◈ 추기경 (Cardinal)/②Cardinal Burke - Stay faithful.

20-18. Cardinal Burke Calls on Catholics to Prepare for Possibility of Martyrdom Due to Faithfulness to Christ...

성 미카엘회 회장 송 바울라 정자 2024. 7. 28. 21:22


These Last Days News - July 22, 2024

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20-18. Cardinal Burke Calls on Catholics to Prepare for Possibility of Martyrdom Due to Faithfulness to Christ...


“If the world hates you, know ye that it hath hated me before you. If you had been of the world, the world would love its own: but because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.”

- St. John 15:18-9 DRB


"The battle, My child, will accelerate very shortly for there will not only be a great war of weapons of mankind, but it will be known soon throughout the world as a religious war."

- The Bayside Prophecies

Our Lady of the Roses August 21, 1974


"My children, are there so few who will suffer for the Faith? Are My children lost to the need for suffering and martyrdom for the Faith? Do you not understand, My children, that martyrdom means immediate entrance into Heaven. Is this not worth fighting for?"

- The Bayside Prophecies

Our Lady of the Roses, November 20, 1978


The above Messages from Our Lord were given to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, New York.



LifeSiteNews.com reported on July 22, 2024:


by Clare Marie Merkowsky


Cardinal Raymond Burke called on Catholics to prepare for the possibility of martyrdom for remaining faithful to Christ.


On July 13th, Cardinal Burke delivered a stirring homily at the World Apostolate of Fatima in Asbury, New Jersey, reminding Catholics to sacrifice for the conversion of sinners according to the message of Our Lady of Fatima.


“The instruction of the Mother of God resounds in our hearts today as we live in a world which is ever more beset by the rebellion against God and His plan for our eternal salvation through the Redemptive Incarnation of God the Son,” the prelate declared.



Cardinal Burke’s homily was delivered at the Votive Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary hosted by the Knights of Columbus in Basking Ridge, New Jersey, and Our Lady’s Blue Army, a lay group that works to spread the Fatima message.


The cardinal referenced the Fatima apparition to the three young children Saints Francisco and Jacinta Marto and Venerable Lucia dos Santos that took place on July 13, 1917.


During the apparition, the Blessed Virgin requested that the children pray the Holy Rosary daily and to offer sacrifices for the reparation of sinners. Our Lady gave the children a vision of hell, where those who reject Christ burned for eternity.


Cardinal Burke compared the vision of hell to the “the rebellion within the Church herself, in apostasy from Christ, from the Apostolic Tradition by which Christ continues to teach, sanctify, and guide us along the way of our earthly pilgrimage to our eternal home in Heaven.”


However, far from discouraging, he revealed that through prayer and sacrifice, the Church can be restored to her former beauty.


“Our responsibility is, as Our Lady of Fatima, teaches us so clearly, to transform the situation of the world and the Church by overcoming in our lives any sin and darkness, by daily turning to Christ and seeking to follow him with all our heart,” he said.


Cardinal Burke suggested that Catholics practice devotions such as praying the daily Holy Rosary, acts of penance and reparation, and receiving the sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion.


“We must daily turn to Christ and embrace the white martyrdom of indifference, ridicule, and persecution,” he declared, warning that “some of us may even be called to give the ultimate witness of red martyrdom, of death in remaining faithful to Christ and to His plan for our salvation and the salvation of the world.”


However, just as the vision of Hell was not meant to discourage the young Fatima children, Cardinal Burke encouraged Catholics to remain hopeful that the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph if Catholics offer their lives to Her.


“Each of us is called, with Mary Immaculate, to do our part in Christ’s saving work, according to our vocation in life and our distinct gifts,” he explained.


“Each of us is called to pray and do penance for the conversion of Russia, to make the First Saturdays of Reparation, and to pray the Rosary, keeping in our hearts, one with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, all that Our Lord has said and done for our eternal salvation,” he continued.


“May we, one in heart with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, keep always in our hearts the Mystery of Faith, so that we, with Mary, may bring Christ and His saving work to the world,” the prelate prayed.





"All who continue in the battle ahead must accept martyrdom. It does not, My child, necessarily mean death of your body, but it will mean persecution. Stand fast in the faith. Keep the faith in the hearts of those you love. Extend your charity of heart to all of your brother and sisters throughout the world. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer."

- The Bayside Prophecies

Our Lady of the Roses, October 2, 1974



"My child and My children of grace, remember in the days ahead: your world and your country shall appear to all those in the light as though insanity has come upon them. The good shall be trodden upon, and the evil ones shall gain in worldly goods until all voices cry to Heaven: 'Lord, Lord! When shall you send Your vengeance upon them? Why do the wicked go about their way in gain while they trod underfoot the godly?'

"My children, the Eternal Father has a way that no human mind or man could understand. He is patient; He is all-suffering and long-suffering, never wishing that one should be lost to satan.”

– The Bayside Prophecies

Our Lady of the Roses, April 2, 1977





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