◈ 사제 (Priest)/②St. Francis' Letter to all Bishops, Pri

St. Francis' Letter to all Bishops, Priests and Deacons...

성 미카엘회 회장 송 바울라 정자 2021. 3. 28. 21:24

Philip Fruytiers, St. Francis of Assisi, oil on canvas, 259.5 x 169.3 cm, Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp/ Source http://www.kmska.be


St. Francis' Letter to all Bishops, Priests and Deacons...


"Less and less honor is being given to My Son in the Eucharist. Will you not love Him? Express and act upon your love by comforting My Son in the tabernacles of the world. Visit Him more often, for He grows lonely in His House. Graces in abundance shall be given to all who seek My Son in the Eucharist.

"Hasten, repair to the tabernacles of the world, My children, while the doors of My Son's houses, His Church upon earth, are still open to you. Many countries shall be deprived of this source of great grace, and there shall be anguish of heart. Accept this elixir of love, My children--the Bread of life, the Eucharist."

- The Bayside Prophecies

Our Lady of the Roses, November 20, 1979


St. Francis wrote this short letter to encourage all bishops, priests and deacons to promote reverence for God, especially in the Most Blessed Sacrament:


We clerics cannot overlook the sinful neglect and ignorance some people are guilty of with regard to the holy Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. They are careless, too, about His holy name and the writings which contain His words, the words that consecrate His Body. We know His Body is not present unless the bread is first consecrated by these words. Indeed, in this world there is nothing of the Most High Himself that we can possess and contemplate with our eyes, except His Body and Blood, His name and His words, by which we were created and by which we have been brought back from death to life.


Those who are in charge of these sacred mysteries, and especially those who are careless about their task, should realize that the chalices, corporals and altar linens where the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ are offered in sacrifice should be completely suitable. And besides, many clerics reserve the Blessed Sacrament in unsuitable places, or carry It about irreverently, or receive It unworthily, or give It to all comers without distinction. God's holy name, too, and His written words are sometimes trodden underfoot, because "the sensual man does not perceive the things that are of the Spirit of God." (1 Cor. 2:14)


Surely we clerics cannot be left unmoved by loving sorrow for all this; in His love, God gives Himself into our hands; we touch Him and receive Him daily into our mouths. Have we forgotten that we must fall into His hands?


And so we must correct these and all other abuses. If the Body of our Lord Jesus Christ has been left abandoned somewhere contrary to all the laws, It should be removed and put in a place that is prepared properly for It, where It can be kept safe. In the same way, God's name and His written words should be picked up, if they are found lying in the dirt, and put in a suitable place. We all know that we are bound to do this, according to the law of God and the prescriptions of Mother Church. Anyone who refuses to obey should realize that he will have to account for it before our Lord Jesus Christ on the day of judgment.


Anyone who has this writing copied, so that it may be obeyed more widely, can be sure that he has God's blessings.


- St. Francis of Assisi



"Why must you insult My Son? Can you not bend your knees? Is He not your King?"

- The Bayside Prophecies

Our Lady of the Roses, November 21, 1970




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