◈ 성모 발현 말씀 (Marian Apparitions)/└ Russia must be consecrated.. 5

[5-5] ① 파티마 성모님께서 러시아에 대해 그토록 염려하시는 이유는 무엇일까요?

"러시아는 단 하나의 계획만을 가지고 있다. 전 세계를 정복하는 것이다. 그들은 마음이나 양심없이 이 계획을 수행할 것이다. 그러므로 삼위일체인 너희의 하느님으로서, 다시 한 번 너희에게 요청한다. 편지나 산문, 또는 쪽지 글을 통해서라도 어머니의 티없으신 성심에 러시아를 봉헌하도록 너희의 교황에게 전하여라. 나의 자녀들아, 이것은 아직 이루어지지 않았다.” - 베이사이드 메시지 중예수님, 1986. 5. 17 첫 번째 토요일"러시아의 목표는 하나뿐이다. 미국, 캐나다, 그리고 전 세계 모든 나라를 장악하는 것이다. "나의 딸아, 러시아가 최근에 잘 지내고 있다는 것을 알아야 한다. 우리가 기도와 속죄와 희생, 그리고 파티마 발현때부터 너희에게 요청한 첫 번째 토요일을 부르짖지만, 그 요구들이 받아들여지..

[5-4] ② Why was Our Lady of Fatima So Concerned about Russia?

"Russia has but one plan: to capture the whole world. They will do this without heart or conscience. Therefore, know that I ask you again, as your God in the Trinity, I ask you to contact the Holy Father—through pen or prose, or the written script—to contact the Holy Father and beg him to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. This has not been done, My children." - The Bayside ..

[5-3] Sister Lucy has repeatedly stated that Russia must be consecrated..

“Russia has but one plan: to capture the whole world. They will do this without heart or conscience. Therefore, know that I ask you again, as your God in the Trinity, I ask you to contact the Holy Father—through pen or prose, or the written script—to contact the Holy Father and beg him to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. This has not been done, My children.”- The Bayside P..

[5-2] ACTION PLAN – For the Fatima Consecration of Russia...

“Russia has but one plan: to capture the whole world. They will do this without heart or conscience. Therefore, know that I ask you again, as your God in the Trinity, I ask you to contact the Holy Father—through pen or prose, or the written script—to contact the Holy Father and beg him to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. This has not been done, My children.”- The Bayside P..

[5-1] Pope to 'Consecrate Russia' to Immaculate Heart of Mary (Here We Go Again)...

“Russia has but one plan: to capture the whole world. They will do this without heart or conscience. Therefore, know that I ask you again, as your God in the Trinity, I ask you to contact the Holy Father—through pen or prose, or the written script—to contact the Holy Father and beg him to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. This has not been done, My children.”- The Bayside P..