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20-11. Cardinal Zen Tweets Support for Traditional Latin Mass with Quote from Abp. Cordileone...

These Last Days News - July 20, 2022URGENT: Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives. 20-11. Cardinal Zen Tweets Support for Traditional Latin Mass with Quote from Abp. Cordileone...  LATIN TO REMAIN"It was the will of the Eternal Father that one universal language be used along with, in comparison with, together with the language of the land. This universal ..

20-10. Banning the Latin Mass Is a Cruel and Hypocritical Act of Aggression Against The Faithful...

These Last Days News - July 28, 2022URGENT: Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives. 20-10. Banning the Latin Mass Is a Cruel and Hypocritical Act of Aggression Against The Faithful...  CHURCH OF MAN"There must be change, My children, but a change back to reality and tradition. My Son has given you a true foundation, but many come now with axes and they chop..

[9-3] Pope Benedict XVI: "Euthanasia is a false solution to the drama of suffering"...

"No man shall murder—and it is murder, My children, when he shall give the excuse of saying an individual is no longer living or a part of the world because he has become emaciated, because he lives only with prayers and the help of all scientific means." - The Bayside PropheciesOur Lady of the Roses, June 5, 1976  [9-3] Pope Benedict XVI: "Euthanasia is a false solution to the drama of sufferin..

2-1. Cardinal Sarah Denounces ‘Atheistic’ Western Bishops Who Prefer the World to the Cross...

These Last Days News - April 15, 2024URGENT: Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives.​2-1. Cardinal Sarah Denounces ‘Atheistic’ Western Bishops Who Prefer the World to the Cross...  THE MAJOR ATTACK"Pray for your clergy--your bishops, your cardinals, your pastors. The major attack from satan will be upon the clergy in My Son's houses. I beg you, as your Moth..

9-9. Francis the Destroyer and St. Francis' Prophecy...

These Last Days News - August 6, 2021 PLEASE email a link of this web page to one person... 9-9. Francis the Destroyer and St. Francis' Prophecy... DO NO ABANDON "Do not abandon My Son any longer by rejecting His Church. Do not judge My Son's Church by man. The foundation is My Son, Jesus. And though the walls may develop cracks, the foundation is solid. Will you not remain and patch these crack..

10-5. 프란치스코는 새로운 세계 질서의 목자이다...

These Last Days News - 2022. 10. 7 10-5. 프란치스코는 새로운 세계 질서의 목자이다... 가장 높은 곳 "나의 딸아, 진리를 막아서고 천국의 메시지를 전하는 사명을 막을 수는 없다. 나의 딸아, 계속 나아 가거라. 이제 이 말을 세상에 전하여라: 사탄이 하느님의 교회에 들어갔다. 사탄이 이제 가장 높은 곳에서 통치하려 한다. 세상과 하느님의 교회는 깊은 어둠속에 빠질 것이다. 많은 관리자들이 암흑에 떨어졌다. 나의 자녀들아, 기도하여라. 너희의 기도와 희생만이 저들을 암흑속에서 꺼낼 것이다." - 베이사이드 메시지 중 로사리오 성모님, 1974. 4. 13 사탄이 성교회에 잠입하였다 "사탄이 로마의 가장 높은 자리에 들어가는 것을 경고하고 또 경고하였다. 나의 딸아, 세 번..

10-4. 신자들이 무릎을 꿇고 성체성사를 영하는 방식을 고집한다면 본당의 책임을 면하는 각서에 서명할 것을 요구...

10-4. 신자들이 무릎을 꿇고 성체성사를 영하는 방식을 고집한다면 본당의 책임을 면하는 각서에 서명할 것을 요구... 되돌려 놓아라 "이 사악한 악마가 나의 집 매우 깊은 곳까지 스며들었다. 너희는 나의 집을 고쳐 되돌려 놓아야 한다. 너희의 신으로 나는 너희의 영혼을 구하기 위해 이 지시를 내린다." - 베이사이드 메시지 중 예수님, 1976. 8. 21 “손으로 받는 성체성사를 하여서는 안 된다. 천국은 절대로 용납지 않을 것이다. 이 행위는 전능하신 성부께서 보시기에 신성모독이다. 계속하여서는 안 된다. 전능하신 성부를 화나게 하여서는 너희가 받을 형벌이 더해질 뿐이다.” - 베이사이드 메시지 중 로사리오의 성모님, 1984. 6. 30 무릎을 꿇어라 “나의 자녀들아, 성체성사를 모시기 위해 너희..

10-8. California Parish Requires Catholics to Sign Waiver Before Receiving Communion Kneeling...

These Last Days News - December 16, 2022URGENT: Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives. 10-8. California Parish Requires Catholics to Sign Waiver Before Receiving Communion Kneeling... TURN BACK"This evil has penetrated far into the very heart of My House. You must now turn back and restore My House. I, your God, give you this command for the salvation of y..

10-7. Francis is the Chaplain of the New World Order...

These Last Days News - October 7, 2022 URGENT: Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives. 10-7. Francis is the Chaplain of the New World Order... THE HIGHEST PLACES "My child, you cannot keep from fulfilling your mission to bring the Message of Heaven by holding back the truth. Go forward, My child, now, and bring this message to the world: satan has entered i..

9-8. Pope Francis and Canadian Bishops Take Part in Pagan ‘Smudging’ Ritual Invoking ‘Sacred Circle of Spirits’...

These Last Days News - July 28, 2022 PLEASE email a link of this web page to one person... 9-8. Pope Francis and Canadian Bishops Take Part in Pagan ‘Smudging’ Ritual Invoking ‘Sacred Circle of Spirits’... “Pagans! Pagans, My child, pagans roaming also in the House of My Son! Is there no one who will go and chase them out? I have asked you, for the Father, to return Michael to My Son’s House. He..