These Last Days News - July 31, 2023
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Vatican Considering ‘Mayan Rite’ of Mass after Mexican Bishops Overwhelmingly Approve It...
"Pagans roam the world, pagans walk into the House of God. Man, you have reduced yourselves to the state of an animal. Your intellectual pride has set you down the ladder to the fires.”
- The Bayside Prophecies
Our Lady of the Roses, August 5, 1973
“Pagans! Pagans, My child, pagans roaming also in the House of My Son! Is there no one who will go and chase them out? I have asked you, for the Father, to return Michael to My Son’s House. He is the guardian of the Faith. Michael must be entered into My Son’s House.
“Pastors, shepherds of the flock, why do you scatter Our sheep? Do you not know that your responsibility lies with the Father, your Creator, Who has chosen you to direct His sheep? Why have you chosen to scatter them? Gather these sheep, or forever you, too, shall enter into the abyss. There is no place in Heaven for one who has cast aside the role so important, of such greatness, one who is a representative of My Son in His House, chosen from among thousands, millions upon your earth. How sad that so few recognize any longer their true calling!"
- The Bayside Prophecies
Our Lady of the Roses, June 15, 1974
"The agents of 666 now are loosed in Rome and have entered into the highest places of the hierarchy. It will be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, till all that remains will come forward out of the cleansing."
- The Bayside Prophecies
Jesus, July 25, 1977
The above Messages from Our Lord and Our Lady were given to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, New York. reported on July 31, 2023:
by Michael Haynes
Mexico’s Catholic bishops have overwhelmingly approved and sent to Rome their proposals for a Mayan rite of the Mass, which incorporates lay leadership and apparent elements of idolatry. LifeSite has received a copy of the text now being examined by the Vatican, and presents elements of it below.
ACI Prensa reported on July 25 that the Mexican Bishops’ Conference has submitted its proposals for an “indigenous” liturgical adaptation of the Mass to the Vatican’s Congregation (now Dicastery) for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments (CDW).
The emeritus bishop of San Cristóbal de las Casas, Cardinal Felipe Arizmendi, described the proposed rite as “advancing the progress of inculturation of the Church in the native peoples and of taking responsibility for the celebration of Holy Mass with some elements of these cultures.”
Arizmendi is one of the chief proponents of the initiative, and—as LifeSite’s Dr. Maike Hickson has reported—Arizmendi’s record of overseeing the ordination of female deacons and formulating an indigenous rite of the Mass has received notable support from Pope Francis.
He added that “the creators of these initiatives are the same Indigenous people of San Cristóbal de Las Casas.”
Arizmendi told ACI Prensa that he had responsibility for writing the text and presenting it to the bishops before they voted to approve it.
The proposed liturgical changes were then approved almost unanimously by Mexico’s bishop, who voted 103-2 in favor during the April 2023 plenary assembly. Arizmendi also stated that the country’s bishops extended the proposals to “all the native peoples of the country,” rather than just to those of the San Cristóbal diocese.
Joining Arizmendi in promoting the endeavor to the other Mexican bishops was the cardinal’s successor in the Diocese of San Cristóbal—Bishop Rodrigo Aguilar. Aguilar also joined Arizmendi in presenting the proposals to the Pope and the CDW, stating that the Vatican had received the proposals “favorably” when they were delivered to the CDW in June.
LifeSiteNews contacted the CDW asking for further information about the Vatican’s decision and when it might be expected, but did not receive a reply by time of publication.
The proposal’s presentation to Rome comes shortly after the Mexican bishops conducted their ad limina visit to the Vatican in February, meeting with Pope Francis and the various curial departmental prefects. At the time, the bishops announced that they wished to send a proposal of such a new rite in May to Rome for approval.
Dr. Maike Hickson has extensively reported on the developments of the proposed “Mayan” rite of the Mass. (See HERE and HERE). She noted that a Mayan rite has already been practiced in the Diocese of San Cristóbal, as it has been approved by the Mexican bishops’ conference. Just as with the Amazonian rite, Pope Francis has signaled his support of the liturgical changes, Dr. Hickson noted.
In March, Cardinal Arizmendi provided LifeSite with a copy of the official draft of the new Mayan rite of Mass that was presented to the bishops’ conference. Dr. Hickson reported extensively on the text.
As Hickson reported, the proposals include numerous elements of lay promotion in the liturgy, including the two liturgical offices of a “principal” and an “incensor.” A rubrical outline of the proposed Mayan rite is thus provided in the image below, with the “principal” and the “incensor” taking key prominence, and the “principal” at times appearing of equal or greater importance than the priest.
Screenshot of the proposed liturgy
Details of ‘principal’ from text examined by Vatican
Arizmendi has now been gracious enough to provide LifeSite with the official version which has been submitted to the Vatican, noting that “we now await the response of the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. We hope that everything proposed will be approved in Rome.”
The proposals do not differ too greatly to those sent to LifeSite in March, albeit they have been slightly summarized for the CDW’s perusal. The text focusses on the precise liturgical actions the new lay offices would involve, rather than giving the wider details and theological-style explanations about the new roles which are contained in the more expansive version written in March.
Interestingly, in the version now submitted to Rome, the “principal’s” duties remain the same as in the version LifeSite saw in March and which the Mexican bishops approved, but the process of summarizing the details for the CDW’s perusal has removed from this version the description that the “principal” will be either male or female. Instead, no stipulation about the sex of the principal is given.
The celebrating priest serves as the one to introduce the lay “principal” to the congregation. The proposed formula is “Brethren, with hearts well disposed, guided by the Principal, let us pray together to God.”
LifeSite’s translation of the text is provided in the image below, which details the “principal’s” liturgical duties.
Duties of the principal
Details provided in the more expansive, March version of the text note the high importance given to the “principal.” Such a person is described as follows:
the liturgical office of principal is conferred on the person, male or female, who is a moral authority in the community, who guides his people in prayer and faith. He is the one who guides and gives advice on the life of faith, religious traditions and also takes care of the good performance of the work of those who have a ministry of service in the Christian community. Within the liturgical celebrations its function is to guide the people, at the invitation of the one who presides over the celebration, in moments of community prayer.
The March text also noted that the role of the “principal” will “become even more relevant during the period of absence of the clergy in our diocese.”
The “principal” can be either male or female and would be chosen by the parish, before being confirmed by the local bishop.
A woman blessing a new priest in the diocese of San Cristóbal
Incensor assuming priest’s role
While the role of the “incensor” might sound akin to the role of the thurifer, it is fact a combination of the roles of the thurifer, the deacon, and the celebrating priest.
As such, the “incensor” will not just hold the thurible but will be responsible for incensing the cross, the altar, and the sacred images—an action that is proper to the priest or a deacon if a deacon is assisting the priest in a solemn Mass.
Notably, the “incensor” again assumes the duties of the priest (or deacon in a solemn Mass) by incensing the Gospel book, as well as the Offertory incensing, which includes censing “the offerings, the altar, the cross, the priest and the people.”
LifeSite’s translation of the text is provided in the image below:
Role of the “incensor” in the proposed liturgy
Liturgical ‘ritual dance’
As already highlighted by Dr. Hickson, the new Mayan rite does include a form of “ritual dance” which is described as being a “thanksgiving after Communion,” although it can be done “as a Prayer of the Faithful, or as an Offertory offering” the text notes.
The priest introduces the dance, which “is performed with a ritual dance (light movements of the body), accompanied by local instrumental music.” However, after introducing the dance, the priest once more cedes his ground to the “principal,” who calls upon musicians to lead the music.
“The community prays by dancing with light movements of the body,” the text notes.
At the close of the dance, the priest issues the customary final prayer and blessing for Mass.
What is not present in the text sent to the Vatican
In March, Cardinal Arizmendi told LifeSite that “in the Mayan rites that we propose in the Mass, there is nothing of animism, polytheism, etc., of the ancient Mayas. The rites that we propose have a Catholic base, but developed by these new peoples, who have Mayan origins, but who have distanced themselves from the ancient Maya.”
While much of the essence of the March 2023 draft remains in the text now being examined by Cardinal Arthur Roche’s dicastery, certain elements are notably absent: as already mentioned, the current draft sent to the Vatican does not contain any of the explanation or theological style language used in the March draft.
But other aspects are also missing, such as the suggestion that the “principal” might engage in the pagan practice of praying to the four directions of the earth. “On special occasions,” the March draft says, “this prayer can be realigned by invoking God from the four cardinal points.” To invoke God from the four cardinal points implies in the Mayan tradition polytheism: the four directions of the earth—north, west, south, east—are traditionally connected with gods.
While these lines are not mentioned in the Vatican’s version, what is contained is the note that the candles used during the prayer “can be of the same white color, or of different colors, according to the directions of the universe.”
Indeed, widely removed from the current text are the overtly pagan descriptions of many of the actions which are nevertheless still being performed. The “ritual dance,” for example, was referenced in the March text thus: “the feet caress the face of Mother Earth, making light movements. The face of God is greeted by moving to the four directions of the universe.”
Such lines were not present in the current text sent to LifeSite.
However, the question must be raised as to why such lines are absent. Should Mexico’s bishops wish to create a pagan-style Mayan rite, then removing any problematic language from the text sent to the Vatican would be very recommended in terms of achieving their goal.
Presuming the CDW does indeed approve the proposed liturgy, then the liturgical actions—based on, and drawn from, pagan actions—will still be present in the liturgy, regardless of whether the CDW has examined the pagan-style theological language in the March draft or not. Such a liturgy would then be at the liberty of the individual cleric involved, who would feel at ease incorporating the wider, accompanying pagan aspects of the rituals which the Vatican would have approved.
While no date for the Vatican’s decision on the document has been given, its approval should not be unexpected. The Undersecretary of the CDW—Bishop Aurelio García Macías—was heavily involved in drawing up the rite.
He told local media in March that the process was “a personal enrichment for me because I believe that the local experience of San Cristóbal de Las Casas has discerned, has been able to study, reflect and can be enriched with the universal experience of the Catholic Church.”
"I ask you not to judge your brothers and sisters, but I also counsel you in all warmth of heart as your Mother, not to abandon them in their sin, but to offer charitable consolation in the knowledge of their Faith. A religious foundation must be given to all of the children, the young of the world. Without this foundation of religion, paganism takes over, and soon you will see a major increase in murders and all form of abominations.
"I shall not, My child, in your weakened state this evening, give you a long discourse on the major sins of the world: the sins that shall be held in abeyance, the sins that shall send mankind into a World War, a war far greater in destructive nature than mankind has ever experienced.”
- The Bayside Prophecies
Our Lady of the Roses, November 24, 1979
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