"The pages of John's writings, the Apocalypse, the Revelations, are turning faster and faster. Man controls the speed to his destruction. Your country, My child, the United States, and many countries of the world have become paganized. My Son's Church upon earth shall go through a great crucible of suffering with chaos.
"The good shall be called the bad, and the bad shall be glorified. It will not be easy, My children, to remain upon the narrow road. You have been given many graces to retain you. Wear your sacramentals, and protect your children. Your home must be a fortress against evil.
"My children, I ask that a constant vigil of prayer be conducted throughout your country and all of the nations of earth.
"The time is fast approaching when many nations shall disappear from the earth. War is a punishment for the sins of mankind. Man cannot live without his God, for he will die both spiritually and physically.
"You must read your Book of life and love, the Bible, and you will not be lost. You will understand the approach of the end days."
- The Bayside Prophecies
Our Lady of the Roses, October 6, 1978
"There will be much woe set upon the earth by 666: accidents that are not accidents, floods, famines, sin, impurity, immorality. My child, you will go about your earth--My children, you will all go about your earth wondering if mass insanity has set upon mankind. Oh, yes, My children, sin is surely insanity. As time accelerates and becomes an era of evil, My children, many will feel that life has reversed itself, for the good will be persecuted and the evil shall be glorified. As it was in the time of Noe and Sodom, so it is now, but the evils are far worse and more sophisticated. But as it was in those days, My children, so it will be now. The Chastisement is fast approaching upon mankind. Do not slow or slacken the pace of your work because of scoffers. I assure you, My children, even the scoffers will one day recognize the truth, but too late.
"Keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your world and your country. Unite with those of true reason to become part of Christ's holy legion."
- The Bayside Prophecies
Jesus, April 9, 1977
The above Messages from Our Lady were given to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, New York.
[12-6] Say NO to Francis Removing Pro-life Hero Fr. Frank Pavone from Priesthood... reported on December 17, 2022:
LifeSiteNews was shocked to learn that Father Frank Pavone, the National Director of Priests for Life, has been dismissed from the priesthood.
To add to our feelings of outrage, Pavone himself had no idea that this had happened until a reporter called him for comment.
In response, LifeSiteNews has launched a petition in which you may say “NO” to Pope Francis on this unprecedented attack on the pro-life movement and the Catholic Church in the USA.
Given all the rhetoric we have heard during the first year of the so-called Synod on Synodality, it is clear that the “listening Church” is making a mockery of justice.
Here’s what we know so far: Catholic News Agency reports that a December 13 letter to all bishops in America, sent from the Pope’s representative in America – the Papal Nuncio Archbishop Christophe Pierre – says that Pavone was laicized for “blasphemous communications on social media” and “persistent disobedience of the lawful instructions of his diocesan bishop.”
Faithful Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, has a response to that:
“The blasphemy is that this holy priest is canceled while an evil president promotes the denial of truth & the murder of the unborn at every turn, Vatican officials promote immorality & denial of the deposit of faith & priests promote gender confusion devastating lives…evil,” he said on Twitter.
In a separate statement, the papal nuncio wrote that the Prefect of the Dicastery for the Clergy – the head of the Vatican’s department dealing with priests – said that there was “no possibility of appeal” of the decision.
This, during a week in which Pope Francis is receiving criticism for his lenient behavior towards Slovenian priest-artist – and alleged sexual abuser – Father Marko Ivan Rupnik. This, in the midst of never-ending scandals – financial, moral, and theological – involving Vatican-based prelates like suspected embezzler Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu and the egregious president of the once great Pontifical Academy for Life, Cardinal Vincenzo Paglia. This, while clerical heretics attempt to destroy the Catholic faith in Germany from within.
This, this is beyond belief.
We’re not going to stand for this spiritual rape of Fr. Pavone, and we ask you to read his story and join us in our protest by signing our new petition.
We’ve had enough of attacks on good priests while bad priests are promoted to the heights of the hierarchy. Have you?
"My child and My children of grace, remember in the days ahead: your world and your country shall appear to all those in the light as though insanity has come upon them. The good shall be trodden upon, and the evil ones shall gain in worldly goods until all voices cry to Heaven: 'Lord, Lord! When shall you send Your vengeance upon them? Why do the wicked go about their way in gain while they trod underfoot the godly?'
"My children, the Eternal Father has a way that no human mind or man could understand. He is patient; He is all-suffering and long-suffering, never wishing that one should be lost to satan.”
– The Bayside Prophecies
Our Lady of the Roses, April 2, 1977
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