"How many earth years have I come down from Heaven to reach you with these words of warning and direction? I have pleaded with the pastors within My Son's Church to return to their Tradition. I have pleaded for recognition of fact and truth and the destruction that is now being perpetrated by a conspiracy of the Red Hats in My Son's Church."
- The Bayside Prophecies
Our Lady of the Roses, March 18, 1976
"The truth in Faith and Tradition has been given to mankind. Change shall bring nothing but error, confusion, and the destruction of souls. If you, My pastors, continue upon your present course, you will bring the bark of Peter through rough seas. You are now setting it afloat, and in your plan known to Heaven, you prefer to send the captain away, and allow the bark of Peter to flounder. However, yea I say unto you, O ye of little Faith, I know I remain within you regardless of your rejection of Me. When I chose you from among men to represent Me upon earth, you were a special one; and regardless of your rejection of the light, I shall use you, My pastors, for no evil shall ever be triumphant."
- The Bayside Prophecies
Jesus, September 28, 1976
The above Messages from Our Lady were given to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, New York.

[20-17] Vatican Prohibits Traditional Latin Mass in Bishop Strickland’s Former Cathedral...
CatholicNewsAgency.com reported on November 11, 2024:
By Kristina Millare, Tyler Arnold
Celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass in the cathedral of the Diocese of Tyler, Texas, will cease effective Dec. 1, according to a Vatican-approved order that comes almost one year after Pope Francis removed Bishop Joseph Strickland, one of his most outspoken critics, as head of the diocese.
Bishop Joe S. Vásquez of Austin, who has served as apostolic administrator of the Tyler Diocese in East Texas since Strickland’s dramatic ouster last Nov. 11, announced the move in a letter to parishioners of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Tyler, which has offered a 2 p.m. Sunday Mass in Latin.
A spokesperson for the diocese also confirmed with CNA that Masses celebrated according to the pre-Vatican II liturgical form will also be halted in four other parishes: Mary Queen of Heaven in Malakoff, Sacred Heart in Texarkana, St. Francis of Assisi in Gilmer, and Sacred Heart in Nacogdoches.
The letter was first obtained by Catholic journalist Diane Montagna who published it on X over the weekend.
“Following the guidance of the Holy See,” Vásquez stated in a letter dated Nov. 6, “celebration of the liturgy according to the liturgical books approved by St. Paul VI and St. John Paul II in accordance with the Second Vatican Council” will no longer be permitted in the cathedral from December onward but will be permitted in only one parish within the Diocese of Tyler.
St. Joseph the Worker Parish, entrusted to the care of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), is the only parish in the diocese authorized to “use of the 1952 Missal, according to the provisions of Traditionis Custodes,” the motu proprio Pope Francis issued in 2021 that sharply curtailed the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass worldwide.
According to Vásquez’s letter, St. Joseph the Worker Parish is a “personal parish” established in 2003 to “pastorally care for all those in the diocese who celebrated according to the older liturgical forms.”
A spokesperson for the diocese told CNA: “Going forward, as the letter states, St. Joseph the Worker Parish in Tyler, a personal parish entrusted to the FSSP, will continue to serve the faithful of the diocese according to the norms of Traditionis Custodes.”
The letter does not specify why Traditional Latin Masses are ending at the cathedral, though Strickland’s refusal to fully implement Traditionis Custodes is widely believed to be one factor that led to his removal. The Vatican has not publicly disclosed exactly why Pope Francis asked for his resignation.
Strickland said in an interview with LifeSiteNews a year ago: “I know I didn’t implement Traditiones Custodes because I can’t starve out part of my flock.”
In his letter, Vásquez indicated that he “recently received a reply” from the Vatican after submitting a letter to the Vatican Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments on how to implement the Holy Father’s motu proprio in the local Church after Strickland’s departure.
“While this transition may be difficult for some, my hope is that you will open your hearts and move forward on this path with faith and trust,” Vásquez wrote.
“I pray you will experience a deepened unity with the whole Church and a greater awareness of the liturgical richness of the ordinary form of the Roman liturgy,” he added.
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"Pastors, those who have in their care Our sheep, you must stop now these changes that you seek in novelty, for they are destroying the young souls and scattering Our sheep.
"I repeat, My children, the great Council in Rome of Vatican II, the promises were great, but satan sat among you and he played you like the chessboard.
"You were given a foundation of Faith based on Tradition and knowledge of the prophets. You cannot start this new religion, for it will lead you to one religion that is not of My Son, that will not have His true foundation, and you will take My Son's Body and defame it, no longer giving the knowledge of His Divinity. What manner of foul escapades are you planning, O you of little faith? Whatever shall become of you? The Red Hats have fallen and the Purple Hats are being misled. Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth!"
- The Bayside Prophecies
Our Lady of the Roses, August 5, 1976
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