal Father! It is, My children, a picture of death.

     "Satan roams your world. He has many agents in all the medias, My children. Hearts are hardened, ears are deafened, sight is blinded! Sight of the physical body means nothing, My child. It is the light that has been taken from the heart, the soul of mankind, that brings him to destruction. 

You have brought scandal

     "My Son is much grieved by the manner in which His Sacrifice is conducted within the churches of the world. Pastors! Shepherds of Our flock, have you not the courage to stand up for the light? Do you fear mankind? No man shall save you from your eternal reward if you receive the recompense of your abominations! You shall be cast into the abyss, counted among the least. You have been given a divine vocation. You scandalize those who have been entrusted to you! Awaken now from your blindness! Bishops, the saltwhat have you done to your vocation? You have brought scandal, destruction of souls!

     "I beg, as your Mother, for you to listen to My warnings. My urgent plea is of major concern to your world now. For if you do not listen to Me now, you will set fast into a major World War. Wars are a punishment for man's sins.

     "The sins that are sending many into the abyss, My children, are sins of the flesh. The vilest of abominations are being committed in your land and countries throughout the world. They mock and defile the name of My Son! Even the children, My child, mock and defile His holy name! Who will come forward and solace His injured heart?

     "My child, if there were, if there are enough prayers of the faithful, you will be given more time to gather the sheep. The Eternal Father watches the battle. All that happens will be permitted for the eventual recovery of souls. All who fall into the abyss, My child, will do this on their own free will.

     "The Eternal Father has made it known to the world through His message that there will be many graces given through the sacred grounds.

     "The waters will rise. When, you ask, My child? Very soon."

     Veronica - Our Lady is pointing over now to the right side of the flagpole. The sky is lighting up, and I am looking into a mapped area that looks likeyes, it is Africa. And I can see ... I'm looking over from the African part of the map, and I can see the other countries of Egypt and Israel. Andoh, now Our Lady is saying: 

The culmination of Armageddon

     Our Lady - "A coalition, My child, of the dark races. The world is fast heading to the culmination of the Armageddon."

     Veronica - Oh!

     Our Lady - "My child, make it known to My children that they are being deceived. Many who come to them as angels of light are actually an agent of darkness. They go forward in error and gross deception, My child. Make it known: the practice of astrology offends the Eternal Father. It is a false science of the Antichrist. It is the practice of pagans.

     "During, My child, the Holy Sacrifice of My Son, man must conduct himself with more propriety. Holiness must be returned to the houses of the world."

     Veronica - Churches, Our Lady says. 


Dancing and diabolical music

     Our Lady - "Women must adorn themselves in modesty. Pagan practices of diabolical music is not condoned by the Eternal Father, nor shall We condone dancing and all manner of worldly entrance within the holy houses of God.

     "Woman must cover her head. It is a mark of respect required in the House of God. This, the angels demand. 

Women’s liberation

     "My child, make it known to the world that woman must keep her place in respect to her husband. It was not Adam, the man, who fell, but he followed the fall of Eve, his wife. For man came from God and Eve was brought forth from man. Therefore, My child, this word I hear 'liberation' is a deception from satan!

     "Do you not recognize, My children, the signs of your times? Read and learn: 'Women will become unlike women. They shall go forth, and seven women will take hold of one man and say to him:  Make me as you are. I wish to eat your bread.' 

     "Know, My child, this simple lesson, that in these days of the latter times, women shall seek to cast off their role as mother and a woman. Woman will cast it off under the direction of satan, and murder her children. Woe to the woman who does not repent of this vile abomination! She has walked the road to eternal damnation and hell. Repent, O woman, or forever be lost!

     "It is, My child, because the world has lost the need for sacrifice and penance that they have come to this point of murder of the unborn and the young. They care more for the material things of your world, and they starve the spirit. They gather all that satan has set before them, but they gather nothing that the Father offers freely. Satan has placed a price upon all he gives you. His price is your eternal spirit.

     "The Father, the Eternal Father, My children, offers you His home. It is yours for the asking. There is no price. This Kingdom of light is yours. Believe in My Son and you will be given the way.

     "You must warn those superiors in My Son's House, My child, that they are being deluded.

     "Your country and the world is heading fast into the setting up of a one-world religion and government. Recognize the signs! There will be no unity without My Son as the Christ.

     "You accept into the holy House of My Son those who betray Him. Awaken from your darkness, your slumber! You are being misled. All who do not recognize My Son as the Christ, they are the Antichrist!

     "The Eternal Father has set upon earth His rule. He has sent My Son to you as a pure Sacrifice to open this Kingdom to you. None shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven except through My Son. 


Last Supper not a meal

     "You must, My children, make it known to your brothers and sisters that the last meeting of My Son was not a meal! It was not deemed to be a meal by the Eternal Father. It was the start of a Sacrifice. That Sacrifice was known by the Father and My Son, and was to be perpetrated and continued unto eternity!

     "When you enter into the houses, churches of My Son throughout the world, you come to participate in the sorrowful"

     Veronica - Oh! Oh, I see ... oh! Oh, I see Jesus upon the cross. Oh! Oh, He's already expired on the cross. Oh! Oh, now it's becoming darker. I can't see Him. It was so awful!

     Our Lady - "During the Holy Sacrifice of your Mass, My children, you shall receive among you the physical and spiritual Body and Blood of My Son. This is not but a memory or a myth, My children!  Understand the supernatural! Understand that My Son comes to you fully in spirit and physical Body. That is why the angels who attend the sacred service demand, command that you conduct yourselves with the honor due My Son, in the Father, and the Holy Ghost.

     "Women shall not approach the sacred Body dressed as pagans, exposing the temples of their spirit to shame! Cover yourselves, My children, or you will burn!

     "I repeat: women will dress as befits a wife and mother, clothing themselves with modesty and holiness. Children will follow the example of their parents. Therefore, if your example is poor, your children will be your thorns. The sins of the parents are surely visited upon the children.

     "During the Sacrifice, My children, you must unite your­selves in heart with My Son in His Sacrifice. You will not be distracted by all manners of diversions that We watch being perpetrated in My Son's churches at this moment."

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is looking over to the right of Her, and left, and pointing. And I see a large globe on the right side, and the globe is turning. And I see above the globe a very large sun and the moon. And Our Lady is turning now and saying:

     Our Lady - "At every second in every moment of the day and night, the Sacrifice continues. Oh, how sad it will be, My children, if this Bread of life is removed from you!

     "The Bread of life, My Son, is your salvation. Without Him you will never be able to withstand the attacks of satan and his agents. The forces of evil have accelerated. Protect yourselves and those you love with the armor We have given you. Do not succumb, My children, to the fallacies about you, the half-truths and falsehoods. Know that your sacramentals were given for reason. Do not cast them aside! Understand, My children: if satan removes your sacramentals, he has more advantage over you.

     "You need all armor now to withstand his attacks, My children. I have advised you all in the past to retire from your world, which has been given to satan. He knows that his time is growing short, and he has plans to do full battle with you. From time of the beginning, this fallen angel has set himself to destroy the creation of the Eternal Father. Understand, My child, why the Eternal Father does not want one soul lost to Him.

     "My children, if I was to give you an overall picture of your present world and those who have been given the power over you and your souls, you would find that many mitres have faces of goats! Yes, My child, goats!

     "We use symbolic language, My child, for reason, so do not be disturbed.

     "You must pray much for your Holy Father, Paul. Many about him are not in the light.

     "I am much saddened, My child, to have to say to you all that my message given with heart to you has been cast aside among Our clergy. Do not be disheartened, My child. The Father has a plan. Continue with perseverance.

     "You will remain in retirement as I have directed you, My child. It is for your safety and the good of your mission. You will restrict yourself to talking with only the immediate close workers and your family. Better that you use all other time, of your leisure time, to pray. Quiet communication with the Father in the spirit will gain you much peace of soul.

     "Do not concern yourself, My child, with dates. What would it gain if I allowed you to give a date? For should Our children return to Us it would only be through fear. We expect a gradual return, but it will be a permanent one this way.

     "You will go on your mission as the Father directs you. Do not be concerned in the steps. It will appear before your very eyes. 

Miraculous photos

     "I would advise you, My child, to advise My children that it would be best if they do not make a rash judgment of the miraculous photographs We give to you. They are given, I assure you, with reason. Some are of a personal nature, and others are for the general populace.

     "You will not concern yourself, My child, with who will accept the Message from Heaven. You will go forward and give it to the world and leave the rest to the Father in Heaven. Man has a free will. Some will accept and others reject. However, you will pray for those who reject the message for they, also, will be given the light, the grace from your prayers.

     "Yes, My child, I give you an urgent directive. You will not wear apparel beyond your ankles. 

You must be different

     "It is only when you are different, My child, that you are on the right road. When you join the world, then you will be on the wrong road. The world will reject you as they rejected My Son. Were you to join the world in their thoughts and their living habits, you would be accepted, but because you are not of the world but of the spirit, and you live in the spirit, you will be accepted by the Father in Heaven. This you must always remember. It is not the acclaim of the world that you will look for, but you will make your way slowly with perseverance to the Kingdom.

     "Pride, My child, must never enter upon you or your work, for pride is a great sin in the eyes of the Eternal Father. It was pride that sent Luciel, Lucifer, from the Kingdom.

     "Do not be concerned of those who seek to send you from My sacred grounds, My child. You will just be most patient. The Father has a plan for all."

     Veronica - Now Our Lady has Her beautiful Rosary with the gold Our Father and the white Hail Marys, and Our Lady is raising the gold crucifix just in front of Her.

     And now Ioh, I'm looking up to Our Lady's head, and She has the most beautiful crown of roses around Her head. Oh, it's just beautiful! I canthey're so beautiful! I can smell the aroma of the flowers. Oh! Oh, I feel....

     There's a great light coming from beyond the roses, all up into the sky from Our Lady's head. Oh, yes, it looks like almost a huge white, golden crown. The light shines so beautifully that it's reflecting the color of the roses. Our Lady has.... The roses are red, and white, and yellow. Oh, they're beautiful! They're all woven together, almost like the crown of thorns, but of roses. Beautiful! Oh!

     Now Our Lady is pointing over to the right, Our Lady's right, and there are some nunsI see from their habits they're nunscoming forward. Oh, I see Theresa. Oh!

     Now Theresa is speaking. I can't understand. It is spoken in French.

     Our Lady says:

     Our Lady - "Now listen well, My child, and you will understand." 

Bring back the fast

     St. Theresa - "Dear sister, Veronica, I have all sensitivity to what is taking place upon earth. I have even looked into my former home on earth. It distresses us all here in the Kingdom to find the changes promoted by satan. You must not accept change, my sisters, to please man if it does not please the Eter­nal Father. Return your habits to the floor. Bring back the fast, my sisters, the fast of sacrifice. Do not go outside the gates, for satan is waiting there for you.

     "You are being misled, my sisters. Stand fast in your Faith. We await you all in Heaven, and my arms will be filled with roses for you. Do not discard your habit, for you will be unrecognized to the world, and also unrecognized by the Father in Heaven.

     "You must pray more. You will not bring the souls to the Father by acting as a mere man, for you are above man. You have been chosen as a bride of Christ. Do you prefer mere man to the Father and eternal life? O my sisters, lock your doors! Return to your prayers and your life of sacrifice and penance! If you do not pray, and pray much, you will not find many with you who are graced.

     "Many of our dedicated are on the road to perdition. They have thought themselves strong enough to go out into the world and lead a worldly life. They will fall faster, for satan has set his trap for them! Return, I say, my sisters, to you! Return to a life of solitude, sacrifice, and penance.

     "You will not be lost to us if you do not lose yourselves in the world. If the leadership, my sisters, in the convent is poor, pray more, and stand fast in your Faith.

     "Nothing is impossible to the Father. Ask and you shall receive."

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is coming forward, and She's hold­ing now a cross. It's a wooden cross, and I don't see a corpus on it. And She's holding the wooden cross in front of Her, like this.

     Our Lady - "My child, this is the symbol accepted by little Theresa. All who follow My Son must place themselves upon this cross. It is the way of Christ. 

The false messiahs

     "You must make it known, My child, that man will not on his own merits bring about the one shepherd and the one religion. No, My children, you must not be misguided. This unity of mankind will only come when My Son returns to your world.

     "I must caution you not to be led astray by the false messiahs upon your world. Do not be blinded by their miracles. You will understand now and keep it in your hearts that My Son shall return the manner in which He ascended. He will descend to you from the sky. So, if one says to you: 'Come, he is here. I will take you to him.' Do not go! If they say to you: 'He is out in the field. Come, I will take you to him.' You will not go. For you will know when My Son arrives. He will come down with the angels with a loud shout of triumph to set your world in order. Prior to this time, My child, your world will be in great chaos. War upon war, destruction from the Ball of Redemption!

     "If My Son did not return, My child, there would be no flesh saved, so great will be the trial upon earth and mankind.

     "In my earth-years, I know I have given you sufficient knowledge to prepare yourselves. You will not approach these final years without preparation. Prepare your souls and the souls of your children and those you love. Only a few will be saved.

     "Your country and your world must embark upon a constant vigil of prayer. The family that will pray will stay together.

     "Mothers must teach their children the true Faith. Fathers must fulfill their mission as fathers to their children. The example in many homes is poor and will not be tolerated by the Eternal Father. Measure for measure, you shall reap what you have sown.

     "Parents must give to their children the knowledge of the Commandments of the Father. No excuse is accepted for casting aside these Commandments.

     "Discipline your souls, My children, your spirit! Discipline your human body. Do not allow yourselves to be swallowed up in the mire of destruction.

     "Make it known, My child, the world that lies beyond the veil. Make it known, My child, for so many have forgotten the reality of hell, purgatory, and the Eternal Kingdom of the Father, Heaven.

     "It must be made known also, My child, that there are demons loosed upon your earth, demons from the abyss, far more powerful than have been set upon the earth in past history. Their reign will come to an end. All of the children of earth will be tested.

     "Yes, My child, mankind shall be set in two camps: on one side the sheep, on the other the goats. 

Pray much for government leaders

     "You will pray much for your clergy. You will pray much for your government leaders.

     "And parents, you will adopt a rigid and strict rule in your family, for you now are holding the balance for the salvation of your children's souls. Your sacrifice now will bring you gladness of heart, for at the end of penance is a great joy. Yes, My child, I say penance, for to remain in the light in your dark world will be great penance to mankind. However, there is always the joy in knowledge that eternity in the Kingdom of light is your reward."

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is taking Her Rosary like this, oh, and She's extending the crucifix out and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen.

     And now Our Lady is beckoning.

     Our Lady - "You will be seated, My child, until the arrival of My Son."


     Veronica - All who are able, please kneel.

     Now Jesus is standing ... oh, He's not exactly standing; He's beginning to move. He's floating forward now. He's over on the left side of the flagpole, and He's coming closer now. Oh!

     And Our Lady is now behind Jesus. And She has on a blue cloak over Her white long gown. And Our Lady has a beautiful golden circlet upon Her headit's a crown. Just beautiful! There are no stones in it. It's, it looks like it's solid gold. Oh!

     Now Jesus is coming over. He's now comingHe must be across the fence. He's standing now high up in the air, just over the banner. Oh! And now, Jesus has on His.... His cloak is a deep burgundy color. And His hair is quite long, onto His shoulders. And the light is so bright it makes His hair look sort of like aoh, a reddish glow about it. But I can see at the bottom of His hair it's dark, though. It might be a dark brown.

     And now Jesus has also on sandals, like the kind Saint Joseph had on with the brown leather straps. And His gown is a ... not a white; it's sort of like an off-yellow color, a beige color, and there's a piece of twisted, what looks like a rope, about Jesus' waist.

     Now He's taking His cloak and placing it across His left hand. And now Jesus is standing in the front, and He's placing His hand out, like this, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now Jesus is moving over, and He's going across the sky now to the left side of the flagpole. Now He's bending down. And Our Lady now is coming over by His right side. Oh, She's a good deal shorter than Jesus. The way They're standing now, Jesus looks a goodat least four or five inches taller than Our Lady. And now Our Lady is smiling. Now Jesus is saying:

     Jesus - "My child, repeat after Me.

     "I have given you a warning that must be acted upon now! You ask the time allotted by the Father for you to make amends. I may assure you now that were you to receive knowledge of this time, you would fast act upon Our direction.

     "Your world is wallowing in sin, a sin far worse than during the time of Noe! Therefore, if you do not do penance now and change your ways that offend the Father much, you will receive a far worse punishment than given in the time of Noe.

     "Your country must return to its knowledge and belief in the Father.

     "No man shall escape a due chastisement. Many good, those in the light, will have to be victims in the oncoming Chastisement. Know, My children, that all will receive in measure of the state of their spirit.

     "Go forward now in the time given to you to do atonement, for your chastisement is approaching fast upon you. 

All to feel burning of fires

     "My Mother has come to you as a Mediatrix. She has prepared you well and given many warnings throughout your world. Many have chosen to cast them aside in their arrogance and pride. All shall one day feel the burning of the fires.

     "Do not cast these warnings aside in your pride. None shall escape the veil. All shall come before the Father in judgment, sooner or later. Have you made ready for this exit from your world? Or do you think man in his arrogance shall find life eternal upon your earth? What fools they are who adopt this knowledge, for they have been deluded by the master of deceit, Lucifer! Many are selling their souls to get to the head! Sadly, they gain nothing but an eternity in hell!

     "Oh, yes! There is a hell, and there is a purgatory! The place of purging has hope, but hell is forever without hope! All shall receive their just judgment by merit.

     "Pray a constant vigilance of prayer, and in your charity save your brothers and sisters. The Father is the final judge of all. He looks into your hearts. Therefore, We have not set you to judge your brothers or sisters but to counsel them in charity.

     "You cannot be alone in your world, but you do not have to join the forces of evil to win them over. Prayer, a constant vigilance of prayer, and good example, shall be the road you are on to the Kingdom."

     Veronica - Now Jesus is placing His hands out in front like this, and He's making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     And Our Lady now is extending the cross, the crucifix from Her Rosary, and She's also making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now Jesus is bending over.

     Jesus - "I bless you with graces from the light, graces for cure and conversion, body and spirit. Do not reject the graces that are given in abundance for the asking."

     Veronica - Now Jesus is moving over, He's going across the sky. He's coming over by the ... oh, He's just about standing over the roof of the building. And now He is placing His hand out in front of Him, like this: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now Jesus is going overHe doesn't walk; He just is glid­ing, or the wind is carrying Him over. And as He moves, the light is very, very bright about His whole figure. It's very hard to look into it. It's so bright, but I can see Him very clearly. And Our Lady is behind Him.

     And just over beyond Our Lady, I can see Saint Joseph standing there. And He's moving His head up and down. I believe he's saying yes, that's so. Yes. Oh, I can see he is shaking his head, nodding his head yes. Oh, and Saint Joseph is standing quite a bit behind Our Lady and Jesus. I do feel that that is the way he has chosen to remain, in the background.

     And Our Lady is smiling, and She's looking back at Saint Joseph, and She's smiling. And now Jesus is extending His hand in front of Him: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Jesus - "I bless you all, My children. Continue with your prayers of atonement. They are sorely needed."

     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.




There is in your outer atmosphere the celestial object...

March 22, 1975
Eve of Palm Sunday  


     Veronica - I haven't been able to see Our Lady up to this time, but I can hear Our Lady. She is saying:

     Our Lady - "My child, I will be delayed, for I am bringing to Heaven many souls from purgatory.

     "You understand, My child, that during this penitential season of your year, many of your brothers and sisters have received a reprieve from their sentence of purging. Because of the prayers of many, many may be released from their place of purging."

     Veronica - I see a tremendous, a very bright white light. It's coming down from the sky now by the left side of the flagpole, right by the trees. And the light is cutting through what appears to be a wall of complete darkness. It's black in color. And now the light is opening the wall, and I see what look like two sections of gates that are opening. They're opening from the center, and I see now ... I know they're people, but they don't have like a solid form. They're very transparent, sort of an orange, glowing color.

     Our Lady now is moving over to the right, and the people are coming forward. They're all so exhilarated and happy that I can feel every bit of their emotion. It's wonderful. Oh!

     I'm watching the many people that are coming out of purgatory. Oh, and they are all ages. I see some young people. There are two girls; they look aboutoh, seventeen, and maybe one's about fifteen. And there are four boys. Oh, they are very young. They look like they may be around sixteen, eighteen. Oh!

     Now the wall that opened upit seems to be closing in now, and the darkness is returning. And now I notice that there is a tremendous white light, but the light is forming like a ladder, and the people are rushing into the clouds. Oh, they're not looking back. They, they seem to be hastening forward in their eagerness to see what they can see, to reach where they can see. Oh, I can't see beyond the clouds, but oh, whatever it is, it's the fulfillment of every dream and every wish that they've ever had in their lifetime. Oh!

     Now I can't see the last person. There must have been hundreds in my count. I would say hundreds entering Heaven.

     Now Our Lady is coming forward. She's standing at the left side of the flagpole. Our Lady has on a beautiful white cape which reaches from Her feet and goes about Her head. Oh, and upon Our Lady's head there is a golden crown, a small crown. It's held on by Our Lady's cape and Her forehead. It's set deep down onto Her forehead, andoh, Our Lady is pointing over to the right side, but I can't help but notice the brilliant blue sash that Our Lady has about Her gown. Oh, it's very pretty.

     Now Our Lady is pointing over on the right side of the flag­pole. Oh! Oh, I can see Theresa and her sisters. Oh!

     Now Our Lady is rising above the flagpole. And Our Lady now is taking a very dark scarf which She seemed to haveno, She has it under Her robe, and She's placing it about Her head. The scarf is black in color. Our Lady now.... And the sky is darkening about Our Lady. And She's looking over to the right side of the flag­pole.

     Oh! Oh, my! I can see Jesus, and He's nailed to the cross. Oh, my!

     Our Lady now is placing Her hand in front of Her. And oh, Saint MichaelSaint Michael is coming down from the clouds. He's over on the left side of the flagpole. He's coming down, and he's carrying not only his spear, but in his left hand he has what looks like a candelabra with three candles upon it, and the can­dles are lighted. And now he's handing this candelabra to Our Lady. And Our Lady looks very sad.

     Now Our Lady is talking in a very soft voice:

     Our Lady - "My child, I am truly the Mother of great sorrow. As I cast My eyes about your world, I see much taking place that is repeating the time of My Son and His great Sacrifice.

     "I cry bitter tears, for I can only ask, My children, why have you allowed satan to take you on your present path? Did My Son give Himself in sacrifice for nothing? Have you forgotten your purpose for living upon earth?

     "The numbers released from purgatory, My child, are few, far too few in total count of your world's population. 

Ball is in outer atmosphere

     "There is in your outer atmosphere the celestial object that will be sent upon you in the will of the Eternal Father. You have been given in the past many warnings, warnings that you have chosen to cast aside. A great chastisement, a punishment of terrible magnitude, My children, is heading fast to mankind. Have you prepared your children for this great trial? Have you taken them and aided them along the road that has been darkened by satan? O woe to the parent that has starved his children of the light!

     "Your country and the world, My child, are steeped in great darkness of spirit. Man has cast aside his true role as children of the Kingdom of the Father Eternal. They have accepted the pitfalls of satan. Many are running to their doom, My child. In their minds that have been deluded and blinded by satan, they have created instruments for their own destruction.

     "You must keep a constant vigilance of prayer in your country and throughout the world. The forces of evil are gathered to set upon your world the start of a major catastropheextensive murder and death! Scientists and men of knowledge are ever seeking but never finding the truth!

     "Understand, My children, when I speak of darkness of the spirit. Satan must assume the body of a fallen man, woman, or child to promote his diabolical deception. Sadly to say, My child, satan has captured the minds of many in high places. This condition, My child, did not come about in one move, but has crept upon you through the course of time and planning by satan. My warnings of the past also fell on deafened ears and hardened hearts. What shall you do now?

     "I have traveled throughout your world, crying, begging, pleading with Our children for penance, atonement, and sacrifice. It is your souls and the souls of your children that We seek to save. Immortality is for every man. There is no death except to those who cast aside the light. Life is eternal, My children. Awaken from your sleep! Remove the blindness from your hearts! You are bargaining away your eternal soul for the short pleasures of a temporal lifetime upon your earth. 

A few leaders strategically placed

     "I have asked you, My children, to pray for the leaders of your country. This is urgent to all at this time, for it shall be a few leaders strategically placed in positions of power by satan who will bring death to millions of the populace. Pray, My children, a constant vigilance!

     "It is through chastisement and punishment, My child, that man can be brought back to his senses."

     Veronica - I see now a huge heart in the sky. It's made of light. I say "light" because against the dark sky, it seems to be formed by a white light. It's almost like an invisible finger writing in the sky. It's a beautiful heart, with an orange flame that comes out from the center. But around the heart I see a crown of thorns. It's just like the crown that's on Jesus' head. Oh, and now from the crown I see punctures in Jesus' heart, and there is blood dripping slowly from these wounds. Oh! Oh! Oh!

     Now Michael is coming forward. He's carryingoh, it's a chalice in his hand; it's a golden chalice. And Michael now is dressed all in white, a beautiful bright white. And the way Michael is standing now, it's the first time I've seen him with his wings outstretched behind him. Oh, he's tremendous! He's a tremendous size! Oh, now Michael is going forward, and behind himoh, the sky is becoming filled with angels. I can recognize them. Oh, some look like they're children. They're very small. The ones up front are carryingit seems like garlands, but they're made of green leaves. Oh! Oh, they're holding them forward now. The green leaves are forming a circlet, a crown. Oh, there must be at least fifteen or twenty small angels, childlike in appearance. Oh!

     Now Our Lady is coming forward, and She's pointing to look down. Oh, Michael is going under, oh, the heartthe suffering heart of Jesus, I know it is, and he's placing this golden cup.... He's holding a chaliceit's a large golden chalicein his hand. And he'soh, he's placing it so the drops fall into the cup.

     And Our Lady now is coming over. She's still wearing now the black scarf about Her head. I don't see the candelabra, but Our Lady is pointing.

     Our Lady - "Look, My child, upon a sad sight. Mankind is wresting from My Son His very heart. The chalice is filled to overflowing from the abominations of mankind! The Eternal Father, His hand grows heavy! I do not know, My child, how much more time can be given to you and Our children of earth in the light, to gather Our sheep.

     "You will, My child, continue without slackening your work. There are many souls to reach before the great Warning.

     "Sin has become a way of life in your country and your world. The peak of iniquity is being reached. Abomination upon abomination are filling the heart of mankind. Man has given his heart to satan. He has bargained away his eternal soul. The sins of the flesh condemn many to the eternal fires of hell, My child."

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is turning and looking over Her left shoulder. And I see a man coming down now from the sky. He's dressed in aoh, it doesn't look white, it looks like it may be a cream-colored, an off-white, long gown. And he has on brown sandals on his feet, and a very loose gown, because he has what looks like a piece of brown, skin-like rope about his waist.

     Now he's carrying a very large book in his right arm, sort of the crook of his right arm, and in his left hand he has a long stick with a curve on the top of it. I saw thatit's like a bishop's staff. Oh!

     Now from the sky there's a tremendous beam of white light. It's going onto the book. And the man is coming forward. I can see him clearly now. He has a beard, and his hair is a dark brown. Now with the light it looks almost reddish, too, from the light. But his beard is a medium length; it's not down to his chest.

     Now he's pointing. No, he's taking now his ... that staff he has, and he's just placing it and it's being suspended in the air. He was placing it down, but it seems to be just held in mid air. Oh! And he's pointing now to the book, and he says:

     "My child, make it known that man has not listened to the warnings from the Queen of Heaven. We must caution you to read your Book of life, the Bible. The way has been given to you in this Book.

     "Man, in his arrogance, has set himself to change the rule. Man, in his pride and arrogance, has fallen to error. Read and learn!"

     Veronica - Now I know who he is. Our Lady is smiling. Yes, it is Saint Paul. Oh! And now Saint Paul, he's turning the pages in the Book.

     St. Paul"Listen, My child, how satan has corrupted the word."

     Veronica - And now he's becoming quite angry and pointing, jabbing with his finger the Book, and saying:

     St. Paul"Observe: Women shall be meek in the presence of their husbands. We hear the call of 'liberation'! Whom shall woman be liberated to but satan!

     "A man, as a figure of the Christ, my child, shall be the head of his household. So it is from the Lord.

     "A woman shall adorn herself not in pearls and braided hair, but in goodness and piety and good example to her children. A woman will not expose her body as a pagan. What manner of example has she given to her children? Woe to the parent who brings scandal to her children!

     "Woman, remove your arrogance! You are searching in darkness. As a sign of reverence, you will cover your head. It is not that I call it custom, My children; it is that the angels demand this in the presence of the Sacrifice, Mass!"

     Veronica - Oh! Saint Paul, he seemed to scream out "the Sacrifice, the Mass" so loud that I can still.... It feels like it just boomed through my head. Oh!

     Now Our Lady is coming forward, and She's shaking Her head like this, very sadly.

     Our Lady - "Yes, My child. The Eternal Father has looked upon mankind and found him wanting. 


Heaven gained by grace and merit

     "You must hasten to remove the blindness and error from My children's hearts. Send My message, My child, fast out to the world! It is an error to say to My children, and misguide them, that they may break the rule and enter the Kingdom of Heaven. This is not true, My children. Grace and merit shall bring you to the Kingdom, grace and merit. You have a free will to make your choice. Pray for the light. Nothing is impossible to the Father.

     "We must explain again, My child, for many do not understand. There is no death. We hear the word 'death,' but we can call thissin is death, My child. All who follow and believe will not know death, My child. When you sleep on and leave your body and come across the veil, you will receive your reward in judgment.

     "Shout it from the roof! There is, My child, a hell, there is a purgatory, and there is the Kingdom of the Father Eternal, known by your word as Heaven.

     "Believe, My children, and you will be given the way. But you must seek. Pray for the light.

     "The Eternal Father has sent you much armor for the days ahead. The sacramentals given to you must be worn. A special grace has been endowed to you through these sacramentals by the Father.

     "The photographs miraculous, My children, will be given for your edification. They will be witness to the truth. Continue in your mission, My child, without fear.

     "Be guided not by the opinion of mankind. Pray a constant vigilance."

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is pointing up, up. Oh, and I see ... it looks like a tremendous explosion of fire. Oh, and people, I can see people running through streets. Oh, it's like, like a terrible conflagration of fire. Oh!

     And now I see above it, a huge black bird. Oh, it's not a nice looking bird. It's not like the eagle. It looks like a vulture or something, with its wings spread. And now the vulture is getting ready to fly. Oh, my goodness! And it's heading to do war with the eagle, the eagle that has no strength. It has been plucked by satan. Oh! Oh, it looks like there isn't a feather left on the eagle. Oh, it's a sad-looking sight. Oh!

     Now Our Lady is coming over and pointing.

     Our Lady - "You see, My child, the state of your country. Satan has done his diabolical work well in your country and the countries of earth. If you had prayed more, this could have been avoided. Mankind has substituted a prayerful life for one of gaiety and debauchery. For this he shall reap the reward of his sin.

     "All who are of well spirit will not fear the days ahead.

     "We askthe Eternal Father speaks, and demands that all bishops in the houses of God throughout your world must turn back to prayer. They must turn back from the road they have chosen, a road filled with error, corruption, and sin. Man will not make changes in the House of God to please the basic carnal nature of mankind! But man in the House of Godthe leaders, the clergy chosen by the Eternal Father, shall turn man from his path of destruction and bring him into the House of God. This he will not accomplish by lowering the rule or standards. Man must change his ways and follow the ways of God. 


Living in era of Antichrist

       "You are, My children, living in the era of Antichrist. Recognize the signs of your times, and you will not fall into error. Read the Book, My children. You read books of corruption and vile debauchery. Restore the truth in your heart, into your children and homes. Open the good Book, the Bible, and read it in your homes.

     "My Son has already set up the rule for the houses throughout the world, the churches. They are written in the Book of love and life, the Bible. Read and learn, and follow the truth!

     "There is no time or change in Heaven. The Father never changes. It is only satan who seeks change to disturb, corrupt, and degrade. Satan roams wherever there is darkness of spirit. He will debase mankind in a manner so foul that you will know that no human could conceive of such vileness of sin.

     "You must enter the houses of your God properly clothed and with goodness of heart, not disporting yourselves as pagans.

     "A quietude must be returned to the House of God. You come to communicate, My children, in spirit and body with My Son Who is with you in your Eucharist in Spirit and Body, a true physical Presence. Many now are despoiling His Body. How many have set themselves to solace Him in the evil that is about the world now?"

     Veronica - Oh! 

No Communion in the hand

     Our Lady - "Yes, My child, it is a sad but true fact that many have given Him again to the despoiler. There are within your country many churches of the adversarysatan. You must not take the Body of My Son in your hand! You open the door for the entrance of evil spirits to defile My Son's Body! The consecrated fingers of a duly ordained man of God, the priest, shall place My Son into your mouth, and you must absorb His Body with goodness and love.

     "It will be a true communion of spirits, My child. 

The evil ones danced

     "We look upon pagan practices, My child, in the House of God. It will not be tolerated by the Father. Remember, My child, the evil ones danced around My Son as He shed His blood upon the tree.

     "A delusion has been set into the hearts of the clergy by satan. They must pray more, and you must pray more for them, My children.

     "Yes, My child, it is sad but a fact that many mitres will fall into hell. A soul is not judged by rank but only by merit, My child.

     "The soul, the spirit, has no body, and the things of the flesh are not judged for the state of the soul.

     "Your country shall be cleansed by trial. I have cried for many years for repentance, and you as a nation have chosen, with others, to murder the young! For this abomination, the Father will cleanse you with fire!

     "The trials upon mankind, My children, will be so severe that those who are living will envy those who have passed on.

     "You ask, My child, how much time there is for mankind? In your earth-years, they are few. Only the Father knows the day and the hour, but you will not be in darkness of knowledge. You will recognize the signs of your times. Be prepared and live each day as if, My child, there was no tomorrow in your world. Prepare your soul for the entrance over the veil. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption."

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is taking from Her beautiful blue sash the large white Rosary. Oh, it's a beautiful Rosary. The beads are very large, and they have a golden Our Father. And the Hail Marys on the beadsnow Our Lady is turning and holding them out. They are a beautiful pink color. Oh, now Our Lady is taking the crucifix like this. I can't see the corpus on it. It looks like a large golden crucifix, and She's raising it up and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Our Lady - "You will continue, My child, sending My words throughout the world. Many arms will be given to you for this work. Do not be concerned of the opinion of mankind, I caution you, My child. In this manner you will avoid much unnecessary suffering.

     "I bless you, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Continue, My child, with the prayers of atonement. Many are needed."

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is going back. It looks like She's floating back into the sky.

     Our Lady - "I am not leaving, My child. I am always here on the sacred grounds. We bring to mankind graces in abundance: graces for cure and conversion of the body and spirit, graces for the asking."

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is placing Her hands out in front of Her, like this, and oh, my goodness! The lights are coming out of Our Lady's fingers. Oh, they're coming down on the ground and over here, too. Oh, and all about Our Lady now it looks like tiny cut slivers of glass. Beautiful! Oh, they're just raining from the sky. Oh, it's all colors, as they are now coming down to the ground. They're catching the light from Our Lady's fingers, and they look like all the colors of the rainbow. They're so beautiful! Oh! Oh, they are just beautiful!

     Our Lady nowI can't see Her face, the light is so bright. Oh, it's so beautiful! Now it's getting a little windy, because Our Lady is nowHer skirt is blowing and Her mantle is blowing. Oh, but the ... oh, the slivers of what look like cut glass are still falling from the sky. Oh! Beautiful!

     Now Our Lady is motioning over. Oh.

     Our Lady - "You may now sit, My child, and await My Son."


     Veronica - All who are able, please kneel. Jesus is coming down. Oh, He's so beautiful! He hasn't any sandals on His feet. He doesn't look cold, either. Oh, Jesus has on a deep burgundy color robe, and He has a long white gown. And the light is so beautiful, itI can't explain it. It makes you feel so warm and so ... just wonderful! Oh, now Jesus is smiling. Oh, His beard looks a little longer than when I saw Him the last time. And oh, Jesus has His hair very nicely combed. It's a reddish brown. And now I can see the belt. It's like a piece of rope Jesus has around His gown. And it's tied at the center, because His gown is very full. It's likeit's not a ... well, it's a white, but sort of an off-color white, sort of like a linen-looking gown.

     And now Jesus is coming over, and He's shifting the cloak onto His left hand. And now He's touching His lips. Oh, He means for me to listen.

     Jesus - "Repeat after Me, My child.

     "The warning being given to the world by My Mother must be acted upon. You will continue upon your mission of recovery of Our sheep with perseverance and fortitude. You must pray always for the light.

     "Your pilgrimage upon earth, My children, will not be without trial. The road is filled with thorns, but at the end of your pilgrimage you will be in a garden of roses.

     "The warning being given by My Mother must be acted upon, I repeat, because the remaining time is counted. The Eternal Father has watched your actions, the actions of those who are entrusted by the Father with Our sheep, and He has found many wanting. You are being admonished before you will be chastised. Heed the warning being given to you now.

     "You must, in the time given to you, make a complete reversal of your ways that offend the Father much. You'll do this not for mankind in his earthly life, but for the salvation of souls. Awaken from your slumber! Leaders, you have fallen asleep. You have been lulled into darkness because you have given yourselves to the pleasures of the flesh. As leaders of Our sheep, My clergy, do not be misled by your modernist and your humanist. You are being led into the darkness. A deep darkness covers your world. You will know the hand of the Father upon you! As day goes into night and the sun will set, you will know the hand of the Father upon you.

     "I do not give you this warning to place fear in your heart but to bring to you a fact, for your future is now. What was to happen in the future shall be now! It is for all of you to help change this by sending out with great haste the Message from Heaven. The day and the hour is known to the Eternal Father. Make no mistake in being misled in fallacy that you may sin and offend the Eternal Father without punishment. As you sow, so shall you reap. And as of now, My children, you are reaping a whirlwind!"

     Veronica - Now Jesus is moving overHe's going over onto the left side of the flagpole. Now He's placing His hand out in front of Him, and He's making the sign of the cross.

     Now Jesus is bending over.

     Jesus - "I bless you, My children, as the Father blesses you in the Spirit. Know that nothing is impossible with the Father. Ask and you shall receive. Believe and you will be given the way. None will be lost to satan unless he goes with him in his own will."

     Veronica - Now Jesus is extending His hand out: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Oh!

    And now Our Lady is coming up behind Jesus. Oh, Our Lady looks quite tiny next to Jesus. He looks so tall. And now They're both going over to the right side of the flagpole. And Jesus is placing His hand out now and looking down. He's coming forward now. Oh, and He's bending down. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now Our Lady is raising Her crucifix on Her Rosary, and extending it down and out. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

     [At this moment a man in the rear began to shout, and the people began praying more fervently to quiet the disturbance.]

     Jesus - "My child, satan knows that his time grows short. You will chase him out with a vigil of prayer. Go forward upon your mission. I repeat, his time grows short."




The start of the Third World War...

March 29, 1975

Eve of Easter Sunday


     Veronica - ... just above the flag. And now the sky is opening up around the cluster of light, and there's a beautiful white stream of light coming out of the circular blue lights. Oh! Oh, the light that we see is coming from Our Lady's hands. Our Lady is coming right through the circlet of blue light. Oh!

     Oh, Our Lady is dressed in a ... oh, a white, She has a white over-scarf. Oh, SheOur Lady is dressed differently than She has been before. She has a long white cape, but above Her head is a white over-scarf. And Our Lady's gown is a pure white with a blue sash about Her waist. Very beautiful!

     Our Lady is talking very softly. Her voice is very low.

     Our Lady - "My child, you will repeat the message I gave you yesterday. It is in poetical form, but it is a message.    

     The end is not as far as you can see;
     Already there is apostasy.
     Man cast his lot and gathered the coal
     That stokes the fire to burn the souls.
     Your days are numbered, your hours are few;
     So work and pray and try to do
     The work that's given in the light
     Until that sad day when all is night.    

     "You understand, My child, the great warning that I have given recently to the world. Without the counted number of conversions by the Father, without prayers, sacrifice and much atonement, which is sorely needed at this time, your world will be engrossed in a third War of such great magnitude, My child, that almost no flesh shall be saved.

     "Already the sins of mankind have set him upon the road to his own destructionfather against son, mother against daughter, brother against sister. Many nations shall disappear from the face of your earth. Is this, My children, what you want? Are you ready to face death? Are you ready to come over the veil and stand before the Eternal Father in judgment? No, I say unto you! Many of you shall never reach the portals of the Father! You shall be cast into the abyss!

     "The value upon life has been lowered to an extreme. Man shall murder without consciencebrother against sister, families torn asunder by sin!

     "We have asked for victim souls, victims to give themselves in reparation to the Father.

     "I do not have to repeat, My child, My countless warnings of the errors in your life. There are great delusions being set upon mankind by satan. Your schools, your way of life, has been steeped in sin. Turn back, My children, from your present course of destruction!

     "My child, you will continue upon your mission with perseverance. Know that you must face fear and it will disappear. No man is above the Eternal Father. Every hair on your head has been counted. 

Many mothers shall lose sons

     "Many mothers shall face in the world calamity the loss of their sons. Many shall truly join Me upon the cross."

     Veronica - I see ... it looks like a large field. Oh, it's like a countryside, because there are mountains. And I am looking down now upon a river. Oh, no, it's more like a lake, because I can see all the foliage and the trees around it. But down now over in the woods there are many, many crossescrosses white-washed, painted white.

     Now I am looking down. And now I'm walking among these crosses, and they do not have names upon the crosses.

     Our Lady - "My child, look and weep with Me, for you are witnessing the total destruction that will come upon mankind in the great War, your Third World War. So many will die, My child, that there will not be time to mark the graves.

     "Mothers shall long to see and know where their sons lie, but to no avail. This comfort shall not be given to them, so great will be the loss of life. Can you not turn back now and beg the forgiveness of the Eternal Father before it is too late? Are you so blind to the truth, My children, that you do not see the road you are traveling on?

     "Satan has set his plan well among you, My children. He has placed his agents in all the medias of your life. Your children are the victims of these agents. Only you as parents, leaders, and teachers, can restore the balance with the Father. You are now bargaining with the human soul. Many shall fall into the abyss.

     "You must shout from the rooftops, My child, the existence of hell, the knowledge of which satan seeks to take from you. There is a hell, a place of torment and eternal damnation. There is a purgatory, a place of purging, My childsuffering great as in the abyss, but with the knowledge of a reprieve in time to come. It is a bleak longing of the spirit to look upon the Father. Know, My child, this longing of the heart in the fires is of great magnitude encompassing the being of the waiting soul. Should I allow you, My child, to witness and feel this longing you would not remain in your earthly body.

     "I have asked you to pray for your world leaders. Many are selling their souls to get to the head. However, My children, even they can be turned back from their darkness with your prayers.

     "Remember, My child, My words of caution to you. Beware of an evil force that surrounds a shrine of purity. They will try to stop you with all cunning and deception, so heed the warning of the archangels. They wish to protect you. Pray for the light, My child.

     "I have asked you, My child, to refrain from any action that would cast disparaging views upon your work. It will not be necessary to force yourselves upon My sacred grounds. I assure you, My child, when the time is right, I will place you back on the grounds. You do not understand the ways of the Father. No evil is ever triumphant. The Father will turn all evil to good.

     "You ask, My child, if I had full knowledge of My Son's rising. Oh, yes, My child, I did have this knowledge. However, it did not ease the pain in My heart. I, too, was in a human body. Know, My child, a mother is never free of this sorrow of heart.

     "At the end of penance is a great joy. Man has forgotten and closed his heart to the value of suffering. The Father, the Eternal Father and your God, allows you to suffer for reason. It is the purification of your soul.

     "Your city, My child, shall be cleansed by trial, as will the cities of your world.

     "Man has set himself on a road steeping his soul in darkness of spirit. Charity has grown cold. Aberrations of the body are accepted as normal when they are abnormal. Man is practicing all the vile corruption set upon your world by satan! Unless mankind makes a reversal of his present course, there will be no recourse by the Eternal Father than to allow you to use the instruments of destruction you have created to destroy you.

     "Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer.

     "For countless earth-years, My child, My voice has cried a similar message of prayer, atonement, and sacrifice, to fall upon deafened ears and hardened hearts. Shall you ask for the Father to send the Chastisement upon you? Awaken, My children, from your slumber!

     "My child, you must find more time for quiet meditation. Do not be concerned of the opinion of mankind. I have asked My children to retire from this world of yours that has been given to satan.

     "Your sacramentals shall give you courage in the face of adversity. Know that all will be tried as mettle in the fire. 


Great War to come suddenly

     "Yes, My child, this great War will come upon you suddenly. Wars, My children, are a punishment for the sins of mankind.

     "Must We send upon you trial and adversity, My children, before you will come to My Son at the tabernacles of the world?

     "You must gather, My child, all of the peoples of earth. Bring them here to pray as a solid wall against the darkness. You hold the balance to hold back this darkness, My child. 

Give outward good example

     "We ask now, My children, for a full dedication to the cause of Heaven. You must give all outward good example of your mission. Women must clothe themselves in modesty and good works. Men shall not wear clothes immodest. You will find it better to spend more of your moneys for loose-fitting clothes, My children. The means will be given to you.

     "Do not be concerned of the knowledge of the world. Do not concern yourselves, My children, of the acceptance of mankind in your world. I have given you the knowledge in the past that in order to follow the narrow road to Heaven, you must be different. You cannot be of your world, earth, and in the spirit. One or the other you must choose. The world of the spirit has nothing in common with the world of man. For satan is directing the course and actions of mankind, for he does not call to the Holy Spirit to guide him.

     "Sad to say, My child, only a few will be counted in the final count. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. This agent celestial that will be used by the Father is already on its course to your earth.

     "Scientists are ever learning but never finding the truth, My child.

     "You are confounded and deluded, My child, by not recognizing the faces of evil among you. The habit of the cleric has often been soiled because of intellectual pride, My child. Know now that intellectual pride is a far greater barrier against sanctity, will hinder you from the path of sanctity faster, My children, than outright licentiousness and evil. Intellectual pride is the downfall of many. Pride, My children, is a sin.

     "In order to reach the Kingdom of the Father, you must divest yourself, remove all pride and worldly searching. You must become as confident, as trusting as a child. Know that all is yours for the asking. Believe and you will be given the way. My Son in the Eucharist is always with you to strengthen you.

     "You will pray, My children, for your hierarchy. They, too, will be tried. And sadly, many are found wanting at this time. Pray much for them, My children. 

One to sow great discord and division

     "Your Holy Father, Paul, Pope Paul VI, is under great trial. Pray that he is not removed from among you, for there is one waiting to replace him who shall sow great discord and division in My Son's House. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer, My children.

     "You must make it known that My children must accept their angels as guardians. The power given to them by the Eternal Father is great.

     "Satan shall do full battle to the children of God. He knows that his time is growing short."

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is goingbacking up. She's floating, just moving back. And I can see now Our Lady's feet. Oh, She has on a pair of sandals, but they are a one-strap sandal, only going by Her toes. The sandal is a brown skin-like shoe, sandal, and there is aon the edge of the sandal, on the outer rim, there's a golden rose. I know it's golden because it's so beautiful that the light is catching it. And oh, it's very pretty.

     Now Our Lady is moving over to the right side, oh, just beyond the flag. And Our Lady is extending Her Rosary. She has a large white Rosary, and the Father on it is golden and the Mary beads areoh, they're a pink, glowing ... oh, a soft pink color as Our Lady's turning now. And She's extending the crucifix out, like this, from Her Rosary and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Our Lady - "Remember, My child, you must bring all peoples to pray. No man shall escape the great War when it is upon you. Pray a constant vigilance, My children."

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is looking upward and She's pointing out with Her hand, like that. And there is Michael! Oh, Michael, and there are six or seven other angels with him. And now Michael is frowning, and he's talking. Oh, it's very, very loud!

     St. Michael - "Children of God, stand fast in your Faith. Be a good example to your children, for when they will leave you, you will not wonder what fate they have received beyond the veil. Prepare your children's souls well. Do not expect the teachers of your schools, your government, and institutions to give the truth to your children. This, as parents, you must do."

     Veronica - Now Michael is pointing his spear downward. He has a very long spear, and he's pointing downward. And, and I notice nowit's strange, but he's pointing the spear down, and there are drops of blood coming down from his spear, downward.

     And now Michael is looking up, and he's gazing across the crowd. And he says:

     St. Michael - "Blood shall flow in the streets, my children. Abominations upon abominations reaching into the hearts of mankind, destroying the souls.

     "I shall be entered into the houses of your God, or you shall not have a full protection against the forces of evil that are raging now throughout your world."

     Veronica - Oh, now Michael is going up with Our Lady. They're moving over to the center of the sky, and Our Lady now is looking down sadly. And I see She's pointing now to what looks like a map. Oh, my!

     Now as I am watchingit's a map of ... oh, I can see Jerusalem, and Egypt, Arabia, French Morocco, Africa. Oh, my goodness! There seems to be a very dense darkness now settling upon those countries. Oh, my!

     And Our Lady is saying:

     Our Lady - "The start of the Third World War, My child.

     "You must hasten to send My message of warning throughout the world. Much help will be given you in this mission, so continue, My child, in your work. You will be strengthened by My Son."

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is placing Her hand with the Rosary right in front of Her. Oh, it is so beautiful!  Oh, and Our Lady is making the sign of the cross. Oh! In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Oh!

     Our Lady - "Remember, My child, proceed on your mission without fear. You shall not be removed from your work until the Eternal Father sees that it will be necessary."

     Veronica - "Yes."

     Our Lady - "I will continue to communicate with My children by using the photographs. Much will be given in secret to them. It is a grace that can only be given for those in the light. All others will look and find nothing.

     "The Father has a plan for the work ahead, My child. It will appear before your very eyes, so continue on your mission, knowing that the eventual victory is with My Son. His return will not be long in coming. 

Do not accept false christs

     "Remember, My children, My Son shall return only in the manner in which He ascended. He will descend to earth and all will see Him. Do not accept the false christs who will be sent among you. They are agents of hell! Turn from them! Flee from them! You will know them by their fruits, My children. I tell you this: you shall not be kept in darkness. By their fruits will they be known.

     "Pray a constant vigilance of prayer. Wear your sacramentals, for they have been given to you for reason. Pray for those who scoff at these graces, for they do not know what they are doing. Pray for them, My child, that they may be given the light, for they have given themselves to the ways of the world, caring more for the plaudits of man than for the promise of the Eternal Father. They will gain all that satan has to offer in your world, but will come across the veil with no meritonly to find their eternal reward in the abyss.

     "Yes, My child, you will feel faint at the knowledge of the existence of hell. Better that mankind has fear of the Eternal Father if he does not have love! For now many are in a void of spirit. They neither know their God, nor do they care to know their God.

     "Why, My child, you ask, has this state come about? Because mankind refuses, My child, to humble himself. He must be above his brother! Pride! Intellectual pride shall destroy many, even in the houses of God. Pray, My child, for many are called but few are chosen."

     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

     Our Lady - "You may now, My child, be seated."


     Veronica - All who are able, please kneel.

     Now Jesus is coming forward. He's been standing over on the left side, our left side, just beyond the light. And now He's coming forward.

     It's quite windy. And Jesus has onoh, He has no shoes; His feet are bare. And He's just gliding forward. He hasn't moved His feet; He seems to just be carried on the air.

     Oh, and now Jesus is placing His hands out in front of Him, like this. Oh, and I can see the marks on Jesus' hands. Oh!

     Jesus - "You see, My child, the fruits of man's sin!

     "As I look upon your world, I live anew My passion and My suffering. I look upon your world, and I am forced to say: Has My Sacrifice been in vain?

     "Always in the past the Father has sent upon your world a just punishment. The Father has created, and the Father will take away. From your world, many souls will be removed. 

One left, one taken

     "He will be plowing in the field together as brothers: one will remain and the other will be taken. Mother and daughter sitting at the spindle: one will be taken and one will remain.

     "Many shall be removed before the great flame of the Ball of Redemption cuts across your world. The sins of mankind have hastened this trial upon you. All who remain in the light will have nothing to fear. Believe and you will be given the way.

     "My Mother has come to you as a Mediatrix. Her voice has gone throughout your world. Many have rejected Her words, and those who accept them will be saved. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. You will keep a constant vigilance of prayer.

     "We have asked Our clergy to return to their lives of prayer. They will gain nothing by joining the world, nothing but the destruction of souls and misleading Our sheep. Awaken from your slumber, shepherds! Do not cast aside, in your pride, the warning from Heaven. You, too, will stand in judgment!"

     Veronica - Now Jesus is placing His hand out like this, in front of Him. And He's looking down now. He's smiling.

     Jesus - "It will not be necessary to remove the sacramentals from your covering, bags. I can see into them."

     Veronica - Now Jesus is raising His hand like this, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now Jesus is going overHe's going past the flag now. And oh, Our Lady is coming down beside Him. And now Jesus is bending over, and He has His hand in front of Him, like this.

     Oh, He's shifting now His cloak. It seems quite heavy, Jesus' cloak. It's a burgundy color. And He's shifting it onto His left arm. And He's placing now His hand in front of Him, like this: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now Jesus is going over, He's floating over, over past the flagpole. Now I can see ... oh, and Our Lady is now following Him. Our Lady looks a goodoh, at least a foot shorter than Jesus. Maybe it's the way She's standing behind Him. But now He's coming downJesus is coming down right over, just over the trees, and He's placing His hand out, like this: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now He's rising.

     Jesus - "Listen well, My child, and repeat after Me.

     "The world and its people have received one of its final warnings. The balance is heavily to the left. The peak of iniquity has put a sad fate upon mankind.

     "You will keep a constant vigilance of prayer in your homes and in your public life.

     "We demand, the Father commands public atonement! The scale must be balanced, for unless you achieve this by your sacrifice and acts of penance, you will receive a judgment far more severe than mankind has ever been set upon in the history of your creation!

     "Prayer, atonement, sacrifice! This is far little to ask of you as We view the abominations and the destruction of souls daily upon your earth! Sin has become a way of life! Sin is death!"

     Veronica - Now Jesus is placing His hand out in front of Him, and He's making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

     Jesus - "You, My child, will continue with your mission. You will be given much help. The time is truly growing short.

     "Watch and pray for the light. Do not forget your guardians. The archangels have been sent to help you in your mission. Call upon them often."

     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

     Now Jesus is nodding. Oh, we may stand and continue with the prayers of atonement.

     In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.




"Mant mitres will fall into Hell"

April 5, 1975
Eve of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary    

     [A large, jeering crowd of protesters was gathered around the grounds this evening, and was creating a great disturbance. The shouting and noise continued throughout the vigil.]

     Our Lady - "My child, continue with calm of spirit. You have been allowed to witness the re-crucifixion of My Son. Know now that I, too, was set upon, but did not fear this overwhelming majority.

     "... raining teardrops from Heaven, My child. The forces of evil have accelerated. Pray for all men of sin. It is with great pity that you must open your hearts to them. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. Satan has blinded many to the truth, My child. Continue with your prayers of atonement."

     Veronica - Our Lady is standing in the center.

     Our Lady - "Peace, My childhave peace, My child, in your heart. You have been allowed to carry the cross. It is a measure, a small measure of the atonement needed to hold back the Warning and the Chastisement.

     "If you were not successful in gathering the souls with My Message from Heaven, this confrontation would not have taken place. Be assured the count is great in Heaven at this time, but many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption.

     "Continue, My child, the prayers with great ease. None will perish, I assure you. There is nothing to fear. Chase fear; face it, My child, and it will disappear. 

Companionable spirits

      "The crowds, My child, were far greater when they placed My Son upon the tree. You well understand, My child, how I felt at that time. Experience, My child, will make us companionable spirits. The Father has not allowed this for reason that human beings in their human nature would be able to understand, My child. In due time you will understand the reason.

     "If your country and the peoples of your country and the world had not gone into darkness they would be joining you in prayer. But so deep is the darkness of the spirit in your country and the world! It truly rains teardrops from Heaven, My child.

     "Continue with your prayers of atonement. They have great power to balance the scales, which lean heavily to the left. When the peak of iniquity has been reached, My child, the great Chastisement will fall upon mankind. Shout My message through the rooftops, My child. The time is growing short. The great Warning is approaching. 


Riots in the streets

     "This situation would not have occurred if satan had not entered upon the medias of your life. The corruption within your homes, the corruption within your schools, the laxity of parents in guarding the lives, the souls of their childrenall this has come about because of the sins of mankind. Riots in your streets will become commonplace, My children, when the enemies of God bring about your complete fall. Only prayer, sacrifice, and atonement can save you, My children.

     "I have wandered throughout the world bringing this Message from Heaven to mankind. The Father has counted and found you lacking.

     "Know that a great Warning will be sent upon mankind. All who remain in the light of grace will have no fear. They will pass through this great Warning without suffering. I cannot promise you that none will die in this great Warning, My child, for there will be death. Prepare now, for this is just a small measure, My children, of what you will have soon. 

Red flag over convents and churches

     "This scene, this diabolical quandary, My child, is spreading throughout your world. Blood shall flow in the streets of all nations. The red flag shall rise over many convents and the houses of My Son. All that is rotten will fall! A House in darkness wears a band of death about it. A Church in darkness, My child, wears a band of death about it. Pray for your clergy, for many mitres will fall into hell.

     "Yes, My child, many mitres will fall into hell because too few pray for them. Their graces must also be merited, My child. Man finds his destiny with his own free will.

     "You ask for a miracle, My child? My Son performed many miracles in His lifetime upon earth. Many turned from Him, many denied Him in the face of these miracles.

     "The Father, the Eternal Father, My child, is in full control of the world. Satan rages throughout your world but for a short duration.

     "Guide My sheep, My clergy; guide them in the time left to you. Return them to the fold; they are straying. 

No third reprieve

     "The merciful heart of the Eternal Father has given you two reprieves in the past, My children. The third reprieve shall not be given. Know, My child, that the Warning will come upon you soon.

     "Yes, My child, there is nothing to fear. Many have been misdirected and misled. They are following like sheep to the slaughter. We will remove the evil one from among you soon. He has done his work well for satan, My child. Know that no evil is ever triumphant. The Father, the Eternal Father, turns all evil to good. He will use your discomfort, the Eternal Father, and guide it into channels for the salvation of souls. Your sufferings are not wasted, My children. Bear with Us for the salvation of souls.

     "Continue now with your prayers of atonement. Persevere, for the hours of prayer shall release many from purgatory."

     Veronica - Our Lady is coming forward. She's coming across the fence. Oh, Our Lady looks beautiful! She has about Her a blue cape, and the coloring of the cape is catching in the light, making the whole sky around Her a most beautiful deep blue.

     Our Lady is standing with both of Her hands out. Her palms are showing, and in each hand She is holding a rose, a most beautiful red rose. Now Our Lady is taking the rose in Her right hand and throwing it forward.

     Our Lady - "Graces, My child and My children, graces in abundance for the asking: graces for cures and conversion. 

Waters to erupt suddenly

     "Yes, My child, the waters will erupt suddenly. However, you must be cautious that they do not try to still the flow by capping the waters.

     "I repeat, My child, there would not be opposition if you were not succeeding in bringing the sheep back to Us. Continue upon your mission with confidence and perseverance, My child. The means to accomplish this shall be sent to you.

     "Satan knows that his time grows short. He will give you great battle, My child. Bar your doors to all but your immediate family and friends. Retire into a life of more prayer, My child. You will find it restful to your body.

     "Satan never sleeps, My child. He has many agents now upon the grounds, My child. I have often cautioned you to remember the message from My Son: Beware of an evil force that surrounds a shrine of purity. They will try to stop you with all cunning and deception, My child, so heed the warning of the archangels. They wish to protect you. Pray for the light. Call upon your angel guardians often, My child. They have been given to you for reason.

     "Pray for those who calumniate you, My child, for even they can be returned to the light.

     "The children are the true victims of their elders. The example given to them is poor. Many children shall be removed from the world, My child. It will be necessary for the salvation of their souls. It will be a great plague.

     "Remember, My child, they turned away and did not listen to the message of the prophets of old. Nineveh fell, Sodom and Gomorrha, and so will your country and your city. I place upon you the word 'if,' My child. This 'if' can only be used for a short time, for the time allotted to mankind to make redemption to the Father is short. 

Plague in Rome and England

     "Have great pity, My children, My child, for the souls that will be lost. In the holy city of Rome and in the country on the sea there will be a plague. In the country on the waters of England there will be a plague.

     "The Third World War shall start soon, My child, and claim many lives. Many countries shall disappear from the surface of your earth. Wars are a punishment for man's sins, My child.

     "The Father chastises those He loves. Pray, pray much. Make many sacrifices, and your tears shall be not one of sorrow but of comfort, knowing that your family and your children have been saved. Many parents shall shed tears of bitter misery, but too late, too late, My children.

     "Pray for the clergy in your parish, My child. The Father has set now"

     Veronica - Oh, my goodness! [Veronica is shown a vision concerning the clergy in her parish.]

     Our Lady - "Yes, My child, now that you know, you will pray for them. Blindness of the spirit, darkness of the soul, is death, My child.

     "The photographs given to you have been given for reason. Study them carefully, and you will find the present and the future within them.

     "You cannot place this message, My child, upon your tape. [Veronica receives a secret message from Our Lady.]

     "You will receive a complete fact in your next photograph, My child. This will be the proof that you want. Continue now, My child, with the prayers of atonement. They are sorely needed now." 


     Veronica - Padre Pio is present with us now. He is speaking in a tongue I don't understand. I know it must be Italian. I don't understand. Now I hear the words being repeated:

     Padre Pio - "My spiritual children, you must unite in a common cause.

     "Your world shall be chastised soon. Many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. You have been given an extension of time to gather the souls, my children. Do not expect to follow my road and the road of the Savior without suffering. It is truly the way of the cross.

     "Use more time in daily prayer. Not enough pray, my children.

     "Place more attention upon the Holy Sacrifice. It is being celebrated in a manner that is not approved of by the Eternal Father. Take the time to honor your God with your heart. My brothers and sisters, the Holy Sacrifice cannot be done in thirty minutes, or even in sixty minutes, properly. There is no time in Heaven, and you shall not place a time upon the Holy Sacrifice on your earth."

     Veronica - Oh, he's, he's alsothe good Father, Padre, has injuries on his hands, too. He's holding them up now, but he's smiling.

     Oh, I can see him so clearly. He's much clearer; even the light is not so bright that I can't see his face. He has grayish, dark hair with gray, mostly gray, and a nice beard. And he has a very sweet smile. Oh!

     Padre Pio - "Receive your Savior often, My child, and you will be comforted."

     Veronica - And now he's placing his hand out, and he's making the sign of the cross.

     "Thank you, Reverend Father, Padre."

     Now the sky is closing up. I can't see him anymore. And it's very cloudy. But Our Lady now is coming down over by the right side of the sky, near the tree.

     Our Lady - "You see, My child, all suffering shall be used for the salvation of souls. None enter into the Kingdom except by the way of the cross. The road to Heaven is filled with thorns, but at the end of the road, My child, you will receive a very large bouquet of roses."

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is extending Her Rosary, the very large white Rosary with the golden Our Father, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

     Our Lady - "Continue, My child, with your prayers."


     Veronica - Oh, Jesus is placing His hands out in front of Him, and He's pointing now to His heart on His chest.

     Jesus - "My child, now you will understand what We have been observing throughout your worldman's inhumanity to his brother.

     "I have asked you to come here. My Mother has come to you as a Mediatrix between God and man. She has spared no effort to reach you with the Message from the Eternal Father.

     "Know that the graces are counted for the coming Warning and the great Chastisement. Layman and clergy shall stand before the Father in judgment.

     "Know, My child, that you have gained many graces with your sacrifices. And My children, you are children of the light; therefore, you have nothing in common with the darkness. The forces of evil surround the sacred grounds, and satan does battle with Our children.

     "You will repair to your home, My child, and cooperate with your director.

     "The prayers that will not be given to these soulstears shall flow from their hearts, for the time is not long in coming for the great Warning. After that, My child, I can assure you they will come also upon their knees.

     "Amen, amen, I say to you, no evil is ever triumphant. Pray for them, My child. Hold no malice in your heart, for if you know their future, you would surely cry for them.

     "Continue until you leave, My child, these grounds for the present.

     "Know that no one shall escape the flame of the Ball of Redemption.

     "You will continue on your mission with perseverance, My child, and confidence. Satan has a loud mouth, but he has a shallow future."

     Veronica - Now Jesus is raising His hand above His headoh! Oh! Oh, He's blessing us with the sign of the cross.

     Jesus - "No, My child, a miracle shall not be given to this generation at this time. You understand the Father has a plan.

     "The message given to you in secret, My child, must not be revealed at this time."

     Veronica - And now Jesus is raising His hand above His head: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.




"As a voice-box for Heaven your obedience is  often tested"

May 7, 1975
Eve of the Ascension of Our Lord      


     [Veronica was warned through a photograph not to attend the vigil that evening, as there was a plan to have her shot. Therefore, she remained at home.

     A large, noisy mob had been assembled at the sacred grounds in an attempt to disrupt the vigil. Many stout-hearted pilgrims, however, remained the whole evening to pray with great fervor. The Shrine has a tape recording of some of the shouting and disruptive tactics of the crowd that evening. The sky that night was bright with a pink-colored glow.] 

     Jesus appeared to Veronica in her apartment and gave her the following message:

     Jesus - "You must understand, My child, that there is a test for obedience in the plan from Heaven. My Mother is standing as guardian over Her flowers, My child. As a voice-box for Heaven your obedience is often tested, My child. It is well that you did not disregard the message in photograph given to you this evening.

     "You must understand, My child, that We are fully aware of the plan of satan. We can direct you sometimes in photographs. We ask you to read them and study them well, in the past and in the future. We can give you this direction, My child, but you must not act of your own free will, but you will pray and read the photographs.

     "We chose that you remain, for your work must not be finished by violence.

     "You ask, My child, an explanation. This will not be given to you, for there are many things of the plan of the Father that you in your human nature would be unable to understand. Have no fear. My Mother stands as guardian over Her garden of souls.

     "I have allowed this test and trial, My child, for there will be a time soon when those who have given themselves as followers of the light from Heaven, they must accept responsibility and leadership, working with great haste for the establishment of a center of atonement.

     "My Mother will always be there for those who come seeking Her.“




New York to be struck down...

May 17, 1975
Vigil of Pentecost 

     Our Lady - “My child, I am coming a short distance to be with you.  My sacred grounds have been visited by many throughout this day. 


Millions will come

     “My heart is truly grieved that We must wait a short time before the millions of people will come by and accept the graces being given by the Eternal Father to many.

     “No, My child, it is not the will of the Father to go to the park. It is the will of satan, the father of all liars, who will dispense with you by sending you to the park, My children. Be patient; pray with perseverance. The Eternal Father has a plan. Your discomfort, your sufferings, will bring many to the Kingdom of the Father Eternal.

     “My child, We allowed you to suffer the cross of illness because you did not read your photographs well. We have asked you not to place yourself in a position to be on public view excessively. We have cautioned you to retire to a life of prayer and meditation.

     “We do not wish you to set about yourself defending your motives, My child. The truth will speak for itself as a fact. You will pray much for your clergy.

     “There will soon come upon you a great day of grace. As it was in My day upon earth, My child, so it will dawn a day of great grace to mankind.

     “The Eternal Father sends the Holy Spirit upon you all.

     “My child, you will meet with great opposition; you are meeting with great opposition from Our clergy, but do not take it upon yourself to judge who has fallen by the wayside. You will give the Message from Heaven to all.

     “I repeat a simple lesson, My child, to you. Do not expect nor accept your reward upon earth, for then your reward will be great in Heaven with the Father Eternal. Be light of heart, My child; proceed with perseverance, courage, and fortitude. This the Eternal Father sends to you on this great day. 

Satan seeks to stop prayers

     “You will well understand the value of prayer in the days ahead. Know that satan seeks to stop the prayers. Prayer is your greatest weapon, My children, now against the forces of evil that are set upon you.

     “My child, Veronica, you will make it known to Our children upon earth the value of prayer in the beads of prayer, your Rosary. Know that mankind must carry these beads individually and as a group. It is an act of penance to all.

     “Mankind uses the word ‘indulgence,’ My child. We call this ‘grace.’ Your prayers are powerful, My child, more so than you can ever understand. They will be gathered and used to release the suffering souls in purgatory. They will be gathered and used to bring many from this place of waiting into the eternal joys of the Kingdom of the Father.

     “Your journey upon earth is but of a short time for all. Every man shall be tested. The word of God the Father is eternal and will go throughout the world; and sadly, My child, we are heading to a great climax.”

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is coming over by the tree. Oh, I’m so happy!

     Our Lady - “My child, did you not think that I would abandon you in your trials? Yes, I am always on the sacred grounds in the will of the Father, but I shall not abandon you. For I know that a fence has been set upon you as a test, a test of perseverance and fortitude.

     “My Son has you all, My children, in His heart. Your tears, your pleas, and even your joy does not go by unnoticed by the Eternal Father, My Son, and the Spirit.”

     Veronica - Our Lady wants me to explain. She said the Spirit is the Holy Spirit.

     Our Lady - “My child, make it known againI repeat Myself, for We have not finished Our work upon earth, My childmake it known to mankind that there is much error set upon them, a great delusion in teaching the children. The children, My child, must be gathered.

     “We find the children and those entering into their adulthood falling away from the truth, My child. Please, won’t you help Us gather Our little sheep?

     “As time goes on, My child, you will find the metal scarce to make the beads of prayer. I have instructed you to place the strands of cloth and strands of string, as you call it, My child, together and you can fashion a wonderful beads of prayer. You will take the bead between your fingers, My child, and knot the pieces of string to form another.”

     Veronica - Our Lady now is holding about three sections of what looks like stringI guess you’d call it string, or ropeand Our Lady now is twisting the three into a rope-like form. And now Our Lady is smiling. She’s very happy making this Rosary for us. Oh, now Our Lady is placing them across Her left finger, the strings already joined together, and She’s tying them in a bow-like fashion and pulling it taut, and it does make a beautiful little pearl-like bead. Oh!

     Now Our Lady is talking very softly. I can barely hear Her words.

     Our Lady - “My child, you will repeat this ten times, and then double your bead to make one in honor of the Father.”

     Veronica - Oh, Our Lady means the Our Father bead.

     Our Lady - “You will make this by joining the cloths doubly together in a knot. You see, My child, you can even use your fingers in an emergency when you do not have the materials to pray.

     “It is not a prayer of repetition without meaning, Our Rosary, My children. It is a prayer that as you pray you will be surrounded by an aura of peace and holiness. You will find yourself coming closer to the Eternal Father in spirit.

     “Pray many Rosaries, My children. In your charity, gather them for the poor souls who have not learned of Our beads of prayer. Yes, My child, there are many who do not know of the beads of prayer. Won’t you, in your charity, send them throughout the earth?    


Message to be met with force

     “Man, in his arrogance, My child, will reject much of the Message from Heaven. In his blindness of spirit, in the deep darkness that has been set upon earth’s children, they will reject this message because they will meet it with force. And why, My child? Because they do not wish to change, preferring the ways of the world and the modes of mankind. O My children, how much longer will the Father give you to rescue your souls?

     “My children, go to your pastors, the shepherds of Our flock. Tell them that your Mother from Heaven cries tears. It truly rains teardrops from Heaven! Tell them, My childrenbe messengers of the Eternal Fatherthat a great Warning will soon come upon mankind, and if mankind does not change, there will be death, death prevailing upon your earth. Many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption, My child.

     “You cannot expect, My child, your road to be not filled with thorns. It is truly the way of the cross. Pick up your cross, My children; pick them up and carry them for My Son, and your reward will be great with the Eternal Father.

     “Pray a constant vigilance of prayer, My children. Prayer is your greatest weapon against the forces of darkness, the forces of evil. Have pity upon your brothers and sisters who have fallen into the darkness.”

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is coming down to the tree. Oh, She has such beautiful little slippers upon Her feet. Oh, Our Lady is dressed all in white, and She has two long strands of golden trim, a braid-like trim, around Her cloak. And Her cloak falls from Her head down to the tips of Her beautiful little slippers. They’re not a sandal-like now; they look like white slippers with a very small roseI would call it a rosetteupon each slipper toe.

     Our Lady is carrying Her beautiful large white Rosary, the white beads with the golden Our Father. Oh, it’s the most beautiful Rosary I have ever seen, the colors, as Our Lady is turning now. She’s smiling and looking down.

     Now Our Lady is looking over to our left side. She does look very sad. I guess Our Lady can see something. Oh, yes, Our Lady is pointing down. And She’s now taking Her Rosary and taking Her crucifix, the cross, the golden, beautiful golden cross, and making the sign of the cross upon the peoples.

     Now Our Lady is moving back. She’s just floating. Oh, Our Lady can moveShe doesn’t have to walk; She’s just carried right back as though She was being carried by the wind. And Saint Michaeloh, I see Michael! He is so big; he’s truly a warrior of Heaven and a guardian for Our Lady.

     Now Michael is bending over, and his voice is booming so loud thatoh, my ears feel like they’re going to burst!

     St. Michael - “My child, I am not but a guardian of the Father, the eternal Kingdom, and the Queen of Heaven, but I am also a guardian of the children upon earth. I am the guardian of the houses throughout the world, of Godthe churches, My childbut many have forgotten this.”

     Veronica - Now Our LadyOur Lady is smiling, and She’s looking down.

     Our Lady - “My child, yes, you must shout it from the rooftops! Michael must be entered into the houses of God throughout the world.”

     Veronica - Now behind Our LadyOur Lady is pointing up to the sky. Oh, and I see so many people coming down now, and they’re standing by Our Lady. Oh, there are men and women and small children. Our Lady is saying:

     Our Lady - “You see, My children, these are the saints in Heaven. They were once among you, and have won their crowns through perseverance, prayer, and sacrifice. Their example should be followed, for they will lead you to the Kingdom of God the Father, the eternal Kingdom of joy, peace, and rewarda reward far beyond all that your human mind could comprehend, My children.

     “Will you bargain away this reward for the few short years, My children, you have upon earth? Satan has set much before you upon earth to entice you to take your soul into the abyss with him. O My poor little children, you are being misled! Evil man has set himself to take the knowledge of the existence of satan from among you.

     “Parentsplease, My children, be a good example to your children! Teach them that there is a Heaven, the eternal Kingdom of God the Father; teach them that there is a purgatory, a sorrowful place of waiting and suffering. However, there is a small joy of knowledge, My child, that one will one day be taken from this place of waiting and suffering to enter spotlessly clean, and their robes washed by My Son, into the Kingdom eternal, forever and ever with the Father Eternal.

     “My child, the way to Heaven, it is not easy. It will be set with frustration, with trial, with suffering. It is truly the way of the cross, My child. Were it otherwise, I would surely tell you so.

     “Your men of great learning upon earth, My child, have risen to the heights of Heaven with their arrogance, their pride, and their satanic diversions. They have risen far beyond what the Father would call a safety line for mankind. As in the days past, man is following the road of the fallen angels. The Eternal Father cannot accept into the Kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven, man who does not repent of his arrogance, his pride, his false teachings, and his sin. No man shall enter the Kingdom of the Father unless he repents of his pride, his arrogance, does penance now while there is time.

     “The abyss is open wide and daily, My children, claiming many young. Who has the responsibility for the fall of these young souls? False teachers! False parents, birthing a child and not following the path of the Eternal Father! 


New York to be struck down

     “Then, parentsyou who resort to murder of your youngdo you think the Father will not strike you down? You shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven unless you repent of your sin of murder. Your city, New York, My child, will be struck down!

     “My child, I am not setting fear into your heart. I feel your trembling. I know your heart, My child, but you are an instrument of the Father, and as such, I depend on you, My child, to transmit to Our children on earth much of what is to happen in the near future.

     “Remember, My child, your guardian Michael has warned you in the past that the future is now! Man has not balanced the scale to the satisfaction of the Eternal Father. He is a God, My child, of mercy. He is patient, ever-suffering, but all will not enter into the Kingdom of the Father.

     “Yes, My child, each time I see a sheep being lost forever to Us I cry until My tears have become tears of blood!

     “I would be willing, as your Mother, to wash you in My blood for your salvation. My Son washed you in His Blood for your salvation. Are there not enough among you to make penance, do penance and sacrifice for your brothers?

     “The few who will remain after the great Chastisement will join My Son in setting up the Kingdom.

     “You are now being separated as sheep from the goats by trial. It is the way of the Father that cannot be understood by man. The world and the spirit are not compatible, My child.

     “Your world, earth and the inhabitants of earth, are now fighting the battle against satan. Your world has been given to satan for a short duration.

     “You alleach individual soul still living upon earth will be given the choice to join the Kingdom of the Father, or surrender himself to satan and the kingdom of the prince of darkness and damnation and sorrow, and forever lost.

     “As We go throughout the world, My children, We see many who are called ‘dead.’ Better that they die in the body and be cleansed of the soul than to live in the body and die in the spirit. What does it befit a man, nor benefit a man, if he gains the riches of the whole world and bargains and gives away his soul to satan?

     “There will be gnashing of teeth, much woe set upon the earth, for satan and his agents are unchained.

     “Make it known, My child, the urgency of your times. You are living now the latter days! Awaken Our sleeping pastors. You are living now the latter days!

     “Have you made your choice already, My pastors? Have you sold your souls to get to the head?”

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is sitting down. Oh, Our Lady is sitting on a rock, and She’s crying. Oh! [Veronica weeps.] Now Our Lady is placing Her hands to Her face, and She’s crying.

     Now Our Lady is looking up, and I

     “I don’t know how ... to ... comfort you, dear Mother.”

     Our Lady - “Accept your suffering, My child, for it is only in suffering that you can join Me as a companionable spirit. It is only in suffering, My child, that you will feel compassion for your brothers and sisters.

     “The time is now, My child, the forces of evil against the forces of light: father against son, mother against daughter, bishop against bishop, and cardinal against cardinal, with satan setting himself among them!

     “Remain in the light! I, My child, bring you with My Son, the light. My Son wishes that I place My mantle of refuge over you all.

     “I promise you, My children, that I will not abandon you in your trial. Your country is entering into a time of great trial and suffering. No man, no woman, no child shall escape this suffering. There will come a time, My child, when prayer shall strengthen you and give you the hope, the faith, and the charity to live in a world that goes into complete darkness of spirit.

     “Know, My child, that as the world rejected My Son when He came with the truth, so will you, My child, be rejected by many. This, My child, is the heavy cross I spoke to you often of.

     “You will find your comfort, My child, in the many who We will send to you to be your arms in this battle. There are lights, candles of truth throughout the world. In various places, in various nations of your world, you will find the candles of light. Join them, My children, for united you will stand, and divided you will fall to the enemies of God. Unite in a constant vigil of prayer, knowing that the eventual victory is with the light and the truth. Though hell and satan will fight against the Kingdom of the Father, he will fall and be cast with his agents into the pit of damnation, fire, and chained to never more tempt Our children and take them into the abyss with him! 


No dates to be given

     “My Son, the Eternal Father, and the Spirit have deemed the time, the places, and the hour for the final battle. No dates will be given to you, My child, to give to the world. Preparednessbe ready at all times, for you do not know the day nor the hour. I have promised that you would not meet your trials without warning or knowledge. Those who have given themselves to the Eternal Father in Heaven in love and dedication will find that they will go through these trials and survive in spirit and body much better, My child, than those who have rejected the light.

     “I want you, My child, to retire as much as possible to a life of prayer, meditation, and penance. You do not have to engross yourself in reading periodicals or worldly reading. The Spirit of truth will be given to you by the Eternal Father.

     “I bless you, My children, with the graces necessary for conversions: cures of the body and spirit, and victory over the forces of evil.”

     Veronica - And now Our Lady is extending Her beautiful golden crucifix of Her Rosary and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     And Our Lady now is opening Her hand. Oh, Our Lady is holding the most beautiful rose. Oh, I have never seen colors like this rose. I can’t describe it. It’s, it’s sort of a fuchsia rose, but it has a gleam about it that would be almost called a golden light coming out of the colors. Oh, it’s just beautiful!

     Our Lady is bending over.

     Our Lady - “My child, you cannot describe it, for it has been made in Heaven.”

     Veronica - Oh!

     Our Lady - “Go forward, My child and My children, in great perseverance. I cannot promise you that you will not be set to trial, but know that no evil is ever triumphant. The Eternal Father will turn all evil to good, and work with this evil to convert an errant and arrogant nation. Pray, My children, mucha constant vigilance of prayer. The Father, the Eternal Father, has a plan for you all.

     “I bless you with the shield of the Immaculate Conception, My children: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

     Veronica - Oh, Blessed Mother! Oh, so beautiful! Our Lady is moving over now to the other side of the tree. Oh!

     Our Lady - “Do not be concerned, My child, that you have this trial of waiting outside the sacred grounds. The day will come when you will be back upon the grounds, but you must now go with the plan of the Eternal Father. Patience, My child.”


     Veronica - Oh, coming down nowoh, there’s Saint Theresa. Oh, now Theresa has onoh, a long gown, you knowa habit. And she has a cord-like belt about her waist with a very large set of Rosary beads, but they’re a black color. They’re very large beads, and dark. And now Theresa is smiling. I don’t understand French. Oh, I can hear now; Theresa is saying:

     St. Theresa - “You see, my child, I did love my simple beads. I did not accept anything that was of worldly nature if I could find a substitute.

     “Poverty! Poverty, my childrenhave you forgotten the need for poverty? There were vows, my children, of piety and poverty. Have they been cast aside now to follow the evil mode of modernism? My dear sisters, the conventsthere are not many of my sisters left!  Why?”

     Our Lady - “Because they do not pray enough, My child.”

     Veronica - Our Lady is joining Saint Theresa. Our Lady said, “They do not pray enough, My child.” It was Our Lady’s voice.

     Now Saint Theresaoh, Theresa is moving over by Our Lady. And now Our Lady is taking her hand. Oh, it’s so nice! Oh, and Theresa is bending over.

     St. Theresa - “Yes, Veronica, my sister, this is our beautiful Mother. And one day you and all who have come to our Mother will join Her in the Kingdom.

     “If you could look beyond the veil, my sisters and my brothers, oh, you would not want to return to earth anymore. There is a joy and beauty far beyond what any human mind could comprehend.

     “I am with you always, Veronica, my sister, because our Mother and our Jesus have sent me to you to work with you to save souls. That is why you will recognize my presence with the roses. 


Errors in teaching must be removed

     “Yes, Our Lady wills that I remain with you for a while, for there is much work to do to outwit satan in his plan to capture the children of the Eternal Father, our brothers and sisters. We must work now, work fast, my sister, to remove the errors in teachingsthe false doctrines of modernism and humanism set upon the hearts and minds of mankind.

     “Many are misled, my sister. But you must come with us and see the great error in teaching of modernism and humanism.”

     Veronica - Now Theresa and Our Lady are moving over, and they’re pointing up into the sky. It’s like watching a movie up there, because I can see now, there are buildings.... Oh, I can see young men walking out of the buildings, so they must be like monasteries or seminaries.

     Now Our Lady is standing over by the door of one and watching as these young men are walking out. And Theresa is now walking over by Our Lady by the door, and she’s turning around. I ... oh, I’m going with them. Oh, I’m right by the door.

     St. Theresa - “Veronica, my sister, look! Look how they are dressing! Would you recognize them as dedicated brothers of the Father Eternal?”

      Veronica - Oh! 


Heresy in the classrooms

     St. Theresa - “And what are they teaching in the classrooms? Oh,  my sister, you must tell the worldall the children of earth, of the Eternal Fatherthat they are teaching heresy! Oh, that’s untruth. Satan is deluding many and poisoning their minds. Heresy, O mournful heresy! Oh!”

     Veronica - Oh, now Theresa is wiping her eyes. Now she’s very upset. 


Sisters now misses of the world

     St. Theresa - “Our sisters do not wear the beautiful garments. Our sisters now paint themselves. Oh, our sisters now curl their hair. They are no longer dedicated to the spirit. They have become no longer the brides of Christ but the misses of the world!

     “O my sister, will you not send a writing to them quickly before it is too late! They must change their ways now, for they offend the Father much. They must come out of the world and retire into the spirit. All dedicated with vocations must retire from this world that has been given to satan. They must live lives of the spirit, for you cannot be of the world and of the spirit, for you will accept one and deny the other.

     “And the forces of evil, of Antichrist, in your world, my sisters and brothers, are poisoning the minds of many. They also come as angels of light, but they have the hearts of wolves, ready to spring and devour. They are agents of hell. They come in human form. Were you to see them in their normal forms as devils, my sisters and brothers, you would not befall for their wiles. But they come as angels of light in human form. Learn to recognize the faces of evil about you.

     “You must ask the shepherds and pastors of the world, as our Mother said, Veronica, to turn now and teach the truth to the children. They are starving of the spirit of light.

     “They must be taught to pray more. Prayer is no longer a way of life. Prayer must be returned to the homes and the churches of the world, and the schools, and the public and private lives of all the children of God, my brothers and sisters. If you pray more, you will learn to love prayer. It will become a way of life that you cannot turn from, for it will give you something that you have never found in the world.”

     Our Lady - “Turn, My child, to the right, for there is one approaching who is not of the spirit of light. I tell you this:  do not be affrighted, for it is the plan of satan to remove you, but it is not the time, so do not be affrighted.

     “You will now, My child, pray with your friends of Heaven and join now the children of earth in prayer, and wait for My Son to come to you with a message from the Eternal Father.

     “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”


     Veronica - Now Jesus is coming down with Our Lady. Our Lady is with Jesus. Oh, and nowoh, my! Jesus is extending His hands out. Oh, I can see the awful holes in Jesus’ hands! I can see the holes in Jesus’ hands, and He’s extending them forward. And nowoh, Jesus is saying:

     Jesus - “My children, I know of your sorrows, I know of your joys; but know that I promise you a joy far beyond anything that you have experienced when you come through this jungle of trial set before you. Along the way, watch in charity to rescue your brothers and sisters. Pray now a constant vigilance of prayer.

     “In matters of faith, in matters of morals, and in matters of doctrine, you must not stray from the truth!

     “There is no middle road to Heaven. It is of shortnote ‘short,’ I say, My children; understand Me wellI say ‘short’ because the time grows short upon your earth. The road is narrow to the Kingdom of the Father. Follow Me, My children; follow Me. I will succor you, succor

     Veronica - Jesus is now shouting the word “help.”

     Jesus - “I will help you if you come to Me. I am still present in the tabernacles of your world. Do not abandon Me, for I am your refuge.

     “My Mother has been sent to you to guide you in the days ahead. She is a Mediatrix between mankind and the Eternal Father. Do not cast Her words aside or treat them lightly, for you are then going fast into darkness.

     “When you come before Me, the Eternal Father, and the Spirit, you will be judged. If you are found lukewarm, neither being hot nor cold, I will vomit you from My mouth and cast you into the fires of eternal damnation! You cannot play the middle road, My pastors! You cannot mislead My sheep by giving in to the values of man! You must not changeyou must not trade your soul and bargain for your world. No man can have both, the world and the spirit. 


Pastors on wrong path will expose themselves

     “When the world and My churches throughout your world are united, know that the end is at hand! The Eternal Father will not have the world come into His House, for the flesh and the devil have nothing in common with the spirit. Take yourselves away from this error of damnation, desecration, abominations! You who know you are following the path to perdition, come out of your darkness now! I do not have to give your names in trust to Our messengers throughout the world. In charity, I do not expose you before the nations. However, the time will come when you will expose yourselves before the nations.

     “The world and My Church will not unite as one, for there is nothing in common with flesh and the devil!

     “My child, satan does great battle upon earth. The grace will be given to you to withstand the holocaust that will be sent upon mankind.

     “My hand grows heavy. How long shall I extend it and not descend it upon you? My Mother has gone throughout your world crying tears, tears that fall upon a degenerate and ungrateful generation. Come out of your darkness now, for there will be sent upon you a great Warning of great magnitude. There will be sent upon you a Chastisement. No flesh shall escape. Are you ready to accept the reward from your foul deeds?

     “My shepherds, your sheep are straying. They are dying. They are starving for truth.

     “Return to a life of dedication. Return to a life of perseverance and trial, and not give yourselves to the enemies of your God. Return to a life of true charity and prayer. You cannot bargain with the Father in Heaven. You may bargain with satan and lose. You will bargain with satan and lose.

     “You are receiving a merciful warning, and should this warning not stir you from your slumber, you will shakebe shaken from your slumber.

     “My children of grace, despair not in your present crisis. Go forward with great hope. Retain the Faith in your hearts, in the hearts of your children. Extend in charity and love this Faith to others. Give, and it will be given to you. Bring the little children to Me. I will nourish them with the light.”

     Veronica - Now Jesus is extending His hand out, andlike this, with His fingers, and He’s making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now Jesus is looking down, and I see He looks very sad. Oh, there must be something going on, because Jesus looks very sad. But He’s placing His hands over, and He’s making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     And now Our Lady is brushing Her hand across Her eyes. I know She’s very sad, but She’s smiling. Her smile is one of, of hope.

     Our Lady - “Hope that these hardened hearts, My child

     Veronica - Our Lady now is asking me to repeat.

     “I hear you, Mother, I hear you.”

     Our Lady - “Hope that the hardened hearts, My children, will be softened and opened, so that the light can penetrate and take away the darkness of spirit.

     “Pray for them, My children, you who have the charity and love that is a part of your union with My Son; pray for them, for everyeach one, My children, can be rescued if you pray for them and do penance for them. Satan, in his strongest hold upon them, will make them fight against you, but you must never give up in your prayers and dedication to save these souls.

     “Pray a constant vigilance, My children. My Son is with you, even unto the end of time as you know it. I am with you always. I am with you when you call Me. My Son is with you.

     “Gather the graces that you have in abundance now. You will find the search for them becoming more difficult in the future. Gather them and treasure them. These graces are given by your visits to My Son in the tabernacles of the world. These graces are given when you pray with purpose of indulgence.

     “Expiate the time you would spend in purgatory nownow, My children, while you are upon earth still. Many will die soon; many will go unprepared.

   “I beg you, as your MotherI beg you in the light, to come out of the darkness now.”

     Veronica - Our Lady now is blessing us with Her cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.




You have passed the test...

May 18, 1975

Pentecost Sunday  


     At approximately 7 p.m. on the night of Sunday, May 18, 1975, the Feast of Pentecost, Jesus and Our Blessed Mother appeared in the living room of the apartment of Veronica, in the presence of Veronica, her husband Arthur, and Mr. N. S., who was visiting the family after the Sunday Holy Hour.

     There was a bright illumination in the area of the living room leading to the bedrooms. Arthur was sitting on the couch, Veronica and Mr. S. were sitting at the living room table. Veronica had just returned to the table from her bedroom, where she had retired to rest and meditate in quiet. She had just finished praying the Rosary.

     Veronica sat down at the table, and was shocked at the appearance of the great light. Then our Blessed Mother appeared, just as at the vigils. But this time She was dressed all in the color red. Our Lady had a calm smile, filled with warmth and love.

     This is the text of Our Lady's message, as taken down in pencil by N.S.:


     Our Lady - "My child, you have passed the test and have given complete obedience to the Eternal Father.

     "Now is the time for a small change. The numbers of the faithful are reaching to and far in excess of what can be accommodated. Therefore, you will tell the bishop: 'You will be given a sign by the Eternal Father.' He (the bishop) will find this sign unquestionable.

     "You will, My child, receive the message from Me on the eve of all feast days as in the past.

     "The peoples of the world will continue to go to the Shrine in great numbersthat will not consist of crowdsuntil the basilica is opened by the sign given to your bishop. The peoples must continue to pray.

     "Accept the offer of the Department of Police, and I will do the rest. There is a time for everything, My child, even for change.

     "The peoples will not lose faith in your mission, My child, but will gather in multitudinous numbers to do penance and atonement until the Warning, which will come very shortly. I assure you, My child, you will not have to wait very long. I assure you, you do not have very long to wait, My child.

     "The prayers of atonement will continue on other grounds temporarily, to accommodate the crowds. It will not diminish the veneration of the sacred grounds, which will be held in abeyance."

     Jesus then appeared, standing next to our dear Mother. He also was dressed in a red, burgundy-colored cape, with a white flowing gown. The wounds in His hands were very evident. His hands were extended to Veronica. He said:

     Jesus - "Veronica, child of grace, I hold you very close to My heart, and all your good relations. I extend My heart and peace of spirit to you all.

     "The way of your Lord must remain a mystery to you at times. The way I speak of is in reference not to doctrine, but a manner in which to proceed by direction.

     "You will now meet with all concerned. Your spouse will instruct My child Ann to bring forth two photographs. Only you will know the meaning of these photographs. It is the proof you will need."

 Jesus then blessed all in the room with His right hand.




St. Francis of Assisi

May 28, 1975
Queenship of Our Lady    


     [Acting on instructions from Our Lady, Veronica accepted the offer from the police department to move the site of the vigils to Flushing Meadows Park. This was the first vigil to be held in the new location.]

     Veronica - Oh, my goodness! Oh, I'm startled to see the blue lights appearing here over our heads. Now the sky is opening. It's just like when we were over by the sacred grounds.

     Nowoh, I see two beautiful figures of men with long robes coming through the sky. Oh, I recognize them. They're Michael and Gabriel. Oh, my!

     Now there's a light over on the, on Michael's right sideoh, a tremendous white light. It's very brilliant. Oh, and thereoh, I can see Him! There'soh, Jesus is standing by Michael.

     Jesus - "My child, why are you so shocked? I promised that I would be with you this evening. I always keep My promise, My child.

     "I traveled far in My day, My child, forced by adversity to move on. 


Grounds to be purified

     "You will not return to the sacred grounds until the area has been purified, My child.

     "I have directed you in the past to take your ears away from the guidance of the human mind. You will listen only in the spirit.

     "Know, My child, that the way is difficult to many.

     "A deep darkness surrounds now a shrine of purity. You must keep a constant vigilance of prayer.

     "Pride and obstinance, My child, and arrogance shall send many mitres into the abyss. You must pray much and do great atonement for your clergy.

     "This evening, My child, My Mother shall not appear in sight to you. Alas, My heart bleeds, for My Mother is a prisoner now upon Her own grounds. You will comfort Her at this time, My child, by recovering many souls for Heaven with your prayers and acts of atonement.

     "Make known the message to the world. My Mother's voice shall not be stilled. The Message of Heaven must go quickly throughout the world, My child, for the time is growing short.

     "Hearts have been hardened, ears have been closed to the Message from Heaven, My child, only because they are on the road in deep darkness.

     "How often has My Mother counseled you to avoid the snares of satan set forth in humanism and modernism among you!

     "The children of the world are truly the victims of their elders. Parents shall shed tears of bitter misery, for they will be rejected by their children.

     "There shall be discord in homes, and the parents who have set their children onto the road of spiritual darkness, My child, shall reap the reward of their evillacking discipline, and setting their children's hearts without mercy, without love, and without knowledge of their God.

     "Many, My child, are feasting in My houses, sowing seeds of discord and impurity! Cleanse your House now, My clergy, for My hand shall descend upon you!

     "The knowledge of the supernatural must not be taken from the hearts of My children. My shepherds, awaken from your blindness; you are misleading Our sheep!

     "How long shall the Eternal Father persevere in hoping that you shall turn from your present ways that are leading souls onto the road to perdition? Hasten, harken, and listen, for the warning given to you now is one of the final warnings being given to mankind.

     "All who have given themselves to the pleasures of the flesh, all who have given themselves to the new modes of humanism and modernism set down for ensnarement of the human race by satan, all those who close their ears to Our voices, shall burn! 

No spiritual earthly director

     "You, My child, shall not concern yourself with the opinion of others. You will accept no spiritual earthly director, My child, for I have counseled you in the past, and I will continue to counsel you in the future.

     "I must ask this sacrifice of you, My child, to remain away from the sacred grounds until your bishop is given his sign. This will not be long in coming.

     "Open, My children, My children of the light, your hearts to those who have gone into darkness. Offer, in your charity, My children, prayers of atonement for your brothers and sisters who have gone into darkness. Only a few will be saved in the final count.

     "Yes, My children, you will receive graces in photographs. Nothing is impossible with the Eternal Father. He has a plan for everything, My child. Even your sufferings are put to good use.

     "Pray for your enemies. Love those who castigate you, My child. Accept the way of the cross, My child. It is the short road to the Kingdom of the Eternal Father.

     "Know, My children, that I am always with you. My Mother is with you. We will guide you in the future. Your future is now. The days grow short. Accept your cross, My children, and go forward searching as candles in the darkness.

     "As disciples of the Eternal Father, you will truly be the light of the world. I give you, My children, the simple honor of following Me as lights in the world.

     "My heart will shine in your darkened world; My Blood shall be your salvation.

     "My child, you will continue your mission with patience and perseverance. Throughout the world, throughout mankind, We have chosen many as voice-boxes for Heaven, My child. It is truly a heavy cross, but one that shall make the road to the Kingdom, the Eternal Kingdom of the Father, much shorter for you.

     "Do not do your deeds before mankind to be known, My child, but do them in secret, for the Father Who sees them in secret will surely reward you. If you win the acclaim of mankind, My child, you will then have received your reward. Accept the rejection, the persecution, My child; it is all part of the cross."

     Veronica - Now Jesus is placing His hand in front of Him, like this:

     Jesus - "I bless you, My children, and I give you peace of heart, My children, in your present struggles. Know that you shall travel the way of the cross.

     "My evening with you is not over, My children. Proceed with your prayers of atonement. I have much to discuss with you.

     "You will now be seated, My child.


     "My child, know the plan from Heaven: the numbers that will gather will triple and far exceed what you could ever expect in your human expectations, My child. There will be cures and conversions beyond what man has experienced in your country. It is in this manner, My child, that the work for My Mother's Shrine shall go forward.

     "The sufferings you will accept for the propagation of the mission of My Blessed Mother shall be in reward to you the recovery of many souls for the Kingdom of the Eternal Father. Names shall be written in Heaven, My child.

     "I allow your persecution, My children; I allow you to be walking outside the sacred grounds, for there are many souls to reach in this manner. The Eternal Father has full control of your world. The sorting continuesthe separation, My children, of the sheep from the goats.

     "You are now true disciples of the Eternal Father. We hold you close to Our hearts, and We shall comfort you as you go along Our way.

     "You will use the expression, My children, 'Let us hold back the darkness.'

     "All who receive this discipleship, My child, shall separate themselves from worldly living. You are fast approaching the establishment of the monastery. Do not grow impatient, My child. It will all come to pass in the will of the Eternal Father.

     "Have pity upon your neighbors, My children. Pray for them. Pray for those who castigate you. Pray for those who slander you, for in their hearts many are misled and truly do not know what they have done. Do not judge, lest you be judged, My children. Accept your cross and carry it without complaint." 

Saint Francis

     Veronica - Now I see a man is coming at the right side of Jesus.  Oh, I know it's Saint Francis! I can see him because he has his brown habit on and sandals, and he has a light tan-colored ... it's like a belt, but it's like a piece of rope, though, about his waist. And he hashe's now showing me his large Rosary.

     St. Francis - "My child, Veronica, we despair in Heaven, for we do not see the beads of prayer being fingered often in our monasteries.

     "Many of our brothers of the orders have given themselves to worldly living, My child. They do not know that they have fallen into the snare of satan. The simple life, My child, is the best for the dedicated.

     "The dedicated, those who have accepted a vocation, must live only as human beings in the world, but must accept the spiritual.

     "Our brothers of the cloth, My child, have rejected the supernatural. They are running fast onto the road to perdition. Pray for them, My child. The simple life of pure dedication and the simple rule is all that can keep them from falling into the abyss.

     "Discipline must be returned to the orders. Many must now retire from the world that has been given to satan.

     "Know now, my brothers and sisters of religious orders, you will be mocked, you will be scorned, but you will please the Eternal Father and receive your reward in the Kingdom. Shall you trade your eternal life with God the Father for a few short years of plenty upon your earth? Many have sold their souls to get to the head."

     Veronica - Now Saint Francis is gliding over. They don't walk like we do. It seems that the air is just carrying him over by the left side of Jesus. And he's standing now. And he has a wooden rod in his handlooks almost like a walking stick, but it's just a long stick, and he's pointing over to the right side of the sky.

     And he's saying now as he's pointing with his large stick.... There's aoh, a large book, a Bible now sitting in the sky; I can recognize from the pages turning. It's suspended. And now I see the cross growing very dark. It had a large cross on the cover, but it's becoming almost black.

     St. Francis - "See my child, the desecration of the words! Change, change, and the Book in darkness!

     "Man must not change the words of the Book of life to suit his own human nature, but he must continue with truth in knowledgetruth that goes back through the ages to all who were given the light by the Eternal Father.

     "No man shall set himself above the Eternal Father, either in knowledge"

     Veronica - Oh, now I see large dome, and I can't see Saint Francis anymore. But I see a large dome, and I know it's Rome.

     Oh, and standing on a balcony.... There's a large window, and over to the left I can see Pope Paul, and he's waving.  He has on a white robe, and I can see a very large cross suspended from his neck on a chain, a golden cross. And he's waving now. 


Two evil-looking cardinals

     And standing behind him are two men. I know they're cardinals. But oh, they're not nice to look at. Oh, my! These two men, cardinals, don't look like they're graced. Oh, they look evil.

     And now, written above on theit's right on the stones above Pope Paul's head, and arrows pointing to the two cardinals. There are words: "A CONSPIRACY OF EVIL AGAINST THE PAPACY." Oh, my goodness! A conspiracy of evil against the papacy. Oh, dear!

     Now it's growingthe sky is growing very dark. I can't see the Holy Father. Now there's a light on the right side. Oh, and Jesus is coming forward.

     Jesus - "My child, it is true. There is a conspiracy of evil to unseat your Holy Father, Our Vicar. You must pray much for him, for when he is removed, one will take the Seat of Peter to destroy Our houses throughout the worldchurches, My child.

     "Know, My children, why you suffer this heavy cross. There is a conspiracy of evil now in your country to stop the good work and the Message from Heaven.

     "Yes, My child, it is sad but true that many will give themselves to the destroyer for the love of money and worldly power.

     "The time, My child, for the Warning must remain a secret.

     "My child, man has not profited from his past history. He goes forward blindly sowing the seeds of his own destruction. As it was in the time of Noe, so it shall be upon your earth: man shall be eating and drinking and marrying, and then will come the end.

     "Man of science ever seeking but never coming to the truth.

     "A country is designed for destruction, My child, when that country has turned from his Creator and given himself over to debasements of the flesh! Paganism, immorality, lust, licentious conductall this and more, will send a country to its destruction.

     "Your country, My children, has been protected always by My Mother. However, you have taken it upon yourselves to reject Her and turn yourselves to your carnal natures. The sins of the flesh shall send many into the abyss.

     "Your country shall not escape the great War. Your country shall not escape the cleansing by the Ball of Redemption.

     "We shall, My child, continue to enlighten you through photographs. You will now consult with Our children and see the proof, My child.


     "I have come again to bless all sacramentals."

     Veronica - All who are able to, please kneel.

     Oh, Jesus is veryoh, the light is very, very bright, but I can see His cloak. He has on His red, burgundy-colored cloak. And now Jesus is shifting it over to His left arm, and He's pointing now to His chest. Oh, He has a huge heart. It's a very deep red heart, but there seems to be a dagger through it. Oh! 

Won’t you solace Jesus?

     Jesus - "Yes, My child, it is My pierced heart, My sorrowing heart. Won't you, in your charity, solace Me?"

     Veronica - Oh, now Jesus is coming forward, and He's placing His hand out in front of Him, like this, and His three fingers are extended, and He's leaning over now and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now behind Him the sky is opening up. And oh, I can see Michael and Raphael and Gabriel, and oh, many, many children. They look like children. They're very young, dressed in all colorsgowns. It's just beautiful! It looks almost like a May party. Beautiful colored gownspinks and blues and a fuchsia color. The colors are oh, so beautiful, absolutely beautiful!

     Now they're holding in their hands garlands; they look like wreaths of green leaves, like processional wreaths. And now they're, they're just holding them in their hands, and they're going over and following Jesus. Jesus is moving over to our left side. He's looking down now, and He's placing His hands out again, like this: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now He's coming overit seems like such a wide expanse of skynow He's coming over to our right side, and He's looking down. Now His fingers are being joined together, like this, and He's makingoh, the sign of the Trinity: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Jesus - "I bless you, My children, as My Mother blesses you. Continue with your prayers of atonement. All sacramentals have been blessed. There is no need to remove them from their packages. Graces for conversion and graces for cure, I extend to you in your faith."

     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now Jesus isoh, it must be very windy up there. I can see His gown is being caught by the wind. It's very windy. Oh, Jesus doesn't have any shoes on; His feet are bare. Oh, and I can see the wounds on the tops of His instep. Oh, and Jesus is smiling now. And He's pushing His hair back. I can see Jesus' hair very plainly now. It's awell, it's a brown, but it looks almost reddishperhaps from His robe, from the top of His cape, makes His hair look a beautiful sort of a russet color, oh, in the light.

     Now Jesus is touching His lips.

     Jesus - "You will continue, My children, with your prayers of atonement. They are sorely needed at this time. As I have told you in the beginning, the time is approaching for the Chastisement to mankind. Your country will go through great trial. We have asked; We have begged; My Mother has come to you with Her Message from Heaven, which you have chosen to reject from your own free will. All those who have listened will go through this crucible of suffering with great hope in their redemption.

     "Know that there will be sent upon you a fiery Ball from the heavens. Many will die in this great flame of the Ball of Redemption. I do not give you fear, but I give you fact, My children. Prepare your souls and the souls of those you love. The time of great sorrows is approaching."

     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.




"The Bear is massing on the borders; he is ready to strike!"

June 5, 1975
Eve of the Sacred Heart of Jesus 


     Veronica - In the sky there is forming a very large black "W". I know that the "W" means warning.

     Now all about the black "W" I see as though it were burning fingers of fire, tongues of fire, coming out from underneath the outline of the "W" in the sky. Now the letter "W" is beginning to disperse. It's blowing away as though it was a cloud formation.

     Now it's beginning to get very brightoh, very bright, so bright! And there's a warmth now as the sky is opening up. It feels as though the sunlight is coming through now, though it's very cloudy, I know, to the sides. It's as thoughoh, it's not the sun; it's a beautiful light. Oh!

     Oh, and Jesus is now coming out of the light. It's like ait started as a pinpoint of light, but as it came closer it opened up. And oh, now Jesus is coming closer. I can see now that He's wearing a cream-colored gown. Now His cape is not red now. It's almost a cream color, but it's lighter than His undergarment. I would say it's a white, an off-white color, and it has a cape. It's a cape-like cloak with a hood. And I, now Jesus has the hood off; He's placing it over His shoulder. Now the cape is held by a golden cord-like string about His neck.

     Now in Jesus' right hand He's holding a very large wooden cross, and He's placing it out in front of Him, like this.

     Jesus - "My child, many have asked about this cross without the corpus. It is a symbol of the suffering that will be allowed to a victim soul. Each man and woman upon earth will now be tested in the days ahead.

     "Many in their blindness, My children, do not recognize the days in which they are living. 

Many shepherds given to the world

     "My houses upon earth, churches, will undergo a great trial. It will be truly a test of faith. Many of My shepherds have given themselves to the world of the flesh and satan.

     "My Mother has gone throughout your world with a warning from the Eternal Father for mankind. She has met with much resistance because the hearts of many are hardened, and their hearts are blinded to the truth.

     "My Mother extended to you the way. You cannot leave this way and seek another, for you are fast then going into the darkness.

     "All My churches upon earthall that go into darkness will fall. All that descend into darkness will close their doors. A House in darkness wears a band of death about it."

     Veronica - Now Jesus is moving over. He doesn't walk, but He's floating over just above the tree on our right side. And He's pointing over to the right. And oh, Michael is coming down now. Oh, and Michael ... and there are many angels behind him.

     Now I notice that Michael is carrying a very large book. And now Michael is saying:

     St. Michael - "A Tome, My child, a Tome."

     Veronica - Now Michael is running his fingers through the pages, and they're just blowing like the wind is catching them. And now they're stopping, and he's pointing with his finger to a page. And he's saying:

     St. Michael - "The apocalyptic age, my child. Make known the writings of Saint John. Man must read the writings of John and he will understand the trials that are before him.

     "The apocalyptic pages are known also as the Revelations.

     "It was said in the days of old, through your prophets from your God, that much will be made known to you in the end days. This I say to you: the pages shall be revealed now to you."

     Veronica - Now Michael is taking his hand and closing the Book, and he's pointing over now to the right side. And Jesus now isn't standing there. Oh, Jesus is now over behind Michael.

     And oh, my goodness! Thereoh, Jesus is now placing His left hand up, and Our Lady is standing there! Oh!

     Now Jesus is smiling.    

Bishop will be given sign

     Jesus - "My child, did you feel abandoned without My Mother at your side? Do you not know the power of Heaven? My Mother was shackled by man's arrogance to Her sacred grounds, Her Shrine, My child, but nothing is impossible with the Eternal Father. She will come to you, as you are not outcast in Her heart. She will come to you, My children, wherever you are sent on your pilgrimage to gather souls. You are temporarily outside Her sacred grounds in Bayside, but, My child, in due time you will all return. Your bishop will be given the sign as promised.

     "You must now pray, do much penance, and work with great haste to gather Our straying sheep.

     "Have pity and pray for your shepherds who have fallen into the darkness. Even your prayers are necessary, My children, to recover them. Do not be lost in the fallacy that because they are shepherds they cannot fall to the errors of the flesh. The attacks of satan are great upon them. So few pray for Our clergy.

     "Your Holy Father is undergoing much trial, My child. You must now gather your prayers for him. 

Evil ones infiltrated clergy

     "Yes, My child, I spoke to you of the evil ones who have infiltrated into the clergy. They are not entering with dedication and spirits of light, but they are bringing in the spirit of darkness. By their fruits will you know them, My child. I have asked you to be not fooled by those who wear the garments of the dedicated but have fouled their garments. You must pray more for the light and recognize the faces of evil about you, My child.

     "No, My child, I am not angered at your reaction of the past week. I would, though, caution you to not speak with the clergy who now have taken possession of My Mother's sacred grounds. I must caution you to remain, My child, yourself, away from those sacred grounds. Do this as great penance to yourself, My child, your spirit. It is for your safekeeping and the well-being of My Mother's work that I ask this of you.

     "Do not be affrighted, My child, in the days ahead. My Mother will be with you wherever you are.

     "We have asked that many of Our children come to visit with My Mother at Her sacred grounds.

     "We know the trial ahead for all who seek to bring the truth to mankind for My Mother. Many shall reject Her message, and many of Our children of the light will receive great persecution as they seek to bring the Message from Heaven to their brothers and sisters.

     "There will be many thorns among the roses, but at the end of your road, My children, there is a special crown waiting for you."

     Veronica - Now it's getting very bright behind Jesus and Michael. And I see nowoh, a beautiful light. It's like crystal, almost like cut-glass. And Our Lady now is standing right in all of the shimmering light, and She's smiling. I can see Our Lady very plainly now. And She's holding out the beautiful Rosary, Her white beads with the golden Our Father.

     And Our Lady is talking very softly:    

Trials to continue until sign to bishop

     Our Lady - "My child, you are quite amazed at My appearance. Know that nothing is impossible with the Eternal Father. You are not able in your human nature to understand the ways of the Eternal Father. But know that your trials will continue for a short time until your bishop receives the sign from the Eternal Father.

     "Continue to spread My message throughout the world.

     "I bless you all, My children. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. I bless you, My children, and all your good relations."

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is going over behind Jesus, and She's going now into ... it's a large white cloud. It seems to just be absorbing Our Lady. Oh!

     Now Jesus is coming forward. I can't see Our Lady anymore.

     Jesus - "Do not be saddened, My child. My Mother is returning to Her sacred grounds, but I am with you for the rest of your evening in your prayers of atonement.

     "Continue now, My child, and I will give you directions later after your prayers are gathered for the evening."

     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.    

     Jesus - "You will sit now, My child, and I will give you further directions. But this message must be accepted in secret."


     "My child, you must make it known to the world that many of the aberrations taking place in My houses throughout the world are being not condoned by your Holy Father, Pope Paul. The arrogance of mankind in the clergy has brought about many offenses in the Divine Serviceoffenses to the Eternal Father. 

Plan to destroy confidence in Pope Paul VI

     "There is a plan afoot, My child, and in print to destroy confidence in the Holy Father, Pope Paul VI. It is the plan of the enemy to remove him from the Seat of Peter.

    "You must pray much for him. All of his writings are being monitored, My child. There are many enemies in his office. They neither seek the salvation of souls, nor the advancement in truth of the Church, My child. They are bringing great delusion to mankind and seeking to send many out of the houses of God throughout the world.

     "By their manner of confusion and disillusionment, many have fallen away and lost the Faith, My child. If this continues, shall there be even a flicker of Faith left when I return to your earth?

     "Since mankind refuses to mend his ways, to return to his state of sanctity in My holy Church throughout the world, there is no other recourse but to send upon mankind chastisements to return him to the fold.

     "I need not repeat now the chastisements planned by the Eternal Father for mankind. I am certain that My Mother has made this quite clear to you in the past.

     "You will now set yourselves onto the narrow road to sanctity by penance and sacrifice and making atonement to the Eternal Father, both privately and publicly.

     "The lukewarmness of many of Our clergy and the laitythe lay peoples of Our houses throughout the world, the churches, My childleave much to be desired. It is by their example that many souls are being placed onto the road to perdition.

     "Man shall not use his rank to mislead! Man shall not change the rules of his God, change them to satisfy the basic fallen nature of mankind. Man must change himself to please his God!

     "We find in the leadership of Our Church many who have fallen into darkness of spirit, many who have given themselves to the modes of the world, involved in the destructive following of humanism and modernism!

     "Many of your leaders of the past who were pure of heart, intention, and dedication, warned you of these errors. But you have turned a deaf ear to their warnings, for in your arrogance you seek to build a new house upon your earth. 


No need to change

     "My Church, My House, was given to you in entirety. There is no need now to change. The only change necessary now, My children, is to go back and restore the light.

     "Holiness, piety, dedication must be returned to the churches, or the vocations will fall. The churches will be emptied, and the leaders will be imprisoned by their enemies that have come to them as angels of light, but with ravenous hearts.

     "The Red Hat has fallen and the Purple Hat is being misled. Pray for all men of sin, for their judgment lies with the Eternal Father Who sees into their hearts.

     "The Eternal Father, My child, is always the final judge. Speak once with the Message from Heaven. If not hastened, speak no more but keep in heart that it may not be their decision.

     "Give them, your clergy, by your example and prayers, the courage to stay in the light.

     "You do not join the enemy to win the battle, My children, for when you join them, you become tainted. When the world and My Church become one, know that the end is at hand.

     "You must instruct and bring to your children the knowledge of your saints. Their example is in the light, My children. Those you have set up to idolize upon earth now are the creations of satan. You must accept and follow the example of your saints, those who have been given this honor by your holy Church. They, too, My child, did not win their crowns without trial, rejection, and often, martyrdom."

     Veronica - Now Jesus is extending His hand in front of Him like this, and He's making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now Jesus is moving back. He's going over by the left side, over the tree; He's standing there. And I see Michael. Michael is still holding the large Tome, the Bible, in his right hand. And he has hisnow he's holding a scale, a balance, in his left hand. The scale, the balance looks like it's made of gold; it's very decorative. But it'sI notice that the scale is heavily leaning to the left, his left side. And Michael now is bowing his head, meaning yes, heavily to the left.

     Now Jesus is moving over. He's just being carried over by the tree, just a little to the right of the tree, above the banner. And He's smiling now. The light is very bright; it's so bright that I can barely now see His face. It's becoming very, very white, almost like white fire. There's no way I can explain it. It looks like an absolute glow of white fire. Beautiful!

     Jesus - "You will continue now, My child, with the prayers of atonement. They are sorely needed."


     Veronica - Jesus says to watch carefully. I see what appears to be a huge star. It looks like a star. I'm not familiar with them. I know it's something celestiala huge star, and it's coming over very fast across the sky.

     Now I see another star. It looks like the ... oh, it looks like the moonnot a star, the moon. And I see this, this star, or this roundit's got a lot of rings around it. It's a huge body with rings around it. I don't know what that isa star? Planet? And it seems to be going crazy. It's jumping up and down and jiggling, going back and forth. And now, all of a sudden it's shooting out right into space, and it's heading over across the sky. Oh, if it keeps going it's going to bump into the moon! Oh, my goodness! Oh!

     It looks like this, this thing, this star just seemed to come from out of nowhere. It seemed to have shot right out into space, and it's heading foroh, it looks like the moon. Yes.

     Now as it's getting closer, I notice it's very red. It's no longer white. It looked white before, but now it looks very red. And oh, my goodness! It looks like the Ball again! Oh, my goodness! It's red and orange, and it looks from here now, very hot. I can see it very closely. Oh, my!

     And now it's going past the moon. No, it's not hitting the moon, but it looks like it's heading for the sun! Oh, my goodness! It's like, it looks like two big balls, like two suns in the sky. Oh, my goodness! Oh!

     Now Michael is coming over on the left side.

     Jesus - "My child, the ball you see is out in your atmosphere. Man of science is ever seeking but never finding the truth.

     "They have cast aside the knowledge of the supernatural. However, no human mind can understand the ways of the Eternal Father, Who controls your elements. 

A star sent upon you

     "A star shall be sent upon you. I have asked in the past to hold back this time of great trial to mankind by following the direction of My Mother."

     Veronica - Now JesusI can see His face now; He doesn't look very happy. I have a terrible feeling of imminent danger, or ... and He's shaking his head, yes.

     Jesus - "The Warning, My child, and the great Chastisement.

     "Mankind shall reject these warnings, My child, as in the time of Noe. They will be eating and drinking and marrying, and then will come the end. 

Jesus’ return approaching

     "Shout from the rooftops, My child, that the time is approaching when I will return to earth. I would not count your years upon your two hands, My child, now, unless there is a great change in the ways of mankind. Do not hold up two hands, My child."

     Veronica - Oh! Oh!

     Jesus - "This surprises you, My child. Why does it come as a surprise? Have you not listened to the message of My Mother?

     "Now you will understand the great urgency of Our warnings to mankind. The day and the hour is now in the power of the Eternal Father, My child, but I have given you now a time, and you must work fast to bring this message to mankind."

     Veronica - Now Jesus is placing His hand in front of Him, like this: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now, now Jesus is moving His hand over, like this. Oh, He's telling me to seatstay, remain seated.

     Jesus - "You will join now the prayers of atonement, My child. And work with great haste now for the time left to mankind.

     "I leave you with a great question mark upon your world. The final answer lies with the Father. You will find this question mark, My child, in many of your photographs. In time you will understand their meaning.

     "It is better now if you were to draw a picture of your earth and place upon it a large question mark. For you are living truly in precarious timesall because mankind has set himself unto his own road to destruction. With his free will, he has cast aside his salvation by giving himself to the world, the flesh, and satan. 

The Bear ready to strike

     "Already, My child, your news medias deceive you. They do not give you the truth in knowledge. The Bear is now massing on the borders. The Bear is massing on the borders; he is ready to strike! Peace, Peace, you cry; but there shall be no peace to mankind, for he has given himself to immorality and degeneration. The Bear is massing now on the borders.

     "Your leaders cry peace while they prepare for destruction. For the love of money many will die, for many have sold their souls, My child, to get to the head.

     "The power of satan shall be exercised to cast mankind into the war to end all wars, for no flesh shall escape the fires.

     "We have asked you in the past and your present time to pray for the conversion of Russia. Too few have come forward to pray for this conversion; therefore, their errors now have been spread throughout your world. 


U.S. prepared for capitulation

     "Your country, America the beautiful, is being prepared now for complete capitulation. Now you know, My children, and now you must act upon this knowledge, or you, too, will feel captivity and slavery and the closing of My houses throughout your country. You have blindly walked right into the trap of enslavement set upon you through devious infiltration of your government, your schools, and your medias of communication.

     "Awaken now from your slumber and seek your return from your course of destruction by getting down upon your knees and praying in heartfelt, sincere prayer to the Eternal Father, to guide you back from your present road of destruction.

     "Your countrymen have sought to silence the voice of My Mother throughout your world. You will not continue to silence the voice-boxes throughout the world, for you are sowing the seeds of your own destruction!

     "Amen, amen, I say to you: unless mankind returns God the Eternal Father to his life, he will not have the years of two hands to count upon!

     "The present generation, My child, shall pass through this crucible of suffering. Many great saints shall rise from this persecution. 

A split in Church in U.S.

     "You will find in your country a great split in My houses. Watch and pray much, for you will divide among yourselves. But you must remain loyal to Rome and your Holy Father, Our Vicar upon earth, Pope Paul VI. The agents of hell set around him shall seek to remove him, and you will find upon the Seat of Peter one who is a puppet of satan.

     "My Mother has set in the world Her armies of light, candles that search in the darkness. The days ahead will truly be a test of faith.

     "The battle of the spirits, My child, will be fought well. The eventual victory is with Heaven. Know that this knowledge alone shall keep you with Us in the present and the near future battle.

     "You will find many companionable spirits, comrades named Faithful and True, though they will be far and wide. You will all join for the Kingdom of the Immaculate.

     "You now go forward in two factions, My children: the light and the darkness. You will work as true children of the lightchildren of your God, to hold back this darkness. Many of your brothers and sisters shall be rescued by your example and acts of sacrifice. Do not falter in the trial ahead.

     "You will find, My child, that as you advance in Our mission, you will care less about the opinion of mankind. For it is only your human weakness of pride or self-evaluation that keeps you from going forward with more peace of spirit. You are allowed to fall into this error, My child, to make you stronger in the future.

     "I would suggest at this time that you do not seek to move out of your present habitationhome."


     Veronica - Nowoh, Jesus is coming forward. It's very bright up there. I don't think it's raining like it is down here.

     Oh, now Jesus has changed. He has on His burgundy-colored cape over His white gown. And I can see now it's very bright; its warm and very filled with sunlight all around Jesus' face. And His faceoh, I can barely see Jesus' face. It's so bright; the light is a piercing whitevery, very brilliant. There's no way I can put it into my own words, as Jesus says. It's like a white fire, a crystal-clear, like cut diamond. Oh, it's a beautiful light!

     Now JesusI'm looking down; I can see His feet. Now Jesus has on these brown sandals. And He doesn't seem to be wet at all, so I guess it's not raining up there.

     Now Jesus is placing His hand in front of Him, like thisoh, and He's making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     And now Jesus is looking down. He's saying very low:

     Jesus - "O My children, you do not have to uncover your sacramentals. I assure you I can see into their coverings."

     Veronica - Now Jesus is moving over to our left side. He's over by the tree now, and He's bending down and He's placing His hand out, like this: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     And now He's going overJesus doesn't walk; He seems to just glide on the air. He's carried over across the trees now. And now He's going over by our right side, and He's just above the trees, between the two, and He's looking down.

     Now He's extending His hands out, like this, but He's making a Trinity sign. Jesus calls it the Trinity sign. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. It's like making a squared boxI mean a three-sided, triangular box, Jesus makes with His hand.

     And now it'sjust where He had made the sign in the air, is suspended this figure in white. It's all illuminated, like three bars: the Trinity sign. And it's still over between the two trees.

     And Jesus is moving over now; He's just above Our Lady's head of the statue. And now He's looking down, and He's making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     And now Jesus is placing His hands out, like this, in front of Him, and the lights, the stream of lights are coming out from Jesus' hands down onto ... past the statue. And now they're hitting just about in the center, right here before us. I can almost reach out andno, I can't reach them, but the beams of light are so strong that I'm sure maybe I wouldn't be able to touch them, that something would happen. Oh, it's beautiful!

     The beams are falling down onto where the crucifix is, here on this plaza of the Vatican Pavilion, so Jesus must be blessing it with a special grace, also. Oh, it's beautiful!

     Now the light is fading away, and Jesus is rising a little higher. Oh, and He's standing off to the side.

     Now He's touching His lips with His hand. Oh!

     Jesus - "Continue now, My children, with your prayers of atonement."

     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, of the Holy Ghost. Amen.




Wars are a punishment for man's sins...

June 18, 1975
Fifth Anniversary of Our Lady's Apparitions at Bayside 


     Veronica - I've been awaiting the blue lights of Our Lady. Instead, the sky is all cast in reda deep pink, almost a red. Oh, now there is a light appearing just ahead of us in the sky, and letters are forming in the sky: "WAR": W-A-R.

     I hear a booming voice. I recognize it as Michael's voice. I've heard it quite often.

     St. Michael - "Yes, my child, man has sown the seeds for his destruction. Wars are a punishment for man's sins.

     "The Eternal Father has waited, with His merciful heart extended to an errant generation, to no avail. Hearts have been hardened, ears are closed to the pleas from Heaven. The sheep shall be separated from the goats.

     "We send from the Eternal Kingdom of the Lord high God in Heaven a warning to mankind. A great War will be soon upon you, claiming many lives throughout your earth. You will prepare yourselves and the souls of those you love.

     "Your country has fallen to satan. Many countries throughout your world have given themselves to satan. The leaders in your country need many prayers. 

Bend your knee in prayer

     "The heads of all householdsmothers, fathers will bend your knee now in prayer with your children. You must now appear to your God with a humble heart, do penance, make atonement and many sacrifices.

     "I come to youI, Michael, as a guardian of your Faith.

     "My God, I believe, I adore, I trust, and I love Thee. I do penance for all those who do not believe, do not adore, do not trust, and do not love Thee.

     "I say unto you, a degenerate generation, that you shall reap the reward of your immorality, your licentious conduct, and your leading astray the young souls in your care!

     "I, Michael, send my voice to you for the Mediatrix between God and manyour Mother, the Queen of Heaven. You must make amends to your God, for you have offended Him much!"

     Veronica - Now I see Michael. He's moving backwards, up into the sky. It's quite windy. He has on a long robe now. He's dressed quite differently than I've seen him before. He has on a long white robe that's caught about his waist with a belt.

     Now Michael, I just noticed he has in his right hand a balance. It's like a scale, and I notice it's heavily leaning to the left. And Michael also has in his left hand a spear, but the spear has in the center of it, near his hand, what appears to be a cross-bow, a bow. And now Michael is going back farther into the sky. And there's a bright light now appearing right at the left side of Michael, our right side.

     And now a huge, illuminated white cross is in the sky. The cross is becoming brighter around the center. It's like a monstrance now, a huge bright, white monstrance. And coming out of the centeroh, it's Jesus! Oh!

     Oh, Jesus is coming forward now. And Michael now is coming back down from behind Him, and he's standing just at Jesus' right side now.

     Jesus - "My child, the guardian of My houses throughout your world has spoken well. The Message from Heaven must be given to all mankind. Throughout your world, We have sent many with the message. Many voice-boxes shall cry out for penance.

     "Man holds the balance for his own chastisement. The sins of the flesh are sending many into the abyss.

     "You must turn away from the ways of the world, the ways of materialism, My children, for you are going fast into darkness of the spirit. You must reject the light set forth by satan to ensnare you and capture your eternal soul. You must now retire from your world, earth, and do much penance in the time left to you.

     "A great Warning shall be set upon mankind and then the ultimate Chastisement, for many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption.

     "It grieves My heart much to watch the manner in which man has rejected My Mother upon earth. I have sent Her to you as your Mother, as My Mother, the Queen of Heaven and earth, to direct you in your battle against the forces of evil. Without Her guidance you will not stay on the road to Heaven. 

Lacking in true spirit of faith

     "My words must reach those who are leaders in My houses upon earthchurches. We watch and find many of Our leaders lacking in true spirit of faith. Many are misleading Our sheep.

     "The ways of modernism and humanism are the ways of satan! You have been warned in the past, and you are being warned now. You are leading your lives in error. A great delusion has been set upon mankind to test Our sheep. All that is rotten will fall to satan!

     "A House in darkness, a Church in darkness wears a band of death about it.

     "Our Vicar, your Holy Father, is suffering, My child. Many about him have sold their souls to get to the head, caring more for the pleasures and reaping the treasures of the world of man than finding the treasures of the spirit of God. No man can bargain between the eternal Kingdom and satan, the ruler of darkness and lies.

     "Awaken, My clergy, from your slumber! Many are being misled.

     "My child, you will make no unnecessary trips at this time. I have cautioned you in the past to remain in a life of seclusion for your safety and the propagation of My Mother's mission.

     "The forces of evil will not slacken in their fight against you, My child. You must expect much persecution, for the agents of darkness are set with hardened hearts. And the lightMy child, it is difficult to pierce with the light the hearts that are hardened.

     "Your major weapon will be prayers and penance. Many can only be retrieved, My child, by prayers and sacrifice. Speak once to them, and if not hastened, My child, speak no more, but keep it in your heart that it may not be of his decision.

     "A simple lesson has been given to you in the past, My child. You will pray for those who castigate you. Pray for those who have made themselves enemies of your household. Even they may be returned in the light of grace.

     "It is easy, My child, to love those who extend their warm hearts to you, but it is a great virtue to love those who have closed their heart to you. 

Cleanse ways of recreation and entertainment

     "Keep pure and holy thoughts in your mind at all times. The eyes are the mirror of the soul. Therefore, My child, make it known to mankind that satan has set much before the eyes of mankind to deceive and degrade his good nature. He will subject mankind, through visual aids from satan, to degeneracy and to the ruination of the light within his soul. Newspapers of the enemies of God, magazines of obscenity! Ways of recreation and entertainment, My child, must be cleansed. The medias have all now been given to satan in your country and most of the nations on your earth.

     "Recognize the faces of evil about you. They come to you as angels of light with ravenous hearts.

     "Pray much, My child, for your clergy. It is better to remain silent in the face of criticism. You have no reason, no need to defend yourself before them. No man is above the Eternal Father. Know that in this manner He will settle all scores, My child. Your means as a human being is limited, so you must depend heavily upon the Eternal Father to guide you.

     "Pray much to your angels. You must understand, My child, they have been sent to you for reason. Tusazeri is always at your side.

     "Just as the agents of darkness, satan and his agents, do not sleepthere is no time, My child, in Heaven. You can call upon Us at any time.

     "I do not expect that you would understand My words, My child. There is much in Heaven that is sacred, and were it to be revealed to you, it would no longer be a mystery and sacred. All this you will know in time when you pass over the veil.

     "The knowledge of the supernatural, My child, has been taken from the hearts of mankind. Mankind must understand there is no death. Life goes on over the veil. However, your destiny is in the hands of the Father Eternal.

     "You, on your pilgrimage throughout your lifetime on earth, must work, My children, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. You must pray and work. They are hand in hand a benefit to your spirit.

     "Your works must include good heart to others. If you care, My child, you will understand and not have to force any of your actions, for they will come to you spontaneously. 

     "I bless you, My child: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Continue now with your prayers of atonement.

     "My Mother shall visit you very shortly, and I know, My child, this will gladden your heart."


     Veronica - Our Lady now is coming forward. The light is very bright. I have a difficult time seeing the top of Our Lady's head, because She has on a most beautiful crown. Now the crown has covered the whole front of Her head. It's very heavy. There's the most beautiful colored stonesoh, I never saw colors like these. I can't call them a blue, or even a green, or purple. It's a mixture of colors that are so beautiful! Oh!

     Our Lady is smiling now. She's coming forward. And Our Lady is dressed all in white. The white is very brilliant, and the light makes it so bright that I can barely look into the circle of light about Our Lady. And She has on the cape about Her. It's like a cloak about Her hair. It has a trim of gold, a beautiful, brilliant gold trim of about ... I would measure it about an inch wide along the border. And Our Lady also has about Her waist a band, and it also is a golden color, the tie about Her waist.

     And now Our Lady has upon Her feet golden slippers, but they're sandals. And I can see Her feet; they're just about bare. The sandal is held on by a golden strap. Oh, it's a very, very beautiful color gold. Oh!

     Now Our Lady is extending Her hands. Oh, in Her right hand She's holding out Her Rosary, and in Her left hand Our Lady has a very large Scapular. It has no picture upon it. It's a very large Scapular. Oh, She's turning it over. There is a picture. It has Jesus, the Baby Jesus, and Our Lady upon the Scapular.

     Now Our Lady is talking very softly. Oh! Oh, it's so soft, likeit's almost like the rustling of the trees. 

You cannot wear enough armor

     Our Lady - "My child, these are the sacramentals I have given to mankind for their salvation. Many have cast them aside, for they do not accept the supernatural. Know, My child, that you cannot wear enough armor to guard your eternal soul against the forces of evil that are set loose now upon your world. Satan has control of your world. However, Our armies are banding to do him great battle.

     "Won't you join Us, My children, in this fight against the forces of evil? Come, light your candles with Me and search throughout the world for your brothers and sisters who have fallen away from the light."

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is extending Her hand over. She has a very large Rosary. Oh, it's the Rosary, the white Rosary with the golden Our Father. And Our Lady is placing it in front of Her, like this, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

     Now Our Lady is turning and She's also blessing to the right: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now Our Lady is going over, andoh, Jesus is coming down now beside Our Lady, and He's smiling. And Our Lady is coming over by the tree on the right, and She's leaning down and extending Her Rosary cross out, like this, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now Jesus is coming forward. Oh, you'll have to kneel. All who can, please kneel.

     Oh, Jesus is coming over, and Our Lady is right behind Him.

     "I'm so happy to see You! Oh!"

     Jesus now is placing His robeHe has on a deep burgundy-colored robe, and He's placing it over His left arm. And He's extending His hand out, like this. I can see His fingers; they're like this. And He's making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now Jesus is moving over to our left side. And He's looking down now and He's placing His hand out, like this: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     And now He's going over ... He's going overHe's floating. He doesn't walk, He justHe's gliding right through the air. And Our Lady is now with Him.

     And Michael is coming down now. He just came from out of nowhere. I don't know what direction Michael came from; I wasn't watching. But he's now joined Our Lady. He's behind Our Lady.

     And now Jesus is placing His hand out, and He's facing over to the right and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Jesus - "I bless you, My children, with an abundance of graces: graces for cure and graces for conversion. Know that the work of My Mother will go throughout your world without cessation. No man is above the Eternal Father.

     "In the time left before your chastisement, which will come as an eventuality, you will spend your time now in gathering your prayers and graces for those who do not have the strength of spirit to acquire these graces for their own salvation."

     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. 

Pray with your heart

     Jesus - "When you make your supplications to Heaven, My children, you must not make it a tedious task of the lips. You will pray with your heart, thusly:    

     [Veronica recites very slowly and deliberately:]

     Our Father Who art in Heaven, hallowed by Thy name; Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from all evil. Amen.

     "All prayers must come not from the lips but from the heart. Do not rush your supplications, for I assure you, My children, there is no time beyond the veil. The time you give now for the salvation of your soul and the souls for whom you love and pray will be gathered beyond the veil, and your joy will be two-fold when you meet and rejoice in the Kingdom of Heaven together."

     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Jesus - "Continue, now, My children, with your prayers of atonement. They are sorely needed. The time is growing short. Mankind will go through a great crucible of suffering. This cleansing will be allowed by the Eternal Father to gather Our straying sheep."

     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.




"The tabernacles of the world shall be  your refuge"

July 15, 1975
Eve of Our Lady of Mount Carmel    


     Veronica - There are a great many clouds forming in the center of the sky. The clouds are opening, and there are streams of white light coming through the clouds. Now the lights are very bright, and as they'reI don't know if it's the flickering of the lights, but there's a tremendous spray, spraying of diamond-like dust now upon us. It's falling in the area of Our Lady's statue. It's very beautiful! It's like slivers of glass-cut diamonds, very beautiful!

     Now the sky is turning a very bright blue, a beautiful deep blue. I can't explain the color in human words, of the blue. It's so beautiful.

     Oh, there's a light forming now beyond the streams of light, and Our Lady now is coming forward. Oh, rightyou can see Her! Oh, Our Lady has Her hands extended, and the lights are coming from both of Her hands. Oh, it's so bright! Oh, I can't describe Our Lady's face because I can't see Her face that clearly because the light is so bright. Oh!

     Oh, Our Lady now is coming forward, and She has in Her armsoh, the Christ Child. Oh, He looks very regal, the Child in Our Lady's arms. He has a small golden crown upon His head, and He has a white gown. I can see the sash at His waist. And His feet are bare, but He has a velvet robe now about His arms, and it's tied at the top under His chin. He looks like a very regal Prince. Our Lady is smiling.

     Our Lady - "Your description, My child, is very colorful. Yes, He was a Child of peace, a Prince of peace."

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is moving over to the left, and it's becoming very bright. The light is so bright now. Our Lady seems to be obscured in the light. And now there's a man coming forward next to Her. He's, he seems to be just developing from the clouds behind Our Lady. No, he's coming out of them. Oh, I recognize him; it's Saint Joseph.

     Oh, Saint Joseph has on a brown gown and sandals. They look like they're made of a brown, skin-like type of rope. Oh, it hasI can count now the straps on his sandal. It's only twotwo straps through his toes, and a band across his ankle. And he's now turning and smiling at our Blessed Mother. And I can see that his gown has a head-piece hanging behind his shoulders.

     Now he's extending his right arm, and in it he has a long staff. I think it's a staff; it's a long stick. 


Father head of family

     St. Joseph - "My child, you will make it known to mankind that the head of an earthly family is the father. The Father Eternal will guide the father, the head of the household.

     "A woman of earth shall not cast aside her role as mother and housekeeper. In her role as mother, she shall be the guardian of her children's souls and a helpmate of her husband, and a guardian also of his earthly soul and the soul eternal. By her example in her household, she has the power, as woman, for good or evil. She shall stay in her home and guide her children."

     Veronica - Now it's growing quite dark, and it's though a great dark cloud has passed across the sky. And I can only see now the bottoms of Our Lady's feet and Saint Joseph's.

     Now there's a booming voice; I recognize it as Michael's. 

Crops shall rot

     St. Michael - "Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth! They shall reap the fruits of their labor. The crops shall rot! Mankind shall feel a sword upon his world.

     "The Eternal Father has endured your apostasy, your arrogance, your heresy much too long! As an errant and ungrateful generation given to sin and abominations of the flesh, you shall be forced to your knees by trial.

     "The Eternal Father, your Creator, has set upon the world a sword."

     Veronica - Now Michael is extending his hand out, and there's a very large sword with a cross-like handle, and he's pointing it down, like this.

     Now Michael is going over to the center of the sky. He's pointing with the sword upward, andoh, going across the sky there is a red horse, and a green horse, and a black horseall sinister looking. They make me feel very ill. But behind it there's a great light; behind the three horses, there's a great light now approaching. And over this light there are words written in the sky in golden lettering: "FAITHFUL AND TRUE."

     Now there's a beautiful white horse coming forward. He's prancing; he's almost like he's dancing. And upon the horseoh, it's Jesus! Oh, Jesus is upon the white horse! Oh!

     Now MichaelJesus, where is He? Oh, He's disappeared. The horses are no longer in the sky.

     Now Michael is coming forward.

     St. Michael - "My child, you have viewed what is to be, and is to be in your present. What was to happen in the future shall be now.

     "Pray for all men of sin."

     Veronica - Now Michael is pointing upward. And oh, there's not a horse, butoh, Jesus is standing there. I can see Him now; He's dressed in a white gown with a beautiful white robe about His shoulders. He's all in white, and His feet are bare, and He has nothing on His head. His hair is quite long, and in the light now it's shining. It's like a reddish brown, very beautiful!

     Now He's holding out His hands, Jesus, and His voice

     Jesus - "My hands are bleeding. My Heart is sobbing. I long to see My creation and be filled with joy."

     Veronica - Now Jesus is placing His hands out, and there are tremendous large drops of blood coming down upon the world. Oh! Oh!

     Now Michael is coming forward. He has in his hands a very large golden chalice, and he's going over nowhe's standing now below Jesus, on his knees. He's not standing, he's kneeling now. He's taken a kneeling position, and he's extending the chalice. And the drops of blood are filling up the chaliceoh, faster and faster. And now the chalice is overflowing.

     Now Michael is walking overhe's not walking, he's floating. I say walking, but Michael doesn't walk, he floats. He's carried like on the wind. And he's handing the chalice to Our Lady. She's not holding the Christ Child anymore, but now She's accepted the chalice. Michael now is coming forward, and Our Lady is fading

     "Don't go!"

     Our Lady - "I'm not leaving, My child, but Michael has words for you to give to mankind."

     St. Michael - "Listen! Hasten, harken, and listen, for you are receiving a warning from the Eternal Father!

     "Leaders in the houses of God throughout your world, you must teach honorably. You must teach in faith with firm foundation. Tradition must not be separated from the truth. Man shall not build upon earth a church of man. The foundation is Jesus, the Christ, in the Father and in the Spirit! 

Houses will blow in the wind

     "Woe to mankind who has set upon the world a blight of error! No man shall escape the Chastisement! Houses will blow in the wind. Skin will dry up and blow off the bones as if it had never been! Eyes will see and still not believe, so hardened are the hearts of man.

     "Sin and all manner of evil has become a way of life in your nation and the countries upon earth. One by one, in a sudden movement, many nations shall disappear from the face of the earth. Many of the good must do heavy penance and suffer for this evil, but winning their eventual crown in the eternal Kingdom of God the Father.

     "The most high God, the Eternal Father, commands you now as a generation to turn back from your ways that offend Him and the angels, the guardian of your Faith, and the saints who have been given their crown and places in Heaven.

     "Your days as a generation have been counted. Your ways have been scrutinized by the Eternal Father and found lacking in sanctity.

     "Holiness, dedication of purpose, and pure truth must be returned to the houses of God in your world.

     "The knowledge of the supernatural must not be discarded by men of science who rationalize sin. Man of science ever searching and never finding the truth!

     "As in the days of Noe, as in the days of Joel, there will come upon your world a scourge. Your city, corrupt in your nationa disgrace in the eyes of Godshall set itself to right the wrong, or shall be destroyed!

     "The murders, daily, of the unborn in your city and your nation have balanced the scale heavily to the left. You have been judged as a nation and found by the Eternal Father corrupt, degraded, and lacking in faith! The Eternal Father shall chastise those He loves.

     "You will not accept, my child, a diabolical machine into your living room. Remove it! No excuses for the diabolical box of satan!

     "Mankind has accepted all manner of aberrations and evil created by satan to corrupt and destroy his chance for eternal salvation. All who wish to be saved must believe, and in believing must follow the rule.

     "The example by many of our dedicated is poor; therefore, the heads of families must now take it upon themselves to be guardians of the Faith in their household. The children are the victims of their elders. Therefore, the parents shall teach their children in truth.

     "The rabatrabbiis a teacher of life. Do not be fooled by those who have fouled their garments. There are devils loosed upon your earth assuming human form for destruction.

     "Your country had been placed under the guidance of the Mother of God, Mary, the Immaculate, and as such She begs clemency before the Eternal Father and more time for your redemption before the Ball is set upon you.

     "Parents, prepare your household. Are you ready for the test?" 



     Veronica - I see a great body of water. And now it's as though I'm riding in a boat and looking onto the land. And it's seashore is now filling with all figures. They look like they're going to battle. There are now tanks pulling up, and they're lining up. It, it, it appears from here that there is going to be an invasion. But the country knows of this coming invasion and is preparing for the battle.

     St. Michael - "Part of this sword, My child, shall be a great War! Nations shall disappear from the face of the earth. Eyes will see and many will still not believe.

     "You will prayas a nation, as an individual, as a family, as a human beingfor your Holy Father, Pope Paul VI. He is now carrying his cross with fortitude. There are in the holy city of Rome two red fish. Remove them!

     "Know a truth in fact: the Red Hat has fallen and the Purple Hat is being misled.

     "Look into your hearts, dedicated men of God! Shall you stand before the Eternal Father and say that your teaching has been pure in His sight? Shall He cast youspit you from His mouth as vipers into the flames of the abyss?

     "No man shall place judgment upon you. The Eternal Father shall judge you. No man shall escape this judgment.

     "My child"

     Veronica - Now Michael is holding in his right hand a scale. It looks like a golden balance, the scale. And he's now showing it to me.

     St. Michael - "You can observe, my child, that it is heavily balanced to the left. Iniquity is reaching its peak. As you have been directed in the past by the Queen of Heaven and earth, as the peak of iniquity is reached, then shall man feel the final scourge. The world, your world shall pass through a crucible of suffering. All who are of well spirit have nothing to fear. Hope and trust in your God shall take you through this trial."

     Veronica - Oh, my goodness! The sky now is opening up, and oh, there is that Ball. It looks like a huge ball of fire. Oh, it's terrible! I can't look at it. It must be much closer, because Iit's so bright it hurts my eyes. Oh, I would say it looks now about the size of a dime. Oh!

     St. Michael - "Your scientists, my child, shall find that this Ball will come upon mankind without warning.

     "All men of learning shall now remove their interest from worldly pursuits, get down upon their knees and make atonement to the Eternal Father for their offenses to their God.

     "Prayer, sacrifice, and atonement we ask of you now, for the time is growing short.

     "I do not have to repeat myself in admonishing you, my child, not to speculate on dates, as you were directed by the Queen of Heaven. It matters not a date, but what does matter, My child, is that a permanent change to goodness is undertaken by mankind."

     Veronica - Now Michael is rising up, up into the sky. Now he's standing at Our Lady'she's going over to Our Lady's right side. Our Lady is just standing there now. She's holding in Her right hand a very large Scapular. And now She has taken hold of Her beads, which are tied very loosely about the band about Her waist, and Our Lady now is removing the beads, and She's holding Her hand out with the golden crucifix of the beads and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now Our Lady is coming over to the center of the sky. Oh, She's smiling. And Michael is behind Her. He's still holding the balance in his left hand. And Our Lady is extending Her Rosary with the golden crucifix, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     The whole sky now is blue, a most beautiful blue. I always call it Our Lady's blue, for there is no description in human words for the color blue that surrounds Our Ladyjust beautiful!

     Now Our Lady is going to the left, and there's appearing a huge monstrance in the sky. Oh, it's so big! It's a golden monstrance, and the Host is in the center. Oh, it has also a stand. The monstrance is on a golden stand, and there's a Host right in the center. It's so bright!

     Now Our Lady is next to it. Our Lady looks small, because the Host and the monstrance is huge in the sky.

     Our Lady - "My child, this is My Son. We ask all mankind to save their eternal soul, their immortal soul, in the Blood, the wounds of My Son.

     "The tabernacles of the world shall be your refuge. Come to My Son. He will nourish you with His Body. Unless you eat of this Bread of life, you cannot be saved, so great are the forces of evil set upon your world. The abyss is open wide. The demons are loosed now to do battle against the children of God. 

Sacramentals keys to salvation

     "Wear your sacramentals. Do not cast them aside because you are mocked by your neighbors. Wear them proudly, for they are the keys to your salvation now. They are your armor against the evil that is raging now in force, great force, upon your world. Satan knows that his time is growing short, and he will do great battle with Our children.

     "Pray for your dedicated, your priests and your sisters. Many have gone fast into darkness of the spirit, for they have chosen to follow the modes of the world. Bring them quickly the Message from Heaven. We do not wish one child to be lost to Us.

     "O My dedicated sons, will you not gather Our straying sheep?

     "Believe, My children, and you shall be given the way. Ask and you will receive the light. None shall enter into the abyss unless of his own free will. You have the balance within your heart for your salvation.

     "Every man, woman, and child upon earth must make his decision when he is of knowledgeable age, for his salvation. You cannot be of the world and of the spirit. You may live in the world, but you must remain in the spirit.

     "A life of prayer and meditation shall give you the necessary graces that will keep you from falling into error."

     Veronica - "Yes."

     Our Lady - "I bless you, My child and My children, with the shield formed of My Immaculate Conception. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     "Continue now, My child, with your prayers of atonement. They are sorely needed.”


     Veronica - Everyone who is able, please kneel, for Jesus is coming forward now.

     Oh, Jesus is dressed in a white gown, and He's barefooted. He has a burgundy-red cape over His gown. The gown is tied at the center with a rope-likeoh, I don't know, I ... Jesus says, "Cincture." Cincture.

     And now Jesus is placing His hand out, like this, and I can see the wound on His right hand.

     Jesus - "My child, you have been given a Message from Heaven. Many have taken upon themselves to cast aside the warning from Heaven. For this reason only a few will be saved.

     "The errors and the road to destructionmany have set themselves upon this road through error and not seeking the truth. The light of knowledge is in every man's heart. This knowledge must be turned to channels of the spirit. Man has given himself to pleasures of the flesh. All have been created by satan for your downfall.

     "Sadly, your country is following the world onto the road to its own destruction. You must turn back now, for your time has grown short.

     "The Eternal Father will chastise those He loves."

     Veronica - Now Jesus is placing His hand out in front of Him, like this. His fingers are interflexed, like this, and He's making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now Our Lady is coming down from the sky. She looks very beautiful. Our Lady has a crown on Her head now. Oh, it's made of all stones, the most beautiful stones. Each one is set into a huge, star-like formation of gold. The center is a stone, and the gold prongs come out forming like a Trinity cross on each elevation from the crown.

     Oh, Our Lady is dressed all in white. But there's golden trim about Her robe, and also the belt on Her dress is golden, also. And the huge Rosary is now tied to Our Lady's belt. Now She's coming right down. She's at Jesus' now right side. He's moving over. Now Jesus is looking down and smiling. He's moved over to our left side, just over by the trees, and He's placing His hand out, like this: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now Jesus is going across the sky, and Our Lady is following. They just float; They don't walk like we do. They look almost like They're standing still, but carried across on the wind.

     And now Jesus is looking down. He's just about next to the top of the tree, and He's looking down. Now His hand is going forward: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. 


Bishop to receive sign in shock

     Jesus - "Graces shall continue to be given in abundance while you await the sign to your bishop. Know that he will receive this sign in shock.

     "Pray much that your clergy will be enlightened. The ways of Heaven are not akin to the ways of man. You will not understand them fully until you pass over the veil.

     "Pray a constant vigilance, for your country has gone into deep darkness."

     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.




The gate to the Kingdom...

July 25, 1975
Eve of St. Anne and St. Joachim          


     Veronica - The sky was very pink, but now the clouds are ... just seem to be blowing away. They're separating, and the sky directly over us is becoming a blue. It's a deeper blue. I haven't seen the light coming through yet, of Our Lady. It's almost like a steel door.

     Oh, now the light is coming from the left side of us. It's a brilliant, bright light. It feelsthere's no way I can explain it, Mother. It's a glass-like, piercing light, beautiful! Clear as the water, crystalline and pure.

     Nowoh, Our Lady is coming forward. Oh, Our Lady is very beautiful. The sun is shining brightly above Her. Oh, it's not the sun, it's the light that is coming from Our Lady.

     "Please, remove the light. Our Lady said to please do not focus the light upon me."

     Our Lady - "My child, we must exercise our human knowledge to prevent error in judgment. You must not set yourself to be an object to all, for the enemies of your God have taken it upon themselves to seek to remove you and silence your voice.

     "From Heaven We may direct you, My child, but you must also follow Our direction. You must not grow careless in security, My child."

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is pointing upward to this huge door. It's a steel-like door, very large, and above it, I notice it's like an area covered by stars. I believe they're stars; they're brilliant white lights. And ... oh, now Our Lady

     Our Lady - "My child, I will explain to you. What you are viewing is the gate to the Kingdoma  mystical gate, a supernatural gate that man cannot transcend until he comes to Us in the spirit.

     "The Kingdom of Heaven exists, just as your earth exists, My children. However, none can come across into the Kingdom until they depart from their earthly bodies. Your body, My children, are but shells housing your spirit, the life within you.

     "The agents of hell, My children, abound upon your earth. You must recognize the faces of evil about you. Do not be fooled by those who come to you as angels of light, but have ravenous hearts. They often assume the identity of Our clergy. They are not of the spirit of light or life, for they are of the spirit of darkness and agents of the prince of darkness, satan.

     "You must work, pray, and make atonement to the Eternal Father, for the time is growing short. Do not be slowed down, My child, by those who cast disparaging remarks upon your work. No man shall you be accountable to, My child. 


Eternal Father shall guide in secret

     "The Eternal Father shall guide you in secret, and you will continue your acts of mercy and the salvation of Our children in secret. The acclaim of your world will not be an honor to seek, My child.

     "If We could approach you in all truth, My children, We would ask you to remove your worldly entrapments and cover yourselves with ashes and sackcloth. Remove all signs of worldliness from your exterior, and you will place upon yourselves the garments of sanctity.

     "Learn a simple lesson, My child. You will meet with rejection by many, for by rejecting My message they can place it as far from mind as possible. When one does not wish to accept a truth they try to disprove and sully this truth.

     "The knowledge has been given to mankind that a great Chastisement will be sent soon upon your world. It is in this manner that the Eternal Father will separate the sheep from the goats.

     "You must pray much for your clergy. A House, a Church in darkness, My children, will shut its doors, for a Church in darkness wears a band of death about it.

     "You are much concerned, My child, of the emissary whom you sent to the Eternal City. Do not be concerned, for the Eternal Father in Heaven has a plan for him. We cannot reveal all to you, My child, at this time, for then the enemies of your God would take action against you. The Eternal Father has a plan for all, and I assure you, My child, it will appear before your very eyes.    

Remove worldly clothing

     "We expect now, at this time, at this late date, My child, that all who follow the road to Heaven will divest themselves, remove all worldliness from their presence and cast aside for good example to all, the worldly clothing that has been forced upon them by satan. Their example must be one of holiness. You must avoid all occasions of sin.

     "My children, many trials will be sent to you in the coming days. These trials will turn many back to the light.

     "You must pray much for the leaders of your country and the countries of the world. As I have told you countless times, many will disappear from the face of the earth.

     "You will continue to receive your photographs of knowledge. Many are given in secret, and many are for the general exposition to the world, My child.

     "Do not be concerned of those who reject these manifestations. It is only because the Eternal Father has not chosen to open their eyes to the truth. It is a grace, My child, a special grace, to be able to see, for many are blind.

     "As you go through the coming days, My child and My children, you will give the Message from Heaven to all. Speak once, and if not hastened, speak no more; but keep in heart that it may not be his decision. By that I mean, My child, that many are playing 'follow the leader' onto the road to damnation. They are swimming downstream like ducks, heading for the destruction of the rapids.

     "Your country and the world is heading fast to a dangerous climax, My child. 

Do not lower standards

     "You must not compromise your Faith. You will not win souls for Heaven by lowering your standards, My child and My children, and joining the enemies of your God.

     "In the past years of your earth's time, I have begged for the conversion of Russia. My words have been taken lightly then, as they are now by many. You must pray for the conversion of Russia, for she will send her errors throughout the world.

     "Your country has set itself onto the road to destruction, for theyyour leaders have not taken action against the murderers set loose in your society. The murders of the young, the innocent unborn, have not gone by uncounted by the Eternal Father. Measure for measure shall you be given the reward of your"

     Veronica - Oh, as Our Lady is pointing now up, I seeoh, my goodness! Oh! Oh, my! I see thatI know it's a comet. It, it's a round ball of fire, and it's traveling at a very fast pace through the sky. And it's so hot! I can feel the heat, the great heat of this long tail. As it's going through space, it's shooting out a tremendous fiery tail. Oh!

     Our Lady - "I repeat, My child, your country shall not escape the destruction of the fires, as you will be planet struck.

     "As in the days of Noe, My child, many shall reject the Message from Heaven.

     "We do not send you a message of fear, but a message of fact. Repent; make atonement now while you have the time, for the hour of reckoning is coming. It is at hand, My child.

     "For the love of money and power of short duration, many have sold their souls to get to the head.

     "Saint Michael must be returned to the houses of God, for he is the guardian of the Faith.

     "The word of the Eternal Father, your God, is everlasting. He knows no beginning and no end. Therefore, you shall not change the words of God to suit mankind and their basic carnal nature. You must change man to bring him under the rule set forth by his God.

     "The Eternal Father, My children, has given you a simple lesson of life. The Commandments must be followed, for shall you break one, you break them all. 

Remove pornography from schools

     "You must remove the reading matter, the books filled with obscenitiespornography, you call it, My childerrors and degradation, soul destructors. You must clean your schools. Remove the teachers who promote the destruction of souls.

     "Parents, as guardian of your children's souls, you must have the courage to come forward and act upon this, for it will be you as parents who shall cry tears of bitter remorse when you know that these children have been lost forever to the eternal Kingdom. For many shall fall into the abyss. The prince of darkness, satan, shall claim many young souls.

     "The Eternal Father is always the final judge; but, My children, do not be misguided by the fallacy, the lie from the father of all liars, satan, that there is no hell or purgatory. Shall you come here, over the veil, and learn this lesson sadly?

     "Only a pure and cleansed spirit can enter into the Kingdom of the Eternal Father, your Heaven. This cleansing shall take place upon your earth in suffering, or over the veil in purgatory. Hell is also eternal. Hell is permanent, My children."

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is floating. She doesn't walk. She's rising higher up into the sky. And now Our Lady has Her Rosary in Her right hand, and She's pointing. She's holding the Rosary forward, and She's pointing over to the right side. And oh, coming down now, oh, is a lady, another lady and a man. Oh, I know they are Saint Joachim and Anne.

     Oh, Saint Anne, she's heavier than Our Lady, and she's wearing a different type of garment. Saint Anne has on a grayish-white type of garment with a rope-like cord about her waist. And she has on a shorter scarf; it's like a whole cape going about her head, sheet-like, and reaching just about to the center of her inner garment.

     Now Saint Joachim, he has on a sheet-like garment. It's one piece. He hasn't got a cape over it, but the sleeves are very loose. He's completely covered, and his garment is also tied about the waist. And he has on brown leather, like skinbrown, skin-like leather, I think it is, sandals with a strap that's going through his toes, and also a band. I can see the band, for Saint Joachim's sandals are just coming out from under the hem of his garment.

     Now Saint Joachim and Anne are going over to Our Lady, and Our Lady is smiling. Oh, the light, the very bright light now is all about them. They're standing in thisit's like an arc, a beautiful crystalline type of ... oh, light. It's very hard upon my eyes.

     Now Our Lady is touching Her lips with Her finger.

     Our Lady - "My children, follow the example in family of My mother and dear father. Children must respect their elders. There is no unity in the homes upon earth, for they have forgotten the example given to them.

     "We hear, My children, cries of 'love' throughout your world, but is there the true meaning of love being exercised, or is it just a word that mankind uses in his seeking, his searching for the truth but never finding it, My children? Oh, yes, My children, only love can be given by the Eternal Father the true meaning.

     "My Son gave you a perfect example of His love. In His time of suffering many also rejected Him, My child, and many now have forgotten His suffering."

     Veronica - Now Saint Anne is coming over. She's standing by Our Lady's right side, and Saint Joachim now is on Our Lady's left side. It's so beautiful!

     St. Anne - "Parents ..."

     Veronica - Oh, Saint Anne now is touching her eyes. She feelsI know she feels very sad.

     St. Anne - "Parents, you must teach your children. Do not send them out into your world to be instructed by the father of liars who has done his work well in your schools.

     "Your home must be a refuge for your children. Place about them the things of your God. Remove from your homes the trappings of the world, soul destructorssoul destructors, My children, that have been created by satan to capture the souls of your children.

     "Sin has become a way of life. Awaken now from your blindness, my children upon earth. You are sending your children onto the road to destruction!"

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is going up high into the sky, and Saint Joachim and Anne are following Her.

     And now Our Lady is pointing with Her Rosary in Her hand over to the right side of the sky, and there are a group of nuns. I can see they're nuns by their habits; they have on the long habits. And Our Lady now is going over with Saint Joachim and Anne.

     Our Lady - "You must, My child, hasten to gather your sisters. They must be strengthened in their Faith. They must not succumb to the errors that abound now in the houses of God throughout the worldin the seminaries and the convents, My child.

     "The antichrist forces of the agents from hell are out now in great numbers invading Our convents and seminaries, My child. You must hasten to reach your pastors with the message."

     Veronica - Now it's growing quite dark. I can't see the nuns. Oh, but now one of the nuns is raising her hand. Oh, it's Saint Theresa. I recognize her now. Oh!

     St. Theresa - "Veronica, there's great discord in the convents. You must encourage them by prayer. 

Habits to be worn to the floor

     "Tell my sisters not to fall into the errors of the world. They must not join the world, or they will be lost to us here in Heaven. They must place the garments of holiness upon themselvesbring their habits to the floor.

     "All signs of worldliness must be removed from their persons, for when they join the world, they will no longer be brides of the Christ.

     "If a bride of Christ gives herself without change to the world, she will find it difficult to return and accept the truth, for she will become blinded. Please pray, my sisters and brothers, for those who are losing the way."

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is coming forward, and She is making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

     Our Lady - "The world is going fast into darkness, darkness of the spirit. Remember the words of My Son to you, My child: 'This, My child, is what will be: in darkness will they seek the way. In darkness, will they seek the way?' Repeat this, My child, the words of My Son: 'This, My child, is what will be: in darkness, will they seek the way?' 


U.S. soon to face splitting up of Faith

     "You must remain united with your Holy Father in Rome. Your country, America, the United States, will soon face a splitting up in their Faith. This will accomplish nothing, My children, for united you will stand and divided you will fall.

     "A House that has set and divided itself cannot be on a firm foundation. You will gain nothing by compromising with the enemy.

     "My child, repeat the words of My Son: 'When I return, shall I find even a small flicker of faith left in your world? Teachers In My houses, shall you stand before Me and say that your teaching has been pure in My sight? I will say: Away from Me, you workers of iniquity, into the fires of eternal damnation!'

     "Yes, My child, Our children must read the Book of life, the Bible, for knowledge is power. You will read in the spirit and ask the Eternal Father for guidance that you do not fall into the web of satan that will result in blindness and falling into error, casting aside the truth for invention, experimentation, humanism, modernism, and satanism.

     "Man has cast aside the knowledge of the life eternalthe supernatural. He shall rationalize himself out of the Kingdom of God. Only too soon must he go across the veil and shall be rejected for his casting aside the truth.

     "For those who have been given the light, My child, much is asked of them. They must pray for their sisters and brothers. Many must carry heavy crosses. Your suffering in the light leads to the Kingdom of Heaven and a crowna crown, My child."

     Veronica - Now I see forming in the sky a very large chalice. And on the chalice now there are lights forming; they're three glowing candles.

     Now above the chalice there is a huge face of a clock. The hands are pointing to the four and the eight, the twelve and the six. It is the sign of Armageddon, the sign of the Antichrist.

     Our Lady - "It is time now, My child, that those of true knowledge and Faith must work, do penance, make atonement so that you may convert the unbeliever. The graces shall be given to all who ask, graces for cures and graces for conversions.

     "My sacred grounds in Bayside are held in abeyance, My child. The Eternal Father has the plan for all.

     "You will pray for your bishop and your clergy."

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is extending Her Rosary out, like this, and She has the cross on the end of Her hand, and She's making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

     Our Lady - "You will be seated now, My child, and await My Son."


     Veronica - All who are able, please kneel. Now just above us, over Our Lady's statue, the sky is becoming very white. But it's borderedthe white section of the sky is bordered on each side by a long ... it's a wreath. I know it's like a wreath, but on each side it's like a long piece of wheat growing.

     Now it's becoming very bright in the sky between the two pieces of wheat, likeoh, they're almost like a long bough. I can't explain it. Now comingoh, the light is opening up. It's like a pinpoint of light that's opened up until the whole sky is surrounded by this luminous light.     Now coming through the lightoh, it's Jesus! Oh!

     Jesus has on Hisit's a white garment, inner garment, and He has a belt about His waist. It's tied very loosely. The belt looks like it might be like of a hemp, or cord. And Jesus has on His feet nowHe has on sandals. I can't see what's holding them on; I can only see the bottoms of Jesus' sandals. And Jesus has His burgundy-colored cloak about His neck, and it's falling loosely now behind Him. And Jesus is coming forward, and He's placing His hand out in front of Him, like this, and I can see the wounds in His hand. Oh!

     Jesus - "My child, I will not repeat the mystery of Faith.

     "I have watched the world going into deep darkness of spirit. The manner in which man conducts himself in My houses throughout the world have caused great suffering to My Mother and other personages of the Kingdom of the Father.

     "I do not have to repeat at this time the word of warning given to you by My Mother to earth's peoples. This warning must be acted upon now, for there is little time left to mankind.

     "For all who have come to Me through love, I extend a grace of perseverance. We bestow upon you in your faith graces for cure and conversion."

     Veronica - Now Jesus is placing His hand out like this, and He's turning it, like this, and there are rays coming out by the handsfrom His hand. But the rays also seem to be coming out from His chest. And they're coming down now in this direction, going past me, down onto the group of people on this side.

     Jesus - "You see, My child, the burning fires of My heart. My Blood has been shed for the salvation of mankind. Now My wounds are bleeding anew. Is there not one who will solace Me? My hands are bleeding; My heart is sobbing. I long to see My creation and be filled with joy."

     Veronica - Now Jesus is going over to the left side, our left side. Now He's extending His hands out. The light is dying down; it seems to be just disappearing from this direction now. And Jesus is placing His hand out in front of Him, like this: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now Jesus is moving over. He's just floating; He seems to glide right on the air. And He's just above Our Lady's statue now and placing His hand out in front of Him, like this: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now Jesus is smiling. It's a sad smile. He's not laughing; He's just smiling very quietly and sadly, but ... and He's looking over now by the trees. Now Jesus is going over and He's looking down now, placing His hand out, like this: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now Jesus is coming over to the center of Our Lady's statue, just above Our Lady's statue, and behind the trees.

     Jesus - "My child, you will continue in patience and fortitude. The plan from Heaven will be consummated.

     "All who have given themselves to satan shall rush headlong, head first into the abyss. No man shall fall into the abyss except of his own free will.

     "Before the cleansing, the chastisement of mankind, each individual soul will have passed through this crucible of testing and suffering. All will be well for those of good spirit.

     "My Mother does not come as an emissary to instil fear in your heart with Her message. My Mother has come with prophecy to enlighten you of the days ahead, for the Father will chastise those He loves. It is in this mannerthe manner of your God, that cannot meet with comprehension even by a generation that has become arrogant and considers itself above the Father Eternal in knowledge. They shall not comprehend the way of their God.

     "You will all retire from your world of satan. Satan knows his day grows short. He will do full battle against the children of God.

     "Accept now your cross. Carry it with perseverance. But remain in the light, for it is the only way to the Kingdom."

     Veronica - Jesus is placing His hand out: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. 


Grounds in abeyance until sign to bishop

     Jesus - "Continue now, My children, with your prayers of atonement. You are not displaced from the sacred grounds. They are held in abeyance until the Father, the Eternal Father, gives the word to your bishop."

     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. 




Astrology promoted by satan...

August 5, 1975
Eve of the Transfiguration of Our Lord

     Veronica - The blue lights are slowly opening up a wide area over Our Lady's statue. Our Blessed Mother is coming forward now. She's been standing high over the statue's base for quite awhile. I was watching Our Lady. As we were singing She was coming through the sky, the darkness of the sky.
     Now all about Our Lady are these long streams of pale blue light. It's a beautiful color against the dark sky. Our Lady has on a white dress, a beautiful white dress, and a deep blue cape. It's like a scarf that covers Her whole head and down to Her feet. Now on the top of the cape, Our Lady is wearing a most beautiful golden crown. It's a round crown, dome-shaped-like at the top, circular, a ball shape, and it has a golden crucifix on the top of the crown. The crown has beautiful colored stones on the pieces that form an entwining circlet of color in the crown that Our Lady has.
     Now Our Lady is placing Her hands forward, like this, and She has Her very large Rosary, the beautiful white Rosary with the golden Our Father beads. Now Our Lady is taking the crucifix in Her right hand and She's placing it to Her lips. She's kissing the crucifix.
     Now Our Lady is motioning me to be silent and listen.
     Our Lady - "My child, you will repeat after Me all I have to say to the world.
     "The forces of evil are gathering in great numbers in the Eternal City of Rome. You must pray now for your Holy Father. The forces of evil are sending their errors throughout the world.
     "Through many years of your earth-time, I have asked you to pray and set a good example in your country for those throughout your world who have fallen into darkness and error.
     "As in the past, My child, those who have the power for good are using this power to destroy souls. The Father, the Eternal Father, will permit this but for a short time. All that is rotten will fall.
     "Satan his poisoned many minds, and many are following like sheep to the slaughter. The evils of modernism and humanism abound throughout your world. I repeat Myself, My child, much, for in My repetition I hope to reach many.
     "The mission We send Our special children upon is not accomplished in the manner that will be recognized by these children. I mean, My child, that you must not question the ways of the Eternal Father, but you will go as He directs you without question or doubt. It is only satan who plants a seed of doubt in the minds of My children.
     "You find, My child, great wonderment of your mission. I have sent you there for a reason to your city of Washington. The great power of your country comes from those who have now gained a control of your government. The forces of evil have entered upon your government, My child. Many sacrifices must be made for these who have given themselves to satan.

     "Our hearts are saddened by the numbers of helpless children being murdered in your city and the cities of your world. As you sow, so shall you reap.
     "The murders of the unborn, My child, in abortion have gone far beyond any murders in your history and the history of your world. All who have given themselves in even small measure to the murder of these Holy Innocents shall be condemned to the eternal fires of hell. You, as a man and human of nature, cannot judge the heart. The Eternal Father is always the final judge, but you must by example make known the misery, the rejection, and the chastisement that the Eternal Father will send upon your city, your country, and the world, for the murders of the unborn.
     "There is a life, a spirit of life, My child, breathed into the body at the moment of conception. A life is born, a life has been sent by the Eternal Father with reason. For greed, for avarice, for a worldly gain, you murder the creations of the Eternal Father! You bring upon yourselves destruction!
     "Your country, My children, America, the once beautiful, has become a nation of sin, corruption, vilenesslacking charity, modesty, piety, and lacking the knowledge of God the Father Eternal. Your childrenthe children of your country and the children of your worldtheir souls are being starved for the light.
     "The teachers in the House of God, will you stand before the Eternal Father and declare that your teachings have been pure in His sight? No, I say unto you! You must now mend your ways. You who have given yourselves to the world of satan, you must turn now and make amends. Restore My Son's House to a House of sanctity and piety and holiness! You will gain nothing by uniting My Son's House with the world.
     "Soon, very soon, My children, a great Warning will be sent to mankind. How many of you shall take note of this Warning, that it has come from the Eternal Father, from His merciful heart, to give you time to prepare?
     "Then the Ball of Redemption shall come to cleanse the world with a baptism of fire! Have you prepared your children? Have you cleansed your homes?
     "Parentsmothers, fathers, protectors of soulswhy have you given yourselves to the world, entering into the darkness and taking your children with you? What have you gained if you gather the riches of earth? For you will go into the veilbeyond the veil and face in judgment the Eternal Father! What merits will you have but those you have given to the world? What have you given to the Eternal Father? Your merits beyond the veil are not counted in earthly measure, but they are those of the spirit. Have you covered yourselves with a spirit of darkness or of the light?
     "As human beings, My children, the Eternal Father has given you a free will! No man shall be forced into the Kingdom of the Eternal Father. He will have made his own choice.
     "The Commandments of the Eternal Father that have been given to you through generations must be followed with discipline! You will not compromise your Faith! You will not compromise and gain souls, for you are turning them away from My Son's House. Awaken from your slumber! My pastors, you have fallen asleep!"
     Veronica - Now Our Lady is raising Her hand, and She's pointing up high into the sky, and I see She is writing. Our Lady is pointing and a writing is appearing now over Our Lady in the sky: P-E-R-S-E-C-U-T-I-O-N: "PERSECUTION," F-O-R: "FOR," T-H-E: "THE," C-H-I-L-D-R-E-N: "CHILDREN," O-F: "OF GOD," G-O-D. "PERSECUTION FOR THE CHILDREN OF GOD."
     Now the letteringit was in a brilliant red color, red-orange, red bordered with orangeit's beginning to fade away. It's almost like a smoky figure now, fading away.
     Now Our Lady is motioning to me like this, making the sign of the cross with her hand.
     Our Lady - "My child ..."
     Veronica - Oh, now as Our Lady is speaking, there's a tremendous blue light. It seems to be shooting right across the sky over Our Lady's head.
     Our Lady - "My child, graces are given in abundance for the asking. The world will go through a crucible of great suffering. All who are of well spirit will have nothing to fear. They will recognize the signs of their times and go through this suffering knowing there is hope in the light.
     "You will, My child, continue to receive many messages in photographs. Read them carefully.
     "I understand, My child, that you receive many requests. You must tell these dear souls that we are not in a fortune-telling business. It is not the will of the Father that you engross yourself in prophecy other than that given to you by the Eternal Father.

Astrology a false science
     "The destiny of every man lies in the hands of the Eternal Father, My child. We are much distressed to find many of Our children becoming engrossed in this game, My child, of astrology. Do they not understand that it is promoted by satan to deceive them? The Eternal Father has the destiny of each man, for He has created him, My child. There is not a stone or a star, or a dark lightand I say dark, because we must not confuse this with the light from Heaven, My childthere is no manner of metal, or light, or heat, or radiation that has an effect on man's future.

No reincarnation
     "I shall not enlarge upon this statement at this time, My child, for it is very complicated to most human beings. However, I will repeat Myself: astrology is a false science, created by satan. Also you will make it known, My child, that there is only one spirit for one body. There is no reincarnation. That is also a fallacy and deception given to the world's people by satan.
     "You may enlarge upon this by stating, My child, that at the end of time, the general judgment, each soul will be reunited with its body at the general resurrection of mankind. Now if you were, My child, to have more than one body, what body shall We place that one spirit into? You see, My child, for those minds that have not been clouded by satan, it is easy to understand that it is a falseness that has been sent upon the minds of Our children by satan. It is truly a battle of the spirits.
     "Satan will send many false miracles into the world, but they are of short duration. And by his fruits will he be known.
     "You will practice a life of more prayer, My child and My children, vocal prayer and interior prayer. Use prayer, for it causes great despair to Our adversary, satan. He must flee at the sound of prayer.
     "You ask, My child, of the power of satan? Yes, he has been given great power. However, he is not above the Eternal Father in Heaven. The Eternal Father will turn all evil to good.
     "I wish, My child, that you continue to spread the Message from Heaven. Send it in great haste throughout the world. We are gathering Our sheep. The goats are numerous in numbers, and sadly, many shall fall into hell. Among these, My child, are many mitres. You must pray for your priests, your clergy. There are so few prayers given to them upon earth.
     "I have asked you many times to pray for the conversion of the nation Russia. Unless there are more prayers and acts of sacrifice, Russia shall send her errors throughout the world, causing great suffering and loss of Faith.
     "Satan now has entered into many houses of My Son, churches throughout the world. A pastor must remain true to his Faith. If he gives himself to the world, he will find it difficult to return to the narrow path that leads to the Eternal Kingdom of God the Father.
     "Awaken Our children with the knowledge that no man must answer but to the Eternal Father. When he goes over the veil, he dies in his human body upon earth. So why do you give yourselves and sell your souls to satan who has placed the spirit of darkness into many humans upon earth? You must learn to recognize the faces of evil about you.

A religion of darkness
     "Satan has placed many agents in high positions in your governments of the world and also in the houses of God. You will not compromise your Faith, My children. You will not unite the world into one religion, for it will not be that given by My Son, but a religion of darkness.
     "The foundation for your Church, My children, is My Son. The Trinity shall be your guide: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. One God in three Persons, My child, but in one God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost.
     "You must warn Our clergy that many are being deceived. They must merit the respect of their flock by their example and holiness. The more they enter into the world, the less they will be of the spirit of light. Man must live in the world but not be of the world.
     "So many are now catering to the basic carnal nature of mankind. They seek to bring a false maxim of goodness to mankind by feeding them all the pleasures of your lifetime, all the material things of your world, but their spirit, the eternal life within them, is being starved.
     "When you leave your body, My children, your spirit will live on forever. However, there is no guarantee without merit of the Eternal Kingdom of the Father. You must want to go there, My children. You must work to go there. You must pray, you must make sacrifices, and really know the true meaning of 'love' that is being exaggerated, My child, in your world. They cry 'love' and 'peace' where there is no love and no peace. The only example of love, true love, is in the cross, My childthe lifetime of My Son upon earth and His Ascension into the Eternal Kingdom.
     "In the general resurrection of all souls and bodies, My Son shall take the bones and rise them up, knitting them and uniting them, and placing upon them incorruptible flesh, for death will be conquered. Pain shall be no more. Sin shall be no more. Joy will abound. Charity will aboundgoodness, mercy, kindness, and all the goodness created by the Eternal Father.
     "As your world proceeds deeper into darkness of spirit, all of these will disappear, My child, 'till those who are upon earth will envy those who have gone on through the veil.
     "You will not, My child, speculate in dates. It does not matter a date, but to be prepared, for I have given you enough signs and direction to prepare yourselves for what lies ahead. You will be scoffed at; you will be slandered; you will be mocked. There is only one way, My child, to the Kingdom Eternal: that is by carrying the cross.
     "All suffering is for a purpose, a reason known to the Eternal Father. You will accept all in good heart, My child, for one day it will all be made known to you.

Seek out books of truth
     "You will ask Our children of good spirit to make known the lives of those who have gone before you, known as the saints. They have given good examples for your children. Satan wishes to take them from the minds and hearts of your children. Go, seek out the books of truth that still retain these stories of truth of these departed souls, those who have given themselves to the Eternal Father during their lifetime upon your earth.
     "Many cures and conversions, My child, will be given during the course of your work upon earth. There are many instruments now, children of God, going throughout your world upon earth to bring the Message of Heaven. When this ground has been covered, the full coverage with the Gospel of the Father throughout the world, you will know, My child, that the sand has run through."
     Veronica - Our Lady is showingShe is pointing up to the sky, and there's a large ... oh, it's an hourglass, and it's quite full. The sands have run through, and Our Lady is saying very, very low. I can barely hear Her.
     Our Lady - "You see, My child, there is not much time left, so work with great haste.
     "You will now be seated, My child, and join in the prayers of atonement."
     Veronica - As I look into the sky I see a very large door. I recognize it as a door, but it's made of stone. I feel that I am looking onto a vast stone, like a tablet. Oh, it's not a pleasant sight. I don't know what the stone stands for. Oh, now there's a voice crying out. It's the cornerstone of life. Oh!
     Over on the left side the sky is becoming very clear. It was dark, but it's like a great light piercing the darkness, going through the darkness, andoh, now coming forward is Jesus. Oh, all who are able, please kneel!
     Now over on the right is a beautiful green glow, and coming through this is Michael. Oh, he is huge! Oh, Michael covers the whole expanse of the sky. Oh, my! Now Michael is carrying in his left hand the balance. It's a golden balance, but it's leaning very heavily to the left.
     And over on the left now, Jesus is coming forward. He has a deep red, a burgundy scarfno, it's a cloak, over His long garment. Now Jesus is in His bare feet; I can see His feet under His gown. And His hair is very long. Now Jesus is turning over to His left side, to Michael, and He is nodding His head.
     Now Michael is coming forward. Jesus is standing over on my left, and Michael is coming forward. And his voice is booming. It's so loud, it kind of gives me a tremendous feeling of explosion in my ears.
     St. Michael - "Hasten, harken, and listen to the voice of what is to be!
     "I come to youI, Michael, guardian of the Faith, guardian of the Kingdom of lightto bring you a message of warning from the eternal Kingdom.

Desecration of Host
     "You have desecrated the Host! You have defiled the Spirit! You, as a generation, call upon yourself a punishment far worse than any that has been seen by mankind in the past, or shall ever be seen in the future. Your world is fast heading into a baptism of fire!
     "A House in darkness, a Church in darkness wears a band of death about it.
     "The balance for your destruction is heavily to the left."
     Veronica - Now Michael is extending his left hand, and in it is this balance.

Blood shall flow in revolution
     St. Michael - "Yes, my child, you find the balance heavily loaded, leavened by the sins of mankind and all manner of abominations that cause the Blood of your Creator to overflow in the chalice. This Blood shall wash mankind clean. Blood, the blood of mankind, shall flow in the streets in revolution! Wars are a punishment for the sins of mankind."
     Veronica - Now as I look up, I hear this greatit's a clamor of horses, and it'sthey're galloping; they're galloping, and it sounds like hundreds of horses galloping across the sky. But in the lead is this horseit's all black; it's a deep, absolute pitch black. And the man upon the horse, he looks like an executioner. He's wearing a black hood, and he's carrying in his left hand a bow. Oh!
     Now I see a huge ball. It's turning at an awfully fast pace; it's spinning. It's shooting out fire, and it's very hot. It's coming closer, and I can feel the heat. It's burning! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh, I've never seen anything so hot. There are gases forming around it. It must be gases; it's all colorsa deep yellow, and an orange, and there's a tremendous heat! Oh!
     Now I hear ... it's Michael standing over on the right. His voice is booming again.
     St. Michael - "Skin will dry up and blow off the bones as if it had never been. Eyes will see and still not believe, so hard have become the hearts of mankind.
     "Prayers, atonementis this too much to ask of you in the face, the reality, of what is to come upon you?"
     Veronica - Now it's growing cooler. The huge spinning ballI can't feel the heat.  Oh, it's like a weight, a tremendous weight has been lifted from the sky. I could barely breathe. Oh!
     Now it's becoming much brighter. Oh, now Jesus is coming forward. He doesn't look very happy.
     Jesus - "My child, My tears still fall upon an unrepentant generation, a generation that is fast going into deep darkness of spirit. All manner of sin and abominations corrupt mankind. Murders, murders far in excess of any in all the past history of mankind is being executed in your country and in the countries of earth. They have now given themselves a balance that will demand the extreme penalty from the Eternal Father of a baptism by fire.
     "Man, in his arrogance and prideful nature, has set himself to reach high into the heavens, seeking to control the forces of life and death. No man shall be above His Creator, for the secret of life shall not be given to any man.
     "Life forces are completely under the control of the Spirit of life, the Eternal Father.

Clergy like ducks following downstream
     "The spirit of darkness has set upon mankind the separation of the sheep from the goats. Many of you, My clergy, have given yourselves to the world. You follow downstream into the abyss! You are like ducks, on midstream."
     Veronica - Oh!
     Jesus - "The Eternal City is falling into deep darkness of spirit. The candles are lighted, the battle will rage. Your Vicar will carry his cross to the end.
     "The power of prayer is great. The mercy of the Eternal Father knows no bounds. You are all being tested. Every man shall be tested as metal in the fire. You will continue under the direction of My Mother, retiring from your present state of world conditions that have been given under the power of satan. It is the will of the Eternal Father that you continue with perseverance and patience in the days ahead. It has been ordained from the beginning of time. All must come to pass.
     "My Mother has been sent to your earth as an emissary from Heaven, a Mediatrix between you and the Eternal Father. However, it is with much sorrow that We have observed the manner in which She has been rejected by many.
     "Measure for measure, each man shall receive the recompense of his sin. Nothing is hidden to the Eternal Father Who is your final judge. You will all now retire from your world that has been given to satan. The time will come when many will look with envy upon those who have died.
     "Man, My child, has set this course by his own arrogance, pride, and sinful nature, seeking more the pleasures of his world than storing his treasures in Heaven. Many shall sell their souls to get to the head. What does it gain a man if he gains the whole world's treasures and suffers the loss of his eternal soul? You will exit, My children, you will leave your present life exactly as you entered it, with nothing of material value. Your merits are being stored now.
     "It is sad, My child, to note that many have already sold themselves to satan.
     "Many prayers are needed for your clergy. The leaders of many have gone into deep darkness. Through false ideology, maxims of modernism and humanism, mankind has entered into a delusion. All who have followed satan will fall fast into darkness of spirit, no longer recognizing the light. When I return, shall there be even a small light of Faith left upon your earth? The numbers saved will be counted in the few.
     "I do not have to repeat Myself any further, but to give mankind a fair warning from the merciful heart of the Father that your time is growing short. You must now enter onto a life of prayer, atonement, and sacrifice. You cannot be of the world and of the spirit. You will be given, each individual, a choice. The decision will rest with you.
     "Pray much for your neighbors, your brothers and your sisters. Your prayers have great power. It is of great charity to pray, My children, for many have prayed for you all, or you would not be here among those counted upon this sacred mission.
     "It is not by accident that you are called by My Mother, for your names have been written in Heaven."
     Veronica - Now Jesus is extending His hands out, like this.
     Jesus - "I bless you all: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost."
     Veronica - He's making the sign of the cross with His fingers, like this. Now Jesus is turning over to His left, our right side, and He's smiling. Now He's looking down, and He's extending His hand out: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now Jesus is going over to our right. He's just above the tree, oh, the very highest point of the tree, and He's looking down now. Oh, Jesus is shifting His cloak over onto His left arm. It's tied at the top. I can see anot a tassel, it's like a piece of rope. It's a golden colored rope. Now Jesus is placing His hand out: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Jesus - "I bless you all, My children, as My Mother blesses you, with a shower of graces. You will continue on your mission, for as I will repeat to you, you are not here by accident. But with this great grace you have great responsibility to send this Message from Heaven throughout the world, for if you are able to recover just one more for Heaven, an additional star shall be placed in your crown."
     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Jesus - "Continue now, My children, with your prayers of atonement. Many are sorely needed."



"There will be a terrible War a catastrophe, My children.

It will be beyond anything mankind has ever seen"

August 14, 1975
Eve of the Assumption    


     Veronica - The sky is very lighted tonight. It's strange that the stars in the heavens form a Trinity circle here. Not exactly a circle; it's like a triangle, a Trinity triangle.

     Now there is a very heavy mist forming in the center of the sky. Oh, no, it's not a mist; it is a light, a gray light. Now as it's coming closer, it's becoming very bright. Oh, it's the light from Heaven.

     Now the light is opening up much wider, and I can see beyond the light now. Our Lady is standing on what appears to be a half of a moon. The bottom half is covered by a cloud formation. Our Lady is standing there. It's quite windy. Her gown is blowing about the globe She's standing on. And Our Lady is smiling. Through the light, I can still feel that the smile Our Lady has is not one of happiness, but it's a very sad smile.

     Our Lady - "My child, the evil has accelerated throughout the world. It gives me little reason to smile, My child. There must be action taken now against the forces of evil. The children of the world are truly the victims. Mothers and fathers of the world, will you not protect the souls of your children? You must take action against those who are propagating the evil.

     "Parents, have you examined what your children have been reading? Their eyes, which are the mirror of the soul, are being polluted, their souls being destroyed by the pornography being sold for profit and gain. Why is there no action, My children, to safeguard your children? Many parents will cry bitter tears of anguish, but too late, too late!

     "I have wandered throughout your world exposing these evils, bringing them before you for your action. So many have passed by, feeling an apathy to My words.

     "Experience is a great teacher, My children, but you are fast setting yourselves upon a road that will lead to a terrifying experience, for you are bringing destruction to your world.

     "The Eternal Father has been merciful to you. He has watched with a saddened heart as man, in his arrogance and greed, has gone down the road to perdition. Those who have the power to do good and to fortify the young souls against the evils of your day and agethey, too, have turned their backs, for they have sold their souls to get to the head.

     "All that is rotten shall fall! A Church in darkness wears a band of death about it! 


Leading young to perdition

     "My pastors, those who have dedicated themselves as teachers of the young souls, you are scattering the flock! Turn now from your worldliness and your seeking of materialism. What have you gained for yourselves or those whom you have taken a vow to protect and guide to the eternal Kingdom of the Father? You are leading them down, by your example, the road to perdition!

     "Pastors of the worldthose given to guide the sheep to Heavenshall you stand before My Son and say that your teaching has been pure in His sight? He will cast you into the eternal fires of damnation, you who have forgotten your role as pastor!

     "Through the merciful heart of the Eternal Father in My Son, I have come to you as a Mediatrix between God and man, a bearer of tidings from Heaven. I wish them to be tidings of great joy, but you have darkened your spirit and set upon your world a complete blackness, a darkness of the spirit. Therefore, I must bring to you tidings of warning, for the Eternal Father has poised His hand. He will let loose upon you a Chastisement that has never been seen or set upon mankind in the past!

     "You who have turned away from your guideyour angels, your guardians, your true pastors; you who have abandoned yourselves to the world, giving vent to all pleasures of the flesh; you who have turned from your God and set upon the world all manner of abominations in the hearts of mankind, and even in the churches of the worldyou shall stand in judgment before the Eternal Father, and you shall reap what you have sown.

     "My child, I do not seek to set fear in your heart. As a messenger from Heaven, My child, you must continue with great perseverance. Satan has a plan to stop you, but you must retire more to a contemplative life. It is better if you spend more time in silent meditation, My child. Silence can be golden. The more you will go out into the world, the less you will be of the spirit.

     "My child, do not succumb to any worldly temptation. You must follow My direction very carefully, My child, or you will set upon yourself great suffering.

     "I have asked you to clothe yourself in the long garment for your protection and as an example to others. No man shall set himself to place judgment upon you, My child. Therefore, you will not concern yourself of the opinion of mankind. 


A task force to stop pornography

     "My child, you must now set up a task force to stop the wave of evil in pornography that is engulfing your country and the world. Action is needed. There are many true spirits who will help you in this fight. It is truly a battle of the spirits."

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is moving over to the leftHer right side, our left side. And there are great tears coming from Her face. I can see them because they look almost like diamonds as they are going down Her cheeks. And Our Lady now is placing Her hands upon Her face.

     Our Lady - "My child, it truly rains teardrops from Heaven. Chastity and virtuewhatever has become of them? I look upon My children and I am filled with great shame, for sin has become a way of life among you.

     "If you accept this way of life filled with sin and abominations of the flesh, you cannot enter, My children, into the Kingdom of Heaven. The few short years given to mankind upon earth, My childrenis it worth this to throw away eternal life for these few short years upon your earth? When you cross over the veil, My children, it is foreverforever and ever, in the hereafter. There is no return once you leave your body, no return unto the General Judgment by the Eternal Father.

     "There are great tears shed at the loss of every soul, and so many souls are falling into the abyssas numerous as the snowflakes that fall from your heavens. There is no age over the reasoning age. They are young and they are old, My child; all manner of souls are falling into the abyss, the place of no return.

     "The numbers going into purgatory, My child, have become few, and those entering into the eternal Kingdom of joy are even fewer. Whatever shall become of Our children?"

     Veronica - Our Lady is crying very heavily, and She's placing Her hands over Her eyes.

     Our Lady - "Whoever will solace My suffering hearta Mother of Sorrows!

     "Prayer, penance, atonement, My childrenshall I be cast out of here, also? I have wandered throughout the world and found the doors closed to Me! The words from Heaven, the message of warning, will go throughout the world, even when they shut the doors, My children.  

All mankind shall know message

     "You must continue with great vigilance to send My message throughout the worldperson to person, link to link, pen to pen, and word to word. The whole creation of mankind shall know the Message from Heaven, and if the balance, the scale, has not met with approval by the Eternal Father, the world shall be cleansed by a baptism of fire.

     "It has been written in the good Book, My children, and it must come to pass. But I cry bitter tears, knowing that this time that was to be in the future shall be now!

     "Have you, as parents, prepared your family? Have you set your household in order?

     "I have asked you to place in your homes the Book of life and love, your Bible. Parents, you must read this to your children, for they shall not receive the knowledge of their God outside of your door. The teachers have given themselves to the world. Blinded of spirit, hardened of heart, and deafened of ear have they become. Too late they will awaken in shock, knowing that the time has run out for their repatriation.

     "The Ball of Redemption is out there, My children. The Eternal Father has the day and the hour."

     Veronica - Now behind Our Ladythere's a tremendous light forming behind Our Lady, and I can see quite a number of figures coming through the light. Oh, it's Michael!

     Michael has this timehe has a white gown on with a golden sash about his belt. And Michael's hair now is very evident, the light is so bright. Michael's hairit's not like human hair. I can see it's almost metallic; it's very translucent and golden. It's very hard to look at because the light shining upon it from above Our Lady's head is so brilliant that it's like golden slivers of steel cutting through your eyes. It's very difficult to look at it.

     Now Michael is coming forward. He has the golden balance in his right hand, and he's got the spearit's like a bow and arrow; yes, it is a bow and arrow in his left hand. And behind him I see ... there are two very, very large angels. Oh, they're not quite as tall and as bright as Michael, but they're very, very bigGabriel, Raphael, and the lower chorus of angelsthe choirs of angels. Michael says they are the choirs.

     There are many, many angels now forming all over the sky. They're coming right through a cloud-like formation. They're very beautiful! They look exactly like warriors. Oh, they are just breathtaking! 

Bring knowledge of guardian angels

     Our Lady - "My child, mankind no longer calls to his angel guardians. Will you not, parents, bring the knowledge of their guardians to them? If they must go out into your world, which has been given to satan, they must have their guardians with them. They are only for their calling, unless you as parents shall lift your hearts to Heaven and ask for their guardianship for your children.

     "My child, it is difficult for you as human to understand the ways of Heaven. Ask and you shall receive, but many shall receive if others ask for them. It is a simple lesson of love, My child.

     "Many prayers are needed for your clergy. But for your prayers, many shall be lost to the Kingdom of God. It is a fallacy, My children, that those who wear the garments of teachers of the light shall enter into the eternal Kingdom. They are still human, My children, and must make their way with the cross, also. They need your prayers as well as your children and neighbors. It is an act of charity of heart to pray for your pastors, My children.

     "We are displeased, discouraged, and disheartened, My children, at watching inside the homes of many. The 'many' has become multitudinous, My children. We find much lacking in the homes. The family life has deteriorated and corroded. Little by little, We see the structure of the family life disintegrating. There is little discipline and not holiness, by far, in many of these homes, My children. The teaching is poor, to say the least.

     "You must restore to your homes the pictures, the objects of worship, the statues, so that your children will receive a small knowledge of the existence of the eternal Kingdom and those inhabitants of the spirit. Unless you do this, My children, your children in turn will be lost to you, and to the Kingdom of the Father.

     "I speak to you with great heart and hope, but I cannot escape sending to you the Message from Heaven which is a warninga warning that unless you mend your ways that offend the Eternal Father now, your world will be cleansed by trial. 


Bodies shall lie in marketplaces

     "There will be a terrible Wara catastrophe, My children. It will be beyond anything mankind has ever seen. Nations shall disappear from the face of the earth. Bodies will burn and blow away and find no resting place. There will be revolutions in the countries of the world: brother against brother, sister against sister. Bodies shall lie in the marketplaces, unburied and uncovered, so great will be the dead! My children, is this what you want?

     "The Eternal Father is the Creator of goodness and holiness. He looks upon your world and finds murder and all manner of abomination and sin. The sin in your world is far greater now, My children, than has ever been seen by mankind, for you have a way of life, a sin that has been calling for"

     Veronica - Oh, now Our Lady is pointing up to the sky. Oh, my goodness! Oh, my! I see this terrible, trailing ball of fire. It's so hot, I feel like I'm being scorchedthe heat! Oh! Oh, now it's going back into the sky. It feels a little cooler. Now Our Lady is coming forward.

     Our Lady - "My child, I do not wish to set fear in your heart, but I cannot keep from you this terrible knowledge of the trial that will be sent upon mankind. Shout it from the roof, My child! You have been given a great mission to alert mankind and prepare them.

     "I have asked you to pray for the conversion of Russia. Have you not prayed for her as a nation, for the peoples who are led in darkness? And these errors are being sent throughout your world. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer. The leaders of your country are slowly succumbing to the evil. The example among your leaders is poor.

     "When a man condones an evil and sets himself as an example to the multitude, he shall be struck by the sword!

     "Unless mankind follows the plan from Heaven, My child, your Vicar will be removed from the Eternal City and blood shall flow in the streets.

     "You cannot understand the ways of Heaven, or the knowledge of the Eternal Father. Therefore, you must follow the direction from Heaven carefully. Prayer, penance, and atonementyou have been given a time to change. The time is running out.

     "Those who are of well spirit will have nothing to fear, My child, for they will go through this crucible of suffering with more hope and courage, knowing that the eventual victory is over the veil with the Eternal Father. There will be many martyrs in the conflagration that lies ahead. It will truly be the cross.

     "You must, as a child of God, pick up your cross and carry it, even if it is heavy. Suffering shall be a way of life soon for many. It is all in the plan of the Eternal Father to separate the sheep from the goats. You are all being tested, My children. Man, in his free will, will either accept or reject the offer from the Eternal Father of Heaven."

     Veronica - Now Our Lady is extending the golden crucifix of Her Rosary out, and She is making the sign of the cross.

     Our Lady - "I bless you, My children, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     "Veronica, My child, you must bring forward the knowledge of My going into the Kingdom. I was assumed. It is your Feast of the Assumption. I extend to all My children the knowledge that they shall join Me and My Son in the eternal Kingdom when they cross over the veil. Prayer, penance, and atonementit is the way of the cross."

     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

     Our Lady - "You may be seated now, My child."


     Veronica - There is a gray formation of lights in the sky over the Michael banner. Now centered around the light there's a huge monstrance forming in the sky. It's a veryit's not a golden monstrance; it seems to be made of a cloud formation. It's a gray color. Now coming from the center, on top of the monstranceoh, I can see Jesus standing there. He's coming forward. He's just carried forward. He doesn't walk like we do; He seems to float right on the air.

     And now Jesus has His cloakit's a burgundy red-colored cloak over His arm, His left arm, and He's standing now with His hand in front of Him, like this. He's making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now all who are able, please kneel.

     Jesus - "My children, I do not have to enlarge upon the words of My Mother. I am certain that the Message from Heaven is becoming well known to all.

     "It is in the merciful heart of the Father that you be given the time to make amends.

     "The forces of evil are gathered now to start a great War. Do not become unguarded. You are not receiving a fair knowledge of what is taking place by the governing powers of your world.

     "I admonish you, My children, to keep a constant vigilance of prayerprayer, atonement, and sacrifice. With the knowledge of what lies before you, you will be certain in time that this was little asked of you.

     "The balance for your chastisement is with mankind. In the merciful knowledge and power of the Eternal Father, you have received a great grace to be called within hearing of My Mother's voice. Know that with this grace, much is expected of you. You will all be apostles of light, going forward and gathering the straying sheep. No man will be lost to Us except of his free will.

     "I bless you all, My children, with an abundance of graces: graces for cures and graces for conversions, all for the asking."

     Veronica - Now Jesus is placing His hand out, like this. His three fingers are together, and He's making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now Jesus is going overHe's floating. It's very windy, because His cape is being carried behind Him as He's going across now. And Jesus is looking down and extending His hand out before Him: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now Jesus is looking down. He's going over to the tree. He's just above the tree, and He's looking down.

     Jesus - "My child, I hear your pleas. You will be cured."

     Veronica - And He's placing His hand out now, like this: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Jesus said

     Jesus - "Yes, My child, feel free to repeat My words."

     Veronica - Jesus said one who is by the tall tree will be cured of an affliction that has been known to mankind as incurable.

     Now Jesus is nodding. He's going forward now, coming over just above the banner. And He's looking down now and He's placing His hand out, like this: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

     Jesus - "I shall not take from your time of prayer to repeat Myself, My children. You have been given good direction by My Mother. You must now take yourselves from your world that has been given to satan. His time is growing short, but he will do great battle with the children of God.

     "Continue with your prayers of atonement and your acts of sacrifice. They are sorely needed at this time."

     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.


     Jesus - "You will continue to keep watch. Pray a constant vigilance and you will understand. Measure for measure, the Father will give to mankind.

     "My Mother has come to you as a Mediatrix, a Mediatrix between God and man. Her words have gone throughout the world and will continue to go throughout your world in the days of trial.

     "Scoffers will not believe. Hardened hearts will walk in darkness!

     "Know that if you ask for the lightbelieve and you will be given the way! Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption!

     "Perseverance! Persevere in Faith and you will be saved!"

     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Now Jesus is going backHe's floating backwards, and He's standing now by Our Lady. They're going quite high now, high into the sky, and looking down. Now Their figures are so small, They look almost like statues standing there. And I see Our Lady is nodding Her head.

     Our Lady - "Continue, My children, with your prayers of atonement. You cannot understand at this time, how much depends upon your prayers and acts of atonement." 




"Pastors and mitres will also fall into hell."

August 21, 1975
Eve of the Feast of the Queenship of Mary 

     Veronica - The sky is becoming brighter. It's almost a fiery glow covering the whole sky. Our Lady now is coming out from behind a very large dark cloud. The cloud is dispersing, it's disappearing like smoke.
     Our Lady is standing with Her hands out in front of Her. Everything looks very dark and grim.
     Our Lady - "My child, no color could portray the condition of your earth and its peoples. A great darkness of spirit has settled upon earth.
     "There will be much revolution among Our children, the nations of the world.
     "The evil is accelerating. It will be father against son, brother against brother, and sister against sister. There will be much disunity in the home.
     "The forces of evil travel with the sickle and the hammer. Unless a country is given to servitude of its God by prayer, penance, and atonement, it cannot withstand the forces of evil!

Graces conditional; must be merited
     "In the past, My children, I had promised to safeguard many lands. I had placed My mantle of protection over many foreign lands. However, all graces must be merited, and are conditional. Therefore, unless there are many prayers and acts of atonement, the country of Portugal will sadly find blood running in the streets. Corruption of government and godliness will make way for lawlessness and slaughter of the innocents. The light will grow dim and darkness will settle upon the land.
     "Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer. I ask you in your country, the Americas, to pray, or you shall follow the same path as Portugal. The forces of evil are gathering within the United States. Your leaders are giving themselves to corruption, too proud and arrogant to be simple of heart and get down on their knees to beg guidance from the Eternal Father in Heaven.
     "By their fruits will they be known. My children, you will recognize the faces of evil and the forces of evil about you! It is a sad fact that those who are leaders are setting examples of depravity, debasement. They cover themselves with the spirit of darkness. You will pray much for your leaders. All that is rotten will fall.
     "My child, We are much saddened by the example in your government by your leaders. It would be best if the father of the household in Washington would take to task his wife and chastise her by the rule of godliness to cleanse her mouth, for it is not what goes in that corrupts the soulthe soul of othersbut what comes out of a foul mouth.*     "You must shout the Message from Heaven from the rooftops. There is no time to be concerned of worldly opinion. Each man has to save his soul. Those who are of age of reasoning have the responsibility to spread the word of God throughout the world.
     "Parents must protect their children from the forces of evil that are set upon the children when they leave their household. You must, as parents, give your children a firm foundation of faith, discipline, and the knowledge of the value of prayer.
     "We sadly look into the homes, My children, and find much lacking. The example is poor, all because there are too few who pray.
     "Yes, My children, I have warned you through the past years of these coming times of trials. How many have listened and prepared for these times? Too few, My children, too few! Only a few will be saved in the final count.
     "The specter of war is spreading throughout the earth.
     "Man of science is ever searching but never finding the truth. For he searches through the darkness not looking for the light, My children."
     Veronica - Now Our Lady is coming forward. She's extending Her hands out, and in them She has a very large Rosary, a beautiful white Rosary. The Our Fathers are goldena huge golden bead for the Our Fathers and the Hail Marys are a white. But no, they're not exactly a white bead, because as Our Lady is moving about, they're catching the light and sending off brilliant colors of the rainbow.
     Our Lady now is raising Her Rosary. It has the beautiful golden crucifix, and Our Lady is making the sign of the cross:
     In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. 
     Our Lady - "My child, you will recognize the manner in which satan and his agents work to try to destroy souls. They also will use persons, places, and things to work their destructive evil upon mankind.
     "I repeat Myself, as in the past, My children. The demons have a form, but they do not use this form unless the Eternal Father gives you the knowledge and insight into the supernatural to observe them in action. They will use the body of a human being, one who has fallen out of grace and the light. Any man, woman, or child is susceptible to this possession.
     "The knowledge of the supernatural must be given to the children. Pastors in My Son's houses, are you bringing this knowledge to the children? Have you chosen to scatter the sheep? Whatever will become of them? You must exercise discipline and good, firm example for the flock.

Errors, arrogance, and sloth
     "Stand up, pastors in the houses of My Son, and give firm discipline by example and words chosen from the Book of love and life, the Bible. Remember all that can save a soul must be given to mankind. Good words kept in a closed mouth is like placing meat on a dead man's grave. What good is it to keep this knowledge to yourself, for would it not be, My children, selfishness not to share the way with the sheep? Awaken from your slumber, pastors!  There is not much time left. You will have to account to My Son for your errors and for your arrogance and for your sloth. Awaken, pastors in My Son's houses! You are misleading the sheep.
     "O woe, O woe! The Red Hats have fallen and the Purple Hats are being misled. The Red Hats have fallen and the Purple Hats are being misled. O woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth!"    
     Veronica - Now Our Lady is rising high, high up into the sky. The light is very brilliant. I can't see Our Lady's face now. She has on a beautiful white garment, and the cape is also a beautiful white. It's trimmed in gold edging all about the outside. Our Lady has on beautiful sandals. On each toe of the sandal I can see a golden rose, a small golden rosebud. Our Lady looks very dainty in Her garments and the beautiful shoessandals.
     Now Our Lady is going over to our right side. She's standing just above the tree. Now She's bending down. Our LadyHer voice is almost like a whisper. It seems to become entwined, intermingled with the rustle of the leaves.
     Our Lady - "My child, work with great haste to give My message to the world. The time is growing short. Satan has set upon you an attack, My child. No man of science will recognize this illness. He seeks to slow you, My child. Recognize, but keep going. You will be given the stamina and the fortitude to proceed. Rest will cure all, My child. I admonish you now to not consider at this time entering a hospital.
     "The forces of evil, My child, are gathering."
     Veronica - Our Lady is pointing up to the sky, and there is a horse nowit's galloping. It's going very fast across the sky. It's a very sinister-looking horse. It's red in color, and there's a figure sitting upon it. Oh, my goodness! It's turned this way, and it has the face of a skull! It's no face; it's a bare skull, covered by a cloth, a red cloth that hangs down the side of the horse. It's a terrible-looking sight.
     Now above the horse, as it's running nowit's galloping to the leftthere's a word coming out now. I can read it. "WAR": W-A-R.
     Now running, also, I see what looks likeoh, looks like a bunch of rats. It looks like rats going across the sky, and above it now I see the word "PESTILENCE." Pestilence! Pestilence will follow upon the war.
     Now it's growing very dark, except over by the trees. Our Lady is standing above the tree.
     Our Lady - "My child, do not be affrighted by what you have seen. We cannot avoid giving you these facts for mankind, but remember the Eternal Father in His mercy has a balance. All is conditional, but this balance, My child, has not been righted. Therefore, what you see is at the time unavoidable.
     "The Warning, My child, will come soon, and if mankind does not heed this sign from the Eternal Father, there will follow fast on it the Chastisement by the Ball of Redemption.
     "We hear voices crying to Heaven, 'Where is this that you speak ofwhere is this Ball of Redemption, this ball of fire, this baptism of fire?' My child, you have seen it often. It is out in your universe, waiting to approach earth in the time of the Eternal Father. But it is there!
     "The Eternal Father has chosen to blind many to this fact because they have hardened their hearts to Him. Many tears shall be shed, but too late, for they have given themselves to the pleasures of the world: materialism and humanism and modernism, which is not of the Eternal Father.

Satan set upon you need for change
     "The way has been stated in writing, by example, and in action by your prophets and those who have set the foundation with My Son for His House. Therefore, it is satan who has set upon you the need for change, change, change, My children. And by his fruits do you know him.
     "Example and a firm foundation is tested and found truetrue by Tradition and true by Faith, My children. There is no need to experiment and make change, for you then will find satan guiding you deep into darkness. A House, a Church in darkness wears a band of death about it."
     Veronica - Now Our Lady is going up, up high into the sky. Oh, it's so beautiful! The light is so bright. Oh! Now above Our Lady's head there's a circlet of stars forming. It's like diamonds all suspended above Our Lady's head, a beautiful circlet of diamonds.
     Oh, now on the right side of Our Lady, I can see two children coming down from the sky now. Oh, I recognize them already. It is Jacinta and Francisco. Oh!
     Now Our Lady is going over, She's placing Her right arm about Francisco's shoulders, and now Our Lady is speaking in a very soft voice.
     Our Lady - "My children, as in the past, We have given a message of warning from Heaven to little seers and big seers."
     Veronica - Our Lady is smiling.
     Our Lady - "But, just as in the past, many have chosen to cast this warning aside. It is a human failing that many will only rely on experience to teach them. But much of this experience will bring great heartache to mankind.
     "You must remember the warning, the message given to you by the children, Jacinta and Francisco. You will find that My words are the same then and now. I bring you, as a Mediatrix between God and man, a warning from Heaven that unless you mend your ways, do penance, and make atonement for your sins against nature and against the laws of your God, you will be destroyed!
     "War is a punishment for man's sins!
     "The good will suffer much, but they will go through this crucible of suffering with hope and great faith, knowing that by their perseverance in the time of trial, they will win their crowns in Heaven.
     "My Son looks upon a generation that has given itself to pleasures of the flesh. Debasement, sensuality, and sexuality are rampant in the hearts of many. You will know that as the morality of a country goes, so goes the country onto the road to damnation.
     "As in the houses of My children, so the leaders must be of good spirit in the houses of My Son, the churches of the world. The leadership is examined by the Eternal Father and found lacking.
     "I repeat Myself: Pastors, awaken from your slumber! You must not offend your God any longer, for He is already too much offended!
     "Pastors and mitres will also fall into hell. A human soul is but a human soul, and will pass into judgment. No soul shall cross the veil without facing this judgment by the Eternal Father.
     "Do not succumb, My pastors, to the fallacy that all will be forgiven, for that is asking too much at this time. When a man sins, it is a sorrow to the merciful heart of the Eternal Father, but when he leads another into sin, it is an abomination in the eyes of the Eternal Father! Therefore, pastors, clothe yourself in good works, modesty, chastity, and piety. Holiness must be returned to the churches of the world.
     "My Immaculate Heart is extended to the children of God in the world. Light your candles, My children, with Me and search through the darkness. Rescue your brothers and sisters. You must be now disciples for the Eternal Father. You will pray much for your pastors and your Vicar, Pope Paul in Rome. He is carrying a heavy cross, and being human, he needs many prayers."
     Veronica - Our Lady now is extending Her hand out with the golden crucifix.
     Our Lady - "I bless you all now, My children: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. I bless you with the shield of My Immaculate Conception: In the name of the Father, and of the Holy Ghost, and the SonMy Son, Whose heart bleeds for the condition of the souls of mankind. Save yourselves, My children, in the Sacred Heart of My Son."
     Veronica - Now the sky is growing very dark. It's as though the whole sky is turning black, but tinged in a red coloring around the edges.
     Now Our Lady is coming forward, and She's bending over.

Not one world and one religion at this time
     Our Lady - "My child, make it known to the world that manchildren of God, led astray, you must not compromise your Faith! There shall not be one world and one religion at this time, for no man shall now gather the flock. Not one man shall gather the flock together. This will be done by My Son when He returns in the final stages of Armageddon.
     "You must rememberdo not be deceived, My children, by those who claim to be the Christ, for they will say, 'Come out to the field, for he is there. Come out to the barn! Come into the centers!' But no, My children, My Son shall come as He ascended. He will come down from the sky, shouting with a call of triumph to all. He will come down with the legions from Heaven of angels and all of the souls who have bathed themselves in His Blood and now wear the garments of light and life.
     "Wait and watch, My children; pray much, for the Book of life is unfolding; the pages are turning. You are truly in the days of the Apocalypse. Read the Revelations, My children, and know what lies ahead. As you were told in the past, much will be opened to you, for the days of the Armageddon are here. Read the Revelations, your Apocalypse, My children. Saint John was given the knowledge to reveal to you the days in which you are living. Recognize the signs of your time."
     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
     Our Lady - "You will sit now, My child, and reserve your strength.
     "Life, My child, is but a pilgrimage for all, a vale of tears. You cannot have happiness, sublime happiness upon your earth, for then you will not be following the way of the cross. Life is but a vale of tears, but with these tears you will wash your soul.
     "Persevere, My children, in the days ahead. The attacks from satan will be great, but recognize them and pray him out with a constant vigilance of prayer.

Remove TVs from homes
     "I ask that a task force be set upon the world to eliminate the products of the forces of evil that seek to debase, destroy the souls of your children. Remove from your homes the corrupters of souls: the pornography, the infernal boxyour televisionand the destructor of souls, modesty and puritythe nakedness of the body.
     "Parents, you shall be judged for the destruction by permissiveness, of your children's souls. Clothe them in goodness, holiness, and piety, and make modesty a way of life for the young.
     "We have asked many to give example of modesty. The world will laugh and scorn and make fun of them, for they must bring forward this example by even exaggeration, My child. That is why I have asked to lower the dress of the woman to her ankles. It is only by example that many learn.
     "The sacredness of marriage and the married life of man and woman must not be destroyed by debased sensuality. It is a private consummation between man and woman and the family. It is not an object of derisive laughter and scornful jokes, My children.
     "Your actions are observed by the Eternal Father Who looks into your heart. Pure thoughts, pure mind, pure spiritwhat goes into the heart will come out. The eyes are the mirror of the soul; therefore, you must cast your eyes on objects of godly nature, not soul corrupters. Remove these from your home, or one day you will weep bitter tears for your children, but too late, too late!
     "Your schools, your homes, your government, your medias of communication and entertainment are debased, and going farther into darknessall for the love of money and power. What does it gain a man if he wins the whole world and the treasures of the world, for he will leave them behind when he leaves his body, and his eternal spirit must stand before the Father and be judged: Heaven, hell, or purgatory. You laugh; many laugh at the knowledge given to you of the existence of the supernaturalHeaven, hell, and purgatory. But those who laugh shall cry, but too late, too late, My children.
     "It is better to remove your children from among these corrupters if necessary. Teach your children in the home. By example you may save or destroy.

Only priests to give Host
     "Pastors, no hands other than those consecrated by a legally ordained priest shall give the Host to others. Better that you spend more time consummating your role as the representative of Christ than joining the world.
     "The extraordinary ministers have become a farce! Women? Children? Whatever shall become of you? The rules of discipline in the houses of My Son have already been given to you. Only legally ordained representatives of My Sonthey receive the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit deems that they shall bring the Host to the man and the woman recipient and the children. Only in dire need of death shall a manI say a man, not a woman or a childshall a man be given the power through the legally ordained priest to bring in urgency and haste the Host to the dying.
     "This debasement to My Son's Body shall not go unpunished.
     "Awaken! You are blind to the truth, My pastors. Are you to follow the call of the siren, the serpent, or are you going to listen to the words of truth and light? You are following like sheep to the slaughter. Come out of your darkness of spirit!
     "Through the merciful heart of the Eternal Father you are being warned. Search your heart; allow the light to come in, for the light is dim in the hearts of many."
     Veronica - Now it's growing quite dark, and Our Lady is going back into the sky. She's going high up into the sky.
     Our Lady - "No, My child, I am not leaving. I will be with you during your prayers of atonement. Now you will read the photographs given to you."
     Veronica - Jesus is coming through the blue lights. The sky is all lighted in blue now, and Jesus is coming through the light. He has on Hisoh, I can see it very clearly nowHis gown is a burgundy red, with a white undergarment. It's like a red cape over His white garment. And He has on ... I can see His feet. Jesus is coming now closer. He's just about over the tree by the banner, the blue banner. And now He's touching His lips; it means that I have to listen.
     Jesus - "My child, I know you were carried away in seeking a fortune. However, I do not wish this to be a habit."
     Veronica - Oh, I cannot reveal publicly what I was carried away in the pictures about; however, if Our Lady wishes to reveal that in the future, She will. But we will put this down, Jesus said, in record that I was given approximately one, two, three very important photographs. As Jesus said, we are not in a fortune telling business, but the Eternal Father works in mysterious ways.
     Jesus - "My child, you will continue to disperse the Message from Heaven. It is of great urgency, for a major crisis is coming upon your world.
     "The balance is leaning heavily to the left. There is no way to right this balance except through chastisement. Man sets himself upon his own road, and it is in the merciful heart of the Father that He brings him back through suffering.
     "The forces of evil are gathered now to take over a major position in your world and in My Church. However, the balance is in prayer. Those who are in the light will rise to this occasion and fight the evil by prayer, penance, acts of sacrifice, and action. Prayers without works cannot be constructive at this time.
     "Your world is fast proceeding on a course to destruction.
     "My Mother has spent years here with you, warning you and directing you back from your path of darkness. However, man has hardened his heart and closed his ears. In many places throughout your world, My MotherHer voice has been silenced through the seers of the world. It is with great urgency that I tell you now you must go down upon your knees and make amends for the sins of mankind.
     "I do not follow the words of My Mother to instil fear within your heart. I bring you the truth of what is to be. Some will reject this, as they prefer to cast aside anything that disturbs their spirit or their human nature. Is not it better, My children, to prepare and avoidif you can avoida catastrophe?
     "The Eternal Father will not force His will upon you. You must subjugate your human nature and give your will to the Eternal Father. Prayer, atonement, and sacrificeis this too much to ask of you?"
     Veronica - Now Jesus is going over to the left side of the trees, just over the trees. Now Our Lady is coming down. She's dressed all in whitebeautiful, bright white. And She has on Her white gown, and I can see the golden rosebuds on Her slippers.
     Now Our Lady is standingShe's moving over to Jesus' right side, and She's clasping Her very large Rosary in Her right hand, holding it out; and from Her left hand there is hanging a very large Scapular. It's the Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, the brown Scapular. Our Lady is smiling and shaking Her head, yes.
     Now Jesus is placing His hands out in front of Him, like this: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     And now Our Lady and Jesus are moving over. They're just over the head of the statue, and Jesus is now placing His hand out. He's shifting His cloak onto His left arm, and He's placing His hand out, like this:
     Jesus - "I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost."
     Veronica - Now Jesus is moving over, and the light behind Him is becoming very blue. Oh, it's a most beautiful blue! It's outstanding, because around Our Lady the blue is an absolute backdrop for Her beautiful white robe with the golden trim. Oh, it's beautiful!
     Now Jesus is coming down closer over the tree. He's almost stepping on the top of the trees there. Oh, and He's now placing His hand out: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

End to come as thief in the night
     Jesus - "I bless you, My children, as My Mother blesses you, with graces for cure and conversion.
     "Continue on your mission of saving souls. Time is not measured by days nor hours, for there is no time in Heaven. The end shall come to you as a thief in the night. Be prepared and follow the direction of My Mother carefully. I repeat: She will not abandon you in the days ahead. But follow Her direction and you will not go through this crucible of suffering without hope."
     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
     Now Our Lady and JesusThey're backing up. They're not walking like we do; They're just like floating up. Oh! Right nowoh, They're standing there now. It's quite windy up there, because Jesus' gown is blowing. Oh, and Our Lady's, tooHer cloak is blowing out. Oh, it's a very voluminous cloak. Our Lady's dress also is very full; it's very full.
     Now it's becoming quite dark in the sky about Our Lady and Jesus, but there's a blue cast, the most beautiful blue circlet of light, all about Our Lady and Jesus.
     Jesus - "Continue, My children, with your prayers of atonement.  They are sorely needed."



"There shall be floods, earthquakes, and great loss of life"

September 6, 1975
In honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

     Veronica - There's a very large, circular, pale blue light that's coming in from the east. Now there is a light being cast forward from the circular light.
     I must look at the photograph.
     The large, pale, circular light is becoming a solid matter. Oh, Our Lady is standing on top of this ... what appears to be a ball. It's the only way I can describe ita large round globe.
     Now Our Ladyoh, Our Lady looks very beautiful! She has on a light, very white
     "How could I describe it, Blessed Mother?"
     The light is so brilliant about Our Lady that Her gown looks very white. It's whiter than sugar and whiter than light. Oh, it is beautiful! Now Our Lady is placing Her first finger upon Her lips.
     Our Lady - "My child, do not be overly concerned about the photographs I have given you. You will study them in private, My child. I would be more cautious in giving the hidden information to the public, My child. You must understand that many of these photographs are not to be given to the public. It is a manner in which the Eternal Father has chosen to direct you in secret. They could, My child, be given to the agents of 666.

Each seer given his work
     "You must not become overly concerned with other places of apparition. Each seer has been given his work from the Eternal Father. We must all unite now for the common good.
     "We are much distressed in Heaven to see the leader of your land falling prey to satan. The woman shall truly be the downfall of her husband.
     "We have asked the man, your leader, to discipline his wife, his spouse. However, in your world of liberated woman, it is obvious, My children, that your women do wear pants.
     "I shall use a comparison, My children, as many have fallen for the modern modes.

 Women not to adopt attire of men
       "I repeat the warning from Heaven that man shall not dress as woman and woman shall not adopt the attire of a man, because the external indications, My children, soon penetrate the heart and expose a darkness of spirit. Many shall judge you by your attire.
     "The example among the parents is poor. There must be more discipline in the homes, for your children are being misled and sent on the road to destruction.
     "There will be many voice-boxes throughout the world. The time is growing short. United you will go forward. Do not set back your work by division among the ranks of workers.
     "Man does not recognize the warnings from the Eternal Father. There shall be great disturbances of nature. There shall be floods, earthquakes, and great loss of life. Pray that this destruction does not come close to your families. Many children shall die.
     "My child, We hear voices of discord crying to Heaven. It is the voice of the unbeliever. The Faith has grown weak in mankind. The pastors are scattering the sheep. Oh, when will they awaken from their slumbertoo late to save Our wandering sheep?
     "We ask all who have been given the grace of knowledge of what is to be: send this Message from Heaven throughout the world in great haste!

Abominations of desolation
     "The abominations of desolation center throughout mankind and in the House of My Son."
     Veronica - Our Lady now is placing Her hands over Her eyes. She looks very sad.
     Our Lady - "Yes, My child, the tears are falling from Heaven. We see a plot against Our beloved Vicar. We see the enemy within planning to remove him. Already, My child, his hands are tied.
     "You must all pray a constant vigilance of prayer now, My children, for unless you are directed by prayer to the Eternal Father, your chances of escaping the darkness is slight.
     "The time of times is here, My children, the day of the return approaching. The abyss is open. The fight for souls continuesa battle far greater than any that mankind has ever seen or will see, for you are fast approaching the baptism of fire. Have you prepared your soul and the souls of those you love? For skin shall dry up and blow off the bones as if it had never been. Eyes will see and still not believe, so great is the power of satan now upon your earth!
     "Man in his free will, My children, has given himself to pleasures of the flesh. They no longer seek the light. They steep themselves in sinall manner of abominations and soul destroyers. They care more to gather their treasures counted by silver and gold. And power! What power, My children, are you gaining among yourselves? The power to destroy!
     "No man is above the Eternal Father. Every man shall stand before Him. He must give a good account, in merits, of his conduct upon earth. The veil is before all. All must enter and be counted.
     "In your world, My children, the sheep are being separated from the goats. The forces of evil are fighting the light. We watch while the saints cry out for vengeance. How much blood shall be shed to wash your world! Blood shall flow in the streets. Madness shall take hold of mankind until there will be no trust, no love in the hearts of those who have not turned to the light and the Eternal Father. Murder shall become a way of life! How much shall man set upon himself in evil before he awakens to the fact that he has set about his own destruction!

Many have chosen to destroy
     "Many have been baptized, washed clean in the Faith, and now have chosen to destroy.
     "I sent you, My child, into your capital city to approach two with great power. We were not mistaken in the reaction, My child.  More prayers are needed. You will write, and you must give out the knowledge without hesitating, that Heaven expects and commands the last of his clan in manhood to speak out and defend his Faith in your city of Washington! If he does not, My child, he will be condemned. He will be taken, My child, at a time when he is unprepared.
     "Warn him once more, My child and My children, in the mercy that you have for your brothers. Speak out without fear, My child. It is too late; the hour grows late. You must now speak out and use the name."
     Veronica - Oh!
     Our Lady - "You will write to Ted Kennedy and tell him that he faces eternal damnation.
     "You will contact Our representative who has given himself to the world and tell him that he also is facing damnation.
     "This I say unto you, for you are being warned! Remove yourself from that profession, Father!"
     Veronica - Oh!
     Our Lady - "Father Drinan, come out of the darkness!
     "Yes, My child, I know your fear to speak out, but you must now. I have already given you the plan for your future. Therefore, the time is near, and you must continue your work with perseverance and without fear. Face fear and it shall disappear.
     "Understand, My child, your mission is not to judge. You are but a voice-box from Heaven, and the message you receive is from the Eternal Father. The world now is fast approaching a most terrible climax. Therefore, we must work and pray and make much penance, for the time is growing short.
     "The world shall be witness to suffering far greater than mankind has ever experienced. There will be father against son, mother against daughter, brother against sister, and brother against brother.

Mass insanity to predominate
     "Mass insanity shall be predominant, so great is the power of satan, as mankind has given himself to the world, the flesh, and the devil.
     "You will not make judgment upon your present events, because your news medias, My children, have also joined the father of all liars, satan.
     "Your children shall seek and not find the light unless as a parent you bring discipline and the knowledge of your God within your homes to your children. Do not expect others to nurture, to feed the souls of your children.
     "You will not judge the pastors in the churches of the world. You will pray for them. However, evil is never condoned. Your allegiance is to the Eternal Father in Heaven. Offend Him not! Not for a mere man shall you offend the Eternal Father.
     "Your city and many cities and countries throughout the world will suffer for the murders of the Holy Innocents. Life, the spirit of life, is breathedthe soul placed by the Eternal Father into the body of the unborn at the precise, exact moment of conception. Do not fall prey to the fallacy there is no life until the child emerges from the womb. No! I say to you: life begins at the moment of conception. The Eternal Father breathes the spirit of life at the moment of conception. No man shall take this life, for as such he is guilty and found guilty by the Eternal Father of murder!
     "The commandments given through the ages by the Eternal Father must be brought forward to be studied and obeyed. Many are misled. Do not judge them, but seek first their spirit. Many are misled; they do not know their God. You cannot love without knowing. Who will bring this knowledge to the innocent children?
     "It is better a young womanhood to be placed under the guidance of holy ones, than to set forth in the world of satan to be destroyed. We must, My child, build up refuge for the young.
     "My Son has often repeated to the world: 'When I come shall I find even a flicker of truth of the Faith left?' Only, My children, a few will be saved in the final count. The Ball of Redemption approaches. Do not count and speculate on dates. It will come upon you suddenly!"
     Veronica - Now Our Lady is going over to our right side. Now She's going high up into the sky and standing. And as She's extending Her Rosary ... Our Lady has a very large Rosary. It's beautifulvery large Hail Mary beads; they're white. But no, as they catch the light, they're the most beautiful colors of the rainbow. But the pink, the pink is the most beautiful color. And now the Our FathersOur Lady has Her fingers now upon the Our Father bead. It's a most beautiful golden color.
     Our Lady now is extending Her crucifix out, like this, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Our Lady - "I bless you all, My children. I place My mantle of protection about you.
     "In the future, which is now, My children, those who are of well spirit will have nothing to fear. I have given many words to you in the past to prepare you for this moment. Now, My children, you will continue to pray a constant vigilance of prayer, and you will understand why I have spent so much time with you.
     "As I have promised in the past, I will be with you forever, and on your earth unto the Second Coming of My Son, when all will be put to right.
     "You must accept the will of the Eternal Father and carry your cross without complaint.
     "My child, Veronica, you will increase your prayers in silence. More moments of meditation will bring you great peace of spirit. And I assure you, My child, the Eternal Father is not unaware of your problems.
     "You will not understand the value of suffering. It is a source of great strength of spirit. Pick up your cross, My child, and go forward without fear.
     "You cannot expect rest in this life, My child, for you will rest, if you wish, over the veil. However, My child"
     Veronica - Oh! Oh, Our Lady is going up further, and She's pointing. Oh, and there's Saint Theresa! Oh, my! Oh, Saint Theresa is so beautiful! The light isoh, it's bright. Oh, I can see her face, though. Ah!
     "Her voice is very soft, Mother."

Theresa not resting in Heaven
     St. Theresa - "Veronica, my sister, I did not choose to rest on earth, or over the veil. I do pray that you will also make this decision, for we need all in the battle ahead. I shall not accept a rest, for I will spend my time in Heaven coming down to your earth to help gather the souls. Hold my hand, my sister, and the road will be easier. Together we could tread over the petals and escape many of the thorns. Do you know, my sister, how to do this? You must pray more, and ask for more suffering. And I have a secret for you: the Father will give you less!"
     Veronica - Oh!
     St. Theresa - "Pray more and ask for more suffering, and the Father will give you less. You see, the Father is most gentle, Veronica. You will learn to love Him as I did, and as I do."
     Veronica - There's a ... oh, there's aTheresa is now pointing up, and there's a beautiful white light. And I see a man, a very kind man. He hasoh, he has very white hair and a heavy beard, and he's smiling. He looks like, sort of like a real nice grandfather. Oh, He thinks ... oh, our Father is smiling. He has a crown on His head. It's a beautiful red velvet crown, but it has golden points and inserts all around the outside of the crown. And He's wearing what looks likeit blends in with the chaira red velvet cape, but this cape covers Him all over, down to His feet. And He's holdingit looks like a scepter in His right hand. And He's pointing down now to His chair, and He's ... like bouncing a ball. It's going up and down as He moves His hand, like this.
     Now Our Lady is coming over. Our Father is disappearing, like in the distance, and I can still see the ball bouncing. It's an orange-colored ball, and it's going up and down.
     Now Our Lady is motioning by touching Her lips.

Comet to rush into atmosphere without warning
       Our Lady - "My child, that is a most tremendous ball you are seeing. It is the Ball of Redemption. It is at the fingertips of the Eternal Father to do as He wills. Pray that mankind will awaken and escape this great Chastisement, My child. It will rush into your atmosphere without warning. Scientists will look with fright, as will the ordinary man.
     "Know, My child, that no scientist will know an explanation for its appearance. The Ball of Redemption nears, and many will die in the great flame of this Ball of Redemption. Pray that you may be able to hold back the darkness.
     "Now, My child, you will be seated and continue with the prayers of atonement.
     "My children, you must join your hands in reverence at the Sacrifice of My Son. It is an expression of love, gratitude, and respect. Reverence and respect and holiness must be returned to My Son's houses, churches throughout the worldreverence, holiness, and respect from the beginning to the end of the Sacred Service.
     "Women must keep their heads covered, My child. It is not because of fashion or modes; it is because the Eternal Father and the angels demand proper deportment during the Holy Sacrifice. It offends the heart of My Son much to see that satan has taken away so much piety and holiness in His churches throughout the world.

Unconsecrated hands not to handle Host
     "We ask and repeat that no one handle in unconsecrated hands the Body of My Son! It will be defiled and discarded, unless only a legally ordained priest, a man of God with purified fingers of the Holy Spirit, give the Body and Blood of My Son to each one under his care.
     "There is no need, My child, for women to rush into the sacred portals. There are enough throughout the world, men consecrated and chosen as ministers of the Eternal Father, of the Body and Blood of His Son, to distribute among mankind this sacred Body. I have cried tears of great sorrow. I am truly the Mother of Sorrows, as I watch this constant desecration of My Son's Body!
     "Women with vocations, you have become worldly! You have chosen of your free will to degrade your bodies and your habit. Whatever shall become of you, foolish maidens of the world? Return while there is time! Purify your bodies through suffering. Place upon your bodies garments of holinessdown to the floor! You shall not set yourselves to tempt your pastors! Satan has set a delusion among you. You have become maidens of sin.    

Still many refuges of purity
     "My child, there are still many refuges of purity throughout the world. You will direct those of pure heart to enter. We need, We must have examples among the young. The Eternal Father will accept many in this glorious vocation, with prayer."    
     Veronica - Now Our Lady is placingShe's reaching up, and there's a green wreath now on Her hand. And now She's reaching out, and I see many little children, girls in white dressesthey're long white dresses, and they're wearing green wreaths on their head, and they have on white gloves. It is a very long procession. They're beautiful little childrengirls.
     Our Lady - "My child, I give you the knowledge of many of the Holy Innocents that could never be upon earth. They have been sent back to the Eternal Father without fulfilling their mission. Do you not observe the workings of satan? Vocations fall with the destruction and murder of the creations of the Eternal Father. You have not, in your arrogance and fallen nature, given them the opportunity to adore and honor the Eternal Father.
     "Yes, My child, My heart is heavy. It is a day I cannot accept for Myself, in My nativity, for My memory is filled with the countless murders of the young.
     "Birth, My children, should be a day of great rejoicing. Now it is a defiled institution.
     "The leaders in your country, My child, have given themselves to the world. Their abominations affect the lives of many. However, the sword is leveled by Michael and shall be sent through them. They, too, must repent and must make a complete reversal of their ways that offend the Father much, or they, too, shall be cast into the abyss."
     Veronica - Now Our Lady is goingShe's starting to float overShe doesn't walk, She just floats. She's going up high, high up into the sky. And I feel ... it's like rain, a very light rain coming down.
     Our Lady - "It's not a happy time on a birthday to cry, My child.
     "Pray, My child. I cannot give you the date in public, My child, but you must pray much and make great haste in sending out the warning from Heaven."
     Veronica - There's a tremendous letter in the sky. It's all tinged in a black color. It seems to be set against a blue light. It'sI can see the outline; it's a huge "W" for Warning, and above it, I see a tremendous white, fiery light. No, it's ait must be a flaming ball. But it's so hot, it's burningit seems to be burning white heat.
     Now over on the left, our left side, it'sthe sky is becoming very clear, very bright, and there's a formation of a very large rainbow. I say rainbow, but it's not filled with a profusion of colors. It has a hazy gray cast.
     Now from the centerit's almost host-like in formationoh, Jesus is coming down now. I can see Him now clearly. At first it looked almost like a statue in the distance, but now He's coming forward. He has on a red cloak; it's tied at His neck. And Jesus' hair is blowing, so it must be windy. And now He's placing His hand out like this, and I can see the wound on His right hand. Now He's pointing up to the sky.
     Jesus - "My child, much has been given to you in knowledge. The Eternal Father has set a measure. Measure for measure shall the world reap the whirlwind.
     "There shall come upon mankind a Chastisement of tremendous magnitude, a Chastisement that has never been seen, nor will it ever be seen again by the eyes of man. In the mercy of the Eternal Father, there will be given to you a Warning, a visual warning, and then if mankind sets himself against the Eternal Father, choosing to continue in his life of sin, he will receive a just judgment from the Eternal Father, and he will be cleansed of his sin by a baptism of fire! The Ball of Redemption spoken of by My Mother is on its way. Measure for measure, your days are counted. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer.
     "I do not come to set fear in your heart, as My Mother has not come to set fear in your heart, but We bring to you the knowledge of what is to come. Your future is now! Live your life daily, expecting what is to be an eventuality."
     Veronica - Now Jesus is placing His hand in front of Him.
     Jesus - "I bless you all, My children: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost."
     Veronica - Now Jesus is moving over. The sky is brightening. It'soh, it's beautiful, a most beautiful blue. Oh, and now as Jesus is moving, there are rays, pink rays coming out all around Him. It's a circlet of pink, a most beautiful-colored pink.
     Now Jesus is just about over the banner, and He's blotting out now something that is very bright behind Him. It appears to be a huge burning object. Now Jesus is placing His hand out in front of Him, like this: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now Our Ladyoh, Our Lady is coming down. She's coming in from the left side, our left side, and now She's floating over to Jesus. And She's standing right at His right side. And it's quite windy; Our Lady's gown is blowing. I can see now Her right sandal. It has a beautiful golden rosebud on thejust the tip edge of Her sandal, Her shoes.
     And now Jesus is going over to our right side, just over the tree. And He's now shifting His cloak. It's very, veryit looks very heavy and long. And now Jesus is placing His cloak over onto His left arm. He's gathering it up, and He's placing His hand out now, His right hand: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Jesus - "You will continue to keep watch. Pray a constant vigilance, and you will understand. Measure for measure the Father will give to mankind.
     "My Mother has come to you as a Mediatrix, a Mediatrix between God and man. Her words have gone throughout the world and will continue to go throughout your world in the days of trial.
     "Scoffers will not believe; hardened hearts will walk in darkness. Know that if you ask for the light ... believe, and you will be given the way.
     "Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. Perseverancepersevere in Faith, My children, and you will be saved."
     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now Jesus is going back; He's floating backwards. And He's standing now by Our Lady. They're going quite high now up into the sky and looking down. Now Their figures are so small They look almost like two statuettes standing there. And I see Our Lady is nodding Her head.
     Our Lady - "Continue, My children, with your prayers of atonement. You cannot understand at this time how much depends upon your prayers and acts of atonement."
     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.




The United Nations
September 13, 1975
Eve of Exaltation of the Holy Cross and in honor of Our Lady of Sorrows

     Veronica - ... and across the dark sky, there's the figure of a serpent.
     Now the sky is beginning to clear; the darkness is fading. Oh, Our Lady now is coming forward. She's over on our left side. Oh, the sky is becoming very bright, a brilliant glow that is extending over to the trees. The whole sky now is just centered in light. Oh!                       

Our Lady dressed in black
     Our Lady is dressed very strangely. I have never seen Our Lady in a dark color. She has on a black cape, and theit's a mantle. And She has also about Her head a black cloth. It's separated from the mantle. I can see it hanging over Her shoulders. Now Our Lady is pulling the mantle about Herself so that I can't see the color of Her gown. Our Lady's feet are bare, and She's coming down.
     Our Lady - "My child, I have sent you to wander in search for souls. Your world is heading for a great Chastisement. Do not be concerned of those who mock My words and mock the Message from Heaven. Pray for them, for tears will flow as freely as the blood.
     "I am truly the Mother of great sorrow. I have come to you as a Mediatrix in these latter days. I repeat for you now the words of My Son: 'This, My child, is what will be: In darkness, will they seek the way?' In darkness, My child, will they seek the way?

Ball of supernatural origin
     "There is in your atmosphere of earth a Ball of Redemption hurrying to earth. It is of supernatural origin. Those who have cast aside the knowledge of the supernatural shall not be given the grace to observe the coming Chastisement. When it enters upon your atmosphere, hearts shall be gripped with fear. Many shall run to hide themselves, recognizing the wrath of their Lord.
     "The Ball of Redemption shall pass through your land and your world in a sheath of fire! Many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. As in the time of Noe, so shall it be upon your eartha Chastisement far greater than any chastisement sent upon mankind. This Chastisement, My children, is being gauged, measured, and held in abeyance for the proper moment in the knowledge of Heaventhe moment deemed by the Eternal Father for the cleansing of mankind.
     "The leaders of your country and the leaders throughout the world have taken upon themselves a measure of sin creating insanity.
     "In the light of the Spirit descending from Heaven, you shall be given the knowledge of truth, My children. Accept it and take it as your candle, for you must now go throughout your world saving your brothers, preparing them for what lies ahead.
     "The great Warning promised to mankind is soon coming upon you. If this is not accepted as coming from the Eternal Father, you will bow your heads in sorrow with the loss of your Holy Father, Pope Paul VI, and then shall descend the hand upon you. There shall be set upon earth a sword.
     "My child, do not be affrighted at what you are seeing now, for it is in repetition of the many insights given to you in the past. You will continue, My child, to send out the Message from Heaven. Hasten, for the time is growing short!
     "Your country shall harvest a destruction that counts human nature defiled by mankind as its reward. As you sow, so shall you reap.

The great rains
     "There will be sent upon your country a plague. Many shall die. When the great rains start, know that many shall die.
     "My child, mankind has lost the knowledge of the value of suffering. Many shall not turn to their God, My child, until they are forced to their knees with suffering.
     "The spirit of darknessthe prince of darknesshas set his forces upon your world, and the evil is accelerating.
     "While mankind seeks peace, he prepares for war. He consorts with the enemy for the destruction of souls. He consorts with the enemy for the destruction of nations. For power and darkness of spirit, many shall die.
     "My message, My child, cannot be one of a light vein, for how can I bring to you a knowledge of such heartbreak and sorrow that shall be set into the hearts of mankind!
     "My child, the leadership in your country is poor. You will pray for your government leaders. The Eternal Father has looked into a cesspool of corruption. They will cleanse their house, or it will be burned!
     "For the love of money and power, My child, many souls have been sold to satan. For the love of money and power, many have misled the sheep. Pastors, shall you stand before My Son and say that your teaching has been pure in His sight? What manner of vile corruption have you set, in your teaching, upon the children?
     "Brides of Christ in Our convents, whatever shall become of you? You know neither discipline nor love of suffering for souls. You adorn yourselves with all things of your world. You strip yourselves of graces needed for your salvation and the salvation of your brothers and sisters. You shall not, in your vocation, compromise your Faith. You cannot have worldly gain, worldly acknowledgement, and still enter into the Kingdom of eternal life.
     "My child, in the great trial ahead in My Son's House, Church on earth, there shall be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, as satan has set himself in their midst.
     "My warnings at Fatima were cast aside as they are being cast aside now, My children. It is a failing of human nature, My child, that that which does not give pleasure to the carnal nature of man is not accepted. Man shall blind himself to the truth, as he does not wish to face the truth. And those who seek to bring him the truth are cast aside and do much penance, My child.
     "My child, you shall not seek to meet with Our Vicar in Rome, for if you do, you will meet with the adversary. All contact with the Eternal City, My child, shall be through mail and others whom We will send to you. You must proceed in the mission and work from Heaven, My child, with great caution. Bar your doors to all but your close friends, relatives, and those whom We have sent as immediate workers.
     "As it was in the time of My Son upon earth, so it shall be in your time. All children of God shall enter upon a crucifixion. But carry your cross, My child, My children; carry your crosses with great fortitude and perseverance, for the victory is with My Son.
     "You will find a great struggle in gathering the sheep, pastors of light. You will not compromise your mission, Our pastors. If you compromise by pleasing those who have set themselves to rule you, and if you compromise without the love of God and accepting the will of God, and replacing it for the will of man, in obedience that has been darkened by sin and false obedience, blind obedienceno! You shall not cast aside your God to please any man! Come forward; step out of the darkness, Our pastors! You are misleading Our sheep.
     "The childrenthe children, what shall become of them? Heresy, O mournful heresy! Who will cleanse My Son's House upon earth? Abomination upon abominationthe sword pierces My heart. The defilement of My Son's Body! O abomination upon abominationwhatever shall become of you?

False pastors to be cast out
     "All reverence, My children, all discipline must be returned to My Son's Church. False pastors shall be cast out! Tradition must be maintained. You shall not bring in doctrines of devils! No! You shall not seek change, as you are given this by satan. My Son does not want change that sets you into darkness.
     "A firm foundation shall withstand the trials and storms of time. All that is rotten shall fall. My Son, My children, is your foundation. The Church of man shall be the destruction of man!
     "There are evil powers, My child, being set up to enslave your world. I have begged you, I have asked you through countless years to pray much for the conversion of Our adversary. One nationRussia, My childrenshall be your scourge, as they shall go across the world, ravenous in appetite, destruction as their means for enslaving the world!
     "Pray, My children, that they should but destroy your body and not your soul.
     "I have asked you to retire from this world of yours that has been given to satan. Homes shall be a fortress against the evil. You will nourish the souls of your children within your home. Strong fathers of strong willdiscipline! Mothers of good exampleexamples of purity and piety, and chastity! It is a sorrow to My heart to observe that the nature of mankind has become as animal.

Fornicating like animals
     "All manner of fornications and abominations are being committed by mankind. The sanctity of the marriage vow has been defiled and cast aside. You are fornicating like animals!
     "You must hasten, My child, to warn the good sister whom you visited that she must guard her door and bar it well to all who seek to enter to destroy. They come as angels of light with great knowledge, but it is the knowledge of the world and not of the spirit.
     "Speak once, My child, and if not hastened, speak no more but keep it in your heart that it may not be his decision."
     Veronica - Now Our Lady is opening up Her cloak. Oh, She has on a beige-colored gown, and it has a gold belt about it. And Our Lady has on slippers, but they appear to be a brown leather slippermore like a sandal, with a strap and two pieces of leather through the toes. Now Our Lady is reaching to Her waist, and She's holding now forward Her Rosary, the beautiful white Rosary with the golden Our Fathers and the golden crucifix.
     Our Lady is holding the crucifix in front of Her and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now Our Lady is going over to the right side, and She's bending over now and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now Our Lady is goingoh, it's getting very bright now above Our Lady. Oh, and Michael is coming down. He's wearing a long white gown now, and he has a sword, a very heavy-looking sword in his right hand. He's holding it by the handle, a cross-like formation on the handle.
     Now Our Lady is moving over to our left side, and She's placing Her hand out with the Rosary: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now Michael is coming over to Our Lady's right side, and he's placing the sword out just in front of him, like this.
     St. Michael - "Hasten, harken, and listen, for I shall not repeat this to you!

The man behind the mask
     "There is a man who hides behind the mask ruling your country!  He will soon approach and reveal himself. He is the man who compromises your country for the love of power.
     "He has affiliated A-L-L of the money powers of the world, joined them for unity of a one-world government.
     "Step down and reveal yourself, the leader"
     Veronica - Oh, my goodness! Oh, my goodness! The man behind the maskMr. Rockefeller, the man behind the mask!
Grand Masters in control
     Our Lady - "There sets in your country masters of great magnitude. Recognize the Grand Masters in control! As it was in the time of My Son, they now control your country. A synagogue of satan is covering your land!
     "My child, you will not hesitate in revealing the knowledge of truth.
     "Teilhard de Chardin is in hell! Your leader Roosevelt is in hell!"
     Veronica - Oh!
     Our Lady - "Franklin Roosevelt, My child. His spirit is one of darkness. He enters anew upon earth from the abyss.
     "My child, I do not expect you to understand at this time all I am having you repeat.

Web of evil created by money powers
     "For the love of money and worldly living, Our pastors have given themselves to satan. Unless they remove themselves from this web of evil created by the money powers of the world, they, too, shall be judged and cast into the abyss. Many have sold their souls to get to the head.

Villot and Benelli
     "A coalition of evil is being formed in the Eternal City, My child. You will pray for Cardinal Villot and Benelli, Giovanni Benelli.
     "You must tell them, My child, by letter that their actions are not hidden to the Eternal Father. He has looked upon them and found them wanting.
     "Come out of the darkness now, or you shall be cast into the abyss!
     "My child, you must pray much for your great pastor in Rome, the eternal Father, your Vicar, Pope Paul VI. He suffers much at the hands of his enemies. My child, he is but a prisoner in the Eternal City.
     "The forces of evil are working to remove him, My child.

Cast out money changers
     "My child, you must not have fear at speaking the truth. It is for the salvation of souls and the recovery of your country. America the beautiful must not fall to Communism, My child. America the beautiful shall not be sold into slavery. Cast out the money changers in your government!
     "What manner of government is there that condones sin? Abomination upon abominationgiving monies for the murder of children, giving monies for the murder of the elderly!
     "Your government, My child, has been infiltrated by men of sin."
     Veronica - Oh!
     Our Lady - "There is much, My child, that cannot be revealed at this time. You must remain silent.

Prayers needed for Portugal and Spain
     "There are many prayers, My child, being offered for the repatriation of the country Portugal. Unless there is a measure of prayers in accordance with the balance set by the Eternal Father, the forces of evil shall take over the beautiful land of Portugal and enter upon Spain. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer.
     "The world is fast plunging itself into a bloodbath, My child!
     "We ask in the eternalin the powerful, My child, power of prayer, for you to keep a constant vigilance of prayer, for you do not know what lies ahead of you."
     Veronica - Now Our Lady is placing Her hands out in front of Her, like this, and She's motioningShe's placing them out and turning them over to the right. She's just standing there. It's very windy and Her cape is blowing about Her. And Our Lady is bowing Her head.
     Our Lady - "I am truly a Mother of great sorrow. Who will solace My heart and the injured heart of My Son?
     "Prayer, penance and sacrifice, I beg of you, as your Mother! Many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption."
     Veronica - Now Our Lady is placing Her arms down across Her chest, like this. I can see Her; She has Her Rosary clasped very tightly in Her right hand, andoh, now from Her left hand there is a Scapular. It's a very large brown Scapular. And Our Lady is just standing there now.
     Our Lady - "My child, you may be seated now, for there is much that I wish to discuss with you.
     "My child, you will not judge, for by their fruits will you know them. Satan cannot conceal himself long.

Cast U.N. from your shores
     "You must now, My child, speak out the truth. Your country must send from its shores the coalitionthe United Nations. Your country must purge itself of the many seekers of fortune at the expense of the loss of the souls of thousands, those who seek worldly gain and riches by bringing into your nation corrupters of souls and mind destroyerspornography and drugs, My child.

Remove yourself from W.C.C.
     "I must warn you at this time, as your Mother, that you must remove yourself from this gathering of world churches. My Son has given you His true Church upon your earth. All others have left it, as they could not follow the rule. As protesters, they have cast side the truth.
     "You must not compromise My Son's Church by bringing in the measure of humanism and modernism, for you have opened the door to satan.
     "Do not be swayed by the fallacy that all will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, for only 'many,' My children, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heavenif they follow the rule.
     "In the coming Chastisement only a few shall be saved.

W.C.C. instrument of adversary
     "I shall clarify my former statement, My child. You must remove yourself from the World Council of Churches. It has become an instrument of the adversary. There is but one Church, My childrenthe Church as set forth by My Son under Peter.
     "Your city and many cities throughout your country shall feel the plague. It is for the murders of the unborn that your city receives the plague.
     "I shall not burden you, My child, with additional messages to the world at this time in reference to the internal destruction of your country. However, you will find this work increasing, My child. Your mission shall now be developing branches in unison with other missions throughout your world. You will unite in a constant vigilance of prayer. All centers shall unite to fight the common enemy of your God.
     "My blue armies of the world must gather now for the final battle against satan. It is a battle of the spirits: brother against brother, father against son, mother against daughtera time such as mankind has never seen nor will see again at its conclusion.
     "My child, you will hasten to gather all past messages.
     "Many cures and conversions shall be given to strengthen your mission. It will be a great miracle to many.
     "Now, My child, you will sit back and examine the message in secret. You will receive two photographs of great importance."
     Veronica - There's a tremendous cross. It's a wooden cross, coming nowit's like it's just emerging right out of the sky. Oh, and now right above it nowthe cross is lowering down onto the earth, and above it Jesus is standing. 
     Oh, He's dressed in His burgundy cape, but he has a wholeHis head is covered with a crown of thorns. But it's not a crown; it's a headpiece all with thorns. It's like a cap. Oh, my goodness!
     Now Jesus is coming over. He's just floating forward. The cross now is like it's gone flat down onto us, the world, and Jesus is going over to the left side.
     Jesus - "My child, My Mother has directed you well. In the time remaining you will be given many urgent messages. The work will accelerate as you will unite with other missions throughout the world. It is the time of the separation of the sheep from the goats. None shall escape judgment.
     "Man in his arrogance has chosen to cast aside the warnings from Heaven. It is a time of trial for all mankind.
     "All will be tested in this crucible of great suffering. In the mercy of the Eternal Father all will be tested. In your human knowledge you will not understand the ways of the Father, for they are not akin to those of man. All who are of well spirit will have nothing to fear. It is in the will of the Eternal Father that all will be tested.
     "I bless you all, My children. Carry your cross, for it is the only way to enter into the Eternal Kingdom."
     Veronica - Now Jesus is coming down, and now He's over on the left side. He's coming down by the tree. And He's placing His hand out in front of Him, like this: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now Jesus is floating over. He's not walking; He's gliding, likefloating just on the air over to the right side now past Our Lady's statue. And He's now stopping, with His hand out in front of Him, like this: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Jesus - "I give you graces from Heaven: graces for cures and conversion. These will be necessary in the gathering of souls."
     Veronica - Now Jesus is placing His hand out, like this. He's just above the first tree, and He's looking down. He's placing His hand out and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now He's just pausing and looking down and putting both His hands out in front of Him. Jesus is placing His hands out like this, in front of Him. Now He's bringing them down now to His side and He's floating up over, over to the center, above the statue.
     Jesus - "My child, the time is here for the mission of the repatriation of souls. All who have been given the knowledge in the light must now light their candles with My Mother and go searching through the darkness. A constant vigilance of prayer must be kept.
     "The world, your world, will be cleansed by trial. None shall escape the effects."
     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now Jesus is going backwards. He's floating backwards; He hasn't turned around. But He's going high now, high up into the sky. And now over on the right Michael is standing. The samehe has this white gown on, and he's holding the very large sword in his right hand, and he's placing it with the tip down now, pointing it down.
     And now Our Lady is coming over. She's standing near Michael. It's quite windy up there. Our Lady's gownnow Our Lady doesn't have the black covering on that She had, but now She has a white mantle and a white gown, and Her mantle is trimmed in a gold, beautiful gold shining trim all around the outside. Oh, and Our Lady now is holding what appears to be a ball, a globeI guess it's a globe of the worldin Her right hand. And She's just standing there. The light is very brilliant. It's so bright! It's almost impossible to describe Our Lady's face because of Her gown and the bright light.
     Now Jesus is going over onto the left side of us.
     Jesus - "Continue now with your prayers of atonement. They are sorely needed."




"It is the diabolical plan of satan"

September 27, 1975
In honor of the Dedication of St. Michael the Archangel         



     Veronica - The sky is very dark, but there are shimmering lights of a very deep blue that seem to be parting the sky in several places. The long blue lights now are coming to a point straight ahead of us over Our Lady's statue.
     Oh, now the sky seems to be opening up; it's like a rivulet, a cascade of beautiful silvery, diamond-like clusters of crystal-clearI don't know how to explain itas though the light has given out slivers of crystal-clear, diamond-likeoh, graces. A voice is now saying:
     "Graces, my child."
     Oh! Now coming through the sky I can see ... oh, Michael; I recognize Michael. And now behind him from the other two points of blue light with the shimmering borders are two other figures. Oh, Gabriel and Raphael, oh, I recognize. Now they're standing all together. Now Michael is coming forward. He's holding his balance, the golden balance, in his right hand, and a very long sword in his left. And Michael is extending the balance.
     St. Michael - "My child, the balance has become heavily to the left. It is a sign that much reparation shall be needed. The course of mankind is heading straight to the abyss. Many shall be called but few shall be chosen.
     "Through countless years of earth's time the Queen of Heaven has come to your earth to bring you a warning from the Eternal Father. As in the past, you follow a course of blindness. You have hardened your hearts to the truth, preferring the delusion set upon you by satan. You must now remove this blindness from your hearts, for your time is growing short.
     "There have been set upon earth many voice-boxes issuing the warnings from Heaven. How many of you have listened and followed the course given by the Queen of Heaven to you for the salvation of your soul and the souls of those in your care? Have you gathered your graces to use them selfishly, or have you proceeded under the direction of the Queen of Heaven to share these graces in searching throughout your world, the dark corners of your earth, for the salvation of the straying sheep?
     "I, Michael, guardian of the House of God, guardian of the Faith, give you warning that you have been found lacking in the eyes of the Eternal Father, and shall receive a just punishment."
     Veronica - Now Michael is coming closer to us. He's coming forward, and he's holding up now the balance. He's cast the balance until it's suspended now by itself in the air, and he's now grasping his spear. It's a very long spear. Now I can see the end, the handle, has a cross on the handle, a very large cross.
     Now Michael is pointing the sword-like spearit's a sword now, because the handle seems to be much larger than when I first saw ithe's pointing it downward now.
     Now Gabriel is coming over; he's standing now. And coming from the sky is a very strange-looking instrument, like a horn. It's a long, tube-like golden instrument, like a horn. It's a long, tube-like golden instrument, with a wide circular base. Now Raphael is coming over. And he's now touching the shoulder of Gabriel. He's saying to GabrielI can hear them:
     St. Raphael - "Wait, my brother, for the time has not come to blow your horn. The Eternal Father has set the day and the hour."
     Veronica - Now it's growing quite dark. And now Michael is coming forward, but Gabriel and Raphael are going over to the left side, our left side, and they're standing just above the trees. Now Michael is pointing upward to the sky. Oh, now the sky is opening up. Oh, it's a beautiful circular light. I can't describe it.
     Oh, Our Lady now is coming forward in the light. Oh, Our Lady is dressed in the most beautiful white gown. It's very full, and it's such a pure white. It appears as the white of sugar, it's so clear. Oh!
     Now Our Lady is carrying in Her right hand a Scapular. It's a very large brown Scapular. I can't see any figures upon it, but it is a brown cloth, and it has also a brown string. It's exceptionally large. And Our Lady now is removing Her Rosary. She's carrying the large white Rosary with the beautiful golden Our Fathers. Now Our Lady is taking the crucifix and placing it upon Her lips, like this, and holding it forward in front of Her and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now Our Lady is coming down. She looks so beautiful. [Veronica sighs.] Our Lady has on Her head a crown, but it's a circletit looks like a circlet of diamonds, a most beautiful crown. It has golden webbing, but above each tip is a point like a, a triangular point. I can count them: one, twoOur Lady is bending Her head forward so I can count the beautiful points: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
     Our Lady - "For the Eucharist, My child, eight for the Eucharist."
     Veronica - On top of the point, the golden point made like the Trinity, is a beautiful star-like diamond. Oh! Now Our Lady is coming over to our left side, and Michael is coming forward. It's quite windy, because Michael has on also a long white robe-like gown; it's a gown tied about the waist with thisoh, it's a cord. It's a beige, cord-like material. Now Michael doesn't have any slippers or sandals upon his feet.
     Our Lady is wearing white sandals, and they're made of two V-like straps. And on the tips of Her feet are the most beautiful golden rosettes. Our Lady calls them rosettes. They're baby roses, golden roses. Oh! 


An impostor in place of Pope Paul

     Our Lady - "My child, I bring to you a sad truth, one that must be made known to mankind. In doing this, My child, you must proceed without fear. It must be made known to mankind. Our dear beloved Vicar, Pope Paul VI, he suffers much at the hands of those he trusts. My child, shout it from the rooftops. He is not able to do his mission. They have laid him low, My child. He is ill, he is very ill. Now there is one who is ruling in his place, an impostor, created from the minds of the agents of satan. Plastic surgery, My childthe best of surgeons were used to create this impostor. Shout from the rooftops! He must be exposed and removed.
      "Behind him, My child, there are three who have given themselves to satan. You do not receive the truth in your country and the world. Your Vicar is a prisoner.

Casaroli, Benelli, and Villot

     "Antonio Casaroli, you shall condemn your soul to hell! Giovanni Benelli, what road have you taken? You are on the road to hell and damnation! Villot, leader of evil, take yourself from among those traitors; you are not unknown to the Eternal Father. You consort with the synagogue of satan. Do you think you shall not pay for the destruction of souls in My Son's House? 


Not Pope Paul VI in public appearance

     "The Antichrist, the forces of evil, have gathered, My children, within the Eternal City. You must make it known to mankind that all that is coming from Rome is coming from darkness. The light has not passed that way. The appearance in public is not Paul VI, it is the impostor pope. Medication of evil has dulled the brain of the true Pope, Pope Paul VI. They send into his veins poison to dull his reasoning and paralyze his legs. What evil creature have you opened the doors to the Eternal City and admitted? The agents of satan!

     "You plan to remove the Eternal Father from your heart and the hearts of those whom you seek to deceive. You scatter the flock.
     "My children, you must now pray for the light. You must know the truth. All that is given to you is being sent from the traitorous heart of those who have seized power in the Eternal City of Rome.
     "My child, you will be mocked for this message. You will be scorned by many, but you are bringing the truth.
     "The enemies within the Eternal City have opened the doors wide and allowed the enemies of God to enter. They consort with the devil.
     "You will cleanse your city. You will send out the traitors, excommunicate the wrongdoers who do not repent of their sin. What does it gain a man if he gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his soul? Your gathering in worldly wealth shall give you no passport to Heaven.
     "Come out of the darkness! The Red Hats have fallen and the Purple Hat is being misled. Cardinal against cardinal, bishop against bishop! All that is rotten shall fall. Blood shall flow in the streetsrevolution upon revolution! Do you not knowhave you learned nothing from the past history of mankindthat the Father will chastise those He loves? 
     "Awaken! You have fallen asleep, Our pastors! You shall not follow as sheep to the slaughter those pastors who have given themselves to satan, those pastors who have sold themselves to the world of satan. Many will sell their souls to get to the head. 

Three men in complete control

     "It is the diabolical plan of satan to have the hate of the world turned to the Vicar, Pope Paul VI, in Rome. The plan of satan is to heap upon his shoulders all the error and wrongdoing; however, those who he has trusted have betrayed him, have now assumed complete control of his mission. There are in figurative language, My child, three popes now in Rome. Three popes, My child, not counting Pope Paul VI: three men who are being directed by satan.
     "You cannot accept now what comes from Rome, for they do not comethese bulls and these directions are not written by the pen of Pope Paul VI. They are written by the pen of Benelli and Villot. They have given direction, My children, to Antonio Casaroli to infiltrate into the high places of the public, conducting of emissaries from Rome to all nations of the world, agents of satan. Do you not know now why the good have been persecuted? Do you not know why the hands now shake the hand of the devil, the enemies of God?
     "Your world is revolving into a crucible of suffering. The children of God shall be persecuted; but persevere, My children, for your reward is great in Heaven. The time will comewithout prayer and atonement of mankind, the time will come when those who are upon earth will envy those that have passed on and are dead.
     "Father against son, mother against daughter, brother against sister! To all who have even the slightest glimmer of light, of truth, they will say, 'Has insanity fallen upon mankind?'
     "Man is slowly reducing his nature to that of animal. Sin has become a way of life. Immorality, debasement, debaucheryall manner of vice and evil floods your country and the countries of earth. How long do you think the Eternal Father shall tolerate this conduct?
     "My children, My voice carries far throughout your world. I come to you as a Mediatrix between God and man. I bring you a warning from Heaven. Your country, the United States, and Canada shall be cleansed by trial. 
     "You have a balance in your country, My children. Only a few, a minority, have held back your just punishment. The Eternal Father is keeping count. Only He has the final decision.
     "My child, your country now is wallowing in a cesspool of corruption, corruption in the highest places. They have cast aside the knowledge and honor of their God, for they have set up wealth, fortune, and power as an idol of worship. They have set man up as an idol of worship.    
     "Parents, parents of good heart and faith, continue to gather your children in your homes. Instil in their heart the knowledge and truth of their God, for when they leave your homes they are going out like innocent sheep into pastures, pastures beset by ravenous wolves. 


Changes not from Pope Paul VI

     "I must, My child, make it known at this time that you must go back in the immediate years and bring the knowledge to mankind that these changes, the changes that have given bad fruits, have not been given to you through the Holy Spirit and through your Vicar, Pope Paul VI. It is the web of satan reaching out. Many are now, My child, puppets. The strings are being pulled by Benelli, Villot, and Casaroli and their followers.
     "My child, you must work with great haste to spread this message throughout the world. I cannot give you the future at this time, My child; but you must now proceed, for the future is now, My child, the future is now!
     "You will continue to receive many photographs, My child. Much must be kept in secret, for they are instruments for your mission.
     "I have sent you out on several missions, trips, My child, for reason. However, it is a good lesson to learn that the more you go out among men the less you will feel a peace of spirit. That is why I have directed you in the past to retire from your world.
     "You must understand, My child, that a degree of grace has been given to you and others. Mankind would not understand without the help of the Eternal Father. You must remain in your circle of light, for those who have not joined this circle will not understand you, for you will speak to them in matters of the spirit and you will speak then in a foreign tongue to them.
     "Yes, My child, it is a special grace to recognize the photographs and to join the Mission from Heaven.
     "There must be a constant vigilance of prayer throughout the world. Your beads of prayer, your Rosary, shall bring many graces to you and your families. 


TV's - soul destroyers and mind corrupters

     "I have many times cautioned you and all of My children against the use of the diabolical machine, your television. There will be no excuses accepted for having these in your presence. They are destroyers of the soul and corrupters of the mind: they take you from your moments of meditation; they take you from reading the words of the good Book, your Bible; they present to you a way of life that is not akin to the way of your God.
     "My child, you must find a good soul who will continue to print and send out to the world the true prayers of your Faith. Experimentation by your pastors has led to much soul corruption. There is no novelty in Heaven. There is no need to change, for when man becomes discontented he seeks a change, and it is most often not for the better.
     "You see, My child, the three spirits of light I just sent across your sky: the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost. Three doves, My childthey follow Me across the world. The day will come when I will direct them to alight at My statue's feet.
     "No, My child, you will not be concerned what to do with them, for they will return with Me.
     "Remember, My child, you must read the photographs carefully."
     Veronica - Now Our Lady is holding out Her Rosary with the beautiful golden crucifix upon it, and She's making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now Our Lady is coming a little closer.
     Our Lady - "My child, you are becoming scrupulous. You must not concern yourself of My direction, but to follow it without self-will. You will direct your will only to the Eternal Father, with confidence. I assure you, My child, all will appear before your very eyes.
     "When you are giving the names I give you, My child, you are not judging, because you must remember you are a voice-box.
     "Now, My child, you must be seated, for there is much work to continue with. Continue the prayers of atonement; they are sorely needed."
     Veronica - The sky nowit's a very strange, round, ball-like figure, but it's almost like a quarter-moon; it's a very strange light. Oh, now just beyond the lightoh, the sky is beginning to clear, and oh, Jesus now is coming forward through the light. Oh, He's
     All who are able, please kneel in due respect to Our Lord Jesus.
     Now Jesus does not have anything on His feet. I can see His bare feet. And He has on a beige-colored gown, and it's tied about the waist with a cord. It's a darker brown cord, almost like a hemp. And He has about His shoulders His burgundy cape, and it's blowing. It must be very windy, too, up there, because the cape is blowing.
     Now Jesus is coming down quite close now. He's coming over to our left now, standing just by the tree. Now He's placing His hands out in front of Him, like this: His two fingers are raised forward, and He's making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     And now He's rising. Oh, He's justoh, to watch it's beautiful! Jesus does not walk, He's just carried like on the wind, as though He's weightless. And He's smiling. Now Jesus is coming over toward the center of our view here, and just above Our Lady's statue, and He's looking down. Now He's touching His lips. That means I must listen.
     Jesus - "My child, My Mother continues to direct you well. You must hasten to send the message throughout the world. Time is running out. Do not be concerned of those who cast aside the message. Your only concern will be to give this message to them. Of their free will they are being given the chance to come back onto the road or to leave it forever by going the way of the world.
     "My child, do not be affrighted; do not be fearful of the message given to you by My Mother. The truth must come to the light. There are grave dangers ahead for mankind if he proceeds on his present course of soul destruction. The world will be cleansed by a baptism of fire. All that is rotten must fall. In this crucible of suffering many of the good must carry a heavy cross.
     "The world will reject the message of the spirit, for their hearts have been hardened and their ears are closed.
     "The road to the eternal Kingdom is a narrow road, and when you leave it, My children, it is difficult to return. You must now wait and watch in the days ahead. My Mother has directed you well; She has prepared you for this future which is now. All who are of well spirit will go through these times with much hope, perseverance, and fortitude in the knowledge that the victory is with Heaven. It is a testing of mankind. The sheep shall be separated from the goats. 


Bishops counted with goats?

     "My child, you must warn your bishop that We have watched him and found him wanting. Shall he remain counted with the goats? Pray for him, but make it known to him that We look into his heart.
     "My child, My Mother has directed you as a voice-box. You will give the message to the world exactly as She gave it to you, never concerning yourself of opinion."
     Veronica - Now Jesus is placing His hand out in front of Him, like this: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now it's getting much darker. Oh, it's getting very dark, except for Jesus. Now He'sthe light is very bright about Jesus. And He's going over to our right side, and He's looking down and placing His hand out in front of him: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Jesus - "I bless you, My children, as My Mother blesses you, with the light of eternity. Know that in the days ahead you will be given the grace of seeing miracles appear before your very eyes. They will not go unrecognized, for you will test the spirits. All that is rotten will fall, and by the fruits will they be known."
     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now Jesus is going up. He's like floating, being carried on the wind backwards; He hasn't turned around. He's smiling, but He's just rising very high into the sky. Oh, now He's touching His lips.
     Jesus - "My child, you will continue now with your prayers of atonement. And We do not wish that you remain with the lighting, the lighting of the candles."
     Veronica - "Yes."
     In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.




The bleeding statues must be investigated...

October 2, 1975
Holy Guardian Angels and Eve of Saint Theresa   


     Veronica - The sky is becoming very lighted, and the rays of light are a pale blue, and they're forming the letter "Y", "Y".  Now in the center of the "Y"now the "Y", the upper part is becoming a chalice, the cup of a chalice. And standing over the chalice ... Our Lady is coming; I can see Our Lady in the distance. She's very small, and as She comes in through the distance She looks like a small figure of a statue. But now as She's coming closer, Our Lady's gown is blowing.
     Through the light Her gown looks like a pinkish color. It's very light and very pink. I believe it's because of the light, because now Our Lady is coming out of what appears to be the top cup of the chalice, and moving over onto the left side.
     Oh, Our Lady looks very beautiful! Oh, She looks very young tonight. And I can see now Our Lady's hair. I very seldom see Her hair coming out from Her mantle. And She's smiling.
     Our Lady - "My child, We are very pleased that you have been reading the photographs carefully. I was as much distressed, My child, because of those who have not accepted the graces given to them. These photographs are given often in secret, but because of the ways of the Eternal Father many will look and still not see.
     "On these photographs, My child, of special message and meaning, there are many that you will have to point to and describe, for they are only for your eyes.
     "The camera must be blessed to purify them for taking the miraculous photographs. 

Bleeding statues must be investigated
     "Satan has started a great war against us, My children. Satan will also bring forward false miracles. However, you will not be deceived by them because he may propagate his error but for a short while. If you will investigate each miracle, the hand of satan will make itself known. The bleeding statues, My children, must be investigated.

     "You have, My child, received now the full story of the approach of Antichrist to the Eternal City of Rome. It is a sad fact that the apocalyptic days are here, and the visions of John will now unfold to completeness. There is much that was not revealed, but these are the days of the Revelations.    
     "You will read the visions of John, the Apocalypse, and you will find yourself filled with the spirit of knowledge and wisdom. The story of the end days will unfold as you read. You will not be found without knowledge if you will take the Book of love and life, your Bible, and read it. 

Impostor: deception of the century
     "I have warned you that there are three popes now in the city of Rome. They have, I repeat, brought forth an impostor, while they have laid low Pope Paul VI, your true Father. It is the deception of the century!

     "My child, you will have no fear in giving this message to the world. We of Heaven entrust you with this knowledge. The deception must be exposed to mankind. It is the only manner in which you can prevent the Seat of Peter from capitulating and falling into full control of the antichrist 666 forces.
     "You have not, My child, sent the letters that I have asked you to, to your bishops and also to the cardinals and archbishops of Rome. You must do this immediately. There is no time to be lax.
     "We have chosen to give this message through you, My child and My children in the United States, for We find that there is much courage in the hearts of your countrymen. There is a time for everything in the plan of Heaven. Much has been given in photographs, My child, in the past. They are for now, for your future is now. 

Scapular to be worn by all
     "You will keep a constant vigilance of prayer in your country and throughout the world. The Scapular must be worn by all. It will be your badge of courage and your hope in a discordant world and generation, a generation that has set itself onto the road to perdition. The sins are abounding; the sins are increasing; the evil is accelerating. My children, you send the hourglass on a fast course to your destruction. The time is growing short.

     "You must be patient, My child, for the convent you seek will be given to you. We allow you to see the evils in the convents and the monasteries, My children. They must not be tolerated to suit mankind, for mankind has offended the Eternal Father. His hand shall fall heavy upon your world.
     "All manner of warnings have been given to mankind, and many have gone by unheeded. Atonement and reparation must be made to the injured heart of the Eternal Father.
     "My children, if I could unfold for you before your eyes the future, the future which is now, you would hasten to bring about a complete reversal of the ways of mankind that offend the Eternal Father and have set mankind onto a road to destruction.
     "All manners of sins and abominations are being committed in the lives of mankind. These abominations have now entered fully into the House of God!
     "The children are the innocent victims of their elders, being taught perversion and a way of life that has become a sinful way. Sin has become a way of life to many.
     "You will gather the old books of knowledge, true knowledge of your God, and treasure them, for the enemies of God in the Eternal City shall seek to destroy this knowledge. For they seek to bring about a religion that is not under the banner of Faithful and True, the true Pope Paul VI, and the plan of God the Father.
     "Sinful mankind is setting himself to bring about a religion of universal proportions, but it will be a religion of man and not of God.
     "Satan has entered into the highest places of the Eternal City. Bishop shall face bishop, and cardinal shall set himself against his brother. In this manner all that is rotten will fall.
     "You ask, My child, how this sorrowful state has come to pass. It is, My child, because too few pray, too few know the value of suffering, and too few have sought to do atonement for the offenses committed against My Son and His Immaculate Heart.
     "I, as your Mother, have been sent by the Eternal Father in My Son, in the Holy Spirit, to warn you that you must now turn back while there is time, from your present waysyour road of sin, immorality, and corruption.
     "Your children are being raised to know no sin. They conduct themselves as pagans worshiping false idols, giving themselves to mind-destructive drugs, seeking pleasures that are abominations to the human flesh!
     "Parents, are you blind? Do you not see your children, what is happening to them? What have you done to save their souls? You are too busy in your worldly lives! You pile silver upon gold, but have you prepared your children's souls with merit to enter the Kingdom of the Eternal Father, or are you passing these tender souls into darkness and the realm of the prince of darkness, satan?
     "There shall be much woe and gnashing of teeth and sorrow in the hearts of many parents, tears that will flowtoo late, too late!
     "As parents your duty is manifold. You must teach your children within your homes. You must safeguard their purity. Modesty! Mothers, your daughtersdo you permit them to expose their flesh to lustful eyes? Are you stripping from their young souls modesty and purity of purpose and spirit? What kind of example are you giving as parents in your homes?"
     Veronica - Now it's growing very bright behind Our Lady, and I can see a group of people coming down now. Oh, they're nuns! They have on dark habits. And now one is coming forward, and she's standing next to Our Lady. Oh, it's Saint Theresa.
     St. Theresa - "My sisters, whatever has possessed you to set yourselves upon such a course to perdition? Have you no sense of shame in your attire, exposing your body to lustful eyes? Why have you discarded your protection? What model of purity and sanctity are you when you have become maidens and not brides of Christ?
     "The Eternal Father is watching. He has a very heavy hand, my sisters, that shall be set upon you! You must not follow like sheep to the slaughter the cry of the serpent. You are all blinding yourselves to the truth. 

Nuns scandal to their vocation
     "The road to Heaven, my sisters, is a narrow one and not difficult to follow, unless you choose to turn away. Even a short duration in the world will soil your soul. You must not, my sisters, give yourselves to the world in thought or deed or dress. Your example must be as one as Our Lady is dresseda long habit that reaches to the ground. When you, my children and sisters, discard a proper attiredress and habitsyou do much destruction to your order, to your vocation, for you no longer are an example of purity and commanding respect. You do not receive respect. You are a scandal to your vocation, my sisters! You must not be obedient to the cry of the serpent.

     "The rule must be followed within the convents. My sisters, you will gain nothing by leaving and going into the world. It is a deception of satan to destroy your vocation and true purpose as brides of Christ. Come out of the darkness, my sisters!
     "It is the Eternal Father Who is the final judge, but a nun who has left her convent and given herself to the world and seduces a priest, a representative of Christ, to leave his vocation and destroy his soulthat nun shall enter hell!
     "Turn back, if you have been deceived! The merciful Father shall forgive if you repent of this great sin. If you do not repent and return to your vocation and allow the priest whom you have blinded by seductionif you permit him to remain in his sin, your punishment will be two-fold, for not only have you sinned but you have caused another to sin!
     "A priest is a man of God, chosen solely from the world to be a representative of the Son of God, my sisters and brothers. As a man of God, he brings to you the Body and Blood of your Savior. 

None but consecrated hands to give Host
     "I tell you, my brothers and sisters, that none shall take in his or her hands the purified Body of your Savior! Only the consecrated fingers and hands of the representative of Christ the Lord shall give and bring this gift to mankind! 

Woman not to speak out at Mass
     "No woman, my sisters, shall set herself within the altar railings! No woman shall speak out at the holy service! Have you not forgotten the truth and the rule? It is the Eternal Father Himself who gave your prophets this rule.

     "A woman must be subservient to man. She is not a chattel; she is a helper of man and husband. But a woman must speak to man. She must not assert herself unrightly in the houses of God.
     "Jesus the Lord, your Lord, my sisters and brothers, has made the rule. You cannot change it to suit yourselves. You have been blinded by satan. The liberation in your hearts has been placed there by satan. You gain nothing but your own destruction. Nuns, those who have accepted the rule and taken the habit, must remain in the habit.


Sex education private discourse between children and parents
     "The mind and the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Therefore, you will cast your eyes upon goodness and holiness and purity. You will not watch the infernal machineyour television. You will not read books of sex education, books that do not belong in your schools! They are a private discourse between children and parents.
     "The Eternal Father finds abominations and sins, all sins and manner of sins of the flesh, being committed because of the false teachers who now have set themselves in the House of God.
     "You have been warned, my sisters and brothers; you have been warned in the writings from the prophets. Why have you cast them aside, not recognizing the signs of your times?
     "I carried with me upon earth, my sisters, a little book of knowledge. Why can't you carry this with youImitation of the Christ?
     "Fair maidens do not blush, my sisters. They do not blush, for they know not embarrassment or sin. The purity, the beauty of purity, is gone forever from their lives. If you do not have purity of purpose in your worldly life, you cannot enter the Kingdom of light, the Kingdom of the Father, where purity reigns.
     "Is it not better, my sisters, to have to suffer to be different for just a little while upon your earth? Life is eternal in the Kingdom of God. Your life upon earth is but a short pilgrimage. Shall you give yourself to satan while on earth and be claimed by him over the veil? Is it not better, my sisters, to follow the rule: obedience with honor, not with dishonor to your Godobedience that is given with good and noble purpose and with truth.
     "You cannot be obedient to those who have given themselves to satan: destroyers of the rule, those who seek novelty and change. Change, my sisters? What need is there for change, when you have stood the test of time?
     "The world, your world upon earth, is in deep darkness of spirit. Good sisters, who have remained true with multitudes of graces through prayer, will you not light your candles with our glorious Mother and go throughout the world seeking those who have been lost in the darkness?    

     Dear Holy Father, worried and wan,
     Will struggle with Jesus to gather the sheep.
     The pastures are rich but the sheep grow thin,
     For the souls have succumbed to the sickness of sin.
     You'll need reinforcements from heavenly shores,
     So deep is the darkness of earth's shallow mores.
     All hearts must ascend in true supplication
     To avoid the sad fate of divine devastation.
     Dear holy Mother, your Mother of love,
     Does beg you to heed these dire words from above:
     His heart is torn by careless surrender
     Of too many souls that don't try to remember
     The Father, the Son, the Spirit of life
     Smite in the heart with the human knife
     Of hate, greed, avarice, vanity:
     All indications that sin is insanity!
     What more must you do but place the full load
     Of saving all souls on the few who are bold,
     Who'll stand up and fight for all Heaven's glory
     And meet with Pope Paul at the end of life's story.

     "My Sister, remember the message I gave you in 1969. You can see, my sister, it is coming true fast.    

     The end is not as far as you can see;
     Already there is apostasy.
     Man cast his lot and gathered the coals
     To stoke the fire that burns the souls.
     The hours are numbered, the days are few,
     So work and pray and try to do
     The work that's given in the light,
     Until that sad time when all is night.         

     "You must, my sister, hasten to give out the message: All peoples of earth must remain true to Pope Paul VI, faithful and true in his present duress. He suffers much from those about him who are deceivers.
     "Satan has entered, my sisters and brothers, into the highest ranks of the hierarchy. Therefore, you will recognize the faces of evil. By their fruits will they be known."
     Veronica - Now it's growing very dark, and Theresa is now going over to Our Lady. It's bright where Our Lady is standing, over by the left side. And Theresa is standing there, and the other nuns now are backing up. They're just floating backwards up into the sky.
     And Our Lady now is placing Her hand out and pointing over to the right side of the sky. And there are two red fish now floatingit's like they're swimming right across the sky, two red fish. And next to them, on their tails, there are letters forming: "B" and "C".
     Now alsoit's like a triangle; the "B" and the "C" now are throwing out rays, and at the tip end of a V-like formation is the letter "V".  "V", "B", "C".
     Now I hear a tremendous sound. I recognize it; it is Michael.
     St. Michael - "The Red Hat has fallen. The Purple Hat is being misled. Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth! Blood shall flow in the streets!"
     Veronica - Now it's growing very, very dark, andoh, my goodness!  There's aI can see Pope Paul now, the real Pope Paul. He's very thin. He's very wan. He is very sorrowful. And I hear him now. He is opening his mouth, and he's saying:
     Pope Paul - "Succor! Succor!"
     Veronica - Oh, dear! Help! [Veronica is sobbing.]
     And on his chest, I see the crucified body of Jesus. And now there's coming a very ugly-looking thing abovefloating out of the sky, above Pope Paul. And he's holding a long knife, or axeno, it's a knifeabove his head.
     Now the sword is pointing over to the left, and it's pointing down. And there is a huge BibleI know it's a big Bibleand a voice is hollering: "Tome! Tome!" And on top of the Bible, there's a huge black cross covering it. It doesn't look good. A terrible, ominous-looking black cross, and the Bible, which had golden pages and red, is now beginning to fade. It's fading and turning black.
     Now over the whole sceneit's just like a moving picturethere's coming a huge sickle with a hammer through the center, a sickle with a hammer through the center. And all about it now are red hats. They're those large sombrero type of hats.
     "I don't know how, Blessed Mother, to explain it."
      They're round with round crowns on them. They look like very big hats, and they are bright red, and they've got tassels, like golden tassels hanging from them, and they're all suspended. And one now is perched on top of the sickle. It's just setting almost like a crown, on top of the sickle.
     Now it's becoming very dark, and I can't see it anymore.
     Our Lady now is coming forward.
     Our Lady - "My child, you are now seeing the fulfillment of prophecy. You will understand all in due time. The world must keep a constant vigilance of prayer. There is no other recourse. The Eternal Father has a heavy hand.
     "Mister 666, My child, the antichrist forces, are now loosed fully upon earth. Without your prayers and the prayers of the multitudes, he will bring about a full destruction among mankind: wars, all manners of abominations, darkness in holy places, darkness in the hearts of men, darkness of spirit.
     "Those who remain good and in the light will carry a heavy cross, My children. However, it will be a badge of honor, for it is your key to the Kingdom. It is a test allowed by the Eternal Father to mankind. All that is rotten will fall away, but those of true spirit, of well spirit, My children, shall survive all trial."
     Veronica - Now Our Lady is taking Her cross and She's placing it in front of Her: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     And Our Lady is placing Her hand out, like this. She has a beautiful Rosaryhuge white beads that have all the colors of the rainbow emanating from them in all directions. It's beautiful! And the cross, the crucifix, is golden, and Our Lady now is extending it out in front of Her, over towards our right, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Our Lady - "I bless you, My children. Continue with courage. It will take much perseverance to give My message to the world, but your greatest hope, your greatest strength, is with the knowledge that you are on the winning side. My Son shall come down to earth in triumph to stop your suffering in time, My children.
     "Keep your robes clean and spotless, for He will recognize you, My children, in that manner when He returns to your earth. Wash them in the Body and Blood of My Son. Remain close to Him, My children, in the Eucharist. Wash your robes in His Blood.
     "I bless you all, My children, and extend to you graces of cure and conversion. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
     "My child, you will be seated now and read the photographs."
     Veronica - Now there's a great circle of light coming; it's perfectly circular. It's like ringing the whole area here, and also, from the center, it's almost like looking at a wheel on a bicycle. There are radiation points of light from the center. And now Jesus is coming forward, and Heoh, it's beautiful! Oh, He looks so beautiful! The light is so bright that I can barely look into it. I'm sure my eyes must be burned, it's so brilliant.
     Now Jesus is coming forward. He has sandals on His feet; I can see the brown straps. And it's quite windy up there, because His cape is blowing and also His hair. Jesus' hair looks quite long. It does touch the cape, His shoulders, and His hairI can't tell very well, but the light is so brilliant it does look a reddish brown. It's quite straight and curling at the ends; I can see it. Oh, and Jesus is smiling.
     I can see now for the first time in a long time, I can see His beard. He's got a very short, very well-manicured beard. Oh, and Jesus is smiling.
     Jesus - "My child, I am happy that there can be joy in the hearts of mankind, for they understand well the plan of Heaven.
     "Yes, My child, the time has come to reveal to the world the truth. It must be made known to mankind the condition, the disposition of the Eternal City. Satan has waited for these days; he has planned his battle. And We, and you, My children, as children of God the Father, shall battle him well. Do not be affrighted at the coming days. It has been all written in time in the great Book, the Tome.
     "You will understand in days to come the plan from Heaven. It is a testing period for all. All that is rotten will fall, and man shall be tested as mettle in the fires. M-e-t-t-l-e, My child, mettle in the fires. 

666 not one man
     "You will observe, My child, the existence of the agents of hell, known as 666 to you all. It is not one man you shall seek, but a full army of demons led by six demons of major incidence. They have been sent from the abyss on special mission. They are doing full battle against the children of God now. You are in the days known as the apocalyptic days of revelation.
     "My Mother has come to you because of the necessity of your times. She has been shut out and cast aside in many places, for mankind has hardened his heart to the truth. He prefers to blind himself in worldly pleasures and pleasures of the flesh, never keeping in mind that his life upon earth is but of short duration.
     "What does it gain a man if he wins the whole world and suffers the loss of his soul? Life is eternal over the veil, and not one of you, My children, shall escape the judgment. No man shall fall into the abyss unless he goes there of his own free will. Believe and you shall be given the way.
     "Your world now has plunged itself into deep darkness of spirit. Come out of that darkness, My pastors! You have been given many warnings, and they have fallen upon deafened ears. How many warnings do you think you shall receive from Heaven? You are misleading Our sheep.
     "The Red Hats shall stand before Me, and shall you say to Me that your teaching has been pure in My sight? Away from Me! I shall cast you into the abyss. Vipers, join the brood of vipers, soul destroyers!
     "No man shall stand before Me and have on his count the loss of souls entrusted to him. No man shall excuse himself with rules and obedience, with rules set forth by satan. You will not give yourselves to the world. You will not take My Church and give it to the world of satan, turning it from a place of sanctity and refuge to a meeting place of all foul practices, lacking respect and honor! You take off your collar and expose your true nature. You are of carnal desires. As such, you shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
     "My child, you will continue to bring the Message from Heaven to the world. The time is truly short.
     "If mankind was given the knowledge at this time of how much time in earthly days on earth he has, he would now be down on his knees and making atonement with speed.
     "However, it is the will of the Eternal Father that each man be given his chance and opportunity to save his soul. No man shall enter into the abyss, the kingdom of satan, the prince of darkness, except of his own free will, for he will have led himself onto the road to satan."
     Veronica - Now Jesus is placing His hand out in front of Him, like this, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Jesus - "I bless you, My children, and extend to you the strength to go forward and persevere, for the Kingdom of Heaven is for all who are seeking. Ask and you shall be given the way. Many are called but few are chosen. But believe and you will be given the way."
     Veronica - And Jesus now is extending His hand out in front of Him and making the sign of the Trinity: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now Jesus is moving over. He's going over to the left side, past the statue of Our Lady and over by the tree. And He looks very beautiful. The light is very bright. Oh, and now He's placing His hand out in front of Him, like this: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Jesus - "I give to you My peace of spirit, My children. Continue with your prayers of atonement. Continue with saving your brothers and sisters, for without your prayers many will be lost to Us."
     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.




The pastors prefer worldly living...

October 6, 1975
Eve of Our Lady of the Rosary    


     Veronica - There are a large number of clouds in the sky. It's very misty. In the center of the sky, coming from out of one of the cloudsit's a cloud-like formationI can see Our Lady.
     Oh, Our Lady is dressed all in white, beautiful white, but Her feet are bare. I can see Her feet now emerging from under Her full gown. Her mantle is very loose about Her shoulders and Her head. She is so beautiful! There's a trim of gold all about Her mantle.
     Our Lady is holding in Her right hand a beautiful round garland of roses. And now Our Lady is holding the garland out, and the sky is becoming very lighted. It's beautiful! And coming through the sky now are many, many beautiful young angels. They look like children of all sizes, but very young. They're dressed in gowns, long gowns. I can see their feet. Their feet are bare, but their gowns are beautiful pastel colors of pink, blue, a deep russet orange. Oh, so beautiful! And on their heads they have garlands of roses. Oh, there's a brilliant light above them. It's a warm light; it's like looking into another world. It is so beautiful! Oh!
     Our Lady now is motioning to a taller young angel over on Her right, and they're starting now to place their hands in front of them. And they're forming, they're weaving from the flowersthey're taking from their heads the garlandsI can see it's a long string of roses. Nowoh, they're making the Rosary of flowers. Oh, how beautiful! There are colors in the roses I have never seen here. Oh, they're tinted, they're beautifully tinted, like the colors of the rainbow.
     Now the Our Father beadit's not a bead, it's a rosetteis being made. And they're twisting them, but the Our Father bead is white. The flower is white of the Our Father. Oh, and they're continuing down for the five mysteries. Oh, how beautiful! They're almost finished now. They are working very fast with their hands.
     Now there must beI could count them, Motherone, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. There are fifteen beautiful young angels. Oh, and they're holding now the garland of roses that they have woven into the Rosary.
     And now there is a golden crucifix, a beautiful golden crucifix hanging down now just through the sky. Now they're rising over Our Lady, and the beautiful flower Rosary is hanging down behind Our Lady. It covers the whole sky. It is so beautiful!
     Now over on the right, Michael is coming forward. Oh, Michael is carrying in his hands a beautiful golden crown, and in the center of the crown they have roses, beautiful red roses, blood-red roses. Now Michael is going over to Our Lady. She is smiling; Our Lady is smiling, and She's taking out Her Rosary from Her waist. Our Lady has a tie about Her waist. It's a rope-like tie of golden rope, and Our Lady is taking out Her large beautiful white Rosary with the golden Our Fathers and the golden crucifix. And now She's holding it between Her hands, like this. And Michael is placing upon Her head the golden crown. It's the crownOur Lady is saying:
     Our Lady - "My child, Fatima, Fatima!"
     Veronica - Oh, Fatima, the crown of Fatima. Oh, it's been garlanded in roses on the tips.
     Now Our Lady is moving from the center. She has the beautiful crown on Her head. It's covering right through down to Heralmost Her eyebrows. The light is very bright. I cannot see Her face fully, but I can see Her smile. Oh!
     Our Lady - "My child, in this age of deep spiritual darkness, I have little reason to smile. How can I smile, My child, when so many souls are going into the abyss daily? Please, My child, hasten to send Our message throughout the world. The time is growing short.
     "I wander throughout your earth visiting many places and talking through many voice-boxes. How many have listened to My words of caution and warning? How many have chosen to cast them aside, preferring the short time upon your earth and living in sin!
     "You must make it known to your brothers and sisters, My children, that there is no life eternal upon earth, but only with the Eternal Father in Heaven.
     "Our hearts are greatly torn by the knowledge that the forces of evil have gathered in the Eternal City, My children. You must keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your country and the world. The power of prayer is great.
     "My child, you have not sent the letters to those whom I have asked you to. You must not become involved in chasing, My child. Satan will set many obstacles in your way. You must discard that which is not of greatest importance. Every soul is precious to the Eternal Father and must be saved. Every measure must be taken to save this soul, My child.
     "You will speak once and if not hastened, you will speak no more; but keep it in your heart, My child, that it may not be his decision. Pray that your bishop will receive the light of understanding.
     "I repeat, it is not derogatory to speak, My child, to him. He must know that he is traveling with the goats. He must be saved, My child.
     "The Red Hats have fallen and the Purple Hats have been misled. The time will come when there must be a separation of the sheep and the goats. There will be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, and satan shall set himself in their midst. 

Great delusion in Rome
     "There is in the Eternal City of Rome, My children, a great delusion. The light has not passed that way. Error upon error is coming forth. The enemies of God have taken the highest positions in My Son's Church. It will be cleansed by trial.

     "All who are of well spirit will have no reason to fear. They will go through this time of tribulation with great heart, knowing that the eventual victory is with My Son. The time of times and the days prophesied in the past are at hand. Have you cleansed your soul for this coming?
     "The children are the innocent victims of their elders. All parents are cautioned anew to guard their children's souls. The truth of the knowledge of their God must be given to them by their parents. They shall not receive this knowledge when they leave your homes.
     "Immorality and all manner of debasement of the flesh is taking place upon earth. The sins of the flesh shall condemn many to the abyss.
     "My child, in your mission from Heaven, you will go as the Father directs you. All will appear before your very eyes. I do not wish you to make any judgment without prayer, My child. And you will use the photographs given for your knowledge. Read them carefully.
     "The world will reject this message, My child, for your world is in deep darkness of spirit. However, it is a sad fact that many are called but few are chosen.
     "Pastors upon earth, why have you scattered your sheep? Why do you follow the call of the serpent? Why have you taken My Son's House, Church, and destroyed the knowledge of their God? You are building for yourselves a church that will be one of man and not of your God. Stone upon stone you build, using all of the treasures of your world to build it. But they will crumble; each stone shall fall. None will be left unturned in the Chastisement. Then what will you have gained for your sins?
     "A just punishment, My child, shall be sent upon mankind. Shout this from the rooftops! All manners of sins and abominations have entered into My Son's House on earth, His Church.
     "Satan does full battle with the children of God, My child. You must gather all true books of knowledge of your God and store them well. They are slowly being destroyed by the enemies of your God.
     "All those who are given the light shall light their candles and search through the darkness for their wandering brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters that shall be lost without your prayers and sacrifices.
     "My child, you must make it known to the world that there is a major deception in the Eternal City. Your Vicar, Pope Paul VI, suffers much at the hands of his friends, friends that have betrayed him for pieces of silver and power. They open the doors to the Eternal City for the demons from the abyss! All manner of abominations are being committed. 

Hierarchy using rank to destroy truth
     "Those who have the highest places in My Son's Church are now using their rank to destroy the truth. You cannot build on the carnal nature of mankind, the fallen nature of mankind.    
     "You must now, My children, read the direction given you by Saint John. He was given the prophecy of your times. You are in those days, My children, the days of apostasy. 

     The end is not as far as you can see;
     Already there is apostasy.
     Man cast his lot and gathered the coals
     To stroke the fire that burns the souls.
     The days are numbered, the hours are few;
     So work and pray and try to do
     The work that's given in the light,
     Until that sad time when all is night.    

     "My children, you must retire now from a world that has been given to satan. You must live now in the spirit. You must be in the world, but not of the world.
     "The major downfall in the House of God lies with the fact, My child, that the pastors prefer worldly living with world treasures, never counting the merits needed to enter the eternal Kingdom of God the Father. These merits are not gained by your gatherings of world treasures. They come from your heart. These hearts of Our pastors have been hardened. Their ears are clogged, My child; they do not listen. Their eyes are blinded, not seeing the miracles We send to open them.
     "Pastors, do you reject the Message from Heaven because you fear it? Or do you prefer to ignore it because it will expose your error?     
     "Pride! False pride, My children, is the downfall of many. Cast aside this worldly pride! You have only one to face when you come over the veil: it is the judgment of the Eternal Father.
     "You owe, My children, no allegiance to man who offends the Eternal Father. The Commandments given by the Eternal Father must be followed.
     "My child, you must hasten to make it known to the world that satan has employed many agents to enter into the bodies of those in the highest places of My Son's Church. They will deceive with cunning; they will rationalize sin until satan has his great count of souls. Too late they will turn back and cry, but their cries for mercy will come too late to save them. Many mitres shall fall into hell. 


Jeane Dixon deluded
     "You must, My child, warn your sister, Jeane Dixon, that We are offended by her actions. Many souls are going onto the wide road. She has deluded herself, for she has followed the theories of demons. Astrology is for the unbelievers. Warn her, My child. You must not care for public opinion or worldly accusations to you. You are fishing, My child, for souls.

     "Through many countless earth-years, My child, I have wandered preparing mankind for these days. You are living the days of the Apocalypse. You will read the writings of your John, Saint John. The Eternal Father gave him full knowledge of your days.
     "When you open the good Book of love and life, your Bible, you must pray to the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, to enlighten you as you scan the pages. You will find, My children, that the world of knowledge shall unfold before your very eyes.
     "Veronica, My child, you must have no fear in giving the message to your bishop. It is most urgent, My child."
     Veronica - "Oh! Yes."
     Our Lady - "My child, you must make it known to your workers that satan shall attack them in many ways. They must guard their households well and keep the sacramentals about their children.
     "Do not be concerned of the sufferings of parents, for the children shall bring many crosses to the households. This suffering endured by the parents, My children, will make you more compassionate to others. You will become companionable spirits through suffering.
     "In the days ahead, My child, you will be guided upon your mission. You must learn to recognize the faces of evil about you. Face fear and it will disappear. I assure you, My child, you shall not be taken from your mission until the Eternal Father feels that you have completed it well.
     "The convent, the refuge, My child, shall come to you in time. You must continue to send the Message from Heaven throughout the world. It will be a lifetime dedication to all the children of God. Many arms shall be sent to help you, My child.
     "You will receive great joy in the days ahead, for your mailing shall increase, My child, bringing you all knowledge of the many cures and conversions that have been given through the merciful heart of the Eternal Father."
     Veronica - Now Our Lady is taking Her Rosary and She's extending the crucifix out, like this. Oh, it's shining so brilliantly, the Rosary, the beads. All the Hail Mary beads are becoming a beautiful pink. They're glowing pink, and a deep blue. It's like the rainbows have cascaded off the beads. It's the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. Oh! And Our Lady now is placing the crucifix in front of Her: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     And Our Lady now is raising Her crucifix, and She's kissing it.
     Our Lady - "I bless you, My children, as the Eternal Father sends you His blessings and powers of cure and conversion for the propagation of the Mission from Heaven.
     "There shall be, My child, many cures. In time they will be known to the world.
     "Yes, My child, you shall return to the sacred grounds soon. There will be a spring, My child.
     "I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Continue, My children, with your prayers of atonement. They are sorely needed."
     Veronica - Oh, and now there are shimmers of lights coming down. Our Lady is spreading Her hands out, and there are slivers of lightbeautiful, like diamonds, and they are all coming down. Oh! Oh!
     Our Lady - "Graces, My children, graces."
     Veronica - Oh! Oh!
     ... of light that jolted me off my feet, practically, and it was Michael sending his alert to get down on my knees. At the name of Jesus, all heads must bow and all knees must bend.
     Now the sky is becoming a very pale pink. It's a beautiful warm color, and there is a very misty accumulation of clouds over by our left side. And now from behind themthe clouds seem to be dispersing, fading just like a mist, blowing away, andoh, Jesus is coming forward.
     Oh, He's dressed in Hisit's a burgundy cape, a deep red burgundy. And Jesus' feet are bare; He has no sandals on. And His gown is ait's not white, it's like an off-white, a beige, and it's tied about the waist. It's very loose. He's wearing a long gown, and His cape is clasped about His neck by a string that's tied in a, not a bow fashion, but a knot.
     And now Jesus is shifting His cape over onto His left arm, and He's placing His hand in front of Him, like this, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now He's touching His lips with His right front finger.
     Jesus - "My child, you will listen carefully and repeat after Me. 

Setting up moneychangers in Church
     "Pastors in the House of God, We have been watching and finding you wanting. How many warnings shall you receive as you conduct yourselves and your sheep like pagans in the House of prayer? You are setting up money changers in My House, and I shall cleanse them again!

     "No man shall defile the House of God. No man shall use this House for self gain. All that is rotten shall fall!
     "There will be sent upon mankind a Chastisement. Your earth shall tremble. Do not hide yourselves in the mountains. Your soul is exposed before the Eternal Father. None shall hide from His wrath.
     "I send you fair warning: You must hasten, harken, and listen, and make amends. Do great atonement, for your time is growing short.
     "Your earth, a world that has given itself to satan, shall be cleansed by a baptism of fire. None shall escape. Every man, woman, and child shall feel the effects of this cleansing.
     "All who remain in the light shall pass through this dark time with perseverance and hope. The Trinity shall stand above you. There shall be at the end of the tribulations a new world.
     "It is the plan of the Eternal Father to separate the sheep from the goats in this manner. Recognize the signs of your time and prepare, for the time is growing short.
     "Many manifestations are given to you. It is in the merciful heart of the Eternal Father that many miracles shall be wrought for you. But blessed is he who does not see and still will believe. Believe and you shall be given the way.
     "I bless you, My children, as the Father blesses you, and the Spirit: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost."
     Veronica - Now it's growing very light. The light is so bright I can barely follow Jesus' robe. He's going overit's blowing, oh it's blowing very hard now, and Jesus' robe is coming out from behind Him. He's going over to the right side of us, and He's looking down over the trees, placing His hand in front of Him: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. 

Living days of the Apocalypse

      Jesus - "I repeat Myself, My children. There must be much atonement, many acts of sacrifice, and heavy penance, for the time grows short. You must now hasten to send the Message from Heaven throughout the world. You must merit your entrance into the Kingdom. None shall be lost except of his own free will. No man shall go into the abyss and join satan unless he wills this. Gather your graces and protect your children, for you are living the days of the Apocalypse." 
     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Jesus - "Continue now with your prayers of atonement. They are sorely needed."
     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.




Novelty, the creation of satan...

November 1, 1975
All Saints' Day and Eve of All Souls' Day 


     Veronica - The sky has become very blue. Michael has been standing over to the right side, by the tallest tree. He's bathed all in a blue light, but beyond the light there seems to be a dense darkness. Michael now is standing in a position I never saw him do before. His wings are spread out, almost like two long sheaths, like a cape-like formation coming out almost like banners from his shoulders.
     Now Michael is pointing over to his right, just above Our Lady's statue.
     Oh, Our Lady now is coming out of the sky. The sky has been very dark this evening, but Our Lady now is brightening up the whole atmosphere because of the brilliant light that's coming from Her garments.
     Our Lady has on a long white gown, and Her cape hangs very loosely. It must be very windy, because Her cape now is blowing out from behind Her. Our Lady is turning to Her right. And now She's looking ... She's smiling.
     Now behind Her there appear to be millions of little starscrystal, diamond-like figures. And they're growing larger, and they're coming back from the sky, coming forward. They're almost like lights now, circular lights. Oh, now in between these stars, I see figures of many people. They're dressed in long white garments. Oh, I don't recognize many of them at this time, but I know they are saints. The light is very brilliant. I can't see faces, but their figures are very, very plain and visible. Their feet are bare. Every one of them has nothing but a white gown covering down to their elbows. Now on their headsI can see now their headsthey are wearing green wreaths; they are like crowns.
     Our Lady now is touching Her lips with Her first finger. 

Prayer to be accompanied by works

     Our Lady - "My child, you are looking upon the sea of martyrs. All whom you observe now have been tested and found true upon earth. All who wish to join them in their future lives must use their example of piety, chastity, and good works. Prayer can move the mountains and reach the highest places in Heaven. However, My children, prayer must be accompanied by works.
     "Those who have entered into the Holy City of Rome, My children, have set themselves about to discard the memories of these dear canonized souls, My children. You must work very fast to retain this memory with your children.
     "There will come forth in your era many saints, My children, the latter-day saints. You will all be tested in your time.
     "You must, My child, bring forth the truth to mankind of the existence of hell. We watch an evil influence entering upon your children. This influence of diabolical nature is being brought to them by teachers who have been ordained to promote the truth and the salvation of souls.
     "All who have fallen into the web of satan and the evil-doers of the Holy City of Rome shall be held accountable and shall not escape eternal damnation in the fires of hell for their destruction of the young souls and those who have been given to their care. 

Novelty is creation of satan
     "In your misguided, foolish way of finding the light, My pastors, you have given yourselves to delusion. Abominations are being committed now in My Son's houses, churches throughout the world. This brings much sorrow to the people of Heaven. This brings much sorrow to the Eternal Father. And in turn this will bring much sorrow to the hearts of those who will struggle to retain the truth. Faith and Tradition shall not be separated. Novelty is the creation of satan.
     "My child, I have set you on another course. You will go forward with determination and subject your will only to that of the Eternal Father. I have asked you in the past, and I ask you now to remain away from your worldly influence. You will retire more in meditation, quiet meditation, My child.
     "Your country, America the great, and your neighbor, Canada, has set itself by its actions that offend the Eternal Father onto a road of chastisement. Your country, My children, the United States, has not known the terror, the agonizing heartbreak of death in the streets. You are fast approaching a major calamity. Blood shall flow in your streets.
     "I beg you as your Mother, as a Mediatrix between God your Father and earth, to listen to My words of direction given to you in many places by many seers throughout your world. You are fast approaching a major calamity.
     "All who have remained in the light, seeking to rid their soul of all contamination of the outside world, will have nothing to fear. I bring you this message of warning, My children, not to place in your heart a feeling of fear, but to make you ready.
     "Those who have been striving to keep the balance even have been recognized and their names written in Heaven, My child. The Eternal Father is the final judge of all.
     "We are pleased, My child, that you have acted upon Our direction to send the message to the cardinals in the Holy City.
     "You must, My child, have no fear at giving this message to the world. The destruction of a body is not important, but cry, My child, for the destruction of a soul. It is the eternal part. Man has found that he prefers to gather all the treasures of earth, casting aside the knowledge that one day he must leave all of his treasures and stand before the Eternal Father and be judged. His spirit, the soul, must live on forever and ever into eternity. He will go to hell, purged in purgatory, or come through the gates of eternal bliss and happiness in the Kingdom of the Eternal Father. Every man who has given himself to satan and damnation will have done this of his own free will and accord.
     "You will receive, My child, many photographs of knowledge. I do not wish that this taking of photographs become a novelty, an attraction to the sacred grounds and this site, My child. You must make it known that this is a vigil of prayer and meditation. Many prayers are needed to balance the scales, which lean heavily to the left. This site and the sacred grounds, My child, are centers of atonement.
     "You will continue with the direction of the Father. Much of the plan will appear before your very eyes. You must not question, My child, the plan of the Eternal Father, but you will go where He sends you.
     "Retain, My children, the statues, the monuments, all sacramentals in your life, for it will build the light within the souls of your children. The enemies of your God, the Eternal Father, and the truth, they set themselves to take these from you for one reason: to remove the knowledge of the reality of the existence of your holy saints.
     "Man has difficulty, in his imagination and thinking, to understand the existence of a world that cannot be seen by the human eye, unless allowed by the Eternal Father. It is a special grace. This grace, My children, is being given to many through the photographs. What your human eyes cannot see will appear upon your photographs. Many should be enlarged for more clarity of reading.
     "My child, you will make it known that Our children upon earth must speak often in the spirit with the good souls who are waiting to join them. Ask and they shall receive guidance.
     "In human understanding, My child, it must be made known to mankind that your saints who are now in the heavens, in the Kingdom of your Father, they have full knowledge of the trials of earth and mankind, and therefore will be of great solace to you. Learn by their example. They did not seek the treasures of the world, but they truly sought to store these graces of treasures in the Kingdom. 


Souls in purgatory

     "However, there are many souls, My children, waiting to be taken from the place of purging, purgatory. They are helpless without your aid. Will you not give to them these graces that you can gain so freely upon earth in your lifetime? They will reward you threefold for your warmness of heart. Many shall be in purgatory to the end of your world unless you help them. Many discard and forget the memory of a loved one as time erases it from their minds.
     "Remember, My children, one day each one of you will be in the same position. Shall you have someone to pray for you unless you give this example now and this teaching? Who will pray for you when you come over the veil? Who will offer indulgences and sacrifices for you? Would it not be better, My children, to start now to safeguard your entrance into the Eternal Kingdom?"
     Veronica - Now Michael is coming forward. I don't see the wings behind him anymore. He's standing; he's very, very large. Oh, Our Lady looks so tiny next to him. And he has his spear in his right hand, and he's pointing outward. Now he is speaking, and his voice is so booming that I can barely even catch the words; they are resounding almost like a cymbal and a clanging. It would be most frightening if I didn't know Michael. 

Excommunicate all who compromise the Faith

     St. Michael - "Children of the world, you have been given time to make amends for the sins and abominations committed by both clergy and lay peoples in the houses of God throughout your world. You will no longer defile the high Host of Heaven. The portals must be cleansed of all sin and abominations. You must excommunicate, as clergy, high clergy in Rome, all who seek to compromise the Faith, all who enter into a compromising agreement with the agents of satan who seek to control mankind and the world without their God. You shall not compromise your Faith; you will not save souls by compromise. You must now start to clean your house, for if you do not listen to this direction, you shall be cast out of the portals by the Son of God."
     Veronica - Now it is growing very, very dark. Michael is going back, backwards into the sky, and Our Lady now is going over to the right side near the tree. She's standing there, and Her head is bent quite low down on Her chest; She looks a picture of abject sorrow. It's.... And now Our Lady is pointing with Her hand. She has Her Rosary in Her right hand, and She is extending Her left hand out. It has a long Scapular, two brown pieces of cloth on a dark brown string; I can see it. And Our Lady is pointing.
     Now in the sky there is forming a huge globe. I can see it's an outline of earth and the world. And Our Lady now is passing Her hand with the Rosary across Her face.
     Now Michael is coming forward.


Murder of unborn in abortion
     St. Michael - "You observe, man of earth, the abject sorrow of the Queen of Heaven and earth. Her heart has been pierced by the sins of mankind. You, as a nation, shall fall without prayer and penance. The Queen of Heaven set Herself to warn you of the penance that would be given to you if you committed murderthe murder of the unborn in abortion.
     "No man shall set himself above his Creator; no man shall judge who is to live or die upon earth.
     "The Eternal Father breathes the spirit of life into the body at the precise moment of conception; and as such, there is a plan by the Eternal Father for each living being, this being created at the moment of conception. What right have you to cast yourselves in the role of murderers? Do you think that you shall go unpunished? No! Blood shall flow in your streets, but it shall not be the blood of the Holy Innocents. Murderers, you shall die by the sword!"
     Veronica - Now Michael is standing, and he's placing the sword downward upon the earth. Now I am watching the globe; it's coming forward in the sky. Now it's growing very large, and I see what appear to be candles, candles of light, and oh, they are very widely spaced on the globe. But I notice now that the candles are lit, but the globe appears to be growing very dark, very black.
     St. Michael - "A Church in darkness wears a band of death about it! This, My child, is what will be. In darkness will they seek the way? This, my child, is what will be. In darkness will they seek the way?
     "Your world has been plunged into deep darkness of spirit. The separation of the sheep and the goats continues.
     "You ask, my child, why do the wicked prosper? The Eternal Father has the answer, my child. Each soul is important to Him. The wicked must be converted. Every chance must be given to them to recover their souls.  


Those in light will go in hiding

     "There will come a time upon your earth"
     Veronica - Now Michael is pointing the sword in every direction.
     St. Michael - "I repeat, there will come a time upon your earth when those who carry the light of truth will go in hiding, so few will remain in the lightso few because in their human nature they cared more for the riches of the world, of earth, than to wait with perseverance and confidence for the intercession of the Eternal Father for their salvation.
     "Peace! Your world cries 'peace' when there is no peace; 'love,' when there is no love.
     "Why have you cast aside the words given in the Book of life, your Bible? The Eternal Father gave you the plan for your future in the Book. Why do you change it? Because you do not agree with the word of your God. You must change it to suit your carnal natures! You are setting yourselves fast to build a church of man and not a Church of God. What will you gain? For your church of man shall be given to satan, and all who join this church shall give themselves to satan and eternal damnation.
     "Those who are misled shall be given the road back to the light. Prayer and penance is much needed at this time. The leaders are scattering the flock. Do not think your heart is not known, our clergy, in Heaven. The Eternal Father watches your actions, your behavior, your misguidance, and your selling your souls for silver!"
     Veronica - Now Our Lady is coming forward. Michael is going back up high into the sky, and Our Lady is coming over by the left side, just above the tree.
     Our Lady - "My child, you must not have fear in your heart. The knowledge of what is to be will bring fear. But with understanding that the Eternal Father is all-merciful, you will go through this period of test and trial with confidence and perseverance. You must surely carry the cross, as did My Son, for then you will merit your key to Heaven.
     "The weakness of human nature will come upon all; no one is free from this test. However, if you remain close to My Son in the tabernacles of the world, tabernacles that are being defiled and bringing much sorrow to My Son's heart ... My children, remain with Him; let Him nourish your soul, strengthen you with His Body and His Blood, and you will go through this time of trial with fortitude and peace of spirit."
     Veronica - Our Lady now is extending Her Rosary out now, like this, and Sheoh, it's a beautiful Rosary, the large white one with the golden Our Father beads. And the crucifix is a beautiful deep gold, and as Our Lady turns it has a beautiful brilliant glitter to the beads. They almost look pink, almost like a rainbow mixture of pink colorings with blue and white. Our Lady is extending the Rosary out now and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     And Our Lady now is turning over to the left, our right side, extending Her hand out and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Our Lady - "I bless you all, My children, as the Father in the Son and the Spirit shall bless you in the days to come. Though the lights are dim, you will never be lost in the darkness. I give you this grace of knowledge, for the children of God shall gather for the battle ahead."
     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Our Lady - "Extend, My child, the crucifix that you recovered in the church of Saint Robert's.
     "I bless you, My child, and this cross discarded with sorrow in Our hearts. It will bring immeasurable joy to your heart. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     "Now, My child, you shall have two crosses, but this one you will take with you, so you will always be close to My sacred grounds. Many graces have been given for the return to the Sacraments of Our wandering sheep. Bless them, My child, on every occasion with this crucifix. A holy priest once held it, and he will be returned to the flock when he receives the courage of his convictions to stand forward as a true shepherd."
     Veronica - Oh, Our Lady allowed me to touch Her crucifix on the large Rosary. Oh, it's beautiful! It feels very warm and almost like it's throbbing.
     Our Lady now is coming very far down to kiss the crucifix.
     Our Lady - "You will use this cross, My child, this crucifix, in saying the prayers to relieve the suffering souls in purgatory, with your sister, little Theresa, guiding you in the future.
     "Now My child, you will be seated. Conserve your strength, for My Son wishes to speak with you."
     Veronica - Our Lady has replaced Her Rosary back onto Her waist, and She is just extending Her hands out. It's almost beseeching. Our Lady looks very, very sad, but.... The light is so brilliant I can't see Her face, but Her arms are extended out, just like this, from Her cape.
     Now there is a blue light surrounding Our Lady, and Her cape now has changed in color from white to blue. Oh, it's like a complete change of Her garments. She has a blue cape and a white gown, and there is a blue sash about Her waist. And She has on golden little slippers with a rosebud, golden rosebuds, upon each foot. Oh, it's actually the strap of a sandal; it's a sandal-like slipper, criss-crossed in the sign of a cross, it looks like. And the rosebud sits right in the center, almost like a host, on the sandal straps. Oh, pure goldthe slippers look like they are made of spun gold. It just looks beautiful! Oh!
     Now Our Lady is rising quite high now. She is becoming almost ... in the distance She looks almost like a statue, except that Her cape is blowing in the wind. Oh!
     Our Lady - "My child"
     Veronica - Our Lady is pointing down.
     Our Lady - "You will tell Our dear child, Frank, that Louis Even blesses him with his presence.
     "Yes, My child, nothing is impossible with Heaven. You will now watch the photographs and you will receive a direct assurance. 

Louis Even and Saint Theresa

     "Yes, My child, did I not tell you before that all good works are counted with great merit by the Eternal Father.
     "Yes, My child, Louis did not enter purgatory, but he came here quickly, and is not resting. He has decided to work with Theresa."
     Veronica - I see Saint Theresa, and I see him! Oh, Louis Even, from Vers Demain. Oh, he is smiling. He thinks it is very funny that I am laughing. Oh, my! Oh, he is also wearing nowhe is putting his head down; he wishes me to see this green wreath on his head. It's a martyr's crown, Our Lady says. A martyr's crown. Oh!
     Our Lady - "He, My child, performed many acts of penance in secret, which he gave to many thirsting souls in purgatory. Learn by his actions."
     Veronica - Nowoh, they are both going backwards into the sky. It's closing up.
     Our Lady - "Sit back now, My child."
     Veronica - Now there is a bright circlet of light. I don't know. Mr. Even and Our Lady were going backwards into the light, so I do hope you could get the picture of it. But now there is just a brilliant white light. They've gone back into the light. I can't see Our Lady, Mr. Even now. Oh, he looked very happy. My!
     Now Our Lady is coming forward again.
     Our Lady - "My child, the Kingdom of the Eternal Father is not empty, you know, though many souls sorrowfully have given themselves to satan. With your prayers and acts of atonement of the children of earth, We can rescue many, though they may go into a temporary place of purging. We can thus rescue many with your prayers and penance.
     "Yes, My child, many tonight will receive photographs of their loved ones."
     Veronica - The sky is beginning to open up. It's just as though the black clouds and the mist is just folding, blowing away, and there is a circlet of light. It's a brilliant white light, very clear, almost like looking into a clear glass of water. It's the only way I can explain it.
     And now, coming forward, is Jesus. Ah, He hasHis feet are bare, but the cloak He is carrying over His arm, on His right arm, is quite heavy-looking. And Jesus has on a beige ... it's not white; it's almost like a cream, beige-colored gown, and it's tied about the waist by a piece of light brown cord. It appears to be cord.
     It is windy, because Jesus' hair is blowing. His hair reaches His shoulders, and it appears from the light to be a reddish brown color, although it's hard to say because it's brown, but it could be a dark brown. But I notice the glare from the light that just seems to be oozing right out from Jesus, all overit reflects on His cape, which is a deep red, a burgundy, sort of wine-colored red.
     And now Jesus is smiling. Oh, now He's touching His lips; that means I will listen. 

Graces given in the shadow of the cross

     Jesus - "My child, you must continue your mission with great perseverance. Many arms have been sent to assist you. I cannot promise you a world rich with the goods of your earth. In fact, My child, I will send you on a mission that will strip you of worldly goods for the sanctification of your soul.
     "Whenever graces in abundance are given, there is always the shadow of the cross, My child.
     "My Mother has now traveled throughout your world with the Message from Heaven. You will all heed this message and act upon it, or you shall be forced back onto the road to the Kingdom. Those who return will return because they have a measure of light still with them. Others, sadly, will hear but not recognize the voice from Heaven, so deep into darkness of spirit have they traveled.
     "We continue the time of trial, going forward with penance upon your world. The measure of chastisement from the Eternal Father is given to compensate for the abominations being committed in the House of God, in the houses of God throughout your world. Heresy, O mournful heresy! Whatever shall become of you?
     "Pastors, you must gather the sheep and not scatter them. You are misleading Our sheep. Shall you come before Me and say that your teaching has been pure in My sight? No! I see into your heart daily. I find you wanting, for you are destroying many souls by your teachings. 

You chip away and you burrow like rats
     "You have succumbed to the weakness of the flesh. You have opened the doors, allowing all manner of evil to enter. You gather to your bosom those who have cast aside the Faith. What do you expect to gain with your actions? You chip away and you burrow like rats into the structure, the foundation of My houses throughout the world. You have set your seats up before the sacrificial altar! Youyou pharisees in My House, I will descend upon you and I shall scatter you and send you from My temples.
     "I give you fair warning. Your time is growing short, you who have sold My House to a synagogue of satan! Turn back from your path. You shall not succeed, for you shall not set the gates of hell in front of My Church, for they shall not prevail against My Church.
     "Satan shall gather those who have given their souls to him. For pieces of silver, many have sold their souls to get to the head. For what? Damnation!
     "You say now there is no hell. Where do you think Lucifer was cast? And those who followed him? He was cast from the Kingdom of the Eternal Father, as you, too, shall be cast from the Kingdom. And where did he go? Deep into earth, setting up a kingdom, gathering the straying sheep by error, deception, heresy, untruth, delusion. 


Separated brethren with their errors

     "No! You shall not mislead My sheep; you shall not open My doors and greet a separated brethren with their errors and their corruption. You must convert, but you shall not convert by compromising the Faith.
     "Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth! Your times are such as have never been seen in the times of mankind. You sin in a manner far more foul than in the times of Sodom and Gomorrha. And whatever shall become of you? As in the time of the Flood the world was cleansed, you shall receive a baptism of fire.
     "Can I come to youmay I enter your hearts with words of cheer while My heart is torn with grief? The abominations committed in My House far exceed the measures of sacrifice mankind does now.
     "Clergy in My houses, where are your straying sheep? Can you not reprimand the evil doer? Shall you consort with satan, allowing all manner of foul conduct and abominations in My House? Cleanse your House now, pastor, for you are being judged. The Eternal Father looks into your heart; your time grows short.
     "All that is rotten will fall, and a Church or House in dark­ness wears a band of death about it. A House in darkness will close its doors. 

Following new demons
     "If you continue, O pastors and those who rule the Eternal City in Rome, there will be no other recourse but to reduce you to ashes and build anew. How many souls shall be lost to the Kingdom because of your misconduct? You are following new demons loosed from the abyss with all manners of new religion.
     "You have been given a truth; you have been established in Tradition and Faith. Why do you get itching ears and seek novelty for the destruction of your soul and those in your care?
     "Awaken, My pastors; you have fallen asleep. Awaken now, before it is too late! You will not bring in the doctrines of demons into My House and among My sheep.
     "Many mitres shall fall into hell! Rank is not a signification of the soul.
     "I enter the hearts of the pure and those who ask, and what are you doing to My Body? You are desecrating the temples of the Holy Spirit. You are desecrating the Church of your God! Will you listen now and restore My House, or shall you be forced to restore it? Thisthe answer, My pastors, lies with you now.
     "The warnings from Heaven have reached far and wide throughout your earth. Shall your pride and arrogance come before the salvation of souls? Open your ears; reach out for the truth before it is too late. You have been deluded. You shall not follow the doctrines of devils! 

False obedience
     "You shall not follow a man who leads you on a wide road away from truth and your Faith and into the abyss. No man is above the Eternal Father, and no man shall commit his eternal soul into the care of another who has the rank in obedience to destroy this soul. No! No man is a keeper for another soul. Each individual shall stand before the Eternal Father and give an account on his own. The destroyer of souls shall not be there to support him. He had already done his work for satan.
     "Awaken now, each individual soul: man, woman, and child of age of reason. You must think for yourself in the light. You must seek the truth and not give yourself to the doctrines and creations of demons."
     Veronica - Now Jesus is extending His hand forward, like this, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Jesus - "I bless you, My children, as the Eternal Father blesses you in the Spirit. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer. Do not discard your armor in sacramentals. The war of the spirits rages. You must keep a constant vigilance."
     Veronica - And now Jesus is turning over to His right and making the sign of the cross with His hand, His fingers extended: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now He's going across the sky. He's not walking; He just floats. The wind seems to carry Him right across, above the trees. He's looking down now. He's over on our right, and He's placing His hand out in front of Him: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Jesus - "Continue, My children, with your prayers of atonement; they are sorely needed.
     "You must now work fast to send the Message from Heaven and the warning throughout the world. The time grows short. Do not count in earth-years, for the time in the Eternal Kingdom is not akin to the count of mankind's time. You must be prepared, for it will come upon you suddenly. Therefore, My children, heed this lesson and do not allow your soul to be unguarded."
     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.




St. Joan of Arc

November 20, 1975         
Eve of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary  


     Veronica - There's a large round circlet of light. The sky was black, but a deep haze, a blue haze is forming in the circle of light.
     Oh, Our Lady now is coming through the light. Oh, there's no way I can explain it. She's just floating out of the haze. It's almost cloud-like now in formation, this covering. It's a very brilliant light.
     Oh, Our Lady is very beautiful. She has on a garmentit's pure white, but there's a golden belt-like tie around Her waist. Our Lady now ... Her feet are bare; She has no slippers on. And also She has now a wreath in Her hair. Our Lady looks very tiny, very youth-like.
     Our Lady - "My child, you are observing My dress in the Presentation at the Temple. I was very young, and I was taken to the Temple by My parents to preserve My chastity and sanctity for the future.
     "Man cannot understand the ways of the Eternal Father. Therefore, I in Heaven can understand that man is not knowledgeable in the ways of the Father and has set himself to desecrate My memory. They reject the fact of the power of their God in preserving My chastity in the will of the Father.
     "Parents must seek now the measures to take to preserve the chastity of their children in their girlhood. The world, given to satan in these latter days, My child, is filled with abominations and corruptives. Parents have a great trust now placed in them by the Eternal Father to safeguard their children's souls.
     "The teachers in the houses of My Son have failed in their duty to protect these young souls and preserve them for the Eternal Father. We cry tears of great pity for what lies ahead for Our children of earth. A great Chastisement shall be sent upon mankind. Have you prepared the souls of your children?
     "The parents of earth must make a firm effort to safeguard their children by giving stern direction, if necessary, and not be permissive in the rearing of their children. Do not allow your children to rule you, but set a good example and use a firm discipline. The children are the victims of their elders, for the ex­ample of the elders is poor.
     "The young children must be taken by their parents to the temples, the houses of My Son throughout your world. They must learn by habit a good example of cleansing of their soul by Confession. The good priests of earth, those who have been dedicated and received this consecration from My Son, must take these tender souls and nurture them in their Faith.
     "Heresy, O mournful heresy! Pastors, this shall not be tolerated. You must not destroy Our young flowers, the children. You must nurture them with pure waters of faith. This faith must not be tainted by modernism and humanism. You have set upon the world a confusion of mind and a darkening of spirit.
     "We find, My children, that many have gone astray. Many have given themselves to the errors of the world. Blindness of heart has set many onto the road to destruction. 

Rome shall be besieged

      "We have appealed to Our high pastors to gather the sheep. The city of Rome shall be besieged, because wars are a punishment for man's sins."

     Veronica - Oh!
     Our Lady - "We have chosen, My child, to place you elsewhere for your protection and your sanctification.
     "Your mission will unfold in the near future. All will appear before your very eyes, My child. You must be patient. Face fear and it will disappear. I assure you, My child, you shall not be removed from your mission until the Eternal Father deems it necessary.
     "It pleases the Eternal Father that you have sent the warning to Rome, My child. Now you must pray a constant vigilance of prayer for your shepherds.
     "The forces of evil are gathered in the Eternal City. You will meet, My child, with much opposition of the message.
     "Your Holy Father, Paul, suffers much. He is surrounded by enemies. Those he can trust are few.
     "The time grows short, My child. You must hasten to send out the message with great speed. The strength shall be given to you. Graces for cure and conversion will be given in abundance.
     "You will read the photographs carefully, My child, for much of your message shall be given in secret.
     "The evil forces are gathered not only in the Eternal City, My child, but throughout all of your earth. It is the battle of the spirits. Know that the eventual victory is with My Son and His return.
     "Peace, My children? You seek peace, but you do not look in the right places. You wander in a haze, for you have not given yourselves and your will to the Eternal Father. You reject the knowledge of My Son, for you seek to substitute a religion of man. No man is above the Eternal Father. All knowledge has been given to you.
     "You must not seek novelty in My Son's House. Many abominations sadden My heart. There is great lack of respect during the Holy Service, My children. My Son's House, His houses throughout your earth, have become meeting places of demons. 

One from Egypt to cause great catastrophe
     "You must keep a constant vigilance of prayer, for one will come out of Egypt and cause a great catastrophe to mankind.

     "Beware of accepting confidences of enemies of your God. Your country, My child, is in great danger, for they will placeyour government leaders will place their trust in enemies; and deception upon deception shall be set upon your country. Your leaders will be forced to keep this knowledge of great importance from you. However, deception is not the work of the Eternal Father in Heaven, but the agents of satan loosed now in great abundance in your country and in the world.
     "There are organizations, My children, in your daily lives that have been set up by satan. They come as angels of light, infiltrating even into the sacred houses of My Son, the churches.
     "You must learn to recognize the faces of evil.
     "The foundation of your Faith and Tradition have been given to you. You do not seek novelty and change.
     "A truth cannot be changed and adjusted to suit the nature of man, but man must change and adjust his lifetime to bring him to the Kingdom of the Eternal Father and not satan.
     "You must not compromise your Faith, My children, by bringing in those who have separated themselves from your true Church. This Church was founded by My Son, and He set a leader, a Pope, among you. 

Not set up a governing body of hierarchy
     "Peter and his descendants shall rule. There shall not be set up a governing body of hierarchy! The ruler is your Pope, Pope Paul VI, who is now very ill and kept an invalid!

     "I have asked you, My child, to warn the three bishops of Rome that We are watching their actions. None escape the Eternal Father, and they shall receive a just judgment from Him.
     "Pray a constant vigilance of prayer, My child and My children. Many prayers are needed for your hierarchy. Many have sold their souls to get to the head, so great is the power of satan in your world.
     "No man can fully understand, My child, why the Father al­lows the world to go forward in great spiritual darkness. It is to separate the sheep from the goats. For those who have given themselves to satan and the world shall fling themselves headlong into the abyss and hell! And those who have set themselves on the narrow road that leads straight to the eternal Kingdom of the Father in Heaven shall find their road filled with crossesthorns. They shall be cast aside and called different. They shall be abused in all manner of worldly punishments. However, know that this is the road to the Kingdom of Heaven. It is not an easy road, but one that is strengthened by suffering.
     "Many martyrs, My child, shall come in the days aheaddefenders of the Faith. Carry your crosses, My children, for those who will be saved shall be counted in the few."
     Veronica - Now Our Lady is raising Her ... the cross, the crucifix of Her Rosary, the beautiful large Rosary, and She is pointing now out with the cross and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Our Lady is smiling now, and She's looking to Her left, over by the right, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now Our Lady is going over to our left side, Her right side, and looking down with Her cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
      Our Lady - "Continue, My children, with your prayers of atonement. Many are sorely needed.
     "The future, your future is now. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer. And workcontinue in your work of mercy for your world."
     Veronica - ... It's a beautiful coloring that's sending out ab­solute ... it feels like waves of heat. Oh, now over on the left side of Our Lady's statue, there's a piercing light coming through the pink haze. Oh, now coming from ... oh, He's like He's so far away, but coming towards us; I recognize it's Jesus. Oh!
     He alsoHis feet are uncovered, and He has on a deep red, a burgundy-colored garment over His long gown. The gown is a beige color. And it's quite windy. And now Jesus is shifting His cloak over onto His left arm, and He's holding His hand in front of Him, like this. Oh, and He's blessing with the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now Jesus is looking over to the left. Now He's pointing over to His left side, and there's a beautiful white lamb. Oh, it's a very beautiful lamb. The lamb is standing with his neck raised high, and he's looking up. And in the sky there's a large banner forming, and next to the banner there's a girl standing, but ... I know it's a girl, but she has on a very strange looking clothing. Oh! Oh, I know now it's ... oh, who it isJoan of Arc!
     Now Jesus is coming over, and He's placing His hand upward.
     Jesus - "Martyrdom for all the children of God."
     Veronica - Now Jesus is coming. He's touching His lips with His finger, which means to listen.
     Jesus - "My child and My children, how many words have been given to mankind by warnings from the Queen of Heavenwarnings that have gone unheeded! The hearts of mankind have been hardened. Luxury upon luxury have entered their lives and have starved their spirits.
     "The warnings from Heaven have been given throughout your world. The time of times and the day approaches when mankind shall be forced and separated. The sheep and the goats shall stand apart.
     "I have given a warning in general to mankind. I have sent My voice throughout your world summoning before Me those in command of My sheep: shepherds that have gone astray, shepherds that have set themselves in the place above the Eternal Father, shepherds that have scattered Our flock. You have been given in time eter­nal the truth of your Faith. You shall not change this, making a religion upon earth that is based on the fallen nature of mankind!
     "I watch your earth. I tremor for what you are asking as a just punishment for your actions! The Father chastises those He loves. Your world will be bathed with blood. Shall you accept the Blood of the Lamb, or shall you receive the sword? The choice is yours.
     "Each individual soul has a mission upon your earth. You will return and stand for judgment, and you will receive the Kingdom of your God, or you shall descend into hell, the abyss, the kingdom of your prince of darkness, satan, the great deceiver of mankind. 


Shepherds of darkness
     "What have you gained by your actions, shepherds of darkness? You who deceive and have brought confusion into the hearts of your sheepshall you go before the Eternal Father and say that your teaching has been pure in His sight? No! I say unto you: you shall be cast aside and join those who have received a just recompense for their deception.

     "The gates of hell are open wide. The pressures of hell force themselves upon the world. They have reached the walls of My churches, but woe to man who will sell out his Faith! I say unto you: Your time grows short. Turn back now from your deception!
     "A great delusion has been set upon mankind so that those who have given themselves to satan will believe these errors and go fast to their reward.
     "You shall not compromise your Faith. You shall not unite with those who seek to destroy your Faith. You shall not gather the straying sheep by joining them in their errors. Heresy, O mournful heresy! Whatever shall become of you? 

Stigma of fallen hierarchy
     "I shall come soon to cleanse My temples, the churches. I shall cast out you who have given yourselves and set upon My Church a stigma of fallen hierarchy. Awaken from your slumber! Recognize the faces of evil about you, My pastors! Shall you please man, or shall you follow the rule of your God? No man shall save you from judgment. No man shall give you your reward. But satan has set on earth men who shall claim you for satan.

     "Any man, woman, or child of the age of reasoning who has fallen from grace shall become a consort of satan.
     "Gather you graces, My children; they are given to you in abundance. The enemies of your God shall take these from you if they can. They shall strip you of the manner of receiving these graces. Have you cast aside indulgences? Do you call Our graces now a myth and superstition? How dare you set yourselves to join satan! All manner of false ideology! All manner of false deception! Doers of good who are rulers of evil!
     "Do not be blinded, My children, by the angels of light.  Watch and pray much, and they shall be revealed to you in time. Evil cannot persevere and exist long. The Eternal Father shall turn this evil to good, if asked. Ask and you shall receive. Believe and you will be given the way.
     "My children, My Mother has come to you as a Mediatrix between God and man. Earth-years have passed. Souls continue to descend into the abyss. Your children go fast into spiritual darkness, and as parents, what are you doing to save your children's souls? Are you also joining those who have lost the way? Are you giving yourselves to all manners and pleasures of the flesh while your souls are starving? The spirit of truth is growing dim upon your earth. 

Satan loosed in all fury
     "A mass hypnotism of evil abounds. Satan is loosed in all fury upon your earth. Prepare your souls and the souls of your children. I repeat, the time is growing short. You will see murders abound upon your earth, all manner of evil, far greater than man has ever experienced. You will observe this evil and know that no man could produce such defilement. Only satan is the master of evildoing.

     "The adversary has many agents now upon your earth. Do not be deceived. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer that you will not be led into the darkness.
     "The conquest of souls is promoted by those who have given themselves to humanism and modernism. They have entered My houses to desecrate the spirit. They have sent your guardian, Michael, from My House. And what have they gained? They have opened the doors for the entrance of all manner of demons, demons now prancing in human formall manner of desecration.
     "Pastors with your permissiveness, I shall stand, and you shall be spit as spittle into the flames!
     "Others who persevere shall wash their robes clean in the Blood of the Lamb.
     "The world, your world, your earth, shall not come to its climax. There will not be a total destruction of mankind and your earth, but there will be a sudden cleansing by trial, great trial, trial such as man has not seen since the beginning of time. A baptism of fire shall cleanse your earth!
     "All those who are of well spirit shall go through these days without fear, with perseverance and hope.
     "Shall We keep from you the truth of what is to be? No, there is nothing to gain when you bury your face in the sand and refuse to accept or to even watch and pray to prevent the onslaught of satan.
     "The evil, My child, has entered into the Eternal City. You must now keep a constant vigilance of prayer. Many shall reject the truth, for they have already committed their souls to satan.
     "The Eternal City shall face soon, My child, a bloodbath. The world shall be bathed in fire.
     "Many shall be taken before this great catastrophe. Do not weep for the children who are removed from your earth, for it is the merciful heart of the Father that will gather them before the baptism of fire.
     "My children, pray a constant vigilance. There is a balance, a scale, set now upon earth; and when the measure of iniquity far outweighs the goodness in the hearts of mankind, know that the end is not far away.
     "You will continue to send the Message from Heaven throughout the world, My child. You will bar your doors and follow the direction of My Mother very carefully. We ask this of you to protect you."
     Veronica - "Yes."
     Now Jesus is placing His hand out, like this, and He's making now the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now Jesus is ... He's transferring His robe. He's got His cloak about His shoulders, and it must be quite heavy. And the wind is blowing. And Jesus now has placed the cloak over His left arm, and He's extending His hand out over on His right side, our left side: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now over on the left, there's a.... Oh, I can see Michael. Now Michael is coming over by Jesus, and they're both ... they're floating across the sky. They don't walk; it's just like they're being carried by the air. And now Jesus is looking down over on our right side and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now He is placing HisJesus is placing His right hand over His heart.
     Jesus - "My child, hasten to send the Message from Heaven throughout the world. The hourglass is running out, My child.
     "Pray much; accept much penance for the salvation of souls."
     Veronica - Now it's growing very dark, and Jesus is pointing over on His right side. And I see a large round glow; it's the Holy City of Rome. 

Many agents of satan in Rome
     Jesus - "You will pray, My child and My children, for your hierarchy. Many mitres shall fall into hell without your prayers. Satan has many agents now in the Holy City. Recognize these faces of evil.
     "Awaken from your slumber, My pastors! The light has not passed that way."     
     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.




"Many go forward in false obedience"

November 22, 1975
Eve of Christ the King    


     Veronica - On the left side of the sky there is appearing a crescent, the sign of the crescent moon.
     The call of Our Ladythe sky is becoming blue.
     Our Lady now is coming forward. She's dressed in a white gown, but She has about Her head a very dark covering. It's almost black. 

Assassination of very prominent figure
     Our Lady says there will be an assassination of a very prominent figure.

     Our Lady - "This assassination will set your country in great jeopardy, My child."
     Veronica - Our Lady is now pointing up to our right side in the sky, and I can see the outline as though the sun was rising, or daylight coming over St. Peter's in Rome.
     Our Lady - "There is great confusion, My child, in the Holy City of Rome. You must pray a constant vigilance for your pastors and hierarchy. It shall be bishop against bishop, cardinal against cardinal. Satan has set himself in their midst.
     "My child, you must read carefully the photographs given in the past. Much has been given in secret to be revealed at this time.
     "All who continue with perseverance in sending the Message from Heaven throughout the world will meet at this time with great opposition, all because the time is growing short, My child. The Warning will soon come upon mankind.
     "Do not be discouraged, My child. The reward for those who are not destined for the eternal Kingdom of your God will be given to them upon earth. But many tears shall be shed when they come over the veil, for they cannot be given the keys to the Kingdom. They have already received their reward, the reward of their evildoing and the destruction of souls that they have been responsible for.
     "Many mitres are now being covered in darkness of spirit. They must awaken from their slumber.
     "I have gone throughout your world, My child, shedding tears of great sorrow, for many souls are going fast into the abyss. 

Unexplainable eruption in U.S.

     "Your country will receive a chastisement, My child. There shall be an eruption in a place that scientists will not have an account for. They will be unable to explain by natural means this eruption.
     "Satan has many agents now in My Son's churches throughout the world. He is working and escalating his evil, My child. Therefore, you must work with great haste to send out the Message from Heaven.
     "Do not be concerned of your bodily discomfort, My child. The strength shall be given to you for your work.
     "You must not question the ways of the Eternal Father. You will accept all without question, My child. Pray more and retire from your world.
     "Before the coming of My Son, My child, many martyrs will be among you. It is the will of the Father, the Eternal Father in Heaven, that all must carry their crosses to gain the Kingdom.
     "Many abominations are being committed now in My Son's houses throughout the world, My children.
     "I have wandered throughout your world, crying bitter tears of remorse for the punishment that will come to mankind. I do not come to bring fear to your hearts, but to admonish you, as your Mother, to prepare for what is to come upon your world."
     Veronica - Our Lady now is placing Her hand before Her eyes. The covering upon Her head is very dark. I could call it almost a deep mourning black color.
     Our Lady - "I am truly the Mother of great sorrow.
     "My child, will you not do great penance for My Son and your brothers and sisters in your world? So many shall go into the abyss without prayers and acts of mercy.
     "There is a balance in every man's life. This balance can be evened, My child, and balanced by the prayers and acts of mercy of others.
     "Do not be concerned, My child, of those who reject the Message from Heaven. You will speak once and if not hastened, you will speak no more. But do not set yourself, My child, to judge. Many go forward in false obedience, because they do not have the light to recognize evil.
     "Many do not, My child, understand the signs of their times. The days, the latter days are here, My children. You are living in the days of the Apocalypse. The writings of Saint John have been given to you for a reason. You must open your Bibles and read the directions carefully. They are words of prophecy given for a reason. The time is at hand.
     "My child, you must retire and allow no one to enter your home who is unknown to youno one who has not been tested.
     "Do not be deceived, My child, by those who come as angels of light but they are carriers of dark secrets.
     "I want you, My child, to sit back now and read the photographs I am to give you, but you are not to reveal at this time the message you find. For your safety and the progression of your work, much now must remain in secret.
     "You ask, My child, of the latter days? Yes, My child, many shall be taken from the world. 

Conferences to stop good work
     "The forces of evil are gathering, My child. There are many conferences now taking place to stop the good work. However, you will continue with perseverance and confidence, knowing that the eventual victory is with My Son. It is the time of the great battle of the spirits. The sheep shall be separated from the goats. All who do not wear the sign of the cross, My child, shall be made known to you, and those who have carried their crosses through this battle.

     "No evil shall ever be triumphant. The Eternal Father shall turn all evil to good.
     "Pray a constant vigilance, My child. Do not become absorbed with worldly matters.
     "We are not in a fortune-telling business, My child. Warn those who read the Message from Heaven that they must not become engrossed in the false science of astrology. It is a creation of satan.
     "Only the Eternal Father guides the lives of mankind. Man has a free will and can defy the Eternal Father, but then he is left upon his own to fight his way through the darkness. He will be divested of graces that will be necessary to bring him out of the darkness.
     "You must warn Our clergy, My child, that all of the modernism and humanism that pervades now their lives has been created by satan. It is part of the plan, the diabolical plan of satan, to destroy My Son's Church upon your earth. However, the gates of hell shall not prevail against the houses of your Eternal Father in the Son and in the Holy Spirit.
     "Sit back now, My child. It is urgent that you receive now the three photographs. The others are but a prelude to what I am to give you now."
     Veronica - The light now is becoming very bright. Saint Michael is coming forward. Oh, he is so impressive because of his height. He seems to cover the whole sky.
     St. Michael - "Veronica, My child, hasten, harken, and listen to the voice of Heaven!"
     Veronica - Oh, heMichael is pointing up now. He's raising his right hand above his head, like this. Oh, and Jesus is coming forward.
     Oh, it's very windy up there because Jesus' cloak is blowing. And He has a pair of brown sandals on His feet. Now His hair is blowing. His hair is reddish brown. I notice it very much tonight because of the bright light.
     Oh, Jesus hasoh, He's turning over to the left, and I can see His short beard. He has like a short beard. It's also a reddish-brown color, like His hair. The light reflects upon Him. I can't see Jesus' face, the light is so, so brilliant.
     Oh, now Jesus is touching His lips.
     Jesus - "My child, in view of what is to happen to your country, what can I say to console those who shall receive the sword in their hearts?
     "There will be a time of chastisement for mankind. The Eternal Father deems it necessary at this time to bring many back by force.
     "My Mother has traveled throughout your world, preparing you for this time. All who have listened and gained by Her counsel will have nothing to fear. All who have cast aside Her direction and have given themselves to the world and the ways of the flesh will have much to fear.
     "We have asked that all parents prepare their children's souls. Many have discarded this notice from Heaven, and many shall weep bitter tears, but too late! 


Return to traditional rites
     Jesus - "I send to My clergy, those whom I have given the grace to represent Heaven upon earth, this warning: You must now return to your traditional rites! You must restore My House from its crumbling exterior and rotting interior. You must rebuild what you seek to destroyNOW!

     "Many who call themselves My chosen ones have set themselves to destroy from within. Your actions have not gone by unnoticed by the Eternal Father. Error, deception, deceit, in the guise of sanctity and piousness! You are unmasked before the Eternal Father. You shall start little by little and repair the foundation, or you shall be within and destroy.
     "I look upon all manner of abominations being committed in My House. Do you think you will go much longer without chastisement? Awaken from your slumber, My clergy! You deceive no one!
     "For your errors and your greed and your giving yourselves to the flesh, succumbering to all of the creations of satan, you gain nothing but an eternity in hell!
     "The Eternal Father will chastise those He loves. Many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption.
     "I repeat, you will hasten to make amends to the Eternal FatherNOW! You will all go back and read the words of My Mother given to you. All will come to pass. None shall escape judgment. All will be held accountable for their actions. All will be held accountable for their laxity in the formation of the souls of the young.


All novelty and experimentation to stop
     "All manner of novelty and experimentation must be removed from My ChurchNOW!

     "You have been given the rule. You have been given the way. Restore My House now, for a House in darkness wears a band of death about it. The doors will close! Souls will be starved for the light. Blood shall flow in the streets. Death shall become commonplace. Is this what you want?
     "The wages of sin is death. What will it gain you if you gain your whole world in treasures, but you cannot take them with you to your judgment? Your judgment is eternal, forever!"
     Veronica - Now Jesus is going over on His right side. He is looking down. He also looks very sad. And now He's pointing with His left hand over to His left side, and Our Lady is coming forward now with Michael. They've come out from behind a very large dark cloud.
     Our Lady now doesn't have the black veil about Her head. She has on a beautiful white veiling with a circlet of what appears to be stars, but almost a diamond, crown-like circlet over Her headpiece.
     Now Jesus is extending His left hand, and Our Lady is putting Her right hand out, and He's bringing Our Lady forward.
     Jesus - "You see My Mother, your Queen of Heaven and your Queen of earth. Better that a man has died in the womb of his mother than to disgrace and bring discredit to My Mother. 


Scatter you to four corners of earth

      "You who seek to take Her from the hearts of the children by your actions and deceit shall not have but a short time for your deception. I shall come among you and scatter you to the four corners of your earth! I shall cleanse you in a manner that man has never experienced in the past, nor ever shall in the future."
     Veronica - Now Jesus is pointing up, up over His head, and there's a tremendousoh! Oh! Oh, I see a huge ball. It's, it's turning very fast. It's a ball, it's a ball of fire.  It's traveling at a great speed. And as it's going through the sky, it's shooting out all of these sparks of fire. And it's turning now over, and it's going back up into the sky. And it's turning now from an orange to white. Oh, the heat! It's like burning. Oh! Oh!
     Jesus - "My child, you have seen what is to be. It has been given to you in photographs. The children of your world must be given this message. It is not one of fear, but of reality. Your world will be chastised with a baptism of fire.
     "My child, you will continue to send the message of My Mother throughout the world. Every man, woman, and child shall have the opportunity to prepare his soul.
     "Time, My child? You shall not give a time to mankind.
     "Yes, My child, you have been given all full knowledge in the past years. You will continue to send My Mother's message throughout the world. Face fear and it will disappear, My child.
     "I cannot promise you a life of comfort upon your earth, but you must look forward to your coming over the veil. Do not allow any human emotion or a love for another human being to keep you from your mission. The Eternal Father is your star, My child.
     "Continue now with your prayers of atonement. Many are sorely needed now. Remember, My child, the two sad facts given to you by My Mother. You must now pray, pray until this happens, for it will bring great sorrow to many!"
     Veronica - Oh!
     Oh, the sky now is becoming very lighted. There's a huge cross. It extends across the whole sky. It's a beautiful cross; it's made of all light, and it's descending down upon the grounds. It's so bright, and I can feel the warmth of it. Oh! Oh!
     Our Lady - "The cross, My child."
     Veronica - Our Lady now is coming over on the right side, and She's extending Her large Rosary out with the crucifix, and She's now making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Our Lady - "I bless you all, My children, as the Father blesses you in the Son and the Spirit.
     "Continue with your mission. I will be with you even to the Second Coming of My Son. It will be a difficult year for all, but know, My children, that it has to be in the purging of mankind."
     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.




"My children of America, you disarm foolishly!"

December 6, 1975
In honor of the Immaculate Conception  


     Veronica - The sky was very dark. The clouds are now passing over, and the sky is becoming a very deep blue, a beautiful blue color. And there is a large cloud now coming forward, and Our Lady is just above the cloud.
     Our Lady is dressed all in white, a beautiful white gown, pure white, and the mantle about Her head is also white. It has no trim. It's a very simple-looking gown, but beautifully and fully cut. Oh, there is a belt of white cord about Our Lady's waist. Her feet are bare; She has no slippers on. Our Lady is standing now, and She's looking over the crowds of people. And Our Lady now is touching Her lips. That means to listen.
     Our Lady - "My child, the evil is accelerating. We have watched the development throughout your world.
     "You must pray a constant vigilance of prayer for your clergy. Do not be concerned, My child, if the Message from Heaven is not accepted by all. You must understand human nature. A message will be rejected, My child, when it meets with disfavor or is not understood. Therefore, you will give the message and pray that the Holy Spirit will enlighten those who read this message. 

Luxury your downfall
     "Our hearts are greatly saddened by the evils and abominations being committed in the houses of God throughout the world. Man has given himself to all pleasures of the flesh. Luxury in your country, My children, has been your downfall, for you have forgotten your God and you have starved your soul.

     "The Eternal Father is most merciful, My children, and He will chastise those He loves. There is great value in suffering. Many will carry heavy crosses, My children, in the days ahead.
     "In the city of Rome, the light is dim. The battle continues, the battle of the spirits. The sheep are being separated from the goats by the Eternal Father. In the end all that is rot­ten will have fallen. 

Even elect deluded

       "You are living in the days of trial, the days written of by Saint John in the Apocalypse, the Revelations to mankind. Do not reject as hearsay, or the thoughts from the hearts of mere man, these Revelations, My children, for this prophecy was given to you from the Eternal Father. It is for your knowledge to use in these days.
     "Do you not recognize the signs of your times? You are approaching fast the day of great chastisement. There will be gnashing of teeth and much woe set upon the earth by the dark one. Satan has massed his forces among you. All manner of grave deception is being set before you. Pray much, a constant vigilance of prayer, My children; even the elect are deluded at this time.
     "If I could pull back the curtain for you, My children, and reveal the full scope of what mankind is doing throughout your world, you would shudder with fright, knowing that so many promises were made but are not being fulfilled. And why, My children, why are these promises not fulfilled? Because they are made from the mouths and hearts of the unbelievers.
     "The word of an atheist, My children, is nothing, for he uses whatever meansfoul and degraded, it matters not to him, for the end will justify his means. That is the rule of an atheist, My child.
     "Human life is of no value to the unbeliever. The unbeliever, My children, does not know of the life beyond the veil. Therefore, he is running wildly throughout his world, gathering all manner of worldly riches; for his kingdom is upon earth with satan, and his future is with satan.
     "The road to the Eternal Kingdom of the Father in Heaven is a narrow one, My children. Once you leave, it is most difficult to return.
     "You must keep your armor upon you, your sacramentals. You must remain with My Son in the Eucharist, in the tabernacles throughout the world. There is much confusion at this time and much error in the houses of My Son. But do not turn away. You must stay and pray and set a good example for those who run about in confusion and trying all manner of novelty.
     "The Eternal Father looks into the hearts of mankind; therefore, you must not judge. It is well to give counsel and to bring forth an untruth, but you must not judge.
     "My children, I must enlighten you on a sad fact. You shall not win converts by joining in their errors and misrepresentations. Prayer is the most powerful weapon against evil. You cannot condone a wrong; you cannot compromise your Faith. You must not join the enemies of My Son. All who do not accept Him as the Messiah, all who reject Him in His Housethey are of the Antichrist!


My children of America, you disarm foolishly!
     "There is a conspiracy of evil throughout your world, My children. This conspiracy seeks to unite all under what they call one fold and one shepherd. But they are deceived. My Son is the shepherd. He will come and set all to right in due time. But evil man has set himself up as an idol for worship. He caters now to the basic carnal nature of mankind. The cross of My Son is being bent to the left. The cross of My Son is bending, heavy under the weight of traitors!

     "There are cries of peace and brotherhood going throughout your world, My children; but there is no peace, there is no brotherhood, for the plotters are at work. They constantly arm themselves; and you, being deceived, My children of America, you disarm foolishly!
     "You must tread carefully in the days ahead, My children. Watch and pray a constant vigilance of prayer that the truth may be known to your fellow men.
     "There are many false prophets throughout the world, My children. You will recognize them by their fruits.
     "Astrology is a false science. All who practice this false science are unbelievers. They constantly polish the cup, make it shining and appealing to mankind, but inside they have all manners of sin and abominationfilthy with corruption.
     "The world in complete pattern, My child, is moving fast to a climax. As promised in many messages given to seers throughout the world, My child, there is no end of your world in full destruction, but there will be a gradual cleansing by trial. The Ball of Redemption shall bring a baptism of fire upon mankind.
     "Recognize, My children, the signs of your times.
     "You will pray for your Vicar, Pope Paul VI. He is laid low under a heavy cross, My children. 

Impostor professional actor
     "Those who should support him, those whom he trusts most, are now plotting to remove him from the Seat of Peter. The impostor, My child, that I spoke of with you, he is a professional man of the acting trade. He has done his job well.

     "My child, the message, the knowledge has been given to Rome. Now, My children, We shall see what course of action they will take to correct their error.
     "Do not be concerned, My child, of the world's opinion and mankind's rejection, for My own will know Me. I am truly the light in a darkened world, My child. I say this not in pride, but in fact and reality. I bring the light, the Message from Heaven, in the will of My Son. I come to you as a Mother, a Mother of great heart, with great hope. I come to prepare you, as your Mother, and to warn you that you must now change from your ways that offend the Eternal Father much.
     "A great delusion has been set upon mankind. You must not follow into this net! There is an octopus of evil spreading slowly throughout your world. The center, the nucleus, a group of leaders, bent, My children, on world conquest.
     "It is not a conquest for souls, but for the destruction of souls. It is a conquest not for the Eternal Father in Heaven, but satan. It is a world gathering of man and mankind.
     "When the world and My Son's Church becomes one, know that the end is at hand.
     "My child, much help will be sent to you. Many arms are needed.
     "The sands are running fast through the hourglass, My child. There is a balance in time for mankind. The Eternal Father is the final judge. 

Back to reality and tradition
     "There must be change, My children, but a change back to reality and Tradition. My Son has given you a true foundation, but many come now with axes and they chop away. They seek to build a church without spirit, a church of man. The walls will crumble, the earth will shake. The Eternal Father will send His wrath upon mankind.

     "I do not seek to place fear in the hearts of My children, but I must warn you and prepare you for what will happen if you are not successful in turning mankind back from his sins and abominations.
     "You must all go forward, My children, sending the message throughout the world. If the door is slammed in your face, keep going. There are many doors to knock at.
     "There will be many saints coming out of the great tribulation. They will be called the latter-day saints, My children. There are crowns of joy, stars, and lights awaiting many who will come over the veil as martyrs.
     "The children must be guided by the family. The truth, the Faith, the Tradition must be instilled in their hearts by the mothers and fathers of a family. Do not expect your children to go beyond your doors and be instructed in truth, for the world has been given to satan. Many who should be showing a firm and true example have gone the easy way of the flesh, for they care more for the treasures and glory of this world, earth, than what the future has for them.
     "Hell is open wide; the abyss is filling continuously with souls that have fallen into darkness. Will you not rescue them, My children, with your acts of sacrifice and prayer?
     "The Message from Heaven is growing and growing, My children. There is great hope in Our heart that We can put off for a time the great Chastisement.
     "The Warning, as promised, will soon be given to mankind. Many will see and still not believe, for their hearts are hardened. They have closed their ears to the voice of truth.
     "Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer. Save yourselves in the Sacred Heart of My Son, present in all the tabernacles throughout the world."
     Veronica - Now Our Lady is placing Her crucifix in front of Her, like this. She has the most beautiful Rosary. It has very large white Hail Mary beads, and a huge golden Our Father bead; and the crucifix is also golden. And Our Lady is extending it in front of Her and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Our Lady - "I bless you all, My children, for the Eternal Father in My Son and in the Holy Ghost.Many graces of cure and conversion shall be given from this mission."
     Veronica - Now Our Lady is going over to our left side, and She's looking down. It's so brilliant, the light about Her, I can barely look into Her face. Oh, the light is so bright! Snow white garments! Oh, they just are so brilliant! I don't think I've ever seen anything so white and bright. Oh!
     Now Our Lady is extending Her crucifix out and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Our Lady - "You will sit now, My child, and read the photographs. Much is given in secret."
     Veronica - All who are able, please kneel. The sky is opening up. It was very dark, but there's a tremendous circular light coming just above Our Lady's statue's head. It's far up into the sky. There is no distance; I can't even judge the distance. It's a tremendous crystal-clear light. And now, just in the center, Jesus is coming forward. Oh, it's as though the sky has just opened up, parted and opened up in this brilliant, glass-like light. There's no way I can explain it.
     Oh, now Jesus has on a burgundy-colored cape. It's tied at His neck by this ... it's like a tassel-like golden cord. And it's quite windy because Jesus' gown is blowing. Now He has on His feetI can see Jesus' feet; He has these brown sandals. They have a strap across His instep, and there are two pieces of brown leather-like skin forming the feet of the sandal.
     Oh, now Jesus is motioning. He's touching His lips. That means to listen in silence.
     Jesus - "My child, in obedience to My Mother you have made great progress in sending the Message from Heaven throughout the world. You must expect to meet with resistance from the enemies of My Church. This opposition, My child, you must not take to heart, for you are succeeding when you bring and flush the enemy out.
     "The opposition, My children, will come from those who have given themselves to the world of satan. You must pray a constant vigilance of prayer.
     "I admonish My pastors, those who have gathered My flock, My sheep, to take a good look at yourselves. Contemplate in prayer; retire from your world which has been given to satan. You must make your decision now, if you will fulfill your role upon earth as pastors, as leaders of My flock. If not, you will be taken from among them. Your soul in darkness shall continue fast into the abyss.
     "Many who have been given the highest honors in My Church have used their positions of leadership to destroy the knowledge of the light from Heaven, to destroy souls by misleading. Errors abound in My House, errors built with motives of self-gain and glory. What will it get you? What do you gain when you destroy your soul?
     "I do not have to repeat anew the warnings given to you in the past. You will act upon these warnings and restore My House! I have given you a firm foundation of Faith. What are you building now? Churches of man?
     "All that is rotten will fall. A Church in darkness wears a band of death about it!
     "You must not take the knowledge of hell from the minds of the children and your sheep, pastors! There is a hell, the abyss of satan, and there is a place of purging. All must be purified, through trial, if necessary, before they can enter the eternal Kingdom.
     "Heaven was made, My children, for all, but all do not enter. The Faith must be accepted. Many shall enter, but in this present trial and the trials and chastisements which will soon come upon you, only a few will be saved.
     "Contemplate, My children, upon the full message given to you through My Mother. She has been sent to you as a Mediatrix between God and man. If you reject Her counsel, you will be lost. She has promised to gather you all under Her mantle of protection and guidance. My Mother shall be with you and among you until I arrive after the great Chastisement.
     "I will come soon, because if I do not, there will be no flesh left upon your earth. Your countrymen and the leaders of your world have now, in their greed and avarice, made instruments of destructionsatan-inspired destruction of the human body! The value for life, the human life, is gone. Death shall be rampantmurders and abominations, all because man has given himself to a life of sin. Wars are a punishment for man's sins.
     "What can I tell you, My children? Shall I cover you with hope and optimism and delude you in the face of reality? I give you hope over the veil. What can I promise you upon your earth? Mankind himself now holds the balance for his own destruction.
     "The Eternal Father does not send this destruction upon you, but you will provide this yourselves.
     "The Ball of Redemption shall come upon you, guided by the Eternal Fatherthe final chastisement.
     "Many shall be brought back through suffering in the days ahead. Do not fall into the fallacy that many give out now, My children. They try to overbuild you with optimism. They delude you into peace and brotherhood, an aura of peace and brotherhood, when there is no peace and there is no brotherhood; for they have removed the knowledge of your God from among you. 


Peace promised not at this time

       "The peace promised by My Mother will not come at this time. Man has set himself on the road to great tribulation.
     "All who are of well spirit will have nothing to fear. They will go through this crucible of suffering with hope and courage, for they will have their armor, a knowledge of the value of prayer, and hope in the eternal Kingdom.
     "It will be a battle, My children, I assure you, a battle such as never has been seen upon your earth, and never will be seen again. All will enter into this battle. Every man, woman, and child shall feel its effects.
     "All of the age of reasoning shall be tested. Many young shall be taken from your world to protect their souls.
     "Re-read, My children, the messages given through My Mother and other seers throughout the world. Learn by them and act upon them, for you have been given the pattern for your future."
     Veronica - Now Jesus is coming over to the left side, our left side, just above the tree far over on the left, and He's bending down now and He's making the sign of the cross with His hand extended with His three fingers: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now it's getting very windy as Jesus is going across now, the sky. He's not walking, He just glides. He's like carried on the wind. And right behind Him now is Michael.
     Michael is coming down and standing just behind Jesus. He's a tremendous figure! Oh, he covers the whole sky! He's huge, a true warrior of Heaven. He's so tremendous! Oh, his whole headit's not out of proportion, but it's so tremendous a size. And his hair is glistening now. He has a metallic-colored hair, ofoh, a bronze-like gold. There's no way I can explain it, but it's not human; it's absolutely metallic-looking.
     Now Jesus is going over to His left side, our right side, and He's bending down and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Jesus - "I bless you all, My children. Many graces have been given and many graces will be given in this battle ahead. Gather your armor. Do not be without them, for you will find great strength and courage knowing that the eventual victory is with My Mother."
     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Jesus - "Continue, My children, with your prayers of atonement. They are sorely needed.“




"You must know that six sixty-six is the large forceof satan"

December 24, 1975
Eve of the Nativity of Our Lord, Christmas Eve    


     Veronica - There’s a large circlet of light. It’s forming a round figure similar to a clock. Yes, it is a clock because there are numbers spaced around the circle. And now from out of the darkness there are two hands coming out of the sky. And the hands now are forming pointers. One, the large hand, is pointing to the eight, and the smaller hand is pointing to the four. But now the hands are ... seem to be going wild; they’re going around in a circle completely, very fast, and stopping abruptly on four and eight. Now the large hand is moving backwards and pointing to the number six. Four, six, eight.
     Now it’s growing dark and the clock, the figure, is disappearing. It’s evaporating like smoke from out of the sky.
     Now there’s a beautiful light. It’s very bright; it’s clear, like crystal, and it’s so brilliant that I’m certain that I would surely lose my sight if I was much closer to it.
     Now coming forward from the circlet of lightit’s very brilliantis Michael. Michael has on a long gown, a very brilliant white gown. Now he’s handing me something, and outno, it’s the scale; Michael is handing towards us the scale.
     St. Michael - “My child, the balance is heavily to the left. Know you now that the warnings given in the past to prepare yourself are going to be proven to mankind as being a final warning through the Queen of Heaven and earth by the direction of the Eternal Father. The Queen of Heaven has come to you as a Mediatrix from the Eternal Father.
     “I, Michael, guardian of the Faith, guardian of the House of God, admonish all pastors to prepare and make ready for the test!
     “The world of man shall go through a crucible of suffering, a period of cleansing. All that is rotten shall fall. The straying sheep shall be gathered. One shall be taken, the other remain.
     “All pastors shall stand before the Eternal Father for judgment. Have you gathered your straying sheep?”
     Veronica - Now Michael is pointing over to his left side, our right side, and the trees are lighting up very brilliantly. It’s very beautiful. And now just from beyond the tree on our right side, Our Lady is coming forward. Oh, She’s very beautiful! Our Lady looks so very petite and so young. I would say almost about fourteen or fifteen years of age, Our Lady looks.
     Our Lady - “Yes, My child, years are counted quite differently in your generation. Maturity was reached at an early age.”
     Veronica - Now Our Lady is going over across the sky to Michael, and now She’s motioning to Michael up high in the sky. And Michael now is taking the spearthere was a spear extended over by his right shoulder, and he’s placing the spear over his head, high into the sky.
     St. Michael - “Observe, children of God, what is to come upon mankind, a generation that has given itself to all manner of sin of the flesh!”
     Veronica - Coming through the sky is that terrible light of orange fire.
     St. Michael - “Observe, My child, the Ball of Redemption!”
     Veronica - It’s a terrible sheet of fire. It’s a huge ball of fire that’s spinning at a tremendous speed, and it’s hurtling itself down towards us. [Veronica coughs.]
     The smoke and the debris and the powder and the film that’s coming from it is so choking and stagnating! Oh!
     Now Michael is placing his finger to his mouth to listen.
     St. Michael - “Hasten, harken, and listen! The Message from Heaven is going throughout your world. The Queen of Heaven, your  Mother, has come to your earth to bring you the admonition from Heaven. Each man shall accept or reject this message in his free will. The sheep shall be separated from the goats. 


Rome haven for heretics

     “Rome, Eternal City, the light is dim. Rome, haven for heretics and all manners of abomination, shall you not cleanse yourself before the Eternal Father places His hand upon you in chastisement? You have opened your doors to all manner of evil spirits.
     “Holiness and piety! Manmen of God, you must wear your garment of purity, dedication, and piety. What manner of foul deeds do you perform for the destruction of your sheep! For what? Material gain and pride and arrogance? You shall be cast into the abyss! Rank shall give you no advantage when you come over the veil.
     “Veronica, my child, you must work now with great speed. The future is now.
     “Do not be concerned of the acceptance or rejection of the message, My child. You must continue on a steady course.”
     Veronica - Now Our Lady is coming forward. She’s smiling.
     Our Lady - “Veronica, My child, you shall and you are being given a great test. You must retire more in quiet solitude. Your spirit will be more at peace.
     “Do not be concerned, My child, of the message of the 27th of September. Surely those who know Me and are My own shall recognize Me. Those who have set themselves as enemies to My Son, they will reject the truth for fear of exposure. Do not be concerned, My child, but continue to send out the message.
     “Each man has a covenant with his God, My child. Each man has a responsibility for his soul and the souls of all whom he has given charge of.
     “You must write again to the cardinals in Rome, My child. Give them the warning, for one shall be removed in the coming year and unless you pray for him, My child, My children, he will fall into the darkness and the pit of damnation. His death will come suddenly without warning.
     “No, My child, I do not wish you to reveal his name at this time.
     “When he is removed, My child, another shall replace him, far worse than he in his state of soul.
     “All things, My child, shall come to pass as given in your message.
     “It would be best for all to read all of the past messages from Heaven. They will come together and make one general compilation of the Message from Heaven.
     “Yes, My child, many shall be tested in the days ahead. You must all, My children, fortify your souls with grace. Graces are given freely for the asking. Come, seek, and you shall find the way. My Son is the way and the light. Will you not console His sorrowing heart at your tabernacles throughout your earth? He grows lonely; He is forgotten by many. 


A house of diversions and abominations

     “The few who attend the Sacrifice, the Holy Sacrifice, My child, the few are the true of heart. The many come with all manners of abominations in their hearts. My Son’s House has become not a temple of prayer but a house of diversion, abominations, and a gathering place for all demons.
     “You must enter, My pastors, Michael into your houses, your churches. It is urgent! He is the guardian of your Faith. You must re-enter him now into your churches.
     “Pray a constant vigilance of prayer, My pastors! You do not know what is fast approaching upon you! 


Not obedient to sin and heresy

     “Pastors, leaders of Our sheep, My Son begs you to listen now while there is time! The Red Hats have fallen, The Purple Hats are being misled. Take the blindness from your heart. You shall not be obedient to sin and heresy, My children. Shall you honor man before your God? Shall you honor man and dishonor your God? Woe, I say unto you, My children, the day will come when you shall stand to be judged, and shall man come forward and give you the grace to enter into the eternal Kingdom of the Father in Heaven? No! You shall be claimed by the prince of darkness and cast into the pit! The eternal fires of damnation shall claim all who do not repent of their sin now.
     “Many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption!
     “My children, I come to you on the eve of this day that you have given to My Son in the joyful occasion of His coming to your earth. He cameI lived in poverty of worldly goods but graced with much light of spirit.
     “My children, recognize and separate from your lives that which destroys your soul and that which strengthens your soul. You must not succumb to the web being spun by satan. There is, My children, a conspiracy of great evil now throughout your world. There are clusters, groups of evil-doers, even in the houses of My Son, the churches.
     “When My Son’s Church and the world become as one know that the end is at hand.
     “The gates of hell, the prince of darknessthe evil accelerates by his command because he knows that his time is growing short.
     “Hasten, My children, to send out the message with great speed. The Warning approaches.
     “My child, the Warning is not the Chastisement, but the beginning, My child, of the sorrow of sorrows. You must not speculate on dates. I have often told you why, My child, to avoid speculation of dates.
     “The good Books, your true revelations in your Bibles, must be kept and preserved. The forces of the Antichrist seek to remove all true knowledge from among you.
     “Know, My children, that these forces of the Antichrist do their work by capturing the spirit, the bodies of men, women, and children. However, you must know that 666, My children, is the large force of satan. Six is for the six who are coming, five being present and the sixth on his way; six is for the six days of suffering; and six is for the six who shall be punished and chained forever in hell.
     “Powers and principalities gathered for war!
     “Rome, the Eternal City, what manner of fate do you give yourself? Tears and blood, sorrowno joy, but darkness, darkness of the spirit! 


Red forces spread throughout Rome

     “The forces, the red forces, My children, shall spread throughout Rome. Can you not pray and do penance to hold back the darkness?
     “Pastors, you must now do great penance. Get down on your knees! Humility! Humility, My pastors! Holiness and piety! Tradition! What are you building among yourselves but a church of man, eliminating My Son in the light.
     “Bishops, awaken from your slumber! I repeat, My children, My bishops, shall you be obedient to sin? Shall you unite and destroy your Faith? Shall you compromise your Faith with the ultimate destruction of souls?
     “My Son gave you your Faith. He gave you the course, a simple plan to follow. He gave you your first leaders. They wrote down the plan from Heaven into your Bible. Every man seeks novelty, interpreting for his own satisfactionall manner of delusion and complication, novelty. For what? For the ultimate destruction of your Faith! Sheep running and scattering, churches closing their doors! Why? Because you have replaced the light with darkness.
     “O My children, what words can I give to you in addition to bring you out of your slumber? As in the time of Noe, you close your ears. Sodom and Gomorrha, you close your ears and your hearts.
     “Only a few shall be saved. Many are called but few are chosen. The road to the eternal Kingdom of the Father is a narrow one, My children. Once you leave, it is most difficult to return.
     “Keep your armor upon you, My children. Do not listen to the scoffers who seek to remove your armor from you. Your sacramentals have been given for reason. You will need them, My children. Without them you will leave the road to Heaven. Without them you shall enter into darkness, and without them you shall be blind to the truth.
     “You must have the Bread of life within you, My children. Comfort My Son and He shall comfort you in the days ahead. Reject Him and you shall be rejected by the Eternal Father, for none shall come to the Kingdom of Heaven but through My Son and His leadership.
     “There are no gods, My children, upon your earth. There is but one God. You have set up many gods to worship upon your earth, even seeking to make man a god. Can you not remember how the gates of Heaven were closed to you? Why? Because of pride and arrogance and listening to the voice of evil. Your first parents, My children, listened to this voice and fell and succumbed to the evil.
     “I understand, My children; I know what lies in the hearts of mankind. They do not give your children the knowledge of your first parents, Adam and Eve. They do not give your children the knowledge of the existence of hell. Can you not understand, My children, why? Without this knowledge they shall sin, and sin shall become a way of life.
     “My voice has gone throughout your world now, My children. That gives you less time now to prepare. You will keep a constant vigilance of prayer. Each man and woman and child of the age of reasoning must now be disciples of the Eternal Father. You have a responsibility to your brothers and sisters of the world. If you have gathered your graces and feel assured of your worthiness to enter the Kingdom of the Eternal Father, then you must with your grace work doubly hard, My children, to save your brothers and sisters. Even one soul shall bring much rejoicing in Heaven, with the recovery of one soul, My children.”
     Veronica - Now Our Lady is taking Her Rosary from Her waist, and She’s holding the gold crucifix out and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Our Lady - “I bless you all, My children, as My Son blesses you in the Father and in the Spirit. Continue with your prayers of atonement; they are sorely needed. Much penance will be necessary now to hold back the darkness.
     “I bless you, My children, and give to you, through the merciful heart of the Eternal Father, great powers of cure and conversion.”
     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Now Our Lady is going backwards ... oh, oh, up beyond the tree. And She’s there pointing down now. Oh?
     Our Lady - “No, My child, I am not leaving. I am over here with you for the evening.”
     Veronica - Now Michael is coming down again, high from the sky, and He’s standing by Our Lady’s right side. He’s holding the balance in his right hand now and a spear in his left. Michael ... I can’t see his features, but I have a deep sense of sorrow. He’s not happy.
     Now his voice is booming, oh, very loud; it could almost hurt your ears but for the grace of God.
     St. Michael - “Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth! As in the time of Noe, as in the time of Sodom, woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth!”
     Veronica - Now Michael is motioning over to his left side now, and Our Lady now is going up further into the sky. And the clock is appearing again, that huge round clock. And now the hands are pointing to four and eight again, and they’re beginning to turn very fast, very fast, and they’re ... now both hands are stopping on the number twelve.
     Now Michael is booming again.
     St. Michael - “Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth! The hour has struck.”
     Our Lady - “My child, do not be affrighted. You are prepared. My children are prepared. All who are of well spirit shall have no reason to fear. Continue now, My children, with peace of heart.
     “Veronica, My child, you must now read the photographs carefully. But I must caution you there are others who are making novelties of their cameras. It was not given for that reason. The camera must be blessed. Satan has much power over mechanical implements. However, all that are blessed by Me, My children, shall not fall into satan’s power.”
     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     There’s a beautiful crowncovering the whole sky is a golden crown, pointed in sections, a very regal crown. Oh, and now the sky is getting very bright, and ... oh, Jesus is coming forward through the sky. Oh, there are lights now, there are lights streaming out from Jesus. They’re going, the lights are going in all directions and coming down, streaming down now over by Our Lady’s statue. It’s a most beautiful, beautiful sight! Oh, the whole sky is covered by these streams of smoky white light. There’s no human way I can explain it.
     Jesus - “My child, you have explained it quite well. No human words could describe or satisfactorily explain many secrets of Heaven.
     “The lights you see, My children, are graces, graces that are given in abundance for the asking.”
     Veronica - Now Jesus is placing both of His hands out in front of Him. It’s quite windy because His cape is blowing behind Him.
     Jesus - “What can I say at this time? How can I promise further reprieves for an unrepentant generation?
     “How many warnings are given to mankind to go unheeded? O My children, if I could just cast away the darkness and allow you to look into your future, the future that you have forced to be now! What was to happen in the future shall be now.
     “I shall say anew, there will be the time that you will be given to great trial. Your world shall be bathed in blood. Your world shall go through a great crucible of suffering. The Eternal Father does not seek to bring fear into the hearts of His children. He sends you an admonition that must be heeded. The Eternal Father has watched and found that you are wanting.
     “The world shall not be completely destroyed. That promise was given and that promise shall be kept. However, all that is rotten will fall. Many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption.
     “Amen, amen, I say to you, what has been written must come to pass.
     “Much that will take place now in your generation had been planned, My children, for the future. But through your arrogance and pride, you have rose high above what the Eternal Father has given to mankind as a goal. You seek to invade the realms of Heaven. You seek to set up a kingdom of man. And what have you given to yourselves but a kingdom of darkness and sin, and all manner of abominations. 

No salvation without effort and merit

     “Do not fall into error, the error and fallacy that all will be saved without effort and without merit. It is a fallacy. There is Heaven, there is hell, and there is a place of purging. You must be clean, cleansed of all sin. Your garmentsmany shall wash in blood to cleanse them, but pray that it is the Blood of the Lamb.
     “Amen, amen I repeat to mankind, you must awaken from your slumber and delusion. When your world enters into My Church and you seek to set up man as an idol to worship, know that the sword shall be placed down upon you.
     “Hasten, harken, and listen, for the time is growing short. Soon words will not be sufficient. The Eternal Father commands great penance from mankind at this time. You hold the balance, My children.
     “You will keep a constant vigilance. All manner of diabolical temptation shall be set upon those who are destined to become the children of their God in the eternal Kingdom. As you travel on the narrow road to the Kingdom do not slacken, do not let down your guard, for you will find that the closer you approach the eternal Kingdom, the more you will be attacked by satan. His frustrationin his frustration, My children, to claim your souls, he will send all manner of aggressors to you. So watch and pray much. Pray that your children do not become victims.
     “I bless you all, My children. I give you in faith all graces for your conversion and cure: first the cure of the spirit, and then, My children, the cure of your body. But first the cure of your spirit.”
     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now Jesus is placing His hand out in front of Him, like this. He’s turning to His right side, over on our left. He’s extending His hand out now and He’s making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now He’s going over, and Michael is coming down now from high in the sky; it’s like he’s coming out from behind a shield of a cloud. And Our Lady now is also next to Michael, and She’s standing over by Jesus’ now right side.
     Now Jesus is extending His hand out. He’s over on our right side now and placing His hand out: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now it’s growing quite dark over on the right side, and Our Lady is going with Michael. She’s coming over high above the statue, and She’s extending Her hands out in front of Her, like this. It’s ... Our Lady is standing with Her arms out. It’s almost a posture of pleading. 


Time left less than two hands

     Our Lady - “Listen, My children. Do not reject the warnings being given to you. You cannot count the time left on two hands. Hasten and listen and act upon these warnings.”
     Veronica - And now Our Lady is reaching down and She’s taking out Her Rosary, the beautiful large white Rosary with the golden Our Father. And now She’s extending the Rosary, the whole Rosary including the crucifix, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now Jesus is taking His ... He has on this burgundy cloak, and He’s placing it now across the front of His chest and nodding.
     Jesus - “You will continue now, My children, with your prayers of atonement. You will understand very soon why I have come and given you this warning.”    
     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.




"The beads of prayer, My Mother's

Rosary to mankind, is very powerful"...

December 27, 1975
Eve of the Holy Family

     Veronica - The sky is very dark. It has an ominous darkness. There are streams of light now coming through the black sky. The light was a pale white, but it's becoming a beauti­ful blue. It's very striking against the black sky.
     Now in the center of the light there's a tremendous white cross. And now from the cross, the center of the cross, there is coming out the figure of a heart, a red heart. And the heart now ... from over on the right side of the cross, a large sword, a saber-type of sword, is now being plunged now into the heart. The heart is bleeding.
     And over on the left side, by the trees, Saint Michael is coming forward. He's holding a chalice in his hand, a very large golden chalice. He's placing this under the bleeding heart.
     St. Michael - "The blood of the Son of Man shall not be shed again for an unrepentant generation. Man shall shed his blood and be slain for the Lamb.
     "Many martyrs shall rise in the conflagration.
     "Woe to the inhabitants of the earth! Woe to a mankind that has allowed sin to become a way of life. All manners of abomination are being committed in the House of your God throughout your world.
     "The Red Hat has fallen and the Purple Hat is being misled.
     "Heresy, O mournful heresy, whatever shall become of you?"
     Veronica - Now Michael is pointing up. He has a very large sword in his right hand. He's pointing up to the sky, and there's forming a large circle. Now in the circle there's being drawn in black, black strokes, ominous black strokes, lines forming a peace, so-called peace symbol, used today by many of the youth. The symbols now, the hands are pointing to four and eight. There's an extension of a "Y" in this, leading to the top of the circle, the point of twelve. The time has arrived; it is the beginning of the end, the "Y" period in mankind's history.
     Saint Michael now is going above Our Lady, high above Our Lady, and standing with his sword. The sword is pointed downward.
     St. Michael - "Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth! How many warnings shall go out to mankind before he acknowledges his sin and does penance for his God, a God most merciful and just, Whose heart is torn asunder by an ungrateful generation which has given itself to all manner of depravity and defilement of his soul!

Heretics to be taken out of Rome
     "Pastors in the houses of your God, you must return from your wanderings and gather your straying sheep. Discipline must be returned. Holiness and piety must be returned. Heresy and heretics must be taken out of Rome! The power of excommunication must be used. You will cleanse the Eternal City now, or you will accept the sword!"
     Veronica - Now Michael is pointing with his sword over to the right side, and there I see a terrible sight of little children being grabbed by their heads, their hair, their necks and a sword cutting them, killing them.
     St. Michael - "What manner of evil have you created upon earth, the murders of the Holy Innocents again? Man has set himself above his God! He seeks to command death and life at his discretion? Murder! Murder shallall murderers shall receive a just recompense for their acts!"
     Veronica - Now it's growing quite bright over on the left side above the trees, and Our Lady is coming forward. She has on a most beautiful white gown, and above Her head there is a circlet of stars. Our Lady looks very young and very fragile. She has a beautiful white cape over Her head, and the stars, the circlet, seems to be suspended almost in the air. Our Lady is showing me now Her slippers. She has on the beautiful slippers with the golden roses, a rose on each slipper.
     Now Our Lady is extending Her right hand out, and oh, the Infant Jesus is appearing in Our Lady's arms. Oh, He looks about ... oh, about a year old.  He's small but so stately in our Lady's arms.
     Now Our Lady is pointing over to a map. It's a large map in the sky.

Eugenics practiced in hospitals
     Our Lady - "My child, all throughout earth, there is mass slaughter now of the innocent children, the unborn, and this has extended now past the unborn. Many children brought into the world are being killed, My child, at their birth. Shout this to all. Your hospitals have given themselves to depravity. They are taking needlessly, lives, My child.
     "Yes, My child, it is at the knowledge of the parents. Shall you build a master race? Shall you create only a perfect individual? What shall you do to accomplish this? Shall you eradicate by murder all who are not perfect? Man has no right to place judgment on who is to live or die, My children.
     "The Eternal Father sends each life with reason. The spirit of life is breathed into that body at the moment of conception. At the moment of conception the soul is united to that body. Though it grows from a small seed, it is living and must not be destroyed! It is murder, My children, to destroy the seed.
     "All who commit this, this terrible act of murder, My children, cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven unless they repent of this foul crime. They must in their repentance accept a penance upon earth for their acts that bring great sorrow to the heart of the Eternal Father.
     "Man has been given a free will and is using this act of mercy of the Father to allow him to go his way, for the Father shall not force any into the Kingdom, My children. You must want to come in. You must use the balance of your lifetime to gather the necessary strength through graces to stay on the narrow road to the Kingdom. It is most difficult to return once you leave that narrow road. The agents of satan abound upon earth. 666 is now there, My children, in force.
     "When Rome unites fully with the world, when Rome removes the Holy Father, Pope Paul, from the Seat of Peter, know that the end is at hand.

One-world religion based on humanism and modernism
     "There are many now in Rome, My children, who seek to set up a one-world religion. It is based on humanism and modernism. It is not the religion of Tradition given by My Son Jesus to mankind. Man is building a church of man. It is not one of the cross.
     "You ask, My child, why this is permitted? It is only but for a short time. Man is being tested. The sheep shall be separated from the goats. Each soul shall be given the test.
     "You do not have to write again, My child, to the cardinals of Rome. They are now aware of the message.
     "You will continue, My child, to send the message throughout the world. I will send you many arms to help in this mission.
     "You will have no fear in giving the names in print that I give to you. If this was not so I would tell you to remain and keep this in secret. It is not that We place judgment upon a given name of the person. It is that We must warn this individual that his soul is in mortal danger. His soul is in danger of going into the abyss and being claimed by satan for eternity. Even the Red Hats, My child, may fall into hell.
     "Your Holy Father, Paul, suffers much from the enemies that surround him. He will accept a martyr's end.
     "Do not feel sad of heart, My child. The Father has a plan for all. It is a great grace to accept a martyr's death.
     "As I told you a short time ago, one of the cardinals that you wrote to, he will soon depart from the world. Without the necessary penance and reparationif he does not listen to My warnings he will lose for eternity a reward to be with Us in the eternal Kingdom of light.
     "I pray, My child and My children, that you send this message to him that he may be given the opportunity to make restitution to the Eternal Father for the salvation of his immortal soul.
     "You question, My child, why this must be. It is a mystery that mankind shall never know until he passes over the veil. It is a will given to each soul to follow and make his choice.
     "You, My child, will accept a difficult penance for the world. Now that I have told you, you will go through this, My child, with much fortitude and strength.
     "No, My child, do not be concerned. The Eternal Father will not give you more than you can carry in burden.
     "You will continue to read the photographs very carefully, My child. They are a special grace to give you strength in the mission ahead. They will also be in the future, positive evidence for the investigation.
     "Continue on your mission, My child, with great strength of spirit. All will go as the Eternal Father allows it. Do not be over-anxious for the existence and coming of miracles. They will appear before your very eyes.
     "Now, My child, you will sit back and read these photographs."
     Veronica - There is a great mist of pink coloring. It's a beautiful warm coloring. And now as the sky is opening up, Jesus is coming forward. He's dressed in a most unusually brilliant white gown, and He has this rope-like cord about His waist. Jesus has on a cape; it's a deep burgundy-colored cape. It's very loose. From here Jesus looks quite tall. I do say He looksI would say about ... oh, six feet tall. He's very tall. And He's smiling.
     Now Jesus' hair is blowing. It's down to His shoulders, and it has a reddish-brown cast. Perhaps it's the pink glow of the lights about Him. Now Jesus is touching His lips with His first finger; that means to listen.
     Jesus - "My child, your world is to enter a great test of suffering. The warnings given to mankind in the past must not be rejected. They must be examined carefully, all messages of the past, and acted upon.
     "Do not slacken, My child, in your mission. You must continue to work with great haste.
     "There is a conspiracy of evil now throughout your world. Those who have the greatest power to promote good have used this power to promote evil. This evil is entering upon the lives of every man, woman, and child in your country and in the countries throughout your world.
     "As in the time of Noe and the cities of sin, Sodom and Gomorrha, it fell upon the Eternal Father to cleanse this evil from your earth.
     "As the evil accelerates, there will be given to the Eternal Father no other choice but to loose upon mankind the Ball of Redemption. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. Your earth shall go through a suffering far greater than ever seen before by mankind. All who live through this will envy those who have died.
     "It is not the will of the Eternal Father to set upon mankind chastisement. It is in His merciful heart and His providence, and His knowledge of what is to come, that He has a plan for the recovery of souls and the cleansing of your earth.
     "The Ball of Redemption nears. I repeat, many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption.
     "In the Eternal City of Rome the light is dim. There is a conspiracy of evil. Holiness must return to the man who represents himself in My name.
     "In the Eternal City of Rome, My pastors, you have opened your doors to all manner of heretics and separated brethren who shall not join you for the betterment of My Church, but to destroy and confuse and bring together a new religion of man, one based on humanism and modernism and satanism.

Ordination of women a heresy
     "The simple plan for the redemption of mankind was given to you in the past by your prophets. Already We hear you clamor for the ordination of woman. No woman shall stand in My House to represent Me! How dare you bring in this heresy to My House! I shall go among you and I shall sling you out from My temples!
     "I, your God, demand that you cleanse yourselves now! We extend to you a time to bring this about. You are not hidden in your evil ways from Our eyes. Do you think you shall escape a just punishment? No! Amen I say to you, no rank shall make you escape the fires.
     "You who call yourselves My pastors and have sold your souls to get to the head, you who have taken the young to destroy their souls with all manner of novelty and innovations in My House, I did not ask you for change! I did not ask you to discard the words of your first teachers, the Apostles! In your arrogance you laugh and are derisive of their teachings. You set yourselves up another church, not My House. I shall not represent Myself in Body and Spirit in your new house!
     "Shall I separate My pastors and cause more confusion? No! The Eternal Father deems to cleanse you. There shall not be another separation.
     "Amen, amen I say to you, you have just about reached a point of no return from your destructive ways. You shall not open the doors of the Eternal City to all separated brethren who reject the Christ!
     "You will take back the good Book, your Bible! You will restore it to its original meaning. You shall not take this Book and make all manner of change to suit mankind and his weak natures. No! You will change mankind to be pleasing to his God!
     "You shall not find excuses and rationalize sin. No! There shall be no rationalization of sin, which has now proceeded to make sin a way of life in your country and throughout your world.
     "Pastors, take heed! Hasten, harken, and listen, for I shall not warn you again.
     "You shall not set up new seminaries that have gone far beyond all truth and tradition and fact. This shall not be tolerated by the Eternal Father.
     "One shall be sent among you as a voice crying in the wilderness: Return before it is too late!
     "My children of grace, those who have listened and acted upon the warnings given from Heaven, you must continue with perseverance. You must act charitable and pray for those who are destined, without your prayers, for the abyss.
     "We do not expect you to judge. We do not condone evil. The Eternal Father is always the final judge, but you must not except or compromise your Faith.
     "Awaken, pastors, from your slumber! Shall you be obedient to heretics? Shall you please man and reject your God? This decision is yours. In the merciful providence of the Eternal Father, you have been given the time to mend your ways.

Ball to cause climatic changes
     "In the past many warnings have been given to you but have not been recognized as coming from the Eternal Father. Those that will come now will be recognized, for they will be cataclysms such as have never been seen upon your earth: freezing in areas of your land that have never experienced the freeze; bursts of heat in areas that have never known such great heat. Death shall come upon many. The approach of the Ball of Redemption shall bring upon mankind climatic changes.
     "All who remain close to My Mother will not be caught unprepared, My child. This is a great grace for many. Keep a constant vigilance of prayer in your homes and in your country and throughout your world. The beads of prayer, My Mother's Rosary to mankind, is very powerful.
     "Do not discard your sacramentals, for they have the power over the supernatural demons. Do not listen with itching ears to those who try to discard the knowledge of the supernatural, the demons and the existence of your angels. I would advise you to call upon them often, for you shall not survive the coming battle without them."
     Veronica - Now Jesus is rising high, high up into the sky. It's very windy because His cape is blowing about Him. Now He's placing His hand out in front of Him, like this, with His fingers, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Jesus - "I bless you all, My children, as the Father blesses you in the Spirit."
     Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now Jesus is going over to our right side, just above the trees. He's standing and looking down, and He's placing His hand out, like this: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now it's growing very, very bright. Oh, Michael is coming down right from the center of this tremendous light over Our Lady's statue's head, high up in the sky. Now Jesus is going over now and He's facing us, but He's rising very high.
     Now there is a circlet of light on the left side over here, and there's a clock on it. And the hands on the clock are pointing to four and eight, the sign of the Antichrist. And the hands are spinning, and they're stopping on the number twelve: the time has arrived.
     Now the sky is growing very dark. I can't see Michael now. He seemed to have just gone behind a huge cloud. And Jesus now is going over, and He's standing there. And He's touching His lips to listen.
     In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.




Man shall see and receive the fruits of his development by satan" 

December 31, 1975
Eve of the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin 


     Veronica - The sky is very overcast, but there are lights coming from the direction over Our Lady's statue, brilliant bright lights. And over on the right side, just over the tree, there are hosts forming in the skybeautiful, round Roman hosts.
     Now coming down high from the sky, Jesus is coming forward. He has on a dark ... a beige gown with a rope-like cord about His waist, and over His shoulders there's a burgundy cape.
     It doesn't appear to be raining because the light is so brilliant. It's very, very warm.
     Jesus - "My child, We shall soon be joined by My Mother.
     "Understand there are many missions given to Our children without their full knowledge.
     "This is a night of great penance for many. This is a night of great sorrow for many, My child.
     "My Mother has gone throughout your world begging for you to do penance and atonement so that you shall have a reprieve from the great Chastisement that was to be in the future. I say, My children, 'was to be.' As man falls deeper into sin and does not do penance for the abominations being committed on your earth and in My houses throughout your world, this leaves no recourse to the Eternal Father but to set upon your world a great trial.
     "The minds of those who have fallen out of grace shall be captured and used by satan, the adversary, and his agents. All manner of foul deeds, of cruelty, and of death shall come from their evil minds.
     "Your city, My child, New York, shall go through a crucible of suffering, as many cities in your country and throughout the world. 

Excommunicate those who build church of man
     "The Eternal City of Rome must now take action by those in rule, the cardinals and the bishops, to restore this city to the light. Those who seek to build a church of man must be removed by the power of excommunication given to those who rule as representatives in My houses, churches upon your earth.

     "As it was in the time of Noe, as it was in the days of Sodom and Gomorrha, so shall it be upon your earth. Man shall be permitted to fall fast into the abyss. Why? Because he has hardened his heart and closed his ears to the truth. He has given himself to all manners of pleasures of the flesh. Sin has become a way of life in your country and in the countries throughout your earth.
     "The children of God, the candles upon earth, My child, shall suffer much persecution from the agents of darkness.
     "Man runs amiss, My child. He scatters the sheep. He seeks peace where there is no peace. He is going farther into darkness.
     "You shall not gather your flocks, My pastors, by compromising your Faith! You shall not gather the flocks for the Eternal Father in Heaven by giving yourselves to the world, by adopting humanism and modernism as your guide.
     "It is a simple lesson of faith that you must give to the children and to all in your care. As pastor you shall stand before Me and shall you say to Me that your teaching has been pure in My sight?  Amen I say unto you, I shall cast you from Me and send you into the abyss. As you sow, so shall you reap. 

Remove women as leaders in Church
     "You will remove woman from My Church, as leaders and rulers. Of what?  What manner of foul action do you promote?

     "In the beginning I gave to you, through your prophets, the establishment of My Church upon earth. The rules were simple but now have become changed and defiled to please the carnal nature of mankind. You must restore the holiness to My House! You must bend your knees in humility and penance."
     Veronica - Now Jesus is pointing up, high up above His head, on His right side. The sky is becoming very clear, and Our Lady now is coming forward. There is a brilliant white light all about Our Lady, and She's holding Her hands out in front of Her very pleadingly. She looks so fragile and so beautiful, I can't express it in human words.
     Now Our Lady is going over and standing next to Jesus. Our Lady comes just a short bit below His shoulder. Our Lady has on a pure white gown and slippers, golden slippers. And on each slipper is a small golden rose, a rosette. About Our Lady ... She has a white, long cape over Her head, held in place by a circlet of roses. They're beautiful roses; the color is a mixture of colors of the rainbow. I have never seen roses like this upon earth. They are so beautiful, they capture every color in the rainbow.
     Our Lady now is touching Her lips with Her hand, which means to listen carefully.
     Our Lady - "My children, what more can I say to you at this time to further the Message from Heaven to My children? My warnings have fallen upon deafened ears.
     "The little children who are pure of heart and simple in nature, they listen; but those who have accepted to rule My Son's House, they close their ears, whether in fear of reprisal from their superiors or in absolute, My children, blindness of heart and spirit. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer for your pastors. 

Agent of hell to be on Seat of Peter
     "Pray for your cardinals in the Eternal City, and most of all, My children, you must pray for your Holy Father, Pope Paul. Without enough prayers, My children, your Holy Father shall be removed from you. And one shall be placed upon the Seat of Peter, one who knows dark secrets. He will not be of your God, but an agent of hell.

     "My children, you must be courageous in the days ahead and know that the Eternal Father will have the final count. He allows much to carry you in this crucible of suffering.
     "My child, how may I explain to you the mysteries of Heaven? You must accept the will of the Eternal Father without question.
     "You ask, My child, why so much is permitted, so much evil? It is because, My child, there are many straying sheep. Were We to allow the full chastisement at this moment, too many of Our children would be lost to Us. The Eternal Father is straining and permitting the time to gather these sheep.
     "When the Chastisement comes upon mankind, My children, there will be a punishment never seen before in the history of your earth, and shall never be seen again. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption.
     "My child, Veronica, do not hesitate to give a full message to the world. My own will know Me, My child. Know that those who do wrong do not want their sins to be exposed. It is not that you judge, but the warning must be given to mankind."
     Veronica - Now Our Lady is taking from Her waist Her Rosary, Her beautiful white Rosary with the golden Our Fathers, and She's taking now the crucifix and placing it out in front of Her and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now Our Lady is turning over to the right, Her right side, and looking down and making the sign of the cross with Her crucifix: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now Jesus is standing there, and He's holding His hand out now, like this, three fingers extended like this, His thumb and His two first fingers, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now Jesus is floating over. He doesn't walk, He's carried, carried on the wind, over to our left side. And Our Lady is following Him.
     Now coming down from the right side is Michael. Oh, he's dressed in a very billowing white gown, and his hair is very glistening tonight. It's like a metallic gold. Oh, and he's so very huge, Michael. There's no human way to describe the size of Michael. He is tremendous! Now he is also goinghe's right behind Our Lady, covering the whole right side of the sky. And Jesus now is looking down, and He's making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now Our Lady and Jesus are floating up, up over the statue and standing there. And Michael is now pointing to the sky, and he's ... and there's a tremendous dark cross forming in the sky.
     Now Michael is also touching hisI can't see his lips, but I know he has his hand in the direction of his lips.
     St. Michael - "Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth! Insanity from sin! Man shall see and receive the fruits of his development by satan."
     Veronica - Oh, my goodness! I see a city. The city is on the water. And I see a tremendous explosion. Oh, my goodness! Oh, buildings coming down and toppling like they were just made of plaster. Oh, my God! Oh!
     Our Lady now is coming over.
     Our Lady - "My child, in the course of your vigil you shall receive two photographs. You will understand, for they will be very clear. This knowledge shall not be given out at this time.
     "Already, My child, the punishments have started. Man shall proceed on a course of insanity, losing all regard for human life and charity, all because he has given himself to satan and the pleasures of the flesh. 

Science and technology placed above God
     "Satan shall seek out your country wherever there is dark­ness of spirit, and in those places, My child, all manner of evil shall spring up, evil such as never been seen upon your earth. Human beings infested by the devil, working all manners of evil against his brother and sister.
     "O, My child, could I promise you all love and light? Shall I deceive you by opening a picture of peace and joy to you? I cannot lie and bring you what pleases your human nature. This has all been cast aside by mankind, who has placed science and technology above his God.
     "My child, you will all keep a constant vigilance of prayer.
     "Prayer, penance, and atonement shall be your rule now, My children. Do much penance and make much atonement for the sins of mankind. In this manner We will gather those who are to be saved."
     Veronica - Now Our Lady is placing Her hand out now and there are rays coming from Our Lady's right fingers, the fingers of Her right hand, and they're spreading like beautiful warm lights down here onto Our Lady's grounds here, by Her statue. And now they're going over our heads. They're beautiful streams of white light. I don't know the full knowledge of the power of this light, but it does give you a great strength, Our Lady said, in the days ahead. It is grace.
     In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Our Lady - "Continue now, My children, with your prayers of atonement." 



Miraculous Photographs taken at Our Lady of the Roses Shrine Gallery

This is a photo of the sacred vigil grounds looking out over the crowd from the Vatican Pavilion site. It was taken with a Pentax 35-mm camera by Y.H. of Brooklyn, N.Y., on August 14, 1993, the Vigil of the Assumption. But what miraculously appears on the right is a translucent image of ST. MICHAEL (facing toward the reader), all aglow in a greenish Ent, the green being the symbolic color of this highest angel.

Note the long, greenish-white gown, the wings on the upper left and right, and the form of an arm on the right side, as he is seated (on something invisible, as it were) Just to the right of Veronica's empty chair. Also, note the brilliant radiance from his being that emanates onto Veronica's secretary, Ann Ferguson, and the pilgrims in general.

Veronica explains that St. Michael 'is present at all the vigils, even when she is absent. His awesome countenance ensures the protection and peace of the pilgrims in prayer and preserves the solemnity of these prayer vigils of reparation from those infernal spirits who are always seeking to encroach upon these hallowed grounds. This powerful Archangel would also indicate the presence of the Heavenly Host at all the vigils of which he is prince and guardian.

Jesus has said that this 'greatest warrior of Heaven' must be returned to His Church, in sight and in prayer. Heaven exhorts us to pray the St. Michael exorcism daily and the long form (available from address below) when possible.




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