◈ 프란치스코 교황의 이단(Pope Francis' Heresy)/Muslims Applaud As Pope Francis .... 10

[11-10] Muslims Applaud As Pope Francis Unveils Pro-Hamas Christmas Nativity Crèche at Vatican...

WHEN THE CHURCH UNITES WITH THE WORLD: THE END OF YOUR ERA"You will not follow the ways of man, but you will bring man onto My road. When you have joined My House with the world and it has become one, know that the end of your era has come." - The Bayside PropheciesMay 30, 1974 WHEN THE WORLD AND MY SON’S CHURCH BECOME ONE..."Your country and many countries of the world have given themselves to ..

[11-9] Prominent Catholics Urge Bishops, Cardinals to Declare Francis Has ‘Lost the Papal Office’ If He Refuses To Resign...

"I say this to you for your Creator, as your God: Restore My House, or I shall come down and restore it Myself with a firm hand! And shall you stand before Me, O pastors, and say that your teachings have been pure in My sight? I shall take you and spit you out as spittle into the fires of eternal damnation! Vermin that came out of the flowers!" - The Bayside PropheciesJesus, December 28, 1976 Th..

[11-8] Francis Approves New Document Elevating Ecumenism and Synodality above Papal Primacy...

"Awaken from your slumber, O pastors! You have become soft and pliable to the enemy, because you have fallen asleep on your job! Compromise! Change! If you have a solid foundation-and you were given a solid foundation-what need is there to change, for you seek then to change the foundation. You are chipping away at My Church; you are burrowing like rats into the foundation of My Church." - The B..

[11-7] Francis’ Decade-long Reign Removes Church from Crucial Moral Debates...

FLICKER OF FAITH"Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer for your priests, cardinals, bishops, your clergy, for a great test, a delusion has been set amongst them to test their valor, to test their holiness, to test their fidelity to My Son's Church!" - The Bayside PropheciesOur Lady of the Roses, May 23, 1979 THE HIGHEST PLACES"My child, you cannot keep from fulfilling your mission to..

[11-6] Italy: Catholic Diocese Urges Faithful to Participate in Islamic Prayers During Ramadan...

"My child and My children, you are all My children. I judge you not by color or race, and I do not judge you by your creed; however, should the knowledge of the One True Church be given to you, and the way to Heaven along the narrow road be given to you, you will follow it or you will be rejected." - The Bayside PropheciesOur Lady of the Roses, August 21, 1985 RELIGION OF THE CROSS"There is only..

[11-5] Church Leaders Must Correct Francis on His Demand to Absolve the Unrepentant...

FLICKER OF FAITH"Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer for your priests, cardinals, bishops, your clergy, for a great test, a delusion has been set amongst them to test their valor, to test their holiness, to test their fidelity to My Son's Church!"- The Bayside PropheciesOur Lady of the Roses, May 23, 1979 THE HIGHEST PLACES"My child, you cannot keep from fulfilling your mission to ..

[11-4] Francis Defrocks Two Nuns Who Tried To Save Historic Franciscan Monastery...

ERROR, CONFUSION, AND LIES"There is in the Eternal City of Rome, My child, much error, confusion, and deception. The plan of those who carry on their backs the number 5 of communism is to overthrow the rule in the Eternal City, gain control in politics in a manner to control the world. They seek to overthrow Rome, these agents of hell and atheism, My child; they seek to overthrow Rome and gain c..

[11-3] The Kingship of Christ and the Anti-Kingdom of Modernity...

"IS HE NOT YOUR KING?""O My children, how light you make My heart with the many Rosaries you send up to Us. We look down upon a pagan world, and My heart bleeds for the blindness of those souls being led to the slaughter. They are like sheep playing follow-the-leader."Why must you insult My Son? Can you not bend your knees? Is He not your King?"There is great disobedience to Our Vicar. These dis..

[11-2] Goa’s Cardinal Champions Interfaith Errors...

“Pagans! Pagans, My child, pagans roaming also in the House of My Son! Is there no one who will go and chase them out? I have asked you, for the Father, to return Michael to My Son’s House. He is the guardian of the Faith. Michael must be entered into My Son’s House.“Pastors, shepherds of the flock, why do you scatter Our sheep? Do you not know that your responsibility lies with the Father, your..

[11-1] The Political Pope Book - An Interview with Author George Neumayr...

"I WARNED YOU""As I warned you in the past and you did not listen, unless you prayed more, did more penance, sacrifice, communism would go throughout your world, ravishing nations, destroying your Faith, entering into the highest places of My Son's House. Can you deny what is happening now in your world? Remove the blindness from your eyes and look! Come out of the darkness before it is too late..