◈ 낙태 살인 (Abortion Murder) 67

Honduran Cardinal: "A politician who publicly supports abortion, he excommunicates himself"...

Honduran Cardinal: "A politician who publicly supports abortion, he excommunicates himself"... "You will send out the traitors, excommunicate the wrongdoers who do not repent of their sin. What does it gain a man if he gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his soul?" - The Bayside Prophecies Our Lady of the Roses, September 27, 1975 "The discipline and rules set down by My Son and those He..

챠풋(Chaput) 대주교는 낙태에 찬성하는 이들은 가톨릭 신자가 아니라고 말한다...

챠풋(Chaput) 대주교는 낙태에 찬성하는 이들은 가톨릭 신자가 아니라고 말한다... “한 사람이 문턱을 넘어 자신을 죽음으로 던지는 대죄를 지었다면, 그는 고난으로 속죄하여야 한다. 나의 자녀들아, 그는 또한 보속과 참회로 자신의 죄를 씻어야 한다.“죄악이 인류를 덮어 인간들은 더이상 성경을 읽지 않고, 고백성사를 보지 않고 있다. 스스로의 영혼은 용서받을 수 없는 죄악으로 던져 놓고는 성자에게 희생을 다시 청구하고 있다!”- 베이사이드 메시지 중로사리오의 성모님. 1976. 9. 7.​ LifeSiteNews.com 2004. 7. 14, 기사문.​ 덴버 교구 대주교인 찰스 챠풋(Charles Chaput)은 콜로라도 공영 라디오(Colorado Public Radio)와의 인터뷰에서 낙태를 지원하..

유럽평의회의 몰타 주교: 낙태는 “살인”이며 “생명권의 부정”이다....

유럽평의회의 몰타 주교: 낙태는 “살인”이며 “생명권의 부정”이다.... ​“어느 정도 사리 분별 가능한 나이의 모든 남자, 여자 그리고 아이들은 옳고 그름을 분별할 수 있다. 인간은 태어날 때부터 양심을 받았기 때문이다. 생명의 존재는 자궁에 착상하는 순간부터 생기는 것이며, 그때부터 악마의 자식들은 인간의 마음을 더럽히고 양심을 가려 창조된 어린 생명을 죽이는 일에 조금의 죄의식도 느끼지 못하게 하고 있다! 너희에게 말한다. 임신의 순간부터 생명은 시작되며, 이 빛을 끄는 모든 이는 살인자이며 회개없이는 지옥에 떨어질 것이다!” - 베이사이드 메시지 중예수님 1977. 6. 18.​ LifeSiteNews.com 2008. 04. 15. 기사:​ 말타와 고조섬의 주교들는 이날 낙태는 살인이며 생명권에..

3-1. Cardinal Burke: Pro-Abortion Politicians May Not Receive Holy Communion...

Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, born June 30, 1948, in Wisconsin, USA, is known for his strong adherence to traditional Catholic doctrine. Ordained in 1975, he became Bishop of La Crosse in 1994, Archbishop of Saint Louis in 2003, and was appointed Cardinal in 2010. He is renowned for his clear stance on issues like abortion and same-sex marriage, reflecting his commitment to the church's teachings...

Cardinal Egan's rebuke to Giuliani - it was specifically about abortion...

Cardinal Edward Michael Egan was born on April 2, 1932, in the United States and was ordained as a priest in the Archdiocese of Chicago. He studied theology and canon law at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. In 1985, Egan was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of New York and later served as the Bishop of Bridgeport. He became the Archbishop of New York in 2000 and was elevated to Cardinal in..

2. Archbishop Chaput says those who support abortion "rights" cannot be Catholic...

Archbishop Chaput says those who support abortion "rights" cannot be Catholic... ​"When a man has stepped over the threshold and allowed himself to fall into mortal sin, he must be purified by trial, but he must also, My children, be purified by the rule of penance and confession. "What manner of evil is being set now upon mankind that compels him to lose his soul by rejecting the Sacraments, by..

1. Abortion is "murder" and a "negation of the right to life": Maltese Bishops to Council of Europe...

Abortion is "murder" and a "negation of the right to life": Maltese Bishops to Council of Europe... "Every man, woman, and child of the age of reason knows right from wrong, for he has been given an inborn conscience. At the moment of his conception life is within the womb, and at the moment of conception a life is forming, regardless of what the agents of hell now pollute the minds of mankind w..