◈ 추기경 (Cardinal) 35

20-12. Cardinal Burke takes Poland by Storm!

These Last Days News - February 15, 2016 20-12. Cardinal Burke takes Poland by Storm! “I send to My clergy, those whom I have given the grace to represent Heaven upon earth, this warning: You must now return to your traditional rites! You must restore My House from its crumbling exterior and rotting interior. You must rebuild what you seek to destroy--now! “Many who call themselves My chosen one..

9-3. 버크(Burke) 추기경: 프란치스코가 교회를 개신교회로 만들고 있다.....

9-3. 버크(Burke) 추기경: 프란치스코가 교회를 개신교회로 만들고 있다.....  666의 무리들이 지금 로마에 풀려 있다“666의 무리들이 지금 로마에 풀려나 최고위층까지 침입하였다. 주교는 주교와 추기경은 추기경에 맞설 것이다. 이는 정화의 시간이 올 때까지 계속될 것이다.”- 베이사이드 메시지 중예수님, 1977. 7. 25 “나의 자녀들아, 과거 나의 교회에서 내 백성들은 고난의 십자가의 길을 지나왔다. 하지만 너희에게 말한다: 나의 집, 지상의 나의 교회는 과거 그 어느 때보다 큰 시련을 지나고 있다. 루치펠과 그의 무리들이 로마에서 교황을 끌어내리고 적 교황을 그 자리에 앉히기 위해 맹렬히 달려들고 있다.”- 베이사이드 메시지 중예수님, 1978. 6. 18 “로마가 신앙을 잃을 것이고..

20-11. Cardinal Burke: Francis Turns Church into Protestant Denomination...

These Last Days News - January 14, 2019PLEASE email a link of this web page to one person... 20-11. Cardinal Burke: Francis Turns Church into Protestant Denomination...  THE AGENTS OF 666 NOW ARE LOOSED IN ROME“The agents of 666 now are loosed in Rome and have entered into the highest places of the hierarchy. It will be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, till all that remains w..

20-10. Five Cardinals and Two Prominent Bishops Speak about the End Times...

These Last Days News - February 5, 2020URGENT: Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives. 20-10. Five Cardinals and Two Prominent Bishops Speak about the End Times...  “My children, you will all recognize the faces of evil. Satan has entered into the highest ranks of My Church. Pray now for your priests: your bishops, your cardinals, your clergy. Many prayers ..

20-9. Cardinal Burke: ‘The Apostasy of Faith in Our Time Rightly and Profoundly Frightens Us’...

These Last Days News - October 17, 2017URGENT: Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives. 20-9. Cardinal Burke: ‘The Apostasy of Faith in Our Time Rightly and Profoundly Frightens Us’...  “I WARNED YOU”“As I warned you in the past and you did not listen, unless you prayed more, did more penance, sacrifice, communism would go throughout your world, ravishing na..

20-8. Chrislam, Francis, and a One World Religion...

These Last Days News - April 29, 2021URGENT: Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives. 20-8. Chrislam, Francis, and a One World Religion...  THE AGENTS OF 666 NOW ARE LOOSED IN ROME "The agents of 666 now are loosed in Rome and have entered into the highest places of the hierarchy. It will be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, till all that ..

20-7. Cardinals Burke and Sarah Praise Book Studying Communion in the Hand...

These Last Days News - April 23, 2021URGENT: Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives. 20-7. Cardinals Burke and Sarah Praise Book Studying Communion in the Hand...  TURN BACK"This evil has penetrated far into the very heart of My House. You must now turn back and restore My House. I, your God, give you this command for the salvation of your own soul." - The ..

9-2. 버크Burke 추기경: 바티칸의 “신 인본주의”의 글로벌 협약은 그리스도의 왕국을 부정하는 하나의 세계 정부를 장려하는 것이다...

These Last Days News - 2020. 1. 6PLEASE email a link of this web page to one person... 9-2. 버크 추기경: 바티칸의 “신 인본주의”의 글로벌 협약은 그리스도의 왕국을 부정하는 하나의 세계 정부를 장려하는 것이다...  "이 사탄의 그룹"“너희가 UN이라 부르는 집단에서 지금 사탄의 세력이 급속히 커지고 있으며 너희 나라에서 이 집단을 치우는 것이 전능하신 성부의 명령이다.“너희 나라는 이 사탄의 집단으로부터 벗어나야 한다. 주님의 적들에게 너희의 문이 활짝 열려 있구나! 이 적들이 너희를 지켜주리라 생각말아라. 저들은 독수리처럼 너희를 덮치려 기회를 보고 있다! 나의 자녀들아, 저들이 너희를 무릎 꿇릴 것이다! 독수리처럼 저들은 때를..

20-6. Cardinal Burke: Confusion in the Church Indicates We May Have ‘Arrived at the End Times’

These Last Days News - December 1, 2017URGENT: Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives. 20-6. Cardinal Burke: Confusion in the Church Indicates We May Have ‘Arrived at the End Times’...  "I see that the high priests of the House of God have become soft in their ways. They cater to their bodies and do not wish to sacrifice and make penance. There will be no e..

20-5. Cardinal Raymond Burke Mounts a Defense on Catholic Teaching on Divorce

These Last Days News - October 1, 2014 20-5. Cardinal Raymond Burke Mounts a Defense on Catholic Teaching on Divorce...  "The Eternal Father has given mankind a set of rules, and in discipline they must be obeyed. It behooves Me to say that My heart is torn by the actions, the despicable actions, of My clergy. I unite, as your God, man and woman into the holy state of matrimony. And what I have ..