◈ The Bayside Prophecies 1968-1994/1981 The Bayside Prophecies

1981 The Bayside Prophecies

성 미카엘회 회장 송 바울라 정자 2019. 8. 22. 22:48

"Warn the world that they now have within their balance, the balance of life for Our Vicar John Paul II"

Eve Of The Queenship Of Our Blessed Mother - May 30, 1981

Veronica The sky is shimmering with light. The light is very pale blue, but very translucent, and in patterns of waves cutting through the sky, directly upwards, high in the sky, over Our Lady's statue. There is a Host - like circle of light now forming, and it is widening. Oh, it's so brilliant, my eyes are absolutely pierced by the light. And directly in the center of the light, Our Blessed Mother.... oh, She's so beautiful! Oh, She's so beautiful! Our Lady is coming forward through the light. She's descending slowly, and She's looking about Her.
Our Lady has a most brilliant white gown with a blue sash about the waist. Her Rosary is tied to the right side of the sash. Our Lady's mantle is a brilliant white, whiter than sugar, whiter than snow. And there is a light that is cascading from within Our Blessed Mother. There is no way I can describe it. But it seems to be coming from within Her, going right out through Her clothes. And actually Our Lady is now surrounded by a tremendous light! And She's coming forward much closer now down, descending directly above Her statue.
The trimming of gold about Our Lady's mantle is approximately - I can see Her very well now - about an inch and a half wide. It looks like pure spun gold. I would say that, I don't think I have ever seen pure spun gold, but I know it's pure spun gold. It is absolutely brilliant!
Now Our Lady is looking about Her. It's a little windy, because Our Lady's skirts are being caught in the slight draft.
Oh, Our Blessed Mother has on sandals. The sandals - I can't see Her ankles because Her gown is so long, but I can see that there are two straps upon Her sandals; they're golden. The sandals are open, I can see Our Lady's feet. But on the edge of the sandal, the one in the center, there are three straps. Now I can see as Our Lady's turning about a bit - She's looking in both directions - I can see that the sandal has three straps through the feet. And in the center there is a small - it looks like pure gold - rosette, a small rose upon Her feet. Our Lady is absolutely beautiful! She looks very, very young. Oh, I couldn't even tell you Her age.
But Our Lady now is taking from about Her waist, Her Rosary. Oh, the beautiful Rosary with the - oh, they're very - extremely large, the beads. Our Lady has - the Our Father bead is a gold. It must be pure gold. I never saw anything like that. And Her Hail Mary beads are white. But they're really not white, because, as Our Lady's turning now - She's taking the beads in Her hands - they seem to be - have more colors, like all the colors of the rainbow are catching the light that seems to be cascading from - oh, all over about Our Lady... a tremendous stream of light, almost forming an oval pattern, almost like a medallion, a medal pattern about Our Lady.
And now Our Lady is taking the crucifix. The crucifix is a beautiful golden crucifix, pure gold. Oh, it's brilliant. It would really hurt your eyes to try to look at it but for the grace of God.
And Our Lady now is extending out the crucifix, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Now - oh, over to the right - oh, he's so big. He is so immense, Michael is. I didn't notice him because of the brilliant light; but I see now, beyond the tree, Michael covers the whole sky! He is immense! Our Lady looks almost, like childlike, with him behind Her. He's covering the whole sky.
And Our Blessed Mother now is cutting across, She's cutting across to our left side - that would be Her right side - and She's also extending the crucifix on Her beautiful Rosary, like this, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Now Our Lady is smiling - a very soft smile, but there's a great sadness upon Her face tonight. And Our Lady is looking down, and nodding, yes. There are graces now falling from Heaven. Our Lady says there are graces now being given.
Now She's crossing the sky; and Our Blessed Mother is going quite fast now across to our right side. She's just above now - approaching the extension limb of the tree, and Our Lady is leaning over with Her beautiful crucifix, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Our Lady is nodding again. And now She's turned, and She's coming across the sky, and She's pointing upward though with Her crucifix. She's pointing upward with the crucifix over to the left side of the sky. And I see forming there a large black cross. It's a very somber - looking black cross. I don't feel so very good, Blessed Mother. What is that?
And now under the black cross there is a ball, a large ball forming, the world. But I see, I see flames now, there are flames. It seems like there's fire - oh, terribly, terrible fires all about the ball. The heat is so... stifling. Ah! Ah! ah...ah...ah. Now Our Lady is nodding over to my right side, taking my eyes to the right.
And now I see St. Peter's. I see everyone waiting. I - I - I... I see everyone waiting in St. Peter's. They're all hushed. Somethings happening. I don't know what's happening there, Blessed Mother. Oh... there's a hush, some kind of an announcement being made. Oh, I don't know what it is. Now Our Lady - I can't see the - the square is fading away.
And Our Lady now is motioning that She is going now over above the statue, and I am to follow Her. Now Our Lady is placing Her Rosary, like this, in Her hands, and She's touching now Her first finger to Her lips.
Our Lady - "My child and My children, especially My child, Veronica, I have, with permission of the Eternal Father, been unable to spare you from this scene, and have brought you here in your weakened condition that you may warn the world that they now have within their balance, the balance of life for Our Vicar John Paul II.
"I come to you as your Mother, your Mother of hope, your Mother of perseverance, your Mother of love, your Mother of all nations. I ask you, I plead with you to listen to My counsel.
"Man of free will has cast doubt, looking for the answer with scientific minds and humans with theological knowledge, but man is forever seeking and never coming to the truth.
"Your world, My child and My children, has not progressed back to the Eternal Father. Should you receive now one chastisement so sorely due to you for your disobedience to Our Vicar... do you as a nation, do you, all nations of the world, deserve the continuance of the struggle of Our Vicar for your salvation, or shall you, through your own actions, force the hand of the Eternal Father upon you by abandoning you to your sin? Your nation, the United States, and all nations of the earth - none shall escape the fires.

Prayers Needed To Save Your Vicar
"But, My child, as you well know in My discourse with you the past weeks, satan will seek to stop the prayers, the acts of atonement and sacrifice that will be needed to save your Vicar. A victim souls must take his place. My child, do not be affrighted, you cannot be this victim.
"Yes, My child and My children, there are many mysteries of faith that will be known to you when you come across the veil.
"As a nation, as a country, to all nations of the world, I say to you as Your Mother, that as you have sown, so shall you reap. How many years have I traveled across your earth, crying with tears of pity and frustration, that the great Chastisement be withheld from mankind, because of the many souls that will be lost to Heaven. How many have listened to My counsel and prepared? Have you become so blinded by your lives of luxury and worldly pursuits that you can no longer recognize what is happening about you! Murders abound. Blood flows in the street. Hunger shall be set upon your country. Many shall die. And why? Because you have turned your back upon My Son... the only One now who can save you from what is fast coming upon you.
"My child, do not be affrighted. Through countless years have you seen this scene.
Veronica - Oh! Oh! (Veronica sighs heavily) Oh! (Pause) I - I don't know. The people are killing each other in the streets here! And I see such terrible blood... and the people have gone crazy. Oh, it's horrible! Blessed Mother, please!
Our Lady - "My child, I have asked all to go forward in these final days before the great Chastisement as disciples of My Son, first and uppermost in their lives. For he who gives his life shall be saved. He who walks away and abandons himself to the world shall be lost.
"I told you, My child, to shout it from the rooftops, that many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. Only a few will be saved. There will be nations disappear within a matter of ten minutes and less.

Earthquakes, Famine, Starvation...
"Earthquakes in your country, the United States, extending up through Canada, earthquakes in places never before known to exist, or the possibility of. And they will know it comes but from the hand of God. Famine, starvation, your crops will rot. The heat will burn, the cattle will starve. And why? Because you refuse to turn back, complacent in your arrogance.

Restore The Altar Railing
"I have asked you to get down on your knees. Clergy in My Son's House, His Church, restore the altar railing, that man may be on his knees. For many shall crawl on their knees in desperation seeking to flee, but nowhere shall they escape the flames. Restore My Son's Church while there is time. Return the railings. Have the people make atonement upon their knees to their God.
"Why must you be like immature children, to be punished before you will be obedient to your God? Can you say, O clergy in My Son's House, and those who profess with mouths and barren hearts allegiance to Our Vicar in Rome - when he dies, you have killed him, because of your disobedience.
"My child, I realize the great strain and responsibility placed upon your at this time, but you cannot make known what I am about to tell you. Only when this permission is given." (pause)
Veronica - Ah! Ah! (Veronica sighs heavily) Yes, I understand. Prayer, atonement and sacrifice. Yes, I understand.
Our Lady - "My child, you will instruct those about you to send out all of the messages from Heaven. And you must now gather the information given to compile the conversations with My Son. I ask as your Mother to continue upon the Mission. Do not abandon Me and My Son as We try to save you.
"The mores of the world are but vanity and foolishness, a temporal way of life. Beyond the veil is forever. Tomorrow could be forever for many.

An Epidemic Uncontrollable By Science
"Pray always a constant vigilance of prayer. Protect your children. Tears shall be shed, for many children shall die in an epidemic uncontrollable by science.
"Man has reached to the stars for power. Self gratification, glory, money - for what? They are but a shell that must one day be destroyed. And the spirit? What shall happen to your spirit? No consideration for your next life is given by Our errant children upon earth. One day may be too late. You must now live each day as though you were to go over the veil tomorrow, for so suddenly will many be taken from upon the earth.

Syria Has The Key
"My child, one part only can be made known, given to you. Syria has the key to the solution of world peace or the third world war. It will be the destruction of three quarters of the world. A world aflame, with also the Ball of Redemption.
"Your country, the United States, and many nations of the world now are under the domination of a godless government. As such, without prayer, atonement and sacrifice. I say unto you now, as your Mother, that you, too, proud and arrogant a nation that you be, the United States shall fall. Many shall suffer.
"My child and My children, I have always promised to protect you and all who call to Me. But the powers, the forces of evil, have been allowed to enter even into My Son's Church. The smoke of darkness - darkness of the spirit covers the world. Already many have reached the point of no return. Pray, My child and My children, a constant vigilance of prayer.
"My child, I shall not burden you now with a long discourse on the offenses of mankind that has now been played, the scene before the final curtain, before the eyes of the Eternal Father as He sets judgment upon mankind.

Not The End Of The World
"Continue, My child, as you have been, accepting for your Vicar now all manner of illness, sufferings of the heart, penance and atonement. For unless We have others who offer full dedication in that manner, giving their wills to the Eternal Father for the salvation of souls, your world will face within a short time the final destruction. Not the end of the world, My children or My child, but a destruction such as mankind has never experienced before, nor shall it ever again so few will be left.
"Pray a constant vigilance of prayer. Protect your children. Guard their souls well. And do not cast off the sacramentals. Do not care more for the acceptance of mankind. Do not be guided, or misguided, by the derision of the multitudes against you. For, remember My words again, My children: Only a few will be saved!
"For many earth - years I traveled about, and many received graces far beyond ever known in the history of mankind, in Our final effort to save man from his own self.
"My children, I bless you all."
Veronica - Our Lady is extending Her Rosary with the crucifix, like this.
Our Lady - "I bless you all: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
"Your homes will now be your fortress against evil. For once you go without your door, can you say that you'll live forevermore? Or shall you return to that door?
"The forces of evil are gathering to do final battle upon earth. He who has ears to listen must awaken now from his slumber, or be forever lost.
"My child, you must now take three photographs, and retain the knowledge in them. They will give you firm consolation and conviction in what I have spoken to you of, that must temporarily remain a secret.
Veronica - Pink as you remember is Jesus' color. Whenever He's approaching, the sky always lights up the most beautiful pink. I don't think I've seen much of that color pink. It's very pale, but it's a really - I guess you'd call it a true pink. I don't know the different shades, but it's just beautiful.
Now all about the trees, the sky is becoming - oh, can't you see it - it's such a deep pink now. And - oh, Jesus is coming through the sky. The sky is opening up. Oh, do you know the sky just seems to roll away, and it's so clear - it's so clear, right as Jesus is coming forward, behind Him. It's like looking through a glass. The sky is absolutely - I never saw the sky like that behind Jesus. It's like He's coming through a glass. It's really - I don't even think it's the sky behind Him. I don't know what it is, but it's not stars. And it's not like the sky about us, but there's like a glass, like a partition or something.
Jesus is coming now down much faster. Oh, and He's - oh, Our Lady now - I see Our Lady now; She is coming also. I don't know where They were before, because I didn't see about the sky - how They went back in. But Our Lady is coming forward now, and She's now coming closer to Jesus. Jesus is just above the tree behind Our Lady's statue there on the excedra. Oh, I can't measure distance, but He must be standing at least about eight feet above the tree.
And now Jesus has on a robe - you know a robe, with a - I can only see a part now. He hasn't turned. Oh, He's turning now. He's looking over to the right. And it does have a hood on it; it's a cape. It has a gold tassel - like cording about the neck. And the cape look like it may be like a velvet. It's very regal looking, the cape Jesus has on. And His gown is not a white; it's like a - oh, like a beige color.
And Jesus has though - about His waist the belting is a deep brown. It matches His sandals. Jesus has on, they look like skin. I don't know what kind of skin, but they almost look like leather. They have also two, like straps, that go across down through His feet. And I can see, as the wind is blowing. I can see Jesus' ankles now. Oh, do you know He still has those marks, because the upside down V - like formation of the straps to His ankle exposes His insteps, and He still has the wounds on His feet. I can see them through the, you know, the division of the straps. I can see them. They're very sore - looking. The right foot, His right foot especially, it looks very sore across the instep, and on His left foot, that looks very raw, too.
Now Jesus is holding up His hands. Oh, my goodness! His hands look just like when I saw them years ago: they're very raw and sore - like where the nails went through; the spikes - not nails, they were spikes. And He's holding them up now.
Now They're both looking about. Our Lady is smiling very softly, and She's saying something, but I can't hear what She's saying to Jesus. And He's nodded. And now They're coming back. They had moved over to our left side - that would be Their right side - but They're coming back now. They're just directly over the statue. And Jesus is saying something to Our Lady; I can't hear. Oh, He's now turning, and He's nodding. And He's placing His first index finger to His lips, that means I must listen - repeat.
Jesus - "My child and children of the world - I refer to you as My children, for you are truly always in My heart. My Mother has asked that I refresh your memory in relation to the dire urgency of your times.
"As a generation that has given itself over to all sins of impurities of the flesh, seeking in an arrogant manner the plaudit of the world, and making others in servitude to him - I say unto you, as your God, that your world cannot exist in this condition.
"Many years My Mother has traveled in diverse places, among many tongues and nations, to caution you and counsel you. Her heart, the purest heart in all the women of the world, Our star of Heaven, your Mother, has tirelessly pursued Her urgent pleadings with mankind to turn back, as they slowly go forward, faster and faster, to their own destruction.
"How long, the voices of those who are persecuted and must die, are saying - the voices rise to heaven, join with the saints: 'How long, O Lord, shall you continue to find excuses upon excuses as these generations of degenerates have progressed into a spiritual darkness and depravity far worse than even during the time of Noah or Lot? How long, O Lord, shall many more martyrs shed their blood?"
"My children, voices cry out to Heaven to stop the carnage, the inhumanity of man to his brother. But I say unto you, as your God, that you have a free will to correct all the wrong or extend it until you destroy yourselves.
"My child and My children, the course ahead for all who will to stay in the light will not be easy. It will be one requiring sacrifice, full dedication and placing GOD IS, in front of them always. For God is, God was, God always will be. First always - yesterday, today and tomorrow. This generation shall pass away, but My words shall not. For the end is fast coming upon mankind, the end of time as you know it, and your nation shall fall. All because of your rejection of your God. All because you choose to ignore in disobedience your God. All because you have given yourself to the mores of the world and satan, as I have cautioned you and warned you through countless years upon earth.
"Times - the time is here. The sand is running out. And what are you going to do now? Shall you all burn? My child and My children, those who remain in the light, those who pray a constant vigilance of prayer, and remain free from the contamination of the world, protecting their homes which will be their fortress in the days ahead - this is no time to seek change or to go out into new pursuits. You will now spend your time being ready for what is to come upon your.

Murders Will Abound...
"The days are numbered for your country. Murders will abound. You will see insanity among mankind, for sin is insanity. Brother against brother, children against parents, slander and scandal, murders, abortion. What manner of sin can I not count and list for you that does not stand in lieu of judgment?
"My child, shout it from the rooftops unto your last breath, for as such will the gates of Heaven be open to all. The road to Heaven is not easy. It is a road of sacrifice. Too few stay on that road, because they do not understand the value of suffering.

Hell Is Overflowing
"You are but pilgrims upon earth. You were placed here to do honor to your God. And now how many are honoring satan - Lucifer, the adversary. If I could open to you now and show you hell. It is overflowing. But no man shall enter hell, and be cast into damnation unless he wills this, of the free will given to him through the Eternal Father.
"Love, you cry, love and brotherhood - and who truly knows the meaning of love? What is love? Love is giving. Love is caring. Love is sacrifice. Love is believing. Believe and you will be given the way. Pray and the doors of Heaven will be opened to you. Ask and you shall receive.
"Seek man to answer your decision, give you the decision, answer your problems... you are lost. No man has the key to eternity. God has. No man shall come across with you and plead your cause over the veil. You will enter as you came in, with nothing but what you have merited upon earth.
"I have been discoursing with My Mother, My child, that We may not place upon you at this time additional strain. However, know that no heavier a burden will be placed upon your shoulders than you can bear.
"For to whom much is given, much is expected, and discipline and obedience means suffering and sacrifice. Unquestioning love, unquestioning obedience, that is the only way to Heaven. Accepting all suffering, and offering this for good cause. Too few know, My child. I know Theresa has given you the full discourse on the value of suffering, that one day you will release to the world when you complete your second book. That will be left for My Church.
"The sufferings now upon earth, My child and My children - all who are now disciples of the end days, remember one day your names will be written in Heaven. Is this not worth suffering for, persevering for, and waiting for, My children?
"Understand: there is a Heaven, there is a purgatory, and, sadly, Lucifer's kingdom of hell. Man will take this from your minds. In that manner will you fall faster. Therefore, you will continue reading and rereading the counsel of My Mother in the many visits to you upon earth. For soon you will be reduced to praying, and prayers alone; and then your test of faith will come.

Obedience - The Greatest Test Of All
"My child, in relation to your great test of the past several months, know, My child, that every one was to be tested, and every one, My child, was you. And the greatest test of all was obedience, My child. But your mission in that respect is ended. You will not be given another trial again like that, My child. For the strength allowed you must now be given to compiling the conversations We have many years ago.
"My Mother will continue to direct you and all who now have joined the armies of the world. My Mother will continue, and I will continue to protect you. When you have doubts and lack of confidence, you will say, 'My Jesus, My Confidence.' Just call and I will listen. Believe and I will show you the way.
"Count not upon the frailties of human relationship, because they die and wither away. Whereas My Mother, in Her Immaculate Heart, will always be there to counsel you, to guide you; because no purer a love has ever been given to mankind, than expressed when She submitted to My persecution upon earth, and saw that I was to leave. Knowing the will of the Father, She accepted this, and in that way became truly the Mother of the world.
"My child, you will continue now, My children, with your prayers of atonement. They are sorely needed. Pray for your Vicar. My child, you will keep the second part of the message secret at this time."
Veronica - Now Jesus is extending His hands out, like this, and He's making the sign of the cross, like this: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Jesus - "I bless you all, My children, for the Father, the Spirit of light, that you may continue your mission for the salvation of souls."
Veronica - Now Our Lady and Jesus are backing - They're just floating backwards, They don't walk. They just seem to be weightless, but Jesus and Our Lady look solid, not like the other people I saw. They look so solid that, that - as though human, Our Lady and Jesus, you know. And now They're going back. And Jesus is smiling. Oh, He's smiling. He's got His beard - it's very well cut. You know, sort of... (Veronica gestures with her hand to her chin to describe the appearance of His beard). I guess He thinks that's funny - it's embarrassing. He's got a nice beard... and it's like this, you know, sort of...
And Jesus' hair is very long. His hair is coming down now to His shoulders, but it - the light from His robe make His hair look like a reddish - brown - I guess reddish - brown. Jesus is nodding.
Our Lady now is smiling. Oh! I notice Our Lady has changed Her crown. Now before - She's changed into Her crown - She only had Her mantle on before; but Our Lady has that Fatima crown on Her head now, the round one, with the cross on the top. And Jesus is nodding.
Jesus - "You understand, My child, the reason. Remember about the secret."
Veronica - Our Lady is wearing the Fatima crown, that's all I can say, Jesus said. Oh, They're smiling.
Jesus - "Continue now, My child, and I counsel you to stop not on route home, but repair immediately to your home."
Veronica - One? I can take one more picture, one picture, Perry. One picture, Jesus said. Take one picture. (pause)
(In a child like tone of voice) I don't like witches! Oh! (pause) Oh! They do look human, but they sure act funny! (pause) Oh, I'm not afraid of them, m - much. (pause) Oh, that's why the altar railings have to come back. That way they don't get... that's right. That's terrible! They just carry them away. (pause) They can't carry them away. Oh! Oh, if they got their hands up where the priest can watch them. The altar railings must come back.



"Wars are a punishment for man’s sins"
Eve of Trinity Sunday - June 13, 1981

Veronica - The sky all about the trees is now becoming alight with a most beautiful blue cascading light. The light, at first appearance, seems to be coming from within the trees itself, lighting up the sky - but no, as it's growing brighter, I can well see now that the lights are cascading in a pattern combined with long streams of blue, pale blue light, and also circular almost Host - like balls, I would say, of light. They are floating across the sky directly above Our Lady's statue, Host - like in formation.
Now directly, if you'll look high in the sky, Our Lady is coming through the sky. Oh, She is so beautiful! Our Lady is wearing a pure white gown and She has on gold sandals.
And now Our Lady is coming in much faster. She's not walking, She's absolutely floating. So beautiful!
Her gown is a pure white - oh, as white as snow, as white as sugar. I have no explanation, human - wise, to tell you of the brightness of Our Lady's gown.
She has all about Her head a most beautiful mantle of white, going completely across Her head and down to the edge of Her gown at Her feet. And the mantle has a trim of about an inch and a half of gold. I really believe it's a real gold, because it certainly looks like pure spun gold.
Now Our Lady has Her hands up in prayer, like this (Veronica folds her hands together in prayer). And in Her hands, I just noticed. Our Lady has Her Rosary, the beautiful Rosary with the very huge beads - the golden Our Father beads and the white Hail Marys. And the crucifix dangling quite low towards Our Lady's belting.
Our Lady, this evening, has on a gold belting. It's like a gold cloth with a tassel that comes down at Her waist.
And Our Lady's hands are still in prayer, as She's coming closer in that position.
I see Our Lady now standing upon the world. There is a large globe; I know it's the world. I see outlines like you do on the globes you use in schools.

A huge gathering of ships
And Our Lady is looking all about Her. Now Our Lady is taking Her hands and She's pointing to the sky, over to Her right, our left. And I see in the sky, on the left, a huge gathering of ships. I see the water. There's no land in sight, but there are many ships. And the sky is becoming very dark. It gives me a very ominous feeling. I can't explain it, but they're all ships... I - I'm trying to recognize them, I'm not familiar with ships, but they look like - they're not tankers, but they look like battleships.
Now - oh... oh! One of them has - it's flying a hammer and a sickle - a flag, a red flag with a hammer and a sickle. Oh! And now the scene, it's just evaporating, fading away.
And Our Lady is motioning over now to Her left side, which is our right side, and I see a map of Africa. And I see the Mediterranean, and I see ships going out - I can see them coming out of a channel. I recognize the Mediterranean. And they're heading down... I - oh, they seem to be cutting a pattern across the sky now over to those battleships. Now everything is becoming fading; I can't see anymore on either side.
And Our Lady now is taking Her crucifix from the beautiful Rosary now, and extending it out, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Our Lady - "My child, it was urgent that I call you here this evening. And you will be given the strength to bring forth the message so necessary at this time.

The fall of nations
"As I had discoursed with you this week, My child, you understand now that there is an urgent call for prayers, for your world now stands before a precipice overlooking a fall - this fall being far beyond what man can ever anticipate. I speak, My child, not of the spiritual fall, because that has precipitated the present crisis of mankind, but I speak of the fall of the nations.
"I have traveled throughout your world for many earth- years pleading your cause before Heaven for an extension of time for Our errant children. I have prayed with you, I have interceded for you, and now I must come to you with a torn heart. See, My child, My heart, filled with thorns. I accept the burden of My Son for a generation that has given itself over to satan."
Veronica - Oh! Oh! On Our Blessed Mother's chest, I see a heart, a human heart beating, I can feel it beating. But it is just filled with huge oversized thorns. And I - I see also a dagger, like some type of a huge saber - like knife being thrust into it. And it's bleeding... it's bleeding, Her heart is bleeding. Oh! (pause)
Now Our Lady is motioning for me to look up. Oh!
Our Lady - "See, My child, the sufferings endured for the salvation of your generation. Were it not for the few who have given themselves to be victims to the Eternal Father for the salvation of mankind, your country, the United States, and most nations of the world - and I would tell at this time a fact, My child, that every nation of the world shall feet the catastrophe.
"I have asked you all to make atonement to the Eternal Father, to live a life of prayer. You must be in the world, but not of the world. My Son has asked much of many of you who hear My words and will read My counsel. But for those who have received much, much is expected of them. The test is great.

To be a disciple of My Son
"To be a disciple for My Son, the test of love and obedience is great. No man or woman chosen for the path to Heaven shall go without test. You will be tested as metals in the fire. If you love your mother, your father, your sister, your brother, your wife, your husband, your children before, and place them between the border of spiritual salvation or destruction of the soul; if you place them first before My Son, you cannot be a disciple for Heaven, and your salvation shall be in the balance. The road to Heaven is a narrow one. The roses are given at the end of the road, My child and My children.
"I ask those who can now - are enabled to hear My voice, I plead with you, as Your Mother, to listen to Me and follow this direction, or you will receive a great chastisement. You must now go down upon your knees and make atonement, sacrifice and do penance for your country, for your nation, and for the countries of the world. You are upon now the brink of great destruction. That is why, My child, I took you to the corner, the edge of the chasm, and showed you.
"You understand, My child and My children, that wars are a punishment for man's sins.
"Clergy in My Son's House, I, Your Mother, I come to you as the Mother of the world, Your Mother, known to you by many names - Mary Immaculate, of the Immaculate Conception - I have appeared to many, in all nations of the world, in order to save your world from destruction.

A godless Nation
"Without My Son you are lost. A godless nation shall fall. A nation that has been eaten away and rotted by sin shall fall. A nation that has turned itself back and regressed to a state of animal living bordering on all sins of the flesh and impurity; given over to all manner of seeking things of the world; power, lust, envy, hate, murders, abortions, worship of false idols; loving money, power, and lacking the instinct of survival when survival can only be reached by pleading for them to the merciful heart of the Eternal Father.
"My child, you will continue with lessened energy to see that all of the messages of Heaven are dispersed as fast as possible.
"Minds have become clouded, as some will give themselves over to pursuits of the world, and their minds become clouded and do not understand the Message from Heaven. The danger, My child, to this, and, My children, is that you can fall away and be forever lost.
"For I repeat again: What is there tomorrow for you? Will you see another day for you? Will you know another sigh for you? How do you count your time upon earth? Through science? Through your physicians of the world?
"O My children, how foolish you have become. Running hither and yon, gaining great knowledge, but you cannot stop the deaths that abound throughout your world. You cannot stop the increased murdering of your children: father against son, mother against daughter. And now all restraints gone for the protection of your children and your home life - the disintegration within the home because GOD IS does not have any place in your home today.
"It is always a great sorrow to My heart, My children, that you are truly like little children, never learning until you are punished. You are traveling the same road as in the past. You do not learn from your past.
"But, My children, I repeat again: Throughout the world's whole population, only a few will be saved. To be saved you must now withdraw from the world, which has been given to satan. You must earn your daily bread it is true; but the Bread of life is still My Son, first and foremost.
"In your pursuit of worldly living, have you sold your souls to get to the head? Corruption and dishonesty abound in your country, the United States, and many - most countries, nations of the world. This corruption will not go unpunished.
"Your country, My child, must turn back to God, because the time is running out. You cannot compromise with the enemies of your God, nor can you compromise with the enemies within My Son's House, His Church. Conform and you will die on the vine. I say unto you, all clergy, cardinals, bishops and lay people in My Son's House, His Church: Conform and you will die on the vine!
"The Eternal Father in the Trinity, the giver of all life and the taker of life - however, satan now has great rule over your world. All will be tested.

The coming cataclysm
"In the coming cataclysm - I do not refer, My child, to a minor warning, I refer to a great minor chastisement for your nation - many will die. The good - some good will die also, but they will be martyred for their Faith.
"My child and My children, much cannot be in discourse with you at this time. But I must stress the urgency of your remaining in My Son's Church regardless of the turmoil. I stress again this urgency for the salvation of your soul. You must not tear it asunder. You cannot run hither and yon setting up a new church, for to divide is to conquer, and that is the plan of satan against My Son.
"The adversary, the prince of darkness, knows that his time is growing short. He will do great battle now with the children of God. Prepare now for you will see days ahead such as have never taken place within your country, My child. That is why I stress the urgency of this message. There will be much suffering. No class shall be excluded. Those who do not suffer shall be damned to hell. For they have sold their souls to get to the head.
"In time this puzzle will be explained to you fully, all who hear My voice and will read the Message from Heaven. For the future is now, and it will unfold before your very eyes.
"Life, as you know it, will have no value. Death shall be commonplace among you: murder, death by murder, in the name of mercy - death, murder.
"My child and My children, only you as an individual can save your soul now and the souls whom you love and whom you have the charity to reach out for. For those with great graces, they can be shared. You have a great obligation now to go forward as disciples of My Son.
"If you proceed ignoring My counsel, and My direction, you will see many nations disappear from your world within moments. Hunger and starvation, famine, disease, pestilence.
"My children, how sad I am that too few have followed My counsel to read the revelations of St. John to the world, the Apocalypse. Read them, My children. Ask My Son, ask the Eternal Father and the Holy Spirit to enlighten you, and the pages will become clear to you. The pages will open up like the scroll, and you will have full understanding of the days ahead. What was hidden from mankind for many years is being revealed in order to save the world from its own destruction.
"Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer. Pray for your Holy Father in Rome; pray for your bishops, pray for your priests; pray for your government leaders, for satan has clouded many minds.
"I do not come to place fear in your hearts, My children, to prepare you for what is to take place. Know that the merciful heart of the Eternal Father is with you. He does not wish to see you destroy yourselves, because the destruction of many in their physical bodies means the destruction of their eternal souls. For many will then be taken in the plan of satan before they have time to come back, do penance, make atonement, and prepare for coming over the veil.
"Retain your sacramentals, My children. Feed on the Bread of life, My Son in the Eucharist. He will sustain you in the days ahead. Cast Him aside, and you will be lost.

No dead body shall ever be restored to life
"You cannot, in your scientific minds, and no man of science will ever have the secret for the restoration of the dead to the living. Life only goes over the veil; it begins a life anew. No dead body shall ever be restored to life, until the final judgment at the end of all time. Unto that time, there is a Heaven; there is a purgatory, a place of purging - cleansing; and there is, sadly, a hell, the abode of the damned, the kingdom of Lucifer, the adversary to My Son. The battle rages now for souls, My children.
"Understand that you are living in the latter days. Do not have your minds clouded by those who are skeptic, those who will reason with all man's scientific intellectual knowledge, which is as nothing. For soon, as their minds seek a way out, without prayer, satan will come in, and many will die."
Veronica - Our Lady now is looking all about Her. She's looking all about Her, and now She's pointing up to Her right sky - that's to the left of us - high up in the sky, I see forming again two - they're two hearts. Oh! On - oh! on the right side, Her right side, the heart is the same as Our Lady had on Her chest. It's a human heart, I know it. And it's all like thorns around it; and, also, there's a knife through it. Oh, my goodness! And then there's a heart, it's almost like an entwining of rings like; and there's another heart right next to it. Our Lady is saying, " the Sacred Heart of My Son." And that is covered completely with thorns. They're very sharp. I can reach out and touch them. They're very large. I don't know - I never saw a thorn so big, not even on a rose bush; they're not that big. Oh, I've cut my hand.
Now Our Lady - it's growing very dark, and I can't see them anymore. Our Lady now is nodding, and She's placing Her first finger to Her lips.
Our Lady - "My child now, you will continue with your prayers of atonement. You will be sustained for the arrival of My Son, but then you must repair to your home. You will not be able, My child, to leave your bed until My next visit with you on the anniversary.
"O My child, be consoled. I repeat again: For those who have received great graces, much is expected of them. And the value of suffering has been explained to you, My child.
"Continue now, My child, with your prayers of atonement."
Veronica - The sky all about the trees is a beautiful light pastel shade of pink. Of course, you must understand that pink is Jesus' color. So when the pink starts cascading above the trees, it's a signal from Heaven that Jesus is coming.
Now directly over Our Lady's statue, the sky is opening up. I - oh, it's amazing! Oh, I hope someone else can see this, it's so fantastic. The sky is opening up just like, it's like - oh, just a mist blowing away, and the sky is opening up into a circular pattern. And it's so clear above - Jesus is coming forward now. He just - the whole sky was closed, but it opened up, and - and He's coming right through as though He was stepping through a sheet of glass. I can't explain it, because the light is so brilliant. It's circular in pattern, like out - like actually spanning out from Jesus. The light is emanating, I believe, from within Jesus, because that's the way it looks now.
Now Jesus is coming forward. He has on a - oh, it's - I don't know what color it is - Jesus' gown, it's a very long. He has it like tight about the waist, with a cord - like - made of some kind of skin. I don't know, it looks like leather, but lighter in color, like a very light brown. But I don't believe it's any type of cord. It looks like a piece of skin, tying like, cinching in His gown at the waist.
And it has a - I see it very clearly... Jesus is smiling. He has a round neckline about the gown. It seems to be very simple in the way it's made. But His robe - Jesus' robe is a very deep, plush - looking, velvet type of burgundy color. It's burgundy, I believe that's the color. It's between a rose and a red. Oh, I can't explain it, but His robe look like velvet - beautiful! And He has it tied at His - right under His chin, between His chin and the upper part of His gown by a gold cording.
And it's very windy, because there is a - I think it's called a cowl. Does Jesus say a cowl? C - O - W - L? From the back of His neck... that's a hat, like the cape part of His - of His like long - like mantle, like Our Lady wears a mantle; but He has on like more of a heavy type of cloak.
And Jesus is looking all about Him. The light is very brilliant, but I can see His hair is quite long. Jesus' hair reaches down below His shoulders. And it always appears - I don't know if it's the reflection from the burgundy of His robe, but His hair looks like a reddish - brown. It's a beautiful shade of - it must be brown, but the light cascading from His robe makes it look like, sort of reddish - brown.
And Jesus' eyes are - oh, I can explain His eyes. His eyes are beautiful.
See with Our Lady, Our Lady talks, but it's like She's talking, like with Her lips moving. But Jesus looks - just looks at me, and there's not a movement of His face, and there's no way to explain it - He's talking right into me.
Now He's moving over, to be directly over Our Lady's statue, but beyond the first tree. And He's looking all about Him. Now He's placing His hand up, like this. And Our Lady is coming forward. I didn't notice where She was before. But She's coming forward from behind Jesus. And She's standing now - She's going over to Jesus' right side.
Our Lady has on now, over Her beautiful white mantle that extends to Her feet with the gold trim on it, She has the beautiful Fatima crown. I've learned to recognize it from the way it's rounded with the cross on the top. It's the Fatima crown, all of gold, Our Lady has on Her head.
And She's standing right next to Jesus with Her hands together, like this, in prayer, and the beautiful large Rosary beads just dangling from Her fingers.
Our Lady looks very much petite next to Jesus, because, you know, Jesus is quite tall. I would say He's about six feet tall. And Our Lady only comes up to His shoulder now as the way She's standing there. Our Lady is just motionless standing with Her hands in prayer, like this.
Now Jesus is turning, and He's moving back a little. He floats back. Our Lady and Jesus seem to be weightless, yet they look as solid as you and I, except for that brilliant light. The light is tremendous.
Now Jesus is placing His first finger to His lips, which means to listen and repeat.
Jesus - "My child and My children, My Mother goes untiringly throughout your world in these latter days counseling you to prepare you for the days ahead.
"My child, in the early part of your mission, I directed you in the path, to the path of recovery of souls. My words, My child, I repeat anew. What was to happen in the future shall be now. It was for you to try to prevent this by getting out the Message in great haste.
"My child, I am fully aware of the energies and the ceaseless work entailed upon you in your weakened condition. However, We understand, My child, and shall not place a more heavy a burden than you can carry at this time. The strength will be given you from Heaven.
"My child and My children, I will not, at this late date, continue with a lengthy discourse, giving you all countless reasons for the necessity for a just intervention from Heaven upon mankind for the salvation of souls. My Mother has prepared you well. You have been counseled to wear your sacramentals and to restore the Faith in the hearts of the multitudes.

All clergy shall be accountable
"All clergy, cardinals, bishops, parish priests and laymen, shall be accountable for the fall of all souls within their self - imposed dedication of protection, which has been cast aside; as many have been blinded by a life of too much luxury and ease.
"As I told you in the past, through prophets and the word, that it will be easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than for a rich man to enter Heaven. For his richness has been directed from satan for the destruction of his soul.
"Charity is known to few. Charitable people are few, My child and My children. Blessed are the poor and the peacemakers, for they shall be truly called children of God.

Faster than the snowflakes
"The more you give yourselves to the world and the pursuits of the flesh, and the pleasures of the flesh, the farther you fall out of grace and lose the road. Souls are falling into hell faster than the snowflakes that cascaded upon you in the worst part of your winters.
"No, My child, have no despair or fear at this time. You shall not be making the trip into the abyss with My Mother at this time. But, My child, you know full well that even many mitres shall fall into hell unless there is a victim soul or victim souls willing to do penance and make atonement. Prayer, penance and atonement by all for them.
"Your priests, priests in My House, My Church upon earth, do not have a special passport to Heaven. In their human nature they have the same struggle and must carry the cross. However, many are casting aside the simple way for a most complicated life, using man of science and intellectualism to destroy his own soul.
"The way to Heaven is a simple way. It cannot be compromised; it cannot be modernized; it cannot be cast aside or a new religion started. For your religion will be of man, of humanism, and modernism, and satanism, and all the 'isms' that destroy mankind in the end.
"My child and My children, you will all keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your country and the world. Proceed with great haste to send the Message throughout the world. Hasten, hearken and listen, for I shall not warn you again. You are now on the edge, the edge of doom for many. For the end shall come upon many suddenly, without warning. Are you ready for this, my children?
"I do not come as a prophet of doom to you, and neither will the voices crying out with the truth come as prophets of doom. But they will be disciples of the end days, bearers of light and the truth. Listen and you will be saved. Believe and you will be given the way. Close your ears, harden your hearts, and turn away and you are lost.
"Protect your children and your homes, for many tears shall be shed by parents. Wear your sacramentals. Do not be influenced by those who have lost their way and seek to take other with them. You must be different in this world of satan. Receive his mark and you are lost. Receive the mark of the cross and you are saved.
"The test will soon be placed heavily upon many. You will pray a constant vigilance of prayer, and when you grow despondent or despairing, you will say, MY JESUS, MY CONFIDENCE.
"My ears are never closed. Our hearts are open to you. Believe and you will be given the way. Seek and you will find. The truth is a simple way, and you must live this simple way, and stay out of the world and its entanglements with satan."
Veronica - Now Jesus is placing His hand in front, like this, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Now Jesus is turning His head to Our Lady and is saying something. I just - I can't hear Him; it's like a - almost a whisper, like a rustle of the trees.
But They are now turning to the right, and Our Lady is leading the way. They're going across the sky. Now Our Lady is turning. She has Her hands up on prayer again, like this, and the Rosary is dangling from Her fingers now, quite down the front of Our Lady's gown. I can see the beads.
Now Jesus is over by the tree on the left side, and He's placing His hand out, like this, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Now Our Lady is nodding to Jesus, and They're turning over to - They're cutting across the sky now. They float just effortlessly; it's just beautiful to see. They go clear across the sky, but without even moving Their feet. Oh!
Now Jesus and Our Lady are over by the third tree from... from the flag. Now Jesus is bending over. He has to mount the branches of the tree, and He's making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Now Jesus is placing His hand across His chest. Now They're turning over to Their right, and They're coming across the sky now. And now as Jesus and Our Lady are standing above the statue, They are both simultaneously, both together, They're pointing to Their right side, that would be the left side of the sky.
And I see a huge globe forming, a huge globe. It must be the world. And there's a big cross on the top of it, but there are flames all about the globe. There are flames. They just seem to be coming out of the globe. And the cross is becoming very dark, very black. Oh! Now it's fading away; it just seems to evaporate, like the mist.
And Our Lady is - I can hear from here. Our Lady is heaving a very deep sigh (Veronica sighs deeply).
And Jesus now is touching His finger to His lips.
Jesus - "You see, My child, the great trial that is to come upon mankind. The second part of Our message to you must still remain a secret, My child; you understand that.
"Continue now with your prayers of atonement; they are sorely needed for all."



"Many mitres shall fall into hell"
Eleventh Anniversary of Our Lady Coming to Bayside, NY- June 18, 1981

Veronica - The sky all about the trees is becoming alight with the most beautiful blue light that's pinpointing, it's not cascading .... there are direct lights from the trees, line - like in pattern - that's the only way I explain it - and it goes straight up through the center of the sky, and as though they were almost like fingers pointing from the trees. But they're a pale blue. Now they're becoming deeper in blue. It's almost as though the lights, which I would say the streams of light are about a good - oh, four or five inches in thickness - they're separated like banners. Yes, I would say that as they're becoming deeper blue, deeper in color, they're like, not confetti - no, like banners, streams of banners coming down, cascading from the center of the sky.
Oh, now the sky is opening up in a round circular pattern that - it's as though, beyond the sky, there is... well, we know there's another world. But it's absolutely beautiful!
Now as the sky is opening up, I can see that they weren't just lights, they're like banners, and they're held by beautiful cherubims(?), young angels.
Now there are no faces. They have on beautiful gowns. But they're very young angels. I know they are childlike in appearance. And they have on gowns of all pastel colors; pink predominating, with blue and white, and a lavender shade, but it's a beautiful light pale. They're all pastel colors. Oh, they are so beautiful!
What they are doing now, they're circling... they're - oh, they're circling Our Lady.
Our Lady is coming forward. She just came through the opening in the sky. It's a Host - like opening. It's becoming wider and wider. Now it's covering the whole area, even now opening up over our heads.
Oh, it's just beautiful. It's as though the night has rolled away and there's the most beautiful clear blue sky. And there are over Our Lady's head, high in the sky, there are beautiful stars, thousands of twinkling stars. They are twinkling, because they are actually, not glowing, but they're glittering.
Oh, Our Lady is beautiful! Our Lady has on a white mantle, but oh! oh, I notice now on Her white mantle She has the gold trim. But She has the most - oh, it's beautiful gold, spun gold... it's a round crown a Fatima crown on Our Lady's head, but it seems as though the gold has diamonds set into it.
Our Lady is all aglow like the stars. Oh, She's so beautiful! And She - Our Blessed Mother has on the long gown. Oh, it's white as snow or sugar - so brilliantly white, I have no way to describe it in human language.
Our Blessed Mother has on the sandals - Her sandals are very delicate. Her feet look tiny from here. And the sandals are gold. They are a gold spun - like material. I don't know what they're made of, but they have these beautiful metallic - oh, they must be spun gold rosettes. I would call them rosettes because they're very, very tiny on the tip of Her sandal. It's not up near the ankle. I can't see our Lady's ankles because Her gown is so long, but I can see Our Lady's very - Her feet look very small and tiny under the gown. And the sandal, being golden, is brilliant in the light.
And all about Our Lady, the angels now are waving, they are weaving and waving these banners that are a most beautiful blue color. I don't think I have ever seen this color blue here on earth. It is absolutely beautiful. I've never seen anything like this, except that, perhaps, like the old fashioned maypole dances where the children would go with the banners. That's what it's so similar to: as though there was a celebration for Our Blessed Mother.
Now Our Lady is coming forward, and She's very, very close now. And the angels are separating. They're moving without moving their legs, but they're floating off to the side closer to the trees now. Our Lady is directly over Her statue and She's smiling. It's a sad smile. But Our Lady looks so beautiful, and so young! Oh!
Now Our Lady has about Her waist Her beautiful Rosary, the Rosary with the golden Our Fathers and the beautiful white Hail Mary beads. Oh! Now Our Lady is taking the crucifix of Her Rosary and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Our Lady is taking the crucifix now and placing it to Her lips, like this, and then touching it to Her heart, like this. Then She's crossing Her hands across her chest, like this, shoulder to shoulder, the fingers are.
Now Our Lady is motioning, She's placing Her hand upward, to look up high. Oh! Oh, there's Michael. Oh, St. Michael! Oh, he's tremendous. He's tremendous! Oh, but do you know what he's doing? He's got a chalice, a large golden chalice in his hand, and He's holding the chalice now and turning it down, and there's like blood pouring out of the chalice...blood! Oh, my goodness! Oh! Oh my!
Now Our Lady is motioning to me, and She's touching Her lips with Her first finger, which means to listen.
Our Lady - "My child and My children, how heavy is my heart in the midst of a time when joy should be in the hearts of all mankind, but We find now increasing sorrow and suffering.
"O My children and My child, how My heart is torn as I look upon your nation and other nations of the world that are fast approaching their annihilation.
"O My child and My children, how many earth - years have I traveled to and fro, My voice relentlessly crying out to you to do penance, atonement and make restitution to your God for the many offenses that you have committed against the Commandments, which the Almighty Father has handed down to you in order to guide you, so that you will not lose your way and will come to Heaven. However, as it was in the past, so it is today in your generation, that you have learned nothing from your past, and continue along the same path to your own destruction.

The true meaning of love
"My child and My children, if I could take you with Me and give you the eyes to see and the ears to hear, you'll understand why I have cried out to you in the past to protect your soul, your children's souls, your families, and accept as a victim soul the graces given to you from Heaven to reach out with to save others. For charity and love of heart knows no bounds, no restrictions, but in giving does one really bring forth the true meaning of love.
"Your world which cries for peace, the words come from the mouths of those who are lying. For while, they cry peace, they make provisions for destruction. Peace will not be restored to mankind until My Son in the Trinity is restored to your homes and the hearts of your families.
"Man upon earth has given himself over to perversion, for sin has become a way of life. And the children - O My child and My children, how I cry for your children. For would not it be better at this time, My child, for the second part of the secret to become a reality for the salvation of the young souls?
"Do not be affrighted, My child. I ask all to be long suffering, as the Eternal Father has been long suffering. For eternity is forever beyond the veil. The Eternal Father, the creator of all mankind, will struggle to bring back one of His lost sheep, never wishing even one to be lost to Him.
"Therefore, My child and My children, how generous of heart is the Eternal Father that this reprieve had been given to you. But the Son, who is My Son, the Son of the Eternal Father, your God, can no longer restrain mankind who has a free will.

The eyes of the world are on North America
"Therefore, as errant children, who learn only by experience and punishment, shall a great chastisement be set upon your nation and many nations of the world. The eyes of the world are on North America, and the eyes of all creatures possessed by demons of hell are on North America. And should North America join them, North America shall fall.
"Little do your news medias enlighten you to the truth. I cannot, My child, give you in discourse a full and open knowledge for mankind of the deceit and the misdirection in your country by leaders who have cast away the knowledge of God and the supernatural in your country and throughout the nations of the world.
"O My child, years upon earth, and what has happened? What has happened among My children? Purgatory is overflowing. Satan, the adversary, the prince of darkness, has many now forever lost in hell. And who brings Our children to the knowledge of hell, of its existence?
"But I tell you now, as your Mother, that woe to the man who commits scandal and chooses of his own free will, to cause the fall of a young soul. For better that he had died in his mother's womb or a millstone be put upon his head, about his neck, and cast into the sea, before he brought scandal to the little ones.

The plague among the children
"My child and My children, I have counseled you on the approaching plague among the children. Because of the sin of man, this cannot be avoided, this cannot be held back, My child.
"I understand the great emotional strain this knowledge has brought to you, My child. But you will continue to shout it from the rooftops. The strength will be given you. Every message from Heaven must be duplicated and sent out in great haste. The time is growing short. The enemy is at your door!
Yes, My child and My children, My voice has not weakened, but My heart is more torn. For how many years have I traveled throughout your world pleading with you, as a loving Mother, to listen to Me. And how many have listened to this counsel from Heaven? How many have hardened their hearts, closed their ears, so involved in worldly pursuits and pleasure.
"Pride, arrogance, lust, money, murders - all manner of corruption is set upon mankind because he will not listen. I will not say cannot listen - he will not listen. Therefore, he who will not listen must receive a just chastisement, so his ears will be forcefully opened, and he will bend his knee... to his God.

Bar your doors
"O My children, listen to Me now: your children, protect them. Bar your doors to all but your immediate family and your closest workers within the circle of light. I tell you again this for reason.
"Yes, My child, the trials of the past shall not be placed upon you again, but you understand now the full power that satan has been allowed in these latter times. It is a testing ground for all, and all will be tested like metals in the fire.
"I understand, My child, your grief at this knowledge. However, My child, you must accept the will of God, for it is for the eventual victory over satan.

The world is your family
"You must not become affected nor your Mission slackened by concern over a human being, My child. The world is your family. There are thousands of sheep straying with no leadership, no knowledge, misdirection, misguidance, even in My Son's Church upon earth.
"We see all manner of confusion, experimentation. There is no unity now in spirit. For man in the clergy has taken upon himself to set up My Son's Church to his own pursuits, his own man - given knowledge of intellect, without the spirit. For much of this intellect is being directed by satan and not by God.
"Awaken from your slumber, clergy in My Son's Church, for you will also be counted among the least. In pride and arrogance you have refused My counsel from Heaven. You have turned away from Me. You have persecuted those I have sent to you. Your pride and arrogance shall make you fall. Many mitres shall fall into hell. Is this what you want?
"For ears that hear, for those who hear My counsel, learn by it, for the time is growing short. There will be many victim souls in these latter days, My child and My children. Persecution shall be great among the children of God, for the world will claim its own. And if you are not of this world, the earth, you will not be recognized. For the world you must live in is beyond the realm of human mankind. It is the world of the spirit, which all must enter sooner or later.

The heavy rains
"The knowledge of the supernatural has been taken from mankind. Therefore, satan has full access to your souls. And many are falling into hell faster than the snowflakes in your cold winters, and the heavy rains that destroy your towns.
"In the past the Eternal Father has sought to bring you back with minor chastisements, but to what avail? Now you ask and have brought upon yourself the time for greater chastisement. Many signs have been given from Heaven to guide you, and how few there were, My child and My children, who listened. Were it not so I would tell you. For were it not so, your world and the state of the souls within your world would not be in such darkness, were it not so.
"Yes, My child and My children, GOD IS shall be always before you, as God was, and God always will be.
"Man is no master of death. He can only inflict death upon the body. But with satan beside him, he can inflict death to your soul, your spirit, and you will be forever lost.
"Only you now, you, My children of reasoning, of the age of reasoning, must now make a full inventory of the graces you have gathered. For in an instant death will come upon your land, and many shall be claimed. Will you be ready? Have you prepared your children? Have you prepared your households? Many parents shall cry. Families shall be torn asunder. Blood shall be in the streets.
"O My children, and the nation of the United States that I have placed My mantle upon to protect you, a country of so greater in abundance materialistically, but now, sadly, My child and My children, falling fast to satan: immorality and all manner of licentious living, given over to murders, abortions, adultery, homosexuality, pagan worship. O My child, the list would grow longer and longer. In all justice to mankind and in all honor to your God, can you say that you do not warrant a just punishment?
"My child and My children, you will all continue to keep a constant vigilance of prayer.

The enemy is at your door
"My child, shout it from the rooftops to your last breath. The enemy is at your d - o - o - r! (Veronica sighs heavily) Oh! (pause) Yes.
"My child, I cannot take you into the abyss at this time. You must complete the listing of conversations with My Son. When this is completed, My child, you will understand.
"Many workers shall be sent to you. Therefore, I wish, My child, that you concentrate now on completing the gathering of the conversations with My Son."
Veronica - Now Our Lady is taking the crucifix from Her beautiful Rosary now, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Our Lady is turning now to Her right, and She's holding - extending Her crucifix, like this, high over the trees.
Our Lady is now rising a little higher so that She can go over to our left side, Her right side, and She's blessing with the beautiful crucifix: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Now Our Lady is turning. And it must be windy because Our Lady's skirts are being caught in the breeze. And Our Lady now is floating across the sky. She doesn't walk. Her feet don't move. She's just carried as though She's weightless. Yes, Our Lady looks just as solid as you and I, but She's carried weightless, but beautiful. The light is so brilliant about Her that it's absolutely gorgeous. Ohh!
Now Our Lady is going over to our right side, Her left side, and now She's extending Her Rosary and the crucifix very, very far out in front of the trees, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Now Our Lady is turning, and She's pointing up with the crucifix, like this, to the sky, and there is that large ball, a globe again. I know it's the world, I just know it's the world. And there's a big black cross now over the world. And I see coming out of the globe the flames again - the flames.
And now the globe - in some portions of the globe, I don't recognize it. The - the globe seems to be spinning faster and faster and faster. But as it's turning I can see there are sections that are black, absolutely black - something’s happened, something’s happened.
And now the globe is spinning, it's turning very slowly. It's, it's one of those like - what do you call them atlas', like where you could see the full impression of every country of the world. And some are absolutely blacked out. Oh... oh, they're blackened. It's, it's - it gives me a - I can't explain it - a very terrifying feeling to watch it.
Now it's fading; the whole - the whole sky is closing in over the ball, which is that huge globe of the world. And now I can't see it any longer.
And Our Lady is now nodding. As She's nodding - oh, that's so much better, Blessed Mother, to see the light. It was so dark over there with that world, so dark. And the cross is so black over it.
Our Lady - "The suffering, My child; that is the suffering that will be set upon the world."
Veronica - Oh! Our Lady has that most beautiful crown, as She's bending down not to talk. Her voice is coming in a very soft whisper now, and...
Our Lady - "Do not be affrighted, My child. All that is rotten must fall. The cleansing will be great to mankind. But all who have stayed in the light and gathered their graces shall be saved. That will give you great consolation, My children and My child, during the trials ahead. All who have gathered their graces and remained in the light will be saved.
"Now, My child, you will take one set of photographs, but you must not interpret them publicly, My child."
Veronica - All about the trees, the sky is becoming illuminated with a beautiful pastel pink light. It's a solid covering now of the sky. They're not cascading like rivulets, or as usually forms, but the sky is becoming lighted, absolutely lighted with a beautiful pastel pink.
And directly over Our Lady's statue, high in the sky, the coloring, the pink is a solid pink now.
Now Jesus - oh, Jesus is coming right through the sky, through the center of the pink lighting. And He's holding His hand now on His chest. And now He's taking His hand away, and I can see - oh my, He's got a real heart. I've never seen a human heart, but I know it's a human heart. And it's pulsating, it's pulsating.
And oh my! And Jesus - oh, I know it's His Sacred Heart. It's pulsating though, and it's bleeding. Oh, His Heart is bleeding. Oh my!
And now as I'm watching, there are thorns now. It's like looking right inside of Him, through His - His garment. There are thorns all around His heart. Oh my!
Now Jesus is looking about Him, and over to the right side; He's looking about everyone. The pink glow is fading now. The sky is becoming lighted behind Him.
Oh, Our Lady is coming forward. I don't know where She came out of; I didn't see Her behind Jesus. But now She's coming forward. And She's coming over on Her - His right side, that's our left side.
Our Lady is standing now, She's standing next to Jesus with Her hands joined together, like this. She's so beautiful. She's so beautiful. And Our Lady's Rosary is hanging, it's hanging directly from Her fingers.
Now Jesus is looking about. I can't see that heart now. It seems to have disappeared, slowly like. It's just like vanishing, like in a mist. Oh my!
Now Jesus is turning to His left, and coming over directly above our Lady's statue. And He's touching His lips with His first finger.
Jesus - "My child, My Mother has given you full discourse on the state of your country and the nations of the world. It will not be necessary for Me to set forth more details on what is to come upon your country and many nations of the world.
Many reprieves have been given to mankind, but now the Eternal Father has deemed it most necessary to bring some of His straying sheep back to the fold forcefully - unhappily, My child, I say this - but forcibly, by a chastisement.

These final moments of your generation
"You will all continue with a constant vigilance of prayer. Pray for your leaders, and the world's leaders in the governments in all of the universal nations of the world, and those men who have been given the power to govern lives or destroy them. Pray that the knowledge of your God will reach out among mankind in these few moments - I should say, My child and My children, these final moments of your generation.
"You cannot count time, My child and My children, for your earth time is not akin to the counting of time in Heaven. So do not speculate on dates, but be prepared for it will come upon you fast, without any knowledge to many. Do not be caught unawares.
"My Mother has counseled you well, and if you have not heeded Her warnings, Her counsel and direction, then you are fully accountable for your fall.

A keeper of the eternal flame
"Prayer, the power of prayer cannot be understood fully by mankind. And prayer also commands sacrifice and atonement, and love. But so few know the true meaning of love. Love is in giving. Love is in caring. But love above all is God, your God. For no man knows the full meaning of love, until he has reached out and become a man of God, a true child of the light; for then he will also be a keeper of the eternal flame, the Holy Spirit.
"I know, My child and My children, this discourse may be a mystery to you, but much cannot be understood by mankind due to the darkness and the clouding of the minds of many who have been entrusted with the vocational guidance of children, and have misused their positions to darken their souls and their intellect. However, know that no evil is ever triumphant. All evil will be turned to good. But what a great cost, My child and My children, for many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. Only a few will be saved.
"Man has the balance, man has been given in free will the balance for his own fall, or restoration of a nation to its former glory under God. Like rodents, the enemies of your God have eaten away at the foundation of the Faith. But in short time they will be destroyed, and a new House will rise, a Church stronger in faith, and sanctity and holiness. But this cannot, My children, take place until a great Chastisement is set upon mankind.
"You will all retain and wear your sacramentals for reason. Do not underestimate the power of prayer or the sacramentals. Do not be misguided or misled by the scoffers, who have committed themselves to satan with derisive vocabularies of calling sanctity, fanaticism, and holiness derangement.
"My child and My children, understand well that as I was persecuted upon earth, do not expect any less a lot. For the cross is always heavy, and unless you carry this cross you cannot reach Heaven. For the way of the cross is the true road to the Kingdom."
Veronica - Now Jesus is blessing - He's blessing the people now, like this. He's extending His hands, His two fingers together and the thumb up, like this, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Now Jesus - it's very windy - He's taking His cape, because His cape was blowing. It's a beautiful burgundy cape. I can see the gold trim about His neck. And Our Lady - and He's going over now to our left side, His right side, and Our Lady is following Him. And He's looking all about. His hair is blowing. His cape is down over His shoulders, and I can see His hair. It's being caught by the wind. And He's making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Now Jesus is turning to His left side, and He's going across the sky, He's going across the sky.
And now He's looking down, and down among the trees He's coming very close to the - our right side, that's His left side by the trees, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Now Jesus is placing His hand now upon His chest, like this.
Jesus - "My child and My children, continue with your prayers of atonement. They are sorely needed. Pray for your brothers, pray for your bishops and your cardinals, and your clergy. Pray for those who have no one to pray for them. By your example can you save many from purgatory and hell."
Veronica - Now Jesus is going across the sky. He's just floating, He doesn't walk. He just floats across the sky. Oh, it's so beautiful to watch, like He's weightless. And Our Lady is right beside Him; She's at His right side.
Now Jesus is facing us. And Our Lady is standing there; She's still holding Her hands together. She comes up to Jesus' shoulder. But She has Her hands together, like this, with the beads coming through Her fingers.
Now Jesus is extending His hand out: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.


"Your Vicar is not safe. There will be another attempt on his life in the city of Rome"
Eve of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - August 14, 1981

     Veronica - This message in poetical form was given to me by Saint Theresa shortly before coming to the vigil. I was quite startled to have this phenomenon, as the world would call it, because of the fact that it has been many years since I have received from Theresa or Our Lady a pre-vigil message in poetical form, as those in 1968 and 1969. But this is now to be brought in with the eve of Our Lady's feast of the Assumption.


      Remember to pray through '82
     And never forget to wear your blue.
     To guard your way and bless your home
     When skies light up and oceans foam.
     The nine line up on even course;
     The flares emate with such great force,
     The sun in turning will dance around
     To panic souls upon the ground.
     Floods, great heat repeat anew:
     The ones to be saved will be but a few.
     He who defies the laws of God
     Will find these tribulations hard.

         Then Our Lady spoke to me, but I'm sure She wouldn't mind our putting this also with the message.
         Our Lady - "The six days of suffering are not for you, for you are counted among the few."

        Veronica - Now Theresa went on:
     The heat of the sun will burn skin from the bones;
     Then shed no light to brighten dark homes.
     The moon will be covered in mourning haze;
     Then give off a red cast in solid maze.
     The seas will be empty, the ground found bare;
     There will not be food for any to share.
     Then many shall gnash their teeth in woe;
     For now they have watched the seeds they did sow. 


Veronica -The sky all about the trees is becoming a deep pink. And high above Our Lady's statue, the sky is opening up. Jesus is coming forward, and right behind Him Our Blessed Mother is following. They're coming down now slowly. It's quite windy, and Jesus is - His robe is blowing in the wind, very softly. I see - now Jesus - He's coming down much faster now.

Our Lady is staying behind Him and She's looking from the right to the left. Oh, She - Our Blessed Mother is dressed beautifully! Oh! Now She's coming down and She's going over by Jesus' right side. Oh, She's dressed so beautifully! It's - She has on a white mantle, but the gold trim is much wider about - all about the edging of the mantle near Her gown and across Her head. Our Lady's mantle extends quite far down over Her forehead. I would say halfway between Her eyebrows and Her hairline.

And on Her head Our Lady has the beautiful Fatima crown, the one that's rounded like the world, with the cross on top of it. It's all of gold - I know it's spun gold. It is absolutely so brilliant.

Our Lady now has Her hands together, like this, in prayer, and Her beautiful Rosary is coming down, almost cascading, so gently are they folded over Her hands. And the wind is blowing. And the crucifix is now actually dangling from Our Lady's fingers. She's looking about Her, and She hasn't taken Her hands apart.

Oh, upon Our Lady's feet, She has the most beautiful sandals. They are absolutely made of gold, even the material, a metallic - type material of the strap across Our Lady's instep. It's actually across Her instep. And then in cross like formation there's another strapping from Her - the edge of Her delicate sandals up to Her ankle. I can't see that far because her gown covers over almost to the edge of the instep. But perched on the sandal, on the strap that goes directly down the center, there's a small golden rosette on each foot. I say rosette, because it's a very small rose. But it's not - I don't believe it's a real rose, living. It more - it looks more like a metallic spun gold rose. It's just beautiful, but very tiny on the tip of the sandal of Our Lady, on each sandal.

Now Jesus is looking about Him, too. And I do notice, I can't help but notice that They have a very sad, restrained look upon Their faces. And now Our Lady is leaning over to Jesus. I can't hear what She's saying. He has nodded, very slowly.

Now Jesus is extending His hand out, like this, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

Now Jesus is turning towards Our Lady and He's nodding. Our Lady now is taking the beautiful golden crucifix from Her Rosary, Her hands are now enjoined, and She's making the sign of the cross with the crucifix: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

Our Lady is taking the crucifix, and She does have a very sad expression upon Her face. I can see Her very clearly this evening. And She's kissing the crucifix, like this, and now She's clutching it to Her breast, like this.

Now Jesus is looking away. He's gazing over everyone about here. Now Our Lady is coming closer. She had moved a bit over to the right. But She's coming closer now, and Jesus is nodding to Her. He's stepping back. And Our Lady is stepping forward, and He's nodding again. Our Lady now is placing Her first finger to Her lips, which means to listen and repeat.

Our Lady -"My child and My children, and especially My child Veronica, I have asked My Son to bring you here this evening with a disability, but it is urgent that you make known to the world that all warnings, all counsel given in the past will now take place.

"I have warned you as a Mother of sorrow. I have wandered throughout your earth, through countless earth - years, counseling you as your Mother, begging My Son to extend unto you the time to make amends for your offenses to the Eternal Father. My children, My tears fall upon you and your nation and all of the nations of the world. Because of your blindness you failed to see what is fast coming upon mankind.

"I will not at this time give you a long discourse of reasoning for the coming Chastisement to mankind. Many minor warnings have been given in the past, to go by unnoticed or rejected.

"O My children, it truly rains teardrops from Heaven. We listen to the voices of the saints as they cry out in anguish to Us: 'How long shall You patiently wait for a generation to make atonement? How long, O Lord, must this carnage go on, as Lucifer continues to gather his armies and take many from the earth into the abode of the damned?

"My children, I cannot give you more urgent a message than to ask you, as your Mother, to go back and read all counseling, all messages given throughout the world by just seers.

"My children, I must warn you that you must test the spirits. When I gave you a message that there would be many seers throughout the world, I did not say that they would gather within one country. Understand this well, My children: it is the way of satan to delude and take from authentic visitations. You will recognize them because they cannot remain hidden. By their fruits will they be known.

I do not come... to go about in praise"My child, you are draining your energies. As I have warned you in the past, you must not be concerned with the opinion of man. Understand, My child, were you speaking and giving to them, our sons the clergy, a message that would feed their pride and build their arrogance, you would be accepted. But I do not come to earth to go about in praise. I come to warn of an urgency upon earth, and an action of the Eternal Father to restore the earth to its former glory.

"My Son's Church has been under, and is under heavy attack by the agents of hell. But hell shall not prevail against My Son's Church.


Not to abandon your parish church

"I have asked you in the past, and I ask and continue to beg you, My children, not to abandon your Vicar in Rome, and not to abandon your parish church. You may have discord with your pastor, you may have discord with other priests in your parish, but you must remember this, My children, if it gives you any consolation in human nature, and for their human nature you must understand: you must honor them for who they are, but not judge them for what they are or have become.


Change causes confusion and error

"My Son's Church has been laid out and the course to heaven, the way to Heaven has been given by Him. Therefore, change causes confusion and error. When you have something beautiful, when you have a firm foundation, you don't start boring holes in it, or you will weaken it. However, I would suggest that you say that the walls have cracked, My child and My children. For the foundation is My Son, and in parable and symbolism, I say, the foundation is solid. My Son is the Church. Man may build another church, but he shall not have the angels assist him.

A division bordering on schism"My heart, My Son's heart has been grieved, as We go about the world and see the carnage taking place within His Church. We can see a division bordering on schism. My children, I have asked you in the past - We cannot have this division, for it is promoted by satan. The adage of old remains forever true: United you will stand but divided you will fall.

"Do not judge My Son's House, His Church, by the man, though he is a representative - legal, a legal representative of My Son - in His House. He is but a human in his nature. But during the time that My Son comes to you, this man will be used through the Holy Spirit, regardless of the state of his human nature, be it sin or a saint - be it a sinner or one who has led even those astray - at the time that My Son comes in the Consecration, He shall not turn aside from you, My Son. Therefore, you cannot say the Mass is invalid. This has brought great sorrow to Our hearts, for many left the fold on this matter.

"My child and My children, I say again: test the spirits. For now there is a conspiracy of evil throughout the world, going to the extreme left of invoking satan in the worship of satan, a contrary mass to My Son. Sadly, darkness of spirit pervades among mankind. How long shall the Eternal Father permit this condition to exist?

"My children, I tell you now as your Mother that My tears fall upon you, for you do not know what you are doing. You are bringing upon you a great punishment.

"Are you so blind that you do not recognize the acceleration of sin among you? Murders abound, thievery, all manner of carnage, destruction of young souls, abortion, homosexuality, condemned from the beginning of time by the Eternal Father. Yet sin has become a way of life. Sin is condoned now, even unto the highest judge of your land and your lands throughout the world. As you have sown so shall you reap. Sin is death, not only of the spirit, but of the body. Wars are a punishment for man's sin, his greed, his avarice. Pride and arrogance is bringing down into hell mitres from My Son's House.

"O My children, how long must I travel far and wide throughout your world persevering because I love you as your Mother, and I want to save you from yourselves. For I cry out as My Son, 'Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.‘


Chaos in My Son's Church

"In the name of modernism, in the name of communism, in the name of humanism you have fallen into error and discord. Chaos in My Son's Church, the falling away of souls from the Eucharist, the Bread of life. My children, without the Bread of life within you, you cannot sustain yourselves long in your world now.

"The way to Heaven is not an easy way unless you remain on the narrow road. It has restrictions. I ask you now, My children, to avoid even what may appear to be pleasures of the world that may seem to you, as you become blinded by medias, by friends, by associations, blind to the fact that they are soul - destroyers. You must limit yourselves now to seeking outside diversions from your home. For when you open your door, you go out now into a world that is now being guided through governments, and even through agents in My Son's Church, financial dynasties, national and international governments, heading fast to a collision.

"My children, do not forget in the years I have told you; you will be planet - struck. My child, you must hasten to have sent out the message of St. Benedict.“


The message of St. Benedict

Veronica -Oh my!

Our Lady -"I have come to warn you: you will set loose upon earth the heavens. You will be planet - struck. Doctors must do good and cure honorably. Kingdoms, bishops, Rome must restore My Son's Church, or there will be great destruction in the eternal city.

"Do not give way, My children, to the medias that have lulled and dulled your senses in repeating to you of the safety of your Vicar. I must warn you at this time that your Vicar is not safe. There will be another attempt upon his life in the city of Rome, brought on by the red forces. My child, grieve not because all is controlled and allowed by the Eternal Father.


Medias that have labeled themselves Roman Catholic

"The second part of My last counsel with you, My child, must remain a secret. You will pray - you will all pray a constant vigilance of prayer for your Vicar, Pope John Paul II. You must beware of your medias, even those who have labeled themselves Catholic, Roman Catholic. Infiltration, My children, is everywhere now.

"You must pray for the light. Seek guidance only from Heaven. But above all console My Son at His tabernacles of the world.

"Remove your thoughts, your judgments from the man standing at the altar who represents My Son. See only in him as one who is My Son at the moment of Consecration, be he sinful or be he a saint. In time you will understand and accept this counsel.

"Be a good example to all in your parish church. Do not be deterred by the opinion of any man, whether he is of lay, or of a denomination of the religious. Remember, My children, when you come over the veil, there is no one to defend you. You will only bring with you love and prayers, and your own merits to bring to the Eternal Father for your judgment.

"So what does it benefit or gain a man if he gathers all the riches of the world and suffers the loss of his soul? Can any man who hears My counsel and My voice defy Me and tell Me that he will live forever upon earth? O My children, you seek eternal life upon earth. You seek to create life upon earth. You shall not create.


The truth is too simple for him

"The Eternal Father has been deeply offended and hurt by the man of science who is ever seeking but never finding the truth, because the truth is too simple for him. In his arrogance, in his scientific searching and knowledge, he is ever seeking but never coming to the truth. Better that man seeks a simple way of life and he shall not pass into the web of satan.

"My child and My children, you will continue to send My counsel, My Son's counsel, throughout the world with great haste. Can you not recognize the accidents that are not accidents as they increase upon you? Think, My children, accidents that are not accidents. Satan has a great hand in dulling mankind's mind when he falls out of grace.

"My child, I had you deliver the message through Theresa for reason. Consider this, the first part of tonight's counsel, as a puzzle, another puzzle for the human race to figure out. It is not as difficult a puzzle as Jacinta was to mankind, My child. It is quite simple, if you ask and seek the answer. But I warn you now, My children, do not take the first part of this lightly."

Veronica -Our Lady is now reaching up to Her face. Oh, my! She is wiping a tear from Her eyes. I didn't realize that She had been crying.

Now Our Lady is turning to Her left, to Jesus. The light is now becoming very intense about Jesus. He's, you know - He's quite a bit taller than Our Lady. She only comes up to His shoulders. His shoulder? His right shoulder. Our Lady's standing on His right side, on our left side. But She's so beautiful. Oh, Our Blessed Mother, the light - cascading from Her as though the light is coming from within Her, outward, too. It's so brilliant, I'm certain without Heaven's grace, I would be blinded. It's a light that could never be caught in any manner upon earth. It's beyond anything but the supernatural. Jesus now is placing His first finger to His lips.

Jesus -"My child and My children, due to the urgency of your times, I allowed My Mother, who will remain with you as I will through the coming tribulation, to be here tonight. And, My child Veronica, We brought you forward under human duress and stress, to bring you here for mankind.

"The world must now listen to the counsel from Heaven. The hourglass is coming now, My child and My children, to the end of its drippings. Watch, My child....“


Three grains of sand left

Veronica -And Jesus is pointing up to the sky on the right side, and there's forming a glass hourglass. And it's in, like a wooden base, on the top and bottom. But as I'm watching now there's pink sand on it, and it's now falling through. I would say there are only about three grains left - they're really grains. I can see three diamond like grains left. I don't know the three - why there are three.

And Jesus is smiling. Now He's pointing now to His lips, which means I must listen.

Jesus -"Yes, My child, time is running out. But do not be affrighted by the message given to you, My child. Mankind has had many warnings, many years to make restitution to the Eternal Father.

"Pray for all men of sin. Go to your brothers and your sisters, those who are in the world without counsel. For those who have received many graces, much is expected of them.

"And when you go about the world, beware that no pride or arrogance comes in upon you, or you will lose your grace. Because when you do good among man and mankind, you do it for the Eternal Father, Who watches you in secret. Therefore, you will not let the left hand know what you're doing with your right hand.


You are now in the latter days

"You understand, My children, I give this counsel to all who have joined in the Mission from Heaven to give the Message from Heaven to all mankind, as you are approaching - as you are now in - not approaching, My children, but in the latter days."

Veronica -Now Our Lady and Jesus - and now Our Lady is extending her crucifix up, the beautiful golden crucifix, like this, and Jesus at the same time is extending His hand out, like this, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

Now Jesus and Our Lady - oh! They, They look so beautiful! The light is so beautiful! (pause)

Jesus -"Remember, My child, I cannot promise you happiness in this world. It has always been, My child, this way. You will continue now, My child and My children, with your prayers of atonement.

"My child, the strength will be given you, but you will not be able to spend full time from your bed. There is a reason for this, which you will soon understand.




"Continue now, My child, the prayers of atonement. They are sorely needed.

Write this for all the clergy...

November 21, 1981 - 2:45 a.m.

Jesus and Our Lady appeared in Veronica’s bedroom as she lay ill in bed at 2:45 a.m. and dictated a message to her, and left at 3:30 a.m.

Jesus was dressed in a beautifulnot a red, but a deep burgundy robe, like a rich, plush velvet, trimmed in gold braid, and similar to the gold trim Our Lady has on Her cape at the vigils, but somewhat narrower. It was unlike the cape that He usually wears at the Vigils, which is tied at the neck. It was closed at the neck, and the undergarment, the gown, was not visible.

Our Lady had on a deep blue cape, a mantle, which came up over Her head, and a white gown, and She was wearing the Fatima crown on Her head.

In Her right hand She held Her large, white Rosary, the one that She has when She comes to the Vigils, that reflects the rainbow colors. In Her left hand She held a Scapular with no pictures on it, just the plain brown cloth. She was standing to Veronica’s right, and Jesus was on her left.

Our Lady spoke first. Veronica was directed to write it down.

Our Lady -"You have joined the infirm, My child. Penance is humanly painful, but after all penance, there is a great joy. Accept all suffering as My Son partook of the final dregs of the chalice of suffering, to open unto all mankind the treasures to be found in the spiritual Kingdom. Your reward shall not be found on earth but in Paradisethe epitome of glory, with the angels. It is the only reward that man should strive forall else is vanity, and passing."

Then Jesus spoke.

Jesus -"Write this for all the clergy:

"Hasten not the Chastisement by becoming involved in fruitless pursuits that are no constructive to your missionfor I am the Light of the World. PREACH My Word!

"There is much hunger in you country, and the world. Feed My sheep.

"I speak not of human hungeronly the starvation of the soul. Shall you stand before Me and say that your teaching has been pure in My sight!?

"The human body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. Do not spoil the flesh (by sins of the flesh) for the vapors of rot shall pollute the spirit within, and the world shall be filled with dead souls in human bodies. You shall see eyes without light, and the blind shall lead the blind."

Luminous cross appears over the American flag ...

Our Lady Herself explained this picture. A large cemetery-like cross brimming with light appears over the American flag. It represents a heavy cross that will send upon the United States. However, with the suffering many will return to the light and save their souls.

Our Lady - "My Son's hand grows heavy. I cannot hold it back much longer. Your country shall receive the cross, My child! Now you understand My child the photograph. The Cross to many shall be their salvation. The Cross, My child, as you observed upon the photograph was a cross of light, beaming with life." (5-15-76)

Our Lady - "The cross, My child, that was placed upon your flag has full meaning now to you, for your country, America the Beautiful, shall fall unless there is now a complete reversal... not a renewal, My child, but a reversal of the ways that have set you into darkness." (5-29-76)


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