◈ 시노드 공동합의성 (Synod on Synodality)/Vatican’s Synod-88% Reject ‘Synodality’ 8

9-8. Catholic Priest: ‘Synodality’ Aims to Destroy the Church by ‘Restructuring’ It into an NGO...

These Last Days News - May 23, 2024PLEASE: Forward a link to this web page to one person... 9-8. Catholic Priest: ‘Synodality’ Aims to Destroy the Church by ‘Restructuring’ It into an NGO...  Vatican III"Watch, My child, what is to be. They will call another Council. Oh, but satan now has his plans. O woe, woe to evil man-what is to come upon them!" - The Bayside PropheciesOur Lady of the Roses,..

9-7. New Synod Documents Reveal Discussion Themes for Study Groups Formed By Francis...

These Last Days News - March 14, 2024PLEASE: Forward a link to this web page to one person... 9-7. New Synod Documents Reveal Discussion Themes for Study Groups Formed By Francis... ​Worse to Come"And if you think you have seen carnage now already in the Church, the worst is yet to come, unless you follow the rules given by My Mother many years ago, of prayer, atonement, and sacrifice."- The Bay..

9-6. Pope Francis Is Encouraging Dissident Bishops to Spread Error and Sinful Teaching...

These Last Days News - November 2, 2022URGENT: Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives. 9-6. Pope Francis Is Encouraging Dissident Bishops to Spread Error and Sinful Teaching...  HERESY, APOSTASY ABOUND"Because of the arrogance and pride of My clergy, many of Our sheep, Our children, are lost to the Kingdom of Heaven. Many mitres are destined for the abyss. ..

9-5. Dutch Bishop Leaves ‘Vile’ Synod on Synodality: ‘The Holy Spirit Has Absolutely Nothing to Do With It’...

These Last Days News - November 10, 2022PLEASE: Forward a link to this web page to one person... 9-5. Dutch Bishop Leaves ‘Vile’ Synod on Synodality: ‘The Holy Spirit Has Absolutely Nothing to Do With It’...  Vatican III"Watch, My child, what is to be. They will call another Council. Oh, but satan now has his plans. O woe, woe to evil man-what is to come upon them!" - The Bayside PropheciesOur L..

9-4. Swiss Bishop Condemns the Synod on Synodality as a ‘Marketing Campaign’ For Heresy...

These Last Days News - November 4, 2022PLEASE: Forward a link to this web page to one person... 9-4. Swiss Bishop Condemns the Synod on Synodality as a ‘Marketing Campaign’ For Heresy...  Vatican III"Watch, My child, what is to be. They will call another Council. Oh, but satan now has his plans. O woe, woe to evil man-what is to come upon them!"- The Bayside PropheciesOur Lady of the Roses, Febr..

9-3. Cdl. Müller Compares Synodal Way to Pro-Nazi German Christians in The 1930s...

These Last Days News - November 16, 2022URGENT: Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives. 9-3. Cdl. Müller Compares Synodal Way to Pro-Nazi German Christians in The 1930s...  WRATH OF THE FATHER"Much tribulation lies ahead, but these trials have been brought upon you by man. As it was in the days of Noe, so it is in your day that man is prideful and arrogant,..

9-2. Cardinal Müller’s Take on Francis’ Pick for the Synod, Father James Martin...

These Last Days News - July 14, 2023URGENT: Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives. 9-2. Cardinal Müller’s Take on Francis’ Pick for the Synod, Father James Martin...  "I will not stand for My priests who condone homosexuality and allow it in My priesthood!...I will not stand by and allow My priesthood to be destroyed!" - The Bayside PropheciesJesus, June 1..

9-1. US Bishops Conference Show Support for Heretical Anti-Church Synodality...

These Last Days News - July 13, 2022URGENT: Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives. 9-1. US Bishops Conference Show Support for Heretical Anti-Church Synodality...  “My children, you will all recognize the faces of evil. Satan has entered into the highest ranks of My Church. Pray now for your priests: your bishops, your cardinals, your clergy. Many prayers ..