◈ 낙태 살인 (Abortion Murder)/②Fr.Gabriel Burke - Refusing Communion.. 5

5-5. Catholic Priest Refuses Politician Communion for Supporting Abortion...

Fr. Gabriel Burke is a Catholic priest currently serving in the Diocese of Cloyne. Originally from Dublin, he attended Synge Street CBS and is proud of his Dublin roots. He served in Mitchelstown from 2014 before moving to Whitechurch, in the parish of Blarney, in early 2019. During his time in Mitchelstown, he became well-known and respected within the community.​Fr. Burke has recently gained a..

5-4. Fr. Pavone’s Message to Francis: ‘I Want to Continue Serving as a Faithful Priest’...

These Last Days News - December 20, 2022URGENT: Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives. 5-4. Fr. Pavone’s Message to Francis: ‘I Want to Continue Serving as a Faithful Priest’...  THE BAD SHALL BE GLORIFIED"The pages of John's writings, the Apocalypse, the Revelations, are turning faster and faster. Man controls the speed to his destruction. Your country, M..

5-3. ‘Sacrilege’: Catholic Leaders React to Vatican’s ‘Climate Change’ Light Show...

These Last Days News - December 10, 2015 5-3. ‘Sacrilege’: Catholic Leaders React to Vatican’s ‘Climate Change’ Light Show...  CARDINALS SELLING THEIR SOULS"The present leaders of My Church in the city of Rome, in your arrogance you have set up My Church without honor, without holiness! In the name of peace and brotherhood, you have whittled away the foundation. I am the foundation! You must now..

5-2. Priest Would Refuse Joe Bid*en Communion Because He’s Pro-Abortion: ‘Over My Dead Body, Not Until He Repents’

These Last Days News - March 8, 2021URGENT: Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives. 5-2. Priest Would Refuse Joe Bid*en Communion Because He’s Pro-Abortion: ‘Over My Dead Body, Not Until He Repents’  "The discipline and rules set down by My Son and those He chose to write the Book of life and love must be adhered to. We direct, in the name of the Trinity, t..

5-1. Priest: Any Bishop, Cardinal (or Pope) Who Praises Bi*den as Catholic Is ‘Wolf in Shepherd’s Clothing’

These Last Days News - January 27, 2021URGENT: Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives. 5-1. Priest: Any Bishop, Cardinal (or Pope) Who Praises Bi*den as Catholic Is ‘Wolf in Shepherd’s Clothing’  "There will be many mitres in hell. Many priests are on the road to damnation; with them they take others. For this, the lowest pit of the abyss will be eternity! ..