◈ 시노드 공동합의성 (Synod on Synodality)/②Germany’s SynodalWay Approves Same-Sex 4

[4-4] Synod Proposal to ‘Decentralize’ Doctrinal Authority Met With Major Pushback...

PRAY FOR YOUR BISHOPS"You will continue, My children, to pray for your bishops. It is through misdirection and loss of grace, because of too few prayers, that they now have set themselves into the darkness."A Church in darkness wears a band of death about it. Remember that, My pastors. A Church in darkness shall close its doors! But My Church shall not be extinct or destroyed, for the church of ..

4-3. Vatican’s Synod Account on X Deletes Poll after 88% Reject ‘Synodality’...

These Last Days News - July 30, 2024PLEASE: Forward a link to this web page to one person... 4-3. Vatican’s Synod Account on X Deletes Poll after 88% Reject ‘Synodality’...  Vatican III"Watch, My child, what is to be. They will call another Council. Oh, but satan now has his plans. O woe, woe to evil man-what is to come upon them!" - The Bayside PropheciesOur Lady of the Roses, February 1, 1974 ..

4-2. Synod Official Refuses to Answer Whether Members Must Follow Church Teaching in Discussions...

These Last Days News - October 11, 2023URGENT: Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives. 4-2. Synod Official Refuses to Answer Whether Members Must Follow Church Teaching in Discussions... "My children, in the past My Church, My people have gone through crucibles of suffering, but I say unto you: My House, My Church upon earth is passing through a trial far g..

4-1. Germany’s Synodal Way Approves Same-Sex ‘Blessings’ in Open Defiance of Church Teaching...

These Last Days News - March 13, 2023URGENT: Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives. 4-1. Germany’s Synodal Way Approves Same-Sex ‘Blessings’ in Open Defiance of Church Teaching... WRATH OF THE FATHER"Much tribulation lies ahead, but these trials have been brought upon you by man. As it was in the days of Noe, so it is in your day that man is prideful and a..