◈ The Bayside Prophecies 1968-1994/1980 The Bayside Prophecies

1980 The Bayside Prophecies

성 미카엘회 회장 송 바울라 정자 2019. 8. 22. 22:48

"My Son’s hand has now been withdrawn and the tribulation is coming upon mankind."

Tenth Anniversary off Our Lady Coming to Bayside, NY - June 18, 1980

Veronica - There's a beautiful blue illumination coming out from beyond the trees. The illumination of blue cascading, oh, like rays of beautiful sunshine from the trees high up into the sky. Our Lady is coming closer. She's traveling in very fast, coming from a great distance, because now Our Lady is coming down.
She's dressed in the most beautiful white gown. Oh, the brilliance and the brightness... so beautiful! Our Lady has on a white mantle. There is a trim of about a half inch of gold all about Her mantle. Our Lady has on Her head a most beautiful golden crown. It's not the Fatima crown. It has - it's very delicate in appearance and gold. It has a - it's circular, setting down high on Our Lady's forehead. Our Lady has Her mantle - the mantle is coming halfway down over Her forehead, and the crown is just about on the edge of Her mantle.
Our Lady has Her hands joined in prayer, and about Her fingers the beautiful Rosary with the golden Our Fathers and the translucent Hail Marys are entwined about Our Lady's hands. Oh, She's so beautiful!
Our Lady is looking about Her. She's smiling She has a soft, sad smile. It's quite windy. Our Lady's long gown is caught about Her feet. And now I can see that Our Lady has on a pair of the most beautiful sandals. They're gold. They're strapped with one strap about Her ankle. As the wind is blowing, I can see Her sandals; they go down to the edge of Her toes. And just on the edge is the most delicate golden rose on each foot.
Our Lady now is taking the crucifix from Her Rosary and extending it out, like this, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Our Lady is placing the crucifix to her mouth and kissing Her Jesus. Now Our Lady is placing Her first finger to Her lips, which means to listen and repeat.
Our Lady - "My child and My children, and especially My child Veronica, do I speak to you now to console you for your past sufferings, and I must bring you additional news of salvation for many.

The Cross Will Not Be Lifted
"My child, the cross will not be lifted from you. Your mission as a voice box will be shortened; however, the Mission from Heaven will continue, as those whom We have called to assist in the Mission have, I assure you, My child and My children, adopted themselves well into their roles. Heaven finds them fully capable of now accepting the responsibility, as you will grow weaker and unable to come from your bed.
"Do not be saddened, My child, at this news; it is truly a great grace for mankind. There will be many victim souls throughout the world. Remember, My child, I told you many years ago that I could not promise you a life without suffering upon earth. Therefore, you will continue with great patience and understanding.
"There will be many sent to assist in the Mission from Heaven. Do not be concerned of the acceptance of mankind at this time. It is all in the plan of the Eternal Father in the salvation of souls during these days of the Antichrist.
"You must make it known to all that I, your Mother, as a Medatrix between God and man, will continue to guide you in the remaining days ahead. The Eternal Father, My Son, and the Spirit of life shall guide you all in the remaining days ahead.

A Very Crucial Period Of Tribulation
"You are entering now into a very crucial period of tribulation. Your world, your country, your nation, the United States, will find much suffering and death. My children and My child, how often have I wandered among you bringing you the warnings from Heaven, and how many have listened and acted upon My counsel?
"Yes, My child, there have been many years of suffering, demanding patience and perseverance for many in the Mission from Heaven. You will all continue to go forward, remembering always that there lies ahead a great chastisement for mankind, the Ball of Redemption. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. Only a few will be saved.
"Already the Eternal Father has marked His own, and the forces of evil under the title of 666 have marked their own. The war of the spirits accelerates. You will soon understand that the Eternal Father has now taken away all restraint, and you will all be now subjected to the great test.
"My child, in your weakened condition, I will not ask you to bring forth again the many minor chastisements, the great War, and the Ball of Redemption, for there is a time for your relief, and We are extending this for a short time. In your state of incapacity, My child, you will still accomplish much work. Pray constantly, My child. The test is great, but the reward will far exceed all earthly sufferings and tests.

For Those Who Will Fall Away
"You must make it known now to all of the workers in the Mission from Heaven these words. For those who will fall away and do not flourish in grace, I say unto you now, to all workers: If you lose your way and stop your mission, I repeat unto you the words of My Son: If the workers have been told the truth and they do not hasten to return, it is their own punishment that they have accepted. I repeat: If the workers have been told the truth and they do not hasten to return to the Mission, it will be their own punishment that they have chosen.

'Veronica Of The Cross'
"My child, do not be concerned of your disability. Remember Theresa did not give you the knowledge of Our name for you, as We rightly called you 'Veronica of the Cross.'"
Veronica - Now Our Lady is taking Her Rosary and She's placing the crucifix out, like this, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Our Lady - "I bless you all, My children, for the Eternal Father in My Son and the Spirit of light.
"Remember: Do not become prideful, nor arrogant, nor be - let your guard down in conceit, for pride is a sin. Remember always that the closer you approach to Heaven, the greater the armies of Lucifer will come after you seeking to take you away from the road, the narrow road that leads to the Kingdom."
"Among you now, My children, as you hear My voice, two will be removed. However, do not be concerned; they are saved. Do not, My child, ask Me to give you any further information, for it cannot be made public knowledge at this time.
"You will continue to pray for your cardinals. your bishops, your priests, My Son's Church, His House upon earth. By your example many will be saved. By your prayers and example there is salvation for others. Continue now with your prayers of atonement. They are sorely needed, for the world is in great spiritual darkness. Satan has poisoned many minds.
"You will all now go forward as apostles of My Son, disciples of the latter days, under the banner of 'Our Lady of the Roses, Mary, Help of Mothers.' Many will come to join you. The Message from Heaven has now reached all corners of the earth. Many voices are sending out the news, the good news to mankind.
"It is just about time now, My child, for the world now to be tested. My Son's hand has now been withdrawn and the tribulation is coming upon mankind. Many will be taken and spared the terrible sorrows ahead.

Destroy The Family And You Destroy Your Country
"Pray constantly your Rosary, your beads of prayer to Heaven. Remain unified in your family lives. The institution of your country - the great foundation is based on family life. Destroy the family and you destroy your country. The enemies - the enemy is already within your country. Watch and pray well, My children."
Veronica - Our Lady is now going back; She's rising higher into the sky. She's now taking Her crucifix and making the sign of the cross. She's turned to the right: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Our Lady now is directly standing over us high in the sky. She's going back into the sky, moving without Her feet moving. She's floating, actually being carried like on the wind. There's no way I can explain it to you. If only you could see it. Our Lady is just carried - though She is as solid as you and I - Our Lady is carried back as though She was weightless.
And now She's turning to the left, Her left side, and making the sign of the cross with Her Rosary: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Now Our Lady is placing Her hands together in prayer, like this, and She's nodding.
Our Lady - "Continue now, My child and My children, with your prayers of atonement."
Veronica - "It's amazing to watch the coloring developing as though it's coming from within the trees; and it's going upward high into the sky. Now from a great distance - I say a great distance - I recognize now Jesus coming forward; and He is coming from a great distance because He is - He's a small figure, almost statue - like in appearance, as He approaches. Now He's coming very fast.
The light is opening up all about Him. Jesus comes through the sky, which is dark, but there seems to be a white, glass - like translucent, very iridescent light that is separating the sky about Him, almost round, host like in shape.
Now Jesus is coming through the sky, and the light about Him is so brilliant that I'm certain that, without the grace of God in the Providence of the Eternal Father, I would surely be blinded, or perhaps die from the brilliance. It is beyond any human words to explain this light. It's brighter than any flashing light or anything that I have seen upon earth, and it has a depth, though a glass like translucency to it.
Jesus is coming down slowly now. He's coming very close down to Our Lady's statue; in fact, I have never seen Him descend so low by the trees there.
Jesus has on a burgundy cape, and His gown is an off white, an ecru color - almost like - oh, I don't know exactly the color to call it. It's like a beige. The material seems to be rough like, almost sack - like type of material; and the gown is very long and belted about His waist with a - a sash like type of belting. It looks almost like it could be a piece of leather or skin. It's not material; it looks like some type of animal skin, like leather, but a light coloring, a light tan like, not a brown, not a deep brown, but a light tan. I can see the sash very clearly.
Jesus has on brown leather sandals. His feet are not bare. The sandals now cover - the strap covers the wounds on His feet. I can see a protrusion slightly from His feet - the wounds on His insteps. Now Jesus has the - about His neck, His cloak is held by a golden - it appears to be gold braiding. It's tied. And His cape is also blowing. It must be very windy.
Now Jesus' hair is down His back. I can see well now because He's turning to the right. Now He's turning back towards us and He's placing His hand out, like this, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Now He's placing His hand across His chest, like this, on His Heart. And Jesus is looking all about Him. Now He's placing His first finger to His lips, which means to listen and repeat.
Jesus - "My child and My children, I will not proceed with a long discourse, especially, My child, for your comfort. But the world has received countless warnings from Heaven. These warnings have been sent to every nation of the world.
"There is little time left now for mankind to restore itself, to be pleasurable and a joy to the heart of the Eternal Father. Instead, mankind, your generation, has become perverse, degenerate, self seeking, proud, arrogant; and science, man of science, now seeks to create life and fly above the Creator. You do not learn from the past, but over and over again you repeat yourselves.
"Remember the first trial in Heaven. Lucifer was cast out of the Kingdom of Heaven. Let this all be a lesson to mankind, who seeks to go above His God, with the advance in knowledge, seeking to go above His Creator, caring more for the creature than the Creator. I say unto you, your God, that heavy trials now shall beset mankind.
"Your country, the United States, and most countries in your world have allowed satan to enter into the highest positions of your government, your medias of communication, and even into My House, My Church upon earth. Therefore, there is no other recourse left to Heaven but to cleanse you of your errors.

Only A Few Will Be Saved
"As in the past We sent to you voices crying in this wilderness of evil: Straighten yourselves out; make way for the Lord, for the hand of punishment shall come upon you! As in the past you all continue in your lives of pleasure, neither caring nor seeking the truth. Therefore, I say unto you as your God: many will die. Only a few will be saved.
"My Mother has set Herself to hold off a just chastisement upon mankind for many years, but your time has run out. Her warnings have gone by unaccepted, unnoticed, and rejected, even by My clergy! Her tears fall upon your generation. The saints in Heaven, sacrificed upon earth, have cried out now for reprisal upon this degenerate generation. 'How long, O Lord,' do they cry, 'shall you permit this perverse generation to exist?' And I say unto you now: your time is running out!
"Do not speculate on the dates, but be prepared. My Mother has spent countless years among you, preparing you. If you are not ready now, then you will never be ready! And it will come upon you at a time that you least expect. You have been given your armor, instructed well by My Mother. Therefore, you will follow the way of the Lord! You will listen to the counsel of My Mother or you will fall!
"Your nation, the United States of America, has been now - the proud eagle has been plucked by satan; and as such shall be cleansed by trial and suffering and war. Humanism and modernism has set you on the road to satanism. Your country and many countries of the world now have adopted the worship of false idols.
"Satan, the master of deceit, has poisoned many minds. Satan, the ruler of the world of darkness has now entered into the highest places of governments, and even within My House, My Church upon earth. But I shall cleanse them, as I have cleansed them in the past.

The Tribulation Is At Hand
"My voice cries out to you all not to be prepared, for the tribulation is at hand. All who have listened to My Mother's counsel and are of well spirit - have no fear. My words to you are consolation. I do not seek to place fear into your hearts. I console you with the knowledge that you will be saved. Remember in the days ahead, remember My words of consolation to you all: you will say 'MY JESUS, MY CONFIDENCE!'

The Day, The Hour Of The Tribulation
"My children, you will read and re read the messages from Heaven given through My Mother to you. Read them well, for much has been over looked in the past. You will receive great knowledge, and you will be able then to know the day, the hour of the tribulation.
"Continue the prayers of atonement, the Rosary. Wear your scapular; it was given for great reason. One day you will all understand. Pray, My children; a constant vigilance of prayer must go throughout your country and the world. Prayer now is the only means with action for saving the souls in your country and your country - men, for destruction is about to come upon you.
"Remember, My children, in the days ahead, your great comfort is the knowledge that there is no death. Life will continue beyond the veil for all. Many will be asked to sacrifice in the name of the Lord. But how great a sacrifice is this? Very little, in comparison to the great reward that lies for him over the veil.
"Pray, My children, for strength. It will take great courage to remain in the fold in the days ahead; but your courage shall be the cross and the knowledge of the truth.
"Remember, do not become a worshiper of the creature, but of the Creator; for the creature is the world, and the world is satan. The Creator is your God, and His world is the Kingdom of Paradise. This choice will be yours to make. Each and everyone of you will have to make that choice soon. No man shall be lost unless he is lost of his own free will.
"Remember, My children, those who have been given graces, much is expected of them. You must continue to go forward. Do not slacken in your work, your mission. Do not become complacent nor content in your own salvation, for that will be pride, and pride can make you fall. Therefore, in all charity, reach out for your brothers and your sisters. Your lives must remain free from contamination of worldly pleasures and seeking, for the world has now been given to satan."
Veronica - Now Jesus is placing His hand out in front of Him now, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Now Jesus is looking all about Him, and He's now placing His first finger to His lips.
Jesus - "Veronica, My child, remember My Mother's counsel to you. You will not be cured, My child. The waters will not be for you. The cross cannot be lifted.
"You understand, My child, the words of My Mother to you several days ago. Remember them when you find the cross is heavy. It is the will of the Eternal Father that you must accept, My child. You will find great joy in the knowledge that suffering has merits far beyond what man can understand in the salvation of souls.
"Theresa has directed you will in the past, My child, and you will soon be seeing her again."
Veronica - I'm not afraid, I have no fear.



"You shall see nations disappear from the earth in seconds."
Eve Of The Feast Of St. Theresa Of The Child Jesus - October 2, 1980

Veronica - The sky about the trees is becoming a very pink and blue combination of colors that I have never observed before. The colors are absolutely beautiful! And high over Our Lady's state the sky is opening, and it's becoming a most beautiful clear day. There are no words to describe the beautiful brilliance of the light!
And coming forward as the light is opening wider and wider, directly above Our Lady's statue now - the circlet of light is becoming so wide that it's now extending beyond our heads towards the rear... Directly in the center of the circlet are Our Lady and Jesus. Oh! They are so beautiful!
Our Lady has on a white gown. The white is so brilliant. And also She has on Her waist a very beautiful blue sash. The color of it is a sky blue. And all about Our Lady's mantle, approximately a half inch wide, is a border of gold. I cannot see Our Lady's feet this evening because Her gown is quite long.
Jesus is standing at Our Lady's right side now. He's moving about and looking to the right and the left. If you will observe carefully now, Jesus is making the sign of the cross, like this: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Our Lady and Jesus are looking about Them. Our Lady is moving over to Her left side, that would be our right side, just slightly above the tallest limb of the tree. Our Lady now is taking from about Her waist Her beautiful Rosary, the Rosary with the golden Our Fathers and the translucent Hail Marys. Our Lady now is extending the crucifix, the beautiful crucifix. Oh, it is so brilliant that I am certain without Heaven's grace I would be blinded by the brilliance of the crucifix. And Our Lady now is extending it out to the people, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Now Our Lady is turning to the right and nodding to Jesus, and They are both now returning over, directly overhead, above Our Lady's statue. Jesus is touching His lips with His first finger: that always means to listen.
Jesus - "My child and My children, this is a moment of trial for many throughout your earth, and a time of grace for many as they are tested in trial.

The Tribulations Have Started
"Remember always as I repeat to you that God is, God was, God always will be. Yesterday, today and tomorrow is forever. The tribulations of the world have started, and the course of mankind continues on the road to great trial because your generation has given itself over to all manner of sins of the flesh, that will condemn many to hell.
"There is only one way to restore your world to peace, and that is by following the way of My cross. You cannot change My words to bring them in line with mankind's own egotistical ways. You will find that humanism and modernism shall bring much suffering upon mankind.
"My Mother has directed you well through countless appearances upon earth, and how many have listened to Her counsel? And how many have acted upon it? I say unto you now: You have become a degenerate generation that asks for a just chastisement from the Eternal Father.
"Do not be affrighted, My children of the light. Know that My words are for those who have fallen into the web of Lucifer and his agents.
"Be known it to you that is has been written of and spoken of as 666, the masters of deceit. Satan has entered into the highest places of your government, of each nation of the world, to sow confusion, discontentment, atheism, communism, satanism and all manner of evil

Jesus Shall Destroy the Church Of Man
"I give you a final warning from the Eternal Father. You will turn back and restore the earth. You will turn back and restore My Church upon earth. You shall not set up a new church of man, for I shall destroy it. You shall see nations disappear from the earth in seconds.
"O My children... you're My children. You must stand alone, just as you, My child, must continue to kneel alone, and stand alone in the world, as the agents of hell come forward to destroy you."
Veronica - Our Lady now is nodding to Jesus, and touching Her first finger to Her lips.
Our Lady - "My child, We have allowed you the test of great suffering. You cannot understand at this time the countless numbers of souls who have returned to the Faith. You cannot realize at this time the numbers of souls that will not fall into the abyss because of the legions of light that the Eternal Father has gathered upon earth, in His heartfelt fatherly efforts, accounting with the free will of mankind, to restore the earth and mankind as it was in the beginning.
"What was to happen in the future shall be now. The merciful heart of the Eternal Father reaches out to all mankind, but unless you follow the directions from Heaven, you cannot be saved. And only a few then shall be counted as saved.
"My child, you have been given explicit instructions for the procedures. The world will understand in time the Mission from Heaven. To all who follow Our legions throughout the world, the legions of light, you will unite under a common banner called 'Faithful and True', and you'll then prove to the world what a true soul can do!
"My child and My children, because of the suffering that We watch, souls longing for relief, We shall not give you, My child, a long discourse this evening. But you will now go forward with the instructions given by My Son."
Veronica - Our Lady is now taking Her Rosary, the beautiful Rosary with the golden Our Fathers and the white Hail Marys... but as Our Lady is turning and looking about now, and extending Her crucifix, all of the colors of the rainbow radiate from them like pearls, the Hail Mary beads. They're absolutely beautiful! And Our Lady is extending now the crucifix on Her Rosary, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Our Lady - "My child now, you will read few photographs this evening, but you will now start the plan as I have directed you. Begin, My child, with a firm Act of Contrition."
Veronica - O my God, I'm heartily sorry for having offended Thee. And I confess to all my sins, because I dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of hell; but most of all because I love Thee my God. Who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance and to amend my life. Amen.
My God, I believe, I adore, I trust and I love Thee. I beg pardon for all those, (put me in the rain*) who do not believe, do not adore, do not trust and do not love Thee.
O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell; lead all souls to Heaven, especially those who are in most need of Your mercy.
Over to the right side, directly over the tallest limb of the trees, on the right side, St. Michael is coming forward. And following him - oh! it's Theresa. Oh! Oh, Theresa is dressed in her Carmelite habit. And behind her, I recognize her - St. Rita! Oh! St. Rita of Cassia. Oh! I know her. Oh, and there are many saints coming forward.
Our Lady now is touching Her lips, as She goes forward to them nodding. The light is becoming so brilliant about them. Jesus now also is crossing over to the right side, directly over - They don't walk, They float. It's absolutely beautiful! They just float across the sky like They're weightless! Yet Our Lady and Jesus look as solid as you and I.

Theresa's Shower Of Roses
Oh, now They're - Theresa is taking roses, like this, and she's throwing the rose petals down, like this.
Our Lady is now crossing over with Jesus to the top, I would say - oh, about - I can't measure it in feet, but Our Lady and rising a little higher, and They're being followed now by St. Rita and St. Theresa, and many other saints. And I can see now some Popes coming forward. I can tell by their habits. They're beautiful. They're white and gold, with high mitres on their heads. And one I recognize because his hair is very white. That must be St. Pius X. Yes, it is. He's nodding. Oh, they're so beautiful, the light is so brilliant! Our Lady now is touching Her first finger to Her lips.
Our Lady - "My child now, you will take three photographs and then continue with the procedure directed."
Veronica - Do not be concerned, Our Lady said, the waters will not make you ill. They are curative.
*Our Lady asked Veronica to remove the protection of the umbrella. As She explains above, the rain will not make people ill.



"Bless them with thecurative waters from the springs of the world"
Eve of the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary - October 6, 1980

Veronica - There are blue streams of light coming down from the sky, high above Our Lady's statue. Directly over Our Lady's statue, the sky is opening up. It makes it appear that it's a clear day. Oh, the sky is just beautiful! It's a pale blue. And it seems to be just evaporating away all the darkness. And directly in the center of the beautiful pale blue sky, I see Our Lady coming forward. She's a small figure now because She's traveling in from a distance.
Now as She's coming closer, I notice that Our Lady has upon Her feet very delicate slippers. They're not sandals, they're actually slippers, fully closed. And on each tip of the slipper there's a - what appears to be a golden rose, but so tiny I would call it a rosette.
Our Lady has on a brilliant - the light is very brilliant this evening. She has on a brilliant white skirt. Her gown is extremely long. And it must be windy, because the gown is being blown back and forth. And I can see the beautiful small rosettes on Her feet. Our Lady has a blue sash about Her waist, and Her mantle covers completely Her head, down halfway over Her forehead. The mantle is a beautiful white, as white as snow, and it's trimmed all about the edge in a narrow border of gold, approximately a half inch wide.
Our Lady now is taking from about Her waist Her beautiful Rosary, the Rosary with the golden Our Father beads. And the Hail Mary beads are white. But as Our Lady is turning now and looking about Her, they are taking on all the colors, or reflecting all the colors of the rainbow; pinks and blues, and a lavender; but they're pastel shades that I have never seen before upon earth. They're a coloring that is beyond description; and not being able to paint or draw, I'm certain, I could never even place it upon a paper or easel.
Our Lady now is taking Her crucifix, the beautiful golden large crucifix, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Our Lady is kissing the crucifix, like this. And She's turning now to the right, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Now Our Lady is turning to Her left, our right, and She's going across the sky until She's directly now over the tall tree; and She's bending now down, and extending the crucifix out quite far from Her waist, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Our Lady now is returning to the center of the sky, and She says:
Our Lady - "Look backward, My child. See the numbers who have come with afflictions. You will not forget them, My child. But go forward now and bless them with the waters, the curative waters from the springs of the world."
Veronica - All about the trees, bordering the extension of the trees, you can see, if you look closely, a beautiful pale blue light, extending upward past Our Lady's statue. Now it's joining with an opening in the sky that's becoming very bright, round and circular, Host - like in shape. The Host area is becoming now a clear white. There was an intermingling of a beautiful pink, sort of a pale fuchsia pink coloring, and a very light pale blue, not a sky blue, but a misty blue, but beautiful blue coloring intermingled with the pink. But that's now like evaporating. It's the only way I can explain it.
And coming down now from high in the sky, They're coming through very fast, Our Lady and Jesus are coming side by side now. They're almost down very very low over Our Lady's statue.
Jesus has on a burgundy colored - it's deep velvet; I can see it very clearly. Now He has on a deep velvet cape, and it's tied with a golden rope - like material into a bow, though, to hold the cape about His neck. Now the cape, as He's turning and looking at the people, I notice that the cape does have a - oh, a headpiece. Cowl? Our Lady is saying, "cowl", "cowl". Oh, I don't know what it means but Our Lady said a "cowl".
Now Our Lady is looking about Her, and She's touching - oh, She's looking towards Jesus, and He has nodded. And She's touching Her first finger to Her lips, which means to listen.
Our Lady - "My child and My children, I delayed a discourse with you, My child, Veronica, due to the urgency of the peoples in their infirmities. We behold them, and the merciful heart of the Father extends to them the graces: there will be cures, there will be conversions.
"My child and My children, your task is heavy, but remember: If the worker is laid low, he will be graced, for heavy is the work upon you. But if the worker is laid low, he will be graced.

The Great Beast Of Hell
"My child, it saddens Me to bring up anew a subject of great concern to Heaven. There is emerging again the great Beast of hell onto earth. He has been present among you now, under his banner of 666, for quite a number of years, building his forces for this moment.
"I have asked you for the salvation of all souls. For mankind there will be no peace without prayer and penance and atonement.
"A great catastrophe is approaching your country, North America.
"My child, weep with Me, pray with Me. Have mercy in your heart for the sinner. No man is without sin, and therefore charity must not grow cold among mankind. You are the creation of the Eternal Father, and as such you are brothers and sisters upon earth, with a destiny similar to all mankind. Sooner or later, you will fulfill this destiny by coming over the veil. Sadly, many are coming to Us unprepared, and not warranting entrance into the Eternal Kingdom of Paradise.

The Sin Of Omission Condemns Many
"The sin of omission shall condemn many to hell, be they layman or Hierarchy. I repeat: not the sin of commission, but the sin of omission will commit many to hell. Among them there will be also mitres.
"My child, because of your weakened condition, I cannot at this time take you upon an extended trip that I planned, down into the abyss, to view and give to mankind the unholy sight of the abode of the damned. You will regain your strength, My child, in time, where you will be able to come out of the abyss with Me, without a fatality. My child, once in the past, I took you by the hand down into the abyss, and you viewed the creatures of darkness and the prince of darkness in his abode.
"We proceeded on, My child, in the past to purgatory. Oh, how My heart bleeds for the loss of the knowledge of the existence of purgatory and hell among the children! How many shall be saved? Only a few!
"O My child and My children, continue to send the urgent warning from Heaven throughout the world. You cannot slacken your pace, but must go forward with perseverance.
"You will have now, My child and My children, additional torment and irritation from the followers of 666 and the church of satan. There are many who come as angels of light among you. I have asked all of the immediate workers within the confines of the circle of light to confine themselves to their homes, allowing only the entrance of their immediate families and the close workers within the circle for reason! For the souls of whom knock upon your door will be evil. Do not test My words, My children, for the penance is heavy for disobedience to the Eternal Father.

Satanists Seek Sacrifices For Their Altar
"I will not describe the scenes of abomination witnessed by Heaven now going on at this very moment as I and My Son are among you. Those who have given themselves over to worship the prince of darkness prepare a great feast and seek now sacrifices for their altar.
"I ask parents to be prudent in allowing their children to be on the streets after dark without protection, for they shall disappear and not be seen again.

The Desecration Of Churches
"The world will soon learn that there exists now another unseen world of evil that is closing in now, for satan knows that his time is growing short. As I told you in the past, My child and My children, sin is insanity, and it is only now the beginning. Unless you pray and make atonement to the Eternal Father, you will see abominations and the desecration of churches, and murders will abound until those who remain upon earth will envy the dead.
"Do not scoff when I have given you, and do give you knowledge, My children, of the existence of a cult of satan. Sadly, will you learn too late and seek out the interlopers in this world, as your children are found without blood.
"My child, your second mission will now be extended. You will find there is reason to rejoice, for his deception shall now be exposed. You will, My child, be most careful now. It is a great test.
"I have asked you, also, to bar your doors to all but your immediate family and the close workers of the circle. Allow no one within your home for reason. You are now on a list for extinction. Others I shall not outwardly name, My child, for I do not wish to hinder their mission or to place fear in their hearts. I do assure all who will be part of this mission that they will be guided, and they will confuse and confound the church of satan.
"Yes, My child, much is asked of you, but you will receive additional strength to continue. When you find a moment of discouragement, you will say, 'My JESUS, MY CONFIDENCE.'

Theresa to Assist You
"Be careful, My child, that you do not leave your home for any reason alone; that you do not allow entrance to your home on ground level. And I will send forth from Heaven an army of angels. Tusazeri shall guide you, and I shall have, with the permission of the Eternal Father, Theresa to assist you in the Mission.
"I do not wish to use a name, My child, but Heaven sends among you in the circle of light graces: graces for perseverance and graces for miracles, miracles that will confuse and confound the enemy. Those who have heckled and doubted shall be put to shame and confusion. For nothing remains hidden in the darkness, but must come forward into the light to be exposed at a certain time. Now, My child, you will understand why you found the trial so long and so strenuous.

The Paws Of The Bear
"You will pray for your Holy Father, Pope Paul, in Rome, John Paul II. You will pray for all the clergy, the cardinals, the bishops; for, without your prayers, many cannot escape the paws of the Bear. Sadly, many in the world will sell their souls to get to the head, and many will turn their backs on My Tabernacle.
"I ask for victim souls for the merciful Father, to do penance as victim souls to repatriate those who, without their prayers, will wind up, My child, at the end of their lifetime in the abode of the damned. For the souls now are falling into hell as fast as the snowflakes fell during your winters, and as numerous as the rains will come.

Internal Strife In The Government
"Your country, the United States, My child, shall have great trial - the winter and the wars. There shall be internal strife in your government and your streets will become running with blood. It is not a sight, My child, not a pretty sight! Oh! Oh!
"That carnage, My child, that you view, shall extend not only from the cities into the country, but from coast to coast in all of North America and the world.
"Man in his arrogance and his growth of knowledge has now the capacity to destroy himself in moments. The Eternal Father knows the future, and He knows the past and all beginning. And your future is now. What was to happen in the future, My children, shall be now."
Veronica - Now Our Lady is looking over to Jesus, and He is extending His hand out, like this, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
He's now bringing His cloak about Him. It's very windy and He's touching His first finger to His lips:
Jesus - "My child, I will not add to the discourse of My Mother. Suffice it now to say that all fair warning has been given to mankind.
"You will continue to pray and make atonement to the Eternal Father: a life of full dedication to Heaven. For if you cast aside the Mission and go out into the world, you will be lost. And remember the admonition from Heaven to all in the Mission from Heaven: If the worker has been told the truth and he does not hasten to return, it is his own punishment that he has chosen.
"My child, I would advise you now to repair home, and go immediately to your home. Do not be concerned of an incident, for We are watching, and it will be diverted from you."
Veronica - Now Jesus is looking all about Him, and He's now motioning to His lips:
"My final word, My children, is to warn all mankind at this time, that they must guard their families well - the children, with sacramentals. For there are mysterious forces now and false miracles that will abound upon earth, even to deceive the elect. Therefore, to protect your children, they must use all the armor available from Heaven. We do not wish to see and watch future broken hearts of parents as they bury their dead children.
"My child, you will receive additional discourse at home from My Mother, but it will not be a public message at this time, for your safety and the benefit of all concerned and involved with the Mission from Heaven."
Veronica - Yes... I understand. Yes... the children.

The Old Catholics: A Schismatic Organization
Jesus - "Beware of those who start a new church among you. A Roman Catholic Church must have a legally ordained Roman Catholic Bishop, and the Old Catholic Church is not with Rome. It is a schismatic organization, and all who join these interlopers shall gain immediate excommunication of Heaven and through the legal Hierarchy of Rome. The Old Catholic Church is schismatic, and is not, and shall not use the name Roman Catholic Church. Later, My child, when you gain your strength, We will extend this message to mankind. For many shall come as agents of light and deceive the elect.
"I ask you all not to abandon My Church. Do not judge My Church by the priest, for in his human nature he can err. But I assure you, I am using him, as a legally ordained priest, to bring you My Body and Blood. Do not go seeking elsewhere, for you will lose your baptismal right, and you will no longer be accepted as a Roman Catholic, and you will not enter into the highest place of Heaven, the Kingdom of Paradise.
"My child and My children, you will understand, for My Mother will later give you full enlightenment upon this matter."
Veronica - Now Jesus is extending His hand out, like this, and He's making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Jesus - "I bless you all, My children, in the name of the Father, the Eternal Father in Heaven, and the Spirit of Light. Go forward under the banner of 'Faithful and True.'"


Photo taken at the vigil of February 10th, 1975. This photograph shows how Veronica received the Message from Heaven. Veronica heard Our Lady’s voice in her intellect. You can see, in the upper left-hand corner, a white-light source surrounded in blue: this represents Our Lady. The beam or shaft of light came to Veronica’s eyes and then to her brain. Veronica described what she saw, then repeated word for word the message of Our Lady and then of Our Lord. You will note in the same picture the woman standing beside Veronica is holding a microphone. This microphone is connected to a cassette-tape recorder. All was recorded on tape which was later transcribed, word for word (without any additions or deletions), and then this was printed up in message form and sent throughout the world.


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