◈ 프란치스코 교황의 이단(Pope Francis' Heresy) 53

7-1. 이탈리아의 교회법 전문가-로마 시민들이 프란치스코 교황을 적교황으로 생각한다는 마이클 보리스의 보고서를 확인하다...

These Last Days News - 2020. 1. 17PLEASE email a link of this web page to one person... 7-1. 이탈리아의 교회법 전문가-로마 시민들이 프란치스코 교황을 적교황으로 생각한다는 마이클 보리스의 보고서를 확인하다...  666의 무리들이 지금 로마에 풀려 있다“666의 무리들이 지금 로마에 풀려나 최고위층까지 침입하였다. 주교는 주교와 추기경은 추기경에 맞설 것이다. 이는 정화의 시간이 올 때까지 계속 될 것이다.”- 베이사이드 메시지 중예수님, 1977. 7. 25 “나의 자녀들아, 과거 나의 교회에서 내 백성들은 고난의 십자가의 길을 지나왔다. 하지만 너희에게 말한다: 나의 집, 지상의 나의 교회는 과거 그 어느 때보다 큰 시련을 지나..

11-1. Italian Canon Law Expert Confirms Michael Voris' Report that People in Rome Think Francis May be an Antipope...

These Last Days News - January 17, 2020PLEASE email a link of this web page to one person... 11-1. Italian Canon Law Expert Confirms Michael Voris' Report that People in Rome Think Francis May be an Antipope...  THE AGENTS OF 666 NOW ARE LOOSED IN ROME"The agents of 666 now are loosed in Rome and have entered into the highest places of the hierarchy. It will be bishop against bishop and cardinal..

Mother Miriam: Francis’ Proposal for ‘New Humanism’ Would ‘Wipe Out Christianity’

These Last Days News - September 26, 2019 PLEASE email a link of this web page to one person... Mother Miriam: Francis’ Proposal for ‘New Humanism’ Would ‘Wipe Out Christianity’... BUILDING A UTOPIA "My children of the world, you stand now upon a hill, a hill that you have built upon humanistic values and materialistic manners, as you sought to build a world of your own, cutting off the light, a..