"I send to My clergy, those whom I have given the grace to represent Heaven upon earth, this warning: You must now return to your traditional rites! You must restore My House from its crumbling exterior and rotting interior. You must rebuild what you seek to destroy--now!
"Many who call themselves My chosen ones have set themselves to destroy from within. Your actions have not gone by unnoticed by the Eternal Father. Error, deception, deceit, in the guise of sanctity and piousness! You are unmasked before the Eternal Father. You shall start little by little and repair the foundation, or you shall be within and destroy.
"I look upon all manner of abominations being committed in My House. Do you think you will go much longer without chastisement? Awaken from your slumber, My clergy! You deceive no one!"
- The Bayside Prophecies
Jesus, November 22, 1975
"This evil has penetrated far into the very heart of My House. You must now turn back and restore My House. I, your God, give you this command for the salvation of your own soul."
- The Bayside Prophecies
Jesus, August 21, 1976
The above Messages from Our Lady were given to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, New York.
[20-18] Mother Angelica’s Little-Known Love of the Latin Mass...
ChurchPop.com reported on March 28, 2016:
Most people know Mother Angelica (may she rest in peace!) as the spunky nun who founded EWTN. But did you know that she preferred the use of the Latin language for Mass?
Catholic journalist Raymond Arroyo, who wrote a popular biography of Mother Angelica, reports that she thought that “Latin was the perfect language for the Mass.” She explained: “It was almost mystical. It gave you an awareness of heaven, of the awesome humility of God who manifests Himself in the guise of bread and wine. The love that He had for us, His desire to remain with us is simply awesome. You could concentrate on that love, because you weren’t distracted by your own language.”
She also didn’t like how the priest faces the people, rather than the altar. She said this turned the Mass into “something between the people and the priest.” “Too often,” she continued, “it’s just some kind of get-together and Jesus is all but forgotten.”
Here’s the extended quote from Mother Angelica on Latin in the Mass:
Latin was the perfect language for the Mass. It’s the language of the Church, which allows us to pray a verbal prayer without distraction.
See, the purpose of the Mass is to pray and to be associated with the crucifixion and with that glorious banquet that we partake of in Holy Communion. He is there. But so much is spoiled in the vernacular.
During the Latin Mass you had the missal if you wanted to follow it in English. It was almost mystical. It gave you an awareness of heaven, of the awesome humility of God who manifests Himself in the guise of bread and wine. The love that He had for us, His desire to remain with us is simply awesome. You could concentrate on that love, because you weren’t distracted by your own language.
You could go anywhere in the world and you always knew what was going on. It was contemplative because as the Mass was going on you could close your eyes and visualize what really happened. You could feel it. You could look to the east and realize that God had come and was really present. The way it is today with the priest facing the people, its something between the people and the priest. Too often it’s just some kind of get-together and Jesus is all but forgotten.
Note that preferring the use of Latin in the Mass does not necessarily mean preferring the Extraordinary Form of the Mass over the Ordinary Form. While the former is always in Latin, the latter can be done in Latin as well (though it is most often done in the vernacular).
In fact, it’s a popular misconception that the Second Vatican Council called for the Mass to be in the vernacular. In truth, while the council’s document on the reform of the liturgy Sacrosanctum Concilium said that bishops could decide to make use of the vernacular more than they were, the council also said that generally speaking “the use of the Latin language is to be preserved in the Latin rites.” (SC, 36)
Of course, today, both the use of Latin and the vernacular is permitted by the Church.
TLDM Editor's Note: Our Lord and Our Lady have long reqested that the Latin Mass be brought back into general use. Pope Benedict XVI complied with that request. We are now seeing a growth in vocations and love for the Latin Mass.
"Many now rebel against their leader, their God-given leader, your Vicar. In matters of faith and morals, man must not change the God-given laws, coming from the seat of Peter, and established through tradition upon earth through My Son's Church."
- The Bayside Prophecies
Our Lady of the Roses, October 6, 1979
"Because of the fall in Babylon, many new languages were given because of the sin of Babylon. Therefore, as a member of one country, My children, with a universal language, you carried with you your own country's translation, and were you to visit abroad, you could enter upon any foreign edifice, Church of My Son, and feel comfortable and in one with the man, the priest, the one chosen by My Son to represent Him in His House.
"If you were, My child, to go from your United States to France, could you understand the words in French? But, My child, you would recognize the words in Latin and you would have your book with you to read in your American language, just as those in France could read in their French language, bringing upon the world a beautiful and common bond of language among all who have been given the grace to be called to the Roman Catholic Church of My Son.
"Do not leave My Son's Church though, My children, because they have taken this language from among you. You must wait and persevere and weep with My Son for this defilement by man."
- The Bayside Prophecies
Our Lady of the Roses, April 10, 1976
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