◈ 동성애 반대 ✟ (Anti-Homosexual) 180

10-3. 교회의 위기 속에서 전통적인 가정을 지원하기 위해 연합한 아프리카 주교들...

20-3. 교회의 위기 속에서 전통적인 가정을 지원하기 위해 연합한 아프리카 주교들... ​ 가족의 품 "가족의 품 안에서 영혼의 힘을 찾을 수 있다." - 베이사이드 메시지 중 로사리오의 성모님, 1972. 12. 31 가장 큰 공격 "지옥이 창조한 온갖 사악하고 가증스런 것들이 여러분의 나라와 온 세상의 나라들의 가정에 침입하고 있습니다. 이제 모든 부모가 가정에서 감독자이며 지도자의 역할을 하여야 합니다. 사탄의 가장 큰 공격이 가정 생활에 닥칠 것입니다. 가정이 붕괴되면 나라도 무너져 내릴 것입니다." - 베이사이드 메시지 중 성 요셉, 1978. 3. 15 LifeSiteNews.com, 2023. 12. 13 기사: 존-헨리 웨스턴 John-Henry Westen 작성 우리는 종종 아프리카의 ..

7-6. ‘Blessing’ Homosexual Couples ‘Flings the Door Open’ To the Demonic, Exorcist’s Assistant Warns...

These Last Days News - March 5, 2024 URGENT: Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives. 7-6. ‘Blessing’ Homosexual Couples ‘Flings the Door Open’ To the Demonic, Exorcist’s Assistant Warns... FLICKER OF FAITH "Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer for your priests, cardinals, bishops, your clergy, for a great test, a delusion has been set amongst t..

30-17. Vatican Permits First Blessing at ‘Homosexual Wedding’...

These Last Days News - February 26, 2024 URGENT: Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives. 30-17. Vatican Permits First Blessing at ‘Homosexual Wedding’... NOT JUDGING "When a priest tells you that you do not have to speak up, out against homosexuality, because you are judging another person, and you should love your neighbor and therefore never set him up to..

7-5. Theologians Reject Vatican News’ Use of Ratzinger, John Paul II to Defend Fiducia Supplicans...

These Last Days News - January 4, 2024 URGENT: Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives. 7-5. Theologians Reject Vatican News’ Use of Ratzinger, John Paul II to Defend Fiducia Supplicans... ​ FLICKER OF FAITH "Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer for your priests, cardinals, bishops, your clergy, for a great test, a delusion has been set amongst ..

7-4. Cardinal Müller: Fiducia Supplicans ‘Leads to Heresy,’ Catholics Cannot Accept It...

These Last Days News - February 19, 2024 URGENT: Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives. 7-4. Cardinal Müller: Fiducia Supplicans ‘Leads to Heresy,’ Catholics Cannot Accept It... HERESY, APOSTASY ABOUND "Because of the arrogance and pride of My clergy, many of Our sheep, Our children, are lost to the Kingdom of Heaven. Many mitres are destined for the abyss..

11-10. Cdl. Burke Says German Bishops ‘Betray the Apostolic Tradition’ in Letter to Faithful Priests...

These Last Days News - April 11, 2023URGENT: Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives. 11-10. Cdl. Burke Says German Bishops ‘Betray the Apostolic Tradition’ in Letter to Faithful Priests... ​BEING STRIPPED OF ALL HOLINESS"My children, as parents you must now protect your children. My Son's House, His Church, is being stripped of all holiness, the destruction..

3-3. Archbishop Aguer: the Confusion of Francis’ Papacy Has Only Worsened as He’s Gotten Older...

These Last Days News - January 25, 2024 URGENT: Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives. 3-3. Archbishop Aguer: the Confusion of Francis’ Papacy Has Only Worsened as He’s Gotten Older... TURN BACK "This evil has penetrated far into the very heart of My House. You must now turn back and restore My House. I, your God, give you this command for the salvation of..

15-14. A Papacy Fit for the End Times...

These Last Days News - February 14, 2024URGENT: Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives. 15-14. A Papacy Fit for the End Times...  "Bishops and cardinals in My Son's Church, you have fallen asleep. You go about with your heads in the clouds, dusty clouds, dark clouds that blind you. Awaken from your slumber while there is time. The time is growing short. How..

Hypocrisy and Same-Sex Blessings...

Father Peter F. Ryan, SJ, a priest of the Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus, was ordained in 1987. He is currently a Professor of Theology at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, Michigan. He earned both his Licentiate in Sacred Theology (STL) and his Doctorate in Sacred Theology (STD) from the Gregorian University in Rome. ​ ​ These Last Days News - February 8, 2024 URGENT: Forward a..

7-3. Cardinal Zen Warns of ‘Error’ In Fiducia Supplicans, Calls for Cdl. Fernández to Resign...

These Last Days News - October 23, 2023 URGENT: Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives. 7-3. Cardinal Zen Warns of ‘Error’ In Fiducia Supplicans, Calls for Cdl. Fernández to Resign... ​ "There is only one way that this can be stopped, this evil that has seeped into My House and into the hearts of all mankind. You must stop now your seeking for change and no..