◈ The Bayside Prophecies 1968-1994/1972 The Bayside Prophecies

1972 The Bayside Prophecies

성 미카엘회 회장 송 바울라 정자 2019. 8. 22. 22:46

UN: Brood of Vipers

 February 1, 1972 - Eve of the Presentation of Our Lord
     Our Lady “My child, it is Our wish that none should perish in the days ahead. Convert the unbeliever. Michael, the guardian of Our House, makes it known to you that you must make every effort to convert the unbeliever. The good stalks are being fed the pure waters, or they would have wilted, My child, long ago. Satan has destroyed many minds. Satan has captured many souls from Us. We ask now those with strength in the light, to reach out and save your brothers.
New York City labeled Babylon

     “You have allowed the evil to grow strong in your country. You will remove from your country this seat of evil that grows strong in your city. The mark of the beast has labeled your city Babylon! Open your heart and eyes now to the truth, before it is too late. You are being blindly led to your own destruction. The brood of vipers within your city must be removed at once!
     “The world is fast turning to the darkness.
     “Man must learn to humble his spirit. His excessive luxuries are destroying his spirit. The arrogance of man in his intellectual life has made him build his nest in the sky, but I will fling the eagle from his nest!
A soulless monster

     “You seek to create as the Creator! You have reached the point of the fallen angels. You will create in the jar a monster, for it will be soulless! Your arrogance and superiority will be your own destruction, you who seek to take the place of your Father! My children, recognize the path you are falling on.
     “I have given you for your enlightenment many miraculous manifestations, My children. It is only to strengthen you in the days ahead, for many will fall in this work. They will not be able to carry on. The cross will be too heavy for them. The strength will be given to you if you come to My Son, for you will bask in the light of His Sacred Heart.
     “My Son sheds tears of great sorrow. He cannot look upon the creation with joy.
     “The pages of the Book of love and life must turn, My children. But would you know what lies before you, you would be on your knees constantly, begging that this chastisement will be lessened upon you. Have you prepared yourself as I have come to prepare you? Have you listened to My words, or have you hardened your hearts to My pleas?
     “O My children, I have wandered the world in sorrow. I have approached many, and many have turned their backs upon Me.
     “Mothers, fathers, guard your children! It is your duty as the parents to protect the souls of your children for Us, for those who were given the grace to teach are now misleading in error.”
     Veronica Jesus says:
     Jesus “To all My bishops and priests of the world and earth, I ask you now: shall you stand before Me and say, ‘My teaching is pure in Your sight.’? Remember, you will stand before Me and say, ‘My teaching is pure in Your sight.’ And I shall cast you as venom from the vipers into the flames of damnation.
     “Your cross, My child, will grow very heavy. You will close your mind and ears to the opinion of man, for your direction will be from My Mother and I. Keep humble of spirit, My child, for the last shall advance to the first.
Church of God and church of man
     “There are two crosses in your world now, My children: the cross of the living God and the one that man has built for himself to worship. There are two churches on your earth now: the Church of your living God and the church of man.
     “Remember, do not condemn My Church, My children, for I gave it to you with truth and purity. It is manin influence of satanusing fallen leaders who seek to defy and defile Me and My House! Those who remain in the light will recognize this truth. These loosed demons can be driven away by the guardiansthe angelsassigned to My House to defend My House! Yes, even those who have fallen from grace will be rescued if they repent of their ways now and turn back to Us! Soon there will be a sword placed upon the world.
Punishment in stages

     “The punishment upon an unrepentant world will be given in stages. One will be internal, man’s own creation; the next will be from the elements; and finally, from the constellations will fall upon you the Ball of Redemption. Houses will blow in the wind and skin will dry up and blow from the bones as though it had never been.
     “Hasten, harken, and listen now, for you are receiving one of the final warnings given to this world. Before the cataclysm comes upon you, Our words will have reached throughout your earth; and those who fall will fall of their own choosing.
     “Do not judge, but act in charity, for the final judge is always the Father.
     “Every man on earth will follow one course to save himself: atonement, prayer, sacrifice, and turning from the lures that satan has leashed and unlashed upon you. You have been allowed to become blind because of your sins. You have been allowed to fall because you cast away the graces that We have given you. And there will come the time when satan will be loosed in full to claim those who have made their way to him.”
Oasis in a barren land

     Our Lady “This hallowed place will become soon an oasis in a barren land, My children. In time you will understand fully well what I am telling you now.
     “Since you have been given this grace to hear My words, you have an obligation now to pass this word to your brothers and sisters. For there will be many tears before the gathering of My Son’s House. But one daykeep the hope, My children, in your heartsyes, one day all will be as beautiful. All will be as the Father had created it to be. This thought, this truth you will keep with you in the days ahead. Remember, My children, one day all will be joy again.
     “My Son plans His return now. All of the next days will be governed by your actions now. Yes, My Son plans to return, but there will be many trials and tribulations before that great day.
     “Our hearts also are heavy, My children, but they lighten when We view the joy that will be Our ultimate victory over satan and the powers, the principalities, the evil he has set up upon your world, upon Our children.
     “Keep your Rosary about your neck; retire in prayer and works of charity. Do not become a part of this new system of satan on your earth.
     “Think, My children: can you remember those earth days when life was filled with more joy than today? And you will recognize the progress satan has made in your world to destroy your happiness, to destroy your love. Oh yes, My children, he does not do this so you will recognize his dirty work. No, he is a vile creature of the flames who parades as angels of light until he has drawn you into the web that he spins across the earth now.
     “If you listen to Us, if you save yourself now in the heart of My Son, His Sacred Heart, you will not be caught in this web.
     “I am on earth now, visiting many places as a Mediatrix of all graces, graces freely bestowed on all who ask for them.
     “I am the Queen of Heaven, Mother of earth, but I am still a Mother of My children. And you are My children, and I will be with you until I return with My Son.
     “I will be here on the eve of all feast days. I will dispense many graces from these hallowed grounds. Come to Me, My children. Fill your souls with the graces so necessary in the dark days ahead.
     “I must warn you now, My children, the war is on. While you gather your graces there is one beside you who seeks to take them away. You must guard yourself well, My children, against the evils. Learn to recognize the face of evil about you. Pray, and you will be given the light.
     “You will now, My children, extend your sacramentals. My Son will bless all sacramentals.”
     Veronica Extend your sacramentals. Jesus will bless all sacramentalscards, medals, books. Jesus is standing to the left, far left, of the flagpole. He is blessing all sacramentals in the sign of the Holy Trinity, like this.
     Now Jesus has moved to the right side of the flagpole. He says:
     Jesus “I bless you all, My children. Come to Me in belief.”
     Veronica Our Lady is dressed in a very white gown. And the mantle is very bright, it’s very bright. I can hardly look at it. It’s gold all around the outside of the mantle. It goes likeit comes down Her back. And She’s holding a Rosary, a very large Rosary. It’s white, and it glows; I see some light coming from all the white beads. But on the end is a very large cross, and it’s made of beautiful gold. And as Our Lady turnsShe’s nodding to Jesus, Who is standing over to Her rightthere’s this big cross; it is beautiful!
     And Our Lady has nowit seems to have come from the sky, a round, sort of a . . . not a crown; it’s like a circlet. It’s like a circlet, and it’s gotoh, the most beautiful golden stars. And it has one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, elevenI can see twelve stars around the circlet.
     And Our Lady also is pointing to Saint Theresa, who is standing over on the left side of the flagpole. Saint Theresa has a very large Rosary, but it is brown. And Saint Theresa is motioning with her skirts, her skirts. Now Theresa says:
Immodesty of the nuns

     St. Theresa “I make it known you must dress as befits your vocation. It offends the Father and all Heaven, your immodesty, my sisters.”
     Veronica And she’s pointing to the top of her headpiece. It’s like ashe has a white band . . . [words not clear] down on her forehead, and she has a, what looks like a black cloth on her head. And she says:
     St. Theresa “No hair. No hair means no hair showing.”
     Veronica And she says keep the arms covered.
     St. Theresa “. . . [Words not clear] and pray for my sisters.”
     Veronica Oh, but over here Jesus is pointing, and I see the inside of a church. And He’s going like this to the people in the church. And He’s going like this, because I see people walking down, and they are receiving Communion. And they’re forming aand they’re also . . . also there’s a womanoh! Oh, Our Lady is standing there with a handkerchief across Her eyes, because She’s pointing to a girlshe looks about eighteenand the girl, the girl has an open dress. And I can see her underwear as she’s bending over to receive Holy Communion, I can see her underwear. And Our Lady is terribly upset. Oh! Oh!
     And I see that Jesus has turned, and He’s placing His fingers like this. And He’s standing, He’s standing by the altar railing. And Jesus is going over by the priest. And the priest turns his back on Him.
     And Theresa, Theresa is pointing to some who are approaching the altar railing, and she is pointing to their hair. There are five girls. They look like they haven’t anything on their heads. . . . [words not clear.]
     And Jesus says:
     Jesus “You have now, My child, witnessed the defilement brought upon man. My teachers are not pure in My sight.”
     Veronica Jesus says that what will take place in the days ahead will be necessary for the forceful recovery of souls. Jesus says the Father is all-merciful, but rather than lose His children to satan, firm action will be taken.
And Our Lady seems to be crying. And She’s pointing, pointing over toit looks like a . . . [words not clear.] And She’s saying:
     Our Lady “There will be a glorious victory soon upon the world. Prepare yourself; cleanse your soul of all sin, mortal and venial. Prepare yourself for the spectacle ahead. Many will see and yet not believe, My children.”
     Veronica Now Jesus has returned to the right of the flagpole. He’s blessing everyone at this time with the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
     Our Lady said continue with the prayers that are needed for the recovery of all straying souls.

 Rose Notes from Veronica:

     Miraculous photos are being given from Heaven. We now have a photo of a sunset, and in the clouds are the letters: “U.N,” and on the other end of the photo, a dragon. The letters appeared from nowhere onto a Polaroid photo when a lady was photographing the sunset before the entrance of Red China into the U.N.
     We also have a photo of a pope rising in the clouds into Heaven. The photo was taken of the sky, and out came the pope with a cross and staff in his hand.
     The Jacinta 1972 photo and the eagle are also recorded for holy Church of the future.
Please wear your sacramentals at all timesthe Rosary, the cross, Scapulars, medalsphysical and spiritual armors of grace.
     God bless you in the light.


No Dates to be Given...
 March 24, 1972 - Eve of the Annunciation
     Saint Michael arrived at the side of Our Lady. In a booming, awesome voice, impressive with authority, he said:
     St. Michael “Hasten now! Listen to me, you men of irreverence of earth! I am Michael, guardian of the Faith, guardian of the House, guardian of souls within the House. I speak to you now. You will listen, or meet the fate of an unrepentant generation.
     “You have descended the steps backwards, desecrating the holy temple. As such, you call down upon yourselves a just punishment.”
     Our Lady “The armies of satan will be vanquished. It is an eventuality which man has not reckoned with. The sword will soon come upon you. O ye who stand as unrepentant in the eyes of your God, the bow is poised; it quivers. It will soon be upon you!”
     Michael held a spear in his right hand, in the left a large bow. He stepped forward and said:
     St. Michael “O ye of little faith, who have turned from the Creator and sought the pleasures of the world, O you of little faith, who have desecrated the temple within you! O ye of little faith, leaders with black souls, taking those innocent souls whom we seek to save!”
     Our Lady “My children
     Veronica Our Mother, our Blessed Mother stands beside Michael. Michael is very huge. He’s very beautiful, but there is such a sternness about his face now. I can’t see his face very well; there’s a very tremendous bright light about him. But he’s carrying a spear in his right hand and a bow in his left. And behind him is Gabriel, and he’s carrying in his right hand what looks like a scale; it’s a balance. And Raphael holds in his right hand, a cross. He says:
     St. Raphael “The war is on now. It has entered within the holy temple of God. You have set up a cross to worship, but it is of man. For this the sword will be heavy upon you.”
     Veronica Our Blessed Mother is standing next to Michael. She says:
Prayers and sacrifices for Vicar
     Our Lady “My children, the evil has accelerated. I see My Son’s House in deep darkness. Many Rosaries, many prayers will be needed for your Vicar. Unless you make many sacrifices for your Vicar, he will be removed soon from among you. It is a great sacrifice to the world, for you do not know what awaits you on the Seat of Peter.
     “There will soon be a violent change, My child, on your earth.
     “For those who have received the grace to hear My words, I plead with you now as your Mother to see that My words reach those who have not come to this hallowed ground. For those who have received in abundance, much will be expected of them.
     “O My children, how I have prayed to the Father that you would listen to Me. O My children, but for the grace from the Eternal Father to permit you to see what lies ahead! Repent now, while there is time.
     “You must accept the truth. You cannot escape the fact that there is around you an unseen world. But for the grace of the Eternal Father, you would be allowed to see what lies around you. The armies are heavy of satan.
     “The war is on. We will be victorious in the final battle, but many tears will be shed before that day. Many mothers’ hearts will be torn in sorrow. Many will leave your earth unprepared. Pray that this darkness will not reach your homes. We place the greatest responsibility upon all parents at this time to guard their children’s souls from the evil which will increase.
     “O My children, if you could look a few days in earthly years ahead and see what will come upon you, you would prepare yourself well for this day.
No dates to be given
     “You ask for dates, My child. This will not be necessary. Would I inform you of the date and the season with the plans of the Father, should thesethis knowledge turn souls to Us in truth? No, My child, it would be that they would come in fear. And when the danger to their physical bodies is over, they would turn back to their sins. And We Who suffer in Heaven would gain no advantage to have to struggle through for the salvation of your souls on earth.
     “The Father in Heaven, My child, has a plan for every soul placed upon the earth. But man is always given this free choice. No one is forced through the gates of the Kingdom. He can be strengthened with the grace to enter the gates, but no one shall be forced. The prayers of others can reach out and give this strength to the weak. For you who know the true meaning of the word ‘saving,’ use your prayers, your sacrifice, and your atonement for this express purpose of saving these wandering souls.
Earth to be planet struck
     “I have spoken often to you, My children, of the Ball of Redemption. I know that this has brought great speculation of My children. But what I will tell you now will clarify the expression. The Ball will descend from the atmosphere of your earth. It will be from the heavens. It will not be man-made; it will be part of the universe. You will be planet struck! This We hold back, but the pages must turn. The time of your baptism by fire will come about, for you cannot change the future. But you can hold back the punishment.
     “When the flowers are in bloom and the heather on the hills, then gather the lilacs and bring them to the Shrine.
     “You will see, My child, that all bishops and cardinals in My Son’s House receive My words in full. They are being held accountable for the defilement of My Son. No political involvement will be allowed in My Son’s House. Satan has led many astray, blinding them to the truth. And what is the truth, My child? That man has traded within My Son’s House, bargained His Body for worldly gain and cries for material welfare, while the souls are numberless that are being starved and led into the darkness.
     “Those who are in darkness will not be able to understand many of My words, My child, unless they receive the grace to penetrate the hardness that has taken their hearts from their vocation.
     “All pictures given in the past have been given for reason, My child. Man and his faith for his God has grown very weak. He needs physical proof now. You can well understand, My child, how desperate We are to save each soul.
     “The count will be few, the final count will be few. There will be the gathering of the souls when My Son sets His House to right.
     “You will continue now with the Rosary and await My Son. When He arrives, you will listen silently, My child, for you will be given a direction, but it will not be repeated.”
     Veronica Now everyone will extend their sacramentals, and He will bless them for you. And Jesus is now on the right side of the flagpole, and He is blessing all the sacramentals. He’s going like this. And He’s in the center. And Michael just came down behind Jesus. Michaeloh, Michael has a large bow, and Jesus said to turn back and put theMichael put something in a bow and he was going to shoot it. I don’t know what he was going to do, but Jesus stopped him from shooting this large bow. I don’t know what it is; it doesn’t look like an arrow. I don’t know what it is.
     And Jesus said to continue holding your sacramentals. And He’s blessing them now over on the left side, on our right side of the flagpole. He’s going this way: He’s holding up His hand, sort of like this, and He’s blessing. And Our Lady is standing also to the left side of the flagpole with Michael, and there’s Gabriel just behind Her.
     And Raphael is over by Jesus, on the right side. And now Raphael is wearing a long gown, but, but Michael has a very short, sort ofit looks like those Roman dresses, you know, like the Romans used to wear, sort of. And Jesus says to continue and extend it. He said and also your medals and youroh, He said monuments. He means statues. And any Scapulars, for His Mother’s ScapularsHe said if you’ll extend His Mother’s Scapulars He’ll bless them.
     Oh, I did want to take mine out, but Jesus said that’s been blessed now at least six times. Jesus said to continue the Rosary. He’s very pleased, He says, at the numbers that He knows are going to be with Him, because He said a great war is now on. A great war is now on.
     He said that at this time the Rosaries, the Sorrowful Mysteries, must be said for our Holy Father.
Rose Notes from Veronica:
     Veronica was to print this message, “When the flowers are in bloom . . .” to pass on. It will be received by a certain J. L. This part of the message is a mystery at this time to Veronica. This is also to be passed on: “The hill on the meadow is a holy place. ‘C’ will be there with the holy light, a flaming cross in sword-like formation.”
     Please submit by mail any testimonials of graces granted of cures, conversions, manifestations, etc. We are gathering them to set in booklet form for the honor and glory of God through the intercession of Mary: Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers. (Submit testimonies to Bayside, New York address only.)

Spiritual Blindness from Loss of Grace...
 March 25, 1972 - Eve of Palm Sunday
     Michael appeared with Our Lady. He escorted Her forward to about seven feet beyond the statue. He said:
     St. Michael “Praised be His name! Praise to the Lord, the Creator of your universe, and your Lord! All knees will bow at the holy name of Jesus!”
     Our Lady “My child, you will make it known to all that the road ahead for your Vicar is marked with thorns. Prayers, My children, sacrifice; atone for your Vicar now. Among you, and in My Son’s House, are those who are paving their road to hell. Our hearts are grieved, for they not only fall, but they take others with theminnocent souls misled into darkness. Woe to evil man who turns his back upon his God. When the hand falls upon him, he will not rise.
     “My child, I am not here to fill you with fright. All will be good for those of well spirit. I am not here to rescue the good, but to awaken those who have turned their backs and are following Lucifer.
     “Your world is in darkness. Our House is in darkness. I roam, My children, throughout the world, carrying the light. My steps grow heavy. The light is flickering. Who shall light their light with Me and help Us in this war of the spirits? Prayer, sacrifice, atonementis this too much to ask of you?
Bible rewritten by satan
     “We are patient, We are merciful, We are persevering. You will read the Book of life, My children. We left you a treasure of knowledge. But your Book is being up-dated, and this Book is being rewritten by satan. Be knowledgeable, My children, and understand that satan will not come to you as himself. He possesses the body of any unclean soul, be it man, woman, or child.
     “I repeat to you now: all parents will be held responsible for the fall of their children’s souls. Give them a good foundation, and when they are subjected to the storms of evil, they will not crack and crumble under the onslaught.
     “Permissiveness, My children, is destroying youlaxity of discipline, parents who involve themselves with things of this world. What has become of the dedication? What has become of the laws given to you by Our prophets? They are thrust aside. They have been changed to suit the weakness of man. How long do you think I can hold back My Son’s hand? We see the vilest of evils being committed in your country and throughout your earththe lowest of abominations, the desecration of My Son’s Body, the desecration of young souls.
     “The brood of vipers in your countrywhy do you open the doors to this evil? Have I not warned you for years, My children? You are being deceived and led blindly down the path to your own destruction. Listen to Me!
     “This year they will recrucify My Son. You are receiving one of the final warnings.
     “Do not be frightened, My children, of My warnings to you. We have given you your armor. If you receive the graces which I am giving to you in abundance, you will also have an emissary from Heaven with you. They are calling Our guardians a myth, but the very words that they use to condemn those of Heaven will be used to condemn them in the final count.
     “My Son is God, was God, and will always be God. Recognize the evil plan of satan. My Son came to earth to be among you. He is God, was God, and always will be God. Recognize the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost as one: one in the Father, one in the Son, one in the Holy Ghost. Jesus is, was, and always will be!
     “I hear all the entreaties of your hearts, My children. Some I will cure, others must carry their crosses. Do not misunderstand My words, My children. Those who will carry their crosses will be doubly blessed. We have asked for victim souls in these dark days. Carry your crosses, My children, with purpose. Offer your sufferings with My Son, Who suffered much for you.
     “Know that all sufferings will one day be ended for you. All tears will be dried, and the peace and beauty of the earth as We gave it to you will be restored. There will be trials ahead that I shall not give you full description of at this time, for We do not wish you to continue in fear. But there will be trials for My Son’s House and in your country.
Blindness from loss of grace
     “You must realize, My children, that he who does not recognize My Son as his Savior shall not be given the keys to the Kingdom. My Son has given you all in the Father an inborn conscience and guide. You will not be misled by satan or his agents or by his enticements if you do not throw away the graces that have been given to you. Your souls will only become tarnished if you fall from this grace or cast it willfully away. Then you will become blind, My children. All of you can become blind where you will no longer recognize truth.”
Michael placed his hand out in anger, pointing, saying:
     St. Michael “Luciel, the most despicable of creatures, has seduced our children. Luciel, prince of darkness, lord of damnation, your time will be short!”
     Our Lady “You have been asked to wear a sacramental about your neck. Now I will explain why, My children. I have warned you of the unseen evil forces about you. I have cautioned you that your human eyes cannot see this. But it exists and is as solid in their world as you are on your earthly plane. Know this, that there are two camps now on earth: Lucifer on one side and the road to Heaven and its followers on the other. You have all been marked. There are two signs now: the mark of the beast and the mark of the living Christ.
     “Recognize the signs of the times, My children. The war is on. My children, it is much easier to close your heart and your ears to the truth. Your human nature forces you to flee from all that does not feed your vanity. You seek good feelings. But, My children, you cannot become blind to the truth. Recognize the signs of your times, the plagues that have been already sent upon you. The medicinal deterioration of your children’s bodies was well planned by satan. It is a plague within your country; it is a plague within the world. Destroy the mind and you can leave the soul to be conquered.
     “Nakedness! Abomination! Aberrations have become the way of life in your country. Nakedness! Have you no shame to expose your body and cause another to fall? Mothers, you allow your daughters to sin and cause others to sin in your permissive attitudes. Have you no protective instincts for your children? Do you subject them willfully to the ravages of satanic agents?
     “Many arms will be needed in this battle. All who will help in this battle will be held dear in My Son’s heart. Spread, My children, My message throughout the world. I tire; My heart is heavy. I have wandered the earth.
     “We have chosen your city because it is like a cancer here, the nucleus of evil. Man no longer sees the evil in his ways. There is nothing that he will fall to. He is now killing the creations of the Eternal Father. Who will be safe in your land, My children? You will one day grow old. Will you be a burden to your family, to be removed without heart? When you grow sick, you are ill, will you become too much of a burden to your society and they will remove you?
Man reduced to animal level
     “It is easy to close your mind, My children, to the truth. Hearts will be hardened; compassion will be gone. Love of neighbor will become a jest. All the most aberrational forces of satan will descend upon you. Man will reduce himself to the animal level!
     “The Eternal Father gave man precedence over the animals, but he is now joining them. You fornicate! You break the laws of your God! Despicable women who desecrate their homeswhat have you to gain but hell! What example do you show to your children? You are like dung in the streets! Mothersdon’t use that word; call them harlots of the world. The laws of your God were given to you for reason, to keep you on the road to the Kingdom.
     “You were placed on the earth, the Eternal Father placed you with goodness in His heart. You were here as pilgrims with a purpose to make your way back to the Kingdom, to glorify your God. But now you turn to satan! There will only be a few counted in the final count. This choice will be yours. What you do now and up to the time when My Son returns will be your balance.”
     Veronica Please, everyone, please. Have your cards, the Rosaries, the crucifixes, any mementos.
Now Jesus is walking over to the left side there of the pole. And He’s blessing in the sign of the Trinity, like this. He’s coming over to the side of the pole. And Jesus is dressed in ain the light it looks like a burgundy robe. And He’s got a small golden crown, very small, and it seems to be on the back of His hair. And Jesus has a . . . well, sort of a red glint in His hair. And, but the light is so strong that it makes His hair look kind of reddish brown. And He’s walking over now here, and He’sthere’s a child here. He’s pointing down to the child; there’s a child over here. And He said:
     Jesus “The children are close to My heart in their innocence.”
     Veronica And Jesus walked by. And Our Lady is standing there. And Our Lady has this Rosary; it’s beautiful. It’s all white, the crucifix is golden. The beads are very, very large. And Our Lady has a white gown on with a blue mantle. And the mantle has real gold. It’s likeI don’t know what it’s likethe gold, little stones all down the mantle.
     Now Our Lady is smiling. But She’s showing, She’s pointing overoh, She’s pointing over there, andoh, oh, She’s referring to somebody who has a short skirt above their kneesoh, dearunder the coat. Well, Our Lady said it’s forgiven. And as She walks over andoh, justoh, She wants Jesus . . . Oh, Jesus says to tell you that His Mother is very concerned because She wants the Scapulars worn more. They’re being discarded. But She gave the Rosary, She gave people, She said, sacramentals and sacramentals. The Scapulars are numerous in graces equal to the Rosary. Oh, She’s holding, it looks like a green Scapular and a brown one. But there’s one that has some kind of figures on it. I don’t understand what it is.
St. Dymphna
     Oh! Oh, there’s a young girl with Her. Oh, Our Lady says there are some people here who have a nervous illness. And She said that Saint DymphnaShe said that you are to pray and make her name known to the world.
     She’s very pretty. She looks like she’s about thirteen years old. She has red-blonde hair, and she’s dressed inoh, it’s beautiful! She has on a white gown, but a green robe over herit’s green, like satin. Sort of likeoh, like you see in those green stones. It’s beautiful. Oh! Oh, she has also a little crown on her head.
     Our Lady said We reserve many crowns in Heaven for those whooh, will be martyred. Oh, oh! And there areOur Lady is pointing over here, and there are many crosses. Oh, there are people on the crosses. Oh, dear! There are going to be many martyrs in the days ahead before Jesus returns. Our Lady said there will be many martyrs. There are hundreds of crosses.
     Now Jesus has walked back. He’s on the left side of the flagpole. And He said:
     Jesus “My children, continue with My Mother’s beads.”
 Rose Notes from Veronica:     Jesus was very sad. He can look with compassion on the world. We must do all we can to ease His great pain.
     God bless and guide you in the light. Pray for Pope Paul. Many prayers are needed. Jesus said pray for the high priests

Agents of hell among you...
April 1, 1972 - Eve of Easter Sunday
     Our Lady “My children, I come to you with a heavy heart. What should be a most joyous occasion for the world and for the peoples of Heaven has become a deep sadness. We are sad because of My Son’s Sacrifice for a world that has become unrepentant and lacking appreciation for the Sacrifice My Son has made for you.
     “The peoples of earth have become degraded, immoral, unchaste, and seeking after pleasures that bring soul destruction upon them. We look upon a world more vile, but of a sophisticated sin, more vile than when the floods washed you away, more vile than when fire was sent upon you. Under these conditions, My children, what kind of punishment are you calling down upon yourselves?”
     Jesus “Your city calls for a sign. Those who are with Us in the light receive many signs. But the wicked of heart shall be scourged. This city, a perverse city, looks for a sign which they will not receive. Their sign shall be the destruction. And when this destruction comes upon you, there will be no doubt in your mind that it comes from God.
     “Mockery, debasementwho has created such evil? Uncleanness of heartyou shall reap what you have sown! We are merciful, We are long-suffering. We give you every chance to repent and atone.”
     Our Lady “All messages given in the past, My child, will be dispersed throughout the world. The task will be heavy, but when you realize the importance of recovering each soul for Us, you will find that your burden becomes light. We have placed many centers throughout the earth. Do your part here, My children, and the rest will be carried forth throughout the world. We ask all with the love of My Son to send His message and Mine throughout the world.
     “Many places have shut Me out, My children. I have great hopes that We can still reach these hardened hearts.
A plan to remove the Vicar
     “Continue your prayers and sacrifices for your Vicar. The enemy has a well-founded plan to remove him from the Seat of Peter. The enemy has waiting those who will recrucify My Son. Only you can help to hold back the darkness that now is smothering truth within My Son’s House.
     “Our Church will rise triumphant in the final count, but how many souls must fall to satan before that time? How many who have been given the power within My Son’s House are using this power to destroy innocent souls? They have aligned themselves with satan. Woe to evil man, instrumental in destruction of young souls! His fate is far worse than the lowest pit in the abyss. He will be judged among the least.

Find and save old books
      “My children, make your homes a fortress against the evils that enshroud your earth. Gather the works of truth in your home, even if you have to search them out. You will not find the truth being printed now. Find the old books, My children, and keep them as treasures of truth.
     “The punishment planned for your country and the world is great. No time will be given. For when it comes upon you, it will be like a thief in the night. And all who have lived by the sword will die by the sword. All who have sold their souls to satan will be claimed by satan. All who have remained true to Us and Our Church will stand forth and join My Son in the glorious day when all will be one.
     “There is a great war ahead. Many arms will be needed in this battle. You will be divided on sides. The road in between holds nothing. You will not be lukewarm, but fired with the love for My Son and defend Him as such. You must now decide your path: the world or Heaven. You will not have both.
     “There is no other recourse, My children. You have all been given an inborn conscience. You must reject the plan of satan and not succumb to his lures. The world about you has become the playground of satan and his agents. Your world is in darkness; Our Church is in darkness. But We still carry the light. And all who follow Me, My children, will be led out of this darkness.
     “The punishment would be upon you this day but for the number of souls that satan would capture now.
     “We will manifest to many in these latter days. Many turn their backs on these manifestations, rejecting even the power of the Holy Spirit to work among you. Do not, My children, credit satan with the works of the Holy Spirit. The works from God are His miracles, for He is far greater than any entity in your world or the world beyond. He is God, He was God, and He always will be God!”
     Jesus “My children, many come always seeking, but you must learn to give of yourself. Understand My words. Many deny the existence of the underworld of satan. Know you now that many are falling into the abyss, the bottomless pit of hell. There is a hell as surely as there is your earth. There is a place of purging in purgatory for those who have not cleansed themselves upon the earth. Before you come to Heaven, My children, you must be as spotless as a snowflake before it hits the earth to be contaminated.
     “Suffering on earth, when given as sacrifice for your God, will expiate your entrance into Heaven much faster. Learn, My children, the value of suffering.
War of the spirits
     “Now there is a war of greater importance to your human nature than the war being fought between brothers and sisters, for now you are in the war of the spirits. Satan will promote a great war. The enemy of God and of your country is now firmly entrenched. This condition you brought about by your own negligence and by your loss of respect and love for your God, setting up man as a being to worship.
     “As he sows, each individual shall receive what he has sown. Prepare yourselves well, My children, for the days ahead. Your armor has been given to you. My words have come to you often. I have prepared you well if you have listened and opened your hearts to Me.”
     Our Lady “I will be with you always in the days ahead, and as I promised, My child, I will be here to guide you on the eves of all feast days. Many blessings of cures and conversions will come from My hallowed grounds.
     “There is a plan in Heaven for every life placed upon earth by the Eternal Father. As such, each soul is precious to Him.
     “There are upon earth many instruments, many voice-boxes for Heaven. Some have been closed out to Us, the others must struggle through the web of indifference and darkness.
Agents of hell among you
     “Do not expect an easy road ahead. The agents of hell are heavy among you. Compassion will be dulled; love of neighbor, love of parents, a jest; respect for life a thing of the pastall because you have allowed yourself to fall to satan!
     “A country that shuts out its God starts down the path for its own destruction. A country that loses its morality has placed one foot already in hell. Servitude, desecration, soul destructionall will reap what they have sown. Floods, great heat, death. You will have visited upon you a plague! Recognize now the finger of death will be placed upon your earth. When you pass through this crisis, many will be cleansed.
     “Understand, My children, that science cannot go above the laws of his God.
     “Keep your monuments in your homes. Pray that the agents of death that encompasses not only the body but the spirit will remain from your homes, and you will be saved.
     “Your country will be cleansed by trial. And should this not bring you back, you will be led to your baptism by fire. Atonement, sacrifice, I beg of you now. There is no time left to wander throughout your earth.
     “I have come to what I believe, My children, to be an oasis in a barren land, to this seat of evilyour city of Babylon. But, My children, I know within this city of evil there are many that can rise above it and reach out and save their brothers.
     “Place your lives now in the Sacred Heart of My Son. Turn to your guardians and be directed now by the Holy Spirit, and you will have built up your defenses and not fall as many weak souls will in this crisis.”
     Veronica If there are any instrumentals [sacramentals] or Rosaries to be blessed, please raise them now, for they are going to be blessed by Jesus.  Rose Notes from Veronica:
     Please remember our Holy Father in your prayers. We are “buying” his time with us by our prayers and sacrifices. Man cannot comprehend the ways and judgment of God, as it is not akin to man’s.
Please remember the medal fund in your charity. Stamps are sorely needed in the large mailing that increases daily. Praise be to God! 

Rosaries across the country...
 April 10, 1972 - St. Leo the Great
     Our Lady “My child, you will make it known to Our high priests that they are not to become involved in the politics of the world. They are being led into the web that will take them into deep darkness.
Defeat for your country
     “Harken now and heed My words. You are being blindly led into the darkness. There is within your country an evil conspiracy in this web of defeat. And I do not say ‘deceit’; I say ‘defeat’ for your country, for you have brought this upon yourselves. You have opened your doors to a brood of vipers. Your country will be cleansed by trial.
     “Your country is now turning back to pagan practices, My children. Satan has entered upon your hearts well. You accept him of free conscience.
     “All who will stand to defend My Son in these trials, many will be martyred.
     “Your government, your schools, and now My Son’s House has been entered. Many have sold their souls to get to the head. The abyss, the deep pit, is filling fast.
     “Your young people are being seduced. We place the greatest responsibility for their falling on the parents and the teachers. Rank in My Son’s House will not guarantee your entrance into the Kingdom. All who trade in My Son’s House will be judged among the least. You will not bargain My Son for the things of your earth!”
St. Gemma Galgani
     Veronica With Our Lady there is a young girl who has on a long black dress, tied with a string around the waist. But she has a black cape over the dress, and she is showing me a flame and a heart on the left side of her dress. And she is saying, “Passionata! Passionata!” Oh! Her name is Gemma.
     St. Gemma “I won my crown in Heaven through suffering and sacrifice. Every soul can earn his entrance into Heaven by following my road.”
     Our Lady “You will continue to pray for your Vicar. His life is in great danger. You will ransom him with your prayers and sacrifices.”
     Veronica Jesus just arrived. He is standing with Our Lady at the right side of the flagpole. He says:
     Jesus “Why have you hardened your hearts and closed your ears to My counsel? You are heading for your own destruction. Within your city now there are the agents of hell.
     “There is a plan now being formulated that will enslave the people of your country. Open your eyes, My children, and see your world as it truly is. A country that turns from the Father will descend to the father of hell and the liar of all liars.
     “He is now gathering souls as fast as the snowflakes are falling from your heavens. You will remain indifferent to the truth until you suffer the greatest of trials, trials that could have been avoided if you had but listened to Us!
U.N. a gathering of demons
     “Remove from your city the agents of your own destruction, the gathering of demonsthe dragon, the bear, and the serpentor you will have visited upon you what you have sown.
     “Blessed are they who seek the light in this darkness, for their hearts will be opened to the truth. My children, unless you listen now, you will be herded as cattle. You will live lives of servitude under a master of hell.
     “We do not wish to visit these evils upon you. You have a free will. A country where the people will pray together, they will stay together. A country that turns from their God will be divided.”
     Our Lady “O My children, We beg that you unite against the common enemy of God, who now goes throughout your world like a ravenous wolf seeking all souls to devour.
     “I must caution you, My children, of the days ahead. You will be forced to make a choice. The easy way, the way of submission will not set you on the path to Heaven.
     “You have been knowledgeable, My child, and enlightened on the fact of the coming Chastisement. There will be many internal disorders in your country, much suffering. Protect your children now within your homes against the evil which is accelerating. The agents of hell are firmly entrenched in your country.
     “How many tears We shed, My children, seeing the numberless souls that are being lost to Us. Please, won’t you light your candles with Me and search through the darkness and ransom your wandering brothers and sisters? Those who have been given many graces, much will be expected of them.
     “There are with Us this evening the defenders of the Faith: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael. Michael and all will be with Jesus in the final battle.
     “There will be promoted by satan a great war.
     “As you come closer to Us, My children, you become more on the defensive, for satan then gathers his armies to re-attack.
     “All messages given in the past must be dispersed as quickly as possible. Do not be affected by those who meet you with rebuttal. It is the cross you will carry. Suffer, My children, with patience, for there are great graces to be gained by suffering.
     “Many of Our images are being removed from among you. Poor misguided children and teachers, do you not recognize the hand of satan? Do you not know that ‘out of sight, out of mind’ is a proven fact? The young minds must have images, or they will cast their eyes on the darkness.
     “The condition in My Son’s House and in your world was long in developing. Satan and his agents have worked their plan well among you.”
     Jesus “My Mother’s words and the words of the Eternal Father will have gone throughout the world, and then you will be planet struck. All this depends now on your atonement, sacrifices, and your turning back from your evil ways. We are merciful. We do not wish to visit evil upon you. We say ‘evil’ because anything that hurts Our hearts cuts deeply. We love all Our children, and We do not wish to see one lost to Us. But many times, My children, We will be forced to bring you back through suffering.
Starving souls
     “We have given you in your country many graces. You are bountiful with luxury. You have grown fat on your luxuries, but this has not fed your souls. They are starved for the light. You wander in deep darkness. You search, but what are you searching for, My children? You reach out and what do you find? Satan!
     “Already religions of evil are spreading throughout your land, creations of satan. What of your children? Are they visiting these temples of satan? As a parent have you warned them of the trap that is being set for them? No! You are too busy living your luxurious lives, pleasure seeking, filling your stomachs, pampering your bodies. To what avail do you do this? Your time upon earth is so short! What do you gain?
     “Unless you become disciplined and seek the things of your God, you will be destroyed, physically and spiritually. In the final outcome We will separate the sheep and the goats. You will all have been given your choice.
     “My Mother has come to you with a heavy heart. She will remain on Her knees with you. She has promised to cover you all with Her mantle. Flee not from Our protection.”
     Veronica Our Lady has placed Her hand out like this, and She said:
Rosaries across the country
     Our Lady “Please, My children, gather about Me now and let Me bestow upon you all the graces necessary to take you through the trials ahead. I want you all to carry forth My plan for your salvationa string of Rosaries from one end of your country to the other.
     “You will all, in these trials, win your crown. Do not be misled to leave the narrow road that leads to the Kingdom when you are placed under the trial.”
     Veronica Jesus wants all to now extend their Rosaries, their picture cards, all sacramentals to be blessed and to be kept with you in the trials that will soon fall upon you. Jesus is blessingHe is standing at the left side of the flagpole, and He is blessing everyone with the sign of the Trinity. And He is moving over to the right side, and He said:
     Jesus “I bless you all, My children. Continue in peace of spirit. You will be rescued if you stay within the light of My Sacred Heart.”
     Veronica And Jesus blessed everyone on the right side of the flagpole.

 Rose Notes from Veronica:
     Veronica wishes to thank all who have submitted testimonials of graces received. All records will be kept for holy Church.
     Please pray for our Holy Father, Pope Paul!
     The next vigil will be held on May 30, the eve of the Queenship of Our Lady. All blessings to you in the light! [Ed. note: This was obviously printed after the May 10 Vigil.]
     All messages are printed exactly as taken from the tape made on the Shrine grounds. 

Immorality rampant...
 May 10, 1972 - Eve of the Ascension of Our Lord

     Jesus “Do not be concerned by matters that have but little consequence in your future, My child. You are giving yourself unnecessary apprehension. At those moments in which satan seeks to break your spirit, you will retire into a quiet area and pray the beads given by My Mother to you.
     “I speak to you, My child, because you are important to Us in the salvation of souls. You will understand that you cannot be taken from your work by satan. The situation that has enmeshed your life has been promoted by satan to stop your work.
     “I extend to you the grace of fortitude, quiet of spirit, and perseverance. Our graces are not given lightly. You must earn them, My child, and these will come to you with great suffering.
     “You must tell your beads regularly, My child. They will give you the strength necessary for your calling.
     “I bless you, My child. Continue in quiet of spirit, and put aside the things that have no place in your spiritual life.
     “. . . the shield of the Immaculate Conception. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”
     Veronica And Jesus says:
     Jesus “Go now in peace, and do not be enmeshed by worldly pursuits, for We depend on you, My child. Do not give Us cause to doubt.”
Constant battle with agents of hell
     Our Lady “Do not slow the pace of your work, for the small gain made will bring upon you a continued and strengthened attack from the adversary, satan, and his henchmen. The agents of hell are loosed upon your earth, and they do battle in great force.
     “You will not develop anger, but pity for a fallen soul. There, but for the grace of the Eternal Father would you go, and would you all godown into the darkest abyss. No one on earth is free from temptation. No one is free from the attacks of satan. Your life, My children, will be one constant battle against the enemies of God.
     “Your country has become weak, demoralized, corrupt in government, corrupt in My Son’s House; and the darkness well covers your land!
     “In the final count after retribution, the numbers will be few who are saved. The decision for salvation now lies with each individual. Parents will carry the greatest burden of guilt for the falling of their children. Do not judge without pity, without charity, those about you, for you are still brothers and sisters.
     “Pray, pray long hours of prayer for those who are falling or who have fallen into the web of deceit and darkness that now covers the earth. You must remain with My Son, through His gift of His heart to you, in the tabernacles of the world. You will not become infiltrated when you develop the daily habit of visiting My Son. He grows lonely. He has been locked out from many hearts.
     “If I, My children, could open to you for just a few short moments the doors to the Kingdom of Heaven, how glorious would be your suffering! How glorious would be all the trials of your life when you will be able to see beyond the gates of this glorious Kingdom of eternal life!
     “I repeat that Our high priests must not enter upon politics, for they will find themselves bargaining away My Son’s Body.
     “Many young souls are coming to Us unprepared. What shall We do with them? Many young souls must be purified in long years of purgatory. The torment that will be visited upon those who murder the innocent shall be eternal damnation and feasting their eyes upon the murdered souls. 


Life begins at conception
     “The spirit of life is breathed into the creation of the Eternal Father at the precise moment of infiltration of conception. At the exact moment of the infiltration of conception, life begins. Therefore, you destroy a creation of the Eternal Father; and as such, you will condemn yourselves to eternal damnation!
     “You will not destroy a creation of your God! The act of the union of the flesh was created as the means for the propagation of life upon your earth. We have seen the defaming of this sacred ritual of your God. You fornicate like animals! And when you sin you will not stand up and accept the fruits of your vulgarity.
     “The union of the flesh will produce as the Father has deemed it. Should you use this in any manner contrary to the laws of your God, you shall reap what you have sown.”
     Veronica saw in vision two bishops standing behind the Pope’s chair. They were conversing. As she watched, the mitres on their heads turned into horns. Each bishop had two horns on his head! Now they looked like two devils. The first bishop took out a knife and plunged it into the Pope’s back. Behind them in the distance was Saint Michael, dressed in red with gold trim. He carried in his right hand a long sword, which he raised over his head to strike down the two bishops turned devils.
     Our Lady appeared in a beautiful gown. She said She likes loose clothes upon maidens and mothers.
     Our Lady “The mystery in woman is her greatest asset. Satan seeks to take away woman’s identity. The holy Bible has in prophecy: the time will come in the end that woman will seek to be as man. They will wear his clothes and want to eat his bread. [Isaias 4:1]
     “So Our fair flowers are being plucked from the garden on earth. The reality of disintegration of the strong standards of morality and living with constructive purpose are all about you. Darkness covers the earth. We carry the light. Light your candles with Us. Sacrifice, prayers, atonement, works!”
     Veronica Now Jesus would like you to raise all the sacramentals. He will bless Rosaries, and your cards, and your Scapulars, and your medals. Now Jesus is standing over to the right side, near the left side of the trees’ edge, and He is blessing everyone with the sign of the Trinity.
     Now He is coming over. And Our Lady is standing to the right side of the flagpole, and beside Her is Michael. And there are one, two, threethere are seven or eight small, choir-like angels. They are beautifully dressed, and they have garlands of roses in their hair.
     And Jesus is standing now with Our Lady, and He is turned this way, and He’s now blessing from the right side of the flagpole. He is blessing in the sign of the Trinity. And He is facing now over by His leftthat’s our right, and He is blessing again.
     And Our Lady is, She is throwing something from Her hand; they look like flower petals. Oh! Oh, yes. And Our Lady says:
     Our Lady “Our graces We give in abundance but for the asking.”
     Veronica In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Recognize Ways of Satan...
 May 30, 1972 - Eve of the Queenship of Mary
     Our Lady “Our joy is multiplied this evening by the numbers of Our children who have come to Our defense in the war against satan. The evil he promotes has accelerated. Unless you become knowledgeable and recognize his handiwork, the end of your era will be hastened. Unless you turn from worldly affections and give yourself to My Son, you will be lost in the darkness.
     “My children, never cease your prayers for Our Vicar, who is in constant danger. Should he be removed from among you, you will receive a man of dark secrets. Beware of one who will come in sheep’s garment.
Recognize ways of satan
     “You must recognize the ways of satan. He will come and reach you with cunning and deception. He will set man up as one to glorify, as an idol to worship. This offends My Son! The body and mind are being studied, analyzed, restructured, but where is the spirit? Starved for the light of truth!
     “You cannot make a soul strong by catering to the worldly desires of the flesh. Give man everything the world offers, but without My Son, he has nothing! There is no peace, no happiness without your God. You cannot shut Him out, for satan is always waiting to claim your soul.
     “The punishment that will come upon you will be metered by your offenses to your God. You are being allowed by the Father to proceed on your course. You are as pilgrims on the ladderup or down.
     “The Father has the power to turn all evil into good. His heart is all-merciful.
     “All Heaven cries for the numbers of souls abandoning My Son’s House. They are turning away, but must return and patch the cracks.
     “Your government, schools have been entered. My Son’s House has been entered. But if you love My Son you will stay with Him. Chase satan out with a vigilance of prayer.
     “Parents, how dare you allow your daughters to be looked upon with lustful eyes! Have you no shame? What is your example? Are you pagans?
     “I have not come to fill you with fear, but to save you from yourself. You have shut out the light. My heart is heavy. I have wandered your earth and shed many tears. I carry the light in the darkness. If you knew what lies ahead, you would be on your knees daily to stop it. I come to beg you, as your Mother, to mend your ways now, while there is time. Guard your children’s souls!
     “Your country and peoples have taken up with pagan practices. Star gazing and fortune-telling has a rock heart. Only your God controls your destiny. He is not a feelingless being, but a living entity!

St. Joan of Lorraine
     “I want you to recognize Joan of Lorraine. Your children will be guided by the spirit of Joan. Your children follow idols of darkness. Make Joan known to them.
     “Your world cries, ‘peace, peace’ where there is no peace. You consort with devils. The word of an atheist is not binding. The promises of an atheist are not true. You are falling in with the plan like sheep to the slaughter.
Judases in House of God
     “Your city of evil will crumble into the dust. Your world leaders, who are godless murderers, will fall to the sword. The Judases in My Son’s House shall fall to the sword. There are many Judases in My Son’s House. Do you think We do not see you? You are being tolerated, for you, too, can be saved if you turn from your road to hell.
     “Turn back, Romans! Turn back while there is still time. When evil has reached its ultimate, you will be planet struck. During this trial in cleansing, only a few will be saved.
     “My message must be spread throughout the whole world. When the cataclysm is upon you, all will have had the chance to make ready. The Father has a plan. I have come here to your city with hope, to set here an oasis in this city of sin. Remember the fate of Sodom? All must make a firm decision to stand by My Son, casting aside the guiles of satan and accepting the armor I have given you.
     “I promise, as the Mother of Jesus, not to abandon you. I will not abandon you, and I shall be with you for your entrance into the Kingdom. Wear your armor: the medals, the Scapulars. For many will flee with what is on their body. You will need them all.
     “Send a chain of Rosaries throughout your land. All We have given through the ages to protect you, satan is working to take away from you so you will be defenseless. Open your hearts and come to Us in belief. Do not let satan take the protection of Our angels from you. Your children do not recognize the angels. Tell them of the angels.
     “All who come to My hallowed grounds I promise to bestow upon them graces in abundance, the graces necessary for the salvation of their souls and all loved ones. My grace I give with heart.” 


Rose Notes from Veronica:
     Please remember the mission in your charity. The cost of mailing is very high, and stamps are needed.
Testimony continues to come in for the records of holy Church of the cures and conversions. Praise be to God, and His holy name! - Veronica 

"It is, My Children, the Armageddon..."
June 8, 1972 - Eve of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
     Our Lady “O My children, how My tears fall upon you! How many have been led astray! How shall I recover you all in the time that is left?
     “My voice is growing weak. My steps are slowing. I have wandered throughout the world bringing you your plan for salvation. How many of you have listened to My pleas? We see the most degraded practices being permitted for the glory of Our adversary, satan, in your country.
     “Parents, watch your children. Guard them well. The enemy is always at your door. Your country has turned to pagan practices. My Son would wish to place the role of punishment upon you now.
     “Those who remain with Us in the light shall have no fear. All will be well for those of true spirit.
     “I have promised to cover all who come to Me with My mantle. I have given you your armor. You will wear your armor at all times, for I may tell you now that the time will come when you will leave with whatever is upon your body.
     “Man has left the road to Heaven. He has made his way from the straight path onto the dark one. The responsibility for the fall of souls will be balanced heavily upon those responsible for the destruction of young souls. Parents, why do you go down the road of satan? Has My Son suffered in vain?
     “My children, I am going throughout the world now, gathering the straying sheep. I have asked you to light your candles with Me. My Mother’s heart is torn. I see the many souls being ruined by Lucifer, falling fast as, as the snowflakes, into the abyss.
     “If I would be permitted by the Father to open your eyes to what lies ahead, you would spend all your time on your knees.
The Armageddon
     “Do not, My children, accept the easy road that leads to damnation. I have given you the truth. My Son has given you the grace. Recognize the battle that is being fought now in the universe. It is, My children, the Armageddon.
     “You are not directed to the light. The example by your teachers is not of the light. Weep not for Me, My child, but for the children of the earth.
     “You and your country were placed under My protection. I will not abandon you. My Son will not abandon you. But the choice must be made by you. We cannot force you to come to Us, for the Father has given you a free will.
     “Mothers, why are you permissive with your children? Do you not recognize the plan of satan? Do you wish lustful eyes cast upon the innocence of your young child? Do not lead your child into danger!
     “I have watched with torn heart the parent who leads her daughter to the butchers! How dare you kill a creation of your God! Do you think you shall go on like this, unnoticed and unpunished? No! Acts of violence, impurity of heart, murder without conscience, offenses of every nature to your God are being committed in your country. Your city is a cesspool of sin. Many cities in your country have become dark with sin. Will you continue to seek the way in darkness?
     “Understand, My children, that you are in a hard battle. The abyss is open, and when you are in Our light the forces of evil are doubled against you. Therefore, be watchful.
Miraculous photographs
     “The miracles in print are given to fortify your strength in spirit and belief. My children, do not credit the adversary, satan, with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The meaning of these pictures will come through in the days ahead.
     “All who remain steadfast will come through the days ahead to receive their crowns in Heaven. We promise that all who will light their candles and become Our souls shall be rewarded greatly in the days that lie ahead.”
     Veronica Over to the right side of the flagpole I see a beautiful gray horse, and it has silver armor. Its armorit fits right over the back of the horse. And there is a girl sitting on the horse, and she has blonde hair; I think she is about seventeen or eighteen. And she is holding a flag, but the flag has a large cross on the flag. The flag is made like a triangle, and there is a cross on the flag. Oh, and she is sayingI can’t hear her.
Saints Joan of Arc and Gemma Galgani
     St. Joan of Arc “Avec moi! Avec moi! With me! With me! Oh! Be with me in the fight and battle ahead. We are watching well. The ultimate victory will be with those of Heaven. Do not be afeared, for satan will only capture those who turn completely from the Father. You will not walk upon earth without trial. I accepted my trial to win my crown in Heaven.”
     Veronica Ah! Over on the left side of the flagpole is a young girl, and she is dressed in black. And she is holding up a cross in her right hand, and she’s gotwell, she’s got something written on her robe, butit looks like a red heart. And she has a small gold crown on her head. Oh! Gemma.
     Oh, and thereoh! Everybody kneel, please. Jesus is coming down. Jesus is dressed in a red robe, it looks like. No, it’s white, but the light is redmakes it look like red. Oh, and Jesus now is standing over by Our Lady. Our Lady isn’t crying any more. She looks much more happy than before. And Jesus has placed His arm around His Mother, and He said to His Mother:
Time given for reparation
     Jesus “I grant, through the Father, the time for reparation. I do not wish to bring suffering to the world. What will happen will be of your decision and what will happen, My children, will be used to bring many souls back to Us.”
     Veronica Our Lady is now holding out a large Rosary. The Rosary, the beads look white, but when She turns them around they look like they have different colors in them. They’re very beautiful! And She is holding up the cross. Oh, She is pointing to the end of the cross. There is a very large medal. Oh, oh, I know now, it’s Saint Benedict’s medal. Our Lady said:
     Our Lady “You must make known the message.”
     Veronica “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know. Oh, can I repeat it?”
     Our Lady said She understands that I did not recognize the message [the inscription in Latin on the medal], but She wants to assure me that it was all in the plan of the Father, as I will understand in the future. Oh!
     [Our Lady placed Her hand out, and roses and rose petals came down. Veronica tried to gather them.]
Now Jesus said He would like everyone to extend the sacramentals, the Rosaries, the statues, and all will be blessed.
     Now Jesus is walking over to the left. He is over by the tree, and He is blessing everyone in the sign of the Trinity, like this. And Our Lady is standing there, and She is holding something in Her hand; it looks like a ball with a cross on the top.
     Now Jesus is coming over to the right side of the flagpole, and He is going to bless everyone on the right side here. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. And Jesus said if you have any sacramentals, holy cards, pictures, He will bless them for you. You will need much armor in the days ahead.
     Jesus “All messages must be dispersed with great haste. Do not take My words lightly, for We do not speak in vain. The situation, the balance with sin, has forced upon you a punishment which is not long in coming. It is in this manner that the earth will be cleansed. Live each day as if you were to leave it. Be ready for what is ahead.
     “You ask Me, My child, many times, why We permit these atrocities. You do not understand the ways of God, for you are only human. Man was given by the Father a free will. Love cannot be forced.
     “You cannot see into the next world. All about you there are creatures. Should you lose your grace in defense, they will enter you. And as such, you will fall under the master of hell; and under his guidance you will continue to grow until you have formed a web to destroy your brothers and sisters.
     “Until you leave your earth life, you can be rescued. Those who have the grace for their own salvation will offer all graces for the salvation of the wandering souls. Give, My children, and it will be returned to you double.
     “Many agents of hell, they have infiltrated into every part of your country: your schools, your government, your medias of entertainment. Where shall you go but to stay within yourself and hope that you do not be enticed into the web.”
     Our Lady “This hope you will find nourished if you accept the guidance of My Son.
     “Satan has placed many enticements upon the earth. O My children, recognize the truth. They are there to nourish your worldly passions, your worldly instinct for body pampering.
The spirit lives forever
     “The spirit is a distinct enclosure within your worldly body. The shackles and fetters of your body will fall to dust, but you must live on!
     “You use in your world the word ‘death.’ My children, there is no death. There is no death. Your life will continue. The life hereafter will be eternity and forever. Satan has sought to remove the reality of hell from among you. You can sin when you think there is no punishment. Recognize the truth! You are walking in blindness.
     “I promise all who come to Me on My hallowed grounds to comfort them in their suffering. Many graces of cure and conversion will be given from Our hearts. There is nothing the Father would not do to rescue you, My children. Do not turn away from Us so your ears are closed to Our pleas. Close your eyes to your world; close your ears. Listen with your heart, and you will receive the light.
     “You will find that love is in unity. My children, unite now against the common enemy of your God. Turn from the enticements of your body he has set forth.
Daily Rosary brings protection
     “My beads of prayer have been given to you. I promise now, all who tell My beads daily shall be saved from the trials that lie ahead. I have asked for the beads to go across your country, link to link, a solid chain to hold back the darkness.”
     Veronica Oh! Oh, over to the left side of the flagpole there is a little girl, and she’s waving. And next to her is a little boy; he has on knickers. He’s got very funny clothes onhe has on knickers, gray knickers, and a black shirt with long sleeves, and he’s got a bandana around his head. And he is smiling, and he is pointing over there, and about here. Oh!
Jacinta and Francisco
     Oh! Oh, he’s pointing to the picture. Oh, yes. Oh! Oh, it’s Jacinta and Francisco, pointing to the picture. Oh, the little girlat first I didn’t understand her. I don’t understand the words, but now I understand. She’s saying:
     Jacinta “I wrote your picture. I wrote your picture.”
     Veronica And she is saying:
     Jacinta “It is true; it will happen. It is true.”
     Veronica And the little boy standing next to her is likewaving; He is waving his kerchief. Our Lady now has moved over next to the little boy and the girl, and She is standing by them. And they are holding up two beautiful Rosaries; they are golden Rosaries. I know they are made of gold, because they are shining like gold. Oh.
     Ah, the little girl said:
     Jacinta “These will save your country.”
     Veronica Our Lady has flowers all around Her Rosary now, and She is throwing the petals . . . . [words not clear.]
     Our Lady “As numerous as the petals of the roses, My graces I give to you in abundance.”
     Veronica Oh, there’s Jesus.
     Jesus “I bless you all, My children. Continue with your prayers.
     “Know, My child, the value of suffering. When your soul enters the Kingdom, it must be as shining as the brightest star in the firmament. Many graces are given through suffering, My child. Many souls can be recovered if you will accept in good spirit the crosses and trials upon you. Offer them in abundance for the recovery of your sisters and brothers. You will find the road filled with roses. The cross will not hurt when you have a reason for the suffering.
     “Every moment of your remaining life on earth must be in dedication. It is only through suffering that your soul will be ready for the Kingdom. How simple a trial is, when you know of the glories of the Kingdom that is ahead.
     “Those here with Us have won their crowns in suffering and casting aside their free will and following the will of the Eternal Father.
     “Repeat often to yourself, My child, the humble lesson: Go through your life not seeking the plaudits of man, but turn only to the Father Who hears you in secret; and as such, you will be rewarded in secret, but known in glorious fulfillment at the end of your earthly existence.”

Atonement needed to gain time...
 June 18, 1972 - Second Anniversary of Our Lady of the Roses
     [Satan tried to eliminate a worker by having him run down outside the Shrine grounds by a possessed young soul in a speeding car. Satan’s plan was foiled. Our Father is our protector. Our Lady covers all with Her mantle.]
Attack from satan
     Our Lady “You have no need to be afeared. Do you not know that We are watching over you? I know the plan of satan to cause disturbance and to separate My children from their prayers of atonement. When I told you that I surround you with My blue mantle, I meant, My child, that you will not be free from carrying the cross. You will be now an outstanding object for attack from satan.
     “Man on earth lives in a crucible of suffering, My child. The afflicted one is close to My heart.
     “Unless you recognize the existence of the unseen world about you, you will not prepare yourself for the attacks of satan.
     “All Heaven rejoices for the recovery of three little souls. The agents of hell surround a shrine of purity.
     “You will carry the banner called Faithful and True. A great sacrifice will be asked of your Vicar.
     “I have set up in your city of evil, an oasis. Your souls will be nourished by the graces given from My hallowed grounds.
     “My Mother’s heart is torn at the number of children being lost to Us. I have come to earth to give you your plan for salvation. I have come to your earth to prepare you for what trials lie ahead.
     “The monuments must be returned to My Son’s House now! All who keep the monuments in their homes will be saved. The pagan practices that are being condoned in My Son’s House must now stop!
Hierarchy to avoid politics, worldly living
     “All high priests of My Son’s House will live in the spirit and not be concerned with the politics and worldly living. You will make your choice: you will stand with My Son, or you will be of the world. And you who have been given the graces to represent My Son in this world will be cast aside and condemned with the least for the offenses you are committing against your God!
     “Blindness and the darkness covers the whole of earth. I have looked into the hearts of your countrymen. You offend Me, My children, when you expose your flesh to lustful eyes. You offend the Father when you butcher the souls of innocent children. The bodies are the shell for the spirit. The body is the temple for the spirit. You send the spirit back to the Father when it has not finished its commitment. How dare you set yourself up as God!
     “My children, how little you understand. It took much less than what We see in your world today to have the Father cleanse with water. But now you ask for your baptism of fire.
Atonement needed to gain time
     “We are all active in Heaven, My children. We are not sleeping. The reign of satan upon your earth will come to an end one day. We must make atonement to the Father so that the time will be extended to gather the souls. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. Many will enter beyond the veil unprepared. Whatever shall We do with them?
     “Do not be afeared, My child. I have sent Theresa to be with him.” [Veronica was worried about the injured worker, who was taken in an ambulance to the hospital after having been struck down.]
     Veronica Jesus will bless the sacramentalscards, Rosaries, medals. He is standing to the right side near the trees. He is standing there, and He says:
     Jesus “I give you My peace, My children.”
     Veronica Now He is coming over, and Our Lady is standing there by the flagpole. She is very beautiful. She has on a white, a white robe. It looks like a cloak, over a very bright, white gown. And there is a gold belt. No, it’s like a piece of rope, gold rope, tied at Her waist. And She has a beautiful crown upon Her head. It’s veryit’s closed, though. It seems to be rounded, likepuffy, sort of like a ball. And then on the top is a large golden cross. It almost looks like the round world with the cross on it. And Our Lady has this gold trim along the edge of Her outerthe cloak.
     And Our Lady now has moved over to the left side of the flagpole, and She is extending Her Rosary. She has a very large Rosary. It’s white and has a veryoh, it’s a golden cross hanging from the end of it. Andoh, Our Lady is blessing also with the sign of the cross of the Rosary.
     I seeOh, there are a lot of what looks like little children, and they are dressed in long white robes. And they haveoh, they have roses, garlands in their hair. Oh, and they allthey are circling around Our Lady now. And they are standing with Her. They all seem very golden in the light, very bright.
     And Jesus is smiling, and He is looking down. He said:
     Jesus “Do not be afeared, My children. You can expect these assaults from satan. We anger him when We recover Our children. He has great plans to capture your souls.”
     Veronica Now He’s walked over, and He is blessing in the sign of the Trinity. He is on the right side of the flagpole. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
     Jesus “Be very careful of your associations in the days ahead. You must be extremely careful when you go outside of your home. You will eat or drink nothing outside of your home.” [Note: this was addressed to Veronica.]
Rose Notes from Veronica:
     Testimonies of conversions and cures continue to come in for the records of holy Church in the future.
Please remember the medal and stamp fund in your charity. We want to cover the world of souls!
     God bless you and yours, in the light!
     Lovingly in Christ, Veronica. J-M-J-T 



Faithful and True...

 July 15, 1972 - Eve of Our Lady of Mount Carmel


     Our Lady “My child, I have prepared you and sent workers throughout the world to spread the words of the coming punishment. I have cried tears of sorrow in abundance. Who has sought to ease the ache in My Son’s heart?
     “The world is now in deep darkness. I see the candles burning now. They will lead the sheep out of the darkness. You will pray and make many sacrifices for the recovery of My Son’s representatives. Many have succumbed to the evils of the flesh. Many will go down the road of darkness and take others with them. You will, My child, continue your work with great fortitude.


Darkness in House of God
     “There is great darkness in My Son’s House. Many have sold their souls to reach the head. Our Vicar will soon join the increasing list of martyrhood.
     “My child, you will have no worry for what you will say or your actions in the days ahead. You will be guided by My Son. You will approach the cross with resignation and commend all to the Father.
     “The man of dark secrets who seeks to replace your Vicar will be an agent of hell. Pray, pray much that you may be spared this further trial. You will take your thoughts from the world of man and keep your heart and your eye on the sky.
     “Each family that wishes to be saved must now retire as a family unit from the world which has now been given to satan. Guard the souls of the ones you love. Satan sends his agents among you with cunning. You must always watch. Many parents are leading their children on the road to damnation by their example, by their permissiveness, and by their laxity.
     “What has happened to the shame among you? Pagans! There was hope, My child, when satan used only the world. But now he is in My Son’s House roaming. He has kept it in darkness. He shall not be victorious, but many tears will be shed before My Son intervenes.


Intellectual pride
     “Many manifestations are given by Us in secret. You will inform Our bishops that intellectual pride has been their downfall. You will inform the Red Hats that they have overstepped the boundaries. They are like rodents burrowing into the structure of My Son’s House. Many mitres shall fall into hell.
     “Hell, the abyss, is open wide. Number three enters among you! There will be a great devastation. You do not recognize the hand of your God. How many disturbances of nature shall We send upon you before the cataclysm?
     “Cursed be those who fall to their knees and worship at satan’s idols of deceit. Damned forever to the eternal fires are the worshipers of satan!”
     Veronica I see a little Boy. He’s about two years old. He has a red velvet cape on Him and a golden crown. And the crown has a ball and the cross on the top. Our Lady is holding Him in Her left arm, on our right side. And oh, Our Lady is beautiful! She has on a very deep velvet cape, and it has allit’s white fur, but it’s so white, the light is so bright. And the BabyHe’s holding my hand. He’s reached out, He’s holding my hand. Oh!


Veronica holds Baby Jesus
     “Oh, Our Lady, He’soh, He’s very small, but He has no weight.” [Veronica was permitted to hold the Infant Jesus.]
     Our Lady has on golden slippers. They’re tied at the bottom in the form of a cross. The golden slippers are like sandals. And She’soh, She has in Her right hand the Rosary, and She’s given it to the Baby. And He’s holding the Rosary, the beads. Oh, the Baby, He’s holding the Rosary. Now He’s taken the cross, and He’soh, He’s making the sign of the cross with the cross. Oh, beautiful! The light is so bright.
Oh, Our Lady has a most beautiful crown. But beyond the crown there are starsoh, twelve stars beyond Her crown. And She’s pointingoh, She’s pointing over there. Oh, and She’s holding Her finger up, and She’s saying:
     Our Lady “There.”
     Veronica Oh, and it looks like Africa. But She’s wiping, Our Lady is wiping Her face. She’s crying.
     Our Lady “Yes, they will join forces against My Son. Africa
     Veronica “Oh! Oh, yes. Yes. Oh, yes. The vision? Yes. [Veronica gasps.] Yes. No, I can’t tell? No.
     “Stop them! Stop them! Oh. Why? Yes. The Holy, the Holy Father. Yes.
“No! [Here Veronica sobs.] No! No! No, please, no. No. No. No, I can’t tell. No. Oh!”


Faithful and True
     [Veronica saw in vision the banner to be raised to Pope Paula deep blue, pennant-like banner on a pole, a large white cross on the banner. Gold keys crossed over the white cross, the papal tiara on top of the vertical end of the cross. The words “FAITHFUL AND TRUE” placed under the white cross, the letters in gold or yellow. Keys and tiara in gold or yellow.]
     Will you please kneel, if you can kneel. Jesus is here. Now Jesus is over by the right side of the flagpole. Now He’s wearing a very deep red cape. And the insideit looks like the robe is pinkish, but I think it’s the light. I think it’s like a white, but from the reflection it looks pink.
     And JesusHis hair is quite long. I can see His hair now. It’s parted in the center, and it’s a reddish brown. And He’s smiling. Oh! Oh, He isoh, Heoh, you’re to raise all your sacramentalsthe cards, the Rosaries, the beads, the statues. Anything that you would like blessed, put over your head. And He’s blessing now in the sign of the Trinity, like this. Oh, and He is smiling. He is over to the right. Jesus moved over to the right by the flagpole, and He has also raised His arms, like this. He is making the sign of the cross.
Oh, now Our Lady is coming over. She was over by the trees. Our Lady is coming over with Jesus. Oh, and They are standing now on the left side of the flagpole. Oh, and Jesus is talking with Our Lady, and Our Lady is smiling. Andoh, and Jesusnow He is coming nearer so He is a little in front of Our Lady, and He is now blessing everyone on this side in the sign of the Trinity.
     Oh, and over, over to the left there are a group of nuns. They’re black; they have black habits. . . . [words not clear.] And they have long mantles over their heads; they’re black. And they have a, sort of a heavythey look very stiffpadding across their foreheads. They’re smiling, and they’re looking over, andoh, they’re holding up their Rosaries. They haveoh, they have very large Rosaries at their waist. And they’re holding up the Rosaries. Oh, there’s one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, ninenine nuns. And they’re holding up very huge, large black Rosaries. But the crosses are very golden on the Rosaries. Oh.


St. Rita
     Oh, one nun has picked up her skirt. Oh, she thinks it’s quite funny. Oh. Oh, I know she means she’soh! Oh, she thinks it’s quite funny. Oh, but she said it’s not funny because it offends Jesus, the nun said. Oh, the clothes, she’s talking about the nuns’ clothes. Oh, this nunoh. Oh! Oh, she says her name is Rita. Rita. And she’s pointing down, she’s pointing down by the trees over here and she’s shaking her head, no, no! No, no! Oh, over there. Oh, they all look quite disturbed. They’re looking down. And now they all have raised their hands and said, no, no! No, no!
     Now they’re all faced back to Jesus. And Jesus is standing there, and He’s also looking down over the trees on that side. He’s looking over to the right, and He’s turning His head.


Death at the Vatican
     And Our Lady looks very sad, and She’s pointing over this direction. Oh, dear! And there’s a big black cross, and it looks like it’s over a church, a big black cross over the church. And thenoh, there’s a bell. Bong! Bong! Bong! Oh, it doesn’t feel good. The cross is very black, and the bell’s going bong! Bong! Bong!
     And they’reoh, they’reit looks like somebody died. And there are a lot of cardinals. It looks like some of the cardinalsthey’re all dressed in red, and they’rethey’ve got cardinals, and there are bishops, people all over. And the bell’s ringing: Bong! Bong! Bong!
     Oh, it’s awful! . . . Oh, it’s awful! . . . Somebody’s died. Oh! Oh! I can see the cardinals and many dignitaries are filing into the church. There is a body laid out in white and gold vestments. [Veronica almost fainted in shock.]
     And Jesus now, He’s back. I can’t see the church anymore; it’s all dark. It’s very dark over there. I can’t see the church. All I can see is a big, bright star. And the big, bright star is going way up into the heavens. But on top of the star is a, a pope’s hat. Oh. It’soh!
     Now Jesus is over on the right side, alone. The nuns aren’t there. And Our Lady is standingoh, but She’s going back over to this side. And Our Lady says:
     Our Lady “Pray. Pray now and never cease your prayers.”
     Veronica And Jesus now is raising His hand very high, and He’s going to give another blessing. His hand is very high. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
And Jesus says to continue with your prayers for the conversion of those in My Houseoh, I can’t say the rest.
     Our Lady “You will pray for all the hierarchy in My Son’s House.”
     Veronica “Oh, how awful! Oh, yes.”
     Now Jesus says to continue the Rosary.
     Jesus says don’t be so awe-struck, that you’ll fall over your chair.
     Oh! Oh, they’re all around the tree now, the angels. They are all around the tree with Jesus. Oh, look! I can’t see their faces, they’re turned. Oh, look! Oh, how beautiful! But they’re going upward. Oh, theyoh, oh, I can’t see them now, beyond the trees. But right by the tree now I see the three near the Trinity sign. Then they went into the sky there. I see the three over there by the Trinity sign, where Jesus is. See Him? Over there.
     Oh, Our Lady said we must continue the Rosary.


Rose Notes from Veronica:
     Our Lady appeared to an out-of-state couple to direct them to the shrine area. Praise be to God and His holy Name! Testimony will go to holy Church in God’s will! - Veronica



Plague to come...

July 25, 1972 - Eve of Saint Anne


     Our Lady “. . . as Queen of Heaven, Mother of the earth, and Mediatrix of graces between God and man, give you My final warning. All bishops and cardinals shall be held accountable now for the fall of the souls in My Son’s House. Your country recognizes not the hand of God. I have spared your state much hardship. Now you will feel the hand of retribution upon you. Those who have remained in the light have no fear, for your spirit will be untouched.


Plague to come
     “Man has hardened his heart to Us. I have roamed the world in tears; I have come to earth in desperation. The children shall no longer be subject to the evil. Many children will be removed from the earth. Parents, how have you prepared your children? The plague that I spoke of will now come upon you. Perhaps in this way you will remove the veil of darkness that covers your spirit.
     “The Father is not One Who punishes, but to bring you back to Us . . .”
     Veronica “Oh! Oh! No! [Veronica groans.] Oh, mercy! The children. Mercy! [Veronica begins to sob.] Time, please! Time! Give us time! Please, give us time! Please, give us time!” [Veronica continues to cry.]


Saints Anne and Joachim
     Now Our Lady is standing at the right side of the flagpole. Jesus is walking towards Her with a man and a woman. Oh, the lady with Jesus has stooped over, and she’s kissing Our Lady on the cheek. Oh, it’s Her mother. It’s Saint Anne . . . oh, and Saint Joachim. Oh, and he’s pointing down over this way at the children. He said there’s children over this way. . . . Oh, he speaks of the example of the parents. He gives great heart. Saint Joachim said that the children will not be lost when they have been the victims of their elders. Heaven does not close the doors on the innocent. Oh.
     Over to the side, on the left side, I seeoh, there’s Saint Michael. And there are angels all about him, but they, they look like they’re lining up for some kind of a battle. Jesus has moved over to the right side of the flagpole. And He’s holding up His hand . . . and He’s holding up His hand, and He’s showing five fingers, five fingers.
     And Our Lady is now walking over, and She’s holding Her Rosary. Our Lady’s dressed all in white. And She has this beautiful gold trim that goes all along Her cape. And also She has now placed a mantleHer hair is very long and hanging down on the front of Her garment. But She’s now placing Her mantle over Her head; it’s like a cape. And it’s also trimmed in this beautiful gold. And She’s holding Her Rosary up. It’s very large and white, and the cross is very large. It has gold; it’s very shining. Our Lady said:
     Our Lady “The Rosary will be continued in a constant vigilance. For this will be the only means, with the sacramentals and the way written by the prophets of old, for the recovery of your soul.”
     Veronica Jesus has moved over to the side of the trees. He’s dressed all in white, but He has a cape held over His shoulder. It’s red, like a burgundy color, and it’s tied also with a clasp at His neck. And Jesus alsoHis hair is quite long, and it’s a sort of a reddish brown. And Jesus said:
     Jesus “You will all save yourselves in My Sacred Heart.”
     Veronica And He’s pointing tooh, it’s a very large heart, but it’s cut open. And it seems to be staining the front of His garment.
     Our Lady now has walked over to the left side of the flagpole. She’s crying, and She’s pointing over. She’s saying:


Pray for the children
     Our Lady “The children! Pray for the children!”
     [Earlier, several young girls had come onto the sacred grounds indecently dressed. When questioned, they said they were Catholics, but no priest, no nun, no mother had admonished them about their clothes, so they said, “Why should you?” The vigil people replied, “Because we care.”]
     Veronica Now Our Lady says to take your Rosary and pray the fifteen decades first for the children. And from now until December you will pray for the welfare of the Holy Father.
All mothers will now see that their children remain close to the sacraments. Many children will be taken out of the world in the plague. Many parents will shed bitter tears, but it will be too late.
     Our Lady said:
     Our Lady “There will be many mitres in hell. Many priests are on the road to damnation; with them they take others. For this, the lowest pit of the abyss will be eternity! Those entrusted in My Son’s House will be held accountable for the fall of young souls. Your rank will be no guarantee of your entrance into the Kingdom. You have betrayed My Son. How dare you sell His House! You have sold My Son’s House for the profit of your temporary lifetime! Woe to evil man that has cast aside his God! You will receive the sword!”
     Veronica Jesus is now at the right side of the flagpole, and He’s extending His hands. And He said:
     Jesus “My peace I give you, My children. You will extend all sacramentals, and I will bless them with the graces from Heaven for conversion of sinners and for cures beyond most human understanding.”
     Veronica Now Jesus is walking over the left side, which is His right side of the flagpole. He’s extending His hand out now, and He’s blessing in the sign of the Trinity, like this. And He’s walked over to the center of the flagpole, and He’s holding His hands out now, very pleadingly. He’s holding both His hands out, and He’s walked over. Now He’s raising His arm again, and He’s blessing, He said, all the sacramentalscards, beads, medals, treasures of God; and He will give them the graces necessary for all conversions of sinners and cure. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now Theresa is walking overnow I say walking, but they’re floating. They’re not walking; they seem to just glide. And Theresa is looking down tobehind her. Oh, she’s pointing. I see, she’s pointing over there. And she says:
     St. Theresa “We are much distressed as we see beyond the doors.”
     Veronica Oh, dear! Something very distasteful must be going on over there in the convent. She’s pointing to the convent.


Fashions of satan
     St. Theresa “Those who represent God should not take up the fashions of satan. Those who represent God must set an example of purity of heart and purpose. Those who represent God must live in the spirit.”
     Veronica And Theresa’s now walking over with Our Lady, and there are three other nuns joining her. Theyoh! Oh, I think they’re her sisters. That’s what she said: “My sisters greet you.” Oh! And now they’re coming over by Our Lady. And Our Lady is pointing down and saying:
     Our Lady “The children must be saved.”
     Veronica And Jesus now is walking over by the trees. And He’s looking behind Him. And behind Him I see a large group of people in a hall, a big building. Oh, it’s some kind of a meeting. And they’reoh, sitting there with knives in their hands. . . . Oh, Pope Paul has just walked into the hall, and two have left their seats and they’re going up behind him. They’re holding the knives in their hands.
     Oh, Pope Paul turned around and raised his hands. And on his hands, both raised hands, there are crosses. There are crosses where Jesus was nailed to the cross; he has crosses on his hands. Now he’s turned his back on them, and he sat down.
     And I’m lookingoh! Jesus walked over to the left, and He’s pointing over here. Oh, my goodness! Oh! I see some buildings being burned. And a lot of people are running in the streets, and they’re all screaming. Oh! And I see some people asking Pope Paul to leave. He’s in ahe’s in a church, and he’s praying to the Blessed Mother, and they’re telling him to leave. And he’s shaking his head no, no. Oh!
     And Jesus just walked back now to the flagpole. And He says:


Pope Paul offered as sacrifice

     Jesus “You will keep now a constant vigilance of prayer. These prayers will ransom some time for your Vicar who has offered himself as sacrifice for those who have fallen in his House.”
     Veronica I see Pope Paul. He’s sitting in a large room. There’s a desk. But he doesn’t look very well. He looks very sick. It seems like he can’t seem to keep his eyes open. His head is falling to the right. And then he sits up, and he’s falling to the left. Now he’s leaning over on the table. Now there are screams outside. And people are shouting, and they’re throwing all rocks, and they’re trying to come in the door. And they’re shouting. And Pope Paulnow he’s walked over, and he’s kneeling next to a statue of Our Lady. He’s praying to Our Lady, and he’s crying; tears are coming down his face. He looks awfully thin. The marks are still on his hands. I see him raising his hand up now above his head. Oh! Oh!
     And outside the door there are cardinals, five cardinals; they are hiding knives behind their backs. And over by the window, looking in, is a man. He looks like a cardinal, but he’s dressed in black. And he has a pillbox on his head, like, standing up. He also is holding a knife behind his back. And over on the right side, looking in the other window, I see a group of bishops. There are two, three, four, fivethere are fifteen or sixteen bishops. They also are hiding knives behind their backs.
     Now it’s all faded away; I can’t see any more. And Jesus says:
     Jesus “Now you will know why you must keep a constant vigilance of prayer, now until December.      You will continue telling your beads for your Vicar.”


Rose Notes from Veronica:
     Please remember the mission in your charity. Praise be to God, the mailing has grown beyond all past expectations. The stamps, etc. run into financial strain.
     Our Lady appeared to several pilgrims to direct them to the Shrine site, as they were unable to locate the site. Our Lady is truly the most loving of Mothers! - Veronica



Country to be cleansed by trial...

 August 5, 1972 - Eve of the Transfiguration of Our Lord


     Veronica Our Lady said satan is seeking to capture the souls of all the dedicated. It will be with those of true faith and compassion to offer their sacrifices for the recovery of the souls being captured within Her Son’s House.
     Our Lady is on the left side of the flagpole. She is dressed all in white. Her mantle is very long; it goes across Her head. The mantle is trimmed with golden stripes along the edge. Now Our Lady has Her hands together, and there’s a large white Rosary hanging from Her hands. The crucifix is very golden. Our Lady is also taking Her hand, the left hand, from the Rosary, and extending it. She has a Scapular in Her left hand. And She’s saying:
     Our Lady “The sacramentals must be worn.”
     Veronica Jesus is standing now at the right side of the flagpole. He’s smiling. The light is very bright. And it’s pink; it looks very pink. And Jesus is extending His hand out. And I can see the wounds in His hand. And now there is a man coming towards Him. He’s dressed beautifully, all in purple and gold and white. And he has on his head a very large crown. It’s, it looks like the crown that Pope Paul wears on special occasions. He says:


St. Peter

     St. Peter “I am Saint Peter! You will not cast aside my words or my teachings! You will all go down on your knees and beg forgiveness for the offenses to the Sacred Heart of your God, you agents of darkness who have taken the Book of life and tried to destroy what has been written by the holy men of the House of God! Your actions have set the standards for a fallen world.
     “Turn back, Romans! You ask for the hand of a punishing God upon you. Turn back, while you still have time!”
     Veronica I see a group of nuns. They are all so happy. Oh, there’s Theresa. Oh, Theresa, she’s not happy. She’s standing away from the nuns to the right, and she is crying. And she’s pointing over to the tree where Our Lady is standing. And Our Lady is also weeping. They’re pointing over to the convent. Theresa said:
     St. Theresa “Come with me.”


St. Theresa looks into convent
     Veronica There is a door. It’s a very large building. And Theresa has opened the door, and I hear music. It’s very loud. And I see girls in black tights, and they’re jumping around. Now one is wiggling, and Theresa has turned her back. She walked over and she picked up a dress. Oh, and she took it and held it out like it was very distasteful to her. And she dropped it into the wastepaper basket. Theresa went outside, and I see a whole group of nuns filing into the room. They’re all dressed in long habits. They’re dressed like novices in the Carmel. They have whitethey’re white, sort of like mantles over their heads, and a white, large bib. And they’re carrying the garments to the ladies that are dancing in the tights. And they said: “Place them on and no longer offend your God. You have been misled. You will be only responsible to the Father for what you do of your free will in heart.”
     I see a nun. I think she’s a nun. She’s playing a flute, and she’s dancing down the road. And all theseI think they’re nuns; they have veils on their heads, but they’re dressed in hot pants and slacks and short skirts and silk stockings and high heels. And this nun[Veronica screamed.] Oh, she turned around. The nun has an awful face. It looks like satan! Oh, he’s grinning, and he looks horrible! And all the nuns, they’re skipping down the road. And there are hundreds of them, and at the end of the road they fall in! It’s a big open pit, and they’re all falling in. And when the group falls in another one who looks like satan comes. And it seems like there’s no end of it. Oh! Oh! [Veronica sobs.]
Theresa said:
     St. Theresa “Sisters of Christ, children in darkness, come out before it is too late. The end is not as far as you can see. Come out of your darkness into the light.”
     Veronica Oh! Saint Peter is next to Jesus and Our Lady. He says:
     St. Peter “Hear me well, those in the House of God. You will stop your conversing, your leanings toward modernism, your entering with rationalization the world of satan. Turn back and get on your knees! You have been deceived by satan. He has been present at your meetings. Many with mitres are now going his road. You will also receive the fate of hell.
     “Your rank in the House of God gives you no precedence over another soul. For you will be cast aside and judged with the least for your part in the final damnation of souls entrusted in your care by the Father.
     “You, Veronica
     Veronica “Yes. . . . Yes. . . . Yes. . . . Yes. . . . Yes.”


All cardinals and bishops
     St. Peter “The agents of hell are multiplying in the House of God. All cardinals and bishops will ask themselves this question: Can I stand before the Eternal Father and say, ‘My teaching has been pure in Your sight’?
     “If you can say this with truth of heart, then you have been misled. But if in your truth you have accepted the riches of the world and sold souls for the acceptance of these riches, you will be spit out by the Father like venom to enter the flames and join Luciel in his kingdom.
     “All cardinals and bishops will now take themselves off the road to hell! They will take their spirit where it belongs, within the realm of God, casting aside their lusts, their desire for richness, their pampering of their bodies while the souls are starving. No longer will this be tolerated!
     “The Holy Father will soon undergo a great trial. You will all gather round him and support him on his cross. You will not set up the machinery for the entrance of satan’s agent onto the Seat of Peter, for when you do you have reached the beginning of the end!
     “The tempo of wars, the coming of the agents of hell [three demons loosed on special mission], the destruction of soulsall has been brought about by man in his greed, his avarice, his immodesty; and as such, the numbers shall be counted in the few when the final count is made. It will all be on thy decision. You cannot follow the middle road. You must make your choice now: Jesus in the Trinity or Luciel, the master of deceit and darkness.”
     Veronica Our Lady has moved over to the left side of the flagpole. She’s pointing to a map. It’s over the waters, way over the waters. And I see . . . they lookyes, Chinese people and dark-skinned people. And She said:


Country to be cleansed by trial
     Our Lady “This is a small measure of what is in store for your country. Many children will be taken from your country. It is the only recourse for an errant parenthood, a misguided society, and a land that has turned its back on its God. Trials will cleanse your country. Death will be commonplace in your country. Prepare yourselves well now.
     “The Father is not unmerciful. I have cried, I have wandered throughout the world, pleading with you to listen to Me. I have also come to your earth to gather those who will be left to build and rebuild the shambles of My Son’s House, the shambles that satan has created by using the will of a fallen generation.
     “I ask you as a Mother Who knows the sorrow of a loss: Prepare your children for the entrance. Guard the souls of those you love. I cannot promise that all will be spared anguish in the days ahead; but I can promise that those who have lighted their candles with Me and carried this light to their families, friends, brothers, and sisters will join Us in the ultimate victory, which will be with God, the Eternal Father, and the return of My Son Jesus with all the personages of Heaven.
     “You see, My children, to join satan, it is fruitless. You have nothing to gain, but all to lose. The ultimate victory will be with the Father. Satan will only be allowed his reign as long as the Father allows him. Therefore, he is allowed for the main purpose of the gathering for the return of My Son.
     “I admonish all parents now to prepare themselves for the days ahead. Yes, I have gone throughout the world, pleading and promising peace, justice, and happiness; but these will only be given on merit. I promise you now that the time will come when you will all understand what I have been saying in various places throughout your world. I have now reached the end of My journey.
     “All messages of the past must be dispersed quickly. Each soul is precious to the Father. No one who joins Us must slacken in his zeal. The reward promised by the Eternal Father fargoes far beyond all the human expectations. Even the greatest imagination of man’s mind cannot foresee the joys and the goodness, the love, and all the expressions of human nature that will be yours when you come victorious through the dark days ahead.
     “Many will have to sacrifice their human bodies in the turmoil. But think, My children, how many glorious souls there will be to count when the final count is made. There will be many personages from Heaven coming in manifestations to enlighten souls. They come here to earth on mission; and, as such, you will become aware of what part you will play in the ultimate victory of My Son.
     “I bless you, My children, now. You will continue with your prayers of atonement, not forgetting the sorrow of your Vicar. Jesus will come to bless your sacramentals and other objects of divinity after the completion of this Rosary.”
     Veronica . . . reddish brown, but I think it’s the pink light that’s coming out from under His skin. Oh, now Jesus is going to start over tonight, over by the trees. Now He’s raising His hand. Everyone, please hold up all your sacramentals. And Jesus is blessing all the sacramentals in the sign of the Trinity, like this. Now He’s moved over to the center of the flagpole, and He’s raising His hand again. Jesus has His hands like this, and He’s going like this, with three fingers. And He’s going over to the right sidethat’s His right side, our leftand He’s standing now between the flagpole and the trees. And Our Lady has come down with Saint Peter. Saint Peter’s raised ....
     . . . past Jesus’ shoulder. And Jesus now is raising His hand very high over His head, and He’s blessing everyone in the sign of the Trinity. And He’s walking nowwell, He’s not exactly walking; He’s floatingover to the trees on the left side. And He’s raised His hand now again, and He’s blessing the people. And He’soh, now He’s placed His hands out forward. I can see the wounds in His hands. Oh, my! But they’re bleeding. Oh!
     Oh, now Jesus has placed a cape over His head. There’s a cape . . . there’s a cape; it’s made from the back of His robe. And He’s walking over to the right side of the flagpole. But I can see blood on the side of His face. Oh! He’s taken His cloak off His head, and there’s a heavy crown of thorns on His head, and the blood is running down His face onto His white gown. And He’s standing there with His hands out.
And Our Lady is standing over to the left side of the flagpole. She’s standing there, and Her hands are covering Her eyes. She’s weeping.
     Now Michael has come over, and he’s standing on top of the flagpole. And over his head there are golden numbers. It says: “GUARDIAN OF THE FAITH. GUARDIAN OF THE HOUSE.” And over there I seeoh, I can’t see Jesus anymore. He’s gone back, like He went backwards into the sky.
And Our Lady now is standing over to the right side of the flagpole, and She’s raised the Rosary. And She’s now blessing with the cross of the Rosary, like this, everyone in the sign of the cross. Our Lady said:
     Our Lady “Continue with your prayers, My children. Many prayers will be needed for the recovery of souls and the return of those in My Son’s House. Many prayers are needed now for your children. Do not be lax in discipline, for your hearts will be torn and you will receive in meter for this laxity.
     “I bless you, My children. Continue with your prayers.”
     Veronica In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.


Rose Notes from Veronica:
     Veronica would be most grateful if all will submit, for the records of holy Church, all testimonials of cures, conversions, and manifestations.
     Please remember the medal fund in your charity. We would like to send the medals throughout the world in abundance. Medals of Our Lady of the Roses, Mary, Help of Mothers are available.



Books to Be Compiled...

 August 14, 1972 - Eve of the Assumption of Our Lady


     Veronica Over the flagpole have appeared many beautiful figures. I recognize them as angels. They’re all singing: “Hail holy Queen, mightiest through the nations! Hail, holy Queen, the light of the world, Who shall stand upon the world and crush the head of satan!”
     Our Lady “My children, the Father will chastise those He loves. We do not set any individual down to judge another. We ask you to admonish, My child, and then pray; for the Father will be always the final judge. As Our messenger, you will bring Our words to the heads, the high priests of My Son’s House. That is all We ask of you, with prayer.
     “The time has come for all high priests in My Son’s House to make amends and set the House to right. You will spend more time in prayer and less idle talk on the winds. I have given you the plan for the days ahead. As such, you have been prepared and now must act upon it.


Books to be compiled

     “All messages of the past will be compiled into three books. They will come in this order:
(1) The word messages of My Son and the personages of Heaven to the world. (2) The occulations from Heaven in poetical theme. (3) Conversations with My Son, Jesus.
     “These books will be put together as quickly as possible and given to the world.
     “You will concentrate, My child, on reaching the high priests in My Son’s House.
     “We are happy that you have recognized the necessity for a prayer force. [Each worker has a special cardinal to pray and sacrifice for.]
     “I bless the pastor of My Son’s House, Father M., for he has now received a grace far more than he had anticipated. One day you, My child, will understand this.
     “I send you My graces in abundance. They will carry you through the dark days ahead. Your spirit will be strengthened when you keep in mind that My Son will be the ultimate victor. The pages must turn in the Book of life, but you will hasten these by not listening to My counsel. You will bring your earth days much faster to a close.
     “Our good John has written for you the pages of the end days. Instruct, My children, others to read them. They would not be in total darkness if they were to read what was set down in the pages. The writers of old were told the events of the coming days. Do not cast them aside of being out of your times. For it is those who discard them that are out of the light.”
     Veronica I see a great light. It’s like shafts of light coming through the sky. They are beautiful. The light is white.
     Oh, Our Lady now has moved over to Her right side, which is our left, of the flagpole. And the shaft of light is carrying Her up into the sky. It’s a ladder. The ladder goes straight into the clouds. Now I see beautiful figures of children. I know they are angels. And they are floating down on the outside of the ladder. And they are dressed beautifully; some are in pink, others in yellow, blue. And they are holding in their hands Rosaries, but each bead is a star. They are beautiful! And they are twinkling, and they are shining. And I can see now as they turn around thatoh, their garments are lifting, and from their garments there is a huge wing span behind them.
     Now they have passed over to the right side; and I see them holding the Rosary, draped onto the trees. They have laid one, two, three, fourthe fifth one is being placed on the top of a leaf above our heads. The one . . . sixth and the sevenththree now hang, beautiful Rosariesthree now hang right from the trees in front of us.
     Our Lady nowShe is descending down what looks like a ladder, but She is floating down. Oh! Oh, She has the most beautiful golden crown set in blue and white stones. And behind Her is this long train. She has on a satin, a blue satin trailing cape; and the outside is trimmed in white fur. And She is holding a Rosary. Oh, and She has come nowShe is over our heads, Our Lady. Oh, and She has placed the Rosary now across the trees. Oh! Oh!
     Our Lady “With these Rosaries I send you the greatest of gracesgraces for cures, graces for conversions. They will now be given in abundance for the sanctification of the souls who come to My sacred grounds.


Waters for cure
     “You will soon have a well. With this well the waters will cure. When this well erupts it will not be stopped by the clergy. You have reached the boundaries, and now My Son shall step in.”
     Veronica “I can’t tell you. Yes. . . . Yes. . . . Yes.”
     Our Lady “The waters will not be capped. The waters will be given to the ill.”
     Veronica “Oh! Yes. . . . Yes.”
     Our Lady is now pointing down by the convent, and She saidthat’s right. I must mail the Rosary to them this week. Yes, I forgot. Yes. The large Rosary from Brother Frost. Yes.
     “Yes. . . . Oh, yes. I really . . . oh, I . . . yes. I didn’t mean it, but I forgot about it. I know. Yes. I won’t eat anymore outside; I really won’t. I won’t. No. Oh, yes.”
     Our Lady said that:
     Our Lady “All the prophecies must come to pass. But the extent will depend on man’s repentance. All messages given in prophecy from the sacred grounds must be carried forth. However, this can be lessened in degree to you. All is on man’s decision.
     “The Father is not an ogre, My children. He is not one to punish. He will do this only to bring you back to Us.
     “Retire from this world of satan. Wear your sacramentals, and have great hopes that one day the trials will be over. As you choose your side, be sure that you do not take the wide road which leads to your damnation.
     “Make your choice now, for your time is very limited. Sacrifice now for My Son, and you will receive the greatest of rewards. You cannot have both. You will not be rich on this earth and store up your riches in Heaven. You must be poor on this earth, and therefore gather your graces for Heaven.
     “I am not stating that all should discard their earthly living, My children. Man must work for his daily bread. But I do say you will not lose your souls for the desire of riches and your body pamperings. Your body is but a shell for the spirit, and your spirit is eternal. Remember this!


Hell not a myth

     “Do not be misled by the agents of hell who try to indoctrinate evil doctrines among you, trying to make hell a myth. Even they will soon find how much of a myth it is when they reach into the flames and scream.
     “Your earth will be cleansed by a baptism of fire. In this way We shall separate the sheep from the goats. Wars are a punishment for man’s sins. They will never end as long as man submits his will to satan.
     “My Son will be here in due time to bless all objects and sacramentals.
     “Among your earth peoples now are many false prophets. You must beware of those who come as angels of light but are ravenous wolves with black hearts. Many shall use the name of My Son to destroy. Beware! Watch and pray.
     “When you submit your will to your God in Heaven, you will be led along the lighted road. No man shall fall unless he falls now of his free will. You are all being tested like the metals in the fire. Only those who are willing to suffer for My Son and accept the trials that standing before My Son will bring them, will enter the Kingdom. The numbers after the final count will be in the few.
     “When My Son ascended to the Father, I spent many years spreading His word. I know the frailties of human nature. I know the heartbreak, the suffering, for I spent many years on earth. Therefore, I always beg for mercy, My children, to the Father for My errant children on earth. That is why I have been placed here as a Mediatrix between God and man. My Son has deemed this necessary.
     “Many places have now been closed to Me. I have expected this for some time, My children. But the work for the Father will continue as long as there is the light in the world.
     “I ask all who are placing their souls in the keeping of My Son to light their candles with Me and search throughout the dark world for their brothers and sisters. In Heaven there will be no class distinction, there will be no color distinction, and there will be no rank distinction. You will only enter the Kingdom on the merit of your spirit.
     “Many truths have been removed from the writings of the men of God. These truths will not be distorted and be the instrument for the damnation of innocent souls, led like sheep to the slaughter.
     “. . . graces will be given in abundance on the cross. Use them well, My child.
     “Continue with your prayers until the arrival of My Son to bless your sacramentals.
     “I bless you, My children, and all the guardians of Heaven bless you.”
     Saint Rita of Cascia and Saint Dominic joined Our Lady.
     Saint Peter also appeared. He took off his regal crown, and is dressed like a monk now. Saint Peter extended his hand out and said:
     St. Peter “The cross will be heavy upon your world. In this way will the sinners be brought into the light. The cross will be heavy.”


Rosary to be worn

     Veronica Our Lady asked that all nuns wear their beads fastened about their waist as previously. The lay women and men shall wear the Rosary about their necksnot for decoration, but to have in times of urgency.
     Our Lady “Satan has hidden them out of your minds.”
     Jesus “I give you My peace, as the Father gives you His peace. Therefore, continue with your prayers of atonement.”


Rose Notes from Veronica:
     Testimonials continue to come in for holy Church.
     Please remember the stamps etc. needed so badly in this time of fast rising costs.
     God bless you in the light!
     Veronica J-M-J-T



Cardinals to Receive Message...

 August 15, 1972 - Eve of Saint Joachim


Veronica Michael has appeared to the left side of the flagpole. He is saying:
     St. Michael “Hail to the Queen, Queen of Heaven, Mother of earth, and Mediatrix of all graces! Listen to Her well, for Her words will soon be few.”
     Veronica Our Lady has appeared. She is dressed now in red. She has a red satin gown with gold ruffles. There is a cloak over Her gown; it’s pure white. The white is so white that it sparkles. And I can barely see Her arms, which She is extending now from Her gown. She has a large Rosary. The beads are made of pearls, beautiful pearls, and the links are gold. The crucifix is solid gold. And as She turns it, it’s very glittering.
     Oh, She is now being joined at the left side of the flagpole by Saint Anne and Saint Joachim, Her father. Saint Anne is dressed in a very pale, ivory-colored gown. Her headpiece is cone-shaped, but very wide at the top, and it’s covered by material which hangs down her back from the cone.
     Our Lady “It will not be necessary, My child, for Me to repeat My words of warning again to the world. All time must be used for the prayers of atonement, and especially for the repatriation of your Vicar.


Cardinals to receive message
     “You will hasten to send out to the cardinals the message that I gave in My last visit to you. I will not burden you with a long discourse this evening.
     “I do not wish you to use words of rebuke on your own to the high priests in Our House. You will only give them the words of Peter and My Son, and Mine, that come from a Motherly heart torn by the offenses to My Son. We pity those who have fallen in My Son’s House. Have pity on those who have fallen in My Son’s House.
     “You can only bring them back with strict and disciplined sacrifice with prayer. Your world has cast aside the true meaning of discipline, whether it is in your personal life or your life that should lead you to My Son, but instead has sent you farther from His path.
     “The three books will be sent out in great haste.
     “I promise this evening that you will receive what you have requested of Me before the evening is over. Nothing is impossible with My Son.
     “You will continue now, My children, with your prayers of atonement, and Jesus will be here to bless the sacramentals.
     “You will listen carefully, My child, of the instructions of My Son when He arrives. We have been waiting for this moment for you to be prepared for what is to be told to you this evening.”
     Veronica Everyone will please kneel, who is able to kneel, because Jesus is coming here on the right side of the flagpole. And He is going to bless all objects that will become sacramentals. Jesus says you are to raise all medals, cards, crucifixes, and other objects that will be close to your hearts in the days ahead. And now Jesus is walkingHe is not walking, He is floating. Oh, He is just floating! He is dressed in red, similar to Our Lady. And He is coming over to the left side of the flagpole, and He is smiling.
     Oh, He’s raised His hand now, and He is blessing with the sign of the Trinity, like this. And now He is over near the trees, and He is looking down, smiling. And He is raising His hand, and He is blessing all the sacramentals in the sign of the Trinity, like this.
     And Our Lady now, She has come over to the right side of the flagpole with Saint Joachim and Anne. And Theresa now is there, Theresa with her three sisters. And they are going over now beyond the trees, right by that tall star on the tree. And Theresa is looking up as I said that. Now they are looking down.
And Jesus is standing by Our Lady, and He is raising His hand now high over His head, like this, and He is about to bless: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. And He is raising it also in the direction of the flagpole: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now Our Lady is moving forward. Oh, and She said you must not forget Saint Robert’sthe Rosary.
     “Oh, yes. Send the Rosary. Yes.”


Suffering Heart of Jesus
     Oh, now Jesus is standing overHe has raised His hand. Now as He raised His hand like this, I could see the deep wound in His hand. Now He is touching His chest, and He has pulled aside His robe. And I see a large heart, but it looks like it’s kind of cut. It’s all cut; and now there is blood drippingoh, onto the right part of His gown.
     And Our Lady is standing over . . . and She doesn’t look very happy now. And She is saying:
Our Lady “Daily the thrusts to My Son’s heart increase. Oh, how much can My heart suffer for the callousness of an ungrateful generation?”
     Veronica And Saint Theresa has walked over, and she said:
     St. Theresa “My sisters, will you not listen to my cautioning you of the days ahead? You are following the evil masters.”
     Veronica Now Theresa has walked over. And she has raised her hand, and she’s pointing that way. She’s saying:
     St. Theresa “The doors are closed, but the Father sees beyond them. You will now put matters right in your convent.”
     Veronica And Theresa now has come over to stand next to Saint Anne and Our Lady. And now there are a group of nuns, all dressed in a different habit. These nuns have on hats that swing way out, like this way. Likethey almost look like wings, big white hats. And they are standing there with their hands inside their dresses, like this. And they are shaking their heads very sadly, and they are pointing now over in this direction. Oh, there are those dancing nuns again.
     Ohwell, Theresa said the number has been reduced, but not enough to stop the pain in Jesus’ heart. Therefore, the message will be continued to be sent out.
     St. Theresa “Foolish maidens, foolish maidens! Why have you allowed yourselves to be led down this road?”
     Veronica Oh, Theresaoh, and Our Lady is standing there. Now Theresa has gone. She seems to be floatingshe doesn’t even seem to be glidingbackwards. And her sisters, too. I can’t see them anymore. They have gone beyond the flagpole.
     And Our Lady has come over, and She is extending Her Rosary. Now She is blessing everyone this way. And She takes the Rosary: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
And Jesus has placed His hand out, like this. He says:
     Jesus “I give you My peace as My Father, and in the Spirit I diffuse among you for the dark days ahead: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”
     Veronica And Jesus said the cross will be extended for blessing. All crucifixes are to be extended for blessing. And Jesus is blessing now in the sign of the Trinity again, on the right side of the flagpoleHis right side, our left. And He is walking overHe’s not walking, He is floating over to the left sideHis left side of the flagpole, our right. And He is blessing again in the sign of the Trinity. He said:
     Jesus “Many prayers are needed for the conversion of those in My House who have become victimized by satan. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
     “You are to continue with your Rosary and your prayers of atonement.”


Rose Notes from Veronica:
     Please offer many sacrifices and prayers for Holy Father Pope Paul. Pray that the messages will reach our Holy Father in Rome. Remember to choose a cardinal to place under your shield of prayer protection. Be his special world “angel”; guard him with your Rosary. These are our present cardinals: Cardinal O’Boyle, Shehan, Krol, Cody, Dearden, Carberry, Cooke, and Wright. Please take one to protect or strengthen.
     God bless you in the light.

     Veronica J-M-J-T



Conspiracy of evil in the House of God...

 August 21, 1972 - Eve of the Immaculate Heart of Mary


Our Lady “My children, I have come to prepare you. All who hear My voice must make ready, for there will be great chastisements upon your country.”
     Veronica Our Lady is dressed in a deep red gown. Her mantle is draped close over Her head. The mantle is trimmed in deep purple. She is being joined by a man who is dressed in a deep brown cape. He looks like a monk.


St. Thomas Aquinas
     St. Thomas “I have not come to add to the words of the Queen of Heaven. I, Thomas, say unto you that you will listen to the words of your God in Heaven. The golden rule of the prophets of old must be followed. Satan has entered into the holy House of God. You will open your eyes to the truth now and stop him.
     “I see that the high priests of the House of God have become soft in their ways. They cater to their bodies and do not wish to sacrifice and make penance. There will be no easy road to the Kingdom. They will get down on their knees, and they will starve their worldly bodies until they rid themselves of the demons within them.
     “Unless you listen now to my words of caution, you will fall into the trap that is being set for you. The enemy is within the House of God. He will seek to remove your Vicar from among you, and when he does he will place a man of dark secrets upon the Seat of Peter! [Note from Veronica: He means the third demon loosed in 1972 for special missionto enter the Mystical Body of Christ.]
     “I, Thomas, send my word to you that you will listen to the Fathers of the House now, or you will answer to your God.
     “You will all make penance and restitution to your God by turning from the world and getting down on your knees and making sacrifice for your offenses against your God in the holy House of Godnow! There is no time to feed your worldly lusts and passions. You must turn back now!


Conspiracy of evil in the House of God
     “The conspiracy of evil within the holy House of God has assumed great proportions. It will not be long, without your aid, that your Vicar will be removed from among you.
     “The forces of evil are accelerating in the world. There is no time to sit back and let the others take the lead. You must now save your Vicar. How will you do this? You will make sacrifices and prayers of atonement. Your sacrifices and your prayers will turn the evil that has entered into the holy men of the House of God away from them.
     “Do not expect man to save himself. It is too late for man to use men of science. He must now return to the methods given by his God, of prayers and atonement.
     “The judgment of your God is not akin to the judgment of man. The Eternal Father will only judge by the heart. Your rank, your accumulation of worldly goods does not set you up before another. Many have sold their souls within the holy House of God. Better that you strip yourself and remove all worldly interests now while you have the time to make amends to your God, for many mitres will fall into hell.”
     Veronica Our Lady has now come down to the right side of the flagpole. She is wiping Her eyes. She is now being joined by beautiful little figures; they are angels. They are dressed in all pastel colorsbeautiful! They have crowns of roses on their heads. Some are yellow, some are pink, some are white. They are standing about Our Lady now, and She has reached out and placed Her hands gently upon their heads.
Our Lady now is extending Her hand, and in Her hand is a large Rosary. The beads are very large. They are made of a white, glistening material, like pearl. The crucifix is very large and golden. Now Our Lady is extending the crucifix very high, and She is blessing everyone now with the crucifix.
     Now Our Lady has gone over to the left side of the flagpole. She is raising Her hand again, and She is blessing everyone with the Rosary and the large crucifix.
     Saint Thomas has stepped back, and he is holding in his hand a large Bible. He is pointing to the Bible, and he says:


Truth not to be distorted
     St. Thomas “Receive ye the word of truth, and do not distort it in the Book.”
     Veronica . . . Jesus says He wants to give the honor to His Mother. . . [Words not clear. He requested that a recording of the Ave Maria be played to honor His Mother.]
     Oh, Jesus is standing there. He is dressed in a white gown. He has a beautiful red velvet cape on Him, and He is smiling. His hair is . . . [Words not clear.] He’s smiling. He is blessing the flag, like this, with His hand in the sign of the Trinity. And now there are angels all about Him and Our Lady, and Our Lady is coming forward again.
     Oh, She’s over here. Oh, She’s beautiful! Oh, She has on the most beautiful gown. It’s all red, with a white stole. [Veronica’s words are now lost in the strains the Ave Maria being played at Jesus’ request.]
     . . . by all who are holding up their sacramentalscards, medals, any that will receive this special blessing that will carry you with greater armor of protection in the days that lie ahead. You will extend all Rosaries, cards, medals, any articles of godly nature, to be blessed by Jesus.
     Now Jesus, withOur Lady is standing next to Him; She’s following. She’swell, She is not walking, She is floating behind Him. And Jesus also has seemed to have floated over to our right sidethat’s His left side, here.
     Now He is raising His hand high above His head, and He is making a blessing in the sign of the Trinity, like this. Now Jesus is coming over to the center of the flagpole, and He is looking out over the crowd of people. And He is raising His hand and blessing everyone in the sign of the Trinity.
     And now Our Lady is being joined by a group of nuns, the ones with those funny hats that go out like this. Likethey are all alike, like wings. And also, over on this side is Theresa. And she always has her sisters with her. There are three. And then they are going over there.
     Oh, Jesus said to remove those tights from their convents.
     Oh! Oh! Oh, and Jesus now is coming forward, and He is blessing in the sign of the Trinity: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Oh, Jesus said I’m to repeat His words.
     Jesus “I bless you, My children, and I admire your great show of heart. We are pleased with the speed in which you have brought forth the honor to Our Vicar. Therefore, now you will carry for him the banner called Faithful and True. In this way you will hold back the darkness that will soon engulf Our holy city of Rome.”
     Veronica And now Jesus has raised His hand high above His head, and He is making the sign of the cross now, straight forward. And He is now looking over in this direction, and He is making the sign of the cross with His hand.
     Now Jesus is joining Our Lady and the group of nuns standing over here on the left side of the flagpole, and they are all looking down. And Jesus is now raising His hand again: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Saint Thomasoh! Oh, Saint Thomas has come forward. He has stepped now by Jesus. He is a shorter man than Jesus. He is quite heavy. And he’s got a rope around his waist, and he has a Rosary now hanging very far down his waist. And his Rosary is a very dark brown color. Now he said:
     St. Thomas “You will go forth as disciples of truth. It will be the good souls who will hold back the darkness in the days ahead. You have behind you all the mysteries and the help of your God in these dark days. Many manifestations that cannot be understood by man will be given as your armor. Many manifestations will be given in secret. Those are just for workers and cannot be shared publicly. You will understand in due time the plan of the Father.”
     Veronica Now Jesus has stepped forward, and He says:
     Jesus “I bless you all, My children. Continue with your prayers of atonement, much needed for the high priests of My House.”
     Veronica In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.


Rose Notes from Veronica:

     Testimonials continue to come in for the records of Holy Church.
     Please remember the need for stamps in these days of spiraling costs.
     In the prayer force, please take a cardinal or bishop, in your charity. Make him your “Special Baby;” nourish him with prayers.
     Veronica would be most grateful if all will submit, for the records of holy Church, all testimonies of cures, conversions, and manifestations.
     Please remember the medal fund. We would like to send the medals throughout the world in abundance. Medals of Our Lady of the Roses, Mary, Help of Mothers are available.



Secret Order of Satan...

 September 7, 1972 - Eve of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary


Beginning of “Y” period
     Our Lady “You are now entering the beginning of the period called ‘Y’. How long this will continue will depend on the penance of the world. I have come to prepare you for the great cataclysm that lies ahead.
     “I have called you to penance innumerable times and in many places. When the cataclysm comes upon you, the Chastisement which is so sorely needed now, I will be unable to shield you any longer from it.
     “All who are of well spirit will have no reason to fear. They will go through this with great hope and heart, for the ultimate outcome will be with joy to all who have remained with My Son.”
     Veronica . . . appearing to the right side of Our Lady. He is dressed in rough brown garments. He is holding a Book and a large stick with which he is pointing into the Book. He says:


St. John the Evangelist
     St. John “I, John, have made it known to you what lies ahead in the last days of your era. You will all peruse the pages now and know what lies before you. There is no mystery to the words, for with the light of the Spirit you will be able to understand. All will be revealed to those who search.”
     Veronica Our Lady is coming down. She is standing at the left side of the flagpole. She has the most beautiful cape on. It’s golden around the edges, with a deep blue satin lining. And the outside covering is in a pale yellow. The yellow is filled with glittering pieces of metal that look like stars. And Our Lady now is pointing downoh, to the banner.
     Our Lady now is holding up two fingers. And She says:


Advent of the anti-pope
     Our Lady “Those in My Son’s House now receive final warning that they will not remove Our Vicar from the holy House of God. For to do so will set in motion the advent of the anti-pope into your House. You will not defile My Son in this manner.
     “All cardinals, all bishops will stop wasting their words and get down on their knees now. Satan is among you, and his agents are multiplying in the holy House of God. Many are selling their souls for the temporary pleasures and riches of this world. Pray, My children, pray much for those who have fallen.
     “The Ball of Redemption is poised now. How soon it approaches your earth will be on man’s decision. Your baptism of fire is approaching. In this way will We gather the souls for the ultimate victory of My Son’s House on earth. I must say with great sorrow that the numbers to survive will be in the few. But those who fall will have done so by their own choice.
     “I admonish all parents to prepare their children’s souls now for the Chastisement which is not long in coming. Better that all parents make plans for this, for they will shed many tears of regret if they do not.
     “The Eternal Father is not One Who punishes without reason, for He turns all evil to good. Many times it will only be a manner to bring you back to the fold. Many now are falling into line and following like sheep to the slaughter. Hell is filling so fast that We cannot look without Our hearts sheddingtorn, torn asunder by the numberless souls falling into hell.


Secret order of satan
     “There is now the establishment in your world, a secret order of satan. This order has entered upon every walk of your life. Every form of your entertainment, your government, your schools have been infiltrated.
     “In your complacency, My children, you just wait and watch and do nothing to save your souls or the souls of others. Do not wait until this enters upon your home. Prepare your home for this. Safeguard your children’s souls while you have the chance.
     “I have promised to be with you in the dark days ahead. I intend to stay with you in the dark days ahead and guide all those who will not shut Me out of their hearts. My Son will be with you, and He cries for your understanding in the dark days aheadthat you will not go the easy road and desecrate His Body.
     “The dark days ahead will be a test for all. It will be like placing the metals in the fire and the separating of the sheep from the goats.
     “All cannot enter, yea I say none can enter unless they repent of their sin and cast aside the evil that they have allowed to become a way of life with them. And this must be done on free will.
     “I have given you, through countless visitations to your earth, the sacramentals for your complete salvation and redemption. I do not have to repeat Myself; for, My children, if you have not learned just a little from My visitations, what can I hope for the future?”
     Jesus appeared next to Our Lady, and said:
     Jesus “I give you My peace, as the Father gives you His peace, and We infuse in you the Holy Spirit for your trials in the dark days that lie ahead of you.”
     Veronica Now Jesus is raising His hand high above His head, and I noticeI can see the marks on His hands; they are very red. And Jesus is wearing a deep red, almost maroon-colored robe. And He has a creamy white, sort of a gown, under it. And He has sandals on His feetthey look like brown leather.
     Now Jesus has placed His hand by His side. And He is raising His hand again, over His head. Oh, He is going to bless all the sacramentals. If you will extend your Rosaries, your cards, your mementos, anything of godly origin, Jesus will bless them for the days ahead. Now He has raised His hand high over His head, and He is blessing them now in the sign of the Trinity, like this.
     Oh, now Jesus is coming over to the left side of the flagpole, His right. And He is looking back, and Our Lady is coming forward. Oh, She is standing there now by Jesus, and She has a very large white Rosary which She is extending out, like this. And Jesus has bent over, and He is talking with Our Lady. And They look down this way. And He is raising His hand, Jesus, above His head again; and He is going to bless all on the left side of the flagpole in the sign of the Trinity: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
     Now He’s gone over, He is over by the trees. And He is looking down, though, in the directionand He is raising His hand and He is blessing all.
     Now Jesus is coming over. He is over now at the right side of the flagpole, And He has just placed His hand up. He wants me to listen.
     Jesus wants it known that He does not wish suffering upon humanity, that man has placed himself in that direction. It is the will of the Father that man should be cleansed for his return. Therefore, all will prepare themselves.
     Nowoh! Oh, in the back of Jesus, coming forward are a lot of people. They are dressed in different kinds of gowns. I can see some are nuns. And I recognize now Saint Catherine Labouré and Theresa. And her sisters are with Theresa. And thereover by Our Lady, behind Our Lady, is Saint Dominic. And over by Saint Dominic is Saint Rita. And now the angels are coming forward, and Michael is standing there. And Michael now has raised his hand up, and he is holding five fingers up, like that. And he is pointing over there, back over therefive fingers.
     Oh, and Jesus nowHe’s stepped back, and Our Lady is raising Her Rosary. And with the crossShe has a very large golden cross on Her Rosary, and She is now raising it quite above Her head. And She is making a large arc with it. Oh, She is blessing in the sign of the Trinity, Our Lady. Oh! And Our Lady is saying:
     Our Lady “I want you, My children, to continue with prayer and sacrifice. It will strengthen you for the trials that lie ahead.”
     Veronica Our Lady said to continue with your prayers of atonement, for many are needed. Many are falling into the abyss, more numerous as the days go on. Many families will be grief stricken in the days that lie ahead. But those who keep the truth in their homes and remove satan from among them will approach these days with greater heart.
     In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Rose Notes from Veronica:
     Veronica can no longer have visitors, by order of Jesus. Please send all inquiries by mail.
     Stamps, etc. are much needed for the mission of reaching all souls. Please send all testimonials of cures and conversions, etc. for the records needed for holy Church in the future.



Abominations in the House of God...

 September 14, 1972 - The Exaltation of the Holy Cross &Eve of Our Lady of Sorrows


     Our Lady “I must warn you that you must be most prudent in your associations of the future. All of the manifestations We give you, some are in secret; they are not to be given to others.
     “The Message from Heaven has reached those who have been operating in darkness. Many now have chosen, on free will, to cast aside Our admonitions. They are now planning for the entrance of the evil one, the man of dark secrets, onto the Seat of Peter. The harbinger of evil burrows deeper into the structure of the holy House of God. Unless all high priests in the holy House of God get down on their knees now and beg pardon and do penance for the offenses they have committed against their God, they will not be spared the abyss!
     “Your country and many parts of the earth are contaminated with filth. The evil has come and implanted unfruitful seed in the souls of the youth. We hold responsiblethe greatest measure of responsibility will be given to the parents. The permissive behavior and laxity of the parents will provide the measure for their own judgment.
     “We see the greatest of evils being perpetrated in the holy House of God. The example being shown by the high men of the holy House of God is abominable! The harvest of Lucifer will be great. My heart has now uncountable thrusts from the hands of My children on earth.
     “There is a secret of Heaven, and there is a secret of earth. Prepare now for the coming redemption with your baptism of fire.”


Ball of Redemption
     Veronica No! Oh! Oh, oh, ohburning! [Veronica undergoes tremendous anguish at the vision she sees.]
     A burning ball! It’s swirling, and it’s shooting out fire behind it. And there’s rocks, large rocks are falling. I see . . . the buildings falling. Oh! . . . It’s growing very dark. Oh, the candlesevery place is dark, but the candles are lit in a few places. Oh, I see people. They are banging on the doors. Nobody will open the doors and let them in. They look awfulthey are turning bla-a-a-ck! [Veronica sobs in great distress.] They are burning!
     There is no water to drink, and everyone is so thirsty. Some of the houses, they have water in big jugs, but they won’t open the doors. They can’t open the doors and let the people in. The people, they are falling down by the doorsteps. And there isthe sky is very black, and there is, there is dirt and dust falling all around outside. And there are people screaming. Oh! Oh!
     Now the water is rising. Oh, it’s rising! Oh, their houses, they are being just pulled away; the waves go in and they go back, and there is nothing left.
     Now I see this, this burning, long streak of fire. It’s coming back again, and it’soh! Oh! Oh!
     Our Lady is standing over to the left side of the flagpole. Our Lady said:


Peace to come after cleansing
     Our Lady “I give you, My child, the sight of what is to come. The peace I have promised you in the past has yet to come, but first you must be cleansed. Man on your earth has given himself to satan. For many the recovery is slim. It will mean great sacrifice and prayer for the recovery of many.
     “The agents of hell have come from the abyss. They come to do great battle with God’s children on earth. Those who are of the world will die in the world. The numbers after the great Chastisement will be counted in the few.
     “We have set among you many messengers to prepare you with the words from Heaven. Many have been forced to discontinue their mission, much to Our sorrow. Those souls will be unaccountable for, unless those in the light recover them for Us.
     “The message must now reach all cardinals in the holy House of God. The darkness is deepening, and the man of dark secrets is being prepared for the Seat of Peter. You must all go down now on your knees and pray. Do penance for your offenses now, while you have the time.


Abominations in the House of God
     “The aberrations and abominations being committed in the holy House of God have had no precedence from the time of Noe, and before the time of Noe. The offenses to your God call down justification for the end of your civilization. Man in your country and in the world has made sin a way of life.
     “You will remove from your country the abominations in print. The desecration in print and practice to the Sacred Heart of My Son must be stopped now! Is there none who will stand forth and protect My Son from these abominations? Are there so few who care? If you do not care for My Son, do you have no worry for the condition of your after-life?
     “Yes, many of you have cast aside the truth and deny the existence of the other world. How sad when you come over and receive your judgment! You will be met, those who do not repent now, by the agents of hell and taken for a life of eternal damnation in the fires, forever to be tormented by the very desires that drove you to discard life everlasting for your place in hell.
     “Your children are the misled victims of bad examplebad example of your teachers, bad example of many men in the House of God, bad example by your government and your schools. Satan rules your earth now. But he shall not capture you all, for I have given you the plan for your salvation numerous times.
     “Before these trials are over, you will all have had the chance to make your choice, and if you fall it will be of your own will.
     “Stand forth, My children. Defend the cross of My Son! Stand forth in truth. Do not succumb for your temporary pleasures and riches of the world. You will now make haste to enlighten the bishops that should they proceed in their plan to remove Our Vicar, the sword will come down upon them.


Sunday hour of reparation

     “I wish that there be held on these sacred grounds an hour of reparation on the Day of the Lord. This hour will be for your Vicar and the fallen hierarchy in the House of God. This hour will also be in atonement for the discard of the holy Day of God. 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.”
     Jesus appeared on the left side to bless the people and all sacramentals. It was quite windy. His robe was long, and He was wearing sandals and a velvet cape and a cream-colored gown.
     Our Lady was next to Jesus, and She had a long, deep blue mantle. She wore golden slippers with roses on them. Saint Theresa and another nun, Saint Catherine Labouré, were with Our Lady.
     Our Lady pointed to the papal banner, and She said:
     Our Lady “You will mail three medals to the Holy Father.”
     Saint Catherine pointed to the sky, and there appeared a huge miraculous medal, and next to it the medal of Our Lady of the Roses.
     St. Catherine Labouré “I received from Heaven the warning for my country, as you receive from Heaven the warning for your country and the world.”
     Many nuns were with Jesus, and they pointed to the inside of a large library.
     Jesus “Clean the books from your shelves. Remove them!
     “Woe to man who refuses to mend his ways now, as he loses himself in pleasures and pursuit of worldly riches! They do not recognize what is before them.
     “The Father will chastise those He loves. No evil will ever be triumphant. When you fall, you will have fallen of your free will. No man will enter the Kingdom of Heaven unless he repents of his evil ways and makes amends and atonement to his God! The Kingdom of Heaven was made for all men, but all men will not enter unless they cleanse their souls now of all sin, mortal and venial, and come to Us in belief. And much of this cleansing will be done through suffering.
     “I give you My peace, as the Father gives you His peace, and We will send among you the Advocate to guide you.
     “I place upon your cross graces for conversion of sinners, for cure of body ailments, and for those who will accept, the perpetuation of manifestations given through the will of the Father.”
     Veronica Now there seems to be a cloud, a large cloud now coming before the flagpole. And I can barely see nowoh, there above the cloud I can see Jesus now. He seems to be going backwards into the sky. And Our Lady is still off to the right side. And She says:
     Our Lady “Continue, My children, with your prayers of atonement. There are many souls to recover.”


Rose Notes from Veronica:
     Cures and conversions are being recorded for holy Church. A blind woman (of twenty years duration) was cured through Our Lady's intercession.



Strife in Africa and Italy...

 September 28, 1972 - Eve of SS. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael


     Our Lady “My tears are for those who live by the boot. The Eternal City will suffer much strife.
     “In the ranks of My Son’s House are many who have chosen to sell their souls. Their fall will have repercussions, My child, for they will take many others with them.
     “You will continue to send My message to the cardinals and bishops of your country and the world. They are now going down the same road that they chose many years ago when they chose to cast aside My warnings. Intellectual pride has hardened their hearts and closed their ears to the truth.
     “Man is setting up his own kingdom. Many of those in the House of God have chosen to help them undermine the foundation. Let it be known now that their endeavors will come to nil. The foundation is My Son. It will never fall unless the Father permits this chastisement.


No peace without God
     “Many years ago I promised you an era of great peace. Your world now cries peace, and there is no peace. Does that not make you wonder? Are you looking for peace in the right places? No! You have turned to man to find your peace, and science. There will never be peace in the world unless My Son regains His rightful place in the hearts of His children, and the esteem accorded their God.
     “I have traveled throughout the world trying to awaken you with My admonitions to prepare you for the coming Chastisement. You have been given your plan for salvation. Now you will follow this plan, or you will fall.
     “All messages will be given in its entirety.”
     Veronica Our Lady is dressed in a very brilliant, cream-white gown. There is gold trim all around the outside. The mantle is one piece; it reaches across Her head and goes down the sides to Her feet. Our Lady is wearing golden sandals on Her feet. In Her hands are a large white Rosary. The cross is very golden. Behind Her are angels; I recognize them. They are all sizes, and they seem to be making formation now. Onelike laddersone, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. On the eighth step there is a group of hundreds of angels. They are very large and very awesome.
     Down the lower steps the first angels, the lowest of the childrenthey look like children. They are dressed in all pastel colors, and they are wearing garlands ofthe first has a green like, almostalmost like the wreath around Jesus’ head. And the second, who is dressed in pink, has on a garland of roses. They are white. And the nextthey are in orderthe little children are ordered with green wreaths, and they have white flowersroses they are, white roses made into garlands for their heads. And all along in formation, they are dressed like that.
     Now the other angels in between are in bright white. But they have also very sparkling trim. I believe it’s a silver trim going right down to their feet. And now behind themoh! Oh, coming forward is Saint Joan of Arc; I recognize her. Oh, and she is carrying this banner, and I see on the banner “So be it.” It’s written, “So be it.”
     Now Our Lady has moved over to the right side of the flagpole, and She is pointing up to the sky. And in the sky are two maps. One is of Africa. And Our Lady is saying:


Strife in Africa and Italy
     Our Lady “There will be great strife in the dark lands.”
     Veronica And many of the countries are darkened in Africa.
     And then Our Lady is pointing over, and there is a map that looks like a boot. But I recognize it. It’s Italy! And on top of the boot there seem to be flames coming out. And She says:
     Our Lady “Great revolution. Sadness through all Heaven’s heart.”
     Veronica And there is the church again, a large, massive church. And there is a bell, and it’s tolling very slowly. And I see the cardinals and the bishops, all in formal gowns. And they are all going into this church; I know it’s Saint Peter’s. Now off to the side, as they go into Saint Peter’s I see three figuresoh, but they are horrible! I know they are demons. They’reI don’t want to look at them; they’re horrible!
     Now one has stepped forward, and he now is placing on his head a red cardinal’s hat. And there stands a man, arrogant and of dark secrets.
     Our Lady now is coming forward. She is standing at the right side of the flagpole. I can barelyShe is whispering very, very low:
     Our Lady “Prayers.”
     Veronica Our Lady says:
     Our Lady “Prayers, many prayers are needed for your Vicar.


Subversion in the Church
     “My Son’s House is being subverted from within. The forces of evil are gathering. There are many groups of secret who make plans to enter upon the Seat of Peter. They have laid the groundwork for this entrance in well-planned secret. But they do not know that they are only allowed this for ultimate reversal to good. Man, of his free will, will bring many trials upon himself. This will be allowed by the Father.
     “All who have received the light will not enter upon the wide road. All who have received the light will pray and do penance for those who are upon the wide road. The forces of satan are now bringing deep darkness into My Son’s House and the world. Your times are now far worse than the time of Noe or Sodom. Recognize, My children, how close you are to the end of your era.
     “My Son’s representatives do not read the Book of life. Instead We find that they are bringing into their minds the evils of the world of satan. You cannot gain this world on earth and enter into the Kingdom. There is no bargaining.
     “We see many sitting in conference in My Son’s House, talking idle words that are destructive and not constructive. Better they get down on their knees now and pray, do penance, strip their bodies, starve out the demons that have entered them.
     “I shall be here on My sacred grounds as I have promised, My children. All guidance will be given to you all in the dark days ahead. Do not ride the currents stirred up by satan. Calm these turbulent waters with penance and prayer.”
     Veronica Michael has now joined Our Lady. And also to the right of the flagpole are two beautiful figuresoh, Raphael and Gabriel. Oh, Michael is dressed differently than Gabriel and Raphael. Michael has on a short, dress-like affair. But his legs are covered by this web-like, woven type of cording. And his whole dressoutfit is in gold and green.
     Raphael has a longer, cassock type of dress. It’s in a burgundy color. And Gabriel is also dressed in a sort of a cassock, a long gown; but it’s moreit’s beautifully tied at his chest, up by his shoulders, with gold trim. His is in green, green, but there is white underneath. And his long gown under it is white also.
And Michael now is saying:
     St. Michael “The guardians of the House, the guardians of the Faith watch with interest this conflict on your earth. You will bring back the Faith by example, prayer, and penance.”
     Veronica Gabriel is recitinghe said:
     St. Gabriel “The epilogue of the latter days.”
     Veronica He is pointing to the sky. And in the sky is a large cross, but the cross has a black, sinister coloring all about it. And also, as I watch, I see Saint Peter’s, the large church in Rome, and a very dark cloud is settling about her. I see a Lady. She is very big in theShe looks like She is pregnant, expecting. And then as I watch a black cloud passes over Her. And over to the left there is a little Child. Looks like a newborn baby Boy. And He is reaching His hand up high into the sky, His right hand. Then the black cloud passes again over this Lady, but then it blows away. And the Lady stands up, and She is placing a beautiful golden crown about Her head.
     But She looks over, and there to the right of Her is a beautiful little Boy. He’s about three years old, with golden blond hair. But standing next to Him, He has His arm around what looks like a beautiful white baby lamb. Butoh, as Ioh, the lamb, the face is turning into a horrible wolf! Oh!
Now all has become darkness. And Our Lady now is coming around this dark cloud, and She says:
     Our Lady “I am the light of the world. I bring with Me your plan for salvation. All who follow My direction will be saved.”
     Veronica Our Lady said we are to continue with the prayers of atonement and await Jesus, Who will be here presently to bless all sacramentals.
     Jesus “The tide of iniquity has closed in about your world. Know and prepare for the greatest of punishments. Your baptism will be by fire. We do not wish to fill you with fear, but you must be made aware of the days to come.
     “You will not set yourselves to judge others, for My Father is always the final judge. We ask you to act with charity among your brothers. Show by example, and you will find your efforts more fruitful. All Heaven stands by and watches the battle. Man, on his free will, will hold the decision for the fall of his soul.
     “We do not wish to have one of Our children fall into the abyss. Therefore, guard your souls well. Use the armor that My Mother has given to you, of prayer, penance, and sacrifice. Learn, My children, to cast aside the things of your world that bring your soul into darkness. Keep your minds filled with pure and holy thoughts, for it is the main point of entrance for the evil spirits.”
     Veronica Jesus says you will all raise your sacramentals to be blessed, whether they are cards or Rosaries or mementos of spiritual value.
     Now Jesus is coming over to the right side of the flagpole; He is almost over by the trees. And He is raising His hand high above His head, and He’s blessingHe has two fingers this time, out like this, and He is blessing in the sign of the Trinity: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Now He is looking down, and He is coming over by the flagpole. And He’s placing His hand outoh, He is placing both hands out now. And I can see the wounds on His hands; they are very deep. Now He has placed His hand high above His head, and He is blessing again in the sign of the Trinity: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     And standing beside Him is Michael. And Our Lady is there. And now I see a grouping of nuns coming towards them. Oh, I recognize Theresa. Oh, yes, now also there are three nuns behind Theresa. And I know they are her sisters. And behind them I see nuns, but they are all dressed differently. Oh, I know they must be from different orders. And now Theresa also is looking towards Jesus, and He has nodded yes. And Theresa says:


Chastity in the convents
     St. Theresa “My sisters in Christ, cast aside the inducements to lose your chastity. You must not place upon your bodies the stigma of sin in either thought or action. You must live in the spirit and out of the world. The time on your earth is not long. You will soon be put to test. Do not follow like the sheep into the fires. Your sufferings for the truth will be worth all discomforts of your worldly life, for you will gain an eternity of happiness and joy here in the Kingdom of the Mother of God and all those who He has shared eternity with now. I promised when I left you that I would spend my time here coming to earth to help guide my sisters. I will keep this promise, for I will be with you unto the end of your time. And then I shall rest.
     “Chastity. Oh, poor, poor foolish maidens, why have you led yourselves into the darkness? You have been given the conscience of goodness, but you have been misdirected.”
     Veronica Now Jesus is going past the nuns, and He is standing there now. And He is raising His hand high above His head, and He is looking down now by the trees. And He is blessing in the sign of the Trinity: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
     Now Jesus is walking over to the flagpole. And He says:
     Jesus “All the armor that you have been given shall guide you in the days ahead. But be of light heart in knowing that the ultimate victory lies with My Father.”
     Veronica Now I can see Jesus is goingHe is floating; They don’t walkHe’s floating over to the right side by the leaves. And Our Lady is standing there, and She is extending Her Rosary.
     Our Lady “Continue, My children. Many prayers are needed for your cardinals and bishops.”
     Veronica In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.


Rose Notes from Veronica:
     Spread the messages, especially to our beloved clergy, so as to prepare souls!



Save the Vicar...

 October 2, 1972 - Eve of St. Theresa of the Child Jesus


     Veronica Our Lady is appearing to the right side of the flagpole. With Her are many angels. They are beautifully dressed. Oh, the colors are just so beautiful! There are blues and pinks, and the light is shining so brilliantly on their clothes that I haveoh, it’sthere are no words to describe how beautiful they are. Our Lady now is coming forward.
     “The Rosary must be continued,” She said. Our Lady is coming forward. With Her is Theresa. She says:
     Our Lady “We give you this little child, a spiritual child who gained her crown through suffering.”
     Veronica Now Theresa is coming over to the left side of the flagpole. She says:
     St. Theresa “My sisters on earth, you must learn discipline. You have been led astray and have accepted satan’s plan in your world. You must not follow the fashions of satan.”
     Veronica Beyond Our Lady many, many nuns are appearing. They are dressed in different habits. They are all dressed in habits that reach to their feet. In fact, I can only see their dark shoes from beneath the skirts. Now the nun who has the hat with the large white wings is coming forward. It’s Catherine. And Catherine also has placed out her hand near Theresa. And Catherine is talking with Our Lady, and Our Lady has nodded Her head. And Catherine is speaking:


Discipline lacking in religious orders
     St. Catherine Labouré “I cannot understand the lack of discipline in your orders, my sisters. You have cast aside your vows. You have traded your spirit. What can you expect in eternity but damnation? You have closed your hearts and your eyes to the truth. You have been warned by the Eternal Father and the Queen of Heaven countless times. You will listen now, or lose the gift of eternal happiness. You will not reach the highest pinnacle of sainthood unless you mend your ways now.”
     Veronica Our Lady is stepping forward now. She looks very sad. Our Lady is pointing back to the church, and now to the sky. And I see many churches, and one large one that is rising above the others. It’s Saint Peter’s. Our Lady is crying. She’s, She’s told me to repeat:
     Our Lady “Children of darkness, come out of your darkness. You are in error. Corruption has entered into the hearts of the holy men of God. The teachers of the children have gone astray. The parents have set an example for their children’s destruction. Woe to evil man who continues in his corruption and refuses to listen to the admonitions from Heaven.
     “A heavy hand will be placed upon you all. The penance will be severe. Your souls will be cleansed by trial. All will retire from the world that has fast become the playground of satan.
     “You will keep your sacramentals and pray now a constant vigil of prayer. Satan works now to corrupt and defile the dedicated. Watch, pray, and beware. He roams in the holy House of God. Many mitres will fall into hell. The love of God dims in your world. The dedicated are casting their badges off like they cannot run fast enough into the flames! Are you ashamed to stand as symbols of your Father in Heaven?
     “Our hearts are gladdened, My child, at the many who have demonstrated their love for the Holy Father and the compassion for the cardinals and bishops of your country. The power of prayer has made saints from sinners.
     “All who have joined Our little armies throughout your era will stand forth, and many will carry heavy crosses. They will follow the road of My Son.


Bible not to be changed
     “The Book of life, Bible, must not be changed to suit the weakness of man.
     “As children of the Eternal Father, you have been placed on your earth with a purpose, and only one purpose: to travel, as pilgrims, the road leading to the Kingdom of your God. You were placed here on your earth to do honor to your God by fighting the adversaries of Heaven, satan and his henchmen. Instead, many of Our disobedient children have entered the darkness. They have bargained and sold their souls to Lucifer.
     “Many in the House of God have been misled to accept teachings other than truth. Falsity has been covered by rationalization and leanings of modernism and humanism. You will find, My child, this well-laid plan has corrupted many.
     “As the demons of main mission go throughout your earth, you will find the destruction of souls increasing unless you listen now, go down on your knees and pray, and make sacrifice and atonement for your offenses against your God!”
     Veronica Now Jesus is by the right side of the flagpole. It must be very windy because Our Lady is coming over fast, and Her skirts are blowing very hard. And I notice Jesus’ hair is rumpled, too. Oh, it must be very windy today.
     And now Jesus is extending His hand, His right hand, because He has His garment over His left arm. He has a very full robe on this evening; it is a beautiful burgundy-red color. And He has brown sandals and a cream-colored gown. And His hairand Jesus’ hair looks very long from the side. He is bending down. Oh, He’snow He is going to raise His hand. Everyone here near the treeJesus is right between the flagpole and the tree. Now He is raising His hand over His head, like this, and He has two fingers raised. And He is saying:
     Jesus “I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.”
Veronica And then, nowoh, here Theresa is also stepping forward. She is extending her Rosary. Theresa has a very large black Rosary, but the crucifix is very golden. And Theresa is smiling, and she is looking over to Our Lady. And Our Lady now is standing next to Jesus. Our Lady seems quite tall, too, but She is not as tall as Jesus.
     Now They are both gliding over to the left side of the flagpole. Now Our Lady has a large red and white Rosarythe Hail Marys are in red, and the Our Father in white. Now the crucifix is very large and golden; it’s very shining. Now Our Lady is standing, and She is holding the Rosary up, She says, to show you how, like this. And She is holding the crucifix out and the beads down. And now Jesus is extending His hand over His head. And now He has the five fingers like this, and He is blessing everyone over on the left side of the flagpole: In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
     Now Jesus is coming forward. He is just about next to the left side of the flagpole. Oh, yes, He has extended His hand out. Now Jesus has His hand on the flagpole, and He says:
     Jesus “I have blessed all your sacramentals. They will be endowed with the power of conversion and cures for the manifestations needed for the propagation of the work from Heaven. My Mother will guide you, as will the saintly souls from earth. Do not expect the war ahead to be easy, for you will only survive the trials by dedication and suffering. Prayer, penance, and atonement are necessary for all on earth now. You will make restitution to your God for the offenses committed in the holy House of God.


Temptations of the flesh
     “All cardinals and bishops will go down on their knees and pray for the recovery of the fallen souls in their care. Many Red Hats have succumbed to the temptations of the flesh. Many Purple Hats are following suit. All travel the wide road into darkness and eventual damnation. They will turn now and make restitution now, while there is time.
     “All children of God will make sacrifice and pray for the recovery of the high holy men in the House of Godnow! Those who have received the light will share their graces, given in abundance, to make ransom for the fallen souls.
     “A constant vigilance must now be kept throughout your earth. You are at war! The spirits are at war! I cannot caution you enough now to prepare yourselves for this battle. The final victory will be with the Father in Heaven. The outcome is already ordained. But many shall not accept the light and shall cast it aside to spend their eternity in the fires. All have the choice.
     “When the Ball of Redemption comes upon your earth, all will have received the Message from Heaven, and they will be given individual choice for their salvation or their damnation. The agents of hell have multiplied on your earth and in the holy House of God. Open your eyes to the truth. Do not follow like sheep to the slaughter. Pray, make atonement, sacrifice, do penance, for your time grows short.
     “I bless you, My children, as My Father blesses you, and We diffuse among you the Spirit to guide you in the days ahead.”
     Veronica Now Jesus is raising His hand again. Now this time, though, He is making the sign of the cross. And He is pointing over now to the left side of the flagpole, near the trees. Oh, and I see a large ball, a very large ball. It looks like the earth. And there is a cross upon it. As I watch now there is a very dark cloud, and it’s passing across the ball slowly, slowly, and it’s stopped. Now only a very short, a very narrow line carries the light. The world is steeped in deep darkness.
     And now I see a map over on the right side. The map is of Africa. And Jesus is pointing, and He is saying:
     Jesus “The forces of evil are now marching through the dark countries. They will gather their forces and join to meet in the Holy City where I, Michael, and the forces of Heaven will do battle; and consummation of the change of your earth will take place. All will have received judgment at this time.”
     Veronica And I see . . . oh, I see manyoh, it’s like these horses, they are galloping across the sky. Now behind them I see angels, and they are carrying banners. Oh, but in front of themoh, it’s Jesus. He is on this very white horse; it’s brilliantly bright. Oh, and He is carrying the banner, and the banner has on it Faithful and True. Oh, but it is different; the banner is in red and white and the words “Faithful and True” are written in red. And oh, now from the “True”there are drops of blood coming down from the word “True.” And the blood seems to be falling right down here on earth.
     Oh, and now Jesus has stopped, and I see the horse that He was on seems to be just evaporating, disappearing. And He is standing there now, and He said:


Warn Vicar
     Jesus “Warn Our Vicar! Reach him with your words and your prayer. The enemy is entrenched now next to him. He must be saved by your prayers, for woe to your world when he is removed. On the Seat of Peter will be the man of evil, and woe to the souls on earth!”
     Veronica Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!


Rose Notes from Veronica:
     Please submit all testimony of cure, conversion, of heavenly manifestations for the records we keep for holy Church.
     Holy hour for all cardinals and bishops takes place on Shrine grounds from one to two o’clock every Sunday. Many prayers are needed.
     On last Sunday Rosary holy hour Jesus gifted us with the miracle of the spinning sun, evident to all present. Praise be to God! He loves us so!
     Pray the Rosary daily.
     All Heaven’s blessings in the light! V-J-M-J-T



Man of Dark Secrets...

 October 6, 1972 - Eve of Our Lady of the Rosary


Our Lady “. . . you will spend this hour and many hours of the coming day. Throughout the world My beloved children will stand forth in defense of My Son. Many prayers are needed in atonement for those who have fallen in My Son’s House.
     “You will alert all bishops and cardinals to the dark days ahead. Many are now walking in darkness. Unless you recover them with your prayers and acts of sacrifice, many mitres will fall into hell.
     “I have cautioned all parents to guard the souls of their children. The example We see in many homes is abominable. The soul destroyers are being brought into the homes by parents. It truly rains teardrops from Heaven.
     “I have given you the way to your salvation. I have provided you with all your armor. For many years I have wandered your earth in tears. How many have sought to ease the hurt in My heart and in My Son’s heart? Do not trade and bargain within My Son’s House, for you are setting up souls for destruction.


Man of dark secrets

     “We are pleased with the numbers who are making atonement to the Father for the ransom of your Vicar. The evil surrounds your Vicar. The plan is to remove him from among you. When he is removed, you will receive the man of dark secrets upon the Seat of Peter. Woe to evil man who refuses to repent of his ways.”
     Veronica There is a tremendous light
     They must remove the umbrella from over me. Please, I cannot see the light. It’s beyond there.
     There is a tremendous blue light all around the trees. And Our Lady now is coming forward. Our Lady is dressed in white with gold trim all around the outside of Her mantle. She has golden slippers on Her feet, and She has a very large Rosary. The Rosary is white, and it has a golden crucifix. The crucifix is very brilliant, and it’s shining.
     The light is so bright I can barely see, but there is someone moving behind Our Lady. Oh, it’s Michael. Michael is standing to the right side of Our Lady. Now Our Lady is moving over to the right side of the flagpoleno, the left side, on this side. And She is pointing to the convent and the church, and She is saying:
     Our Lady “You will not concern yourself of the opinion of the clergy. Pray for them and We will give them the light.”
     Veronica Michael is very tall. Oh, and he’s next to Our Lady. He is very much taller than Our Lady and he is very wide, but not like fat. It’s just that his whole structure is very large. And he’snow I notice he has on his feet sandals, but they are laced up to his knees. And he has on a skirt-like dress, sort of, with metal pieces fitted into the seams of the skirt. And he has a cloak over his shoulders, and the cloak is green. And Michael is handing now Our Lady a banner. And the banner has letters, “Faithful and True.”
     Now Our Lady is coming closer to the right side of the flagpole, and She is pointing, Our Lady, over to the right. And there is a large map, and it’s a map of Italy. And I see blood running down the map. The blood seems to be flowing from this map of Italy into the water. And I see a large church in Rome. Oh, it’s a large church; I know it’s Saint Peter’s. And the cardinals and everyone are going inside the church. But now there are many strange people going inside. They seem to be foreigners; they don’t look like anyone that I recognize. They are strangers. I don’t know where they came from.
     Now I notice there are a group of nuns over to the left side by the church, and they are starting to take their clothes off. Now when they take off their clothes, they have short skirts on. But behind them there are a group of older nuns, and they have their clothes on, the garments. And they are reaching behind them and they are bringing out these garments. And they are telling them to replace their garments. They are a disgrace to their order.
     Now Our Lady is standing over by the church. She is rising, She is rising up onto the top of the church, and She is standing on top of Saint Peter’s. She said:
     Our Lady “I am the Queen of Heaven, Mother of earth, and Mediatrix of all graces. I will stand here through the turmoil that lies ahead within the holy House of God.


The half-moon sickle

     “You will all recognize the sign of him who seeks to destroy. He will have on his coat of arms the sickle, the half-moon sickle. You will all make atonement for your bishops and cardinals.
     “The balance is uneven. Should the balance sway more to the left, We will be forced to send upon you the second disaster to your country. The greater the sin, the greater the punishment that will fall upon your country.
     “Science will not have a cure for the plague that will be sent upon your country.
     “You will all keep now a constant vigil of prayer. My Rosary will cover your land. You will all go forth and rescue your fallen brothers. The power of prayer reaches high to Heaven. The final outcome of the planned punishment for your country and the world lies in, now, the will of the Father.


Punishment measured by sin
     “You will be measured by the extent of your sin. The degree of punishment upon your country and the world will be held in measure by the extent of man’s sin and acts and commissions of folly against his God and the laws of the Eternal Father.
     “A wise soul knows the true meaning of saving. Prayer, sacrifice, atonement are your measure for recovery. There is much talk going upon the winds, talk which is destructive and not constructive. This We find in the holy House of God. Better they turn now, go down on their knees, and beg forgiveness for their offenses against their God. Rank shall not spare the wicked. Remember Luciel: he was cast from the eternal Kingdom. All who turn their backs on the commands of the Eternal Father will join Luciel in his dark world.”
     Veronica All who are able, please kneel, because Jesus is here.
     Jesus “I know those who have the love of Me will do all to rescue My high priests.
     “Now, My children, you will place all sacramentals and objects of your God forward, and I will give them the blessings necessary for cure and conversion as manifestation in the dark days ahead.
     “Many of you will find in the future that your sacramentals will be a great source of comfort and true source of manifestation for your God and the development of My Mother’s Mission here in your Shrine of purity.”
     Veronica Now Jesus is placing His hand over His head, very high, and I can seeoh, I can see the wound on His hand. Oh, it’s very deep. And now He raises His hand, and He places two fingers like this. Oh, now He is moving over to the left side, and He is blessing in the sign of the Trinity: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now Our Lady is coming up to Him, and They are both moving over to the right side of the flagpole. And behind Them is Michael. But now coming down from the sky are . . . hundredsoh, so many angels! Oh, they’reoh, they just seem to be all over the sky now. And some are down beyond the trees here. They are very heavy. And oh, nowoh, two are coming down here right by Our Lady’s statue. They are just about up above Her crown. And they’reoh, I know one is Raphael; I can tell by his clothes. He has on this red, sort of crimson-colored, sort of burgundy, dark red gown. But I can’t see his feet now. He is now moving over, he is floating over to the right side. And he is joining Our Lady and Jesus.
     Now Our Lady is holding up Her Rosary. She has a very large white Rosary. And She is taking the crucifixit’s goldenoh, and it’s very shining. Now She is extending it in front of Her, like this, and She’s blessing everyone. But this time She is raising it very high, and She is making the sign of the cross.
Now She is coming over, Our Lady, and Jesus is right behind Her. Now They are both facing us on the left side of the flagpole. Oh, and now Jesus is raising His hand again, and He is blessing in the sign of the Trinity, like this, very fast. And He is facing over now towards the trees.
     Now He has turned and looked upward, and He is pointing upward. And oh! Oh, my goodness! I seeoh, coming down through the sky, a very large ball. It’soh, it’s spinning very fast, and oh, it’s shooting out fire! It’s like the sun falling. Oh, it’s spinning and it’s headingoh, I can almost feel the heat. Oh, now it’s passing by, but it’s got a long, fiery tail. Oh!
     Now the air is clearing, and I can look back now. And I see Jesus and Our Lady and all the angels. And Jesus looks very, very sad. He said:
     Jesus “I give you the vision of what is to come upon your earth in the final days.”
     Veronica Oh! Now Jesus is raising His hands and holding them both forward. And He says:
     Jesus “Look upon My hands and know that you intend now to crucify My Mystical Body. Woe to the world who has placed up man as an object of worship and cast aside his God. The eternal flames will reach many.”
     Veronica Now Our Lady is coming forward. She looks very sad. She has reached down now and with the edge of Her cape, Her mantle, She is wiping Her face. And She said:
     Our Lady “I travel throughout the world shedding many tears. Those who will be gathered in the latter days are few. Already the Ball of Redemption has been planned by the Father. Send My words throughout your earth in the time that is left to you.”
     Veronica Now Jesus is coming forward, and He is standing by Our Lady. And He said:
     Jesus “I give you My blessing, as My Father bestows His graces upon you. And We will diffuse among you the Holy Spirit to guide you in the dark days ahead. Take your hearts and your minds from your world of satan. Retire now into the spirit that We entrusted to each one of you. We intend that that spirit be returned to Us for eternity. We do not wish one to be given over to the adversary, satan. The war is on now! The sides are being lined up. And you will make your own choice now while you still have the time. You will have to remain close to your Sacraments, for you cannot at this stage, be governed completely by false teachers.”
     Veronica saw a large globe covered in darkness, only a small section still lighted.
     Our Lady “Prayer, atonementdo penance now, for your time grows short!
     “Honor My message, though many now dishonor your God, for many tears will be shed when it is too late.
     “I bless you all, My children. Continue with your prayers of atonement.
     “I give you graces in abundance for the asking. From My sacred grounds I have captured from Lucifer, through the merciful love of your brothers, with prayer, many souls destined for the flames!”
     Our Lady moved forward and pointed to a large map. There was the United States. A very dark area covered two places in northern California. This dark area also extended from New York through Massachusetts to Pennsylvania.


Rose Notes from Veronica:
     Rosary hour of atonement every Sunday on Shrine grounds from 1 to 2 p.m.
     Please submit for the records all written testimony of cures, conversions, and manifestations. These are gathered for holy Church.
     God bless you in the light!

     Veronica J-M-J-T



Man of Many Faces...

 November 1, 1972 - Feast of All Saints’ Day and Eve of All Souls’ Day


Our Lady “I am truly the Mother of Sorrows. I look upon the numbers of My children who are engaged in conflict, needless conflict among brothers. While you engage in temporal disputes, the enemy of your God takes his advantage.
     “We gather the prayers of Our beloved children to take to the gates for release of those who are waiting. There are many who have been forgotten, My children. A little sacrifice on your part would release one of these waiting souls.


Clergy in purgatory forgotten
     “Your clergy, the ministers of your God, are forgotten in these dark chambers. See, My child, the countless souls who are waiting to be released. You are surprised, My child, to see they are ministers of My Son’s House. A human has no rank when he is working for the salvation of his soul. He must go down the path of every human. I ask, My children, for more prayers for your departed clergy.
     “I look upon faces filled with fear that covers the love. I do not come to place fear in your hearts, My children. I only come to prepare you for the battle which lies ahead. The harvest of souls is great. Many will be taken from earth before the coming of My Son down among you.
     “Penance, sacrifice, works of great mercy are needed now.
     “My child, do not be disturbed by the events about you. Guide all My children on a straight course. No evil will ever triumph. The Eternal Father wishes you to know now that much is permitted and shall be reversed on its course when the time is ready.
     “You ask, My child, for dates. This will not be necessary. What matters is that you prepare yourself.”
     Veronica The sky is becoming very bright. And there are figuresoh, I recognize them nowhundreds, hundreds of figures. They are dressed in different garments. I recognize Theresa. And next to her are her sisters: one, two, three. Saint Catherine is coming over by the right side of the flagpole. And Our Lady now has joined Saint Catherine, and She is holding up Her Rosary. The Rosary is very large and white, like pearls, very huge pearls. And as She turnsOur Lady is turning towards Saint Catherinethe pearls have a pink glow to them now. And the crucifix is very large and golden.
     Our Lady now has turned to the rear, and She is pointing to all the clergy who are lining up behind the nuns. And there is a man coming forward now. Oh, he is very young. He has curly hair, and he is smiling. And I know it is Saint Dominic. Saint Dominic is saying:


St. Dominic
     St. Dominic “I have passed on to my brothers on earth a great secret, the secret of salvation from Mary, the Queen of Heaven. Do not cast these aside for your temporary worldly pursuits and interest. All time must be used now for the repatriation of all souls. All crowns in Heaven were won by trial. Do not turn from suffering, my brothers. Learn the value of suffering.”
     Veronica Now there are four men who have come forward, and they are standing next to Our Lady. And Jesus nowoh, Jesus is coming down by the right side of the flagpole. He is dressed in a red-burgundy long gown, and He has thisit’s really His covering, like a cloak. And His gown is like a cream color. And He has on slippers, sandalsa brown; they look like leather. And Jesus now has raised His hand, and He is pointing over to the three men. And He says, Jesus says:
     Jesus “Doctors of the House of God.”
     Veronica And now I see names appearing over the men’s heads: Saint Thomas Aquinas, Saint Robert Bellarmine, and the other man is left with a question mark over his head. The manand Jesus says:


Man of many faces
     Jesus “This is the man of many faces who walks now in the holy House of God. Only you hold the decision to his fate.”
     Veronica Oh! Our Lady now is turning and also motioning to this man who has no face. He is turned now, and I see no face. And Our Lady says:
     Our Lady “He is being developed to enter upon the Seat of Peter. All trials coming from the abyss can enter into this man of perdition. A constant vigilance of prayer must now be kept throughout your earth. The time for your Vicar has been extended, but only for a short time. When he is removed from the Seat of Peter, the man of dark secrets is waiting.
     “Many in the House of God have accepted their blindness. When a man of God falls from grace, he can be blinded to the truth. His way back will be one of heavy penance. Seek and ye shall find the road back. Travel on your wide road, and you enter into the abyss.”
     Veronica Our Lady has now come very close, forward to the right.
     Our Lady “I struggle, My children, to reach you all before the Chastisement.
     “There will be many internal disorders in your country, much suffering. Protect your children now within your homes.
     “I need much help. Many arms are needed. I ask your help, and the help of all those who have the love of My Son. Do not permit those of evil infiltration to desecrate the Body of My Son. As ye sow, so shall ye reap.
     “My Son’s House is now infiltrated, My children, with many agents of hell. Recognize the signs of your times. I have given you the armor for your salvation.
     “There is coming a general mobilization of forces in Heaven. The saints who have kept their robes clean upon earth shall enter into the spotless glory of eternal salvation. As We go into deep battle with the agents of Lucifer, many will accept martyrdom.
     “The balance is heavy for your destruction. Man has created an uneven balance. As he adds the atrocities created by him to defile the God-nature of the Eternal Father, he brings himself closer to his own extinction.
     “The Eternal Father, My children, is not a punishing God. He waits, He wonders, He loves, and He is all-merciful. My heart is saddened to have to relate that your time grows short.
     “The Eternal Father has created your world, and He can eliminate all source of evil by cleansing your earth and starting anew. The holy House of God will be cleansed by trial. In this manner, those who remain when My Son arrives will be ready to set up the glorious Kingdom.
     “To avoid this major destruction upon your world, there must be a complete and uncompromised about-face from your evil lives.
     “The light has dimmed on your earth, but Our candles shall search in the darkness.”
     Veronica Our Lady has floated over to the left side of the flagpole. She is dressed in a deep blue mantle, cape-like mantle that covers Her head and goes right down to Her feet. And She has golden sandals on, and a cream-colored dress with a beautiful golden sash. Oh, She has two roses in each hand, and Her Rosary is now entwined in the roses.
     Our Lady said that She is very pleased with the number of prayers and acts of sacrifice being made for the cardinals and bishops of our country and the world. Jesus is very pleased that He finds many who care.
Our Lady said at the conclusion of the full mysteries, Jesus will bless all sacramentals and objects that are to be kept in theto guide you and to be your source of comfort in the dark days that lie ahead.
     I saw hundreds, hundreds of white crosses covering the groundthousands of white crosses covering the ground. Our Lady said:


Wars a punishment for sin
     Our Lady “Wars are a punishment for man’s sin. Satan promotes these wars by using the weakness of man. As long as man idolizes and searches for the temporal things of this world, earth, he will go farther from the laws set forth by his God. As long as man turns from the laws of his God, he will be engaged in conflict of war. Before the coming of My Son and the armies of Heaven, there will be a great world conflict. Pray that your loved ones do not become involved.
     “The measure for avoiding catastrophe and destruction to your earth will be in measure of the penance, the sacrifices, and the acts of atonement made to a dishonored God. You shall receive what you have sown.”
     Veronica All who are able will please kneel, for Jesus is now coming forward.
     Jesus “My child, have all extend their Rosaries, all sacramentals and objects of the nature of God.”
     Veronica Now Jesus is coming over to the right side of the flagpole. He is extending His hand very high above His head, and He is making the sign of the Trinity, like this. And now Jesus is being joined by Our Lady. And They’reoh, They have turned and They are going over by the tree, just a little over by the tree. And Our Lady is smiling, and Jesus now is blessing everyone straight down in front of Him in the sign of the Trinity: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     And Our Lady nowShe has something in Her hand. Oh, it’s the roses She had held before. Oh, She is peeling the roses, Our Lady, and She is tossing them out. Oh, Our Lady said:
     Our Lady “Now you know, My child, why I often spoke to you of graces more bountiful than the petals of the roses.”
     Veronica And Our Lady now is smiling. And She is nowShe is floating over. She is on the left side of the flagpole. And now Jesus is next to Her. Oh, Our Lady looks much smaller tonight than Jesus. Oh, I see; She is down farther in the sky. It makes Her come almost up to Him, almost to Jesus’ waist. Oh, He’s coming down. Ah! [Veronica laughs.]
     He saidI don’t know if I should repeat it. Jesus said:
     Jesus “You are very observant, My child. Is this better?”
     Veronica Oh! Oh, now Jesus is raising His hand. He is smiling. And He is blessing in the sign of the Trinity: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. And He is turning now towards the trees area. And nowoh, He is going to bless in the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Oh, now He is being joined by Saint Dominic. Oh, and there isand there is Saint Aloysius, Saint Theresa, and Saint Catherine Labouré. Oh, and there are many, many others. I don’t know, there aremust be at least fifty or sixty women over on the right side of the flagpole.
     They’resome are dressed in clothes thatoh, I . . . they’re dated, almost, I guess you would say, around the 1700’s, or 1600’s. They look verylike something we used to see in our history books. Andbut then I see these nuns; they are nuns, they’re dressed in all different kinds of habits. Some have on hats that look like “Sun Bonnet Sues.” And then I see Saint Catherine with a large group of nuns with the big headpieces, like wide-wing bonnets. And then . . . also I see some nuns that look like they’ve gotI don’t know what they are. There are red crosses on their armsnurses, I guess. Now over here I see manyoh, many men.
     Oh, and Jesus is saying: “The saints of earth.” And these menoh, my goodness! There is Padre Pio. Oh! And there isbut she has long hair. There is, there’soh, I know who she is. That’s Rose Ferron. Oh, but she looks very young, and she has long hairoh, cut down her back, likeit’s very cut-off, like it’s been chopped off, but it’s down her back. And then there is someoneI don’t know who she is. But Jesus now, He’s turned towards us. And He is saying . . . He’s saying:


Sainthood for the asking
     Jesus “These are all saints of your earth. Make note that nothing is impossible with your God. Ask and you shall receive. The realm of sainthood is yours, all for the asking. Surely, My children, you would not willfully turn from the lighted road and accept the realm of satan. For could I open the gates of hell to you but for a moment, you would spend the balance of your earthly life on your knees and running far from the enticements and inducements that take your immortal being to the abyss.”
     Veronica Oh, I see a very dark cavern; it looks like a large hole. Peopleoh, they seem to be as though they are naked. And they are all falling down. It’s as though there was a great wind pulling them down. But yet they are floating, and they are bouncing, and they are hitting into each other. And they are screaming, they are screaming! Oh, there’s these horrible-looking things. Oh, these things, they’re . . . oh, I don’t know how to explain them. They are like half animal, half human. They are really gruesome.
     Now, now I seeoh, I see two church people with headpieces on. They are mitres. And they are screaming; they are screaming as they’re goingone is going in head first, and the other one seems to be falling. And two things, these two things have them by the legs and they are pulling them down. And then I see . . . oh, I see these others are black, like coals, and they are floating. They don’t seem to stop; they keep turning over.
     Now one is looking up, and he is saying: “If I had known! If I had known! If I had known!” And he is repeating it. Now as he is looking upthis man, he is looking up, and I see all these piles, rows upon rows of little bodies, some without legs, some without heads, some cut in half, some with sliced heads and arms. It’s just like piling on the dump.
     Oh, now I see thoseas they are lying there, there is something rising, hundreds and hundreds of little white lights are rising up out of those bodies. Now Our Lady is placing Her hand out, and everything is growing dark. I can’t see it any more. And She said:


Hell awaits abortionists
     Our Lady “This, My child, is the first level of hell. You see what awaits those who slaughter the innocent. Each body has been given the spirit of life, untimely sent back to the Father. Woe to evil man who has set himself up to destroy the life created by the Father. Never has such wickedness been equalled since the time of Noe! How can you expect a lengthy reprieve? Your warning, being given here from My sacred grounds, is now one of the final warnings being issued to your civilization.
     “I have chosen many voice-boxes throughout the world, but all will give the same message from the Father: Repent now while you have the time, for you shall be destroyed by a measure of your offenses against the laws of God. You will not be judged by the laws of man, for man has lost his way and set up an idol of self-worship. Penance, penance, atonement! What more can I say to you? Your time grows short!”
     Veronica Now Jesus is coming over to the right side of the flagpole. He’s holding out His hand.
     Jesus “Listen, hasten, and act upon the words of My Mother. Your offenses have reached a tolerance that We find must now be stopped. Under these conditions you will all have been prepared for what lies ahead. Hasten, harken, and listen, for the words will go throughout the world, and then the curtain falls!
     “I bless you, My children. Have hope in your hearts as you remain in the light.”



Parents must Safeguard Children’s Souls...

 November 20, 1972 - Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Eve of Christ the King


  Veronica Michael is coming forward. He’s standing at the right side of the flagpole. He has in his hand a large scale. The scale is very uneven. He is looking down, and now he’s looking over to the right side of the flagpolehis right side, our left side. Oh, and he’s pointing to Our Lady. Our Lady is beautifully dressed. She’s dressed in a very bright white gown with a blue sash around the middle of Her gown. And upon Her head there is a crown, but the rays from the crown go upward to the sky. And on each tip there is a star, and the stars seem to go round about Her head. Oh!
     Our Lady “My children, My tears fall upon you. I see the destruction of young souls. How many tears I have shed for you who are repentant, for you who do not listen to your Mother’s cries for atonement! The Father plans a heavy penance for you. None will escape the time of trial.
     “My children, you fail to recognize the existence of a world unseen to your human eyes. Satan and the abyss have come now upon you to do full battle with those who stand forth to defend My Son and His House. I look upon your world of complete darkness of spirit. The candles are few, and the numbers of souls falling daily into hell are as numerous as the snowflakes that fall from your heavens. [Veronica was terrified upon seeing many souls falling into hell.]


Test for the world
     “You must realize, My children, that the time of the enemy will be short. But his destruction during this period given him by the Eternal Father will afford him the time to gather and separate the sheep. Your world is now being given a test. This cleansing will be in the House of God and the lay souls of earth. I have not come to fill you with fear. I must awaken you to the fact now that your days are counted.
     “Satan, Lucifer, has been allowed his time to gather those who have fallen to his enticements. We give you the graces necessary for the salvation of your souls. When this period of cleansing has expired, those who have fallen will have done so of their own free will.
     “My children, you have all looked for the easy road to My Son’s Kingdom. The road to Heaven is not a road of acceptance of what pampers and you find is satisfying to your worldly being. You must deny yourself of these enticements which have been created by satan. I look upon your world and have found that sin has become a way of life with you. Come out of the darkness!
     “The hope that you can offer to those who have been led astray is the knowledge that when the Father forgives, He forgets. He does not wish that one of His children be given to satan. Your world and leadersand yes, those in My Son’s Househave forgotten the value of prayer. They will not recover and ransom souls with idle talk. They must now go down on their knees and make atonement for their offenses against their God, starve their bodies of the demons that they have allowed to enter upon them.
     “Shall My Son find even a small flicker of light, of faith, in the hearts of His children when He returns? Woe unto an unrepentant generation! The numbers counted will be in the few.”
[Veronica then witnessed the coming of the Ball of Redemption and the many who will burn in its great flame. She almost fainted from the sight.]
     Jesus “I repeat: what was to happen in the future, My children, shall be now.”


Parents must safeguard children’s souls
     Our Lady “The Father now leaves the decision with His children. We place the fullest measure of responsibility, and place a condemnation upon all parents who do not safeguard the souls of the children entrusted in their care. We see a foul example in many homes. We see an uncaring, permissive attitude on the part of many parents. Woe to the parent who disregards this admonition now to prepare the souls of their children for what lies ahead!
     “There will be sent upon your country another plague. Many parents will weep, but their tears will come too late. I warned you, My children, of the first devastation, but you did not listen and you did not make atonement. And now what will you do for your children?
     “Those who cast aside the laws of their Godmen of science ever seeking but never reaching the truth! Man shall not set up for a point, an object of worship, the human.
     “You will continue your acts of mercy and prayers to rescue those who have fallen in My Son’s House. Blindness, darkness will lead many into the abyss.
     “I have wandered throughout the world. My tears have fallen upon My children. I shall remain with you through your trials. I have given you, countless times and in many places, your plan for your salvation. Retire now from a world that has been given to satan. The ultimate victory over this evil will be with My Son.
     “I am the Queen of Heaven, Mother of earth, Mediatrix of all graces. I come to you with graces in abundance, graces for the asking. I will dispense to all those who join Me in rescuing their brothers, many gracesmanifestations by means of conversion and cure. I place upon these consecrated, sacred grounds the graces to rescue souls in these dark days.
     “My child, in your haste you have forgotten your cross. I guarded you with My beads of prayer.”
     Veronica Oh, what Our Lady means is that I am never to appear in public places without the cross, and I was in very much of a hurry and I didn’t carry the cross along with me in my hands.
     Our Lady has a very large Rosary. The beads look like pearls, and from the end there’s a crucifix. And the crucifix is very golden. Oh, it’s very large. And Our Lady’s turning now, and She’s pointing over to the left side of the flagpole. Oh, there’s Jesus.
     Oh, will everyone please kneel. Jesus is over onoh, He’s on our right side of the flagpole. Andoh, He says:
     Jesus “I have come early, My children, and I will bless all sacramentals and objects of your God. And with these graces I bestow upon you the grace of conversion and cure. It is in this means that My Mother’s work on earth will be recognized by many.”
     Veronica Now Jesus is raising His hand up over His head. And He’s over near the trees, and He’s raising His hand up high. And He has His fingers like this, and He’s blessing everyone on this side in the sign of the Trinity: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now Jesus has placed HisHe has on a red, burgundy-colored robe over His gown; it’s like a cloak. But now He’s shifting it. Oh, I see. He’s placing it over on His left hand; He’s arranging it onto His left arm. And now Heoh, so He could get His arm freer. And He’soh, He’s over here now by the right side of the flagpole. And He’s raising His hand above His head now, like this. And He’s blessing all in front of Our Lady’s statue in the sign of the Trinity: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Now Our Lady is smiling, and She’s looking over to Jesus. And She said:
     Our Lady “I dry My tears only, My children, because of the warm hearts that have now come to Us.”
     Veronica Oh, Our Lady means the souls that are on the grounds this evening and others who are praying the Rosary and making sacrifice throughout the world.
     Now Our Lady’sShe’s not walking; She seems to be floating, over to the left side. Oh, and Jesus is now over by Her. Oh, He’s raising His hand now, and He’s blessing all on this side of the flagpole: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. And over in that direction, now Jesus is turnedHis back is towards us here, and He’s blessing in that direction: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Oh, now Jesus is bending over. And Jesus said:


St. Michael exorcism
     Jesus “You must return Michael to My House. The exorcism must be brought back to My House. Man has replaced the unseen world with worldly interpretations. He must recognize there is another world, unseen without the grace of the Father, to most. But all who are on your earth must pass on into this other world. Whether you reach the light or descend into darkness for eternity will be of your decision.
     “I bless you all, My children, and I diffuse among you the light in the Spirit. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”
     Veronica Now Our Lady is coming down. And now She’s extending Her hand out over here, and She’s making the sign of the cross with Her Rosary over the people on the right sideoh, Her right side, that’s our left side. Oh, Our Lady . . . She says:
     Our Lady “I send upon a dedicated son graces more abundant than his human mind could conceive.”
     Veronica In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Our Lady now is smiling. And She says:
     Our Lady “Continue with your prayers, for there are many souls to rescue.”
     Veronica Saint Theresa is next to Our Lady. She is smiling and looking down. Theresa says:


Nuns must return to long habits
     St. Theresa “Come out of the darkness, my sisters. You have been misled. Do not follow the fashions of your world. There is no fashion in Heaven. Jesus never changes. There is great punishment ahead for those who follow the world. Do not leave when you are discouraged by those who satan has sent into your convents. Stand forth as an example of purity and godliness. You will not be cast aside by your God, as you will by man, as you stand to defend your God. Pick up your cross and carry it.
     “You will return the habit to the floor.”
     Veronica Over to the right side of the flagpole there’s a nun. She’s smiling. She has on this large white hat, with likehas wings on the side. Oh, she thinksthe nun thinks it’s very funny that I called it “wings.” Catherine! It’s Catherine, Catherine Labouré.
     St. Catherine Labouré “When you accept a change that offends your God, you will be discontinued. Confusion, confusion! All about us we see confusion. Pray to the Holy Spirit that you may receive the light.”
Veronica Our Lady is pointing to a map. I see Egypt, and Africa, and in the center, Israel.
Our Lady “There will be a great War, and at the time of this crisis will return the Lord of lords and the King of kings. Prepare yourself now, for the time for your earth grows short. A great change will soon take place. It will be the end of your era as you know it. Prepare your souls now. You have all been warned.”
     Veronica Our Lady wants this repeated as an act of humility.
     Our Lady “You, Veronica, will care less of the opinion of your fellow man. When you know the value of self sacrifice, and accepting the jest of others without it affecting your emotions and ultimately your work for Us, I’m sure, My child, you will spare yourself much unnecessary suffering.
     “As you advance in virtue, you will cast aside all barbs and accept them, if you do, with great joy. Now all suffering will become a joy when you know the value of this suffering for the repatriation of your soul.
     “You do not have to find occasions to turn to man for solace; just open your heart to Us in prayer. But you must find more solitude in your prayer.
     “You may gain many graces by offering up your discomfort and every unpleasant work for the recovery of souls and the release of these souls in purgatory. There isn’t a waking moment of your lifetime on earth that cannot be used fruitfully.
     “. . . My child, many crosses. All who have followed into the Kingdom carried heavy crosses. All who enter into the Kingdom will carry a heavy cross.”


Rose Notes from Veronica:
     The words of this message are exact as taken from the tapes made on the grounds during the vigil.
Many testimonials of graces to souls are being received for the records of holy Church. Please send in all evidence of manifestations, etc.
     There shall be only one center for sending out initial message of Our Lady here in New York. Others will send out on a personal basisfriend to friend, link to link around the world.
     Our Lady blesses you, Jesus blesses you, and I thank you.
     In the light from Heaven,

     Veronica J-M-J-T



Warnings from Eternal Father...

December 24, 1972 - Eve of the Nativity of Our Lord, Christmas Eve


Our Lady “We have allowed you to accept a heavier cross, for in this way I have fulfilled a promise to you that your children will be saved. One will enter into your family on conversion.
     “I have asked all My children to bring the light to those who are in darkness. By your example you may convert and bring others back to My Son.


Tribulations have started
     “The great tribulations that I have spoken of to you many times have started, My children. We find that they are going unrecognized as from the Father. The heart has grown callous to the sufferings of others. Why, My children, do so many blind themselves to mercy for their brothers until they, too, must feel the sword upon them?
     “The Gospels as written by Our beloved seers of the past has gone throughout the world. The words of the Father will reach all, and they will, each individual, have made their choice.
     “Many graces are being dispensed by My Son through the sacred grounds about you. I have promised to bring many back to My Son through these graces of conversion and cures.
     “A bishop asks for the sign of truth. The Father will send him the sign when he opens his heart to the Holy Spirit.
     “The Father, My child, guides the battle ahead. We are at war, but this is not a war of worldly nature. It is a war of the spirits. Recognize that We will make in these days many great saints. They will not gain their crowns without suffering.
     “The sins of the flesh are sending many souls to hell. The desire for riches condemn many souls. All power gained through riches is but of short duration. Shall you trade that for eternity?
     “My Son has chosen from the world many to represent Him in His House. It saddens Our hearts to know that many now prefer life among the human race. They do not prefer to stand forth as an example of My Son. Unless My Son’s representatives return to their life of prayer, they will be led farther from the path.
     “If you have given your lives into the trust of My Son, you will be guided along the right path for your salvation. Do not expect to fully understand the ways of your God, for His judgment is not akin to man’s. Accept the trials and the sufferings of your daily life on earth; and when the time comes, you will fully understand why your cross was made heavy. And I assure you, My children, at that time you will rise with joy of heart to know that you were given the opportunity for your salvation.
     “My child, I have a humble lesson to give to your world. If you are to follow My Son and stay on the road that leads to the Kingdom, you must divest yourself of all desire for worldly embellishments. You must desire to strip your being of all worldly vanity and pride. You owe nothing, My children, to any human being but to bring him the example of a living Christ. The love of riches has destroyed manythe destruction of friend to friend, and brother to brother, and sister to sister for the love of money and riches; but saddest of all, the destruction of the soul.”
     Veronica Our Ladyoh, Our Lady . . . oh, She’s beautiful! She has on a long gown. It’s sothe light is so bright, but I know the gown is trimmed in gold all along the edge. But I have never seen Her so young looking. Our Lady says:
     Our Lady “I visited My children at Fatima.”


Jacinta photograph

     Veronica And next to Her there’s a little girl. She, she’s dressedshe looks like she has a longoh, she has a long, rugged, very rugged-looking gown on her. It comes down to her feet. And now she’s pulling at her stocking; Her stocking seems to be falling down. And now walking towards her is a young boy. He’s shorter than she is, but he has sort of a black-looking hat on his head, but it’s hanging way over. And she’s nowthe little girl is doing this. She’s trying to tell me. She’s writing J-A-C.... Oh, I know! Oh, it’s Jacinta. And she’s talking about the picture, the picture. Yes, shethe Father allowed her to write on the picture. But Jacinta saidand she’s standing now next to Our Lady, and she said:
     Jacinta “They did not listen to my words.”
     Veronica And Our Lady now, She’s moving over to the center of the flagpole. She said:
     Our Lady “Years too late! Years too late! How sad My tears fall upon the world. Years too late!”
     Veronica And Jacinta is now moving over by Our Lady. She looks very small.
     Now MichaelI recognize Michaelis coming forward. Michael said that the scale is unbalanced, and the great tribulations are at hand and will increase.
     St. Michael “Many foolish peoples have chosen their own deaths.”
     Veronica Our Lady now is moving over to the left side of the flagpole. She’s very beautiful. She’s dressedit’s all in white, but the whole gown seems to cover Her like a large shawl, all around the outside. And She said:
     Our Lady “I have not come to bring fear to My children, but I have come to prepare you and warn you of what lies ahead if you do not heed My admonitions. One remains upon earth who will attest to the truth of Jacinta. All will come to pass as divested to you. The secret with the Father is unknown even to the highest angels of the choir. Therefore, My children, do not spend your time in speculating on dates, but be prepared. Heaven knows no age as you count your days on earth. Speculation in date is not necessary, for time is endless when you come over the veil.


Demon four now on earth
     “Satan has now four major adversaries upon earth. I have given you in the past the direction of his plan. The fourth major adversary is now released from the abyss. Before the coming of My Son in final battle with Michael and all the armies of Heaven, two more will enter upon earth.
     “Prepare, My children, for the great trials that are ahead. All who remain of well spirit are not to accept My counsel with fear. But woe to those who do not listen, and harden their hearts and deafen their ears to My counsel! I have come to earth because I am your Mother. And as a Mother I cannot help but fear what will happen to My children without My help. My Son is being recrucified by the children He already sacrificed Himself for in the past. The Father
     Veronica “Oh! No! Yes. Oh! Yes.”
     [Veronica was shown a vision of the punishment to come, and almost fainted from shock.]


Warnings from Eternal Father
     Our Lady “The Father wants it to be known at this time that the prayers, the sacrifices of those who love and care have not gone unnoticed. But the scale is falling heavily unbalanced to the left. Therefore, unless man makes a major reversal, he can expect the Ball of Redemption very soon upon him. It will be the manner of cleansing. Fire will claim many, for many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. Very soon you will receive another Warning. The world will call it a major disaster. And after that, the world will not call it a major disturbance of natural tendencies, but they will call it the hand of God!
     “My child, the Father is allowing to enter upon man many signs, many prodigies, for one reason in this desperate battle: for the recovery of His children’s souls. Satan roams the world; satan roams within the House of My Son. And only you hold the decision for the final outcome of your salvation. Each man will make his own decision; for when you fall, you will have fallen of your own choice. Prayer, sacrifice, penancethis, My children, is not too much to ask of you in the face of what lies ahead of you.
     “Your country has received many warnings. Each one will grow more severe until the cleansing is complete. There will be a time when you will feel that all hell roams your earth. Those in the light will be persecuted. Do not expect to go without suffering. But there is one great hope that you must always keep in your heart: that My Son and the Father will be victorious.
     “It is and has been from the beginning of the time of your earth, the time that this, these moments on earth of tribulation would approach. The darkness was held back by the prayers and penance of many. And the darkness can still be held back with a major reversal and a turning from the man of sin who is day by day claiming more victims.
     “You will continue to pray and make sacrifices for your clergy. They are given many graces by their ordination; but they, too, are under subject to attack, great attack by the adversary, satan. You must pray that they do not fall into darkness, for in this way they will have the opportunity to take many souls with them to hell. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer, now!
     “My children, do not become lax and wait for another to sacrifice and do penance. This you must do yourself, and be an apostle, a disciple of My Son. For if you bring back only one to Us, there will be such great rejoicing in Heaven for each that you recover for Us from Lucifer. Penance, sacrifice, My children, I beg of you, for many will be lost to Us in the days ahead. The greatest power given to Me from the Father are your beads of prayer that I gave to you many years ago. Pray, My children, and keep a constant vigilance.”


The first Christmas

     Veronica I see a cave. There’s a large hole in the hillside, and it’s all dug out like it’s been dug out. It’s a cave. And there’s an animal; it looks like a donkey. It’s tied to a rock at the side of the entrance of the cave. And now I can see inside the cave. And I see Our Lady. And She’s sitting on the ground. Our Lady has on a heavy shawl, and She . . . .
     I see a man, and he has on a brown gown. And he has a beard. I can look at him. And he’s looking over to Our Lady, and he’s carrying straw. There’s an animal over to the side. It looks like a cow, I guess. It looks like a cow. And thenI know now the man is Saint Joseph. And he’s carrying the straw over, and he’s laying it down by Our Lady. And She has a little Baby, and He’s all wrapped up in this sheeting. And the sheeting looks like muslin. It’s a grayish-white, sort of a yellowish, very hard-looking material. And She’s smiling, and She’s laying this little Baby down. He’s wrapped up in this sheeting, on this straw.
     And now She’s sitting up, and She’s smiling. And Josephhe walks over to Her, and he’s giving Her a piece of fish. I know it’s fish, but it’s very dry-looking. It’s aboutoh, it’s a piece about that long. And Our Lady now is sitting there and She’s eating it, but it looks very hard. It looks like it’s dried out. And Joseph now, he hasit’s a loaf of bread, I guess. But it looks very dark, almost black-looking. And he broke off a piece of it, on a piece of rock. He hit it, so it must be very hard, what he is eating.
     And now there’s a light. Oh, it’s a beautiful light now, lighting up the whole inside of the cave. But it’s not comingthere’s no candles or anything. Butoh, and behind them, there are two beautiful angels. One of the angels, he hashe’s dressed in blue, beautifula long, blue gown. And over at the side of him is an angel. I can’t see their faces; it’sthey’re so bright that all I can see are their gowns and the, these wings. I know they have wings, because they’re like feathery goose down, reaching down to the ground from their shoulders. And they’re standing behind Our Lady. And Our Lady now has looked up to them. And the Baby is looking up to them, also. And the Baby, I can tell from His size, is . . . I know He was just born. But yet, His faceHe looks like, could beoh, yes. Oh, He’s now smiling up at the angels. And a man now has come to the door, and he’s looking in. And he’s saying something about the inn. And Joseph shook his head, no. They would stay there.
     Now the man at the door, he doesn’t seem to see anything, becauseI know he doesn’t see anything, because he asked if they wanted light. And Our Lady smiled up at Joseph and Joseph shook his head, no. And so I think the man at the door doesn’t even see the light, this beautiful light that’s lighting up the whole inside of the cave. I can’t understand how he can’t see it, it’s so bright. It’s beautiful!
     And now the man went outside. And he’s got two goats. It looks like a goat he’s bringing in, and he’s tying it onto a rock that’s at the edge of the door. It’s very rough inside; it looks like rocks, as though they had cut out some rocks there. And now he’s going out, and he’s looking up to the sky. And there’s a very bright star. There’s a beautiful big star, and the rays of the star come all the way down, right to the door of the cave.
     Now I’m looking down from the hill, and I seeI see two men walking and another one riding, but he’s beingseems to be carried on a board. And they’re coming up. And they’ve got another board they’re carrying, and it looks like a box on the board with some kind of a golden cover on it.
And now the two men who are walking are dressed very elegantly, withthey have these velvet robes on. And they’re coming to the cave. And they’re coming in, andoh, and they enter the cave and the first two dropped down to their knees. And they’re opening the boxes, and Our Lady is looking at them. And they’re goingand they’re trying tooh, they are emptying the boxes at the feet of the Baby. And Our Lady smiled and She shook Her head, no. She shook Her head, no. And they put everythingit looked like they were jewels; I can see pearls, and I can see green, glass-like, looks like glass-like stones, and red ones, andoh, they look very pretty. And Our Lady shook Her head, no. And they put them back in the box. And the man in this very deep burgundy-looking robe, he handed the box back then to the man. And nowI know, I can tell by looking at them that they’re kings or something. They, they’re very wealthy people. And now they’re backing away without turning their backs. They keep bowing down. And they havethey left something else, another little box. But now they want to light it, and there’s smoke coming out of it. I can smell it, like coming out of it. But it smells very strange. It’s not like perfume. It smells likeI don’t know how to explain itlike herbs, like. And then Our Lady allowed that. But I sit there, and it’s . . . the odor of it, it’s so strange. It’soh, I don’t know. It’s likeI don’t know what it is; I never smelled anything like that before. And Our Lady smiled.
     And then the men backed off, and one left a little sack. And when it came downit must have coins or something in it because I can hear, you know, like, like it was fifty-cent pieces clanging. And Our Lady shook Her head no, no. And the man picked them up and he backedand the three of them now are going out of the cave. But they haven’t turned their backs. They keep bowing and bowing. And now Our Lady looked down to Jesus, and She’s bending over, and She’s smiling.
     Now it’s getting very, very dark, and I can’t see anything any more.


Abstinence on Christmas Eve
     And Our Lady nowoh, Our Lady is appearing now outside the door. She’s standing, and She’s talking about the meat. Before the Feast Day of Her Son, no meat, She says.
     Our Lady “No meat before the Feast Day. It is only a small act of penance.”
     Veronica Oh! Our Lady said I was to extend the cross. Oh, Our Lady now has Heroh, Her beautiful white Rosary. And it has a golden crucifix on it, and Our Lady now is extending the crucifix up. And I know if you have any sacramentals, if you extend themsince She is going to bless the cross, Our Lady will also bless all your sacramentals and any objects of godly nature. Because She has a very large golden crucifix on this white Rosary. And now She’s extending it very high and She’s making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     And now Our Lady is floatingShe doesn’t walk, She’s kind of just floating over to the right side. And She’s now blessing everyone on that side with Her golden crucifix. And now She’s coming back, and Michael now is joining Her. And they’re moving over to the left side of the flagpole here.
And now Our Lady is bending way down. Our Lady is looking downI don’t know. She’s looking down now, and She’s speaking to somebody over on the left side of the flagpole. There must be somebody here tonight who is very special to Our Lady, because She’s speaking to him. I can’t hear what She’s saying. But now She’s standing above him, and She’s going to place Her cross above him, and She’s making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. And She said:
     Our Lady “Protection, My son, so you do not listen and follow the wrong rule.”
     Veronica Oh, and now Our Lady is over to the center of the flagpole. She’s just directly behind. Our Lady said:
     Our Lady “Now you will continue with your beads of prayer.”
     Veronica Everyone who can, kneel down because Jesus is going to bless all the sacramentals. Jesus is over on the right side of the flagpole. Nowoh, and He, He saidJesus said to give this to Mr. S. Mr. S. is to send this to his bishop. Oh.
     And not only thatoh, I’m almost afraid to tell you, but it’s so wonderful! I wanted to get out of my chair, and Jesus said, Jesus said, “Stay in your chair.” [Veronica was confined to a wheelchair because of a back problem.]
     And I went up, up, up in the chair. Oh, Ioh, I wish I couldI asked Jesus would everybody see the chair going up. And HeI was hoping you could see it, but I was way up in the chair. And I, I held Jesus’ hand. And I had a wonderful ride. And I justthe whole chair just floated up, right up past Our Lady. And I asked Jesus, “Please let everyone see this. They’ll never believe it.” And here I am gliding, and then first where the chair started rolling I thought someone was pushing me back and forth, and when I looked up it was two angels. And I just floated right up and down and I was holding Jesus’ hand. And I asked Him if I could get out of my chair and will He cure me like He does the others, and He says, “Not now.”
     So I was kind of disappointed. I thought, “Gee whiz, if He cured everybody why can’t He let me stand up, too?” So He smiled and He said, “Not now.” So here I am still here in my chair, but it was wonderful! The whole chair and everything went up, and I was able to hold Jesus’ hand. And now He thinks it’s quite funny that I’m telling you about it. And He’s standing. Now Jesus wants everyone to raise their sacramentals.
Now Jesus is wearing His redit looks like a dark, almost a burgundy-colored gown. Now He hasHe’s taking His robe and He’s placing it over His right hand now. I guess it looks very heavy. Now He’s raising His hand, like this, and He’s blessing everyone, but He’s like this. He says I got my fingers backwards. Like that, Jesus says. But He’s raising His hand andoh, He’s making the sign of the Trinity, like this.
Now Jesus is going over towards the tree, and He’s looking down. And He’s blessing everyone on that side. And now Our Lady is behind Him. And Jesus is coming over to the middle of the flagpole, and He’s raising His hand. And He’s blessing everyone in the sign of the Trinity. And He’s smiling, and HeJesus has such a . . . there’s no way I can tell you, when He smiles. It’s, it’soh, I can’t explain it to you. He’s so wonderful, you feel so wonderful.
     And now Jesus is going over to the left side of the flagpole, and He’s looking down now. There’s somebody down there. Now I know there must be a priest or someone here tonight, because Our Lady is very, very much interested in someone here who’s on the grounds tonight. And She’s smiling. She says:
     Our Lady “You are very
     Veronica She just turned to me, Our Lady did, and She said:
     Our Lady “You are very knowledgeable, My child.”
     Veronica I don’t know what She means by that; I don’t know. But anyway, She’s now looking down again, and She’snow Our Lady’s with Jesus, and Our Lady turned to Jesus. Now Jesus is standing oversomebody is over here someplace, standing over to the left side of the flagpole. Now Jesus now is blessing also everyone on that side, but now He’s looking down upon somebody over there. And I can’t turn around. Now also He’sfor somebody on the left side of the flagpole, He is giving another special blessing in the sign of the Trinity.
     Now Our Lady and Jesus are coming over. Oh.
     “I’d sure like to have another ride.”
     Oh. Our Lady said: “You’d better pray and stop taking the rides.”
     Now Our Lady said to continue with the Rosary.


Rose Notes from Veronica:
     The calendar for 1973 has been printed. All will receive a copy of the coming vigils.
More medals of Our Lady of the Roses are being cast to fill the overwhelming requests from the peoples of the world. Praise be to God working through Our beloved Mother, Mary from Heaven!
     Please pray for all departed. They beg our prayers from purgatory.
     Veronica wishes at this time to thank all the warm hearts of all Mary workers who supported and prayed for her during her illness and the demise of her father on January 2, 1973. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
     A blessed New Year to all in the light of God!



Trials and Suffering a Test Permitted by Heaven...

 December 30, 1972 - In honor of the Holy Family


Vicar under duress
     Our Lady “You have asked Me many questions. I have chosen to answer them for you at the proper time. The one you wonder of, your Vicar, has been forced under duress, as his heart is now torn by the knowledge of those who have betrayed him. He will accept his cross so that the Church of his beloved Jesus will not fall into greater scandal.
     “I have asked, My Son has asked for many victim souls. The road to sanctification will be in suffering. The penance and sacrifice for atonement to your God for the offenses committed against Him must add and balance the scale more evenly, My children.
     “Many warnings given by the Father are passing unnoticed as such. It is within the power of the Father to visit upon you earth upheavals in regions that have never received this act of devastation from their God. Many cities will fall.
     “All children destined for the Kingdom will be placed to great trial.
     “Many hearts are heavy upon earth with the knowledge of the great devastations of the past and the ones which will soon approach upon the world and your country.
     “My tears fall heavily upon a generation that will be tested and brought back to the Father by heavy trial.
     “The wise will know the true meaning of saving. When directed by the Holy Spirit, you will hasten to bring Our message to the world. You will speak once and if they do not hasten, you will not speak out against them or point the finger of guilt. You will pray and make sacrifice, do penance, to recover the soul.
     “The war of the spirits has now reached its crisis. Man stands now to make his decision for the ultimate destruction of his civilization, or his return to the world as originally planned for him by his God.


Our Lady calls to deaf ears
     “When I came to your country, My children, I expected with great heart to not have to wander with so many words of direction. But I have promised to place My mantle over your country, and as a Mother, I shall still call out to deaf ears and hardened hearts. I will be with you as you receive your Chastisement; I will hold both My hands out and gather those to Me who are able to listen and respond to My pleas.
     “All who accept the plan I have given with My Son for your salvation, have no fear.
     “I have need to instruct you, My child, that you will be subject to great trial. The test will bring you almost to the breaking point. Satan has set many agents to destroy My work, but I shall crush his head.
     “You ask, My child, why I permitwhy My Son and the Father permit you to stand under such great attack. It is because you are Our champion. All whom We have taken to set as disciples for the work of saving souls throughout the world will be subject to great physical, mental attacks, and even attacks by satan to enter into their spiritual life. You have no need to fear, for as you hold My hand and follow My direction, you will emerge gloriously with the Father.
     “Cures and conversions will come about as I have promised, to propagate the work and the mission on earth of raising in your country the Shrine. However, My children, you also must follow the direction of the prophets of old. We have given many graces to physicians on your earth. Seek their counsel, too. And then come to Us, and in the will of the Father We will cure you. This cure, if not given physically, I assure you, My children, will be given to you spiritually.
     “Many physical disabilities are permitted to be extended during your lifetime on earth for your sanctification. Your body is but a temporary housing, a shell for your eternal being. Your life will be eternal beyond the veil. Your sufferings on earth are but of temporary nature, My children.”
     Veronica Our Lady is standing to the left side of the flagpole. She’s dressed in a beautiful blue gown. Oh, it’s, it’s like a cape. It reaches from one side of Her and covers over Her head and down to Her left side. And beneath this cape-like gown is a whiteit’s a cream-colored gown, part of Her dress, with a blue sash.
     Now standing next to Her, I recognize, is Saint Joseph. He is holding a very young Boy. Oh, He’s about three years old. He has light brown hair, but He is sitting almost in the elbow of Joseph’s arm. And He is looking down now, and He is raising His hand, the little Boy. Oh, and He is making the sign of the cross upon us. Oh! Oh! Now Saint Joseph is bending over towards us. HeSaint Joseph says:


St. Joseph counsels families
     St. Joseph “Children of the world, there is so much discord among families. There is so much deterioration among families. This is not a good sign. The family unit must be together under the true sign of the living God. Mothers and fathers have a great responsibility for their children. You who spend your hours, so few upon earth, giving your children their bodily delights, their materialistic wishes and pleasures, while their souls are starving and they are being led on the path that will take them farther from the Kingdom. Sin, the darkest of sins, are being committed in the homes. What example as parents are you showing to your children?
     “Woe to the man who casts aside his wife to find pleasures with another. Woe to the woman who casts aside her children, seeking forever to bedeck herself with riches and the pleasures of the world. The family that throws away the directions given by the Queen of Heaven for the salvation of their soul goes down the dark road; it is a road that leads to Lucifer. And the numbers of children’s souls being claimed daily are countless. And many of these children have been cast into hell by their parents. Woe to these parents when they stand before the Father!
     “We look upon your world. Love! What is the true meaning of love in your world? Indecency, immodesty of dress, destruction of the true meaning of the creation of life! Your world is now in a state far worse than when the Father destroyed it during the time of Noe and Sodom! What can you expect unless you turn back now?
     “I am not a man who has spoken many words to the world in the past. Your Mother and One, my Son through the Father, sacrificed Himself for a generation that now is worse.
     “I add my admonition to you, I, Joseph, that unless you follow the directions for your salvation now, the days for your existence and the end of your era will be soon.”


Ball hits earth

     Veronica Oh, oh! There’s athere’sthere’s a big thing. It looks like a ball. It’s, it’s all red, and it’s, it’s shooting fire. I canI can feel the heat of it. It’s shooting fire in every direction. And now it’s coming around, and it’s coming closer. And it’s hit! It’s hit! And I seeit’s like, I don’t know, it’s like everything is crumbling. The buildings are crumbling. And I hear people screaming. And everything is growing very dark, very dark. It’s as though the whole half of the world has grown dark. Oh, oh! It’s soit looks as though even the world itself has stood, is standing still, no longer turning. There’s no light!
     And people are running. They’re running, but they are, they’re in darkness. They don’t know in which direction to run. But therethere’s a house. It has a candle, but they’re acting like animals. And they’re trying to get into the house, and there’s another one that has a candle, but the windows are boarded. They won’t open the doors. And now there are great, great pieces of rock, and they are falling down on the people in the streets. And everywhere I see there’s blood, and people crying for mercy. And I look, and there are about sixty bodies on the ground. And there’s a man under a large slab, but he is holding a cross.
Oh! Oh, and, and, and there’s a voice that’s crying, “Three days! Three days!” Oh!
     Now it’s getting very bright. And Our Ladyoh, Our Lady is now on the right side of the flagpole; She’s looking down sadly. And Our Lady says:
     Our Lady “You see only one part, My child, of the great days of tribulation to come. I know how weary My work is upon earth. Our armies grow, as others turn their back, and scoffers roam the world. Do not be discouraged, My children, for you must stand forth as an example to others. And you must not slacken in your acts of sacrifice and penance. Do not give in, My children, to your body weaknesses. I will furnish you with the strength to continue your discipleship upon earth.”


Trials and suffering a test permitted by Heaven
     Veronica “Our Lady, I don’t know if I should repeat this.”
     Our Lady says She gives me this choice. And I don’t mind repeating it because there may be others who it would help. And Our Lady smiles. So I will repeat it. Our Lady knows that I asked why the work has become so difficult for me, and why so many trials. But Our Lady said this is the great test. That as we gather more souls, satan will send more agents to attack us.
     Our Lady “The God, the Father, is all goodness and love. There are many secrets of Heaven and earth, and in some of these secrets is the knowledge of why human man is subject to many illnesses and trials. We do not visit these trials upon Our children; We permit satan to test them with these trials.
     “If you recognize why you suffer, if you recognize that the Father has a plan for every moment of your life, and if you are truly with Him, you will accept with joy these trials and know the benefit, the abundance of graces that you can gain, if not for yourself, but for others. All suffering will then become a joy.”
     Veronica I see now my very dear friend, Saint Theresa. She’s appearing on the right side of the flagpole. And if you watch, I don’t know if everyoneSt. Theresa just passed her hand over her head to where even the light flashed by the trees. And Theresaoh, Theresa says:
     St. Theresa “The time I was with you, I gave you many lessons on suffering, Veronica. I do hope that you have not forgotten them. I would advise you, my sister, to pray more for the courage you need.”
     Veronica Our Lady now isShe’s walking over to the left side of the flagpole. And She says:
     Our Lady “The hours, the holy hour I requested of you will continue on the Lord’s Day. This will continue until the great tribulation. I promise to protect all those who are upon My grounds when this great tribulation comes upon you.”
     Veronica Our Lady is now walking over, and Jesus is on the right side of the flagpole. And Saint Joseph is standing between Him now. Now Saint Joseph is looking to Jesus. And Jesus is fully grown as He appears here. And He is blessing the sacramentals.
     Now Jesus is coming forward. And He, He requests that all who have sacramentals, all objects of godly nature be extended. And He has now a special word for one who is here this evening. Oh, Jesus says this person shall be cured of their malignancy. He promises the cure for this malignancy on one condition: that when this person is cured they will offer a Mass monthly for a departed spouse. That must mean husband or wife. II think, I don’t know if Jesus wants me to speak up. He said that this person has a departed spouse, but willed that this remaining party will be cured of the malignancy.
     Now Jesus is raising His hands very high over His head. Now He asks to extend all your sacramentals, and if you cannot bring them out to the open, He said, He will bless them on your person.
     Now Jesus is going to the right side of the flagpole, and His hand is being extended, oh, high over His head. And He is blessing in the sign of the Trinity: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. And now He is smiling, and He is shifting His arm and coming over to the right side of the flagpole. And Our Lady is next to Him. And nowoh, both together, Our Lady is raising Her large crucifix which is on Her Rosary.
     Our Lady has a white Rosary with a very large golden crucifix. And Jesus is raising His hand now. I don’t know if I can do it; it is like with three fingers, like this. And He is making the sign of the Trinity. And Our Lady is blessing in the sign of the cross. And now They are moving over, They are like floating over to the left side. They are between the flagpole and the tree, now. And Our Lady is bending down. And She is smiling down at someone standing right under the tree. And She’s raising Her hand, and so is Jesus. Now They are blessing everyone on the left side of the flagpole: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
     Now Jesus is standing here. He’s, He says:
     Jesus “My Mother has come as a Mediatrix to earth. I have offered Her this opportunity to save the children of earth. Listen to Her words of caution and direction, and you will be saved. I extend to My children My heart. The Father promises all salvation if you will just follow His direction.”
     Veronica In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
     Jesus “My heart is heavy. I shall not go into detail of the abominations being committed within My House on earth, but I ask all to make sacrifice, do penance for My representatives who are in darkness and entered upon them a great delusion.”
     Veronica In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Jesus “Continue, My children, with your prayers of atonement.”


Jacinta to be beatified

     Veronica Jacinta will be beatified. And Our Lady said that Lucy will bear witness to her words, here at this Shrine! At this Shrine! She said that; that’s what Our Lady said. Our Lady said Jacinta will be beatified. And Lucy will bear witness to her words, here at this Shrine. I don’t know exactly...
And Our Lady said . . . She smiled and She said:
     Our Lady “That is all I will tell you, My child, at this time.”
     Veronica Oh! Oh, yes. And thereoh, there is Jacinta. Oh, oh! Jacintaoh, yes. Oh, Jacintaoh, next to her is a little boy. And she is telling him to take off his hat, it is not proper. Oh, that is because Our Lady now is standing next to him.
     And Our Ladyoh, Our Lady is beautiful. Oh, Our Lady has on a long white gown and a mantle, though the mantle is all one piece from Her feet all over Her head, down to the other side. And She is beautiful. Oh, Our Lady looks very young, very youngoh, like a very young girl. Oh, and She is sayingoh, and Our Lady now is pointing up to the sky beyond me. And She’s saying:
     Our Lady “Let this not be taken lightly as My warning at
     Veronica . . . and there is big letters in the sky: F-A-T- “FATIMA”: F-A-T-I-M-A.
     And Our Lady is repeating. She said:
     Our Lady “Veronica, My child, repeat this now. Do not take My warnings here lightly, for you have waited too long at Fatima!”
     Veronica F-A-T-I-M-A. It is written clear across the sky. Oh. Now the little boy, Francisco, he is shaking his head, yes. And he’s looking over, and Jacinta, JacintaI can hear her. She is very light, her voice is very low.
     Jacinta “I tried to tell you what would happen to the world just as Our Lady told me to tell you. I tried to tell you. Maybe my words were not clear, but it all has happened and made us all here very unhappy because Our Lady cries. When I was on earth, Our Lady came to me and cried, also. And I promised Her, and now I am sad because you do not even believe me now. And I gave you the picture, too.
     “I would like you to send more of the pictures to everyone now.”
     Veronica Our Lady says:
     Our Lady “You will not worry of the message of My Immaculate Conception. [Veronica was in the hospital at that time.]
     “Though the world has sought, through satan’s direction, to destroy not only the divinity of My Son, but My purity. I wish, My child, that instead of written message you now send the picture in abundance [Jacinta 1972]. The monies that would be used for the printing of the message of the Feast Day you will now use to send immediately the picture throughout the world.
     “Jacinta warned you of the affairs of Rome. Now one remains to be fulfilled, the secret of Heaven and earth. I have entrusted you with this already, and I have asked you to prepare yourself and those you love for this eventuality.”
     Veronica Now it is growing verythe light seems to beit is growing very dark. And Our Lady now is going over to the right side of the flagpole. And She is raising Her Rosary now. I can’t see Jacinta any more. It’s as though she has just gone back into the sky. And She is raising Her Rosary high above Her head. Now the Rosary is formingoh, Her white Rosary is turning blue, and it is forming a “G” clef. Oh, it’s the “G” clef in the picture. Our Lady said:
     Our Lady “This was My sign to you of the power of My beads of prayer. You will use these instead of idle words. This direction I give to the high priests of My Son’s House. You have abandoned prayers for the love of the world. You have accepted false teachings of humanism and have developed a destroying love for the material. Now you will make an about face and return to the proper teachings. Prayer will recover you from the darkness into which you have led yourselves and others.
     “A great responsibility for the many punishments that will come upon your country and the world will be set before the high priests in the House of God.
     “I feel at this time there is no further need for direction but that you open your hearts to the Holy Spirit and allow the light to enter your souls. Get down on your knees and pray, and direct your sheep to keep a constant vigilance of prayer. For you have reached the crisis, and the direction now lies with man. Your world has given itself to satan.”
     Veronica Now Jesus is stepping forward; He looks very serious. He is not even smiling, as I usually see Him smiling. Jesus is stepping forward, and He says:
     Jesus “Many love God, but many must know the fear of God. Many have chosen to sell their souls to get to the head. They have received their warning. They have been given the chance now to turn back. The world is now receiving the Gospels. When iniquity has reached its highest peak, know that My coming is then at hand. And it will not be long that I shall return to visit upon the wicked the justice that is so long delayed, delayed by the pleas of My Mother.”
     Veronica Now there is a large ball. It is very dark. And there is a very dark cross now on the top of the ball. It looks now that under the underside of the ball are great drops. But for the darkness, it looks like the world is bathed in blood. Now, now it’s growing very dark. I can’t see. I can’t see the world, the globe, or the cross. And it’s written across the sky, “PENANCE.” They’re large letters, “PENANCE, SACRIFICE, ATONEMENT.”
     Now Our Lady has come forward, and thereoh, there are many angels with Her. They are all standing about. And She says that:


Two grains in hourglass
     Our Lady “The war continues and is accelerating. Unless there is a drastic change, your country will then have a greater devastation. The hourglass is dripping, and two grains remain.”
     Veronica In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.


Rose Notes from Veronica:

     Regarding the cure promised by Jesuswhen this is proven, will the person please send testimony to Veronica for holy Church records. Thank you. - Veronica



The Warning...

 December 31, 1972 - Eve of the Solemnity of Our Lady


     Our Lady “My Son has planned many surprises, pleasurable surprises, for Our children on earth who are working with Us to outwit the enemy of God. Do not be surprised when you are visited by many personages from the Kingdom. This will be truly the age of revelation to many. I say this to you, My children, with great joy of heart, for the many tribulations ahead shall prove you and test you for your entrance into the Kingdom.
     “Life upon your earth is but a vale of tears. Many sorrows are in the hearts of many mothers on the eve of your New Year. I bring you on this day a word of gladness, the words of hope that eventually all tribulation will end and My Son will be victorious. The battle of the spirits will not be fought by visible human means. War with the spirits is fought by prayer, and the direction of the Father.
     “There is only one way in which you will lose the road and fall into darkness: when you refuse the graces We have offered you.


Body state vs. soul state

     “For your mission upon earth, My child, it is necessary that the Father endow you with knowledge. You have stated, I understand, that you have found difference in seeing My Son and I and viewing all the personages of Heaven. I appear to you, My child, in solid form, as does My Son, because My Son ascended and I was assumed into Heaven in Our body state. But others appear different to you, My child, in their forms because they come in their soul-spirit state. That is the way they were taken to Heaven, through natural human means, through the veil.
     “My Son, in the Father, took Me into the realm of the Kingdom when My work was finished upon earth. I rose by the power of God into the Kingdom.
     “My life upon earth was lived for the Father, though I lived a life with the knowledge of the human race. That is why My Son allows Me to champion your cause, My child, as I have stated before that My children on earth are Our champions against the adversary, the man of sin.
     “I love you all, My children, and I will guide you through the tribulations. I suffer, as a Mother will suffer, from the loss of each child.
     “We ask great understanding for the trials of your Vicar. He will accept martyrdom and shall be accepted with great joy into the Kingdom of the Father. Sadly, the plan of the adversary is to place another on the Seat of Peter. I send you many warnings to prepare yourself and defend yourself against this adversary.
     “It truly rains teardrops from Heaven. This evening upon earth there will be many souls lost to Heaven and going into darkness. We ask all to persevere and continue in their acts of penance and sacrifice. The road to the Kingdom is not easy. It is not one in which you can bargain.
     “Disastersthere are many throughout your land. . . . spared you the disaster [earthquake], given as warning so close to your land. Your country has known few naturalI say ‘natural,’ My children, because scientists will call them natural disturbances of nature. But no! The great disaster that approaches your country will not be but a natural disturbance of nature, but a punishment from your God, as you refuse to turn from your sin!


False prophets
     “I caution you against the many false prophets who roam throughout your world during these latter days. They preach doctrines of untruth. They devise scientific intrigue that will take man from God and set up a scientific way of life and worship.
     “The idol upon your earth at the present time is the worship of man. Man has set himself far above his God, even seeking to control life and death. These aspects of human life on your earth will only be controlled by the Father of life, the Father Who created each being on your earth. Man will not defy the rules set forth by the Father. He will obey as obedient children, as loving children, or he shall receive the Chastisement as a father would give to his errant children.
     “Astrology, the word used on earthdiviners of false naturethis is a false science for the unbelievers. To replace his God, man seeks to credit stone, light, and cosmic forces with the direction of a human life. Only God the Father directs the course of a man’s life. Of course, My child, you understand that many men give their lives on earth over to satan of their free will. But shall they turn to the Father and ask His assistance, they will be guided by Him in the light. This is the plan of Heaven, and this is why man was placed upon earth: to make his way back as champions for the Father to the Kingdom, to do battle to Lucifer on earth, and return triumphant to the Father in the Kingdom.
     “The strength for souls will be found in the family circle.
     “Unite against the common enemy of God. Recognize the faces of evil and the forces of evil about you now. Satan has now control of all medias on your earth. He has entered his agents within your government, your schools, and all forms of worldly entertainment. And sadly I must state again, he has entered into My Son’s House.
     “I realize, My child, I am repetitious in many of My admonitions. But My voice shall not weaken. I shall go on and be with you through the great tribulations, for I know that as My strength from the Father and the love from My heart goes forth to you, there is always one soul who will turn back to Me. I will abandon no one to satan who will reach out and ask for Our grace.
     “You have your armor, and I do not expect you to cast this aside. I know, My children, even in the House of My Son, many of the learned have chosen to mock the sacramentals. It is only satan’s plan to remove from among them their protection.


St. Michael prayer must be returned
     “I repeat anew: Michael must be returned in prayer to My Son’s House, for Michael will stand guardian over My Son’s House.
     “Souls are being exchanged for pieces of silver. Judases gather about your VicarJudases within the House of God! They have attained great power through the love of money. They have been seduced by the love of money and power. The Father permits them to carry out their plan only until the scale is unbalanced and iniquity has reached its highest point, and they shall be destroyed.
     “Each man on earth who has been baptized and set himself up as a follower of My Son in infancy has received the mark of the cross upon him. He can in his lifetime cast this away and be branded with the mark of the beast. This will be of his choice. No man will be lost without his own choice.
     “In the battle ahead, you will find that you will be rejected by many of your own. Your road, the cross you carry, cannot be lightened at this time. The sins of man have placed a great burden upon those who have offered themselves as victim souls, souls who will do penance to obtain mercy for the wicked.


Angels are heavenly companions

     “You will make it known to the world that there are many mysteries of Heaven. Not all can be revealed at this time, or they no longer would be sacred. I ask that the children of the world do not fall into the web of satan, for he is the father of all liars. And he lies when he denies the existence of the angels, for they are the beloved of the Father, the companions of the Father in Heaven, and the companions of the true souls who join Us in the Kingdom. They are existing, they have existed, and they will always exist. So do not listen to those who call them a myth; for how surely they will be surprised when they enter with My Son upon your earth!
     “My child, I realize My discourses with you for the world are quite lengthy. But there is much that I would like you to know of the mysteries of Heaven and to prepare you for what lies ahead. I am quite repetitious because I feel that My voice must continue to go throughout the world and reach each soul, so that none will be lost to satan.”
     Veronica . . . a large, circularoh, I don’t know what it is. A shield, I feel it’s a shield of light now covering the skyoh, high above the flagpole. Oh, and now coming through this shield is Our Lady. She has backed into the clouds before, but now She’s coming through the shield. And She has the nuns, oh, and Saint Michael. And there are two angelsI recognize them as angels. One is dressed in green. He has a beautiful green cape, and he’s holding the balance in his hand. Oh, he’s Gabriel. And now he’s pointing over to the right side of the flagpole, and he’s saying, hethere’s a large “W” appearing in the sky. And now I, I see thatoh, Jesus is appearing now. And He’s placed His hand out, and the “W”now He’s writing: W-A-R-N-I-N-G: “WARNING.” S-O-O-N: “WARNING SOON.”
     Now Jesus is coming over to Our Lady, and Our Lady is standing next to the flagpole. Oh, and Jacinta is here. Jacinta is here, and she has by the hand this little boy. Now she’s pulled his hat off again. And he’s, he’s very shy. This boy, he looks younger than Jacinta; he’s quite a bit shorter. And now Jacinta is raising her hand and pointing over to the tree. And Jesus now is motioning to them, like this, to come over. And they’re standingand now Jacinta is pointing over, and I can see the letters forming again: W-A-R-N-I-N-G: “WARNING.”
     Now Jacinta has seemed towell, she’s not walking, but she’s floating back behind Our Lady. And I can’t see her now because Our Lady’s gown is billowing now. It mustlooks like it’s very windy, because Our Lady’s gown is blowing out. She’s dressed in white with golden trim all around the outside of Her gown.
     And Jesus now is coming forward, and He said:
     Jesus “The date will not be necessary. I have given you enough clues.”
     Veronica He said:
     Jesus “And I have given you your direction for the future.”
     Veronica And now I notice Jesus is walking over to the left. He’s looking down now. He’s on the left side of the flagpole. And Jesus is looking down. He’s very pleased. Oh, yes. Oh, Jesus looks so beautiful! He’s looking down now on the left side. Now He’soh, He’s raising His hand. Oh, yes. Jesus wants to bless the people and all the sacramentals.
     Anything that you have, Jesus is going to bless. And He’sJesus now is, is motioning that I should listen to Him.
     Jesus “I place upon all objects of God the grace of conversion and cure. These graces will be given in abundance as a necessity to bring the souls back to Us in truth. I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, and I diffuse upon you the Holy Spirit. Open your heart to Him and receive the truth. Close your heart and you will be led farther into the darkness to your ultimate destruction.”
     Veronica Now Jesus is moving over to the right side of the flagpole. Our Lady now has come up behind Him, and She’s raising Her crucifix. She’s still holding Her large white Rosary. They’re beautiful pearls. Oh, the Rosary is very large, with beautiful pearl beads. But I do notice that the, what we have at Our Father bead is golden, a beautiful, shining golden bead. And the others are pearls. And the crucifix is golden.
And Our Lady now is blessing in the sign of the cross. Now Jesus has moved over to the right side of the flagpole by the trees. Now we’re to extend all the sacramentals. Now Jesus is bending over, and He’s raising His hand, and He’s also blessing, with His fingers like this: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.


Disciples must gather the sheep
     Jesus “I repeat, My children. I dispense among you the greatest of graces, for you are My disciples. And with these graces you will have the power to return errant souls to the fold. Gather My sheep, each one seeking his brother. Go out to the pastures that are rich but filled with poison. Save My sheep from these pastures. Lead them away from the darkness, My children, I ask you, for many tears will be shed upon your earth before long. Approach these days with great hope and live your life in the spirit of lighta life of penance, atonement, and great sacrifice, not only for yourselves, but for your loved ones and others who do not have the grace to save their own souls.
     “They need you, My children. And I need you, for I love you as the Father. We expect the return of each of you to Us. Do not turn your back on Our path, for it’s very difficult, My children, when you go too far off the path.”
     Veronica “You will continue,” Our Lady said, “with the prayers now.”
     Oh, Our Lady said this evening many will enter into hell.
     Our Lady wants it known that you must purify yourself upon earth by penance and sacrifice, or you will have to remain in a temporary state of suffering until you are purged and the Father knows you are shining, to enter into the Kingdom. The soul will be purified before it enters the Kingdom.


     Appearing in the sky, Our Lady said to count the numbers 1, 7, 3, 2. Our Lady said I am to remember the numbers given in the sky: 1, 7, 3, 2. One and twoOur Lady said, “One and two makes three is Warning. And the rest, My child, you will learn when the Father finds the time right. One and two makes three is Warning.” At present, Our Lady said this will remain a puzzle for most. But when the time is right, the full answer will be made known to you.
     I believe, myselfthis is my own opinion nowI believe I know what Our Lady is telling me, but until She gives me the actual word, I cannot divulge this to you. And those with the grace from Heaven will be able to understand what the numbers signify: 1, 7, 3, 2. Because I believe I understand now. And Our Lady, Our Lady’s smiling, so I really do think I know now why She gave me the numbers. Now Our Lady said to continue. . . .
     Saint Theresa now is coming. She’s very close. She’s now just about in the middle of the right side of the flagpole. And Theresa said I am to listen carefully and repeat what she says.
     St. Theresa “I have come to give you a humble lesson, a lesson on the little ways of attaining your sanctification on earth, so you will be certain to enter the Kingdom. As you live your human life upon the earth, you will say to yourself, ‘am I pleasing my Jesus?’
     “Many must earn their daily bread. All must earn their daily bread upon the earth. In doing this they will do this with honor. Of the hours you awaken to, you will say, ‘this day I give to please my God.’ In this manner you will be directed in the light.
     “You have all received in your baptism the opportunity to attain the Kingdom. The road is very simple to follow. You do not look for recognition among men. You look to please your God. You try to please your God. For if you try to find recognition and the approval of man on earth, you are doomed to great sorrow. For all the hours, the waking hours of your life on earth must be with one purpose in mindthat you are working your way back to the Kingdom.”
     Veronica And Theresa now is showing me a small Book that she is carrying. SheTheresa said she has always carried this small Book in the fold of her garment. (She means her habit.) I can see now she is holding it very close to me. It is the Gospels. Now Theresa said:
     St. Theresa “I was not a learned person or a scholar upon earth, but all I had and all I needed was this little Book. And I also treasured the Imitation of Christ.
     “Accept the life given you upon earth by the Father, and use every moment of it to please the Father and to sanctify your soul. Love is the way, the road to Heaven. If the world can only recover the true meaning of love, for love is truly the essence, the odeur of divinity.”
     Veronica Now Theresa is stepping back, and it is as though a large cloud covers her. I can no longer see her, but I do see her dressthe bottom of her garment. And now I hear her repeating to me again:
     St. Theresa “Love is the essence of the odeur of divinity.”
     Veronica And now I can’t see her any more. Oh, and Our Lady now is coming forward. And She is saying:
     Our Lady “I wish, My children, a perpetual recitation of the beads of prayer throughout your country. This will lessen the number of souls lost to Us with the devastation that will soon be upon your country. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

Rose Notes from Veronica:
     Time grows short. Have you made ready? You have received the Message from Heaven. God bless you all.
     Veronica for Our Lady



Miraculous Photographs taken at Our Lady of the Roses Shrine Gallery

Veronica putting together a rose, rosary and a scapular for one of the bus leaders as requested by Our Blessed Mother. Our Lady has said, "Many arms will be sent to spread the message."


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