◈ The Bayside Prophecies 1968-1994 30

1976 2-1 The Bayside Prophecies

A new theology of morals... January 31, 1976 In honor of the Presentation of Our Lord Veronica - The sky is very dark. The blue lights are appearing directly over Our Lady's statue. That means that Our Lady is ready to appear and give Her message to us. There's a beautiful round, oh, host-like light coming from the center of the blue coloring now, just above Our Lady's statue. Our Lady now is co..

1975 The Bayside Prophecies

Satan shall have his hand upon the button... February 1, 1975 Eve of the Presentation of Our Lord Veronica - ... flagpole. The light is coming from a very large cross. It's a greatly illuminated cross in white. No, along the borders of the cross there are different colors of orange and red. They're very powerful-looking rays of color. Now the cross seems to be floating in the air, like coming to..

1974 The Bayside Prophecies

The Chastisement has been delayed... January 13, 1974 Holy Hour Chastisement delayed Veronica - Our Lady said that the Chastisement has been delayed. Our Lady - “However, your country and the world will do heavy penance for the offenses against the Father. The Ball has not been sent upon you; however, it is sad, My child, that there will be a time of great trial. The Father has a plan for restor..

1973 The Bayside Prophecies

Plague to claim many children... February 1, 1973 Eve of the Presentation of Our Lord Our Lady - "... My words will have entered into the hearts of many. Many will cast them aside, preferring eternal life with the Father to damnation with Lucifer. "O My children, how I long to open before your eyes the future. I cannot hold back the arm of punishment much longer. Sin and abominations more despic..

1972 The Bayside Prophecies

UN: Brood of Vipers February 1, 1972 - Eve of the Presentation of Our Lord Our Lady – “My child, it is Our wish that none should perish in the days ahead. Convert the unbeliever. Michael, the guardian of Our House, makes it known to you that you must make every effort to convert the unbeliever. The good stalks are being fed the pure waters, or they would have wilted, My child, long ago. Satan ha..

1970-1971 The Bayside Prophecies

1970 Locution from the Holy Ghost to Veronica March 6, 1970 "My children, My children, why do you not listen to Me?“ The Sorrow of Sorrows Approaches...April 7, 1970 Veronica received a locution from Our Lady—words heard in the intellect, but without actually seeing Her. Our Lady announced that She would come to Her chosen sacred grounds at the old Saint Robert Bellarmine Church on the eve of al..

1968-1970 MESSAGES & Occulations from Heaven - Saint Theresa

Our Lady of the Roses 1968 to 1970 - The Early Years In the beginning with Saint Teresa The following is a brief account of Veronica's private revelations from Heaven in her own words given on November 10, 1971: Veronica, a mother of five children, had never before received any manifestations from Heaven until June 6, 1968, when the strange fragrance of roses and a beautiful perfume was evident ..

Homes and Lives were Saved from Fire

These Last Days News - July 5, 2016 Homes and Lives were Saved from Fire, Riots, Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, etc. with Crucifixes on all the Outside Doors... "For the Lord will pass through striking the Egyptians: and when he shall see the blood on the transom, and on both the posts, he will pass over the door of the house, and not suffer the destroyer to come into your houses and to hur..


These Last Days News Special Report... August 1, 2014 But the day of the Lord shall come as a thief, in which the heavens shall pass away with great violence and the elements shall be melted with heat and the earth and the works which are in it shall be burnt up. Seeing then that all these things are to be dissolved, what manner of people ought you to be in holy conversation and godliness? Looki..

The Coming Great Events Upon Mankind...

The Coming Great Events Upon Mankind... Veronica Lueken of Bayside, New York, receives the most incredible prophecies from Heaven about the last days before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. These Bayside Prophecies are a continuation and expansion of the Fatima Prophecies given in 1917. The Bayside Prophecies are the unrevealed Third Secret of Fatima. This pamphlet is summary of the great even..