Children being taught to kill!
Parents prime targets
Eve of Palm Sunday - March 18, 1989
Veronica - ... all of the trees about the exedra. They are the most beautiful blue that you could ever see upon this earth. The lights now are becoming like streamers, going high up into the sky. There is no way to explain the translucency of them and the manner in which they are penetrating the sky above us.
Now directly in the center of the streamers I see an opening in the sky. And as I watch, it's becoming round in shape and quite large. I can't see if Our Lady is coming forward. I know it's Our Lady's light because the blue cascading lights are always the symbol for Our Blessed Mother.
Now - yes, now there She is. Oh, Our Blessed Mother is coming now through the sky. She seems to be hurrying; She is most anxious to give Her message to the world. I know that from the conversation I had with Her this morning in my home.
Our Blessed Mother now is coming down. And I see now coming from the right side of us a large ball; it's globe - like in circumference, almost like the ball of the world.
Now Our Lady is watching, and She has a smile on Her face. It's a sad smile, but one that makes you feel like it's just wrenching your heart to look at Her. I know that She is most distressed this evening because of what was told to me this morning at home. Our Lady now is floating over - She's not walking, She's floating over, directly over our heads now. The ball is joining Her, and Our Lady is floating onto the top of the ball.
Now high up in the sky - I can't judge the difference - it's hard to describe Our Lady on the ball; She's a picture of such beauty that it's not earthly. Our Lady - Her face is very radiant, but I do see tears upon Her cheeks. Our Lady has been sobbing, so that as She came through the sky I could hear the gasps of Our Lady as She was sobbing. I can't understand why, except perhaps it has something to do with the message this morning, which at this time I cannot reveal to the world. However, I know that Our Lady will tell you most of this Herself in Her own words.
Now Our Lady is taking Her crucifix from Her Rosary. As I was describing Her appearance, Our Lady was taking Her Rosary from about Her waist; and She's taking the crucifix now and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Our Lady is looking all about Her, and She's smiling.
Now the ball is coming closer down to the tree areas. And now there is a cascading of light up into the sky, and these lights now are turning from the blue to a pink. And I know that signifies that Jesus will be coming through to join Our Lady this evening. Now the lights are becoming dimmer, and the sky is opening up. And I can see Jesus now; He's coming forward. He has on a beautiful burgundy cape, and He has sandal - like slippers. They're made of a skin, an animal skin.
Now Our Lady and the ball are moving farther over our heads. And Our Lady now is motioning with Her hand to Jesus, and He's joining Her on Her left side, our right side. Now Jesus is nodding to Our Lady. And Our Lady now is placing Her first finger to Her lips, which means to listen and repeat.
Our Lady - "My child and My children, I have a most desperate message for you tonight, one which will affect most of the world. But I say now, as your Mother of light, that there is great darkness upon the world. And as this has been allowed to continue, regardless of all the messages from Heaven through various seers throughout the world from the beginning of time, you constantly ignored Our counsel to you, and now the fruits of your evil ways have come to pass. Already you have been found wanting of all the graces necessary to prevent what I am to tell you will happen now in the near future.
"My child, as I told you this morning, there will be a great earthquake in the area of New York. When I give you the dates, you will not venture from the island, or you, too, will be caught up in the chaos. There will be much flooding of the highways, so do not try to make your way forth into the areas. Your son, in his work, My child, shall escape the carnage. There will be great fear in the hearts of men, but it will be too late to do anything about this, for the Eternal Father has waited many years.
"My counsel to the world and My Son's word to you have gone throughout the world now for over nineteen years. Now that may seem a long time to you, My children, but nineteen years in Heaven is as a day.
"We do not sleep in Heaven. We must go forth now to plead with Our children upon earth to forsake their evil ways. They now are being guided by satan throughout the world. This cannot be accepted by Heaven. There is only one thing that you can do with an errant child when they do not listen, and that is to shake them up, My child. I realize this is not something for jest; it is but a reality that is coming upon mankind.
"Another area that shall be shaken will be California, My child. There is a great split in the earth that is widening. This is not generally being given to you in your news tabloids. They are trying to lull you to complacency. We have given you the road away from these disasters; and that road is only guided by prayers, penance, and atonement.
"We have asked you to pray for sinners; for you who have been given the grace to come upon these sacred grounds, you must go forward and try and save your brothers and sisters. I say brothers and sisters, My child and My children, because you are all brothers and sisters as you were created by the Eternal Father. Due to man's humility in the beginning - except, My child, for the sin of Adam and Eve - the world was not in such great chaos. Life was far simpler. As man goes forward and tries to seek all of the earth's paradise by way of fortunes and gold and silver, they have sold their souls to get to the head.
A hotbed of fighting
"My child and My children, you must listen well, as I say this also unto you: Latin America shall be a hotbed of fighting, and the United States shall be the prime candidate to enter and have their sons slaughtered upon the lands there. I beg you, as your Mother, to listen to Me. You must not go into Latin America! That is what the plan from Russia is: for you to enter into Latin America.
"My child and My children, listen well while I have My child Veronica repeat to you:
The end is not as far as you can see;
Already there is apostasy.
Man cast his lot and gathered the coals
To stoke the fires that burn the souls.
The days are numbered, your hours are few;
So work and pray and try to do
The work that's given in the light,
Until that sad time when all is night.
The Aurora Borealis
"My children, I wish you to know that you ignored a sign of a short few days ago. We sent from the heavens the Aurora Borealis to shine unto men and let them know that when this happened before, there was a war.
"My child and My children, the United States of America now is in dire conflict with its conscience. But you must remember: Without My Son they cannot succeed. Slowly but surely, against all the counsel from Heaven of the past nineteen years, man has become more scurrilous and more antagonistic towards My Son until he has even entered My Son's Church, seeking to cast aside all tradition and all knowledge of the supernatural, bringing a mode of modernism and humanism into My Son's Church. This has forced many a good soul to lose his way and leave the Church.
"My children, I beg of you, as your Mother, do not leave My Son's Church. Do not allow the rodents to come in and burrow and underground my Son's Church. You can save it if you will only pray more. Pray for sinners, that they will seek the light and be given the knowledge of the errors of their ways, so that they can turn back before it is too late.
Ignore other apparitions
"My child and My children, I want to tell you also at this time: You are not to concern yourself with other words and writings of apparitions in various places. I can tell you, My children, unfortunately there are those are caught up in the excitement of the times and My appearance at your site. However, you cannot become involved, My child or My children, with any of these apparitions; it is best to ignore them.
Two stupendous cures
"Now, My child, I wish that you go at this time, after three pictures are taken - I wish that you go among the sick and the elderly and give out the blessed rose petals and Rosaries, for there will be two very stupendous cures this evening. It is not necessary at this time, My child, to be told the full details, because before the evening is over, you will have them from the mouth of those that are cured.
"Now, My child, Jesus will speak to you - He is not leaving the grounds - when you return from this mission. First, you will take three photographs, and then proceed to the infirm circle.
A correct decision
"My child, there is much that I told you this morning, but I say at this time: You will stop being concerned of the situation in California. You made a correct decision, guided by My instinct to you. Therefore, you will no longer be concerned with the person. I do not say the name, because I do not, My child, wish him to be ostracized; however, he must listen to Our counsel and proceed to Canada, or he will suffer a dire punishment. He will bring this punishment on upon himself in human ways. It is not the hand of God that will strike him down; it will be his own foolishness and pride.
"You will understand, My child, what I am talking about in time, but this a semi - private message that can go out to the world. They will ask questions of this message; however, it is not for all to know. You understand that, My child.
"Now take three photographs, and then proceed to the infirm circle."
Veronica - Jesus is standing over by the right side of the statue, high up into the sky. And now before I leave, He is making the sign of the cross with His hands, like this: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Now He's nodding "Yes", He wants me to proceed.
Veronica - The sky is becoming a very bright pink. I'm sure if you could look beyond the trees you can't miss it. Pink is Jesus' color. And I know we spent quite a bit of time with the infirm circle, but now the sky is starting to open up above Our Lady's statue, maybe about forty feet in the air, it's just beautiful! It feels - looking at the lights you feel so warm inside and so peaceful . I could sit here and just watch this light all day and I'm sure that I would be as buoyant later, after seeing such a beautiful sight.
And Jesus now is coming through the light. Oh, He has on His burgundy cape. And He is very patient while we were at the infirm circle. He's smiling; He thought that was kind of funny.
Now Jesus is placing His first finger to His lips:
Jesus - "My child and My children, there is one thing I wish to bring to you this evening: that is the word of Russia. You do not understand the great threat she is to the world. I say `she' because We have nothing else that exemplative of explaining the necessity to convert Russia. Now My Mother in the past has told you through countless earth - years of visits upon earth how to do this. I repeat from My Mother Her words to the world some time ago - and I believe, My child, you have been a voice - box before and a means for Heaven to transport this message to the world - that is, that the Holy Father in Rome, in unison with all of the bishops of the world, must consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother.
Russia plans to take over Sweden
"You do not understand, My children. Already Russia has plans to take over Sweden. I know this shocks you, My child, but it is the truth. Russia now plans to take over Sweden, and they are surveilling the place constantly. You will tell this to the world as an example, that if they could do that to Sweden, it can happen anywhere, My child. Yes, We tell you this because We have great hope that they will not be successful.
Wheel of misfortune
"Now, My children, I speak to the mothers of the world: You must make a firm effort to be a righteous mother and a godly mother, following the rules from Heaven. For eventually every one of you will come over the veil, and you must make an accounting for your actions upon earth. We find that you are all lacking at this time, because as parents, you have been caught up in the wheel of misfortune for your children. They are being ignored, and also, their religious upbringing is nil.
TV teaching children to kill
"My parents of the world, I say unto you, as your God: This will not be tolerated much longer. For if you parents will not raise your children in the light, you will raise them in darkness, and they will eventually rise up and even kill you. There are many satanic institutions throughout the world now that are waiting for your children. Are you going to allow them to fall into their hands because you are too busy elsewhere to watch your children? Are you turning them over to the satanic tube, the television? Yes, My children, they are learning to kill by the television. They are learning disrespect for the parents. They laugh at you when you are not watching. That, My children of the world - parents, your children are to be lost."
Veronica - Now I see a picture forming in the sky. It shows a terrible scene on a television. It shows a young child butchering a cat. The child watching this goes to the kitchen, takes out a large bread knife, and - oh, My God! He's plunging it into the back of his mother! Now the scene is becoming very dark; I don't see anything else. It's ghastly!
Jesus - "That, My child, is what is happening now throughout the world. The children are taken over by satan through this instrument of satan. Much good could be gained if many will monitor their television sets, for their children's minds are seduced by satan. I repeat again: Your own children will rise up against you and destroy your household. Murders are abounding.
"And also, I say at this time, My children, I will not tolerate much longer the infamous actions of some of My representatives upon earth. Yes, My child and My children, much has happened that has saddened the hearts of all in Heaven. We watch, and we asked you to pray for your brethren, to pray for your priests upon earth, for they, too, are human and are susceptible to attacks from satan.
Stay in your parish church
"Already there is much discord in My Church upon earth. It saddens everyone in Heaven. And We are out in force now, going throughout the world seeking to set up armies of good children who will fight, to the bitter end if necessary, to save My Church upon earth. It is being destroyed. Just as rodents will burrow into a house, those who have evil natures are burrowing into My Church. We find it almost unrecognizable, My children. However, I will say this: I asked you to remain in your parish churches, not to judge by the actions of man.
"The institution itself, as set by Me, remains to be true; however, the cavorting and the banjos and the guitars and the musical interludes and the dancing are all created by satan. So you can understand that satan has entered now with his armies in full regalia, appearing as humans. However, they are demons in disguise, and they have one ultimate aim: to try to destroy My Church, the Roman Catholic Church, with the seat of Peter as the head.
Pope to die?
"You will all pray for your Holy Father, Pope (John) Paul, for there will be very soon another attempt upon his life. Only you can save him now, because, My children, in all factuality, We tell you: Without your prayers you will lose him within the next year.
"I know this frightens you, My child, but you, too, must make many acts of reparation. You will suffer much in the days ahead. This We ask of you because We cannot promise you everything upon earth, for your reward will be great in the afterlife, My child. Accept your suffering, and offer it always for the priesthood.
"Now, My child, you will continue with the prayers of atonement. The Rosary must be kept going throughout the world, even if you have to go about knocking on doors."
Veronica - Now Jesus is stand - placing His hands out like this, and making the sign of the cross : In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Now He - Our Lady is coming down from Jesus' right side. I didn't see Her over by the tree, but She's coming over slowly, and She's joining Jesus on His right side, our left side. And They are both going over now to the top of the first tree on the right there, and They're making the sign of the cross: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Now Our Lady is turning to the right, and They're floating over. There is no way to explain it. They don't walk, They just glide. It's as though They were weightless, yet They look as human and as solid as you and I, going across the sky.
Now They're over on our left side, and Jesus is extending His hand out again, with His fingers like this, and making the sign of the cross: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Now Jesus is nodding, and He is touching His lips with His hand:
Jesus - "Continue now with your prayers of atonement."
Besiege the Pope and Bishops with letters, calls, and visits
19th Anniversary of Our Lady's Apparitions at Bayside - June 17, 1989
Veronica - ... about the trees now, streamers of pink light, going from the trees high into the sky. And directly overhead in the sky I see an opening of light; the light is circular. And coming through the opening - oh, I recognized Him right away from the distance, even, because of His cloak. Jesus is coming through the opening, and He seems to be hurrying down fast because He's moving at a great speed forward. I can see Him very clearly now. He looks so beautiful! He has long flowing hair. His hair looks much longer now - it could be the cape that He has on. The cape is quite shallow around His shoulders; it doesn't have like a cuff, like His last cape that I saw.
Now Jesus is looking all about Him and smiling, and He's pointing high up into the sky. Oh! There - Our Lady is coming! She's directly over Jesus, but to His - to the front of His vision; and He's pointing. And Our Lady is coming forward now. But She's not traveling alone; She has a ball under Her feet. It looks like a globe of the world. And She's coming down slowly.
Oh! And now I can see Jesus; He's smiling. His cape is blowing a bit in the wind up there. And I don't know if it's raining, but it looks so glistening, His cape. And He has a border of gold around the cape now, the mantle part, and down to His feet. And I can see Jesus' feet very closely. He's quite close to us this evening, near the upper tree, directly over Our Lady's statue. And He has on brown, leather - like slippers - sandals really.
And Jesus is pointing now with His hand, like this, to the Blessed Mother, Who is now directly at His right side. That would be Her left side Jesus is standing, but it's Jesus' right side. And now Our Lady is placing Her fingers to Her lips, like this, which means to listen and repeat.
Our Lady - " My dear child, Veronica, it was most urgent that you be here this evening because the evil in your world has accelerated greatly since you were here some time ago.
"My child and My children of the world, I want you to know this: for the perseverance in the fight ahead to stop the satanists in their quest to take your children from your homes, I ask all parents at this to be a steady guardian of their children and not to become obsessed with the things of this world, the pleasures and the monetary gain.
"I wish that all parents who hear My voice tonight be alerted to the fact that there are over 10,000, now, cults in the United States and Canada alone. Many children have been slain by them in sacrifice to satan. Is this what you want, My children?
"Parents, keep a close watch on your children. Be sure that they do not leave your home without your knowing where they are going, for many will not return.
"This adulation of satanism shall not be prevalent when the Eternal Father gives Us the means to reach all humanity with this plea from Heaven to save your children from the satanists."
Veronica - Now Our Lady is moving over, and She's going to Jesus' right side - that would Her left side. The ball has disappeared, and She's now whispering something I cannot hear to Jesus.
And Jesus now is looking straight down at me. His eyes are very beautiful, but boring. They seem to be a light that goes right through you; there's no way to explain it. But I feel so much better now. Yes, Jesus, I do feel much stronger and better now. I was certain I would not be able to be on the grounds this evening; but I knew that You wanted me here, and Our Lady, for reason; and I knew that You would get me here.
Now Jesus is touching His lips again, like this, and He is making the sign of the cross with His hand, like this: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Jesus - "My child, Veronica, I have a mission for you that may not be pleasant. You can reject it when you hear Me out, or you can answer yes. What I want I want you to do, My child, is to reach your bishop. And you will write to him, if not a personal visit - that I will leave up to you, My child. But you will tell your bishop that We in Heaven are much distressed by his current action of allowing the Lutheran groups to enter upon the Cathedral, My Church upon earth, the Cathedral of St. Agnes. You will tell him that all Heaven is distressed by his mistake.
"You, My child, will pray much for your bishop and all of the bishops of the world.
"There are so many errors now abounding that it seems almost hopeless to recover those who have lost their faith. Many have left My Church upon earth, and this disagrees with the heavenly plan to save all mankind.
Prayer life of clergy almost nil
"I become agitated, My child, when speaking of this, because the fault lies mainly with My clergy. The sheep are wandering now, and so few have taken to prayer to save them. The prayer life of the clergy has almost become nil. That means, My child, that they must return to meditation and constant prayer, or much more shall happen to the earth.
Great earthquake in L. A. and New York
" There will be pestilence anew. There will be earthquakes in many places. The present ones have been nothing compared to what will happen next. There will be a great earthquake in the Los Angeles area, and also New York. I told you this before, My children and My child, but I must repeat to you: Many prayers are needed now, for the balance is most uneasy.
"Look up, My child, and tell Me what you see over the farthest tree."
Veronica - Oh, I see Saint Michael! I'd know him any place, but oh, he is so large he covers the whole sky. He has a balance in his hand. It looks like there are gold bars on the right side of the balance, and over on the left it looks like nothing. And yet with that nothing, the balance is heavily to the left.
Jesus - "Yes, My child."
Veronica - Jesus is pointing.
Jesus - "Look up and you will see why."
Veronica - I look high into the sky and I see all kinds of merriment - dancing and drinking and carrying on, and I see things that cannot be holy because it offends God very much. I cannot repeat them, but I see scenes of carnage.
Jesus - "My child, you are only looking upon earth. Should I show you much more that is taking place at this very hour, you would most certainly pass out from the shock. Because, My child, through the years I have given you knowledge of the evil of the world, but to experience them would be too much for your weak heart.
"My child and My children, there is another matter that I brought you here this evening for, My child, Veronica. I want you to tell the world again, and remind them that they must all make it an issue among their cardinals and their bishops that in order to save the world from communism and its fast gallop of the war - like Mongols down after those who are innocent of heart - the fast trod of these hoofs come from, My child, the Apocalypse!
Red horse
"The red horse is war! And war is in the balance, next, My child. And what can you do about this? This is My direction from Heaven - and We hope My children, that you will get this out to the world: Unless the bishops and the Holy Father in unity with all the bishops of the world, unless they consecrate Russia to My Mother's Immaculate Heart, the world will be doomed! Because Russia will continue to spread her errors throughout the world, rising up wars and carnage and pestilence and famine. Is this what you want, My children?
Besiege the Holy Father and bishops for consecration
"Every single soul upon earth that hears My voice this evening has an obligation, for the sanctification of their own souls and the souls of those they love, to listen to Me and follow the direction. I wish that all who hear My words this evening will go forward and besiege, if necessary, the Holy Father and the bishops with a request for this consecration of Russia. We do not mean the world, My children, We mean Russia!
Two-legged demon
"Now also the United States of America, that allowed a two - legged demon to walk through this nation with smiles upon his face, as he counted the next victim - yes, My children, his visit to you was not one of solidarity or ecumenism or anything else. Be they not mortals, I would say that they are demons in human form. Do not listen to them, My children, because Russia has not been converted. As I told you before, Russia is planning to take over Sweden.
"Yes, My child, I know this disturbed you, but the truth must be made known.
"You will receive much aggravation and also much discord from some clergy because of the message I give to you this evening, My child, but I know that you in your heart will do as We have directed you."
Veronica - Yes.
Jesus to help many infirm
Jesus - "That, My child, is the answer We expected. Now, My child, there are others outside who are waiting to see you with the blessed cross, the crucifix of My Mother. Will you not go to them in your weakened state? I will support you. Will you not go to them and bless them? For many have traveled many miles to reach here this evening, and I will help many of them.
Veronica - Now Our Lady is looking at Jesus. And Jesus is placing His hands out again, like this, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Now Our Lady is turning to Her right - that's our left. And Jesus and Our Lady are both going over to Jesus' right side - that would be our left side of the trees - and He's extending His hands and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Now Our Lady is pointing over to Her left, and They're coming across the sky. They're not stopping over the statue, but They're continuing on to the first tall tree. And They're bending over now, and Jesus is making the sign of the cross again: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
As They're moving back, I can see Our Lady so closely now. She has on Her beautiful white mantle with the gold trim all around the edging, and Her belting is golden. And on Her delicate feet - oh, She's so beautiful that it absolutely takes my breath away - on Her feet are golden rosettes. They look like pure spun gold, and little rosettes to the right of them. I'm counting, one, two, three, four, five rosettes - how beautiful! Our Lady has them on a slipper. She has on white slippers with the rosettes, made almost like a sandal, but with more of a closed toe.
Now Our Lady is touching Her lips.
Our Lady - "My child, you will go immediately to the infirm and the ill, and bring them the Rosaries and the rose petals as I directed you."
Veronica - ...looking down and Jesus is over on the right side. He's standing over the tall limb there on the right side - the tall limb. He's higher up in the sky than Our Lady, and He's watching everything that's going on.
Oh, Jesus is putting His hand to His mouth. Oh, and He's shaking "yes," I know what He means. He's coming over now; Jesus is coming over.
Jesus - "My child, I did not wish to weaken your condition any more, before than necessary, before the blessing of the infirm and the ill. However, I feel that at this time you must include the prayers and the admonitions given by Heaven throughout the years for those who do not choose to read but to listen:
The end is not as far as you can see;
Already there is apostasy.
Man cast his lot and gathered the coals
To stoke the fires that burn the souls.
The days are numbered, the hours are few;
So work and pray and try to do
The work that's given in the light,
Until that sad time when all is night.
Veronica - Jesus is saying:
Jesus - "For Our dear Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, you will repeat:
Dear Holy Father, John Paul II,
Dear Holy Father, worried and wan,
Will struggle with Jesus to gather the sheep.
The pastures are rich, but the sheep grow thin;
For the souls have succumbed to the sickness of sin.
You'll need reinforcements from heavenly shores,
So deep is the darkness of earth's shallow mores.
All hearts must ascend in true supplication
To avoid the sad fate of divine devastation.
Dear holy Mother, your Mother of love,
Does beg you to heed these dire words from above:
His Heart -
Veronica - And She's motioning over with Her face towards Jesus and Her hand pointing.
Jesus -
His Heart is torn by careless surrender
Of too many souls that don't try to remember
The Father, the Son, the Spirit of life -
Cast upon the earth a world of strife.
What more must you do now but place the full load
Of saving all souls on the few are bold;
Who'll stand up and fight for all Heaven's glory,
And meet with John Paul II at the end,
the end of life's story.
Veronica - Now Jesus is mentioning "Yes." Oh, yes. Jesus says repeat:
Jesus - "I wish that all mothers and fathers bring this simple prayer to the hearts of their children. For in the future, with the raging wars and pestilence and famine that will come upon mankind, many will pass over the veil at a young age. You must teach them, parents, to say this simple prayer to Heaven:
Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
If I should die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.
Veronica - Now Jesus is nodding, and - yes. Oh, I can't repeat it. Yes. When? [Veronica gasps.] Really? Oh. Yes, I do. I understand. Right.
Jesus and Our Lady are still standing there. Jesus has His head down low; He looks like He's very upset. I know why. And He's pointing over to Our Lady, and Our Lady is crying. It's like a repetition of many years ago when She said, "My tears fall upon you." And I know in 1970 She cried and cried, just as She's doing tonight. And I know from a discourse with Our Lady earlier that these tears are caused by the abominations that are taking place in the world against Her Son, Jesus. Our Lady feels that for all He did for us upon earth that we could never turn in such violence against Him and His Church.
Our Lady is touching her lips now.
Stay in your parish church
Our Lady - "Remember, My child and My children, no matter how rough the road gets, you will stay within your parish church. And by good example and many prayers you will bring the priesthood back into the light. Many have lost their way because there are so few who pray for them. Remember, My children, to pray for your clergy, for they are human also and subject to error, mistakes, influence, and sometimes, pure evil. Pray for your priest daily, My children.
"Now you will sit back, My child, or proceed into the infirm circle again."
Veronica - ... statue head, over, over by the trees on the left - hand side. And Jesus is standing, and Our Lady is extending - oh, Our Lady is extending Her Rosary which She has taken from around Her belting, and She's making the sign of the cross upon the people: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. And She's looking over, and She's nodding and turning to Her left, which gives Her more room to come over on our right side. Our Lady is floating quite close now to where Jesus is standing, and She's still extending Her Rosary, like this, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Oh, there are many blessings here tonight, many. And Our Lady said that - just said there are many blessings here tonight. Oh, it's wonderful!
Now Jesus is extending His hands, like this, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
And They're both smiling, you know, and They're just standing there now looking at everyone.
Our Lady is looking to Her right and to Her left. She's looking over the whole grounds. And Jesus seems to be following Her, because He's also looking, and it's making His hair come across His shoulders, you know. It's quite long, His hair. And - oh, there's something that He wants to say. Jesus is pointing to His lips. Jesus says this:
Crucified through palms - wrists tied
Jesus - "I want the people to know that when I was crucified the nails were placed through My palms, but I was also tied by skin - like rope about My wrists to the cross. And as I walked to My death, I carried not the full cross but only a cross - beam across My shoulders, and I found at the edge of town on a high hill the other part of what was to be My crucifixion plank."
Veronica - That is what He was told by the people in the shop that were making the spikes that were going through His hands. So Jesus wants that known, that He was not only tied but He was nailed through the palms of His hands. The palms right here, and right here. No, He was tied by the wrists. And also in His feet there was one large, spike - like nail, it was a spike, that went through both His ankles. But He also, at the feet, at His instep, He was tied also by this skin - like rope that was made from animal skin - that was their rope. He wants everyone to know this, because through history, He often says that, you know, the truth has been lost. But He wants everyone to know just how He went to His crucifixion.
Now Jesus and Our Lady - They look like They're getting ready to just - to now stay... Our Lady has gone over to our left side, and She's standing by the upper branch of the fir tree. And Jesus is still over on the right hand side, and He's standing over the small branches now. He's come down, because if you look there and you can see - past Our Lady's statue, you can see Him just standing there with one of the boughs of the fir almost on His shoulder. And They're just smiling now; They're remaining there. You see, I don't know if Jesus ever mentioned it before, that when They come during the evening They stay until the last person leaves. They always stay.
Pope under Domination of Bishops
Feast of the Guardian Angels and Eve of the Feast of St. Theresa - October 2, 1989
Veronica - ... all about the trees now. Oh, they are so beautiful! They're cascading. I'm certain if you look up at the top of the leaves section on the trees, you can't help but notice the beautiful blue lights of Our Lady. Now there are also streamers of pink coming forward from the top of the sky. That means that Jesus and Our Lady are both going to come together.
Oh, the sky is opening up. It is so beautiful! It's like a clear summer's night with all the stars shining. And I hear voices in the background, of music; I know they're angelical voices. It is absolutely beautiful! I feel suspended in such beauty - it's not of this earth; it is obviously not of this earth, but from Heaven.
Now Our Lady and Jesus are coming down together. Our Lady is smiling very sweetly, and Jesus is motioning to His lips, like this, now. They're still coming down, but He's telling me to be ready to repeat.
Now Jesus and Our Lady are stopping over the first streamer of light there. The lights are now cascading from Their feet downward into the trees. Our Lady and Jesus are standing there.
Oh, Our Lady looks so beautiful! She has on a pure white mantle and a white gown, and about Her waist there is a gold cinch. Our Lady calls it a "cinch" for a reason. But it looks like - I would call it a belt. And Our Lady has on Her feet the most beautiful slippers - golden, and there are two small rosettes on Her feet. Oh, Our Lady has such delicate feet. This evening, too - I can see Our Lady's face very clearly this evening, and I would say She doesn't look over, more than twenty years old. Our Lady looks so young and radiant.
Now Our Lady is turning towards Jesus. And Jesus is nodding, and He is placing His first fingers to His lips, like this, which means to repeat.
Jesus - "My child and My children, and especially you, My child, Veronica, I called you here this evening, though I am fully aware of your disabilities. However, it will be not necessary to hear all about you, My child. Be it sufficient that you can bring My message to the world. [Veronica has been suffering from tinnitus, which impairs her hearing.]
"Now, this My child, will bring much consternation from the clergy. Look upward, My child, and tell the world what you see."
Veronica - I see the picture of "Jacinta 1972."
Jesus - "And what is in this picture, My child? Repeat."
Antichrist into mitres
Veronica - I see the letters very heavily penciled over by Jacinta when she wrote this message. It says - one part of the message - there are five parts to the "Jacinta 1972" picture, but one part says: "A - C into, I - N - T - O, mitres 1972."
Jesus - "Repeat that well, My child."
Veronica - "Antichrist into mitres 1972."
Jesus - "That, My child - I know you were much affrighted at that message when you first received it from Jacinta several years ago. But nothing that We give you is to remain hidden. It is necessary for the battle ahead.
"Be it known to all men upon earth that the antichrist has entered now among you. Be it known to Our bishops and cardinals: (I do not include Pope John Paul II at this time, because he is under the domination of his bishops and cardinals.) I look upon My Church at this time and I find gross errors. I tell you now, all bishops and cardinals of the world: My Church shall not be defaced. You shall not defame My Name. I will allow this to continue but for a short time. If you do not acknowledge Me properly before the world, I assure you, I will not acknowledge you before the Father; and you will not have eternal rest with my Father in Heaven.
Disciples of the latter days
"My child and My children, We have looked upon the world now and find that We are fast approaching the latter days. This will be a time of toil for all. Those who will work with Me shall be called now disciples of the latter days. Already, My children, you have gathered for some time. You all know who I am speaking to this time. I say again, all those who have been picked from among Our vineyard of souls upon earth to come forward as disciples in the latter days to defend the Faith, to remain faithful and true under siege, shall gain Heaven and immortal life. You will find life everlasting with the Father.
"However, I acknowledge the fact that, My child, I have taken you from your home in a weak state; but you know how urgent it was from Our discourse with you all day today, My child, that you get here this evening. For the evil is accelerating in the world. We cannot hold back the Chastisement much longer. The Father has at the foot of His throne the Ball of Redemption. Look up and describe what you see, My child."
Eternal Father - ball at His Feet
Veronica - I see a very wonderful Man. He is so grandfatherly, with a long white beard. And He is sitting with the most beautiful cape on Him; He looks like a regal King. He's smiling. There is no way to explain Him. And He is so translucent and shining. I know It is the Eternal Father. But He has at the foot of His throne a large ball; it's like a ball of fire. I know quite a number of years ago I saw this ball in a photograph taken by the people from Canada. I did not know what it meant then, but now I understand the photograph.
Now Jesus is motioning to His Mother, at His side. Our Lady is standing at the right side of Jesus. I see that She is brushing the tears from Her eyes. Now Jesus is backing up; He's backing up and going higher into the sky. And Our Lady hasn't moved. She is looking all about Her. She looks so very sad. And now She's placing Her fingers to Her lips, like this.
Our Lady - "My child, I implore you to love your brothers, even those that will persecute you. Love them as My Son loved those who even crucified Him. That is the only way you can reach eternity in Heaven.
"My child and My children, I, too, have watched - the Eternal Father made it known that I must see what is going on in the world today. And, I, as your Mother, have given My decision to the Eternal Father to go forward throughout the world, appearing in numerous places now, to awaken the world to the reality of everlasting life.
"How many have sold their souls to satan to get to the head for a temporary time upon earth? My children, do you not realize that you are only a short distance from paradise? Your years upon earth are so few. Isn't it futile, My children, to soil your souls and avoid following the road to Heaven?
"All those who think that life is forever upon earth are making a serious error, and they are defeating the reasons they were placed upon earth. There is no way other than straight through to Heaven, hell, or purgatory. There isn't a soul upon earth that can say, `I will be here forever.' For the only place that exists, My children, forever, is Heaven, hell, or purgatory.* When My Son returns to earth - when the persecution to the enlightened grows stronger, when all the world is fighting, that My Son shall deem it necessary to return.
*On October 8, 1989, in a locution, Our Lady directed Veronica to write in her own words a clarification, which follows:
When Our Lady spoke about Heaven, hell, and purgatory in the message, She was especially addressing the clergy, as some have lost the reality of the existence of hell. But they have especially lost the reality of the existence of purgatory. Thus She chose to use the word "forever," as this is earth's time, meaning till the end of time, or till the day of the final judgment. The intention being to impress upon the clergy the fact that purgatory does exist, and there are souls who will be in purgatory till the end of time. Naturally, at the end of the world there will no longer be a need for purgatory, and it will cease to exist. "Heaven and hell are forever" in the sense of the eternal, so naturally, they shall exist without end.
The impostor pope
"My child and My children, I ask you in the name of the Father, and My Son, and the Holy Ghost, to listen to Me now: The course you are on is a course to destruction. Satan has entered into My Son's Church. You remember, My children, Pope Paul VI, Our good Vicar, said to the world, `I know that the smoke of satan has entered into the Church.' But who listens to him, and who did listen to him? But they laid him low, and put another in his place.
"I know, My child, the derision and the scoffing that comes your way because of this message. But you will go forward, My child, and not listening to the scoffers, you will succeed one day in bringing forward to Us many wandering sheep.
"There are many souls upon earth that shall not be held accountable for their sins, for they have been led and misled by their elders.
"I say unto the cardinals and bishops in My Son's Church: I am much grieved at your conduct. You will be accountable to the Eternal Father for the destruction of souls. And the abuses that go forward against My Son cannot be tolerated by the Eternal Father. My Son suffers greatly upon earth. Have you forgotten so soon how He sacrificed His very Being for you all? And what are you doing in return?
"Oh, My children, I close My ears. I cannot listen to this painful episodes upon your earth. It appears that there are those who cannot talk without defaming the name of My Son. They use it with cursing and abuse. This is not to be in the eyes of the Eternal Father. This will not be tolerated.
"Do not re-crucify My Son upon earth, because you will all be held accountable. None shall come to the Father except from My Son: For My Son is in the Father, and the Father is in My Son, and the Holy Ghost. I know full well that it is not understandable to many the existence of a Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. They are all one, in one God. I repeat again: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost.
Unbelievable: satanic cults
"My child and My children, I implore you to go forward and bring the knowledge of the existence of these terrible satanic cults in your country. There are so many now, My children, that you would find it unbelievable if I could take you and show you throughout your country what is going on this very night while you are here.
"We also are distressed because of Theresa. She has been watching the carnage in the convents. And as such, she finds that her mission upon earth was not fulfilled to the fullest, that so much evil can now be corrupting the convents.
"My child and My children, I promise you after, My child, you bless the ill and infirm I will bring Theresa to you; because I know she made a promise to you to appear here this evening. That will be, My child, after you bless the ill and infirm. There are many who have come a long way to be here this evening.
"And, My child, I wish that you bring a message to D.M. of California, that We accept him in these latter days as a new disciple. That, My child, is all We will say at this moment.
"We wish that you take three photographs, which you can divulge the contents of to the workers, and then you will proceed to the ill and infirm. And after you visit them, you will meet with Theresa."
Veronica - Oh, Our Lady hadn't left at all. She's coming from behind one of the boughs of the tall fir tree there in front of us, directly over to Her statue on the right side. And right behind Her, I see her - it's Theresa; I'd know her anywhere. Oh, now Theresa is floating over to Our Lady's right side. She was standing behind Her; I don't know why she was standing behind Our Lady. And Our Lady is whispering something to her, but I can't hear them. Now just as I'm looking, St. Theresa is smiling; and she's placing her first finger to her lips, like this.
St. Theresa - "My sister, Veronica, I know that you are much surprised to see me this evening, as I have not made many appearances on your Shrine grounds. However, due to the urgency of the times, and what is happening upon the earth, I come this evening to bring to you a word of good news that the road to Heaven is very simple. All you have to do is be like a young child in your love of Jesus, never questioning, never casting aside, but loving Him fully with your heart.
"My life upon earth was not always easy, my sister, just as all of my sisters and brothers upon earth realize this as time goes on. However, I do say I am much disquieted of spirit by what I see taking place in many of the convents today. My life was always a life of solitude and prayer; therefore, I never lost contact with the Holy Spirit. Now my sisters in the convents are enjoying - as they think they are enjoying - all of the modern diversions that take them away from meditation and prayer.
No TV should be in a holy place
"I come this evening to ask my sisters who hear my message not to be taken over by worldly pursuits. I agree fully with the nuns in the convent that object to the television. No television should be in a holy place.
"Yes, my sister, there is much evil in the world. I always promised when I was upon earth that I would never be lackadaisical or disquiet of spirit while I was in Heaven. I will go forward to the very end of time bringing my roses to you along with Our Lady - graces in abundance for the asking. All you have to do is say, `Jesus, I love You. Save souls, save the consecrated.' That is very important.
"We are made fully aware in these latter days of all the tribulations of the world, and the convents especially. I make note of the convents, my sister, because it was my home for so many years.
The value of suffering
"Also, you will understand fully when I tell you the value of suffering. You can always offer this for the souls that need the repatriation. Yes, my sister, no suffering is ever wasted. For you must accept it in the right light, knowing that even our dear Jesus suffered upon earth at the hands of those He loved. But one thing you know now is He never gave up loving them, even as they recrucified Him.
"And even now, my sister, there is much grief in Heaven. And I know that Our Blessed Mother sheds many tears daily upon the world because of the present abominable conditions. Man is fast heading for a cataclysm. Soon - we all know of the coming of the Ball of Redemption upon mankind, and it is now heading fast in.
Heaven: work much Harder
"It is the will of the Eternal Father that the sheep be gathered by those who have become disciples in the latter days. The sheep must be gathered and separated from the wolves that are roaming now. Therefore, we ask you to even work much harder at your apostleship. All will be on the side of the Eternal Father in the end. But He will allow these persecutions to come upon you. Accept all as Jesus did when He was upon earth."
Veronica - Now, I see Theresa is moving over, and she's whispering to Our Lady. I can't understand what she's saying, but she's whispering. And Our Lady is pointing high up into the sky.
Oh, Jesus is coming down now, again. Oh, He's coming up now, and He's going to be at Our Lady's left side. He's raising His hand now, like this, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Now Jesus is mentioning - I can't hear it; it's like the rustling of the wind. But Jesus is still extending His hand, and He's going over now to Our Lady's right side.
And Theresa has moved back into the sky. I don't know - she seems to have left the circle of light, and she seems to be moving back into the clouds. I do want to tell you at this time, that as I can see her, Theresa has on a brown gown and a creme - colored cape, and she has a black mantle around the top of her head. Theresa is smiling. I know that I must have described her that she is - as I can see her here. She's very clear. She's stopped now moving, and she's standing there behind Jesus and Our Lady.
Now Jesus has hesitated while I was talking about Theresa, and He's going over now to our left side. He's moving very slowly, and looking down all about Him. Now, He's extending out His hand and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Now Our Lady is coming over, and She's taking the Rosary from about Her waist, and She's making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. And Our Lady now is touching the crucifix to Her lips and She says - She's asking me to repeat.
Pray for clergy
Our Lady - "Many prayers are needed for the clergy. Won't you, My children, help them? For many are lost; they are on the road to perdition. Please help them. I ask you as your Mother, in your merciful hearts, for My Son and the good of His Church, pray for your priests, your cardinals, and bishops."
Veronica - "We will."
Now Jesus and Our Lady are moving back into the sky. Theresa has gone into the sky; I can't see her anymore. And Our Lady and Jesus now are moving over to our right side, at the uppermost limb of the fir tree on the right side. And They are standing there, and nodding. Our Lady is saying:
Our Lady - "We will be here the rest of the evening, until the last soul has left."
Veronica - Yes.... Yes.
Our Lady - "Continue, My child, to read the Bible well. Man is casting it aside or rewriting one to fit his own carnal nature. You must not, My children, rewrite the Bible, for it will be a bible of man and not of God.
"Sit back now, My child, and rest."
Veronica - His gown is a beige color, very rugged; it looks like very rough material. I don't know what it is. I hope it isn't what they call "sackcloth." That's what Our Lady once said that They use when They are doing penance for people. Sackcloth and ashes, or something like that. And that's just what it looks like, that's the only way I can explain what Jesus is wearing there.
During a conflict on the original Shrine grounds on November 1, 1973, Msgr. Powell (Vicar of the Vicariat at the time) called out, "Veronica, come into the church and defend yourself!" Veronica asked for a sign from heaven whether or not to go in to see Msgr. Powell. Out came "GO" on a Polaroid camera that belonged to a man from N.J.
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