◈ 로사리오 제2부/1995년도 메세지

1995년 베이사이드, "미국의 루르드" 베로니카 루에켄에게 주어진 주님과 성모님의 메세지

성 미카엘회 회장 송 바울라 정자 2019. 8. 13. 22:55

인류에게 떨어질 크나큰 고통에 모두가 두려움에 치를 떨 것이다.

1995.1.1 성모님

A simple illustration showing the tremendous import of the Third Secret of Fatima. Lucifer and his cohorts, 666, executed a master stroke when they penetrated and then possessed cardinals from the highest levels in Rome. Surrounded then by many evil agents, the Pope’s power and influence is virtually negated.

    Because of the nature and government of the Church, Lucifer is able to implement and set in motion his plan of destruction. His deceptive measures, cunning ways, and subtleties are filtered down through the ranks and throughout the universal Church causing confusion and discouragement with many and a false sense of progress and enlightenment with others.

    In the name of peace, love, and brotherhood, faith and morals are questioned, compromised, and even rejected. And much of this under the appearance of the Pope’s approval and blessing.

    Our Lord on August 15, 1971: “Satan has done his work of folly well. Yes, satan has gone into the highest positions in My House, but he will not triumph. In the final count the victory will be with Us, for he will only proceed as My Father deems.”


두 아이가 성소에서 기도하고 있는 순례자들을 조롱하였다. 그때 몇몇 부인들에게 사진을 찍으라 하였다. 그리고 이 사진이 나왔다. 지옥으로 향하는 곧고 넓은 길, 그들을 기다리는 두 마리의 뱀과 오른편의 지옥불까지.

Two boys were mocking the pilgrims praying at the Sacred Grounds. Then they permitted some ladies to take their picture. This is what came out: the wide road leading to hell, with two serpents waiting for them and the flames of hell on the right side.